2012, Earth Changes, DMT, summer visions, Neptune on my what? Presqua Views. Captain and CArdinal
I was out in my backyard this evening, Aug 30. It is very hot here in Toronto again, 26 degrees
celsius at 3:30 am and very humid. I was thinking yesterday about how many awesome and amazing weather induced events have
happened so far this year, starting 13 days into 2010 in Haiti with the giant earthquake. Then the explosion of the unpronouncable Volcano
in Iceland -OK. it's Eyjafjallajökull on April 14th. From April 15-20th no planes were flying over Europe and in MAy too.
The BP Oil spill which also began in April. The extreme floods in Pakistan now and in China; extreme heat causing massive
fires and deaths in Russia,wild fires in Northern BC. Tis all part of the CARDINAL CROSS of the planets! Pluto in
Capricorn, tearing down old outworn economies, big business, the old Plutocrats fight back hard. Saturn in Libra trying to
bring a little balance into the picture, and karma for any imbalances. Uranus the Revolutionary awakener is partnering
with Jupiter in Aries, the sign of kick ass lets get the life into this party Sign. OK. Jupiter in Aries is MUCHO CALIENTE
on its own. Those Big Player planets are all in early degrees of Cardinal signs- new beginnings. These planets were
instrumental in creating the 60's revolution. Uranus and Pluto in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces in mid- 60's. Now,
we've got these planets at their first major square. Its the Mid-Life crisis for that entire generation, the first ones
to be conscious as a culture change factor. Not to mention Neptune and Chiron doing their thing for the last year in late
Aquarius/early Pisces added to this mix. 2010 is going down so far as the hottest year on record.
These are the EARTH CHANGES I remember hearing about 30 years ago! They are meant to be
WAKE UP! ALARMS sounding to all of humanity. The alarm inducers I was told came from various sources. Higher
Spiritual Entities, Pleiadians, ET's. Jesus, the Great Spirit, Kali, Melchizadek, the Ancient of Days, through Alice Bailey
etc. For the Christians, these changes tie into The Second Coming of Jesus, the End of Days and Aramgeddon, and Revelations.
According to Hindu sources the Kali Yuga, the end of the Dark Spiritual Age that we are currently living in won't end
for another few thousand years. The Hassidic Jews believe the Messiah is coming, for the first time during our lifetime. According
to Dr John Calleman, a huge consciousness shift, beyond dualism, a Galactic Cosmic Unity Consciousness is what we are in the
process of experiencing. Dr. Calleman is a Mayan Heiroglyphic scholar, Archeo- Astronomer scientist. But don't
quote me on that.
The Mayan Calendar shows the beginning of time as 16 Billion years ago. According
to Dr. Calleman the 9th level of Consciousness the penultimate climax to the last 16 Billion years of conscious life
form evolution,comes................................ on Oct 28 2011. Not Dec. 21, 2012 as Dr. Jose Arguelles goes
by. So the world is not going to end, "it's the end of the world as we know it." Our consciousness of the world and
ourselves will shift dramatically. So sing that REM song.. and " I FEEL FINE. " they were visionaries, all the info
is right in front of you right now, always has been. Let them with eyes, SEE. " I feel fine" a song by the Beatles,
I feel fine, means the opposite of I feel gross ,like grossly materialistic. The illusions will fall. Maya will reveal
herself in her stark naked lovely beauty. Depending on your ability to be open in your mind and loving in your heart, you
must have your mind be still as smooth as a crystal clear lake... Maybe it'll look something like this... In the
garden tonight the whole garden was alive, pulsing, I felt like I was in a totally natural but also hallucinogenic state.
I hadn't ingested anything, I dont do drugs. I sensed all the different dimensions, and saw "other-wordly" magical
beings flit in and out of view, morphing quickly. There were very dense blobs of black material sitting inert on the ground.
These felt like former evil energies that had somehow been "taken-out" their power was gone, they were dead remnants of a
negative consciousness, like shells. The Kabbalah refers to evil spirits as "Shells". I felt like I was in a tropical rainforest
in Brasil! The whole atmosphere felt amazingly magical, as if I'd just unknowingly stepping through the looking glass or
fell down the rabbit hole but didn't remember doing so! It was fabulous, ecstatic and a little bewildering. I loved
it, Its the way I always aspire to live so to have the magic light up my night again like that felt like I was back to
being my Self. All I did was pray today for that simple feeling to return. And so ... it did of course.
I understand how suddenly stumbling upon that sort of experience in consciousness shifting
might make some people very scared, to just have alternative realities come sliding across and interlacing into yer
usual everyday "reality sandwich." Well,,,, I suddenly feel the need to .... brush my teeth! ok we're getting to
that part I remember reading something by one of Stuart Wilde's visionaries, Tom Lishman. He felt like a thoroughly
lovely man, I met him in Las Vegas last year. I am a bit wary of mentioning Stuart Wilde in an article now,
for the last time I did, someone came down on me, accusing me of all kinds of horrible things because he didn't understand
what the heck old Stuie was going on about in his usual visonary scallywagging way. I am merely attempting
to transport you into my experience and give you a future,perhaps whif of what's coming down the pipes. This is part
of what I feel my job is folks. Presca Vu you.
He wrote that he had an experience that the Spiriti of Gaia would release DMT through
people's own brains so they could really experience "reality" ALL THAT IS, a kind of personal chemical from the inside out,
brain trip, hell world/heavenly world, Aldous Huxley - doors of perception like awakening of consciousness, can be a five
alarm fire, aka Kundalini awakening. The "Organic All- Natural Warm Pineal Acid Test" in my words. As opposed to that
60's Tom Wolfe, you know. So pray my dears, and it shall be answered. Perhaps its also Neptune directly on my I.C. right
now? I.C. is Astrology shorthand for " the midnight part of my chart" the 4th house cusp. {Chiron's there too of course}

- Whiter Teeth, No cavities vs No Visions
And stop using that FLUORIDATED TOOTHPASTE AT ONCE! I always believed that Fluoride was
like messy extra seemingly useless off shoots from chemical productions and someone figured out how to sell it to Municipalities
for huge profits and through dentists because one offshoot was that it stopped carries. But many years later all your bones
fall apart thus necessitating hip and knee replacements and mucho dineros for the Dr.'s and drug companies who run the worlds
largest businesses. WHITER TEETH, LESS CAVITIES = NO VISIONS! FLUORIDE blocks and calcifies the Pineal Gland
which is the THIRD EYE- all seeing Eye psychic awakening center. The Pineal releases DMT at birth and at death,
{Ecstacy does the same thing apparently. Ayahuasca, mescaline, etc.} That's why people who have NDE's all experience
the same kind of Into the Light vision. It is a chemical release in the brain. As we enter, so we exit." " " Stage left"
- Snagglepuss. CREST, COLGATE, AQUA FRESH ,REMBRANDT, ETC. a toothpaste by any other name... YOU ARE THE ENEMIES
OF CONSCIOUSNESS! wHITER TEETH ANYONE? A Cheshire Cat smile is much preferable.

