The Climax -7th exact final Uranus Pluto Cardinal Square
Crown Chakra Initiation, Awakening to Enlightenment and Oneness
By Tara Greene Agent 129
The 7th final square is exact on March 16 at 7:53 p.m. PDT/ 10:53 p.m. EDT / March 17 at 12:53 p.m. UT.
@ 15 degrees 18 minutes Aries/Capricorn
The climax of Uranus and Pluto’s Cardinal intense square dance cycle is something we have been anticipating and working
towards since June 2012. It is the final activation of the Uranus Pluto cycles whose conjunctions in the 60’s seeded
the Woodstock, whole earth, cultural, sex, drugs and rock and roll revolution. These two major transpersonal planets always
bring huge changes, conflicts, destruction, awareness, creation and revolutions to the collective and to each of us as individuals.
We’ve all felt these planets rock our worlds for the last three years.
The 6th exact square opened our 6th chakras only three months ago. With your third eye now wide open are you ready for the
final climactic awakening?
The 7th square facilitates the opening of the 7th or Crown chakra located at the top of the head. This point connects us to
receive the One mind, Godhead or Infinite intelligence, known as the state of Enlightenment. The wearing of crowns by Royalty
was a symbol that they had attained this state of awareness; Kings and Queens were originally shamans. Mediaeval paintings
showing Christ with a golden halo represents this crown chakra activation. Western Mystics also called this state of awareness
the 7th Heaven. We are co-creating Heaven on earth.
The word Chakra means a Vortex. A chakra is literally a spinning wheel of energy, much like the shape of our Galaxy. In Sanskrit
it is called Sahasrara which means “the great sound” which is OM, the vibration of All That Is.
According to ancient Hindu teachings the Crown chakra connects us to Ultimate SOURCE, to Divine Consciousness and realizing
our true spiritual nature. This is the goal of Kundalini awakening. The chakra is traditionally related to Divine Fire {spiritual}
and masculine energy.
The 7th chakra is depicted as a thousand petalled lotus, like a sunflower. It is white with violet, tinged with gold, and
many layered. When it is open to source, white drops of pure consciousness, which is love, drips down to the lower chakras.
When we are born, the crown chakra, called the fontanel is open. Dolphins and whales have blowholes which are their 7th chakras.
They are considered to be joyful spiritual teachers because this chakra is always open.
When the 7th chakra opening we may experience a state of pure consciousness, within which there is no subject or object, no
I or ego. We remember and know that we and everything else are a single field of unified consciousness. We connect with God
or the Goddess, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Kwan Yin, Brahma, the ineffable name, the Great Mystery directly. It is multi-dimensional
consciousness which is ever expanding, becoming more aware. Sacred plant medicines like ayahuasca which contain DMT open your
crown chakra directly.
The 7th chakra governs the physical brain, endocrine system and the non-physical. It’s the point of divine union in
the body, spirit and mind which is the ultimate goal of yoga.
At this 7th square, Uranus in Aquarius is initiating fiery Higher Consciousness, and Pluto, Lord of the soul, death and rebirth
and the collective Unconscious, guides us to transcending the split in duality. We integrate as a whole Self, knowing our
Soul’s plan. By gaining knowledge of the divine, we can manifest anything instantly, and live fully in the Now. We are
Divine co-creators waking up from the dream.
Practical tools:
The Solfeggio tone is 963 Hz. And the Key of B
Gemstones to aid in opening the 7th chakra.
Moldavite, sugalite, amethyst, clear quartz crystals and diamonds.
Its’ symbol is the thousand eyed peacock.
Essential oils: Lotus, jasmine, sandalwood, frankincense, myrrh, benzoin, neroli, angelica, lavender,
CLEANSE using sage, Palo Santo, myrrh, copal, juniper and frankincense
Fasting is also recommended leading up to the dates.
This is the most powerful of all the chakras. We must be very, very grounded to connect to this highest chakra. Be careful,
your ego must surrender fully to allow only divine will to guide you.
7th square, crown chakra awakening Meditation
First prepare a sacred alter and space. Wear white. Use any of the above tools. Have white flowers, candles, milk and dry
white rice as food offerings.
Breathe, and continuously chant the sacred sound OHM to begin.
MEDITATE on accessing pure love and the White LIGHT of Source.
