Tara Greene, Tarot Reader, Astrologer, Psychic Consultant in Toronto & Worldwide


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Astrology reading horoscope Tara Greene Pluto Moon

 Astrology is a very powerful tool which can help you understand yourself in practical, spiritual, empowering ways. We all have free will. Astrology works because we are interconnected with the planets, stars and cosmos.  Astrology will help you understand yourself, your purpose, karma, relationships, career, family enabling you to seek the best solutions.
Knowledge is power,  learn how to use STAR power in your life. The Moon affects every one of us in our emotional bodies, especially women. Understand the moon cycles and attune with them. Understand where everyone's feelings are at by the moon. Its great for communicating.
You can use the knowledge of Astrology every day to help guide you, align with the moon, to live in cosmic harmony.
My name comes from the Hindu/Tibetan Goddess Sitara. I am Lady of the Stars. I am honoured to be your STAR GUIDE.

2015 Tarot card predictions live

After September's Super Total Blood Moon and Virgo Solar eclipses October is rich and earthy in its own way. RICHES is really the keyword. Diplomacy, Romance, love and sex, dreams, beauty, creativity and communications are very much featured for all signs. Earth signs take center stage. Those Cardinal T-squares are reignited.

Mercury Turns Direct October 9 as Venus leaves her shadow period of Retrogadation July 25- September 6.

From the 8th onwards as Venus enters Virgo again, the Planet of Relationships and Mercury the Messenger are in Mutual Reception,hosting each other in each other's sign. This facilitates all types of communications enabling us to precisely say what you mean and clarify all the details. No second guessing or taking things for granted.

There are three MAJOR and powerful EARTH TRINES this month, three of which involve PLUTO, Lord of RICHES.

Virgo and Capricorn are featured largely this month Taurus benefits too.

JUPITER in Virgo trines Pluto on the 11th. This positive aspect perfects again in March with Jupiter Retrograde and in June with Pluto Retrograde of 2016. October 11 is the time to plant BIG SEEDS BIG INTENTIONS which will be re-rooted or rerouted later. This is a great transit to improve one's discipline, health routine, exercise, budget and most especially by attending to what enriched the soul on a daily level. Jupiter and Pluto are great for increased influence and expansion in business.


The both conjunct Jupiter and opposes Neptune-see dates below. There will be reality checks.


October 6 INTENSE CARDINAL SQUARE, Sun square Pluto

This is a twice a yearly aspect. Igniting the difference between those in power and those trying to find balance their lives. The refugee crisis in Europe will ignite with more power battles.

Retrograde Mercury sextile Saturn in Sagittarius

MARS in VIRGO OPPOSITE NEPTUNE in Pisces *****The Reality Check versus the Dream aspect.

Build a dream or vision board. Mars in Virgo is aggressively going over every detail, very critically and aggressively. If your dream isn't on budget, Forget it. Its back to the drawing board. Prepared to be called on the rug and criticized. If denial, getting stoned, avoidance, procrastination or blaming others is your only answer to the jury's questions you are in deep shit trouble. Virgo's may fall in love and surrender!

October 8 VENUS enters VIRGO until November 8

KEYWORDS: LOVE gets down to earth and critical. Working overtime for Love.Is this a song?

Questions: Do you love your job? Shopping spree in the bargain basement. Austerity love.

Oct. 9 MERCURY GOES DIRECT FINALLY! Yes but proceed with caution.

Mercury in LIBRA has made us drag the past out into the light about our relationships hasn't it? We have been re-evaluating how we speak and communicate and where we need to rebalance our budgets, and everything in our lives.

It will take till October 24 for Mercury to bypass its Retrograde degree.


A good day to launch or complete long-term projects. DO Sign on the dotted line. Create budgets for future educational, travel and publishing. NO more airy fairy, you must produce.

Oct. 11 * * * ** 5 star day


This aspect is also GREAT for TAURUS AND CAPRICORN. Build the path to your greatest and most expansive goals. Great day for earth rituals. I will write later.


Trying to be nice and bending over backwards for others just makes matters worse. Are you a martyr? Do you get your identity from being a victim?

SUN OPPOSES URANUS - Cardinal square Re-ignition

NEW MOON, CARDINAL SQUARE LIBRA @ 19+ degrees LIBRA { Columbus Day}

SUN and Moon squares Pluto,Opposes Uranus.

Moon inconjunct Chiron in Pisces in the middle of all that. -OUCH

OCT 13 Mercury sextiles Saturn in Sagittarius Full speed ahead.


BUILDING THE ROAD and paving the way to the top of your crowning achievements. This is also an extremely dangerous trine with the two rulers of Scorpio. This can also be a danger from earthquakes and volcanic explosions, forest fires and ISIS or other terrorist acitivities.


THIS IS THE ULTIMATE IN ROMANCE LOVE AND CREATIVITY. The difference between real love and illusion will be heightened. See beyond the veil of illusion and projections. Build that dream and make it real. Spiritual revelations and epiphanies.


Rewards for those who have done an excellent and meticulous job. Build those practical job goals. Initiate a new health and exercise regime. Map out future travel, educational and fun projects.

Oct 18 MERCURY INCONJUNCT NEPTUNE in PISCES - communications delusions, illusions. DO NOT SIGN ON THE DOTTED LINE>

Oct 22 MERCURY in LIBRA SQUARE PLUTO in CAPRICORN ****** Cardinal CROSS energy again

OCT. 23 SUN ENTERS SCORPIO @ 10:47 am PDT /1:47 pm EDT

This is the most intense, darkest month and the deepest most soulful Sign. Birth, death, the mysteries of sex, money, power, change and transformation are the lessons of Scorpio.

VENUS in Virgo TRINES PLUTO * * * * * *

LOVE is SOULFUL,POWERFUL AND REAL. VERY RICH and grounded. Do earth rituals.


LOVE HURTS as do the bills. Nitpicking and going over the details exposes other's wounds and vulnerabilities. There will be Anger about withheld information or lies being exposed especially in religious organizations or any Big Brand such as Volkswagon or the Vatican.

MARS INCONJUNCT URANUS in ARIES @ 9:22 pm /Oct 24 @ 12:22 am

Anger and frustration over not enough freedom. Revolting against budgetary, cut backs, lay-offs and such. Greece and Europe may have a huge battle on their hands.

OCT. 25 MERCURY INCONJUNCT CHIRON in PISCES - same as above,battles of words and wit.


THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST DAYS OF THE YEAR. VENUS in Virgo loves hard work, budgets and practical beauty. Jupiter expands and allows Virgo's to chill, to relax , to smell the flowers, give themselves a reward and enjoy life's harvest. Find love and beauty in the everyday details.


Be careful what you say, you may get different results than you were expecting. Peace negotiations and balance is precarious. There is real energy for major revolutions and change.

OCT. 27 FULL MOON at 3+ degrees TAURUS -will write about that in full later.


A day of opening the wounds and letting out the pain, pus, damages. Crying is very healing. Any held back memories feelings and sensitivites can damage your health.


No matter how much order you try to establish, the horses will kick their way out of their stalls.


A very positive, deeply emotional, soulful, spiritual Victory day. But this can also prove to be extreme fantasy and illusion. Delusional, power hungry tyrants are also a strong possibility. Be extremely careful with drugs, alcohol and thinking you are immortal.


Moon in Cancer TRINE NEPTUNE and SUN

A very bewitching Pagan NEW YEAR. A great day to scry with water. Visions and insights galore will appear.Be near water if you can. In ancient days the dead were put into boats and floated down rivers to the places of eternal rest. We are born from water and this completes that cycle. A good day for water cleanses and releasing with the element of water. A good day to cry out all the pain and sadness to be washed clean.

Life is a Dream Pisces Super Full Moon Meditation August 29 @ 6:35 p.m. GMT
By Agent 129 Tara Greene

www.taratarot.com wwww.infinitynow.wordpress.com

This Full Moon is the first of three Super Moons this year. The Full Moon will be perigee, closest to the earth and syzygy aligned with the Sun and earth, hours after the full moon making the moon appear larger. Super Moons generate stronger gravitational pulls on the oceans and our own emotions, so we will feel the effects in a stronger way.
Pisces is the twelfth and last sign of the zodiac and the one connected with all things mystical, spiritual, endings, dissolution, and ephemeral. It is water, a feminine, mutable, emotional sign symbolizing the oceanic Source of consciousness from which we all began and to which all things must return.
Pisces, ruled by Neptune in Modern astrology, governs the imagination, the unconscious, that storehouse of cellular consciousness which contains our deepest memories. Pisces rules creativity, formlessness, the non-ego Oneness state. Pisces rules the oceans, all artistic creations, soul-mates, non-duality, poetry, charity, compassion, martyrdom, projection, dreams, glamour, Hollywood, meditation, yoga, gurus, spiritual retreats, psychotropic mind-altering drugs, like ayahuasca, mediumship, ghosts, jails, mental health, debt, magicians, “snake-oil salesmen” psychic energy, delusions, illusions, addictions, spiritual healing, oil, and completion, death.
This Super Full Moon signifies we have completed an entire years’ worth and many lifetimes of spiritual lessons and emotional growth now.
Jupiter was the traditional ruling planet of Pisces until the discovery of Neptune in 1846 who is at home in his own sign. Jupiter, the King of the Gods rules expansion, higher learning, and teaching, wisdom teachers on the higher astral planes, travelling, justice, freedom, optimism, and faith.
Jupiter and Neptune are both involved very closely with this Full Moon. Jupiter in Virgo is 3 degrees away from the Sun. Neptune is opposite Jupiter and 2 degrees away from the Moon at 6 degrees 06 minutes of Pisces. To have both planetary rulers involved indicates that we are definitely being guided by higher mystical powers at this time.
Jupiter in Virgo is very grounding, practical, efficient and hard working. The Pisces Full Moon signifies a time of being cleansed, bathed, purified and renewed by the healing spiritual waters of Source itself.
All we need to do is surrender our ego’s resistance and illusion that we are separate entities from Source. We need to stop believing that illusion is real, that we are alone. We need to remember our infinite power as creators. We need to remember where we came from and why we are here. Jupiter in Virgo will help us to know and understand our sacred and practical mission.

In the Tarot the MOON Trump # 18 is the symbol associated with Pisces
But I also associate The Hanged Man Trump # 12 with the Pisces Full Moon.

The Hanged Man
Symbolizes the sacrificial martyr aspect of Pisces, the surrendering of the ego which can be both negative and positive.
The Moon card shows the dark side of the Moon, the Dark Night of the Soul, the feeling of being abandoned and alone. Both cards are associated with a spiritual baptism and the surrender of the ego, faith and trust. Like Jesus, represented by the Symbol of Pisces, had a moment of humanity while being crucified when he cried out to God “Why hast thou forsaken me.”
This Full Moon indicates we need to meditate on the Source within ourselves to reach Nirvana, not the band, but a state of Bliss and Oneness. Then as the Zen koan says, “Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment chop wood, carry water.” In modern terms, it is “the laundry” after enlightenment these days. Jupiter in Virgo is doing the laundry.
Venus is still Retrograde and within two degrees of Mars in Leo also making this a great time to review our hearts’ desires, to come into balance within our own Masculine and Feminine energies,
PISCES symbols
Ruler: Neptune and Jupiter
ANGEL: Gabriel,
Colors: blue
Incense: Jasmine, Gardenia, Hyacinth, mugwort, myrrh, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, vanilla
Metal: Tin {Jupiter} pewter
Gems: Aquamarine, chrysolite, moonstone, amethyst, pearl, sapphire, emerald
Flowers: Gardenia, orchid, lilac, wisteria, water lily, lotus pansy and poppy
Herbs; Heliotrope, carnation, Opium Poppy, Chicory, Sage

Trees: elm, willow
Animals: stork, swan, Fish, dolphins, whales,
Musical note: B
Body: the feet, pineal gland, all bodily fluids, and lymphatic system
Gods and Goddesses: Neptune, Varuna, Oceania, Sedna, Nepthys, Nammu, Tiamat, Yemaya.
Symbols and oracles

CHANDRA SYMBOL Pisces 7. An open-air library, the books magically impervious to the elements.

