777 - The mystical meaning of Luck 7 thrice.
O.K. I’m a purist,
July 7 2007 doesn’t really add up to 777 actually that happened on July 7 2005 but as we all know intention is everything
and because we’ll be in the 21st Century for quite awhile, let’s go with 007 = 7.
The # 7 Tarot Trump is
called The Chariot

Cary-Yale Visconti Deck mid 15th Century |
It is full of very old mysticism related to the Kabbalah.
The Chariot on the most esoteric level is about the body being the Vehicle of the Soul. It is assigned the Astrology symbol
of Cancer, the most maternal of all the signs of the Zodiac. We all come into the 3D realm through our mother’s wombs.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon, symbolizing the Feminine, reflection, the unconscious, the maternal waters of all life on this
planet, and memories and instincts.
The Number 7 considered lucky, rules the 7 Chakras, the 7 ancient planets, 7 Heavens, 7 days of the week, notes on the scales
of music, seven colours of the rainbow, wonders of the world.
Seven consists of the 3 Archetypal realms of Heaven and the Soul and the 4 elements of the earth and the body, it is the first
number which contains both the spiritual and the temporal.
The number 7 relates to the cycles of Saturn, father time.
The seven-headed dragon appears in India, Persia, the Far East, especially Cambodia, and in Celtic and Mediterranean myths.
There are 7 metals in the Great Work of Alchemy.
There are 7 Stars in The Great Bear Constellation seen all year round.
There are 7 Stars in the Pleiades.
There are 7 Hathors as Fates and 7 jars do the Priestesses of Hathor have. The number is Sacred to Osiris.
There are 7 great Holy Days in the Jewish Year.
The Ka’ aba is circumambulated 7 times.
There are 7 branches on the Tree of Life.
Seven is the number sacred the Greco-Roman Sun God Apollo whose Lyre had 7 strings.
To the Buddhists 7 represents the seven steps of Buddha symbolize the ascent of the seven cosmic stages transcending time
and space.
The seventh day is when God took a rest after creating the Universe.
SO use this day Retrograde included to seat yourself in your throne, the body, to nurture yourself, to put out your highest
intentions. Always make affirmations that what you desire is manifested in the present tense. For Example: I am healthy and
glowing with energy, I am a loving being who receives all the love and greatest goodness of abundance which I joyfully share
and give to others. I am at peace with myself, my body.
I send you lucky 7 energy thrice times over.
SO mote it be.
September 9 2009 NUMBER 9 NUMBER 9 NUMBER 9
THE Trinity of Nine's
9 9 9 were the Beatles onto something? to riff off of Prince. We're gonna party like it's '999
For those of you who know my writings I have written on the symbolic calendrical
appearances of 777, 888 etc.
All tripled numbers are highly significant, as we live in a digitary,
mathematical, geometrical numerical Omniverse, the appearance of the thrice appearance of number is beyond the traditional
Master Doubled Numbers. We are evolving higher into- Ultra-master #'s Transcendant Numbers!
The Trinity
On Sept 9th, digital calendar's
will read 9 9 09
Triple 9 is a very mystical, magical, numerical, muse-ical
event! The number nine symbolizes completion, an ending, The Hermit in the Tarot.
The Hermit Number 9 number 9 number 9 |

Renaissance Tarot Card Image |
I am
putting out a call worldwide to meditate between 9
am -9:09 am as well as 9:00 and 9:09 pm in whatever time zone you are at.
The theme of the meditation is COMPLETION,ALIGNING WITH THE
What requires completion within me and in the World? Listening
within to the Light- this is what the Hermit symbolizes. Connecting with a spiritual lineage,a ncient and future-there is
no time on the spiritual planes and dimensions.
The number 9 is the perfecting number, acknowledge your own
perfection of Self,and the Initiation as the Hermit, the Wise One, the lineage, the ancestry,being guided by Divine Light.
Seeing the world and all in it as complete, blessing Self and the world with healing Light.