- Whiter Smiles
April 9, 2010 SEDONA ARIZONA
Its 1:31 am, Im in the hotel room typing away by the light of the
computer screen. Enegies have shifted back and forth all day, Moon is in Aquarius.
Slept in a bit today, have been getting up quite early and heading
out to hike and do meditations on the vortexes.
ApRiL 7
Had a great hike yesterday with my old friends Hope and David who
I've known since I lived in Sedona in '87 and kept up in contact with since. It was my Mothers birthday today, This is the
first time I am celebrating her birthday since her death last September. My Mom came to visit me and my first husband and
son in May of 87 scant weeks since we were here. She loved Sedona. So I had in my mind to do a ceremony for her and bring
her energy here. I didn't know where Hope and David wanted to hike. We drove towards Enchantment in Boynton Canyon.
They led us through another canyon trail called Fay Canyon. I had
to laugh becuase my mothers name was FAY. So there has been nice little synchonicities here all along the way, or cledons
as some others refer to them. We hiked up a very steep climb to an open arch, on the way up there was alady talking on her
cel phone, At first it seemed odd that she was totally enrapt in her cell phone techno land in the midst of such natural beauty
seemed unsightly. we found out though that she had lost her car keys on the climb up, and was trying to phone for help. Sure
enough at the top,my daughter Leah finds the lost car keys. So we're standing at the top yelling we've found the keys, we've
found the keys! and someone climbed up { for the 3rd time} to get them. That was a nice thing to have happened, Really touched
my heart.
So this whole journey has been feedback looping of this dream within
a dream.
The car light which said maintenance required.
there was no problem, the trail backs, the timing.
We just pulled into town with no reservation and got the 2nd last
room at a great rate.
The Cadeusus Winery which we the young fellow we bought our new camera
from at Henry's in Toronto told us about, owned by that fellow from Tool, we are going to visit in Page Springs,there's something
there waiting for us..
The walls rippled and got soapy this evening. I need to take siesta's
here. the sun is very strong even if the weather is rather cool.It is spring and that beautiful lime green colour on all the
trees and the fruit trees are blossoming.
In my Meditation I saw blue hummingbirds, a sword
of discrimination. I was floating up stairs. My husband Napoleon
had great art success dreams.
I am very happy here, peacefull and Leha is a jewel here. She loves
it totally. What's not to love.
I don't want to leave again but I feel my energy has connected
here in a much deeper way. I feel totaly anchored even though its been a short visit. But still more to see and do.
Magical Mystery Soul Renewal Trip March 30- April 15
After attending my cousin Debbie's absolutely delicious Passover
seder meal we hurry home to the final pack, and realise there's no time to sleep, so bleary eyed, my husband, our daughter
and myself
get in the car at 4:00 am to drive to Buffallo airport.
we arrive hours and hours too early, so hang around waiting get on
the plane fly to washington D.C. to change planes and arrive in L.A. earlier than we expected.
Our good old friend Harvey comes to pick us up at the airport, which
is great. We arrive at their funky Venice Beach cottage
home, and hang out. Later that night we are on the Beach
because I reminded them that it was just a Full Moon
and they say oh we can go out hunting GRUNIONS!
They check the tide tables, the moon tables, the grunion running
schedule. It is cold in California, especially right on the beach at 11:00 pm {2:00 am Toronto EDT to us}
oh yeah we'd caught a few winks of a nap earlier.
The grunions are these tiny little fish who come out in April MAy
June And later in summer ONLY on Full MOONs to spawn, they get forced onto the beach in a wave and stand themselves up perpendicularly
into the sand and lay their eggs and spawn that way and the next incoming wave washes them away.
People catch these little fish with their bare hands and eat em.
We had miner type lights on our heads and hoodies and walked up and down the beach, there were quite a few other lunatarian/grunion
hunting types down there to.
But alas, no grunions did we spy. Ah other months.
Wed March 31 VENUS Enters TAURUS -March 24th
Moon enters Scorpio -
Emotions and values are locked, fixed, heavy, stubborn while Moon
is in Scorpio with Venus in earthy Fixed Taurus, then disipates
Go out to see Alice in Wonderland in 3D at a beautiful Art deco theatre
in downtown L.A.
I know Paul McCartney, my old fave Beatles is playing at the Hollywood
Bowl, I had found this out only a week before synchronistically, ended up watching Paul sing Let me Roll It on Utube with
a new band plus Foxy Lady thrown in. I saw he was playing in L.A.
when we would be there. Looked at how to get tickets but there seemed to be alot of scalping? phony tickets?
So I told our friends that I had to go see Paul McCartney. Harvey
had joked { I thought} that we should stand outside to hear it, it's an open theatre.
I had been a HUGE BEATLES FAN when i was really young. LIke many
other boomers, the Beatles and my teenage years happened symotaneously.
I had actually run off to New York at 16 when I heard Paul McCartney
was there. I upped and took off mid week, left school. In those days there were student prices to fly. I remember it cost
$15 to fly to New York. I walked around New York alone, I tried to call my Uncle but couldn't get him. I checked myself into
the YMCA. My Uncle came banging on the door at 1:00 Am. I was shocked that he had found me. My mother was in total panic and
angry at me and wanted me home right away, my Uncle said let her stay she's allready here.
Anyway we huffed an puffed and ran up to the Hollywood Bowl and of
course there were no tickets left as they'd been sold out 15 minutes after the announcement, so we stood outside, watched
it on a monitor and heard Paul sing, Paperback Writer, Let It Be, Give Peace a Chance, Band on the Run, Live and Let Die,
Hey Jude.etc. and left before the onslaught of the crowds.
We were all starving so went to Roscoe's Chicken 'n Waffles. It was
fab. Real old fashioned soul food.
Dim Sum in Chinatown then Disney Music Hall designed by ex Torontonian
Frank Gehry and the M.O.C.A. L.A. which has a great modern art collection including a big painting by my cousin by marriage
Alfred Jensen. I loved the quotes by the artists beside their works, a nice touch.
Mercury enters Taurus and thinking gets stubborn,practical, earthy.
Communication is more sensually based, expressive. Mind is turned to Venusian, femininine values and ways. Love and thinking
go hand in hand. Hard work or lazing about smelling the roses are both foremost in the Taurian brain spell. What should I
eat, thinking of textures, smells, tastes, massages, aromas, love making.
We make it to Ridgecrest California, a naval base.
I have to be very carefull when I stay in motels, I pick up all the
energies of the peoples'dramas who have stayed there before.
Death Valley seems foreboding, it is. Its so austerely beautifully,
harsh, the mountains are over 10,000 feet and there you are stanidng on salt plane 200 feet below sea level with the sun beating
down on you. There are beautiful sand dunes, awesome colours, rippling earth, old abandoned mines, a salt creek with tiny
playful fish who survive in such a harsh environment, lizards, rattlesnakes, coyotes, foxes. We love it.
We have come back with our daughter Leah to do a special ceremony
of thanks for her. It is a big circle, 13 years ago Napoleon, my husband and I came to death Valley at Spring Equinox to do
special prayers and cermeonies to cll Leah in to 3D manifestation, we did "give-away" ceremonies here and in other places,
Now she is a beautiful 12 year old young lady and we want to give
thanks and bring her back to these Sacred places, whose energies we felt helped and aided us in her bringing her beauty into
our lives. We camp out, its rugged but fun, eating picinic in th gravelly camping spots. The stars, the milky way,
is so awesome. One group of stars in the Orion cluster kept doing this 3-D kind of like a neon sign that moves, suggesting
an arrow pointing. I'd never seen anything like that before.
It's very windy. We do our ceremony and give aways on this symbolic
day of Rebirth Resurrection, Transformation. It is hot in the sun on the dunes.
We head out East, go to the Hoover Dam, shoot right past Vegas to
Kingman. Our rented car keeps displaying maintenance required sign. but we can't figure out what's wrong with it.
After a long day, driving to Kingman Hertz station at the Airport,
gettting lost and backtracking, on Route 66 which I love, route 66 that is, not backtracking. We end up at this
fab kitschey cafe the road kill, full of stuffed animal heads, antlers, dioramas. We decide to go to the Grand Canyon now. We see a small herd of ELK. Which is one of my
totem animals. We are shocked to see a group of 5 or 6 of them in the woods just off the road en route to the Grand, It is
terribly windy and freezing, There is lots of snow around. I hear ots in the 80's in Toronto and 90's in Washington D.C.!!
It is 23 degrees Fahrenheit with the windchill and we're not dressed
for it. Also the Grand Canyon's new parking lots are very confusing. I'm not so good with heights, there is still a lot of
people, and its is so cold.
On the way out, a tree has been uprooted and it blocks the road,
another slowdown. People are jumping out of their cars to run down the road to see whats happened and break branches off the
tree so cars can drive around it. We go through Williams,get an
excellent coffee and hot chocolate at The Red Garter, an old brothel. from the Gold Mining Days.
Eventually we land in Sedona around 6:30 Pm, just in time to see
some of its beauty before dark. Here my hsband daughter and I shall be for a few days, doing ceremonies.
April 6
PLUTO GOES RETROGRADE 10:34 pm PDT- Sept 13/14th
So annually Pluto goes "underground" his home turf,
allowing us all many months of reflecting, resurrectiing, releasing
all that shadow stuff. This is the most important and the hardest work of all to do. You've heard me stress this over and
over. Everything we project onto another is really a part of ourselves we don't accept. It's true. Do the math. Be honest
with oneself. Its hard, Ego/pride is allways in the way. Self-protection, self-preservation, abandonment, fears, hatred, denial,
all the biggies of the false ego. The Truth will set you free, the real truth about who and what you really are. Not
Saturn Retrogrades his way back into Virgo and at that 29th degree
is the most critical of all the critical degrees because it is in VIRGO., the most highly critical of all the signs. I know
I have a Virgo South Node.
A few months to review all the old business while Saturn returns
to Virgo. Don't attempt to cheat, Saturn Retrograde at 29 degrees of Vrgo again is like the Big Cosmic Audit. more soon.

DEC 21 2007
We're now only 5 years away from the "end date" of the Mayan Calendar Dec. 21 2012.
I see this date as an ironic cosmic BEST BEFORE warning for our present consciousness and civilization. Only it's more like
So, if we want to speculate about what that not to distant future-especially as time is speeding up- "end date" is all about
now,we only have to look around us, sense what we feel deep down and tune in,tune in and tune in.
One thing I do know now and that will be amped up considerably is that telepathy and empathy is one a huge steep rise. It
will be impossible to keep living the way we have been feeling seemingly isolated, alone, selfishly and cut off. The telepathy
is growing moment by moment.
For example, you're going out to dinner with your hubby and you've been looking forwards to it, you're all dolled up wearing
your new fancy designer whatevers, head to toe, you've earned it, you think you deserve it,you've been working hard like a
good little shark, keeping the coffers flowing, making sure you've got oodles piled up in your RRSP, your pension plan, your
Blue Chip investments, your penny stocks, you're working on your 4th or 6th flipper, you have all sorts of investments schemes,
the cottage, your kids RESP's,your parents future retirement home and their inheritance are all neatly, perfectly, organized.
You're sitting at the restaurant attempting to eat that lovely mahi-mahi flown all the way from Waikiki. You're poised to
tuck your silver plated fork into the fleshy morsels when you hear a small voice in your head. All the first bite is so sweet
so tender. The voice in your head gets a bit louder. You actually turn your head to look around wondering where it's coming
The voice in your head says " help, I just want to be free. don't eat me." Now this surprises you and reminds you of a Fairy
Tale you were told as a child. A poor fisherman catches a fish in his boat and as he lands it the magical fish starts talking
and says "Please don't eat me. If you throw me back so I can continue to live my life with my wife and children I'll grant
you wishes." This all occurs in a moment.
At first you think wishes? I'll get wishes? WHat would I wish for?
But the voice says, "Sorry lady, this ain't no fairy tale. You've allready got more than you need or deserve. How selfish
of you" it admonishes.
Startled you drop your fork. You look around slightly embarrassed that you should do such a thing. Of course you tap your
glass for the server to come and fetch you another one tout suite.
Staring blankly at the fish, wondering what the hell's going on...
"Look, just don't eat me. I've got rights too. I need to be swimming in the oceans,not in your stomach. The ocean needs me.
I'm part of it, I help maintain it. There are no free wishes from me. How about thinking about what I wish for?"
As I believe and know deep down in my intuitional feeling banks that all the info you are ever going to need is all right
here right now, no time, all time, eternal time, all dimensions co-exist and humour, puns, synchronicities, simple logic,
innocence and trust will see you through here's my at present moment take on it all.
Even though many scholars and channelers Jose Arguelles,Terrence McKenna, John Major Jenkins, Calleman, Pichbeck etc. have
studied the Mayan Calendar and differ as to their interpretations, some say the trigger hair crossing of the Sun with the
Galactic Center already happened in 1998, and some say 2011 and some stick to that Winter Solstice date-it's already in the
collective Unconscious and therefore it is being shaped moment by moment as everyone collectively creates it, ignores it,
dreams it etc.
Can't see the forest for the trees?
Tara's FLYING TREES dream from 1993 |