Your intention to open your crown chakra will begin the process. There are different ways to visualize this. Bring your attention
to the top of your head and visualize it opening like an observatory and see, sense and feel your head open to receiving Divine
In meditation on this article I received this image.
All babies are instinctively motivated to drink their mother’s milk for sustenance and survival. Picture the crown chakra
opening as a newborn baby’s mouth. All the stars in the Galaxy were considered by the Ancient Egyptians to be drops
of the Great Mother’s breast milk spilled across the sky. That is why it is called the Milky Way galaxy.
Imagine that you are suckling on the sweet milk from the galaxy itself as the unconditional milk of loving kindness. This
will put you in a state of Bliss and oneness. If you’ve ever nursed a baby or seen one nursing you will know what this
bliss is like.
Open yourself from deep surrender in trust to Love, to the One, to becoming whole again. Stay in this meditation for a half
hour. It should become a daily practice.
Then we must embody and live in an enlightened state of unity consciousness.
This last square will be even more mind-blowing than the 3rd eye opening. The pure source energy will transmute ego and karma
with pure love.
Opening the 7th chakra enables us to Ascend beyond the 3rd dimension into the realms of the 5th Dimension and beyond into
vast new awareness.
The sudden awakening will also make thousands of people feel panicked and fearful if they’ve been living only from ego.
They will think that they have gone insane and there will be much chaos and anger unleashed. Strong psychic boundaries will
be needed at all times. Meditating every day will be essential. Do send love to those in fear and separation.
At the previous six cardinal square either Uranus or Pluto was in Retrograde motion. Some of the initiation energy was held
back. Not now. Uranus and Pluto are geared up to move us forwards at warp speed.
The cosmic cop, Saturn stations turning Retrograde two days before the square. Planets at their stationary points are extra
powerful. Saturn tethers down Pluto’s energy. This can indicate a stall, gap or a huge resistance from the corporate
world powers to this massive energetic conscious awakening. Just as in the 60’s it took a few years for the conjunctions
to manifest in the physical plane.
The first of those three Uranus/Pluto conjunctions in the 60’s was on October 9, 1965 which was John Lennon’s
25th birthday. We all know how that conjunction impacted his life and the rest of the world.
This last square doesn’t mean it’s all over. I believe that this final square is the real kick starter to massive
On a Global Level:
Potentially we can collectively awaken to Oneness and begin to live wide awakened and super-consciousness. Our entire ways
of life, our cultural values, governments, careers, families, education, spirituality, can and will change radically. At this
current state of earth’s environmental crisis it is vital that we experience this through direct experience.
We can no longer operate from a place of ignorance and denial. Sex, money, power, all of those Plutonic areas must die and
be reborn. Fear must be replaced with love. Unconsciousness with Consciousness. Separation with Unity. Greed with generosity.
Disease with Health. Abuse with kindness. We are at the breakthrough point of Divine Union. If any one of us is hurt, abused
or hungry we are all in the same state.
“It ain’t over till it’s over”- Yogi Berra’s famous quote.
As Infinite beings, the game will never end.
The 6th cardinal square third eye activation
The 6th exact Cardinal square between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn occurs December 14 @ 9:13 pm PST/ December 15
@ 12:13 am EST/ 5:13 am GMT at 12 degrees 35 minutes of Aries/ Capricorn.
This degree is between the 3rd and fifth squares.
This 6th square activates the 3rd eye, 6th sense, the inner sight of Mystic clairvoyance. Called the Ajna chakra in yoga,
this INDIGO inner light exists beyond time and space.
The 6th chakra is most associated with the planet URANUS, but also with the Sun, Moon and Pluto. It is also associated with
the invisible Sephirot called Da’at on the Tree of Life in the Kabbalah. Also associated with Bhakti Yoga, it symbolizes
Agape or selfless love and has 96 petals. It’s also associated with the pituitary gland and with Jupiter and the mutable
signs Sagittarius and Pisces.
The daily news is filled with examples of how these two transpersonal planets are continuing to shake, rattle and awaken the
collective through their Cardinal Square dance, begun in 2012.
Seven exact squares symbolizes that each square represents a chakra that is being activated in the collective consciousness.
Here are the seven exact squares, dates and keywords. Look back at what was going on in your life during these and compare
the energy to the meaning of each chakra.
