2012 is VENUS's year. A number 5 year.
All Predictions by Tara Greene Ó copyright
A few of these published in the Toronto Sun
Dec. 25 2011 in Mike Strobel's column along with my colleague's Nikki Psychic to the stars, who I used to do a regular radio
show with on CFRB and famed psychic Tony Carr.
Many of my published 2011 predictions came true:
I predicted the tsunami in Japan in the spring. "Let the revolutions
begin worldwide ." was my tagline overview of 2011. These were my own independent predictions amongst many others.
2012 is NOT I repeat NOT the end of the world.
It will be filled with VERY dramatic highs and lows, as a new interface
with a higher reality is manifesting but not everyone will see it. All may sense it on some level. There will be a lot of
chaos emotionally and confusion as spiritually higher dimensions of consciousness interfaces with our old brain consciousness.
2012 may be known as the Year of Spiritual manifestation. The Law of Attraction
is all there is.
What you fear is what you get more of. How you feel
in your heart authentically is what gets manifested.
Your inner self is reflected in your outer world, pretty
or not. We are walking a razor’s edge. More people will be experiencing how we all magnetically attract our true
inner self {Karma} in the outer material world and in our relationships. What you feel unconsciously is what you get. Really!
2012 as far as Quantum Physics goes is already a done deal. If you fear the world’s end that’s what you will create. 2012 is a shift to higher Oneness
You could also call it the year of Unicorns, as it will be magical, if
you believe.
My advice is: Keep your charkas open, watch for the synchronicity as a
map and use your Neti pot.
2012 is the year of VENUS as there will be
a major astrological event as Venus crosses the Sun, a RARE one in a lifetime event, occuring on June 5/6. More about
Venus on a spearate page.
In spite of whatever numbers. 16 Billion year cycles, Calleman, John Major Jenkins,
etc. with due respect to them. It is not really the official end of the Mayan calendar. I have deep insider information on
this. Many people are using the end date to create fear and to exploit the very Mayans they seem to be applauding, it’s
a type of Spiritual Y2K.
It’s merely the end of a 5,000-year cycle. It all depends on who
your translator is. Besides a circular calendar never officially ends. The so called Sun conjunct the Galactic Center actually
takes place every year around Dec. 18 in Tropical Astrology. The alignment with the Galactic Center actually began in 1998
and continues on for some years, with the mid-point is around Dec 21 2012.
The winter Solstice date is already a source
as an "end date" and also a new beginning, new date for higher conscious. Billions of people will be celebrating
and participating, meditating. That's all a good thing.
2012 will be a circus, literally. Cirque du Soleil is
doing a big free show at Chichen Itza in Mexico on Dec 21 2012 which is exactly the symbol of what this date is all about
EMBODIMENT. Cirque is partnering with a world wide non-profit. 2012 is all about embodying, spirit. Not ascending.
1. Economy will falter worldwide.
can only prop up a dying economy for so long. We are in a time re-set to the Great depression as a worldwide movement. The
Planets describe major long-term historical cycles and with Uranus {revolution} at zero degrees of Aries now, as it was exactly
before the Depression in 1929 plus it will square Pluto this year. That signifies the break down of capitalist culture. But
first ultra conservative politicians aren’t ready to let go yet.
2. WAR
with the use of new hi tech scalar weapons and robots with some nuclear
weapons. Israel in a sorry state. Oil prices go through the roof. Economy slows down.
3. All U.S. Muslims or suspected Islamic Fundamentalists, Taliban sympathisers
et al their affiliates will be put into huge PRISON CAMPS { JAILS} in the U.S. It may be easier for unsuspected travellers
to fly and go through security once this is implemented.
4. What’s your Security Rating?
Everyone will be rated according
to his or her security danger in North America. Canada, U.s. and Mexico. This will be mandatory. People will be stratified,
a police state mentality.
5. Creeping Technocracy overtakes democratic rule worldwide. Rule by the
Plutocrats, goodbye politicians.
6. More political protests World Wide. OCCUPY the EARTH
The revolutions and mass protests against totalitarian and democratic
regimes have just begun so expect this to continue and get stronger. The Arab Spring continues as the Arab Winter. Syria not
over yet, its people fight on. North Korea, Iraq, China, Russia, England, U.S. will see protests.
7. A new global government monetary agency will be formed to facilitate
the changeover to a new global currency. The Euro will be a done deal. EU is
fried. Buy euros now as funny money souvenirs. The British were smart; they kept their own system.