I see this image as an archetypal image, a BIG DREAM from the collective Unconsciousness pool which this particular being
{self} pulled out of the Dream Machine like wet laundry.

dreaming awake images in the sky |
So whether it's a sleepytime dream or a waking dream it's all the same. This life is a big dream, a gathering of stories,
a Galactic/Earthly emotional imprinting stamp.
It's time to step back, stand back and see what there is to see. You know the can't see the forest for the trees?
Well we may not be able to see any forests or any trees soon if we don't wake up from the dream or to life.
So simply start listening to your feelings your intuition. That's the only currency that will have any totally safe from INflation
worth in the near future. Listen to your pets, your walls talking, sense the imprint of ROOM WHEN YOU WALK INTO IT. PAY ATTENTION
expect lots of trouble as MArs moves Direct

The Psy chic weather report
by Tara Greene 9.09. 08
Pluto moved direct on
Monday Sept 8 away from the monstrous Black Hole,the Galactic Center at the heart of our Milky Way Galaxy until it comes round
again in a mere 250 years. Conjunctions with the Galactic Center are said to result in enormous scientific breakthroughs according
to Astrologer of the cosmic Phillip Sedgewick. Pluto has been hovering around the Black Hole since last year.
Only 2 days later at around
12:30 am (EDT) Wednesday, Sept, 10 08 CERN, the world's larges nuclear super
collider went online to begin an experiment expected to create mini black holes and hopefully discover the source of the Universe,
the God particle, whether there was a Big Bang or a Big Bubble and to prove or not Super string theory, whether there are
multi-dimensions that we can detect plus a bunch of other pretty notoriously theoretical physics theories to be fact or fiction.
The most advanced technology
available on this planet right now is about to “beam us up.”
The scientist who have
been building the complex machinery which fires protons at 999.9% of the speed of light, and creates almost perfect absolute
zero temperature conditions necessary for such experiments know what they are looking for but like when they first atom was
split don’t really know what they are going to unleash in the name of progress.
A brave new leap into
new dimensions always promotes fear. A couple of scientists have even apparently filed law suits to stop the experiment.
Their fear, and the fear of a minority of scientific critics, is that the experiment could devour the earth.
(see a You Tube visualization:
CERN Black Hole)
Also see real European news articles:
Most of the scientists think that mini black
holes would be highly unstable and quickly phase out of existence. Some suggest that the experiment may open worm holes which
will allow entities of God knows what intentions to enter our realm.
Another suggestion is that the experiment
will turn CERN into a TIME MACHINE, and as soon as it is turned on it will be surrounded by time travelers. The theory
behind this thinking is that time travel can only occurin times where time machines are in existence. We can’t
travel back in time to an era where time machines haven’t been invented yet as in Back to the Future, alter the past,
which alters the present, which alters the Future.
If CERN turns out to be the first time machine,
I can’t do the math yet myself, then we may as well conclude that other time travelers would appear to witness the historic
occasion. Do you hear the sound of Cosmic applause?
Since such a fundamental experiment with
time and space that delves right into the heart of the nature of reality as we
know and construct it has never been attempted before {or has it?} well who knows
what surprises or whom, may turn up. Truth may prove to be much stranger than any fiction or even our own limited imaginations
could possibly imagine.
"Reality is not only stranger than you think,
it is stranger than you can think." - British scientist J. B. S. Haldane
I remember predicting and expecting other
wordly or inter- dimensional beings to show up as Pluto entered Sagittarius in 1995. I’ve been waiting and waiting for
years now. And since Pluto’s been lingering at the Galactic Center…..
And since I don’t believe in co-incidence but synchronicity, looks like I may be proven correct. But it’s not
about whether I’m right or not of course.When my husband came and asked me to do an Astrology chart for the go of the CERN and he told me about the earth
quite possibly being swallowed up. I watched a few of those You Tube visions
and some were trying to tie it into the 2012 “end date” of the Mayan calendar saying if there was a mini black
hole created by CERN in their labs and it started munching, being a hungry matter baby, that gradually it would start to devour
first Europe and then the whole Earth over 50 months which of course came to the Mayan end date of Dec 21 2012 or thereabouts.
Black Hole artist's image |

So I intuitively hit upon Roger Ramjet a
mid ‘60’s American cartoon. Roger used to eat proton energy pills to get Super Strength. And stumbled upon the
following scenario from one episode.
“I´ll give you only one example, and that will be enough to lure you into the zany, adorable world of Roger.
Let´s take the `The Shaft' episode from `Hero of Our Nation'. It´s about Roger creating a super-rocket that´s more powerful
than… uh, anything else. Problem is, the rocket backfires and burrows a hole through the Earth. The ENTIRE darn planet.
What we Earthlings do? Oh, not much. Just watch were we walk, to avoid falling in the hole and getting a free trip to China.
Aye, we can live on a donut-shaped planet, no problem sir. The ONLY thing that bugs people is when winds runs through the
hole, creating an annoying whistle. THEN the nations decide to join forces to fix the problem! See what I mean?”
Does the scenario sound
What shot into my mind was a prediction
and a warning made by Stuart Wilde at his “Last Trance in Vegas” workshop that the world will end around March 2010. He had seen in visions solar flares hitting the earth possibly.
And the possibility is that the majority
of scientists think that no really drastic changes in our regular lives will happen as a result of the scientists “fooling
around with Mother Nature” actually pulling down her underpants.
apparently the fist beam crossed the line at 10:28 am Geneva time today after a minor glitch was corrected. Apparently there wasn’t much of a show, more of a little whimper at this point in time, it’s
like a huge computer coming on line. And as quantum physics people know the observers affect the outcome. It will actually
take till Oct 21st for the mini Big Bang or hurricane in a bottle to occur as hoped.
Now those who know that the New World Order,
IMF, the Feds etc. are running the Matrix that we live in and they never really show their cards so who ponied up the 5 billion
in Euros to build this contraption over the last 20 years? And what’s
their real agenda?
The forerunner of CERN was actually started
in Texas funded by George Bush Senior but then shut down in 1988 by Clinton, where it promptly teleported itself over to Geneva
Switzerland, a supposedly “neutral” country. We remember how neutral they really were in WWII right? And that
they have all these tunnels build and stocked in Switzerland for 20,000 people.
So who’s behind the supposed experimental lab that toys with near perfect light speeds and the re-creation of the origins
of the Universe? Sounds like a super, the 10th trillion trillion kind
of weapon, one that can harness all kinds of energy, create black holes, wormholes, rend space-time etc. Kaku speculated in
1994 that it would exhaust all the money in the world at that time to actually build his “dream machine” and that
the tech wasn’t up to snuff to even create it. Hey. Presto 2008. Now it’s
a bargain, tech is cheap, and the future dream of the hoped for proof is right here right now.
Interstingly and more synchronistically,
I have been watching Contact again and again lately and that’s usually a sign form my unconscious that something’s
up and also reading Hyperspace by Michio Kaku one of the originators of superstring theory. When his book was published in
1994 he speculated on what kind of tech would be needed to build a machine to prove the theory.
ATLANTIS DÉJÀ VUThe possibility of total annihilation by a black hole from CERN also
created a flash in my mind of Atlantis. During a very powerful vision session I had many years ago in the early ‘90’s
with a friend of mine Elaine Lane we collectively remembered together while wide awake { and stone cold sober} having being
together in Atlantis. I could see in my mind’s eye a huge machine, it looked like a white globe with big tunnels coming
out of it, encircling it. The machine in Contact had a similar look. There are Archetypal Collective Unconscious memories or are they future.
Its deja vu all over again |