Degree Angel: Vehuel (Vay-hoo-EL) Happiness, Elevation, Grandeur

This degree feels an inner spiritual certainty, a feeling that cannot be shaken, broken or worn away. It never forgets the truth that it knows that anything that one truly has can never be lost.
The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “A candle burning. There is a ring of salt around it on the floor.”
The candle a symbol of The Light, like the Library of the Chandra symbol, is protected from discord and the dimming of the Light. This degree is extreme in its ability to hold to a focus to a sense of purpose, and to ward off anything that might attempt to disrupt, or negate that purpose. Truth may change in its manifestation, but the Light is an unchanging source however it is seen.
The message is, to communicate the faith of Pisces requires an unswerving dedication always to the Light and a clarity of focus.

MEDITATION for Pisces full Moon
As in previous Full Moon meditations, gather four candles, color related items and incense.
We are connecting with WATER, the emotional body and our imaginations. Everything you can image is real. Your consciousness creates it and your emotions makes it real. Smudge yourself first, cleanse the area you are in. Center yourself and Feel.
You will need a silver, chrome or black bowl of water for scrying with, gazing on to water.
Light four candles one by one starting in the East for the element of fire, this is the cosmological system I use but if you are pagan you begin in the South with Fire. Always move clockwise, wherever you start. Call in the four elements and directions. Call in the Holy Guardian Angels and your personal angel into the circle. If you have a soundtrack of the ocean or other watery soundscapes then put this on.
Close your eyes. Go into your heart. Visualize a root chakra opening meditation; see previous instructions http://www.cosmicintelligenceagency.com/category/agent-129-tara-greene/
With your eyes closed go directly to Source. Listen only to your own heartbeat, the flow and pulsing rhythms of the blood in your veins and allow all thoughts to disperse like a drop of water on the ocean. Feel yourself melting away.
Know that YOU ARE, I AM the Source, space, the Light, God/dess consciousness and the Void, emptiness and All. You are a drop of water in a vast infinite consciousness and the Ocean itself. Breathe and empty yourself, your ego. Just surrender, like the Hanged Man in the Tarot.
Feel the sense of expansion, watch the images or sense the feelings of expanding like a movie. Your consciousness is a great projection screen. Life really is like a movie. The eternal witness watches yourself, the people, and situations events, flicker by. You are the actor or actress, the watcher and creator, the director, producer of this great drama called Life. Understand that life is really a dream and just like Shakespeare said, all life is just a play and all the people on its stage are actors.
The children’s song “Row Row Row your boat
Gently down the stream,
Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily,
Life is but a dream.
This little ditty is really a deep inner spiritual truth. Make it your mantra this month, whenever stuff comes up. The merrily merrily part is super important. Be happy, no sorrow, it is all an experiential dream for the soul.
Spiritual knowledge once experienced is eternal, beyond time. Separation from Source is an illusion. You are always whole, complete, beautiful, glorious, healed already. You are Divine love and Light. There is nowhere to go, you are everywhere and in everything. The ocean of truth is impervious to all shadows and darkness is its reality.
Like the Sufi song, The Ocean, refuses no river, no river.
In your meditation, in a darkened room by candlelight half close your eyes and gaze at the reflections on the water. Feel yourself being cleansed and bathed in the Clear Light of this Super Moon, feel yourself being renewed, made whole, like the Virgin Goddess who renews herself at will. Remember your birth in this lifetime, recapitulate that birth, remember and release it. Remember all the lifetimes of birth and death and rebirth. Know you are an eternal being of Light whose nature is Divine Love.
Behold your True Self reborn anew.
All you have to do is ask, be open and receive. Always give thanks and be grateful. Slowly come out of your meditation. Write down or record your experience. Reflect, like the Moon upon it. You can keep doing this meditation daily and I would recommend it until the next New Moon which is the Blood Mood Aries Lunar Eclipse September 27-28.
Many Blessings,
TARA Greene Agent 129

It's VIRGO TIME! August 23- Sept 23.
This is your year Virgo! Yes with Jupiter in your sign you are the one to go to, the big kahuna of all things Virgoian, accountability, order, mental discipline, the teacher of how to do perfection, how to get your shit together, be punctual, organized, balance the budget, stay healthy and disciplined, steward the earth, and be HUMBLE-anti Selfie. You are also the O.C.D.'s and the master's of self- criticism. You work hard and love to serve. Everyone has Virgo somewhere in their astrology chart. Check out which house or houses Virgo rules in your natal chart.

Are you a Virgo? Do, or have planets in Virgo? Virgo is mutable earth. There is a whole generation of you with Pluto in Virgo and Jupiter will wake your soul up this year- 2016.

If you were born August 19, 1957; October 5, 1971 and April 17, 1972; July 30 1972 you are part of that Gen Perfection. You would benefit from a reading- see below to see how Jupiter can be your best reward this year.

Saturn will also be squaring and testing Virgo's born up to the first 11 days of the Sign by this year's end. Many of you are ready to be more mature. Those born in the earliest part of that Gen may be thinking about retirement. Those on the late end of it Have just gone through their mid-life crises. Also Virgo will be in the square from Saturn in Sagittarius to Neptune in Pisces which is exact November 26 2015 and majorly affects Virgo's born August 28.

Virgo's love to question, they are analyzers of lifes details. Like Gemini's they are ruled by Mercury so when Mercury goes Retrograde September 17-October 9th you feel it. I'm telling you this so that you can be totally prepared of course. I have my South Node of the Moon in Virgo.

for the 6th sign we have 6 keywords and questions for all of you as Jupiter in Virgo is magnifying these issues. Now do your homework

1. Simplicity- How can you simplify your life?

Yes we’re all waaaaay too busy these days. Zen like simplicity keeps mind-body and spirit clear. A Virgos dream

2. Organization

Is your life a big mess of clutter? Do de-clutter over the next 2 week period- I need to hear and do this myself.


are you happy with what you do or is it just a job?

4. Devotion to service to others and Self-

How much of that have you done lately? And how much do you serve your self?

5. Allowing oneself and others to be imperfect

Virgos always have an incessant inner critic in their heads. You are usually your own worst enemy because of your you and everyone else is never good enough. Heres a brilliant piece of advice someone told me. Just say,thanks for sharing to your inner critic and go one being free to be.

Inspirational Daily Card

Nine of Swords Tarot Tara Greene

A visual description of Virgo perfection to the 9th degree

6. harvesting

What have you harvested in your life? What do you want to harvest?


GET A READING WITH TARA http://www.taratarot.com

SEDONA sacred ceremony Sept 13- 27 join me for a day a weekend or more. Email to register for ceremonial rituals on the Eclipses, the Blood Moon, Shemitah, Autumn Equinox and more.

Jupiter, planet of  positive expansive energy enters Leo July 16 2014-August 10 2015.

An entire year of ROARING  PASSION, COURAGE, PRIDE, DARING DRAMA, LUST FOR LIFE.LEO, the 5th Sign is ruled by the SUN, and symbolizes each and every one of us as SUN Kings or Queens of his own domain.

LEO is the sign of Royalty, leaders, Power, Vitality, The LIGHT, ENERGY, Spontaneity, COURAGE, Daring.

Leo is the Sign of the Heart, creative self- expression and of the CHILD. 

Jupiter expands whatever it touches much like a benevolent fairy, Santa Claus or godmother. Jupiter the largest planet rules the Fire Sign Sagittarius and spiritual water sign of Pisces traditionally.

EVERYONE has the sign of LEO somewhere in their chart. MARK that house with an X. It’s where your greatest ability to love and express that lies. All fire signs will be set alight. ARIES and SAGITTARIUS.

SCORPIO, AQUARIUS, And TAURUS get squared and opposed.

LEO and LEO ASCENDANT – get ready to bloom and shine. A whole year of being daring enough to listen to have the guts to get up on the world’s stage and STAR in your own drama. A whole year of defending the CHILDREN all over the world. Child brides, child labour, etc. Fertile, over the top, like the GREAT GATSBY, feel all the heat.

 A Masculine planet in a Masculine sign.  A whole year to give love generously, for creative self expression.

As a Triple Sagittarius with Jupiter in Aries in my 5th house { naturally Leo} I am looking forwards to getting back in the saddle again. I am planning much travelling, teaching, writing. 


All writing is copyright of Tara Greene

YES YOU NEED TO KNOW HOW GOOD its going to be= get a reading http://www.taratarot.com

Happy Autumn Equinox to you in the Northern Hemisphere and Happy Spring to those of you down under.

Did you feel the PLUTO changing direction THUNK? Don't think about it.

Here in Sedona I led a wonderful intimate ceremony on the red rocks. There were four women which was perfect of course, because we each held one of the four directions.

Two women I had never met before in the physical, we had connected on the web and thanked the world-wide web for providing such magical synchonicities. One of the women had read this blog and contacted me. They who had just arrived earlier that day from Florida.

So I said we need to thanks SPIDER WOMAN. She is the original creatress. There is a lovely song to her. Both of these women are very spiritual ,one a yoga instructor, and tour leader and the other an acupuncturist and Taoist and both Reiki Masters and Lightworkers. My new Soul sistar and friend Julija from Melbourne Australia who started the Cosmic Intelligence Agency is also an awesome star-spangled spiritual lady who has stayed here with me for the past week, was in the circle as well.


We had been stargazing and had seen Capricorn and the Fixed Star Fomalhaut/the ARCHANGEL GABRIEL so clearly the other night. I am literally very connected to this star as it is conjunct my NORTH NODE in my natal chart. and Neptune is still closely conjunct wit in 2 degrees to it now. So we are all being blessed by the announcing angel.


We are all mothers, between the 4 of us we have 7 children I believe. I sang a song of Bleeding for the New Moon as well. Ladies if you are "on your moon" on the New Moon then you are in synch with the natural cycles. Time to go to the RED TENT.

We had wonderful prayers for the planet and sent light to where the U.S. had just started airstrikes against ISIL. We sent prayers to the Middle east and to all the countries that need it. We blanketed the world. We set intentions for the next 3 months.

All of the 8 stations of the year, and New moons are always great intention setting times. We get two opportunities virtually together now.

The Moon is Void of COURSE today Sept 23 until 11:14 pm PDT when it enters LIBRA and not till Sept 24 @ 2:14 am.
ON void of course Moon days let go. Be in the now.

I chose a Tarot Inspirational Card of the Day for this New Moon

tarot astrology Tara Greene

8 of Wands by Julia C. Tenney

This is a beautiful image for intention setting.

You must make 8 intentions.

In my ceremony last night I called in 8 directions. The four Cardinal direction East South West and North which are stable and the Non-cardinals which are the movers of energy. In the Twisted Hairs Medicine teachings which I was taught. The directions means this;

The South East, is about self- love self-knowledge and self- acceptance

The South West, is about healing and the dreamers

The North West is the place of Karma and Dharma,of Raven and Crow and power places on the earth. Being in Sedona I feel very Blessed to be in one of the big power spots.

and the North East is the place of MAGIC, sourcery as in being connected to source energy.It is the place of new images and archetypes.

Each of these non-cardinals hold different healing energies as well. I will write a more in-depth article about that separately.

