OH Canada,
You're a nice big country, with
a lot of surprises lurking
behind your wide borders and all those natural resources.
Born on July 1 1867 in Ottawa
at midnight.
A people pleasing, sensitive
Cancer SUN, like your older
relative South of the Border. The Sun symbolizes identity, which makes the
Canadian identity traditional, defensive, rooted, connected to Feminine values
of mothering, nurturing, protecting, feeding.
The Sun is in the 4th house, the
place where the sign of Cancer
is, so Canada's identity is shy, unassuming, feels comforting, like a nest,
like home, safe, private, like the womb, the 4th house symbolizes land, the
sea, so it's Mom and maple syrup in this case, not Apple Pie. Canadians don't
boast, with Sun in the most private sector of the Horoscope, the 4th.
But, the Sun is exactly
conjunct that radical Planet Uranus
whose axis tilts at a 90 degree angle. Uranus is the rebel planet, also known
for shock, upheaval, higher communications, inventions, technology,
humanitarian desires and a non-egoistic detachment. Alexander Graham Bell
invented the telephone here, as well as Jonas Salk his polio vaccine which
helped millions. Canada is known for its' open door policy for immigrants, and
they are not known for being very passionate, but radical? There's a big jolt
lurking under the bed, hidden away in that 4th house at midnight, and it's not
from the loose wires on the electric blanket.
Only real Canadians know for sure.
Canada has
a lot of Astrologers,
and Uranus rules Astrology.
I Am a Canadian.
Canada's Moon or emotionally
instinctive responses are in
Gemini at 28 degrees to be precise. The Moon, the most fluctuating of planets
in the airy masculine sign shows an emotional need for ambiguity, seeing both
sides of something, craving information, sensation, busy-ness. Canada's
emotional nature is youthfull, like "Peter Pan" naive, immature, it's
nervous and highly energized. Those Canadian emotions are Mercurial and so we
may never really know what those Canadians are feeling. Moon is in a
hermaphroditic sign, meaning both sexes, so the legalization of same sex
marriages is a natural outpouring of the Moon here.
The Moon is conjunct the North
Star Polaris. Canada isn't
known as the Great White NORTH for nothing. The North Star invokes aspirations,
inspirations, it was the lead star of sailors and explorers in the Northern
Hemisphere for thousands of years.
Very near the Moon, there
is a massive quasar at 26 degrees
of Gemini which is part of a Galactic "pipeline" alignment because it
is opposite the Galactic Centre, the Black Hole at the Centre of our Milky Way
Galaxy. Thes Quasar balances the energy imploded by the Galactic Centre by
disgorging it. This is a very important point for the Moon to be at,
symbolizing emotional and instinctual responses of rebirth of lost light, matter and energy indicating Canada's import in the
Grand Picture. {No
one can understand
how Canadians feel and communicate. They are so far out..only the moose know}.
Canada's Sun/ego is in a Feminine
sign and her Moon, is in a
Masculine sign, but this can bring an alchemical magic and balance. Her poles
are wired opposite, is Canada pan- sexual? ... or maybe just ever screwed up
identities. . { must be that loose wiring in the electric blanket}
Canada has its' Ascendant, mask
or persona in Aries,
indicating a fiery, young, energetic, pioneering, stubborn, independent,
impetuousness. Canadians act before they think and then get themselves into hot
water. {they need the heat.}
Canada has lots of renewable
energy {Aries} . Planet
Mars rules action, defensiveness, in
Virgo rules the Aries Ascendant. Canada
is accountable, neat, clean, organized, can be bureaucratic, known for its too
self-critical nature and very nit-picky over details and how things should be
done. Virgo is devoted to help others, is the house of Health, so a social
Health system- Mars in Virgo, shows its' direction. This country will act to
protect its' citizens' health. Mars in Virgo in the 6th house means Canada has
a very diligent work ethic and dedication to serve others, but they always see
themselves as inferior,as the 6th House is traditionally the House of servants.
The other surprise about
Canada is that Neptune planet of
idealism, delusion, illusion, glamour, higher love, spirituality, addictions,
artistry, music, bliss, secrets, self-undoing, hidden enemies, and
karma is right on this countries' Ascendant.
Any planet sitting in conjunction with another planet or primary point like the
Ascendant is very important and blends its' energies with whatever it touches.
Who woulda thunk it that Canadians
are so Neptunian?