by Crosby Stills Nash & Young
I had ever been here before I would probably know just what todo Don't you? If I had ever been here before on another
time around the wheel I would probably know just how to deal With all of you. And I feel Like I've been here before Feel Like
I've been here before And you know It makes me wonder What's going on under the ground
Do you know? Don't
you wonder? What's going on down under you.
We have all been here before We have all been here before We have
all been here before We have all been here before”
Déjà vu"; also called paramnesia,
from Greek παρα para, "near" + μνήμη mnēmē, "memory")
is the experience of feeling sure that one has witnessed or experienced a new situation previously (an individual feels as
though an event has already happened or has happened in the near past). The term was coined by a French psychic esearcher,
Emile Boirac {1851–1917) in his book L'Avenir des sciences psychiques (The Future of Psychic Sciences),
which expanded upon an essay he wrote while an undergraduate. The experience of déjà vu is usually accompanied by a compelling
sense of familiarity, and also a sense of "eeriness", "strangeness", or "weirdness". The "previous" experience is most frequently
attributed to a dream, although in some cases there is a firm sense that the experience "genuinely happened" in the past.
The experience of déjà vu seems
to be quite common among adults and children alike; in formal studies 70% of people report having experienced it at least
once. References to the experience of déjà vu are also found in literature of the past, indicating it is not a new phenomenon. It has been extremely difficult to evoke the déjà vu experience in laboratory settings
therefore making it a subject of few empirical studies.. Recently, researchers have found ways to recreate this sensation
using hypnosis.
Presque vu means 'almost seen'. Not scientifically recognized, it is the sense
that one is on the verge of a large mental breakthrough, almost seeing the absolute truth about something but not quite getting
Arthur Funkhouser, a Swiss psychologist,
divides déjà vu itself into smaller, more specific areas to study them more closely. For example, if an individual feels he
is in a place he has been before, he is experiencing déjà visité, 'already visited'. If a person feels she is experiencing
something just as before - everything is exactly the same - it is déjà vecu, 'already lived through'.
Presque Views
Have we all been ‘dere done ‘dis
{DIS is the Roman name for the God of Chaos}
Since time is really rather relative as
we shall soon see. The ancient scientists of Atlantis also had harnessed nuclear energy. They were power hungry, their egos
took over and in one such experiement they created a chain reaction which blew
up and destroyed Atlantis, sinking it to the bottom of the Ocean.
So are we getting ready to cross the event
If so and if also the consciousness is being
raised on this planet and I know the scientists always have to have machines to prove things in reality because they don’t
trust their senses or imaginations enough and don’t journey but that their tech always, always mirrors the collective
consciousness. If you read this email in time, it seems a very propitious moment
to consider how you should live if these are your last hours before crossing the event horizon. What would still
be of value in your life if you knew that in a few hours not only you, but everyone on earth and the planet and all its artifacts
were going to be sucked into a black hole?
Are we all going to be sucked in by a small
black hole of our own devise?
You hear this phrase a lot these days don’t
you. Kids go around these days saying “Life sucks!” a lot. As any magician, shaman or quantum physicist will tell
you, you really have to be very careful about what you say because as in the beginning there was THE WORD, and your words
creates reality.
I was writing this article when I spied
an email form Jonathan Zap one of my fave writers. He was speculating about the very same thing as I was writing but he beat
me to it, so to speak. But as there may soon be no-time, future time, all time etc. all the time just like those radio stations-“All
hits all the time” he speculates that “ If you are reading this after Wed. 12:30 am EDT
it may mean that we dodged the black hole bullet and nothing much happened. Or it could mean that we all disintegrated,
but that everything has been replaced by a nearly flawless simulated continuation of the previous timeline. Some physicists
have published articles saying that this might already be the case. See:
Jonathan goes on to talk about apocalyptic
scenarios. Imagining an end to the world is hugely appealing because as my husband himself said well everyone goes out
together. End of the world scenarios relieve the pressure and personal anxiety about death and obliterates evereyones oh so
human little problems about being human at once. The ego does not want to think itself extinguished. If you die and the world
goes on, how important are you really?
And as synchronicity would have it, last
Friday as the worm {Pluto} was about to turn {direct} and the Moon was in Scorpio, sign of death, rebirth and transformation
and as Saturn {Lord of Time} was exactly squaring my Moon, my dear Uncle Saul suddenly
passed away.
As in Jewish custom the funeral happens
quickly, so on Sunday Sept 7th I was at my Uncle’s funeral. Seeing the casket, listening to the ancient prayers
in a sacred language, Hebrew, and the quick drive to the cemetery where the coffin was already being lowered into the grave
as my mother, the sole survivor now of her immediate family and I walked towards it.
The sound of the earth as a it hit the casket,
6 feet below in the earth, resounded through my bones and my mothers, and we quivered. That’s it. Final. Caput. From
dust to dust. So how important are we? Imagining total global annihilation is
quite a juvenile response. It’s an ego controlled immature escape hatch. One
that has no sense of depth. IS that all there is?
Jonathan goes on to talk about those who
believe in the rapture and being saved and more ego control trips about being superior.
Annihilation by a black hole is in his words “ your ego's wet dream
comes true for eternity.”
And I would heartily agree with him on that.
And he goes on to say “So apocalypse lovers always get obsessed with end dates. To be attractive, however, end
dates tend to be conveniently scheduled to occur before one's expected life span runs out. New Testament Revelations,
for example, was written in the expectation that it was describing events that would happen to Chistians of the first century
AD, not two millenia later. An attraction of the possible CERN eschaton is that most of us are expecting to live for
the next few hours anyway. “
Anyway the probability of this is always
continuously unconfirmed. Like Mark Twain “the reports of my demise are greatly exaggerated.” But, until now we
didn’t have this probability.
Maybe CERN will allow the wave function
to collapse in completely novel ways. Remember Terrence McKenna’s plotline of increased novelty towards Dec. 21 2012?
Looks like we’re right on his proposed schedule.
Maybe inter-dimensional travel to Spica
{260 light years away} for the weekend will be within everyone’s reach?
Quoting from Mr. Zap again…
“ and therefore those who truly believe
in CERN, who truly believe that CERN is the eye of the needle star gate into the kingdom of heaven, those chosen few
will be raptured away from the Babylon Matrix via CERN- generated time and space irrealizing wormholes, while all those
who did not get to read this blog, or those who did read this blog but held onto a doubt the size of a mustard seed, will
be left behind in the Babylon Matrix where absolutely nothing will be new on Wednesday except that McCain is gaining momentum
on Obama, and every other dark trend and aspect is still in play.
Consider this your last warning. You
may only have hours left to accept CERN as your savior.
4:40 PM (MST) I just heard from CNN that even though the collider comes on line in few hours, the mini black hole
generating experiments may not occur for days or even weeks. Apparently, tommorrow the collider gets turned on, but streams
of protons will be sent only in one direction. The colliding streams of protons which may generate black holes won't
happen till next month. I hate this, everytime an eschaton date comes up they keep pushing the goal posts back. I had
already decided not to do my laundry today in case the event horizon made that unnecessary, but now that's just one of many
mundane tasks I'm going to have to pick up again if this this thing is still weeks away. Oh well, consider these next few
days and weeks a propitious time to live the way you would if you knew for sure that the event horizon while was only days
or weeks away.”
I leave you with the immortal words from another song… I mentioned previously if you were paying attention and have
the concentration to read an article of 2,957 word till now..
SPOKEN: I remember
when I was a very little girl, our house caught on fire. I'll never forget the look on my father's face as he gathered
me up in his arms and raced through the burning building out to the pavement. I stood there shivering in my pajamas
and watched the whole world go up in flames. And when it was all over I said to myself, "Is that all there is to a fire"
Is that all there is, is that all there is If that's all there is my friends, then let's keep dancing Let's break
out the booze and have a ball If that's all there is
SPOKEN: And when I was 12 years old, my father took me
to a circus, the greatest show on earth. There were clowns and elephants and dancing bears. And a beautiful lady in
pink tights flew high above our heads. And so I sat there watching the marvelous spectacle. I had the feeling that
something was missing. I don't know what, but when it was over, I said to myself, "is that all there is to a circus?
Is that all there is, is that all there is If that's all there is my friends, then let's keep dancing Let's break
out the booze and have a ball If that's all there is
SPOKEN: Then I fell in love, head over heels in love, with
the most wonderful boy in the world. We would take long walks by the river or just sit for hours gazing into each other's
eyes. We were so very much in love. Then one day he went away and I thought I'd die, but I didn't, and when I
didn't I said to myself, "is that all there is to love?"
SUNG: Is that all there is, is that all there is If
that's all there is my friends, then let's keep dancing
SPOKEN: I know what you must be saying to yourselves, if
that's the way she feels about it why doesn't she just end it all? Oh, no, not me. I'm in no hurry for that final disappointment,
for I know just as well as I'm standing here talking to you, when that final moment comes and I'm breathing my last
breath, I'll be saying to myself
SUNG: Is that all there is, is that all there is If that's all there is my
friends, then let's keep dancing Let's break out the booze and have a ball If that's all there is
So dream your own reality. If life is like The Matrix, or if you believ in multi-dimensions the ALUNA et al then hold onto
your own dream of reality.
The Psy chic weather report
by Tara Greene 9.09. 08
Pluto moved direct on
Monday Sept 8 away from the monstrous Black Hole,the Galactic Center at the heart of our Milky Way Galaxy until it comes round
again in a mere 250 years. Conjunctions with the Galactic Center are said to result in enormous scientific breakthroughs according
to Astrologer of the cosmic Phillip Sedgewick. Pluto has been hovering around the Black Hole since last year.
Only 2 days later at around
12:30 am (EDT) Wednesday, Sept, 10 08 CERN, the world's larges nuclear super
collider went online to begin an experiment expected to create mini black holes and hopefully discover the source of the Universe,
the God particle, whether there was a Big Bang or a Big Bubble and to prove or not Super string theory, whether there are
multi-dimensions that we can detect plus a bunch of other pretty notoriously theoretical physics theories to be fact or fiction.
The most advanced technology
available on this planet right now is about to “beam us up.”
The scientist who have
been building the complex machinery which fires protons at 999.9% of the speed of light, and creates almost perfect absolute
zero temperature conditions necessary for such experiments know what they are looking for but like when they first atom was
split don’t really know what they are going to unleash in the name of progress.
A brave new leap into
new dimensions always promotes fear. A couple of scientists have even apparently filed law suits to stop the experiment.
Their fear, and the fear of a minority of scientific critics, is that the experiment could devour the earth.
(see a You Tube visualization:
CERN Black Hole)
Also see real European news articles:
Most of the scientists think that mini black
holes would be highly unstable and quickly phase out of existence. Some suggest that the experiment may open worm holes which
will allow entities of God knows what intentions to enter our realm.
Another suggestion is that the experiment
will turn CERN into a TIME MACHINE, and as soon as it is turned on it will be surrounded by time travelers. The theory
behind this thinking is that time travel can only occurin times where time machines are in existence. We can’t
travel back in time to an era where time machines haven’t been invented yet as in Back to the Future, alter the past,
which alters the present, which alters the Future.
If CERN turns out to be the first time machine,
I can’t do the math yet myself, then we may as well conclude that other time travelers would appear to witness the historic
occasion. Do you hear the sound of Cosmic applause?
Since such a fundamental experiment with
time and space that delves right into the heart of the nature of reality as we
know and construct it has never been attempted before {or has it?} well who knows
what surprises or whom, may turn up. Truth may prove to be much stranger than any fiction or even our own limited imaginations
could possibly imagine.
"Reality is not only stranger than you think,
it is stranger than you can think." - British scientist J. B. S. Haldane
I remember predicting and expecting other
wordly or inter- dimensional beings to show up as Pluto entered Sagittarius in 1995. I’ve been waiting and waiting for
years now. And since Pluto’s been lingering at the Galactic Center…..
And since I don’t believe in co-incidence but synchronicity, looks like I may be proven correct. But it’s not
about whether I’m right or not of course.When my husband came and asked me to do an Astrology chart for the go of the CERN and he told me about the earth
quite possibly being swallowed up. I watched a few of those You Tube visions
and some were trying to tie it into the 2012 “end date” of the Mayan calendar saying if there was a mini black
hole created by CERN in their labs and it started munching, being a hungry matter baby, that gradually it would start to devour
first Europe and then the whole Earth over 50 months which of course came to the Mayan end date of Dec 21 2012 or thereabouts.
Black Hole artist's image |