8 of wands is Mercury in Sagittarius.

Aim your LIGHT ARROWS of truth higher. To the GALACTIC Center.

Think about what each direction and element means to you. Different traditions use different elements for each direction. Use which one works for you.

Gotta go. MANY Blessings

Rosh HAshanna the Jewish New Year begins tomorrow. I will write manana about that.


all writing is copyright of TARA GREENE

get a reading with TARA http://www.taratarot.com

WINTER SOLSTICE 2013 December 21 @ 5:11 PM GMT/ 12:11 EST / 9:11 am PDT

Winter Solstice heralds winter’s start in the Northern Hemisphere/ Spring in the Southern. An ancient pagan ceremonial day, it’s one of the four main turning points in the Sun’s annual journeys. The shortest day of Light is the gateway to the Sun’s rebirth, a story echoed in Christmas. The Solstice chart governs the next three months of the year. So let’s decipher the cosmic signs. This astrology chart is cast for Washington D.C. with  a 1 degree Aries Ascendant, a natural house alignment.  Results will differ with where the chart is cast for.

Toronto Psychic Services Astrology Tara Greene

Mercury is very close to the Galactic Center at 25+ degrees of Sagittarius, so tune in and meditate during this day to tune into the Highest Teachings offered by this placement. Communications will be galloping along, upbeat, inspirational, fun, relaxed, “out there.”

We’re one year from that Mayan Calendar “END DATE” of December 21 2012. Much hyped, many were disappointed that the world did not end and business kept chugging on as usual, sort of. Some true believers still feel that yes, a shift of the ages happened and we/they are being wired to Ascend to the 5th dimension and beyond. Well this is your opportunity to tune in directly and find out for yourself.

MOON’s in LEO at 17 degrees in the 5th

The Moon in Leo is regal, dramatic, childlike, self- expressive, courageous, romantic. ROAR is a popular song right now for a reason. We are all actors on the stage. Be childlike, big hearted and benefit the children.

The Moon is squaring Saturn in Scorpio at 19 +degrees.

This speaks of more financial difficulty for more people in the U.S. and worldwide. Saturn in the 8th is Scorpio itself, death, rebirth, other people’s money, pensions, the elderly. The people will be angry and will have the courage to stir up the shit. They feel Royally entitled- notice Lorde’s song- Royals.

Jupiter, Retrograde in Cancer in the 4th house is Trining Saturn in the 8th

This speaks of hope, families and neighbourhoods helping and assisting one another, grassroots co-operation when times are tough.

The Major Players of 2014 Uranus in Aries, Pluto in Capricorn, Jupiter in Cancer and Mars in Leo are all well placed in their respective angular corners, ready to duke it out in their massive Grand Cardinal Cross. Especially if you have planets within 5 degrees either side of them- you will personally be embroiled in the imbroglio.

VENUS is STATIONARY at 28 degrees Capricorn, under Saturn’s rulership, about to go Retrograde hours later at 4:53 pm EST so she is incredibly powerful sitting virtually still. Venus is beginning her journey into the Underworld as the Goddess Inanna did. Venus Retrograde helps us to step back from our love relationships, money issues and re-evaluate what’s most important to us. In Capricorn, Venus is pragmatic, earthy, responsible, conservative, all business like. So real physical results will culminate from being introspective and intuitive during the next 5 weeks or so. Venus will make an invisible inferior conjunction with the Sun on January 11 2014. Venus will turn Direct at 13 degrees 33 minutes of Capricorn on January 31 2014. She is spending four months in Capricorn, much longer than usual. The economy should experience a downturn because of this. Government may be shut down again in the U.S. Women need to assert themselves in the workforce and make their values known in higher offices.

ERIS new mini planet of DISCORD at 21 degrees of Aries in the 1st is opposed to CERES Goddess of the earth and agriculture at 18 degrees of Libra in the 7th house. Trouble in the natural world stirred up by Monsanto. Jupiter in Cancer Retrograde, is square to them both. This says that women must really take their power as nurturer’s seriously. Women control 80% of all the spending, Venus ruled Libra. Women must advocate for their families right to be fed nutritional food, not plastic de-natured fast foods. They will have to fight in court- Libra for justice against the lobbyists.

The North Node at 6 degrees of Scorpio in the 7th house here is trining Neptune at 2 degrees Pisces and Chiron at 9 degrees. The North node is our highest spiritual goal. Stay hopeful, trust spirit, have faith in your dreams. Go deeper within for the answers. Our highest way to transform is through others, in relationship. Stay focussed on your own highest goals, wishes and dreams no matter how rocky the next few months are.


You will face the most stress in 2014.

Need your own chart deciphered for 2014? get a reading


Dec. 2  SAGITTARIUS NEW MOON  @ 10 degrees +

Dec. 4  MERCURY ENTERS SAGITTARIUS – plenty of horsing around lots of yuks.

Dec. 7 MARS enters Libra - - begins an extrememly long till JULY 25 2014 stay in LIBRA!!! I'll write about that separately.

DEC 17 GEMINI Full Moon- TWIN antenna's are up  

DEC 17 Uranus goes Direct- full speed chaos ahead - very very powerful date

DEC 21 WINER SOLSTICE/ Summer Solstice One of the most important dates of the Year

DEC. 21 VENUS Goes RETROGRADE at 28 degrees Caprirciorn 58 minutes- Ground Hog Day 2014- Grok that! LOVE takes a U Turn 


DEC 25 Mars opposite URANUS 8 Libra – 8 Aries  MaJor T- square- whacky Xmas eve. 

DEC 28 SUN CONJUNCT MERCURY - 7 degrees Capricorn

Dec 29 MERCURY square URANUS – 8+ degrees Capricorn to 8 + degrees ARIES

DEC. 29 SUN Squares URANUS – 8 + degrees Capricorn- 8+ degrees ARIES

DEC 30 MARS SQUARE PLUTO – 11 degrees Libra to 11 degrees + Capricorn- DIFICILE intense.

Dec 31 MERCURY SQUARES Pluto – 11 degrees+ LIBRA –11 degrees+ Capricorn


DEC 10 Mercury TRINE URANUS 8 degrees+ Sag. To 8 degrees+ ARIES

DEC. 12 JUPITER TRINE SATURN 18 degree Retro to 18 degrees + of Scorpio

MERCURY ENTERS SCORPIO September 29  - December 4th

where the message will be deep intensively revealing conversations about our shadows and secrets.

M in S is about transformation in the way we communicate,intimacy issues, what and how we reveal to ourselves and others, 

Mercury in Scorpio is the sign of spys, hidden secrets, psychology, intuition, rich business, shared resources,

James Bond, Freud and Jung’s territory, 

It perfectly mirrors another debt ceiling 8th house of big banking, finances, bankruptcy.

Mercury is the MAGICIAN – in the Tarot – thoughts are magic

SCORPIO is DEATH – rebirth, transformation-  put those two images together in your mind.

This will be an intense roller coaster ride to magically change of consciousness.

Don’t try to keep secrets during this time. 

It’s around 9 weeks of in-depth soul-searching and transformational ideas.

 Deep patterns of Obsessive thinking can be broken now.

The Groom decapitated by his bride even

Digital Photograph by Napoleon Brousseau

We’ll be focusing with hindsight at the November 3 Solar Eclipse

and stirring up  a cauldron filled with intimate sexual secrets bubbling up to the surface,

and of more power tripping surveillance secrets revealed, cheating, stealing,

soul to soul communications will be the norm, It’s INTENSE.

while the Messenger is in the 8th house, everyone will be wearing x-ray vision,

X is for the Mysterium of it all. You know Scorpio’s all have THOSE penetrating eyes- 

Scorpio magnifies all your feelings and thoughts so be careful of thinking from the dark side, that unevolved stinger side of Scorpio.

Like a boomerang it will always come back at ya.

EARLY MERCURY RETROGRADE ALERT on Oct. 21 @ 18 degrees 23 minutes and turn DIRECT at 2 degrees 30 minutes

It will take until December 17 for Mercury to pass its Retrograde station.

Which houses and cusps does this 16 degree span cover in your chart? Which planets and aspects do these degrees trigger?

Mercury goes Retrograde on my Ascendant, and Retrogrades back into my 12th house, this is apropos for me as I am redoing

my website and my whole way of approaching Ascendant, the world and others- Descendant straddle.

Get a heads up on this and check out where this soulful dark side  Mental reload will happen for you.

Relationship issues will come to a head.

The 8th house is really the soul mate house,opposite the 2nd house

of personal values and resources it’s opposite to all “others ” the 7th house of marriage. It’s shared resources,

The 8th house is how do we share our sexual power? money? spiritual resources. Yes 8th house is also spiritual

although we don’t usually think of it that way. All of the water houses relate to spirit as emotions/water is the substance,  the karmic glue

that draws, seduces us to it and surrounds us from the womb, 4th house- Cancer, to 8th house wet intimacy to Pisces- symbolic water and dissolving into the Spiritual ocean of Bliss, similar to what we knew in the womb.


Mercury will Trine Neptune Oct 1 deep healing conversations,-Venus was just activating this Trine- so a revisit is in order.

Quincunx Uranus Oct 8

Conjunct Saturn Oct 8 big serious DEAL MAKER DAY

Turn Retrograde Oct 21 @ 3:28 am PDT

Mercury sextiles Mars and Pluto Movember 1

Mercury quincunx Uranus November 1

Mercury sextiles Venus November 8

Mercury Trines Neptune in Pisces November 9 

Mercury Goes Direct November 10 @ 1:12 PM PST

PLEASE share widely

Get a reading with Tara http://www.taratarot.com


November Astrology Forecast


Starting out with a big Bang with the 4th EXACT square between URANUS and PLUTO at 9 degrees + Aries/ Capcriocn.

That little event keeps rockin and reverberating until the next exact square April 21 2014.

MERCURY Also CONJUNCTS THE SUN moving Retrograde November 1st also at 9 degrees SCORPIO.

These two events underscore each other as the Consciousness value of SUN + MERCURY RETRO in SCORPIO is the DARK night of the SOUL aspect the Night Sea journey, the twilight zone, void, Liminal LIMBO space.

This is territory ruled by Pluto and Mars in the LIGHT of consciousness is in Quincunx to Uranus and sextile to Pluto.

WE NEED to think in ways we haven never imagined before. Imagine that.


The SCORPIO SOLAR ECLIPSE NOV 3 with SATURN conjunct the Sun Moon North Node and Mercury is hybrid. Indicating literally a new type of masculine solar consciousness and feminine lunar consciousness.



And she will stay in Capricorn till March 5/6 of 2014.


SUN conjuncts SATURN November 6- March 6/7 @ 10 degrees CANCER

JUPITER goes RETROGRADE November 6/7 March 6/7 @ 10 degrees CANCER

VENUS Sextiles NEPTUNE November 7

Mercury sextiles Venus November 8

Mars sextiles Saturn November 9

Mercury Trines Neptune November 9


VENUS TURNS RETROGRADE on the WINTER SOLSTICE DEC 21 2013 at 28 degrees 59 minutes almost at that last critical degree which by the way is very near to where the U.S. Natal Pluto is at 27 degrees 32 Rx.  . So heads up on the economy.

Venus in Capricorn is one smooth all business conservative career oriented lady. Love needs to bring practical hard working results now. No airy-fairy or intense emotional stuff now. Venus Retrograde is a very powerful time. I’ll write about it later.