Deluded? Hooked by the glamour of their leering neighbour to the south? Yes,
Canadians have become major players on the World's stage for musicians, Joni
Mitchell, Leonard Cohen, Neil Young, Glenn Gould, Celine Dion, Avril Lavigne,
etc. in and literature – Margaret Atwood, and for actors- Neptune, rules film..
Hollywood North is booming. Are Canadians in a big fog? Do they secretly or not
so secretly undo themselves?
Mercury, symbolizes how
Canada communicates is in Leo.
Canadians can be proud intellectually, think big, talk a lot about courage, the
arts -C.B.C., they can speak straight from the heart, they like to party
hearty, think they are superior to everyone else, and communicate with fun-lots
of famous Canadian comics. They
communicate in a very self-expressive, give a lot away manner. They over do it.
Venus planet of love and values
is in Gemini, at the middle
degree. Venus in Gemini makes your values change minute to minute, affected by
whoever it is you're trying to win over to your cause. Venus vacillates its
values. One minute Canadians are angels, next minute their devils. Apparently
they're just trying to figure out relationships. But their feelings are
ambiguous, immature, flighty, in their heads. You may never know what a
Canadian is feeling. Haven't we heard this motif before?
Give 'em information of any kind,
they won't be too
discerning, they love volume.
Canada's Jupiter is in
Pisces, the best place for Jupiter to
be, and in Pisces natural house, the 12th. Canada's nature is easy going,
optimistic, , open armed to foreigners, deeply spiritual, religion is freedom, and
many nationalities will be drawn to its' altruistic nature. Education is
important, tolerance, sports, -Jupiter is traditional ruler of Pisces -the
outdoors, horses, animals and animal rights, philosophy -Marshall McLuhan comes
to mind, music will all be backed by the justice or governing system for
support. Canada may be so open hearted to foreigners that this may be its
self-undoing {12th house} unless Jupiterian laws are in place to make things
fair for all. Canada's water supply. Pisces may be one of its' resources which
it must legislate carefully. Legal matters over water rights, may hold up the
courts endlessly. Also a too easy going, laise faire legal attitude {Jupiter}
will also prove the self-undoing of Canada if these are not brought up to
modern technology.
Now we get to Saturn, Saturn
is in Scorpio and Retrograde in
the 7th House of partnerships. Saturn the patriarchal, status quo indicates
Canada's conservative nature. In Scorpio, there will always be underhanded
power plays and much turmoil and struggles for control in the governments. The
7th House of them-I take this to mean the "others" or people of
Canada. Saturn is Retrograde indicating struggles with who owns this country.
Not too sure of itself Canada will easily bow down to bigger threats and may
always feel in bondage to others. Yet the 7th House cusp is Libra, indicating a
balanced approach in handling it's business matters. Canada will always be
known as "nice." Yet the Saturn in Scorpio nature here is driven to
constantly build up and tear down, and being Retrograde means a lot of energy
is lost on redoing the same lesson over and over again, driving with the brakes
on and never getting the karmic lesson.
{Need the karmic mechanic}.
Pluto is in the 1st house of
identity. Pluto is power and
the soul of this Country. It rules the collective unconscious of Canada. Deep
down this is a powerful country, with great natural resources in earthy Taurus.
Nuclear energy will be a prime initiative but with Saturn opposite, any weak
structures will not bear up for long. Canadians could get what they wanted if
they weren't hampered by their past karma on a collective level - Pluto
opposite Saturn. This aspect demands constant unrelenting soul searching
{Pluto} whilst the status quo tries vainly {Saturn Retrograde} to keep things
retro, safe and non-technical or modernized. This could be this countries major
stumbling block. Pluto in the 1st is always transforming the country's identity
and power base..
Canada's Chiron, { looks
like headphones} is a comet with a
50 year orbit discovered in 1977 which symbolizes an unhealed wound- is in the
12th house in Pisces and square the Moon. Emotionally the People of this
country, represented by the Moon come here very wounded, and they try to put
this behind them, to deny it, or they become addicts, to work, collective
rituals, sports, beer, television, the media. They refuse to grow up and become
mature {Gemini} they
refuse to take an
authentic stand, yet potentially the Moon is in an incredibly fortuitous place.
The key for this Country is to spiritualize and heal the wounds of their
collective citizens. Especially the Native Canadians, ho had their land,
culture and traditions stolen from them. Canadians could, through being
authentic with their symbolic and collective wounds, aspire to realizing a way
of life with a totally compassionate view of all life, all religions, all
relations and work things out collectively through communicating {Gemini}
intelligently and balances all.