So I intuitively hit upon Roger Ramjet a
mid ‘60’s American cartoon. Roger used to eat proton energy pills to get Super Strength. And stumbled upon the
following scenario from one episode.
“I´ll give you only one example, and that will be enough to lure you into the zany, adorable world of Roger.
Let´s take the `The Shaft' episode from `Hero of Our Nation'. It´s about Roger creating a super-rocket that´s more powerful
than… uh, anything else. Problem is, the rocket backfires and burrows a hole through the Earth. The ENTIRE darn planet.
What we Earthlings do? Oh, not much. Just watch were we walk, to avoid falling in the hole and getting a free trip to China.
Aye, we can live on a donut-shaped planet, no problem sir. The ONLY thing that bugs people is when winds runs through the
hole, creating an annoying whistle. THEN the nations decide to join forces to fix the problem! See what I mean?”
Does the scenario sound
What shot into my mind was a prediction
and a warning made by Stuart Wilde at his “Last Trance in Vegas” workshop that the world will end around March 2010. He had seen in visions solar flares hitting the earth possibly.
And the possibility is that the majority
of scientists think that no really drastic changes in our regular lives will happen as a result of the scientists “fooling
around with Mother Nature” actually pulling down her underpants.
apparently the fist beam crossed the line at 10:28 am Geneva time today after a minor glitch was corrected. Apparently there wasn’t much of a show, more of a little whimper at this point in time, it’s
like a huge computer coming on line. And as quantum physics people know the observers affect the outcome. It will actually
take till Oct 21st for the mini Big Bang or hurricane in a bottle to occur as hoped.
Now those who know that the New World Order,
IMF, the Feds etc. are running the Matrix that we live in and they never really show their cards so who ponied up the 5 billion
in Euros to build this contraption over the last 20 years? And what’s
their real agenda?
The forerunner of CERN was actually started
in Texas funded by George Bush Senior but then shut down in 1988 by Clinton, where it promptly teleported itself over to Geneva
Switzerland, a supposedly “neutral” country. We remember how neutral they really were in WWII right? And that
they have all these tunnels build and stocked in Switzerland for 20,000 people.
So who’s behind the supposed experimental lab that toys with near perfect light speeds and the re-creation of the origins
of the Universe? Sounds like a super, the 10th trillion trillion kind
of weapon, one that can harness all kinds of energy, create black holes, wormholes, rend space-time etc. Kaku speculated in
1994 that it would exhaust all the money in the world at that time to actually build his “dream machine” and that
the tech wasn’t up to snuff to even create it. Hey. Presto 2008. Now it’s
a bargain, tech is cheap, and the future dream of the hoped for proof is right here right now.
Interstingly and more synchronistically,
I have been watching Contact again and again lately and that’s usually a sign form my unconscious that something’s
up and also reading Hyperspace by Michio Kaku one of the originators of superstring theory. When his book was published in
1994 he speculated on what kind of tech would be needed to build a machine to prove the theory.
ATLANTIS DÉJÀ VUThe possibility of total annihilation by a black hole from CERN also
created a flash in my mind of Atlantis. During a very powerful vision session I had many years ago in the early ‘90’s
with a friend of mine Elaine Lane we collectively remembered together while wide awake { and stone cold sober} having being
together in Atlantis. I could see in my mind’s eye a huge machine, it looked like a white globe with big tunnels coming
out of it, encircling it. The machine in Contact had a similar look. There are Archetypal Collective Unconscious memories or are they future.
Its deja vu all over again |