NEPTUNE TURNS DIRECT November 13- big dreams go ahead

VENUS Squares Uranus November 14 \Venus sextiles Chiron November 14


VENUS conjunct PLUTO November 15 *****

FULL MOON 25 degrees Taurus November 17


November 19

CHIRON Turns Direct

Mars sextile Jupiter

Mercury Quincunx Uranus

November 20

Mercury Trines Chiron

Mercury sextiles Pluto

November 23

Venus sextiles Saturn

November 25

Mercury conjuncts Saturn

November 27

Mercury sextiles Venus


November 28

VENUS opposites Jupiter ***

November 30






Starting with that  Mars square Saturn- I have to tell you about how we experienced it. My husband put some meat on the stove to cook down for our dog Jasper then he went outside to do something. It burned- Mars in LEO -HOT! the Fire alarm did not go off!- That’s square to Saturn. We all smelled it and came running to the kitchen and all was well, just some burned food and a pot and a house smelling smoky.

9/9  MERCURY ENTERS LIBRA – Let’s talk about Love, Peace

and the “WAR OF WORDS” that is going on between the U.S. and Syria may have a peaceful Libra solution via Russia. As the  10th anniversary of 9/11 looms. Assad’s rhetoric that any strike’s on Syria would be countered as support for Al-Qaeda.


VENUS ENTERS SCORPIO 9/10- October 7 Bringing Sexy Back -

The KILLER QUEEN, Katy Perry’s new perfume is the perfect description of Venus in Scorpio. Katy is a SCORPIO, can’t you tell?

Actually Katy has 5 planets in Scorpio all in the 1st house- PLUTO CONJUNCT THE SUN! Mercury and an exact SATURN Moon conjunction. I’ll look at her chart separately she will be having her 1st Saturn Return starting in Dec into 2014. She may get rehitched soon.

Venus in Scorpio is overly sexed or sexually abusive, especially with Mars, Scorpio’s ruler in LEO.

see below the sexiest song ever written by Laura Nyro- below who had Venus Chiron Mercury and Jupiter in Scorpio

Venus rules your love life, your values, art, relationships, women. Scorpio Venus babes are vixen’s, the devil’s bride. All that projection of men’s fear of women’s sexuality. But the Male aspect is in LEO for now. Still full of PRIDE, wait till Mars enters VIRGO October 15.

VENUS IN SCORPIO helps you to address your own inner fear around sexuality, any shame. Scorpio cleanses, renews, there may be lots of lingering shadow fears and anger to shed. I still hear from many clients who grew up in atmospheres of very suppressed sexuality in their lives which still limits them from enjoying their sex lives fully.

Scorpio is FIXED, will power, control, secrets, psyche. She won’t back down. No matter what.

Venus in Scorpio dressed in a Dominatrix outfit, cracks her whips and makes Mars in Leo dance to her gyrating, sensual heart.

Jumping ahead-

VENUS conjuncts NORTH NODE + Saturn Sept. 18 at 4:54 pm EDT  Mark THAT DATE 

at 8 degrees + that is a karmic day for world markets, for being in synch with the world’s highest goals and karma. Ya got stuff at 8 degrees  Scorpio Taurus Leo or Aquarius? Then you are in the exact right place! check out where.

I feel inspired to start a global meditation.

The Goddess of Love and the God of MACHO are in a  very heated HEAVY SQUARE SEPT 28 at 19 degrees Scorpio/Leo – right on my Scorpio Ascendant!

erotic art Napoleon Brousseau u

Erotic charcoal drawing by Napoleon Brousseau

Have a big passionate party,  special event on this date.

9/11 the 12th anniversary, Moon enters Sagittarius and crosses where Pluto was on that fateful day.

I will follow up with a look at the two charts and see how they measure up.

It’s a busy Sagittarius Moon day with many aspects some of each Trines squares sextles.

Mercury in LIBRA quincux’s NEPTUNE so those communication hopes may be all smoke and mirrors.

9/12 Sagittairus Moon and its ruler JUPITER In Cancer quincunx- sounds exotic- but it just means that

adventures and cleaning up the house are not compatible to Sagittarius terrain.

Moon and Sun square off – we’re headed for a Full Moon in PISCES September 19

FRIDAY THE 13- the weekends usual T- squares begin


Moon enters Capricorn to keep you sobered up. Capricorn is down to earth, pragmatic non superstitious, but  with Venus and Saturn in Scorpio though…mmm

It’s a lovely romantic up day for Cappy’s! Moon sextiles VENUS and NEPTUNE- romance, dreams pay off, you get your raise!

Moon squares Mercury- serious business, world leader talks. Moon conjuncts Pluto- always  INTENSE heavy.

Moon quincunx Mars in Leo- When push comes to shove, the LION will shove it up the goat ass.

Moon squares URANUS -expect unexpected chilly emotional changes. Mars in Leo loves drama BTW.

VENUS sextiles NEPTUNE for a very romantic late night/ early morning make love on a cloud

9/14 YOM KIPPUR the HoLiest DAy in the JEWISH YEAR and one for Israel to watch out for.

It’s 45 years this day since the Yom Kippor war. That’s called a semi-square aspect in astrology geometrics. Like an anti-semi te??? Just kidding, a

little astro-humour, the Moon’s in Sagittarius FGS. It’s a Day of Attonement- fasting.

Moon squares Uranus are we getting the hang of this T-square thing?

Mars quincunx Chiron which feels like a swift kick in the balls.

CAPPY MOON opposes JUPITER- government pushes for HOMELAND SECURITY- note Jupiter was also in Cancer at 9/11. The birth of H.S.

MERCURY squares PLUTO  -Diplomatic relations may still work.

MARS TRINE URANUS -but trigger happy generals, terrorists, etc may pull the unexpected trigger,I hope not.

Moon trines SUN which is nice for 21 degree earth peeps.


Oy September is  1/2 over already!

Moon enters we’re all in this together AQUARIUS -detachment brings some needed relief.

AQUAMoon squares Venus in Scorpio= Venus in Scorpio knows no detachment, and SATURN too.


Quincunxing Chiron in Pisces, opposing URANUS in ARIES = unexpected delusions arise, needy people crawl out of the woodwork, boundaries are a necessity.

Mercury opposes URANUS- now its the Magician’s turn to deal with Uranian energy. This is like an  atomic reverse Mercury retrograde. Will they think of some way to contain Fukushima’s radioactive waste destroying the PAcific ocean?

Moon ends on a nice note in Trine to Mercury in LIBRA- you deserve it. Meditating is so important right now. I’m putting out my MP3′s of guided meditations really soon.


get a fabulous in-depth  reading with Tara http://www.taratarot.com

Erotic charcoal drawing by Napoleon Brousseau http://www.napob.com    and http://www.angellgallery.com/artists/napoleon_brousseau


September 1-8 back to school, this is what we always do here on earth.

It’s a holiday. Labour day. I was thinking about women’s sacred menstrual blood, I was telling one of my clients about it. Women do not know this great truth. I used the metaphor for a friend’s reading about his  being squeezed during labour, during his rebirth. Labour day makes me think of women’s labouring not just male  workers. If you’ve had a child you know what this is. Many women actually miss this or have a partial experience through having cesarian’s. What are you labouring to give birth to?

Where are you at in your rebirthing process?

I wrote previously about the Leo quincunx’s which should perhaps now be upgraded and renamed twerkcomplexes.

Virgo time feels more focussed and organized. Gotta get my diet and exercise routine back on track.

I am under NEPTUNE’s influence- squaring my Sun which is will be doing for the next year or so.

VIRGO SUN opposes CHIRON on Tuesday

the GODS are not perfect.

ABsolutely. Thank you Brien for saying something like this. Virgo’s search for perfection is very painful, much more  hard wrok than it needs to be. Virgo/The 6th house -worshipping the God of labour again. We ain’t perfect the God’s ain’t perfect. Just accept that and relax in a Pisces blissed out way. 

Moon quincunx Uranus-  some strange twists of fate.

Sept 4

Moon enters VIRGO- opposes Neptune sextiles Saturn and TRINES PLUTO

good day for organizing your Neptunian dreams, easy to transform and build those long-term  goals.


To all my Jewish friends and family MAy your year be sweet and healthy  and may you bring peace.

Moon opposes Chiron bringing the emotions into the body is absolutely necessary.

Moon is shadowing the Sun & quincunx’s Uranus too -just

Ride that cosmic wave like the SILVER SURFER would

Silver Surfer Uranus Tara Greene astrology


We’re in the menstrual period of the Moon. 13 is the number of lunar cycles in a year. Moon is shedding her sacred moon blood, SOMA, the substance that all humans and mammals are created from. The Moon, called Selena, Isis, ALuna, has retreated to her  dark cave, pit, hut, yurt, RE TENT, tipi, MOON Lodge for 3 days.

Up until the advent of electricity around 130 years ago and when women lived in smaller tribal groups or work together, they would all bleed on the NEW MOON, together. Women know this for a fact that when they live together their menstrual cycles all come into harmony with each other. Virgo being a body sign, an earth sign makes me think of being very much in an embodied zone. There is only 4 EARTH new moons a year.

The  NEw Moon is opposed by CHIRON the wounded healer. This to me is about healing shame. 

Menstrual blood is still a huge taboo.  It is a scared wounding. Chiron opposite the New moon feels like a great time for women to learn about and heal their Femininity, their sexuality, their health.  Pisces is the 12th house of secrets addictions, the things we have forgotten about. Sexual, emotional, physical, mental abuse. The shame that binds us and keeps us from freely expressing our souls.

Chiron, though wounded himself was a great teacher and healer. So admit you shame, feel it in your body. The pain it taints your love. It will never hurt you, only the repression of it will, Make ya crazy, neurotic, psychotic.  Like A.A. the first step is admitting the problem, surrender, make amends. Rebirth. Forgiveness. Compassion.

VENUS, THE NORTH NODE and SATURN are now only 2 degrees apart.


The NOrth NOde and Saturn conjunction exclamation point is on Sept 16 at 8 degrees 35 minutes SCORPIO with Venus close by too.

MARK THAT DATE- Its the blind date at the end of the Universe.

Check out where 8/9 degrees of SCORPIO is in you chart. That is a fateful degree for you. Which house is it in? What is it aspecting?

Serious long term relationships may end. It stimulates a boiling point, a point of no return. A fated straw that broke the came’s back feeling. Ive had enough and I can’t take it anymore. Got any hunches on which area or area’s of your life could easily go over the dam under this kind of pressure?

GET A READING WITH TARA- You need it- http://www.taratarot.com

Lilith enters the T-SQUARE RING

And in this corner wearing not much, glowering darkly and smolderingly is Lilith the Dark Goddess, the shadow Kali aspect of the Goddess. Lilith is at 9 degrees Cancer opposite Pluto now. By the end of September she is exactly squaring Uranus as well adding another very potent aspect to the on going T- squares. This adds even more fuel to this Cardinal initiation.

Unconscious, repressed hatred and fear of women, of women’s unstoppable sexual power is what’s coming into consciousness now. Yes more world wide backlash for gang rapes but we’ve got a long way to go. I see Miley Cyrus’s overtly sexual – we won’t stop -twerking performance was part of that Lilith T- square energy being released.

Mars at 14 degrees LEO is square to the North Node VENUS and SATURN in Scorpio

Couple of hot tamales here. MArs in Leo is a fierce proud fighter and VENUS in Scorpio is a sex vixxen.  Saturn in Scorpio is death.

If the world is going to hell in a handbasket then get drynk have incredible sex and laugh.

Drink to KALI and enjoy what is.

KAli Venus in Scorpio Astrology Tara Greene

HINdu Goddess Kali slays the ego

Sept 6 Moon conjunct Virgo a good day to take notes, organize everything

MOon saunters into LIBRA and makes a quincunx to Neptune-

things are lookiong fuyzzy and BE careful no one spikes your martini at the party.