1. June 26 2012 at 8 degrees Aries/ Capricorn- 1st ROOT Chakra- SURVIVAL, red.
2. Sept. 19, 2012 at 6 degrees Aries/Capricorn- 2nd Chakra- SEX, CREATIVITY, orange.
3. May 21, 2013 At 11 degrees Aries/Capricorn - 3rd Chakra, WILL chakra –POWER, yellow.
4. November 1, 2013 at 9 degrees Aries/ Capricorn -4th chakra, the HEART Chakra- LOVE, green.
5. April 21, 2014 at 13 degrees + Jupiter at 13 Degrees Cancer, Mars at 13 degrees Libra - 5th chakra, THROAT Chakra- Speech,
communication, power, blue.
6. December 15, 2014 at 12 degrees Aries/ Capricorn- 6th chakra, PSYCHIC 3rd eye Chakra- Inner seeing, Intuitive knowing,
psychic illumination, VIOLET.
7. March 17 2015 at 15 degrees Aries/Capricorn-7th Crown chakra,- enlightenment Chakra- Understanding cosmic consciousness,
ONENESS, Bliss, I Am consciousness, purity, WHITE
We have to remember that these slow moving Transpersonal planets effect long term cultural and generational changes spanning
hundreds of years in a cycle. What was seeded in the late 60’s at the Uranus Pluto’s conjunction in VIRGO with
Saturn opposite in PISCES in mutable signs now coming to first fruition and being activated with these ongoing squares.
Uranus, the Higher octave of communication and thought in Aries has been ushering in a new level of technology and consciousness
the likes of which the world has never experienced before. Revolutionary, freedom loving Uranus in ARIES, ruled by Mars, is
Masculine, impulsive tribal, group minded, a fire brand protestor. The masculine warrior archetype is being transformed.
Pluto, the Lord of Death, the underworld, the shadow, transformation, sex, power, control and secrets in the sign of the patriarchs,
Plutocrats and corporations. Pluto in Capricorn is uncovering and revealing the secret cabals at the same time that these
few are attempting to totally control the entire world’s wealth. Pluto rules the collective unconscious which is waking
up. People are becoming conscious that they are being spied on, that the Federal Reserve, IMF, world governments, is rigged
by the rich for the rich. Sexual violence, emotional abuse and raping of women, another Pluto issues, are now being taken
seriously around the world.
Mars rules Aries, the Masculine fiery warrior archetype and also Scorpio, the feminine, emotional sign of death, sex and rebirth
in ancient rulership. Pluto rules Scorpio in modern astrology. Both these planets activities are concerned with all of these
8th house Scorpio issues of death and rebirth as the Phoenix which are being played out on the world’s stage creating
huge cultural changes and turmoil.
6th square, 6th sense awakening
The opening of the 3rd eye is associated with the pineal gland in the middle of the brain. The ancients inner eye was naturally
more open than ours in modern times which has shrink from the size of a walnut into a calcified tiny pea. Floridated water
and toothpaste, Mercury filling sin ones teeth and in vaccinations and other chemicals shrink the pineal gland. But it can
be cleansed with diet and removal of the toxins.
MEDITATE With the Violet Ray at the square
This will be a mind-blowing activation as individuals will sense and intuit their natural telepathic functions awaken. As
if the collective has just had LSD put into the water supply of all the major cities in the world.
The 6th chakra helps us to discern the truth for ourselves, and connect to our Higher selves, or Guardian Angels. The earth
also has a 6th chakra, said to be called the Aeon Activation Centre it is always in motion. It has a musical tone A Major
and a solfreggio frequency of 852 Hertz.
MEDITATE With the Violet Ray at the square
I would begin a pineal gland cleanse in advance. Stop drinking fluoridated water and drink distilled water. Eating a bunch
of cilantro everyday de-calcifies the pineal gland. Eating purple foods and using amethyst crystals, I would meditate and
invoke the 6th ray of ultraviolet healing light.
First, ask your Higher Self, an Ascended Master or Guardian angel to assist you. Visualize a ball of violet light as a flame
above your head. Ask it to come into your body to fill every atom of your being. Spin the purple flame around your body, through
your heart and encircling the outside of your body so that is encompasses your emotional, mental physical and spiritual bodies.
Ask the violet flame to awaken your inner sight, your 3rd eye and to heal and transmute everything within and around you into
abundance, peace, wholeness and pure love. Ask to become the unconditional love, the Agape. Ask that it be done in all dimensions,
throughout all time and space.