by Crosby Stills Nash & Young
I had ever been here before I would probably know just what todo Don't you? If I had ever been here before on another
time around the wheel I would probably know just how to deal With all of you. And I feel Like I've been here before Feel Like
I've been here before And you know It makes me wonder What's going on under the ground
Do you know? Don't
you wonder? What's going on down under you.
We have all been here before We have all been here before We have
all been here before We have all been here before”
Déjà vu"; also called paramnesia,
from Greek παρα para, "near" + μνήμη mnēmē, "memory")
is the experience of feeling sure that one has witnessed or experienced a new situation previously (an individual feels as
though an event has already happened or has happened in the near past). The term was coined by a French psychic esearcher,
Emile Boirac {1851–1917) in his book L'Avenir des sciences psychiques (The Future of Psychic Sciences),
which expanded upon an essay he wrote while an undergraduate. The experience of déjà vu is usually accompanied by a compelling
sense of familiarity, and also a sense of "eeriness", "strangeness", or "weirdness". The "previous" experience is most frequently
attributed to a dream, although in some cases there is a firm sense that the experience "genuinely happened" in the past.
The experience of déjà vu seems
to be quite common among adults and children alike; in formal studies 70% of people report having experienced it at least
once. References to the experience of déjà vu are also found in literature of the past, indicating it is not a new phenomenon. It has been extremely difficult to evoke the déjà vu experience in laboratory settings
therefore making it a subject of few empirical studies.. Recently, researchers have found ways to recreate this sensation
using hypnosis.
Presque vu means 'almost seen'. Not scientifically recognized, it is the sense
that one is on the verge of a large mental breakthrough, almost seeing the absolute truth about something but not quite getting
Arthur Funkhouser, a Swiss psychologist,
divides déjà vu itself into smaller, more specific areas to study them more closely. For example, if an individual feels he
is in a place he has been before, he is experiencing déjà visité, 'already visited'. If a person feels she is experiencing
something just as before - everything is exactly the same - it is déjà vecu, 'already lived through'.
Presque Views
Have we all been ‘dere done ‘dis
{DIS is the Roman name for the God of Chaos}
Since time is really rather relative as
we shall soon see. The ancient scientists of Atlantis also had harnessed nuclear energy. They were power hungry, their egos
took over and in one such experiement they created a chain reaction which blew
up and destroyed Atlantis, sinking it to the bottom of the Ocean.
So are we getting ready to cross the event
If so and if also the consciousness is being
raised on this planet and I know the scientists always have to have machines to prove things in reality because they don’t
trust their senses or imaginations enough and don’t journey but that their tech always, always mirrors the collective
consciousness. If you read this email in time, it seems a very propitious moment
to consider how you should live if these are your last hours before crossing the event horizon. What would still
be of value in your life if you knew that in a few hours not only you, but everyone on earth and the planet and all its artifacts
were going to be sucked into a black hole?
Are we all going to be sucked in by a small
black hole of our own devise?
You hear this phrase a lot these days don’t
you. Kids go around these days saying “Life sucks!” a lot. As any magician, shaman or quantum physicist will tell
you, you really have to be very careful about what you say because as in the beginning there was THE WORD, and your words
creates reality.
I was writing this article when I spied
an email form Jonathan Zap one of my fave writers. He was speculating about the very same thing as I was writing but he beat
me to it, so to speak. But as there may soon be no-time, future time, all time etc. all the time just like those radio stations-“All
hits all the time” he speculates that “ If you are reading this after Wed. 12:30 am EDT
it may mean that we dodged the black hole bullet and nothing much happened. Or it could mean that we all disintegrated,
but that everything has been replaced by a nearly flawless simulated continuation of the previous timeline. Some physicists
have published articles saying that this might already be the case. See:
Jonathan goes on to talk about apocalyptic
scenarios. Imagining an end to the world is hugely appealing because as my husband himself said well everyone goes out
together. End of the world scenarios relieve the pressure and personal anxiety about death and obliterates evereyones oh so
human little problems about being human at once. The ego does not want to think itself extinguished. If you die and the world
goes on, how important are you really?
And as synchronicity would have it, last
Friday as the worm {Pluto} was about to turn {direct} and the Moon was in Scorpio, sign of death, rebirth and transformation
and as Saturn {Lord of Time} was exactly squaring my Moon, my dear Uncle Saul suddenly
passed away.
As in Jewish custom the funeral happens
quickly, so on Sunday Sept 7th I was at my Uncle’s funeral. Seeing the casket, listening to the ancient prayers
in a sacred language, Hebrew, and the quick drive to the cemetery where the coffin was already being lowered into the grave
as my mother, the sole survivor now of her immediate family and I walked towards it.
The sound of the earth as a it hit the casket,
6 feet below in the earth, resounded through my bones and my mothers, and we quivered. That’s it. Final. Caput. From
dust to dust. So how important are we? Imagining total global annihilation is
quite a juvenile response. It’s an ego controlled immature escape hatch. One
that has no sense of depth. IS that all there is?
Jonathan goes on to talk about those who
believe in the rapture and being saved and more ego control trips about being superior.
Annihilation by a black hole is in his words “ your ego's wet dream
comes true for eternity.”
And I would heartily agree with him on that.
And he goes on to say “So apocalypse lovers always get obsessed with end dates. To be attractive, however, end
dates tend to be conveniently scheduled to occur before one's expected life span runs out. New Testament Revelations,
for example, was written in the expectation that it was describing events that would happen to Chistians of the first century
AD, not two millenia later. An attraction of the possible CERN eschaton is that most of us are expecting to live for
the next few hours anyway. “
Anyway the probability of this is always
continuously unconfirmed. Like Mark Twain “the reports of my demise are greatly exaggerated.” But, until now we
didn’t have this probability.
Maybe CERN will allow the wave function
to collapse in completely novel ways. Remember Terrence McKenna’s plotline of increased novelty towards Dec. 21 2012?
Looks like we’re right on his proposed schedule.
Maybe inter-dimensional travel to Spica
{260 light years away} for the weekend will be within everyone’s reach?
Quoting from Mr. Zap again…
“ and therefore those who truly believe
in CERN, who truly believe that CERN is the eye of the needle star gate into the kingdom of heaven, those chosen few
will be raptured away from the Babylon Matrix via CERN- generated time and space irrealizing wormholes, while all those
who did not get to read this blog, or those who did read this blog but held onto a doubt the size of a mustard seed, will
be left behind in the Babylon Matrix where absolutely nothing will be new on Wednesday except that McCain is gaining momentum
on Obama, and every other dark trend and aspect is still in play.
Consider this your last warning. You
may only have hours left to accept CERN as your savior.
4:40 PM (MST) I just heard from CNN that even though the collider comes on line in few hours, the mini black hole
generating experiments may not occur for days or even weeks. Apparently, tommorrow the collider gets turned on, but streams
of protons will be sent only in one direction. The colliding streams of protons which may generate black holes won't
happen till next month. I hate this, everytime an eschaton date comes up they keep pushing the goal posts back. I had
already decided not to do my laundry today in case the event horizon made that unnecessary, but now that's just one of many
mundane tasks I'm going to have to pick up again if this this thing is still weeks away. Oh well, consider these next few
days and weeks a propitious time to live the way you would if you knew for sure that the event horizon while was only days
or weeks away.”
I leave you with the immortal words from another song… I mentioned previously if you were paying attention and have
the concentration to read an article of 2,957 word till now..
SPOKEN: I remember
when I was a very little girl, our house caught on fire. I'll never forget the look on my father's face as he gathered
me up in his arms and raced through the burning building out to the pavement. I stood there shivering in my pajamas
and watched the whole world go up in flames. And when it was all over I said to myself, "Is that all there is to a fire"
Is that all there is, is that all there is If that's all there is my friends, then let's keep dancing Let's break
out the booze and have a ball If that's all there is
SPOKEN: And when I was 12 years old, my father took me
to a circus, the greatest show on earth. There were clowns and elephants and dancing bears. And a beautiful lady in
pink tights flew high above our heads. And so I sat there watching the marvelous spectacle. I had the feeling that
something was missing. I don't know what, but when it was over, I said to myself, "is that all there is to a circus?
Is that all there is, is that all there is If that's all there is my friends, then let's keep dancing Let's break
out the booze and have a ball If that's all there is
SPOKEN: Then I fell in love, head over heels in love, with
the most wonderful boy in the world. We would take long walks by the river or just sit for hours gazing into each other's
eyes. We were so very much in love. Then one day he went away and I thought I'd die, but I didn't, and when I
didn't I said to myself, "is that all there is to love?"
SUNG: Is that all there is, is that all there is If
that's all there is my friends, then let's keep dancing
SPOKEN: I know what you must be saying to yourselves, if
that's the way she feels about it why doesn't she just end it all? Oh, no, not me. I'm in no hurry for that final disappointment,
for I know just as well as I'm standing here talking to you, when that final moment comes and I'm breathing my last
breath, I'll be saying to myself
SUNG: Is that all there is, is that all there is If that's all there is my
friends, then let's keep dancing Let's break out the booze and have a ball If that's all there is
My sense of the Psychic Weather. check in often for the forecast.
baby head in the sky |

angel visions,
I found this picture, i thought it was beautiful. Do you see the face
in the clouds? Looks like a Big Baby Face. Stuart Wilde talks about these beings, appearing in the skies, visitors from the
6th Dimension, the Morph, coming to help us poor earthlings out of our misery if we redeem our hearts and souls NOW.
angelic ones are all around us. Purify your heart, have compassion for all of humanity, forget your ego and your personal
story, be humble, love the animals, send positive energy to everyone who bugs you, practice random acts of kindness, hug trees,
become vegan, downsize your whole life, join the community, stop believing all the lies and the propaganda, get some common
sense, give your heart away, watch out for your own shadow, and the evil entities who coagulate around all your negative thoughts,
emotions and deeds. have respect.
see the evil that is so ingrained in the world’s history, in most of all the
world’s religions which trap you with dogma.
Get katma, cats are feminine, gracefull, they are natural yogins,
they love to get petted, their soft and silky, smart, dispell negative energy, the Egyptians worshipped them,
the earth and the Goddess, she is coming, Gaia, she is an wholly Holy Intelligence, she holds the balance, she is Isis, Maat,
Justice, Karma, your SOul, NAture, the Uni/Yoniverse. Organized religions incorporated her as Mother Mary, Kwan Yin, Lakshmi,
Tara, Brigit, Shekina, Sophia, the Madonna, Mary Magdelane, water, the ocean, the sky, the TAo.
Judgement Day is coming
but not what you think. Judge Not or be judged.

I am cleaning my kitchen counter this am. As much as I dislike housework, it's one of the best times for intuitive messages
to come through. You know like the Zen saying "Chop wood, fetch water." O.K. So. the words "Klaatu Barada Nikto" started
repeating in my head. These are the famous cinematic words from The Day The Earth Stood Still a 1951 Sci Fi movie-read a review
from Rotten Tomatoes about it.
"Gort! Klaatu barada nikto."
Reviewed by Dennis Schwartz
This is a well crafted sci-fi film from the 1950s, that became a cult favorite and helped generate interest in the sci-fi
film as a popular genre. It had a well-intentioned liberal message in the face of the time's McCarthy witch hunts, it only
lacked an edge to its straightforward rational call for world peace and an end to the nuclear arms race.
The film will always be remembered for Patricia Neil saving the world by saying to the eight-foot metallic robot who is about
to destroy the world because his master was shot by the U.S. Army, "Gort! Klaatu barada nikto."
Michael Rennie is Klaatu, the sleekly tailored alien, dressed in a silver suit to match the color of the flying saucer, who
has come from outer space to save the world from its petty strifes by delivering a pacifist message. Rennie preaches that
the world is now a more dangerous place because of the Atomic-bomb and its potential to blow up the world, as Rennie is made
into a refined Christ-like figure who has come 250 million miles to tell the world leaders and the renown scientists that
if they can't settle their differences on this planet his world has authorized the robots they created to act as world policemen
to destroy those who can't live in peace.
This intelligent and humanitarian film plays like a Christian allegory. Klaatu even uses the alias Mr. Carpenter, an obvious
reference to Christ.
The film opens with a flying saucer landing in Washington, D.C. and Klaatu stepping outside with an offering of peace and
as he reaches into his spacesuit for a gift for the President, he is shot in the shoulder by an antsy soldier. Meanwhile Gort
does his thing by opening up the visor on his helmet and shooting cosmic rays at the Army tanks and bazookas, completely disintegrating
them. The Defense Department didn't like the film's message so they failed to cooperate in the filming; but, the Washington
National Guard gave its approval, so all the troops and equipment came from them.
Klaatu recovers from the gunshot in Walter Reed Hospital after the bullet is removed and by self-healing he miraculously closes
the wound which startles the doctors, who realize how backward their technology is compared to the spaceman's. When security
locks him in his hospital room he easily escapes and as a fugitive ends up boarding at the wholesome Benson family's house,
living incognito. Patricia Neal is the widow Helen Benson, Billy Gray is her young son Bobby. The kid bonds with the kind-hearted
alien and takes him on a tour of Washington, where they go to Arlington National Cemetery and the Lincoln Memorial and then
the kid takes him to meet the smartest man in the world, Dr. Barnhardt (Jaffe). But the scientist is not home so Klaatu breaks
into his home and corrects a mathematical problem the scientist is working on, and leaves a note requesting that the Einstein-like
scientist meet him.
Klaatu's request for a world meeting has already been turned down by the world leaders as being impractical. But Klaatu tells
Barnhardt, that he will show the world that he means business about how important this meeting is. As a demonstration of alien
power the world's electrical power supply is shut off for a half hour, except for hospitals and airplanes in flight. But the
government only becomes more hostile and when Helen's boyfriend (Hugh Marlowe) betrays him in order to gain personal glory,
the alien is shot by the military. That is when Helen, following his instructions, goes to Gort for help. Gort revives the
dead alien and before Klaatu goes home to outer space he tells the scientists convened for their meeting, his urgent message
of peace for the Earth or else the Earth will be destroyed.
Lock Martin played Gort. He was the 7'7'' doorman employed at Grauman's Chinese Theater who was recruited to play the robot.
Bernard Herrmann's haunting musical score aided in capturing the alien atmosphere of the story. It's hard to argue with the
rational message delivered, I just wished the film took on the politics of the scientists sleeping in the same bed with the
government. They are just as much a detriment to world peace as the xenophobic media and the cowardly bunch of world leaders.
Robert Wise (West Side Story) should be credited with another great film in his long and distinguished career.

