Tara Greene, Tarot Reader, Astrologer, Psychic Consultant in Toronto & Worldwide

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In the tarot the TRUMP # 12 is the Hanged man

It is one of the first initiation cards. It is the first maternal Hebrew letter,and represents a baptism by water or the Feminine waters of the womb.

It symbolises the Nordic God Odin being hung upside down from Ygdrasil the WOrld Tree- or Tree of Knowledge in the Hebrew Old Testament.

Odin shown with his knee bent- the positon symbolizes the swastika, used in ancient cultures world wide in the proper sun wise position symbolizing the wheel of life turning. The Nazi’s inverted it,which is black magic.

The Hanged man is the position we most commonly enter the world with, head first,if we are born naturally. 

The Hanged Man symbolizes the normally HEADS UPposition of the head, the  intellectual thinking analyzing function, being turned upside down,and the head getting its knowing, its’ energy from the earth, from body knowing.

The Hanged Man is a picture of surrender, the surrendering of the ego to the Higher self

 the purpose of the tarot, the 78 cards of wisdom and in particular the 22 Trump cardsinitiate one

into enlightenment and to connect fully with one’s Higher Self.

12 is High Noon, the top of the clock, 12 numbers on a standard clock, 12 Constellations on the ecliptic, 12 houses in astrology

12 months of the year,the human body has 12 cranial nerves,

12 spiritual masters in the spirit council, 12 Olympians traditionally the 12 labours of Hercules, all this is based on Astrology,

The Virgin Mary with 12 stars, are the Zodiac, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 is around the time of puberty

Twelve ‘ Jyotirlingas’ (epitome of God Shiva) in Hindu Shaivism. The shaivites (orthodox devotees of God Shiva) treat them with great respect and these are visited by almost every pious Hindu at least once in a lifetime. The number 12 is very important in many religions, mainly Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and also found in some older religions and belief systems.

12 days of Christmas.

so we are at HIGH NOON/Midnight  all hands on the clock point up to the SKY

o 3 times 12 is three noons, three midnights, 3 x’s the surrendering so HAND’s UP  baby 

so on 12 12 12,  a day before the New MOON  in Sagittarius and when Uranus goes DIRECT

RITUAL of 12 12 12 designed by Tara Greene

a totally different type of ceremony -PLEASE SHARE -the more LIGHTWORKERS there are doing ritual the more powerful the effects

We will use the 12 archetypes of the Tarot to guide us 

Do a ceremony and become the Hanged Man/Woman and surrender surrender surrender your EGO

YOU will need -a white flag,use a white sheet,12 white candles 

waving the white flag it is a UNIVERSAL Symbol of surrender, wear a white sheet or sheath for purity,

have 12 white candles  to create your sacred space with 

take as much time as you like or need with each position the ritual may last a long time for you or for your group

 start at the the 1 o’clock position, light the 1st candle and say out loud or in your heart 

1. I make a new beginning in surrendering my ego to the greater good, I am the Magician, I am the mind of MAGICAL intent, I am duality in union

 light 2nd candle at 2 o’clock and say 

2. I am the High Priestess ,I intuit, I dream, I connect with my unconscious, I balance the opposites, I surrrender to  Feminine wisdom and feelings

Light the 3rd candle at the 3 o’clock position and say

3.I am the Empress,The Great Mother of all, Venus, Goddess of Love and Beauty relationships and values, I square the circle,I birth the new

light the 4th candle at 4 o’clock and say

4. I am the Emperor, I am power, I am the old masculine God/King. I take my crown off and lead by serving the Great Mother.

Light the 5th candle in the 5 o’clock position and say

5. I am the High Priest the spiritual mediator, the connection with my Higher Self, I surrender my ego for the Angelic wisdom and Spirits guidance 

at 6 o’clock light the 6th candle and state

6. I am the balance of dark and light, I am the LOVERS, I surrender to self love, I surrender the illusion of duality, my purpose is LOVE, I complete the opposites, My mind is strong and is not tempted by false illusions.

at the 7 o’clock position light the 7th candle and state

7. I surrender my arrogance in favour of  nurturing others,I provide  safety,wholeness, shelter, caring for the children. I am the Mothering principle who creates and nurtures relationships and community,

at the 8 o’clock positiong light the 8th candle and say

8. I surrender to  my INFINITE self, knowing that I am an eternal spirit and all time is now,I bring past future and present karma’s to the Eternal now and I make choices from a place of total clarity of cause and effect,

light the 9th candle in the 9 o’clock position and state

9. I surrender to my  body, to the material reality of the Inner Light, Inner wisdom and knowing, I am always in the Light,

Light the 10th candle in the 10 o’clock position and state

10. I surrender to joy,to learning, to adventure, to change, to inner wealth and abundance. I surrender to the beauty of life.

light the 11th candle in the 11th hour position and say

11. this is the 11, the master number of remembering who I really am. Pause and sit in deep meditation  breathing deeply

and letting go of anything that stands in your way, blocks you heart, is still keeping you blocked or afraid now.

11 is the number of remembering, passing through the gateway integrating your higher and lower selves, Surrender to your inner strength

and finally at the 12 o’clock position light the 12 candle and state

I surrender totally absolutely my will to the Divine will, i allow, i accept, i am complete. i am whole,i am that i am,

I have completed my initiation on this round,and I start another round of experiencing. 

I am the sun and the stars, my crown chakra is connected to the light of the Galactic Center,

I am ready to assist in birthing the new cycles. I am humble, I light the way for others, I have no ego, no self- consciousness

I am one with the All.

so mote it be,

stay and wait for whatever it is your higher guides and guardian angels come to tell you.

when it feels ready, open the circle, dance sing, enjoy be rapturous, spread the positive energy. 

let me know how this is for you.


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