Write down whatever sensations, images, sounds and awareness comes to you.
This awakening may be totally shocking to many who identify with their own egos and feel separate, defensive and superior
to all others- their shadows. We’ve been brought up in a patriarchal, realistic, ego driven consumer Capricorn hierarchical
structure. The collective energy will be raised but not without a huge fallout. “Firewalls” cannot be constructed
so easily on the consciousness plane. Things may get crazier as people may think they are going collectively insane.
This is a wonderful blessing for those who are already Light workers, who have been seriously meditating, in touch with themselves
and on a spiritual path as we will know and sense each other and higher consciousness energies may be accessed easier. We
will be able to converse on the “telep-aphone.” Strong psychic boundaries will be needed at all times.
Astrology aspects
Capricorn is a Feminine earth sign and though we identify it with corporate structure, it symbolizes the mountain peaks, where
we gain the highest earth perspective. Capricorn, ruled by Saturn symbolizes the father, the patriarchy, hierarchies, history,
conservative, reality and pragmatic structures. Pluto is atomic power, the very underlying structure of all that exists on
an atomic level. He is the very building blocks of matter and he rules the absolute dissolution of matter at death.
Venus, Goddess of the feminine, Love, money, beauty, relationships, creativity is strongly influencing this 6th Cardinal
Cross at 5+ degrees of Capricorn. At the 5th cardinal cross we had Jupiter and Mars in the mix.
Venus conjunct Pluto indicates the Feminine values and brings women into the power structure of the world. The recent Bill
Cosby sexual abuse charges are part of this energy too.
Venus conjunct Pluto is also the rebirth of the Goddess who symbolizes relationships as the highest values. Valuing relationships
over corporate profits and cutthroat greed. Our bodies ourselves was the late 60’s Feminist manifesto and this energy
reinvigorates this archetype into the world at large. If we don’t love our bodies, the physical world, the earth who
is our mother then we will destroy ourselves. Birth control pills were invented just before the last Uranus Pluto conjunction.
Uranus Pluto square Venus is about challenging the prevailing hi-tech corporate greed against women to not have periods, to
have IVF births. Do these things enhance lives or not?
URANUS is conjunct the South Node in Aries. We are releasing the past. Uranus opposite the North Node in Libra is revolutionizing
relationships, laws, justice.
URANUS is Retrograde again as it was for the 2ND and 4TH squares. The revolution is not going full throttle forwards just
Not until the 7th and last square on March 16/17 will both Pluto and Uranus be direct for the only time in these squares.
This is still foreplay, the appetizers.
Pluto is atomic power, the very underlying structure of all that exists on an atomic level. He is the very building blocks
of matter and he rules the absolute dissolution of matter at death. Pluto is also squaring the Nodes, this is a very karmic
soul searching time.
We would also look to the planetary rulers of Aries and Capricorn for further clues as to where and how these energies will
MARS is in AQUARIUS, Uranus’ home sign bringing extra natural power to this activation. Mars is sextiling Uranus which
is Trining a Retrograde Jupiter in Leo. Heads will roll. Saturn is at the very last Critical degree of Scorpio the 29th this
symbolizes the most intensive ‘clean up” time. Saturn is squaring Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. The challenge
is to let go of all old emotional karmic contracts and awaken to this new spiritual reality.
Mercury at 26 degrees is conjunct the Galactic Center close to the Sun. As Uranus is acting as Mercury’s Cosmic megaphone
this Galactic message cannot be over emphasized.
COUNTRIES affected
All countries with planets at these cardinal degrees will be affected.
The U.S. most especially as the Cardinal Cross affects both the U.S. Sun in Cancer, Saturn in Libra and being squared.
China has its North Node at 16 degrees Aries and Mercury conjunct Neptune at 13-14 degrees Libra.
Russia with Uranus conjunct Neptune at 13-15 degrees Capricorn.
Ukraine has Uranus at 10 Capricorn, Neptune at 14 and their North Node t 18
Mexico with its Mercury at 16 degrees Libra.
United Kingdom chart of Jan 1, 1801 has its Sun at 10 degrees Capricorn.
Syria has Mercury at 13 Libra and a 15 degree Cancer Ascendant.
Turkey has Pluto at 12 degree of Cancer.