The handsome young Capricorn is grounded, mature, hard-working, very sensitive, career oriented, creative and spiritual
with Neptune conjunct his Capricorn Sun in the 11th house of groups, and serving the collective. He is also a unique independent
person who is a bit of a rebel who must march to his own drummer with Uranus conjunct the Sun and Neptune.
A serious thinker with Mercury also conjunct the other three Capricorn planets.
With his MOON, symbolizing feelings, moods, intuition, at 15 degrees of Virgo in the 7th house of marriage he needs to
be in a committed relationship. He is already engaged. We get the picture that this young man is a perfectionist, a worrier,
humble, likes to please others, and has a very delicate digestive system related to the amount of stress he is under.
With the Moon opposite to VENUS in PISCES conjunct his Pisces Ascendant and Lilith, this shows Zayn's great appeal to
girls, who project their fantasies onto him. He is a chameleon who can become whatever others want to see. He is also a big
sensitive psychic sponge with no boundaries who cannot deal with the adulation of millions of fans taking a psychic piece
of him with their adulation. He feels it energetically as intrusive vampirism. Pisces rules glamour and perhaps Zayn is just
checking out how it all works. He is a romantic of the highest sort and it can be hard for him to follow his own path.
VENUS conjunct Lilith on his Ascendant means that relationships can be broken very suddenly for fear of being confined
or dictated to. Also the introjection back from fans that he could be a "demonic cheater" as Lilith was accused
His Mars Retrograde at 15 degrees Cancer in his 5th house of creativity and self- expression. These degrees conjunct the
Fixed star Sirius bring fame. He is very close to his mother, his roots and traditions and sister. He wants to be a protective
father. His PRIVACY is crucial to his feeling emotionally secure. His stomach is easily upset. He is very emotional and sensitive.
He is a nurturer and with MARS Retrograde not sure of himself. He is more of a retreater than an aggressor.
JUPITER planet of expansion at 14 degrees Libra in the 7th house. Jupiter is at its strongest at 15 degrees. Zayn is
full of charm and charisma and very social. He is easily adored. A gentleman, with good taste. Jupiter is the focal point
of a T-square for most of his planets. He needs others.
SATURN in AQUARIUS in the 12th house. Saturn symbolizes his father, his religious background, his privacy. He needs privacy,
he is conventional and unconventional at the same time. He might be happier running a business as a manager or organizer behind
the scenes. Ceres is conjunct Saturn, he sees his parents as united and supportive.
PLUTO symbolizes the soul. It's in Scorpio in the 8th natural house, which it rules. Money, power fame, control and sexuality
naturally come to him. PLUTO is squared by both SATURN and CHIRON in Leo in the 6th house of work. Zayn is both wounded,
vulnerable and duty bound through his work.
Zayn's North Node at 22 degrees Sagittarius is at the top of his chart at the high noon position.He loves to travel, teach,
inspire, he has a good sense of humor, he needs freedom. His South Node at 22 degrees Gemini on the I.C. the spine or axis
of his chart show how important his career direction is. The VIRGO MOON squares it and JUPITER and SATURN create a Grand Trine-
not shown with his South Node. Zayn comes into this life with Good karma.
I like to take the opportunity to explore people in the news and how the planets are driving their decisions.
all writing is copyright of Tara Greene
Get a reading with TARA http://www.taratarot.com
I was interviewed by The Voice of Russia’s online paper recently and they askedme about what I see
as Edward Snowden’s future.
Right after we
started speaking on Skype, our connection cacked out and we were unable to reconnect.
I wonder why..
Edward Snowden, the 30 year old
former National Security Agency and CIA contractor is now a fugitive in Russia for revealing the truth to the world about
how the U.S. secretly carries on covert surveillance of its own people and governments around the world.
Snowden quoted the 4th and 5th amendments of the Constitution
of the U.S. Article 12 and stated “I believe in the principle declared at Nuremburg in 1945; “Individuals
have international duties which transcend the national obligations of obedience. Therefore individual citizens have the
duty to violate domestic laws to prevent crimes against peace and humanity from occuring.”
either Love, applaud and laud Edward for his bravery and patriotism or hate him and see him as a traitor and a spy. I wanted
to check out his Astrology chart.
Edward Snowden’s
chart and the chart of the United States are inextricably linked to each other.
The inside chart is Edward Snowden’s
Natal Chart
born June 21
1983 at 4:42 am from his birth certificate in Elizabeth City North Carolina.
Edward is a Mercurial GEMINI SUN born at the very last “critical” degree of Gemini, sign of the
fleet-footed Messenger, making him the ULTIMATE messenger of the God’s.
