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Mother's Day Gifts for the Earth
Prayers from Tara Greene for the EARTH

Divine Gifts for Mothers Day

Mother’s Day is every day Now

the EArth is our mother, she is the green goddess,


This is the most important thing YOU can give to ALL the MOTHERS

Your loving intentions, & innate healing powers,


Your Prayers and Intentions for the Healing and rebalancing


Are precious and most necessary gifts 

Because the Oil spill in the Gulf of Louisiana is dire

And all the places on Her that are ravaged because of man made

Wars, corporate food growing, mining, industry, housing,

We, as Mothers, and All her children, must do everything in our power

NOW to Heal Mother EARTH with Positive Changes, Choices,

Create Beauty, Peace, and Wholeness for All her Children,


You can help bring balance back to MOTHER Nature


MOTHER’S DAY is a wonderful Day to honour our Mothers, who gave us this precious gift of Life itself.  Please do Honour your mother. I’m sure she’ll appreciate the flowers, the dinner, your kind thoughts and energy.

Let’s expand Mothers Day, to Honour everyone’s Mother-

The EARTH Herself and offer her the same love, kindness and care as we do to our own Mothers.


Indigenous peoples have always honoured the Earth as the mother of us all. She is and always was revered and respected. The indigenous peoples feel it is their sacred duty to watch over, care and administer to Her needs, to uphold her Natural Laws. It is an undisputable fact that we All live on Her. The Earth IS our mother.  NOTRE DAME.  The Earth, Herself, is Our One common Mother, regardless of religion, race, colour or gender.


If we look at the news this Mothers Day we can’t help but be alarmed at the persistent and worsening environmental disasters going on everywhere around the world.

I believe that these natural and man-made environmental disasters are quickening their pace and worsening in order to wake us up! If we were having a bad dream, we would surely wake ourselves up from fear of facing IT.

I find it strange that in our “waking life” we seem to remain deeply asleep, when life-threatening danger is us all around us, in everything we encounter!


Please look deeply into your heart and ask yourself if the Great mother, the Earth needs your prayers and love right now. Stop and get quiet, take a deep breath and send your consciousness down into your heart and resonate that question. Listen for the true answer…


The Earth Mother really needs us to wake up from our waking sleep and change, radically how we have been living, our supposed dominance over the earth will decimate all of us and if we don’t stop and change now. 

Tsunamis, volcanoes, flooding, drought. I know in my heart that men and women have created these imbalance, pollution, waste, species extinction by living out of balance with Nature. We need to live in ways that do not harm the Earth or any of her children. This nightmare of a way of life is not life giving, nurturing. Our postmodern Western culture is insane and brutal; it’s really a nightmare, a bad dream for the Earth Herself. Look what we’ve done to our Mother.

The way we’ve hurt and abused our Mother. We are our mother, we are the Earth. Let’s admit the truth, it’s suicidal.


“Mother Earth is Our baby, she is sick and in trouble Mother Earth is our baby, our own Mother Earth is our Baby, our own. “ – Lyrics to WOMEN by Nancy Ward


I had written on May Day recently about toppling the Male model of power over represented by the May Pole

Because of the oil spill in the Gulf. See my blog  http://infinitynow.wordpress.com/2010/05/


This came to me as an email from novelist, teacher, lecturer, activist, Elder and healer Deena Metzger.


We cannot know the consequences of the Gulf Hemmorrhage.

We can see the gravity..... Things Fall Apart (from Truthout).


We know something of the ways illness can be transformed to sacred illness and invite miracles. When we offer up everything, and change our lives systemically on behalf of the future of all beings, unimagined possibilities occur.... This is the moment.




A Call to Live Your Medicine Now

 on Behalf of the EarthSeaMother


Gather your medicines, the EarthSeaMother says, the ones I gave you to meet whatever pain and anguish might come to you in your lives.  Gather your medicines, bring out your medicine bundles and live from them, live them, now.  You always wondered when the time might be that you could not deny the urgency that insists you walk your medicine ways.  The time is now.


What life emerges directly out of the wisdom you gathered as you gathered your medicine bundle, your spiritual practices, your prayers?