Sept 7

It’s the LIBRA way to do the T- squares – to Pluto , oppose Uranus, square Jupiter with incredible finesse

Sun sextiles Jupiter- good one make hay while the Sun and Jupiter dance together CANCER peeps especially

Sept 8

Last T- square step is conjunct VENUS- good day for a late summer party, soiree, mingle it up.

Moon enters Deep secret time SCORPIO @ 6:44 pm PDT

that wraps up that week


I will be doing phone seminars on MENstrual Moon blood magic

go to my Facebook page where I will be updating http://www.facebook.com/pages/Tara-Greene-Tarot-Psychic-Astrology-Consultant/193065840714514

August Astrology preview the 8th Month- 

copyright Tara Greene 2013-


August is jam-packed with major shifts and changes, it gets more intense towards the end of the month. You will be reeling.

Reminds me of an old Captain BEEFHEART Song - "She gave me white jam and I don't know who I am."

Remember we are under the JUPITER= Expansion in Cancer in a VOLATILE T- SQUARE- like a sling shot- between two powerhouse planets 

OPPOSING PLUTO In CAPRICORN - moving Retrograde  and Squaring URANUS IN ARIES also Retrograde+ VENUS gets in the act now.

The Terrorist alert for the Months of August world-wide- definitely mirrors this tense explosive situation.

Aug 1st Mars Trines North Node + Chiron   Venus opposite Chiron

Aug 3 Cancer Moon Trines Neptune Saturn conjuncts Jupiter opposes Pluto squares Uranus

Lots of crazy energies all weekend.

Aug 4 Sun Trines Uranus and squares North and South Nodes

             Moon in Cancer trines Chiron, conjunct Mars in Cancer, trines Uranus. emotional chaos, Healing crisis.

NEW MOON in LEO 14 degrees - see my article on this blog http://infinitynow.wordpress.com/2013/08/04/a-royally-karmic-leo-new-moon-and-the-nodal-axis/

August 7 JUPITER opposite PLUTO  9 degrees Cancer/Capricorn can be very rich but also dangerous

Jupiter opposite Pluto In Capricorn is like "HAPPINESS IS A WARM GUN." to the American Rifle Association.

Aug 8 -  Mercury enters LEO- THINKING is "ALL ABOUT ME!"

Mercury in Leo - "You're so vain, you probably think this song is about you."

Carly Simon's famous song is the TUNE for this aspect- see link below-

shifts the brain waves to Royally attuned - more baby news and Royal obsessions

Ideally Mercury in Leo is thinking straight from the HEART, they will be done.

Otherwise it's BIG DRAMA KING's and QUEEN'S time, ego's will be in big snits

LEo is EGOcentric, verbose, loud, over the top, jockeying for position, VAIN, 

Your brain wants to PARTY hearty.  Summer's almost over, Have fun while the Sun is in LEO.

The conversation is- over the top- generous, proud, loud, roaring, boasting, self- expressive, creative,

al LEO"s will be " all eyes on us." 

Leo minds are like Big kids playing dress up.  Mercury in Leo till August 23

AUG 10 Mercury Quincunx NEPTUNE in PIsces - big ego's and spiritual martyrdom are  a bad drug combo

  Aug 11 LIBRA MOON squares Pluto, Jupiter, opposes Uranus squares Mars in Cancer

AUG 11 Mercury square Saturn- 5 degrees Leo/Scorpio

BIg egos come Under very hard scrutiny. Pride comes before the fall. Expect some major players to get caught.

August 14 First Quarter Square Scorpio Moon to Leo Sun 

MERCURY creates a mentally very challenging and enlightening day possibly

                   -   Mercury in LEo Squares the North Node 11 degrees Leo/Scorpio 

                   -Mercury in LEO Trines Uranus  12 degrees Leo/ Aries

                   - MErcury quincunx Chiron in PIsces - 12 degrees LEo/Pisces 

The challenge is to mentally and Emotionally evolve, transform, let go of old fixed ideas to grow beyond your limitations.

Radical changes and reforms are enacted by leaders in order to stay current and popular.


Aug 16 Venus enters LIBRA - September 11  its great for LIBRA and TAURUS

That's almost a month of reveling in relationship gravy.

LIBRA's you hold sway and the focus now especially after Mercury leaves LEO on the 23rd and enters VIRGO.

Love, values, money is in the balance, so can be a karmic time in the markets as thing's rebalance.

In relationships everyone is simply nicer, more conscious of the "other." 

It's all about being gracious, living in harmony, enjoying beauty.

People value being with others, it's a great time to socialize, throw parties to influence those with taste and money

WOmen will be more flirty, dress more fabulously, be careful not to overspend!

Great time for a wedding! Art show, fashion, designer anything, creating art, making whoopee!

AUg 16 Jupiter Trines the North NOde 11 degrees CAncer/Scorpio-

If your birthday is July 3rd or 4th- AMERICA ands Nov 3 or 4th- you know what the highest direction is to go.

AUGUST 17 a jam-packed day

Moon in Capricorn squares VENUS at ZEro degrees - a tough kick off for Venus

Moon conjuncts PLUTO opposes JUPITER in Cancer and Squares URANUS = 9 - 12 degrees of CARDINAL signs

Emotionally we all get the BIG T-Square where we live, not just a world changer but at home.

The challenge is with the Moon in Capricorn not to repress the feelings too much.

other wise you'll end up with a big tummy ache.

AUG 19 VENUS quincunx Neptune 4 degrees Libra /Pisces

Idealistic Libran Love cant match the unconditional spritual  ONENESS { martyrdom} SOULMATE, twin flame love of Neptune in PISCES

Can be a day of levelling the angelic playing field. Prepare to be disappointed in mere mortal love. You seem your beloved in an unflattering pose, light, with dirty undies or something  "eww." 

AUGUST 20/21 AQUARIUS FULL BLUE Moon 28 degrees

It's a Blue Moon Month with 2 Full Moons in the Same sign! AQUARIUS is doubling up the message

This will be an all hell breaks loose Full Moon as Jupiter makes the 1st of three exact  squares to Uranus. The trines are still ongoing and getting more critical. This ups the ante for bigger, faster, Justice, Jupiter rules "sacred Law" in CAncer it is more heartfelt law,

The Full Moon is close to opposing Neptune so definitely a sense of spiritual justice coming in,. I'll write more on this Blue Full Moon later separately.


The pressure for society to break through its old outworn structures is amped up now. Jupiter will square Uranus twice more. and Jupiter will also Trine Chiron 3 times  starting today as well.- Great wounding and great healing crises are upon us.This additionally affect the U.S. whose Sun is at 14 degrees Cancer and its natal Saturn at 15 degrees LIBRA>.

JUPITER will be involved in 5 Grand CARDINAL CROSSES throughout next spring 2014. Home family food water women children security social and political Justice, education are all up for complete overhaul with URANUS and PLUTO being involved. VEnus become involved first as she is in Libra now. see August 24-27 below

Aug 22 Sun enters VIRGO

Virgo time to shine. The HArvest is upon us. Virgo is getting ordered, disciplined, back to school, tidy up, take accounts. How is our harvest? 

Aug 23 -  Mercury's enters  VIRGO

The Mind and the Sun the SOL, our source is aligned now. MErcury RULES VIRGO, so mentally we should be very grounded, very organized, purposeful, hard-working, disciplined. Watching the diet, the paycheck, the savings, the budget.  Too nitpick and critical is Mercury in Virgo's downside. Till September 9.

Aug 23 

Moon in Aries quincunx's Saturn in Scorpio 

emotionally feeling challenged, can feel depressed, stuck.

Aries Moon makes GRAND CARDINAL CROSS as it opposes Venus in Libra , Squares Pluto and conjuncts URANUS

we are now having a 4 times a month lunar emotional challenge a Grand Cardinal cross to feel for ourselves from one of the 4 cardinal signs. A preview of tomorrow

Aug 24 Sun conjuncts MERCURY

The Light and the mind conjoin, The mental waves are considered burnt out, called "combust." CAn be strong solar flares which knock out sidelights and affect radio transmissions.

Aug 24 Venus squares PLUTO  9 degrees Libra/Capricorn

MArkets may makes a serious correction just before this. VEnus is strong in her home sign. Old Patriarchal, Plutocratic structures cannot hold balance will be destroyed by internal and external pressures.   Is the illusion of wealth,  and keeping up with the Jones worth the pain of being enslaved and unconscious? Issues of abuse,  being manipulated by the system will arise. We realize that we are Karmically responsible for creating all the imbalances in our lives.

Aug 25 Mercury opposes Neptune 3 degrees Virgo/Pisces

Clear thinking rationalizing and beautiful spiritual inspired Higher Romance and idealism face off. YOu will NOT be thinking clearly. Brain FOG.

August 25- EARTHY TRINES TAURUS VIRGO CAPRICORN peeps! its your time to get the prize

Taurus Moon trines Sun Mercury Pluto

Aug 26 Venus opposes URANUS 11 degrees Libra/ Aries

VENUS is strengthening her hold on the REvolution as WOMEN will be angry, and want to fight for equality every step of the way. Amazon warrioress are called to action. VEnus rules MONEY so MArket corrections are expected to be chaotic to put it mildly. Chances of terrorist attacks on banks, in social situations, celebrities, high-profile individuals are attacked, could be kidnapping. 

Aug 26  Sun opposite NEPTUNE –1 time a year= dont operate heavy machinery

Sun opposite Neptune the rational, down to earth, tangibility bs the psychic, sensitive, telepathic spiritual compassion reality. We will all be feeling foggy, drunk, light heated, Great day to announce a meditation day world-wide.

Aug 27 Venus squares JUPITER 13 degrees Libra/ Cancer

The family secrets are likely to spill today. Money markets may sink or swim. Indulging in frivolous things or thinking with our guts may not be the best thing to do. VEnus loves beauty, But do treat your Mom, your family and kids to a great day near water and feed them well. You want everyone you care about to feel just how much they mean to you. A great day to socialize. exaggerated emotional insecurity neediness is on display today.

Aug 27 Mars enters LEO- till October 15

Fire is needed as the atmosphere is pretty watery still. Mars is akin to being on fire, so energy levels will be up. The action and the EGO is BIG over the top, vain, boastful, A macho backlash. the really big show. Great for actors and actresses. Big passion time, can be greedy.

as fall starts do follow your hearts desire to express yourself creatively. MArs in Leo is fiery, jealous, posessive. Mars in Leo means people will be wearing their hearts on their sleeve. Mars in LEo is childlike and protective. Pride, courage, daring are all on display during this time period.

Aug 28  28 Mercury Trine Pluto - 9 degrees Virgo/Capricorn

Communication can flow easily and orderly to balance budgets, to delineate new policies.

Aug 29 Mercury opposite Chiron  + quincunx  Uranus

Virgo budgets may have a rude awakening today, Chiron in Pisces- Pisces ruled by Neptune is debt. Some unusual ideas about how to carry out radical budgets changes will be instated.  

Aug 31 Cancer Moon opposes Pluto square Uranus conjunct Jupiter square VENUS in LIBRA.

An emotional challenging, expansive, sensitizing, relationship rebalancing to end the month

Congratulate yourself for living in "INTERESTING TIMES." 

 Big Day in the Good old U.S. of A.  JULY 22  is their JUPITER RETURN today!

A Jupiter Birthday which only happen once every 12 years! People get these too.