As SATURN is leaving Virgo now, and in THE TAROT THE HERMIT
is associated with Virgo which symbolizes the essence of the number 9, this furthers my vision of how important it is on
this metaphorical and metaphysically important day to finalize, make amends, seek the Inner Light, feel that sense
of being complete in the earthly round.
I will be in Sedona Arizona meditating on the famed vortexes
which hold earth chakra energies at these times and throughout the day, and sending out healing energy to all who request
PLEASE email me if you'd like your name or anyone else's
name included in the healing prayers.
Enter supporting content here
Fire The Grid Natal Chart 11:11 am GMT |

JULY 17 is celebrated as ISIS Queen of Heaven's Birthday in ancient Egyptian Religion.

Tarot Reader Tara Greene Psychic sees all |
taken off an Astro Dienst website:
How accurately does this describe what Fire The Grid is All About and Shelley Yates herself?
Sun in Cancer and 10th House:
This person's spirit, ego, image of self, and sense of aliveness is introspective, emotional, protective, and wants inner
and outer security. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with career, social stature, and destiny.
Moon in Virgo and 11th House:
This person's emotional nature, moods, feelings,and caring tendencies is very analytical, critical, modest, helpful, and works
toward perfection.Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with the future, life goals, and association with
friends and groups.
Mercury in Cancer and 10th House:
This person's thoughts, intellect,and communicative activity is very introspective, emotional, protective, and wants inner
and outer security. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with career, social stature, and destiny.
Venus in Virgo and 11th House:
This person's creativity, tendencies for affection and calmness, and relationship needs is very analytical, critical,modest,
helpful, and works toward perfection. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with the future, life goals, and
association with friends and groups. It is difficult for them to express this part of themself.
Mars in Taurus and 8th House:
This person's will, energy, activity, and aggressive, assertive tendencies is practical, often skeptical and stubborn, and
loves serenity and inner peace. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with sex, death, the occult, and other
hard to grasp topics.
Retrograde Jupiter in Sagittarius and 3rd House:
This person's enthusiastic,faithful, wise, expansive, spontaneous nature is jovial, open minded, loves freedom, and seeks
meaning and new experience. Most often this manifests in an independent, backward, introverted manner, and in the area of
life dealing with communicating to and receiving from the environment. This is a major aspect of their psyche!
Saturn in Leo and 11th House:
This person's part of mind that is disciplined,respectful, and solitary is proud, gregarious, dramatic, dignified, and
desires self expression. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with the future, life goals, and association
with friends and groups.
Retrograde Uranus in Pisces and 6th House:
This person's individuality, desires for change, and tendency to go against social norms is imaginative, other worldly,
impressionable, and seeks transcendence of self. Most often this manifests in an independent, backward, introverted manner,
and in the area of life dealing with work and feeling talented and useful.
Retrograde Neptune in Aquarius and 5th House:
This person's intuitive,spiritual, compassionate, psychic nature is progressive, erratic,revolutionary, idealistic, humanitarian,
inventive, and desires individuality. Most often this manifests in an independent, backward, introverted manner, and in the
area of life dealing with finding joy,pleasure, and creative expression.
Retrograde Pluto in Sagittarius and 3rd House:
This person's destiny, and capacity to transform the self and the outer world is jovial, open minded,loves freedom, and seeks
meaning and new experience. Most often this manifests in an independent, backward, introverted manner, and in the area of
life dealing with communicating to and receiving from the environment.
Retrograde Chiron in Aquarius and 5th House:
This person's ability to help,heal and teach others, and where one has much experience is progressive,erratic, revolutionary,
idealistic, humanitarian, inventive, and desires individuality. Most often this manifests in an independent, backward,introverted
manner, and in the area of life dealing with finding joy,pleasure, and creative expression.
