La Luna The MOON GODDESS High Priestess |
Copyright 2002-2022 Tara Greene - All Rights Reserved
The Holy Grail is the womb, and it's contents menstrual blood, the sacred substance, "soma" the elixir
of Life.
The Moon Goddess rules the Oceans, the tides, the Sacred Menstrual Periods of Women. Yes, you heard
me correctly. We need to Honor our bodies as we as individual women are SAcred Vessels of the Divine. We are each Goddesses
in microcosm.
Your periods, are essentially what marks us as females,it is what makes us women, this
fact that we bleed.
"Only women Bleed" was a song by ALice Cooper in the '60's which I believe was the only song to ever
address this topic and be a hit, in the history of pop music.
We bleed, 13 times a year in concert with the Moon's gravitational pull on our bodies. Our monthly flows are Sacred Gifts that we have. Most women call it "the curse" they are "on the rag" and
really dislike having to go through the often crampy, irritable, bloated feelings that most women have.
When we treat our periods as special, wonderfull, honour our bodies and ourselves as Sacred Vessels
of the Divine we stop experiencing PMS.
It is only when we go against the natural flows of life that dis-ease appears. SO GO WITH YOUR FLOW.
Let it Bleed! that was another pop album by the Rolling Stones many years ago. Seems the men have more to sing about this
than women? Be proud of your periods. Be good to yourself honour your sacred blood, for it is the Blood of Life. It is the
Holy Grail, your womb the Sacred Cup that holds the Blood. It was intimated in The Da Vinci Code that Mary Magdelane was the
Holy Grail but to be more precise it was her Menstrual Blood, the Holy Blood that is the essence, which each woman has, that
is in itself the Sacred Cauldron of Life.
Men do not partake directly through their physical bodies of this Mystery. The power to live,
shed blood regularly and not die was seen in ancient times as magical and sacred. In fact they are envious of woman's power,
they do have Venus Envy, not the other screwed up Freudian way of looking at it. You have been brainwashed to believe that
this is so.
The word Taboo which menstruation has been linked to for thousands of years originally meant Sacred.
From the beginning of the time when female humans began their menstrual cycles,men were in awe by
the power that women have to bleed and not die. They were seen as Immortal, like a snake who sheds its' skin but does not
die. The connection between women, snakes and immortality are archetypal symbols. Snakes are also connected in Eastern
Traditions with Kundalini energy, pictured as a snake coiled within the bottom of the spine. Kundalini energy is the human
connection to the Divine, and menstrual energy is connected to that power too.
Talking about your period even though it has come "out of
the closet" so to speak recently is still not seen in a positive light by most women and certainly a positive natural approach
towards women's moon time hasn't "bled into" the mainstream- yet.
Menstruation used to be known as the curse. This is Judeo-Christian, and many other Patrirachal religions brainwashing
technoque for dis-empowering women for thousands of years, like the cursing and defaming of Eve, Lillith etc. Indiginous
peoples such as Native Americans and Hawaiians honoured women's monthly bleeding cycles as Sacred. That time of the month
was called Moon Time and Native Indian women went to Moon Lodges,huts,or shelters in the ground to set apart their
regular cycles from their bleeding times. It was noted that women were at the height of their psychic powers when bleeding,
and so that time set aside was not originally to shun them or see them as unclean but to empower them to be with their bodies,
their blood flows, to dream, rest,and renew.
Women's menstrual blood was considered holy and powerfull, you and I and babies came from the same blood,
it is pure and full of nutrients. Menstrual blood was scattered on fields to fertilize them. It is still a great
fertilizer, and is recommended that you use your sacred moon blood on your house plants,or garden, dilluting with water and
watch them bloom.
Before the advent of modern electric lighting all women bled at the same time. Ladies you know yourselves that this
is still true today when women live together their cycles blend together and occur at about the same time,even with
artificial light interfering with our cycles. Because our bodily rythyms are governed by the Moon, all women ovulated on the
Full Moon, where a big bright ova shined down on the earth from the sky, and all women menstruated on the dark or New Moon.
All women were psychically and physically joined together in their rhythms! Imagine the power of that! Well of course
it terrified the men,so what was originally considered scred became taboo. The name became twisted in its meaning as
thousands of years of Patriarchal and religious rule took over.
A young girls menarche, or first menstruation was an occassion to celebrate. The girl was set apart, some endured
tests and physical hardships as an initiation into adulthood, and perhaps to prepare her for the work of eventually being
able to give birth. Evry young girl should be honoured as she becomes a woman at this time.
Menstrual blood must be re-imagined as a Holy, Sacred, Prescious Gift, not a curse, or something to be despised,or
defiled. It is what separates the men from the women. All PMS,like any other physical discomfort or disease, stems from
the relationship we have to Spirit, to our bodies, emotions. When we honour our periods as special times out, to allow
ourselves to rest and renew as we shed our uterine linings like a snake sheds its' skin, we embody the life cycle mysteries,
of birth, death, re-birth and transformation. Women are inherently living the life cycle, much more so than men. Menstrual
blood,like birthing blood is the only human blood that is shed naturally, not caused from physical harm, damage or injury
and not linked to physical death. Therefore it it the Blood of Life. Many Feminists have lauded their menstrual blood, there
is a Museum of Menstruation in New York, and many fabulous books out there as well. Did you know where the phrase "rolling
out the red carpet" which we think of as meaning special treatment honouring the famous or royalty comes from? Yes, you guessed
it. The original "red carpet" was a special rug which menstruating women bled into and which was considered to be sacred,
and therefore was rolled out for the same reasons that this custom has continued till today. Orthodox Hebrew scripture
actually states that women are closer to G-d/Goddess than men because they give birth, therefore are more like G-d?Goddess
Itself. That's why the men have to pray so much.
Celebrate your Moon Time, sing,
Blood of Life
A menstruation song - by Brooke Medicine Eagle
I give away this Blood of Life
To all my relations
And I open my womb
To the Light
I give away this Blood of Life
To all my relations
And I open my womb to the Light
Give away, give away,
give away, give away,
I open my womb to the Light.