Edward’s Ascendant is at 12 degrees GEMINI-exactly the degree opposite the U.S. “Sibley” Natal
chart’s Ascendant, so the U.S. and Edward’s direction is interfaced. Edward’s Mercury is also at 10 Gemini
in the 12th house of the unconscious but conjunct the Ascendant. Edward has his Sun in the 1st house so heIS the Archetypal Mercurial Messenger. He identifies in that role.
He has Mars, his direction, Mars is the Military, what he defends, at 24 degrees Gemini conjunct the Sun and the North Node
which represents his Highest Spiritual Goal at 25 degrees GEMINI.
Ascendant, Mercury, the Sun, Mars, North Node conjunction makes him a quintuple communicator. The North Node is conjunct the
POLE star, the star that all sailors navigate around. This is a very powerful symbol.
Edward’s highest evolutionary goal is to be a Light bearer, a way-shower for the rest of the world, through
communicating a message that will have world-wide impact, in a direct, aggressive, defensive, Martial way. This fits
his situation perfectly.
The MOON is at
13 degrees SCORPIO in the 6th house.
The Moon is instincts,
unconscious motivations, feelings. In Scorpio this speaks of power, secrecy, manipulation, control, espionage, surveillance,
the shadow, danger, the thief, vendetta, death, change, transformation, through his work. Also fits the situation to
a T.
His Mercury and Ascendant is quincunx
to his Moon indicating that he is at odds with his work, and being of service.
Edward’s Venus, his values, what he loves, how he loves, is in LEO at 14+ degrees which is actually the
15th and most powerful degree of Leo in the 3rd house. Venus in Leo is courage, daring, protecting what he loves, dramatic.
He is proud, fearless, a leader, self- expressive, creative, very heart-felt, like a child playing a role. In the 3rd house,
this is the natural house of communications.
Jupiter is at
3 degrees Sagittarius Retrograde, the Sign that it rules, so it is very strong, but held back or repeating a Karmic lesson
in the 6th house. Jupiter is BIG,truth, vision, the Higher Law, foreigners, teachers, philosophers, the military regalia.
Uranus is conjunct Jupiter at 6 degrees also Retrograde. Both
of them oppose Mercury so they are interconnected. Uranus is also conjunct the Descendent, the 7th house cusp, meaning Edward
is always a cutting edge, revolutionary, freedom loving person.
Jupiter/Uranus combo binds their energies so they amplify each other. This is a Super expansive, International, Hi Tech, innovator,
rebel-Uranian, who MUST TELL THE TRUTH in Sagittarius. Interesting the double Retrograde indicates that karmically Edward
may have done something similar before or that he came back to wage a vendetta on those in power-Judges, or former Overlords
who oppressed him in the past.
at 29 degrees Taurus, is conjunct to the famous Pleiades. Chiron the wounded healer, in the 12th house of the unconscious
is opposite Jupiter indicating there is an Unconscious wound, a palpable, bodily sense for Edward, of what is right and wrong,
what is truth. HE has a felt sense of being wounded unconsciously which triggers him to act in service, the 6th house to a
greater Higher good.
Saturn at 27
degrees of Libra Retrograde in the 5th house of creativity, is conjunct Pluto at 26 degrees also Retrograde. Pluto conjunct
Saturn is the hallmark of Edward’s generation who have all chosen to be born with this difficult, heavy, karmic soulful
sense of JUSTICE- the sign of Libra.
Saturn is tradition,
the Patriarchy and Pluto is the Lord of Death, change, transformation. The 5th house is the natural house of LEO, the Sun,
the source, self- expression, drama, creativity, COURAGE. These 2 heavies Trine Mars, North Node and the Sun. So
this is an easy aspect and imbues Edward’s entire personality with this sense of heaviness, and deep soulful transformation
as part of where he would express his innate love of freedom,truth and being courageous enough to risk his life for his beliefs-
NEPTUNE, in Edward’s
7th house of relationships, the higher octave of VENUS is at 27 degrees Sagittarius – exactly on the Galactic Center.
Again this is a generational hallmark of all people born in the year before and after 1983. Neptune is where one is intuitive,
one’s dreams, psychic energy, visionaries, faith, illusions, delusions, addictions,idealism, unbounded, glamour. Neptune
as ruler of Pisces, energy is chameleon like, super sensitive, has no boundaries, is Christ’s symbol.
I personally believe that people with planets conjunct the
Galactic Center are directly tuned into its’ vast multi-dimensional Black Hole energy.
