He's breaking Twtter' capacities, he's so popular.
Proudly Canadian, the baby face and voiced 16 year old Stratford Ontario native is more
popular than Shakespeare!!
For your info Stratford Ontario is known for it's Shakespearian Festival,
as its' namesake was born in Stratford England and the 50 year plus Festical has featuring many world famous actors on its'
stage like Sir Alec Guiness,Christopher Plummer etc.
What is it about Justin that makes all the tweens swoon? Is it his hair? The choir boy
angelic face? The falsettoish voice? Has he got real talent? What happens when and if, his voice changes?
Let's look at JUSTIN's Astrology Chart and the planetary transits in October 2008
which set off his Fame at the Top of the Charts and in young girls' hearts.