La LUNA The MOON GODDESS Menstrual Queen |

I want to say that this is a fantastic idea, as menstrual
blood even though it has come "out of the closet" so to speak recently is still not seen in a positive light by mostwomen
and certainly hasn't "bled into" the mainstream yet. Menstruation used to be known as the curse. This is Judeo-Christian,
and many other Patrirachal religions brainwashing technoque for dis-empowering women for thousands of years, like the cursing
and defaming of Eve, Lillith etc. Indiginous peoples such as Native Americans honoured women's monthly bleeding cycles
as Sacred. That time of the month was called Moon Time and Native women went to Moon Lodges,huts,or shelters in the ground
to set apart their regular cycles from their bleeding times. It was noted that women were at the height of their psychic powers
when bleeding, and so that time set aside was not originally to shun them or see them as unclean but to empower them to be
with their bodies, their blood flows, to dream, rest,and renew. Women's menstrual blood was considered holy and powerfull,
after it was recognized that babies came from the same blood, and so menstrual blood was scattered on fields to fertilize
them. It is still a great fertilizer, and is recommended that you use your sacred moon blood on your house plants,or garden,
dilluting with water and watch them bloom. Before the advent of modern electric lighting all women bled at the same time.
Ladies you know yoursleves that this is still true todaywhen women live together their cycles blend to occuc at about the
same time,even with artificial light interfering with our cycles. Because our bodily rythyms are governed by the Moon, all
women ovulated on the Full Moon, where a big bright ova shined down on the earth from the sky, and all women menstruated on
the dark or New Moon. All women were psychically and physically joined together! Imagine the power of that! Well of course
it terrified the men,so what was originally considered scred became taboo, although the word taboo itslef originally meant
sacred. I think it was just twisted as thousands of years of Patriarchal and religious rule took over. Young girls first
onset of menstruation was an occassion to celebrate. The girl was set apart, some endured tests and physical hardships as
an initiation into adulthood, and perhaps to prepare her for the work of eventually being able to give birth. Menstrual
blood must be re-imagined as a Holy, Sacred, Prescious Gift, not a curse, or something to be despised,or defiled. It is
what separates the men from the women. All PMS,like any other physical discomfort or disease, stems from the relationship
we have to Spirit, to our bodies, emotions. When we honour our periods as special times out, to allow ourselves to rest
and renew as we shed our uterine linings like a snake sheds its' skin, we embody the life cycle mysteries, of birth, death,
re-birth and transformation. Women are inherently living the life cycle, much more so than men. Menstrual blood,like birthing
blood is the only human blood that is shed naturally, not caused from physical harm, damage or injury and not linked to physical
death. Therefore it it the Blood of Life. Many Feminists have lauded their menstrual blood, there is a Museum of Menstruation
in New York, and many fabulous books out there as well. Did you know where the phrase "rolling out the red carpet" which
we think of as meaning special treatment honouring the famous or royalty comes from? Yes, you guessed it. The original "red
carpet" was a special rug which menstruating women bled into and which was considered to be sacred, and therefore was rolled
out for the same reasons that this custom has continued till today. Orthodox Hebrew scripture actually states that women
are closer to G-d/Goddess than men because they give birth, therefore are more like G-d?Goddess Itself. That's why the men
have to pray so much.
Phases of the Moon
Each month the Moon, the fastest moving body in space, travels through each of the twelve (actually 13) signs. Let's
stick with the 12 most known signs.
Every 2.5 days on average, La Luna takes on the elemental energies of the Sign through which she travels. Each month
everyone has a Lunar Birthday!
The easiest way to learn about the Moon's effects as she traverses a Sign is to think about the 4 Elements the 4 building
blocks of physical reality.
Fire Water Air
Earth | |
She has thousands of names Diana, Selene,Isis, |

Ixchel, she is the High Priestess,Essence of Woman |