Neptune is of course opposed to Edward’s Mars, North Node and Sun in the 1st house. This makes Edward
a virtual sponge, absorbing everyone’s energy around him, he can be a total chameleon blending in invisibly. He is a
total idealist. Neptune’s energy at its highest expression is selflessness or martyrdom. He is an atheist
but I feel he has great faith in a Higher Good, or at least in the power of telling the truth, ever the Sagittarius philosopher,
and that is what motivates him.
MC or high Noon position is at 20 degrees Aquarius, the sign of technology, revolutionaries, freedom fighters, strong
individuals who resonate with being part of the collective. They are unegotistical leaders. Planet Uranus rules
his MC and it is placed in the 6th house of service conjunct Jupiter sign of truth telling.
I could belabor the point in his chart but it is so obvious to me, that Edward’s highest spiritual, karmic,
goal was to do exactly what he did. Expose the hi tech surveillance of the government to help the people. It’s
all over his Natal chart, the fact of his being courageous, daring, secretive, being accepted by foreign countries-Jupiter
for asylum. I think he is used to being alone with his Scorpio moon. He has always felt like an outsider.
I see that Edward Snowden is a very brave young man. Yes his
life is on the line now and will be so for a very long time although I do believe that he will receive great honors down the
road. Even a Nobel Peace prize.
Americans, Canadians
and most of the people in the world are so naive. I really don’t know where this idea that the government is a benevolent
agency that most people naively ascribe to, came from. Not many governments really ever really act on behalf of its citizens.
That’s why the myth of King Arthur and the Court of Camelot is such a powerful ideal.
The ongoing squares of evolutionary energy at play now through the planets Uranus and Pluto, are dismantling
the world’s governments and economies. The old PLUTOCRAT’S are bound to fall during these next few years.
The Plutocracy in their covert surveillance is fighting to control every individual’s freedom and to grab everything
on earth they can now, water, food, gold, oil that they can. This includes Muslim fundamentalists, that entire type of power
control,that Fascist way of thinking, Big Brother attitude of the .0000%, the Federal Reserve, the New World Order which controls
all the wealth and power in the world. Remember Uranus and Pluto created the 60′s and were the planets that were
responsible for the Renaissance in the 1500′s. Edward Snowden is acting as a personal intensifier of those two
planets’ energies to inspire others to do the same.
June 10 2013 the date that Edward’s interview with The Guardian was released, transiting Jupiter was at 26 degrees Gemini,and
had just crossed Edward’s North Node opposite his Natal Neptune, the Galactic Center.
Edward Snowden has been granted asylum for a year in Russia where he must stay invisible because his life
is in danger at every moment from CIA and other secret organizations who wish to see him dead. Thomas Friedman wrote
in the New York Times recently that Snowden could come back to the U.S. and get a fair trial. President Obama stating
something similar in a press conference but it is not true. Snowden will never be able to come home and testify that what
he did was for the public’s benefit as his charges will always be espionage. So don’t believe what the mainstream
media tells you overtly at all. You know the secret game they are playing.
In light of Edward’s natal chart, I believe Edward’s statement that what motivated him was
not being able to support the system he worked for and live with himself knowing that he could personally make a difference
by telling the truth, he knew the consequences of what he was doing.
It takes a very selfless person to do what Snowden did, who is also brave enough to act on his principles.
I totally thank Edward Snowden for being able to be an individual to be strong enough to say NO- the buck stops
here. To really lay his life on the line for real liberty, democracy, freedom of speech. Everything that America Canada
and the rest of the “FREE WORLD” supposedly holds so dear. WAKE UP people. We all need to follow Edward
Snowden’s lead in whatever ways we can. He is a great role model and many young people will emulate him.
We all need to have a real sense of ethics, honor, bravery, will and be smart enough to figure out how to get away with it.
To me Edward Snowden is a modern Knight in Shining Armour.
will continue to leak information very selectively and carefully. He does have hackers and other individuals who are helping
Transiting Chiron
in his 10th house of reputation is squaring Edward’s Ascendant, I believe he is symbolizing the world’s wounds
in Pisces. He is feeling vulnerable of course. Transiting Neptune in his 10th house is also squaring his Natal Jupiter.
Neptune is the illusions and delusions surrounding the truth he has revealed. Neptune rules film and one is in the works
about his life.
On April 15 2013
there will be a Lunar Eclipse at 25 degrees Libra which falls right on his Natal Pluto Saturn. As the Moon represents
the moods of the people, this indicates a time of further revelations and emotional changes for Edward.