O.K. so it spawned a rock band, and it is a classic. So this means that THE ALIENS ARE ABOUT TO SHOW UP AND WARN US AGAIN
AND NOW KENNU REEVES who besides Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, has played THE BUDDHA, in Little Buddha, God in the Matrix
and ...
George REEVES as Superman 50's TV |

Keannu REEVES- Matrix, Buddha, etc. |

I was on the streetcar taking my daughter Leah to her piano lesson, it wa around 4:20 Pm and I suddenly started telling her
that how the earth will be bombarded with massive solar coronal ejections, solar flares,which will wipe out all the computer
databanks. My daughter Leah, 9,a girl with 4 planets in Pisces, said oh it'll only last for about 3 days. I said O.K. but
in 3 days all records on computers, all satelites, and communications will be kaput, over, finished.
I was at Dr. Paul Violette's website now, which I'd visited once before. He is a physicist who has predicted many scientific
astronomical techniques about origins of stars, radiation, mass coronal ejections and he says these happen regularly at around
12,000 year periods. He also relates THE TAROT and Astrology as ciphers to unlock the mysteries of the formation of the Universe!
The 12,000 year period made me immediately connect that to the Precession of the Equinoxes. Dr. Violette says that coronal
mass ejections can tilt the Earth's axis, come without warning and have done so in the past. Hmmmm. Makes you think.
Oct 8 2007 Las Vegas
While I was attending "The Last Trance Workshop" by Stuart Wilde, he happened to mentioned that "The Great Cleansing"
was coming, sooner than he expected. He said from watching - he has seen 50,000 visions from The 6th Dimension, what he calls
Well how shocking was that! Talk about yer wake up call!
I did happen to have an opportunity to speak with him briefly and mention that I too had had the exact same information "downloaded"
to me only 4 days previously, not when I was meditating, or dancing through the 6th dimension,
or maybe I/we my daughter and I were but we just thought we were on a Toronto Transit Vehicle-hey they don't call them red
Rockets for nuttin'.
As I've always known and felt I was an oracle, a vessel for the psychic weather, I have
been prompted to share my insights with the public, to help serve as a psychic link, a bond of connection, support
and affirmations of our Oneness within the Goddess, the Great Mystery and the Universal Force of Love,
with Spirit.
Each day I will post {or try to post} new insights and affirmations
using Tarot, imagery, remote viewing, psychic sensing, practical rituals, meditations, dreams,visions and songs for insights
for you to reflect on.
Please send feedback, I love to hear from you.
Nov. 8, North-West Cross-Quarter Day Ceremonies
There are 8 stations of the Wheel of the Year. We observe the 4 Cardinal {compass} directions as the 2 Solstices, Spring,
East, Autumn, West, and the two Equinoxes, Summer, North and Winter, South in the Northern Hemisphere, these are the ingresses
of the Sun at the Zero degree points of Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn. These are considered to be stabilizing points.
There are also 4 Non-Cardinal Directions, in between the 4 Cardinals. These points and dates are the movers of energy. The
Wiccan/Pagan Calendar celebrates these in the Spring, on May 1st, Beltane, in Summer, August 1st, in Autumn Oct 31-Nov 1st,and
in Winter Feb 1st.
The Native American traditions have a similar count but the days differ by about a week, This is the tradition that I follow.
Each Non-Cardinal Direction represents a particular focus of energies.
In the Spring-
May 8th the Non Cardinal Direction is the South-East.
Aug. 8th the Summer Non-cardinal is the South-West.
Autumn, the Fall Non-Cardinal is Nov. 8th the North-West Feb 8th,Spring quarter Non-Cardinal is the North-East.
Please do not confuse these directions with an Astrology chart which has East, the Ascendant, on the left hand side. Cancer/
Summer is always in the South, the 4th House of a chart and Capricorn, Winter is in the North, the 10th house, symbolic Noon,
as the Astrology Signs move counter-clockwise from the left.
The Spring, May 8th, the South-East represents the Place of Self-Love Self-Awareness, Self-Acceptance, Integrity and the
In Summer, the South-West, Aug. 8th, represents the place of the Dream, both your Personal and Sacred Dream and being the
Healer, as well as Symbols of Life Experiences.
In Fall, Nov. 8th, the North-West represents the Place of Karma, of Sacred Mirrors, of Sacred Law, It is the place of the
Diviner, Knowledge of the Body, of Dance and of the Dream of the Planet.
In Winter, the North-East,Feb. 8th represents the Design of Energy, this is the place of the Dream Weaver, the Dream of the
People, the Place where Magick arises from, the Place of “riding the Cosmic Wave” being totally in synch with
Soul and Spirit.
SO here we are at the North West Station. Ding! Ding! Ding!
Wake up. It’s instant Karma time. This is a great day to do your Karmic cleansing. Actually since All time is NOW. Every
nano-second of every nano-second of All time is instant Karma Time. Here in the 3rd Dimension, we mark these things out in
linear, circular fashion. This is the Place of Sacred Law, not man-made laws, the Higher Universal Laws that for every action
there is an equalibrium, a balance. This is the place where we meet the Goddess Maat, She of Egyptian Origin.
The Egyptian Goddess Maat -Karmic Justice |