8. We are not alone in the Universe, a fact.
Irrefutably we are not alone! Evidence is obvious. UFOS cannot be denied
or explained away as swamp gas. Crop circles will become more spectacular
in 2012.
9. You are what you know. Pay for your information:
Google will become stratified according
to how much information is worth. On the information highway are you driving a BMW or a Dodge caravan?
10. Spiritualising Medicine
Sound healing, laughter is the best medicine
Calling Dr. Dolphin…
Sound healing, brain wave entrainment, hypnotherapy, dream incubation
like in Inception.
Spiritual surgery with crystals like
John of God has been doing for 30 years in Brasil. The mind body spirit connection is known as hard fact.
Slice and dice surgery will be only for accidents, transplants etc. Best of
all you don’t need a medical plan. Dolphins will be used to heal people with cancer and other serious diseases.
Laughter IS the best medicine. Comedy and clowning will be respected as honoured
profession. Remember that movie with Robin Williams? Look at the guy who started Cirque, he was a clown. Tom Foolery is once
again gaining respect.
11. ONLY in BOLIVIA, you say?
CULTURE of respect for all of nature
Bolivia started this trend. Laws will be passed so that nature Herself and animals
have their own rights.
will be brought into place, as a larger popular movement to
stop violence in US culture through video games, movies, and music, which are anti-female, misogynist music.
Women will create grassroots newtworking to help disenfranchised women in other
parts of the worlds specifically Arabic countries and Africa to help them break free from fundamentalist religious beliefs
of Islamic religions.
Respect for all life forms will become encultured and made law in other
countries Iseland, Norway, Switzerland.
Equality between men and women on the rise in all aspects.
New independent schools springing up to teach yoga, spirituality, the
honouring of nature, all life forms.
The earth changes that were long predicted over 30 years ago will be even
more intense.
Very high magnitude earthquakes all over the world. Extremely wet weather with
Tsunamis, Tidal waves, hurricanes, oceans rising, ice caps melting at alarming rates. Summer will be very hot with record
high temperatures and droughts. Drought conditions in Russia, Northern Canada prairies, California and many forest fires raging
out of control. Weather patterns consistently intense. Heavy and high wind storms.
Mt. St. Helens erupting. Large Earthquakes in Central and South America, China and
Australia and in Vegas.
Hawaii could be sunk and Japan.
Smaller earthquakes in central U.S. and Ontario.
Yosemite and Canary Islands danger of exploding.
Sunspot cycles are very intense. There will be some satellite and ground
tech erased because of huge coronal mass ejections. Be prepared.
Royal Pregnancy
Prince William and Kate will announce in summer, possibility of twins.
The Queen will have some health problems and take a short leave.
16. Summer Olympics see Terrorist attacks
There will be bombing and protests from the English and from terrorists in London with many injuries
and hostage takings during the Olympics.
It may be Judgement day for some. Panic about Judgement Day, 2nd Coming. Religious zealots abound.
The Catholic Church and the Pope will be seen as shameful and shameless organizations more increasingly.
The nature of religion is shifting to experienctial, immanent nature/pagan religious beliefs not
authoritarian ones.
There will be Mass spiritual sightings of the Madonna, Christ, aliens. The Goddess/Femnine is emerging as the New Spiritual reality. 2012= 5 Venus.
The Holy Grail will be displayed as it is time. more on that elsewhere.
George Clooney will tie the knot this year.
Beiber continues to top all charts.
Lady Gaga falls and breaks aleg.
Senseavision, movies with 3d and smell transmit heightened sensations at the
Major older women Anjelica Huston, Helen Mirrin, Meryl Streep make very powerful and
popular heavy Crone power oriented movie. Meryl Streep winning another oscar.
Lady Gaga falls and breaks a leg.
Clint EAstwood serious health warnings.
18. Sports: Bullfighting outlawed.
Racing cars Stringent laws to slow down to protect the lives of the drivers.
Sorry the Leafs still in the gutter in 2012. Yes, cry for me Toronto.
OBAMA will be President from 2012-2016. Although there will be many glitches
in the election tallies and a recall or two as there was in Bush’s “election” in 2000. Unless the U.S. declares
war on Iran first. A standing president during war means no elections.
There will be more scandal swirling created by Republicans around Obama but it will be proven false.
The OCCUPY movement is not going away. It will continue to mutate and grow
stronger. More police
squads all over the U.S. many protestors put in jail.
20. Medicine
There will be major medical breakthroughs.
cures for many diseases, like Lou Gehrig's.
New stem cell research shows many new ways to enhance the body's immune system to fight cancer,
AIDS and other auto-immune dieseases.