I send Edward many blessings and protection from the Galactic
Center the big wigs that govern the evolutionary flow of this Galaxy.
WHAT DO YOU THINK of Edward Snowden?
All writing
copyright Tara Greene 2013- infinity.
New POPE Francis I is elected as Mars enters its home sign Aries
its’ the tout suite and a New Chinese President as well March 14.
was a tense day energetically March 13. 3 13 13 interesting Numerology. 13 is a Goddess feminine symbol, Death
and rebirth in the Tarot Trumps
the First
named after St. Francis of Assisi
click on chart to view larger
What is Pope FRANCIS 1st all about
? born Dec ember 17 1936 in Buenos Aries Argentina
The POPE was only one of two Pope’s on the
list who had a CLEAN RECORD of sexual abuse. He was a smart choice.
South American has a huge devout
Catholic population. Hispanics are one of the largest growing language and culture groups in the United States,and
South America is set to be one of the richest and THE spiritual center in the world for the next 12,000 years according
to Drunvalo Melchizedek in his book Serpent of LIGHT. Just as Tibet and India were center’s for the last 12,000 years,
it is now South America’s turn.
ST. Francis was known for being a simple humble man who communed
with nature.
The New pope is a Sagittaria and they love animals. Pope Francis has the North Node
conjunct his Sun very near to the Galactic Center, making him a very powerful charismatic leader and teacher. He may appear simple
and uninterested in the mundane world.
This indicates he may have a visionary, have a real metaphysical
higher calling. An honest, New Age philosophy POPE?
How does he see the People and Women?
by the Moon- people and Venus in his natal chart they are conjunct 7 degrees of AQUARIUS
in Aquarius is a hi tech POPE- perhaps he will start a BLOG, and use the new technologies to reach the flock.
POPE on I PHONE giving I Benedictions.
He is detached in his feelings and sees women as things, objects.
Although he has PLUTO in Cancer opposite that exact MOON VENUS conjunction.
He may feel very nurturing
protective private and insecure deep down. Perhaps very close to his mother, sentimental about his native homeland.
Jupiter conjunct Mercury in Capricorn
he may sound very businesslike, have strong Patriarchal presence,
easy to command, definitely conservative.
Mars in Libra
he will try to keep
the peace, although he may flip-flop. Mars in Libra has good taste, refinement, Good people skills. Aims to please others.
those POPE HATS.
I set this chart at NOON which gives Pope Francis a 15 mid degree PISCES ASCENDANT with SATURN ON HIS
This is the type of POPE he will be. OLD SCHOOL, SATURN, TRADITIONAL, PISCES is the OLD AGE
we are moving out of
If he could act from his emotions with is MOON VENUS CONJUNCTION IN AQUARIUS
new POPE would be innovative, supporting birth control, gays, loosening up old ancient worn out traditions.
He does
want the People’s love.
SATURN IN PISCES is opposite Neptune in Virgo
is analytical, intelligent, hard-working, a simple man, devoted to being of service.
He is of two minds, can debate
the old vs New, may feel insecure about his communications skills
Uranus in Taurus is developing a new tiller for the soil. Inventing new practical
resources. LILLITH opposite that
and square his Moon, instincts and Venus in Aquarius. He is
afraid that he cannot control woman and her sexuality
that she will ridicule him. ERGO bind that woman,
that Harlot, the Whore of BABYLON.
IS EXACTLY on his MERCURY in Capricorn
Power, soul is exactly in harmony with prevailing patriarchal
and Corporate politics
Jupiter is almost on his IC MC- he will be moving to his new home
where he will TEACH/Preach. PONTIFCIATE
that’s what Sagittarius love to do best.
is RETROGRADE square to his MOON VENUS
will cross his LILLITH and oppose his URANUS SHORTLY
unexpected Higher position, responsibility and worldly career promotion to be sure
be opposite his Jupiter in July
VENUS just crossed POPE FRANCIS ASCENDANT indicating a new
journey, a new birth, and is squaring his CHIRON at 20 Pisces on election day
The people symbolized
by the MOON in Aries and PLUTO in Capricorn
are SQUARE and the people will test the PAPACY’s
powers especially around women and wealth distribution of the VATICAN
if this POPE Acts Like SAINT
he will be giving away millions to the Poor, fostering veganism, care for lowly beings, animal
rights, an honest, truly spiritual, honest POPE
which in this age of dwindling respect for the
PAPACY would be revolutionary.
St. Francis walked his talk, lived a simple humble spiritual life listening to
Christ in a bird’s song.
that would be really sweet and simple and what the world needs now.