She weighs hearts against her ostrich feather |
Maat was the Goddess festooned with a white ostrich Feather on her head, carrying the Golden Scales of Justice.
After your death, Maat weighed your heart against her Ostrich feather. If your heart was heavier than that feather with regrets,
emotional ties or unfinished business, it was back to Go again, to play another round in the Game of Life.
If your heart was as light as Maat’s sacred feather, if you’d dealt with all your shadows and your demons, liberated
yourself from all that emotional Karmic luggage, been a good, kind, generous, fair, loving person, well then you got to go
Home, to higher Dimensions of learning, to play and enjoy and relax and boogie on through the Universe.
So what say you to a little Karmic mirror gazing? The North-West is the Place of Your Book of Life, the goals that you wrote
down before you incarnated here, the people and experiences you would have. This is an empowering experience, you can re-write
your Book of Life at anytime. Your intention and awareness give you the power to choose. Ignorance is definitely not Bliss.
That’s a piece of propaganda. It is definitely more scary not to see and not to know and be unaware than to see it,
acknowledge it and consciously deal with it. Great time to look in that date book.
Meditation for Nov. 8th Clearing the Karmic Mirror
Where comfortable loose clothing. Sit upright cross-legged. Be dressed warm enough to not let your body get chilled. Have
a notebook and pen nearby. I find deep in the night to be the best time to do these meditations but anytime which fits your
schedule is good. Make sure that you won’t be distracted for a half to one hour at least. Put on some soothing healing
music in the background quietly. Music which affects binaural and theta waves is best or just drumming or metronome. Light
incense, frankincense or sandlewood are good.
The intention of this exercise is to acknowledge Karmic actions, awareness, new growth, balance, cleansing, healing and Soul
You are going to align with and clear your Soul, spirit or etheric body and the mental, emotional and physical bodies.
Breathe deeply a number of times. Keep breathing until you are aware that your mind is breathing. Let all thoughts, cell phone
noise, cel phone abuse etc. which is prevalent as background noise these days drop away. Take as much time as you need to
clear your mind, until it is still. If you notice a thought just let it go. Go into a deep deep silence, a deep peace.
Before you visualize a dark dark deep indigo blue sky. Wait for the stars to appear, these are atoms and energy accretions
of Light.
Intention is everything so intend that you want to look at your Book of Life, to review it from the position of Your Higher
Self. Allow whatever images or feelings to arise. Some people are more visual, if at first the screen is dark or blank, be
patient, images will appear. If nothing appears realize that it is your fear of seeing the Truth, and gently move it aside.
Ask your Guardian Angels to help you. Stay detached emotionally from whatever scenes come up. Ask your power animals to come
and protect you. You won’t necessarily see a Book, scenes will appear. Let them unfold. Remember you are always safe.
Take as much time as you need. Keep asking, be honest with youself, stay focused on your goal. Do not judge what comes up,
that is ego-mind. Simply watch as if watching a movie, note patterns. Ask to get to the core of these issues.
You can fast forward the scenes into a Future probability to track probable outcomes. You may choose to edit, cut, re-write
anything, person, scene you wish. You are the Director.
From your Higher Self’s perspective ask “What is the positive intention and purpose of these patterns? What do
I need to acknowledge and learn?” Wait for a felt sense of an “A-ha!” the Light should go on. Ding! Ding!
Review what you have experienced. Put this part of the Meditation on PAUSE and stay in a Meditative contemplative state and
write down what you have scene and experienced.
Acknowledge what you have learned from these scenes and lessons. Forgiveness is a major factor here. You must pull in the
opposite axis of Self-Love, Self-Knowledge, Self-Awareness to really balance your Book of Life and your Karma. Compassion
with the human part of your self is essential. Bless and thank yourself and all the characters and players in the dramatic
movie for taking their parts. See yourself and all others in the Infinite Love of God/dess healed, whole, as having never
left the Garden. It is important to sum up your experiences so that you know you have “got it” and have finished
with those old Karmic lessons so that you can graduate and move on and up to a whole new set of lessons and experiences.
You may re-write new whole scenarios of your life from the new you aligned to your Higher Self and put in new characters,
goals, accomplishments. etc.
When you are finished. Step back into your meditation. See yourself re-writing your Book of Life in the most positive, life-affirming,
joyous and loving ways possible. This is not about spiritual consumerism. It is about Soul growth, freedom, new experiences,
unimagined experiences, balancing your Karmic checkbook.
Visualize your Book of Life with the new positive affirmations. Feel yourself whole, cleansed, renewed, freed, with no baggage.
You need to do this in Conjunction with the New Moon Nov. 9th
Oct 4 2007
I was walking with my daughter yesterday and suddenly started talking about how the earth will be bombarded with massive radiation
outbursts wiping out all computer databanks. My daughter Leah, 9,a girl with 4 planets in Pisces, said oh it'll only last
for about 3 days. I said O.K. but in 3 days all records on computers, all satelites, and communications will be kaput, over,
I was at Dr. Paul Violette's website now, which I'd visited once before. He is a physicist who has predicted many scientific
astronomical techniques about origins of stars, radiation, mass coronal ejections and he says these happen regularly at around
12,000 year periods. He also relates THE TAROT and Astrology as ciphers to unlock the mysteries of the formation of the Universe!
The 12,000 year period made me immediately connect that to the Precession of the Equinoxes. Dr. Violette says that coronal
mass ejections can tilt the Earth's axis, come without warning and have done so in the past. Hmmmm. Makes you think.
Oct 4 2007
I was walking with my daughter yesterday and suddenly started talking about how the earth will be bombarded with massive radiation
outbursts wiping out all computer databanks. My daughter Leah, 9,a girl with 4 planets in Pisces, said oh it'll only last
for about 3 days. I said O.K. but in 3 days all records on computers, all satelites, and communications will be kaput, over,
I was at Dr. Paul Violette's website now, which I'd visited once before. He is a physicist who has predicted many scientific
astronomical techniques about origins of stars, radiation, mass coronal ejections and he says these happen regularly at around
12,000 year periods. He also relates THE TAROT and Astrology as ciphers to unlock the mysteries of the formation of the Universe!
The 12,000 year period made me immediately connect that to the Precession of the Equinoxes. Dr. Violette says that coronal
mass ejections can tilt the Earth's axis, come without warning and have done so in the past. Hmmmm. Makes you think.
Aug. 21 2007
Haven't written in this Psychic weather for quite a while but I do have to update now. Since July
27, Venus went Retrograde and has caused total havoc on this website. Hindsight is often the greatest teacher when you get
to review just what happened at certain Astrological turning points.
I usually average 8,000 visitors a month on this site the one you're reading right now. Well since
Venus went Retro something's up at Tripod here and it seems their numbers are scewed and my viewers have dwindled. Decided
what I have to say isn't vital anymore? All of a sudden? ! Hmmm... really makes you want to stop and think. Has the market
been going up and down up and down like the wheels on the bus? Methinks Venus Retro has something to do with this. Well it
won't last, by Sept 7th Venus turns direct.
Sept 11/ 2006
The affirmation for the 5th Anniversary of 9/11 is
the words to the Song IMAGINE by John Lennon.
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
Tues Sept. 12th:
In the aftermath of 9/11 trying to sort out the psychic weather feels like
a kInd of an I'M ALL SHOOK UP {by Elvis} kinda day. The best thing is to go with the flow. Get down on all fours
and shake like a dog does after it's been in the water. Shake off all the stress, fears, and old emotions. Feel yourself
refreshed, cleansed and ready to leap higher and Live Your Life.
All Shook Up
A well'a bless my soul
What'sa wrong with me?
I'm itchin' like a man on a fuzzy tree
My friends say I'm actin' wild as a bug
I'm in love
I'm all shook up
Mm mm mm, mm, yay, yay, yay
Well, my hands are shaky and my knees are weak
I can't seem to stand on my own two feet
Who do you think of when you have such luck?
I'm in love
I'm all shook up
Mm mm mm, mm, yay, yay, yay
Well, please don't ask me what'sa on my mind
I'm a little mixed up, but I'm feelin' fine
When I'm near that girl that I love best
My heart beats so it scares me to death!
Well she touched my hand what a chill I got
Her lips are like a volcano when it's hot
I'm proud to say that she's my buttercup
I'm in love
I'm all shook up
Mm mm mm, mm, yay, yay, yay
My tongue gets tied when I try to speak
My insides shake like a leaf on a tree
There's only one cure for this body of mine
That's to have that girl that I love so fine!
She touched my hand what a chill I got
Her lips are like a volcano that's hot
I'm proud to say that she's my buttercup
I'm in love
I'm all shook up
Mm mm mm, mm, yay, yay, yay
Mm mm mm, mm, yay, yay
Sept. 27th
If you've been coming to my site regularly to see what I've written, I do try
to keep up. SOmetimes though I need reflection time, I need time to find the connections, the AHA'S!! O.K. SO now I've gotten
Oct 11th
O.K. so I've been really busy. Let's recollect here. A small plane just crashed in
to a New York condo today sparking terrorist fears but that wasn't so. North Korea has gone ahead and tested a Nuclear Bomb
setting people back to the former Cold War situation,and prepping their Fallout Shelters and "safe Rooms."
And my prediction is that it's gonna get worse for the next few months as we're being affected
by that big 29 degree Solar Eclipse that occurred on Sept 22nd on that Libra axis-US vs. THEM and squared Pluto too!
THe thing to do is to stay calm and realize that it's all an illusion on some level. The next
thing to do is realize that you have power and your intention is everything. Every day and night I send prayers to the earth
and all her peoples, to the animals, as I am reminded of them by a sweet little baby skunk that lives under the shed in my
backyard in the Beaches area.

animal messengers -skunk symbolizes your reputation |
This is the little skunk who is so shy and my family all adores her and feel honoured that her mother and her, him? live
on our property. THis was taken in July and my husband has named her "BAbette."
I take the sign that a wild animal appears regularly as what Sorcerers and Native American Indigenous Peoples call helpers,
Animal Guides, living messengers from the Natural world whose appearance signifies a gift.
o.k. Go ahead and snicker and hold your nose.
Skunk medicine is pretty powerful stuff. It has to do with your reputation. Skunks don't have any real enemies, they
are shy creatures, and maybe silly innocent dogs don't know their reputation at first but once stunk twice shy. So skunk medicine
has to do with keeping your reputation in good order. You don't want to be stinking up the place, do you?
A cosmic trigger event 17th
of October 2006
This is the beginning, one of many trigger events to come between now and 2013.
An ultraviolet (UV) pulse beam radiating from higher dimensions in universe-2 will cross paths with the Earth
on this day. Earth will remain approximately within this UV beam for 17 hours of your time.
This beam resonates with the heart chakra, it is radiant fluorescent in nature, blue/magenta in colour. Although
it resonates in this frequency band it is above the colour frequency spectrum of your universe-1 which you, Earth articulate
in. However due to the nature of your soul and soul groups operating from Universe-2 frequency bands it will have an effect.
The effect is every thought and emotion will be amplified intensely one million-fold. Yes, we will repeat, all
will be amplified one millions time and more.
Every thought, every emotion, every intent, every
will, no matter if it is good, bad, ill, positive, negative, will be amplified one million times in strength.
What does this mean ?
Since all matter manifest is due to your thoughts, i.e. what you focus on, this beam will accelerate these thoughts
and solidify them at an accelerated rate making them manifest a million times faster than they normally would.
For those that do not comprehend. Your thoughts, what you focus on create your reality.
This UV beam thus can be a dangerous tool.
For if you are focused on thoughts which are negative to your liking they will manifest into your reality almost
Then again this UV beam can be a gift if you choose it to be.
Mission-1017 requires approximately one million people to focus on positive, benign, good willed thoughts for
themselves and the Earth and Humanity on this day.
Your thoughts can be of any nature of your choosing, but remember whatever you focus on will be made manifest
in a relatively faster than anticipated time frame. To some the occurrences may almost be bordering on the miracle.
All we ask is positive thoughts of love, prosperity, healing, wealth, kindness, gratitude be focused on.
This UV beam comes into full affect for 17 hrs on the 17th of October 2006 .
No matter what time zone you are in
the hours are approximately 10:17 am on the 17th of October to 1:17 am on the 18th October.
The peak time will be 17:10 ( 5:10 pm )
on the 17th October. You do not need to be in a meditative state through out this time, though would be beneficial. The main
key time no matter what time zone you are in will be the peak time of 17:10 ( 5:10 pm )
Perhaps at this time if you can find a peaceful spot or location to focus. The optimum is out in the vicinity
of grounded nature, likened to that of a large tree or next to the ocean waves.
Focus on whatever it is you desire. What is required for the benefit of all Earth and Humanity is positive
thoughts of loving nature.
We call this UV beam trigger event, "818" gateway.
Please forward this message to as many people as you know who will use this cosmic trigger event to focus
positive, good willed thoughts.
We require approximately 1-million people across globe to actively participate in this event. Please use whatever
communication mediums you have at your disposal. Reach out to as many people as possible. We require 1-million plus people
at the least to trigger a shift for humanity from separation and fragmentation to one of unification and oneness.
This is your opportunity to take back what is rightfully yours i.e. Peace and Prosperity for all Earth and Mankind.
This is a gift, a life line from your universe so to speak, an answer to your prayers.
What you do with it and whether or not you choose
to participate is your choice.
This came through a friend, and as I was doing lot of focus on meditating around the 888, this also fits in