About the suffering Gulf and the great, gushing wound of the EarthSeaMother...

When praying for healing, a miracle requires rigorous alignment with what serves all beings, making offerings to the future equal to the gravity of the situation, making amends, atoning, transforming, holding nothing back. 

When hoping for healing of a critical illness, the patient, the patient's family and community and the healers make the systemic offerings that align them with Spirit on behalf of the future of the patient and the future of all beings.  Everyone scrutinizes herself/himself to see how we may have contributed to the agony and changes behavior immediately.  Healing, to be true healing, must be goodness for all beings. 

The EarthSeaMother made the ultimate offering to nurture us no matter what. The  EarthSeaMother and her offering were one.  Now we have wounded her so gravely she may no longer be capable of sustaining her little ones, the ones who live their lives within her, or alongside her. She may no longer be capable of sustaining us.  Can we take on this task, on her behalf, of nurturing all these beings, all beings, truly?  Can we transform our lives so that this call is at the core?  Can we offer this on behalf of the miracle of healing that is so desperately needed?

The EarthSeaMother calls out to us for such offerings. 

What is in your medicine bundle?  What are your healing and spiritual practices?  What daily, moment by moment life is implied by these healing prayer medicines?  Will you offer and live your medicine now, ceaselessly?  When you gather with others, will you see what medicines you carry together and offer them fully? 

Healing activity of the magnitude required - equal to the magnitude of the tragedy - needs to be systemic, ongoing and constant, as is the suffering and wound of the EarthSeaMother and all the creatures.  Can you align each moment of your life to the medicine life?  Prayer extends from the exact and rigorous practice of such offerings,.  If we can heal life - that is, heal the EarthSeaMother - then Life may heal us.  



I had the following dream in May 2009, overwhelmed by grief after seeing photos of desert elephants dying of thirst. I remembered such grief from a pilgrimage to the Death Camps of Central Europe. Pained beyond language, I prayed for a dream that would show us a path out of the horror we have created.  I prayed for a dream that might show the way to restoration.  I prayed for a dream though I have never, as I recall, ever received a dream in answer to such a request.  I sent out the dream at that time and now, alas, it is time to send it out again.  



This is the dream that came at 8:45 on May 25, 2009:


I have put out a call to gather those who carry sacred, ritual  and magical powers. People are coming together in a rectangular room that will allow each of us enough space to sit in an ellipse.

There is a little clutch of women activists at one end of the room. They have been doing political work together for years. They gather in conversation in a tight circle that feels familiar, if exclusive.

One of the women asks me if this is the way I imagined our sitting together. It is not. She asks me if I have a microphone.  Yes, I can get one, I answer, although convinced that passing a microphone will interfere with the ambiance we are called to create.  If we don't use a microphone, we will have to listen deeply and project our voices to be certain that everyone hears.  Without a microphone, the conversations will be more intimate and spontaneous.

We are failing to gather in the way that meets the call.  We are losing the energy of what we might accomplish, of what promises a new sensibility necessary for this time.  I had imagined we would  devote ourselves to supporting radical activism on behalf of healing the earth, peacebuilding and restoration. The thesis of the gathering is that an alliance of political, spiritual and ritual activity has the best chance of success.  [Such collaboration between Native American elders, medicine people and younger Native American activists has recently been successful after years of failure.]

I am rehearsing the words that I will speak to inspire the participants. This is a call for on-going ritual and ceremonial work in support of more pragmatic social, political and environmental activities. It is also a call to live according to absolute integrity.  In the dream, I am thinking of the planetary consequences of violence, brutality, and greed.  I am anguished by the plight of the elephants, polar bears, whales, wolves, of the pollution of the earth, the air and the waters, of global warming and its consequences.

In order to please the women who want the microphone, though they are insisting on the old political school through which they have attained a modicum of power and influence, I set off at a run down the steep streets to First Street for the microphone.  But the street is further away than I remember and I soon recognize that it will take too long to retrieve it.  I turn around and return with the intent of realizing the original vision, which is different from how we normally do things and so derives new content, new possibility from its new form.

