The Star Bird has been prophesied by various cultures, the Hopi,
Mayan and others.
The Star Bird is real, I personally witnessed and experienced
this Star Bird with two other people on Feb. 22 1979 in Isla Mujeres Mexico. I have been told by my guides and other shamans
that its origins are from the star Sirius. Many channelers claim their channels
are from the Star Sirius. Sirius is also associated with the Hopi Prophesies it is also the Blue Star Kachina.
The Ancient egyptians workshipped Sirius, or the dog star as it
is called. Many ancient people claim they originate form this star system. Sirius is ISIS/ OSIRUS read more about the history
of these stars
The number 22 is a Master number and the higher octave of 11.
If you have been aware of the 11:11 phenomena which has been occurring for years since digital clocks. People see the 11:11 or other multiples 2:22, 3:33 etc. all the time. They wonder what it means? Why the
The original 11:11 was brought into consciousness by Solara who
created a world wide meditation on Jan 11 1992. I particiapted in that I was in Jupiter Florida with a friend of mine and
we meditated at 11:11 am and 11:00 pm in our local time zone. It was very powerful. I recently went to Sedona Arizona for
the 11:11:11 where I did ceremony at a secret vortex with two others, another woman and a male colleague and friend.
11 is a master number relating to memory
read about 11:11:11 on my website
11 in the Tarot cards is usually the symbol of Strength { Leo}
in the Trumps but also interchangable with # 8 The balance, Justice, Karmic Law.
When you turn 8 on its side sitting horizontally
what do you get? INFINITY.
So it’s all symbolically interconnected in puns as it were.
The Universe speaks to us in puns as it does in dreams.
22 is a higher octave of 11. # 22 is the symbol of enlightenment.
In the Tarot symbols equals ZERO, NULL, the circle, eternity, nerver ending nor beginning. In other words God/dess. The number
22 in the Tarot is symbolized by the FOOL. Don’t laugh the Fool is the symbol of enlightenement. It is the Soul itself
as an eternal round, a never ending journey.
And of course literally the Star is the Tarot trump of the Star
#17 which is Aquairus energy, When You wish upon a Star. The # 17 Trump is also
part of the tarot constellation which reduces to #8 Karma, MA’at the egyptian Goddes of Karmic justice.
So on Feb 22 I feel that this should be a constant on going energy
meditation. So rather than focus on a sepcific time of day, I am suggesting that wherever you are in the world, if you wake
up early in the am on Wed. Feb 22 then mediate on the Star Bird. Or at 2:22 in the afternoon, or 11:11 at night. Or whenever
you can.
Stretch, take some deep but natural breaths, in through your nose
and out through your mouth. Let go of all concerns in your mind. You are going to go on a sacred journey, to meet a very wise
ancient, immortal wisdom guide. Close your eyes. Create and visualize a circle of white light around you in which you are
totally safe, protected. If you aren’t visual then command it to be so with your will.
Imagine that up from the earth, through the soles of your feet,
comes tingly bubbles like those cleansers you see on TV with extra scrubbing
action, from the bottom of your feet, up inside your veins, arteries, muscles tissues, bones.
Feel the cleansing action go right up naturally and easily, effortlessly
through your entire body into each chakra, one by one, opening your internal rainbow of red, orange yellow, green,blue, purple,
Then bring your breath down again through the soles of your feet
into the earth to ground yourself into the earth’s core go right down into the heart, the molten iron core, the star
at the center of the earth,and give thanks and gratitude to Grandmother earth for protecting and nourishing you, for the joy
of being embodied. If the earth has something to say to you, wait and listen and receive, and give thanks and then return
to the surface, slowly bringing that energy back up into your heart with your breath.
It feels right to me to establish a connection to the original
sighting of the Star Bird in 1979 so I invite you to visualize the experience I had with the Star Bird, if it feels right
to you to travel somewhere else than do so. You are standing on the Beach in Isla Mujeres at night looking out over the ocean
at the crystal clear starry night sky or wherever you feels appropriate. See a Star shoot across the sky from your left. Watch
as it suddenly stops mid sky, check in with your body to notice how you feel. Watch as it slowly turns and flies in the shape
of the infinity symbol, watch and feel as the starry infinity symbol burns into your eyes, body and soul as a permanent image
and link.
The Star slowly become larger and “falls” slowly lower
down and moves towards you on the earth. See it shape shift into a Starry Bird with a small dovelike head and grows an eagles’
wings. See it flap its starry wings and fly lower and nearer to you, flying 50 feet in the air above you, radiating brilliant
white/blue starlight. Feel the awe, the excitement, the essence that you are experiencing a miracle, a very mystical magical
metaphysical event. Watch the Star Bird as it crosses over your head. Receive the essence.
Welcome the Star Bird/ white dove/Holy Spirit/Angel Gabriel/ Blue
Kachina into your heart, your consciousness.
Feel what happens, sense it in your body. Keep breathing. Open your heart to the revelation, to this reality, It is real. Stay grounded, breathe.
Ask what the Star Birds’ message is for you.
Ask the Star Bird/Angel Gabriel to announce what your Divine mission
and calling is.
Stay open, Trust whatever comes up. If you are visual you may
see a scene, or hear a voice, or feel energy or a tugging, dizzy, or shiver, something in your body, depending on which sense
is stronger in you, or all of the above.
If you are not visual don’t worry. If nothing seems to be
happening, trust that you are getting the connection. Instruct your mind to open.
Ask the Star Bird/Angel what it needs from you what you can offer
to it.
There needs to be an exchange of energy for balance.
In all cases even if you think you don’t see, get, hear,
feel anything, just Trust this truth that the Star Bird/Angel will always be with you, protecting you, guiding you, always.
The Star Bird symbolizes and is the authenticity of the miraculous
as part of our beingness, that we come from the stars, from heaven. That we are infinite beings, you are part of the Infinite
Love of the universe. The Infinity symbol made by the Bird shows that all time is now. Time is an illusion, what you do, moment
to moment affects the past and the future all at the same time. You can fly anywhere! You are free! You have wings! You are
an angel.The Star Bird returns to announce this. We are the Star Bird. We are one consciousness, one heart.
Take as much time as you need, to listen, the more relaxed you
are the deeper your journey will be.
Take your hands and cross them like wings over your heart,as a
sign and anchor that you and the Star Bird/Angel are one. Lightly tap on your sternum repeatedly at your heart chakra to drill,to
vibrate the energy/experience into your physical body,heart.
Whenever you feel ready, give thanks. Slowly open your eyes. Return
to the present and write or draw or sing or dance your experience.
I am very eager to hear from all of you who participate. We need to
share our experiences, to coroborate them. Please email me at or through FB on my page Tara Greene Tarot Psychic consultant
Many blessings, we’ll meet as One in the heart of the Star/Angel.
The Star Bird is an actual steller messenger, a harbinger of Hope,
Peace, Love, Unity, Infinity consciousness. I personally witnessed and experienced the Spirit Eagle/Dove of Light on Feb.
22 1979 in Isla Mujeres Mexico in the Yucatan with two other people, a woman who I had just met who was a German woman a spiritual
seeker, a follower of Bhagwan Rajneesh, later known as Osho and my fiancee/ now ex.