Jupiter Astrology Tara Greene

Mars conjuncts Jupiter earlier this day as well which only happens once every 2 years. A one, two punch. MARS- planet of ACTION! desire, sex, defenses, anger, guns, violence,conjuncts JUPITER planet of honesty, spirituality, politics, optimism, the law and expansion on July 22 @ 3:35 am EDT -in CANCER sign of Emotional security, nurturing, safety, comfort, home, food, women, mothers. On a personal level Sex + honest emotional needs combine. VERY VERY VERY FERTILE!!! be careful if you aren’t wanting to have a child.

This can be a great time to find real intimacy, truth, Jupiter rules Sagittarius-optimism and humor within the safety of another’s arms. Ain’t got no paramour- throw your arms around the world. see link below-

Yes its also  big Full AQUARIUS MOON + the Sun entered LEO before noon today. Jupiter in the Natal U.S. Sibley chart is at 5 degrees 56 minutes of CANCER sign of MOM & APPLE PIE a couple of the U.S.’s brainwashing symbols. Jupiter is close to the U.S. Sun at 13 degrees + Cancer conjunct the Fixed Star SIRIUS.

Much like a Solar Return chart which is an annual chart done to describe the upcoming year, a Jupiter Return can also be used as a forecasting tool a person or for the U.S. for the next year.

JUPITER In CANCER- shows WOMEN assuming and asserting their power in government and changing the laws. Jupiter expands all things, but too much of a good thing is not so good either. With the announcement of Detroit’s bankruptcy last week during the Mercury Retrograde, in spite of the Federal Reserve creating trillions to help save Detroit’s famed auto industry, it has failed. Detroit is the largest city to ever declare bankruptcy. It has lost 25% of is population, and crime is at a 40 year high. Where did all those $ go? I think Detroit is the warning flag, that the economy is about to crash. Let’s look at the chart and see what today predicts

US sibley chart Tara Greene astrology

The U.S. “SIBLEY” chart + Transits July 22 2013

The Planets  on July 4 1776.  Mars is conjunct Jupiter today as well at 5 degrees 54 seconds,Cancer  it’s 2 second off, so it will happen within minutes to become exact.Mars and Jupiter have also just passed over the U.S. VENUS- money, the economy,women, which is at 3 degrees Cancer. So Mars is awakening, making aggressive and defensive every planet he contacts.

Mars in Cancer though is in its fall, and Jupiter in Cancer is exalted. Jupiter is stronger, he than rules the Sagittarius Ascendant the persona of the U.S.  Jupiter also traditionally rules Pisces but the U.S. has an intercepted Pisces house, which means it is its shadow,  karmic house. Needs to be addresses, Pisces is addictions, delusion, illusion, fantasy, charity, compassion, glamour,oil,  Hollywood.

The transiting Sun is at the 29 degree, critical degree  of CANCER.

Mercury,planet of communications- all media, computers, images, devices is  sitting right on the U.S. Natal SUN in the 7th house and just turned Direct right on the Sun. Planets are the most powerful when they have just turned direction. Mercury hasn’t moved off the 13th degree yet. This indicates a change in policy.

Mars and Jupiter, are also in the 7th house of the U.S. The Sun is the vitality, the Source, and all the other planets in the 7h house it’s  all about needing OTHERS, this is the traditional house of marriage. Mars is the army, war, aggression, Jupiter is conquest, expansion, education, formerly colonialism. This spells war- aggressively entering another countries territory. 

Mercury conjunct the Sun means communications is the Guiding Light to relating to all others. the INTERNET, THE MEDIA, all communications tools.

The U.S. is  approaching a  Mercurial Full Moon period this year as the Moon is directly opposite the U. S.  Natal Mercury at 24 degrees RETROGRADE in CANCER in the 8th house. The U.s may never have told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth with a Retrograde Mercury. The Moon is always the people, the collective Unconscious, their moods and feelings. Again a sense of some policy or communication coming out, the people opposing the media and the U.S. policy.

FURTHER on that note the Moon is also in close to conjuncting  the U.S. Natal PLUTO at 27 degrees RETROGRADE in the 2nd house of money, values, things, tools, resources.  Full Moon’s are completions, there ain’t no more room too expand. This is the PEOPLE vs the U.S. Power elite government in all ways.

The Moon conjunct PLUTO is INTENSE,obsessions, control, power struggles. Pluto in Capricorn is corporations, government control,and the People will use whatever tools and resources, 2nd house {Taurus} that they have to oppose the will of the Governing bodies both locally financial, the 2nd house and the larger corporate structures of the 8th house. The Money the Federal reserve and wall street big bankers stole from the people to “save the economy.” The revolution is just heating up.

PLUTO at 9 degrees 47 minutes Retrograde of Capricorn in the U.S. first house of SELF identity s also advancing to oppose the U.S. Sun. Transiting Pluto is destroying old outworn corporate, business, and familial structures. Pluto is also power for power’s sake and the corporations are also trying to take total control of the U.S. as we can see in the Monsanto laws, the Alimentary law etc being passed by President Obama, when Monsanto is a known criminally negligent company which is increasingly being banned in most of Europe and parts of South America.

The URANUS PLUTO T-SQUARE is also very much in effect as URANUS @ 12 degrees ARIES Retrograde is close to an exact opposition to the U. S. SUN at 13 degrees CANCER and the U.S. Natal Saturn at 14 degrees Libra in the 10th house of FAME, wordly power. The shit is about to hit the fan big time.

Remember URANUS and Pluto in conjunction in VIRGO opposite Saturn in PISCES CREATED the 60′s.

Now they are having their first square this is where the real revolution begins. In different signs and times and under different aspects. Everyone who was born in 1967 is under the effects as is the entire world.

SATURN at 4 degrees Scorpio in the 11th house of wishes, hopes dreams, new technology, receiving love, is close to squaring the U.S. North Node @ 6 degrees + Leo in the 8th house  of power, money, secrets, control. This is karmic debt/pay up times. Who’s going to PAY? The people or the false government?

Chiron the WOUNDED HEALER at 13 degrees Pisces is swimming in the U.S. 3rd house and squaring, the U.S. Ascendant/ Descendant. Again limping along, licking its wounds.

NEPTUNE at 4 degrees PISCES Retro is also squaring the U.S. natal Uranus at 8 degrees GEMINI in the 6th house of work. Neptune is the planet of illusion, delusion and squaring the Uranus- HI TECH inventiveness in the 6th house of work. Perhaps our fantasies about everything, religion, culture,  oil, Hollywood, hi -tech, all these inventions are enslaving us and not liberating us. Many also trust the false illusion of PROGRESS- Uranus’s promise. Many Americans also trust the Doctor’s, Big Pharma authority which has become a culture of legal and non legal drugs and addictions. 

Even though Jupiter is supposed to be a good thing. Jupiter, as positive as he can be, can also be a Big WIND BAG, in Cancer he is too much shmaltz, smothering the people, a big glut, saccharinely sweet- a deadly chemical created by MONSANTO by the way.

Jupiter in Cancer is optimism at the roots, has to do with history, is too much consumerism, family values, overly optimistic, like the Mortgage meltdown, building and selling people houses which they could not afford.

Jupiter in Cancer has been promising  the people, that THE LAW or the government will take care of them, their homes, their security, that UNCLE SAM will protect them as if they were little children. Where did that notion come from? The people have always been serfs. Perhaps democracy was a nice idea originally and yes there is a modicum of democracy in the U.S. still but it is shrinking.

Jupiter can help to expand the  people {Cancer}  who will have to wake up from their cozy notions and false delusion, from the false promises, from the chem trails and the aspartame, and the microwaved food, and GMO foods, the cell phone and computer electro magnetism pollution, and HAARP and the monitoring that Edward Snowden has just made the people aware of, and the rip offs by the corporations, the government, the entire system.

 Jupiter is the law. It also has a meaning as the HIGHER LAW or SPIRITUAL TRUTH governer.

In that case Jupiter is back where it all started. The King is home. Long live the King.

PLEAE SHARE WIDELY – the more people know the better,

I also wish my articles to be syndicated. So please send this to the right people. Thank You.

Find out about your own Solar, Venus, Lunar returns – get a reading http://www.taratarot.com


Mercury Retrograde In Cancer June-July 2013
mercuryretrograde Tara Greene psychic astrology



June 26, @ 6:07 am PDT at 23 degrees+ of CANCER - July 20 MERCURY DIRECT @ 13 degrees+ minutes Cancer.


Cry me a river


Mercury is already in the "shadow phase" as of June 10 before it goes Retrograde,having entered those degrees it will back track over, so expect communications snafu's to be happening before the exact Retro.


Mercury Retrogrades are, as its symbol shows Rx, just like a Pharmacy, Medicinal, and healing. Yes they can be frustrating for all the usual infamous Mercury retro issues- things get miscommunicated. But they always are in themselves beneficial time periods to reset the mental communication fields energy away from the usual linear logical Masculine energies.


All Retrograde periods are Feminine in Nature. The Planet’s energies are turning within, they are Receptive, renewing, rest periods, reinvigorating.


Mercury Retrograde in CANCER will bring us in contact with deep feelings from our earliest childhood and even pre-birth in the womb feelings. Yes it is the perfect optimum time to go into the Unconscious and heal yourself at the cellular level by revisiting your earliest childhood forgotten sweet and fearful memories.

Mercury Rx in Cancer is all about your relationship with your Mother. You are your Mother in every sense, so healing the ancient feelings of abandonment, of being unloved and separated from mom will arise. You need to feel that primal separation from the Mother, from SOURCE, your personal mother which is a mirror of the split from the Goddess and Mother Earth herself.


Welcome those feelings, alllow yourself to cry. And you will cry a lot with all the planets in Cancer; the Sun enters Cancer on the 21st, Jupiter enters it on the 25th,  Venus leaves Cancer on the 27th, Mars enters it on the July 13,  it will be difficult to stop the flow. I believe that this alignment is happening as a spiritual, emotional cleanse for women, mothers, for the Goddess and for men and all humanity.


Your tears are sacred, it is why we are here in the 3rd dimension to feel these emotions.  Your emotions are primal, karmic, the glue. Love is the only true spiritual emotional really. We are here to remember and relate to each other as the Goddess loves all of her creations from the place of unconditional love.


Mercury will be in a TRINE a positive easy aspect with CHIRON the wounded healer in PISCES at the end of the Retrograde period July 20, when the planet is slowest and closest to the earth. This is extremely potent and beneficial.


Chiron in Pisces is helping us now to close out a 50-54 year cycle as Chiron moves through the last and most spiritual sign, helping us to release old emotional addictions and wounds and step into a new cycle of forgiveness, peace, bliss, connection to Spirit, the source, the Beloved at all times. 


Pay attention to your dreams as well, healing energies can come through your dreams. You may want to initiate dream healing before you go to sleep at night. I will be creating a video to assist you in letting go, for healing and forgiveness in a  water blessing ceremony on that date.


MERCURY Retrograde in Cancer is great for all the RE-things associated with Cancer. REunions with FAMILY, REnovating your home, REdecorating your home. RElaxing by the ocean, the pool, a river. REvising your diet, Cancer rules the stomach. REvolutionizing yourself, and family issues, REviewing issues with family, children, parents from family albums, to old emotional issues. REvisiting a childhood fave- that's up to you. RElegating new family tasks, REsucitating old relationships, you get the pic.


For other water signs SCORPIO and PISCES – you are part of the big Water Trines happening while Mercury is Retrograde. You will be awash in a tsunami of feelings, gratitude, old obsessions, grudges for Scorpios, may be lifted up from the depths, cleansed and washed away. The water Trines are beneficial for earth signs too.

And of course all the flooding going on will increase  and cause lots of damages for many thousands of people.

For Water and Air signs the TRINES will be challenging but rewarding during the Mercury Retrograde as its’ energy will take you back into your memories and intuition from childhood which hold the keys to liberation. Don’t fight water with fire or air, let the waters of consciousness- like the symbol of Aquarius take you to a higher place.