When I return I try to begin our meeting, but everyone is distracted and I don't know how to gather them together.  A younger, dark skinned woman with dark hair lying on a low couch or mattress, raises herself on her forearms and begins singing a chant in a foreign language. The young woman's voice is deep and resonant and the song gathers us to attention and creates the field in which our mandate - for it is a mandate - can be articulated and healing realized.

As I write the dream, I am aware that this call is not a suggestion but is spiritual instruction that can help accomplish our deepest hopes for the future IF we make these activities the very core of our daily lives and live accordingly and with integrity.  This is the labor that calls to each of us even as it entirely transforms and refocuses our definition of work.


It is not that we are called to do this work together in a group but that we are each, in the way we are trained, called to it as our primary activity while the same is true for everyone else: each of us devoted and alongside each other and the suffering creatures.  We are asked to focus, do ritual work and live our lives with integrity to bring ease and healing to a suffering world.

Mitakye Oyasin.  All Our Relations.








Deena Metzger's website


Things Fall Apart

 by William Rivers Pitt from Truthout


So on Mothers day take time out and stand on this Beautiful Earth blossoming, greening, bestowing the scents of lilacs, the chirrups of the robin, the glorious sunshine or necessary rains. Feel the Beauty that Your Mother offers you always.

Plant your feet in the Earth and send your heat energy your prayers, your intentions to heal and rebalance mother Earth. And vow to take action to change the way you do everything, from letting the water run, to idling your car, to eating meat, to cleaning up garbage, to railing at the government, to downsizing the amount of clothing, perfumes,Plastics, packaged foods, we waste as an act of love and support for the Earth.

When each one of us does this, the Earth’s load gets lighter. But it needs constant vigilance, a change of lifestyle. We need to get primitive, tribal, slow, small, and local. Green and caring.





The Earth is Our Mother, she will take care of us,

The Earth is Our Mother , she will take care of us,

Hey Yahna Ho Yahna Hey Yahna,


And remember….

 It’s not Nice to fool Mother Nature




100th Anniversary of International Women's Day

March 8, 2011

The Grail Springs Wellness Pampering Spa
Award Winning, Chalice, Arthurian Legendary in Ontario

In honor of 100 years of International Women's day a fast flash back at Our foremothers who borned us!

I started out as an artist amd there weren't many women artists who had made their mark in history. When i discovered Frida in the 70's I was blown away.

Frida Kahlo was an incredibly beautiful talented and strong woman who overcame incredible physical pain and suffering in honing her craft. in a bus accident when she was a teenager, apole went right through her vagina ruining her back. It was a miracle that she lived, walked at all. Frida had over 30 back operations during the 30's when it was pretty primitive. She was forced to wear iron corsets which  looked like the witches torturing machines in order to walk around. Married twice to Mexican muralist revolutionary supporter of the workers, leftist, communist intellectual Diego Rivera they had a tempestuous marriage. Frida was scadalous, independent, bi-sexual, a total libertine.

Frida Kahlo Amazing artist
my Heroine says Tara Greene

Georgia O'Keefe of course was the other of my famous artist heroines.

Artist Georgia O'Keefe
the South west, flowers, skulls

My personal FAVES of WOMEN who inspired ME!




passed away Feb. 23,  2011


She was 80 years old.  Her book published in 1976 was a pioneering Feminist Archeological HERstory of the original one and only religion around the world, the Goddess. The title which once would have been blasphemous reignited the hearts and hopes of millions of modern Goddess

worshipping pagans as women once again recognizing the Goddess in themselves when they looked upon their daughters with pride and not shame or peered into their own mirrors.

Merlin was an artist a sculptor and lecturer.

She certainly inspired me. She also helped in the production of the National film Board of Canada's THE GODDESS REMEMBERED in 1988, also a first. A major award winning high quality production all about the Goddess who had been the original obvious Goddess as we are all of women born. The ancient religion was targetted by the Patriarchy through the Old Testament. The Jews, Christian church, the Muslims , practically every cultural and politics worldwide has attempted to totally overthrow the power of the Goddess but she is now poised to return. So we honor you Merlin Stone for being so brave, so bold, so awake to remember, for writing one fo our early bibles. May you  bliss and  joy eternally on the Isle of Avalon or wherever you may wish.

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