DISASTER means with out a star, which I take it to mean that when we don't consult the heaven's
for their prophetic messages we get diasters we aren't prepared for. How the Japan earthquake could be forseen:
8.9 Eathquake/Tsunammi is Uranus’s critical degree good-bye to Pisces
Uranus @ 29th LAST CRITICAL DEGREE OF PISCES {OCEANS} = 8.9 Magnitude quake and Tsunamis
in Japan March 11 @ 2:46 pm Local Tokyo time.
Uranus the planet symbolizes sudden change, cataclysmic unexpected events. Uranus is at that very
last degree of Pisces, sign of the Oceans.
The 29th, called the {anaretic} or critical degree, last degree of any sign, is called that because
its like having all the energies of the sign compacted and smushed together into one symbolic tiny degree. The pressure is
immense! A planet leaving that last degree is attempting to digest all of that entire sign, the 29.59.59 of intense
energy at once before moving on to the next zero degree Sign also considered critical it is all brand new, zero state.
MARCH 11,today Uranus enters ARIES @ 4:54 pm PST entire new cycle
March 12 @ 00:54 am GMT
March 12 9:54 am Tokyo time.
Uranus has sent literally and lethal shock waves out from the ocean’s depths and
created cataclysmic damage to people and property in Japan and threatens many nations in the Pacific rim put on hi alert for
dangerous tsunamis.
Uranus in Pisces since 2003 has brought us the massive Phi Ket Tsunamis in Thailand 2004,Hurricane
Katrina 2005, earthquakes in China, India, flooding in Pakistan 2010, Peru, etc.
Pisces the last sign of the entire Zodiac is watery and karmic. Pisces symbolizes the end
of life, the waters of life, the Oceans from which all life emerged from, the wombs of our mothers.
Neptune, ruler of Pisces in modern times was called Poseidon. He was one of the three main
Greek brothers who were the Big Boys of Gods, so to speak.
Zeus, aka Yahweh, is at the very top; he is symbolized by the royal purple of Jupiter.
Uranus was the ruler of the sky.
The God of the Underworld is Pluto {Hades} Lord of death and Rebirth.
Poseidon is also known as THE EARTH SHAKER.
NEPTUNE ruler of Pisces is also at the critical 29th degree at 29 degrees 11
minutes of AQUARIUS, Uranus’s Sign. And Uranus is at 29, 57 degrees of Pisces.
These two planets are in what’s called mutual-reception and have been for most of
last year. They work easier together, they are hosting one another.
THE NORTH NODE also just passed the 29th degree of SAGITTARIUS on March 8th-
see more about this critical degree as The North Node has just passed the degree where the Sun was on the TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE
DEC 21, 2010 re-triggering that point!
CHIRON, comet known as the WOUNDED HEALER, has just re-entered Pisces on Feb 8th.
Chiron is now at 2 degree of Pisces. The day of the BP deep water rig blow up in the gulf April 22 2010 was the day that Chiron
entered Pisces. And by the way Saturn was at 29 degrees of Virgo on that day too.
Gee it wouldn’t have been hard to predict this event at all now would it have been.
If only the Presidents and meteorologists, dictators, Kings and Queen’s went to their astrologers as they did for thousands
of years perhaps some suffering could be alleviated.
SUPER MOON CAUSE of Earthquake?
Astrologers are using the term Super Moon which astrologer Richard Nolle coined to indicate
when the Moon is closest to the earth thus affecting the tides, tectonic plates etc. most powerfully. On Feb 18, March 19
and April 18 Super Moons all fall on Full moons for this year making them even more powerful.
ECLIPSES and Shadows trigger wordly events
I think the eclipses are more powerfully related to earthquakes, tsunamis etc. as potential
power triggers. Traditionally eclipses were always seen as harbingers of bad luck, ill omens, the dragon eating the sun or
moon. Of course solar end Lunar eclipses happen on average of 4 times per year. Old superstitions before peole understood
what eclipses really were about. Still, where the eclipse shadows falls on the earth are the places most affected.
See the Dec 21, 2010 Total Lunar Eclipse at 29 degrees 21 minutes of Sagittarius moment
away from the Winter solstice ingress point of ZERO degrees of Capricorn, the “world point.”
the eclipse shadow falling over Japan as it ends.