This Mercury Retrograde promises to be one of the best ever. A mental emotional cleanse, a perceptual colonic, a thorough rinsing of old ideas and associated feelings holding anyone back from stepping fully into the new Divine Feminine era.


Venus enters Cancer June 2 – June 27

Venus In Cancer

Painting of Venus on the half shell By Henri Picou 1850-s

The Goddess of LOVE comes Home to the water source of  CANCER, the ocean, the origins of life, the protective womb, from whence Venus and we all are born. The way to anyone’s heart with Venus in Cancer is literally through their stomach’s, feed ‘em fabulous nourishing food. Eat, eat like a stereotypical  Jewish Mother.   Cancer is FOOD and Venus will highlight our need to protect our food from destructive GMO’s and MONSANTO destorying the food supply.

With all the horrendous damage from tornadoes, HOME’s needs to be more secure.

Love needs emotional security now like never before. Cuddly,  meet the family, taking care of each other, these are all Cancerian themes. Let your family and especially your mom know how much you love them.

Venus in CANCER want to take care of you but also needs to learn to be taken care of. Cancer’s homes are their castles, like the Crab symbol. They need safe harbour.  How at home do you feel in your own skin?  Your home/ CANCER  is you. How safe, beautiful, artful is your home? How peaceful is it? Decorate your home, buy art and beautiful objects which Venus loves. 

Cancer’s show their  feelings, they cant help it.Vulnerability is a great strength. Mercury is in Cancer as well so talk about and share them. Watch old movies, tear jerkers and get out the hankies. Have a large family reunion. Cook a ton of food and remeinisce.   Family is not just blood. It is your friends who can be more like family to you. Let them know how much they mean to you.

If you are thinking about getting pregnant Venus in Cancer is favourable but especially when Jupiter enters Cancer on June 25-27 while Venus  is still there.

 Cancer is the 4th Sign and house naturally. Where is the sign of Cancer in your chart? Check for which house Venus is transiting. That’s where to receive the love and give it. The 4th house/Cancer is your Mother, your childhood,your unconscious memories.Revisit your childhood. Love that Inner Child. Play with her/him.

ALL WATER and Earth signs benefit the most. Challenges to Cardinal signs

Yes all the planets moving into CANCER  means a high risk of flooding.


ARIES- VENUS is in your Solar 4th House. This is the natural home  of Cancer. The warrior returns home. Bring your lover home to meet the family. You may find love in your own backyard. Venus may rekindle an old flame or contact with someone from your youth. Go home if you haven’t been in a while. See you mom, make peace with her and your family, take off your armour.

TAURUS- Venus in your Solar 3rd House.

Venus is your ruling planet, in the house of communications, Venus opens your heart, stomach and your words. Taurus rules the throat so do declare your love. Put your heart into your words and express how you feel. Do go see art to feed Venus. Sing, enjoy music, make your garden beautiful. Do something nice for your neighbours.

GEMINI- Venus in your Solar 2nd House.

The house of resources, money. Your heart is the biggest resource there is. So explore it and open it wide and give everyone you care about something nice. Cook them dinner. Venus loves luxury, so dish out for some expensive or rich looking beautiful things to adorn your sacred space. Put your money where your heart is. Your capacity to communicate is a rich resource for you. Venus gets you out of your head. Interested in adopting a child? Also being a big brother or sister would be beneficial.

CANCER- VENUS in your solar 1st house

Well Cancer’s it is YOUR TIME to swim. Positive, loving happy times. Family, helping, nurturing, protecting the children that’s what it’s all about. FOOD, get involved in the anti MONSANTO rallies. Food is your holy Grail and it needs to be protected. Beautify your home. Have the big family gathering of course. Celebrate yourself and your origins. Feed others,but  learn to receive nurturing.  

LEO- Venus in your Natal 12th house

This is SECRET LOVERS. Unconscious love, illusory love. Is it real or a dream lover? What does your heart secretly yearn for? Put your heart and will into discovering and uncovering that now. You need to beautify your den, young lions. Could be a narcissistic or fearful family skeleton from your childhood.  Your dreams may be particularly sexual and lustful during this time. Volunteer to help the homeless, or other charity work. Give from your heart as if everyone was your family.

VIRGO- Venus in your Natal 11th House

Love with people who are very different from you. Open your mind to accepting other people’s points of view. Stop being so critical and denying love and allow yourself to be imperfectly loved.  You need to take your pragmatic skill set to the street in protest to protect women from rape, children from exploitation. Organize and help out the homeless. Be open to receiving help and love from others. Love may blossom with a colleague. Allow your service to be in reception to being nurtured, loved and appreciated.

LIBRA- VENUS in your natal 10th HOUSE

Family, relationships and friends is your career and highest goal in life. This is the PUBLIC honoring your creative social gifts. A new love with a prominent powerful person. You may be chosen as an example of fair play and humanitarian idealism. Have wonderful dinner parties. Celebrate your family. Do you love your work? Are you surrounded with people who support you or not? Beautify your work space. Create a social event to enable co-workers to feel safer with each other.

SCORPIO- Venus in your Natal 9th HOUSE

Venus in Cancer TRINES your Sun and with Saturn there, This can mean some serious marriage proposals. June is the month of marriage. Great  month for Scorpio’s to wed this year. You can learn to trust, you can feel familiar with your lover. You can tell them your deepest darkest shadows and kinky secrets. This transit brings out your softer side.  Let yourself be vulnerable. You may want to learn to cook and decorate.

SAGITTARIUS- Venus in your Natal 8th house

You can’t always be a gypsy traveller Sagg’s. A place to call home to rest and renew is calling. You need to be in nature by a lake or ocean and reflect. Home can be mysterious and intriguing too. Allow yourself to be taught to be taken care of. Go to ancestry.com and check out who your ancestors were if you haven’t. Swim with dolphins. Get a new pet. Start teaching what you  love as a way of nurturing others.

CAPRICORN- Venus in your Natal 7th House

Venus is opposite you Sun sign. Marriage and commitments are the order. Work or family- you MUST give to your family now. Make it your religion for this three-week period. Take a family trip together or visit family. Capricorn’s don’t like emotions, but you are meant to open to learning to feel. You will feel healed, refreshed.The deepest motivation for work is to protect your family but not just through making money. You need to commit your feelings and be present for them emotionally. 

AQUARIUS- Venus in your Natal 6th house

Get outa your head for a bit about changing the world and allow yourself to feel your feelings and body. I know you usually feel like a space cadet. But pretend you are an ordinary human for a short while. What have you done for your self lately?  Get a massage, treat yourself to a great meal not just fast food. You can’t be of service to others if you can’t  receive. Love may spark at work or with someone in your nearby community. Do something to beautiful your area.

PISCES – Venus in your Natal 5th House

Oh this is sweet. Neptune is in early Pisces, Mercury will trine this June 3rd and VENUS on the 7th. Neptune turns RETROGRADE on the 7th so old flames may return. the 5th house is the house of LOVE AFFAIRS, giving love, children and creativity. You are a dream lover right now.  Allow yourself to be courted or do the courting, it’s romantic, old-fashioned. You may be swept off your feet dramatically and meet that soul mate now.

GET A LOVE READING WITH TARA http://www.taratarot.com


The song with perfect lyrics to Venus in CANCER a man singing about feeling close- LOVE IT

Everyone's gonna LOOOOVE this!
ALL YOU WATER SIGNS, CANCER especially + Scorpio + PISCES your time is very near.
Also all EARTH SIGNS - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn you get BIG benefits too.

I want  to keep all my fine readers INFORMED ahead of time. The energy shift from AIR to WATER happens when JUPITER King of the Gods enters Cancer on June 25 till and stays till July 16 2014. Jupiter is EXALTED in CANCER.
It's all about LOVE, nurturing, receiving and giving, caring, children, the Oceans, our water supply , Food- Monsanato- GMO's, education that nourishes, expressing our hearts, intuition, emotional security.
It'll be like  a giant float tank-

THE WATER IMMERSION, cleansing or BAPTISM RITUAL begins this Friday May 31
Mercury enters Cancer May 31, goes Retrograde on June 26 and stays in Cancer till August 8th.
VENUS enters Cancer on June 2  - June 27
SUN enters CANCER June 21,that's summer Solstice see link below for ceremony
JUPITER enters CANCER June 25 
MARS enters CANCER July 13 - August 27th.

Ww will be awash, floating, immersed, tsunammi'd and YES that will be literal. There will be a lot of rain, flooding,mudslides, tsunammi's hurricane's. People will NOT be able to hold down their emotions anymore. Big EGO's will be splashed all over the place.

All things related to Cancer will expand, flourish, educate, inform, lead the way- WOMEN, FOOD, WATER, families, children higher education, home, mother's, nurturing, senior's, feelings, intuition, roots, security, tradition, sensitivity, water, birthing, receptivity, unconditional love, the ocean's, insurance, what feed your soul.

Grand Sextile Astrology
click on chart to view larger

We are moving from a heady AIRY Masculine energy to a very deep, heart felt  Feminine feeling focus. Ah the tides of the cosmos drawing us in and changing our elemental focus. 

MAKE THESE DATES July 17 and July 30! They are Va va voom!
Pearl Sun Cancer astrology Tara Greene

GRAND WATER TRINE JULY 17 planets @ 120 degrees= HARMONY

PLANETS in the SWIM at HIGH TIDES - are JUPITER  @ 7+ degrees Cancer, conjunct MARS  @ 11 +
Trine to SATURN @  5 degrees SCORPIO  in Trine to NEPTUNE @  4 degrees Retrograde.

IF YOU HAVE planets  @  3-9 degrees of a water sign you will definitely benefit for July 17  and should do water rituals. Also if you have any angles in your natal chart at these degrees- that works too.
BIG ACTION with Jupiter and Mars, great time to move, travel, especially by water, start a new job or go back to school, build new dreams- SATURN and NEPTUNE.  WOMEN will be the movers and shakers. Intuition will get very strong and your dreams too.


a six pointed star  with MERKABA  formation

A GRAND SEXTILE may sound like a fancy orgy of sorts 

and in a way it is. SEXTILES are easy, nice, tickles under the chin.  Maybe we should call them sextickles?

It's an  8 planets  cocktail of water and earth= MUD in your eye, clay- a creative substance. Aren't we all made out of clay?

the MOON  in Taurus- at the 14 degree  conjunct the SOUTH NODE -{not pictured} at 12 degrees TAURUS ,  sextile to JUPITER  at 7+ degrees Cancer,conjunct MARS at 11 +of CANCER,sextile to

VENUS  at 9 degrees of VIRGO, sextile

SATURN at 5 degrees + SCORPIO conjunct the NORTH NODE  at 12 degrees SCORPIO, in sextile to

PLUTO  in CAPRICORN at 9 degrees Retrograde  in  sextile to  

NEPTUNE @ 4 degrees Retrograde Pisces conjunct to CHIRON in PISCES at 12 Retrograde.

That's a whole  lotta sextiles. 

Moon Venus Mars Jupiter and Saturn are personal planets. Neptune and Pluto are transpersonal.

IF YOU HAVE PLANETS at 7-14 degrees of EARTH SIGNS- but especially 9 degrees YOU get the BIG BUCKS!

THE GOOD, THE GOOD & the challenges-

Its very impactful for countries  too CANADA who's Natal Sun on July 1st is 9 degree Cancer is exactly hit and the U.S. Sun too
ALTHOUGH it has benefits we can't forget that this is also an incendiary time with URANUS exactly square to the U.S. Sun and PLUTO still duking it out with MARS in Cancer also involved in a T-Square.. There will be a lot of CIVIL unrest  as the Moon symbolizes women- in earthy Taurus from Women,with VENUS in Virgo, the economy and corporate structures , Pluto in Capricorn, ongoing.