Ceres in Taurus and 8th House:
This person's tendency to direct energy to instinctive, creative, reproductive goals is practical, often skeptical and stubborn,
and loves serenity and inner peace. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with sex, death, the occult, and
other hard to grasp topics. This is a major aspect of their psyche!
Retrograde Pallas Athena in Pisces and 6th House:
This person's tendency to direct energy away from emotional and into mental pursuits is imaginative,other worldly, impressionable,
and seeks transcendence of self. Most often this manifests in an independent, backward, introverted manner, and in the area
of life dealing with work and feeling talented and useful.
Juno in Libra and 1st House:
This person's tendency to give away individual power for the benefit of a relationship is affectionate, tolerant, often indecisive,
appreciates beauty, and seeks balance, relationship, and calmness. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with
establishment of personal identity. This is a major aspect of their psyche!
Vesta in Sagittarius and 3rd House:
This person's capacity to direct creative energy into personal or devotional goals is very jovial, open minded, loves freedom,
and seeks meaning and new experience. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with communicating to and receiving
from the environment.
Retrograde North Node in Pisces and 6th House:
This person's karmic goals, and best direction of volutionary growth is very imaginative, other worldly, impressionable, and
seeks transcendence of self. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with work and feeling talented and useful.
It is difficult for them to express this part of themself.
Part of Fortune in Scorpio and 2nd House:
This person's place where opportunity and success can be found is very penetrating, suspicious, introspective, and desires
to transform and remove outer masks. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with self image, self worth, and
material security.
Vertex in Pisces and 6th House:
This person's karmic fate and method of reception of energies is imaginative, other worldly, impressionable, and seeks transcendence
of self. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with work and feeling talented and useful. It is easy for them
to express this part of themself.
East Point in Virgo and 12th House:
This person's generalized projected personality and outward appearance is analytical, critical, modest, helpful,and works
toward perfection. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with things that disrupt or cause disassociation
with the personality or ego.

June 25 1967 |
And now we're in the present. Quite a journey and a progression. And in 5 years in 2012 Venus crosses in front of the Sun,
and the Sun aligns with the Galactic Center on Dec 21 2012, the end of a Mayan time cycle and what's called the Zero Point
of Novelty by Terence McKenna.
Read Below:
In part I of "Timewave Zero" Terence McKenna initiated the reader into his theory of nature's upcoming quantum jump out of
history. Looking at the I Ching from a quantum physics perspective, Terence and his brother Dennis discovered a wave pattern
in the ordering of the Tarot's trigrams and hexagrams that suggested time could be mapped. One of the oldest "structured abstractions"
known, the I Ching has been found scratched on the 6,000 year-old shoulder bone of a sheep. Since the I Ching is particularly
concerned with the dynamic relationships and transformations that archetypes undergo, McKenna intuited that the I Ching must
also be deeply involved with the nature of time as the necessary condition for the manifestation of archetypes as categories
of experience.
Centering his attention on examining the King Wen sequence of sixty four hexagrams, McKenna's search for the ordering
principles that lay behind it managed to translate what was essentially a mystical diagram into a rationally apprehensible,
mathematical model. Working with Peter Meyer, McKenna developed a personal computer software package that takes his discoveries
concerning the I Ching and creates time maps based upon them. These time maps, or novelty maps, show the ebb an flow of connectedness,
or novelty, in any span of time from a few days to tens of millennia.
In McKenna's novelty map, when the graph line moves downward, novelty is assumed to be increasing. When there is movement
away from the base line, novelty is assumed to be decreasing in favor of habitual forms of activity. According to this graph,
one trend toward greater novelty reached its culmination around 2700 B.C., precisely at the height of the Old Kingdom pyramid-building
phase. Perhaps most remarkable of all McKenna's discoveries was the fact that the only point in the entire wave that has a
quantified value of zero is December 21, 2012 A.D. -- the same date that has been interpreted as the Mayan Calendar's end
of time.
The Timewave zero model shows the past 1,500 years to have been highly novel times that have oscillated at levels of novelty
very close to the horizontal axis, the maximized "zero state." When the zero point is reached, the wave passes out of the
past and into the future. We are approaching a point, says McKenna, "when the rational and acausal tendencies inherent in
time may again reverse their positions of dominance."
McKenna views history, with it's hunger for completion, as "an anomaly... a complete fluke," in which "all ideas of salvation,
enlightenment, or utopia may be taken to be expressions in consciousness of the drive of energy to free itself from the limitations
of three-dimensional space." As history races toward it's denouement, evolution is carried out of strictly biological confines
and into the mental realm where language and other abstractions begin to pull us together toward "a complex attractor that
exists ahead of us in time." This "concrescence," says McKenna is now so close that it can be felt in the sense of accelerating
time and complexity.
In the second part of this article, McKenna discusses the repercussions of our collective approach to Timewave Zero and
how psychedelics can be used to condition ourselves for our upcoming move into of the body of eternity and out of three-dimensional
time and space.
The First Three Minutes is a book in which author Stephen Weinberg leads the reader through all the complex physics as matter
is crystallizing out of hyperspace, and the universe is undergoing its initial expansion in the first three minutes of creation.
When you consider this model of exploding galaxies, colliding quasars, and mega this and mega that, it's worth noting that
these distant parts of the universe register only as faint tracings on our instruments, until they are interpreted through
the fishy fiat of a bunch of stacked up theories and formulas. And where is our data sample coming from? Radio telescopes,
which are responsible for building our current picture of the universe, were only invented around 1950. All the energy that
has fallen on all the radio telescopes on this planet since the invention of radio telescopy is less energy than would be
generated by a cigarette ash falling a distance of two feet. It's pretty flimsy stuff folks, compared to the meat of the moment
in which we find ourselves.
It seems more likely to me that all this complexity is better directed toward the end of the cycle when, after billions of
years of evolution, everything finally comes together. Alfred North Whitehead proposed this same idea. He said that history
grows toward what he called a "nexus of completion." And these nexuses of completion themselves grow together into what he
called the "concrescence." A concrescence exerts a kind of attraction, which can be thought of as the temporal equivalent
of gravity, except all objects in the universe are drawn toward it through time, not space.
As we approach the lip of this cascade into concrescence, novelty, and completion, time seems to speed up and boundaries begin
to dissolve. The more boundaries that dissolve, the closer to the concrescence we are. When we finally reach it, there will
be no boundaries, only eternity as we become all space and time, alive and dead, here and there, before and after. Because
this singularity can simultaneously co-exist in states that are contradictory, it is something which transcends rational apprehension.
But it gives the universe meaning, because all processes can be seen to be seeking and moving in an effort to approximate,
connect with, and append to this transcendental object at the end of time.
One way of thinking about it is to compare it to one of those mirrored disco balls, which sends out thousands of reflections
off of everybody and everything in the room. The mirrored disco ball is the transcendental object at the end of time, and
those reflected twinkling, refractive lights are religions, scientific theories, gurus, works of art, poetry, great orgasms,
great souffles, great paintings, etc. Anything that has, in Nietszche's phrase, the "spark of divinity within it," is in fact,
referent to the original force of the spark of all divinity unfolding itself within the confines of three-dimensional space.
A quick look at Western civilization over the past several hundred years suggests we are indeed moving toward the concrescence.
The twentieth century has only accelerated the process of increasing novelty and the dissolving of old boundaries. In our
own time, we have created ever more elaborate languages and ever more elaborate technologies for transforming, storing, and
retrieving language, so that we are now on the brink of being able to give every single person the complete cultural inventory,
the complete data base of human beings' experience on this planet. It's as if the collectivity of our humanness has finally
become an intellectual legacy for all of us. That's what these data highways and networks are all about. The nervous system
is being hardwired. This is not only an advance deeper and deeper into novelty, but it is an advance in which each successive
stage occurs more quickly than the stage which preceded it.
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