PIRATES  may be a necessity. As the people wont want to get stuck for it anymore.

I will design rituals for these. If you would like to take part in an online ceremony and buy my MP3's coming soon
please email me taragreene@sacredartscentre.com


at a lovely cottage on a lake near BANCROFT ONTARIO, not far  from the GRAIL SPRINGS SPA. 
All inclusive Friday evening- Sunday afternoon. Relax, learn, join in ceremony, set new intentions

PLEASE SHARE WIDELY so that MORE can benefit
BOOK an astrology or Tarot reading - http://www.taratarot.com



In Toronto where I live, never mind the Mayor Rob Ford cocaine scandal which “blew”- don’t mind the pun, away because I believe they paid off the Somali drug pushers. Its been FREEZING.

Have you seen the beautiful line up of Mercury Venus And Jupiter forming a triangle in the dusk skies?

May 27

Sun is INCONJUNCT SATURN that’s a 150 degree aspect- @ 6 degrees Gemini 6 of Scorpio Rx

Gemini and Scorpio are BAD BEDFELLOW’s

definitely nails on chalkboard’s, very irritable, walk on eggshell’s aspect all during the week.

May 28 features a Fab VENUS JUPITER CONJUNCTION in GEMINI 23 degrees

great for writers, publishers, artists who want to make a statement, blogging, chit chatting, upbeat,

optimistic, inspired, flirty.  Freedom and detachment are part of the Gemini VENUS JUPITER GAME.

make’s one very indecisive, young at heart, dare we say immature? Peter Pan-ish?

Makes you want to hit the road, wild camping, long or short distance trips book them now.

 Gathering with like-minded Women- come to the GRAIL LADY FAIRE  http://www.taratarot.com/id176.html

MAKE BIG LOVE  WISHES- Jupiter is very expansive.

WATCH out for the caffeine. Could also be a lot of HOT AIR-and hype.

YOUR Birthday TODAY? its going to be a fab over the rainbow year for you.

MAY 31 2 planets change signs-

MERCURY Enters CANCER at 12:07 am  PDT

Heads in the clouds come down to earth and seek security safety and comfort of HOME.

Women’s voices will be heard louder around the world. Anti-rape laws will be set into motion. HOMELAND SECURITY will be in the news. Thinking about feelings, your home and environment becomes # 1 on the list. Your stomach will be talking.  Have tea parties and wear fancy hats.Tea Party

Children’s rights, women’s rights, FOOD rights will all be very newsworthy. MONSANTO protests will continue.

MERCURY goes RETROGRADE  JUNE 26 @ 23 degrees+ of Cancer till JULY 20

so mark that down on your calendars.  Good time for home renovations. Re-arrange our furnishings at least. A Mercury in Cancer Retrograde gets us to review  all the intimate conversations we’ve had; it’s a sentimental time. Look at old photos, get that digital photo album together. The good old days of simple living, home cooked meals will be something we really pine for. Great time for a family reunion, old friends and the like. Reflecting near water, the pool, lakes or ocean is ideal.


Leaving the earthy sensual stubborn bull turf for loftier heights. The warrior, likes Gemini territory better and can battle with words and ideas while he transits Airy GEMINI. Lots of partying with Mars in Gemini. Can also cause break ups.

Ladies, this transit makes men way  less dependable, more quixotic, immature, ambivalent, angel/devil minded. So be forewarned. Give the bro’s space to wander, and guess what they’ll come back, Or not, as is Gemini wont. Busy, buzzing like bees, good time to generate new ideas, get PR out. make new friends, have lite conversations.

Energy will be high, speedy, nix the caffeine and sugar. Ambivalence and indecision abound.

Gather new ideas, ask tons of questions, get to know your good and bad sides more. Interview everyone. It’s all about the story, spin your story wisely.   Great for generating fast quips and short, very short novels.


SUN inconjunct/ quincunx PLUTO June 1st

This is a heavy intense aspect pitting those clamouring for information against the Plutocracy. Youth and experience, immaturity and seniority are at odds and highlighted.

JUNE 3rd



Have tea parties and wear fancy hats.

this is a lovely emotional sensitive dreamy creative sentimental aspect. The summer of 2013 features a major GRAND WATER TRINE JULY 17. and more

Get your Astrology and Tarot reading http://www.taratarot.com

HIRE tea leaf readers for Toronto and GTA events http://www.taratarot.com


Sagittarius astrology Tara Greene

Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse 

May 24/25 is the 3rd Eclipse in a row, a pearl in a string of Eclipses

April 25 Scorpio Partial Lunar was the 1st this year and May 9 Taurus Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees of Taurus

May 24/25th is @ 4+ degrees of Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse &  it's a SUPER MOON too!

We've been experiencing eclipses on the Gemini Sagittarius axis since 2010.

so think about how many changes have gone on in your life and the world since then,

The eclipse occurs on  May 24 @ 9:26 pm PDT Sat. May 25 @  12:26 am EDT May 25 @ 4:26 am GMT

All eclipses cause subtle and not so subtle shifts in our emotional bodies and the tides.

SAGITTARIUS  is the 9th sign, a Mutable Fire sign, concerned with aiming higher, as the Centaur's arrow is 

Sagittarius, a sign I know as I was born with the Sun, Moon and Mercury in Sagittarius.



We  may be engulfed in a spiritual, dreamy, fog of truth and good humor ice cream, Sagittarius is a chilly time of year.

 We will also be hit with CORONAL MASS EJECTIONS which erupted from the Sun on May 22 causing high levels of radiation and a proton storm,it will hit the earth on MAy 25.


Mercury Venus and Jupiter are in a tight conjunction so this is a quadruple GEMINI  energy.  

the focus is on MIND HEART and THOUGHTS

Mercury is home so he is strong and wants to be light play talk flit. Venus = love is duplicitous,immature and flirty,

Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius and PISCES where Neptune is now, is in detriment in Gemini, the sign opposite the one he rules.  Jupiter's expansive, optimistic, risk taking, over the top energies are scattered, all talk and no action, indecisive and immature in Gemini. Jupiter is weak, as the largest planet and King of The God's, He is more likely to be taking a siesta. 

 Muddy waters, dreams and fog, romantic idealism, naiveté, hypocrisy and denial,

addictions and rehab, educational reforms, spiritualizing education, 

Organized religion and confusion, mass hypnosis, 

information which brings the truth out of the shadows, and denial


Lunar eclipse astrology

Map shows Lunar eclipse visibility inmost of North and South America, Britain, Spain , West and South Africa 

Mars is in Taurus with the South Node,  Mars is weak in Taurus the sign Venus rules. She's got her man exactly where she wants him, eating out of the palm of her hand, literally.

SATURN is the sign of SCORPIO {which Mars rules}  is being quincunxed by the SUN.

This puts secrets and the Light at odds with each other.  Saturn in Scorpio is Lord of DEATH,

 much like Pluto is except that Saturn rules the reality of the corporeal body, reality itself, 3 D.

Perhaps this has to do with 3D printers and what we are copying and creating.  Guns= death,  have been stopped being printed by this new technology.

Gemini Sun sees both sides of things, Saturn in Scorpio only sees things ONE way -it's  all about  power and control.

Some planets are also OUT OF BOUNDS! 

which is not a SAGITTARIAN outdoor adventure, which they do love but, the term means when a planet moves beyond 23'27" degrees of the ecliptic plane (path of the Sun) North or South. Vesta, the home, focus, and Ceres, the Great Mother, earth in Cancer have been OOB for a while now and Venus joins them in a few days.

OOB means just what it sounds like, when something is beyond  normal boundaries.

When planets are OOB we have to deal differently. Normal behaviours and approaches don't work at these times. 

We are not homeward bound but the opposite. So act wonky, there are no rules.


this means REALITY and the PLUTOCRACY are at odds with the New innovations that URANIAN technology brings, also AQUARIAN idealism is fighting the tightening screws of the NEW WORLD ORDER  which is trying to control everything..

There is a WORLD WIDE demonstration against MONSANTO on May 25

Perfectly symbolizing this aspect. MONSANTO which the President is a puppet of, signing that protection law is an enemy of the WORLD trying to control the entire worlds food supply by dangerous GMO's, which causes cancer, birth defects and a host of brain malfunctions and lowered IQ. MONSANTO has been outlawed completely in Many countries in Europe, Peru and they need to be stopped. MOnsanto has bought up millions of acres of land which it stole from Indian farmers. They have robot bees and have been killing natural bees which are necessary for the pollination of all fruits and plants. They are totally attempting to eradicate and destroy Mother Nature herself.

In some ways it is equal or worse than the Nazi's plan to kill millions of Jews.

Here is a link as to how when and where you can join to stop the NAZI FOOD POISONING of the world.


There is a GRAND TRINE formed by  Saturn Neptune and Asteroid VESTA in CANCER, 

VESTA is an ancient Roman Goddess whose name we honor every day.

Do you have inVESTments? Yes, well HER name is honored there. 

The positive trinity is a blend of change, spirituality and the investment of home, family, children, nurturing and FOOD. 

The Full Moon is very powerful and you should BATHE in the MOONLIGHT

put your crystals and sacred objects out into the light to absorb the energy.


USE A MOONSTONE   Moonstone for Full Moon

MOONSTONE IS a very powerful and psychic stone. Ideal for any full moon but especially a LUNAR ECLIPSE. 

It is said to have the power to grant wishes. Moonstone honors the Goddess in all  women. It soothes stress, is great for gardening,artists, dancers and young men. MOonstone opens the pineal gland allowing more psychic awareness.

The Moonstone is said to assist women with female issues and childbirth. It unblocks the lymphatic system, it heals and balances the stomach pancreas ands pituitary glands. Reduces swelling. Place it under your pillow for a more peaceful sleep, it is used as a cure for insomnia. 

breathe and  imagine your breath going into your body and down your spine open each chakra one by one from the Root up, RED ORANGE YELLOW GREEN BLUE PURPLE WHITE & the 8th chakra GOLDEN YELLOW about a foot above your head.

Sit in a sacred circle.  allow yourself to connect to Mother earth by sending your breath and energy down through the base of your spine into the earth to connect with the earth's  molten iron core, her heart flame. 

Breathe the fire in and bring it back up through the base of your spine and into your heart.

see yourself as a CENTAUR, Sagittarius's sign half person above the torso, all equine below.

The mind must tame the animal instincts. 

Centaur's were wild unruly creatures, one became a great renowned healer Chiron. A constellation and a "comet."

Imagine you have all the wild instincts of a mustang, you are free, strong, proud, curious. See the higher intelligence yearning also in the centaur. Transfer your attention to the human mind. See the arrows as arrows of truth, higher learning, spiritual aspiration. This eclipse will induce TRUTH TELLING, and optimism and new spiritual visions. The veils between the world's are indeed dissolving.

Pierce the truth in your heart. Pierce the truth of the Rainbow, one of Sagittarius's symbols.

Always remember to close a circle after your meditation and to give thanks for the spirits allies and angels who were there with you.

We are heading into an entire new frontier.  Sagittarius is the Sign containing the Galactic Center. 

we may here some major UFO info around the eclipse. 

Have faith, trust. YOU will connect with your higher truth and listen to it at all times.


Get a reading with Tara - http://www.taratarot.com


3rd EXACT SQUARE Never mind the Harlem shake -this is the whole World shake.

We’re all feeling the intense energies of the upcoming May 20, 3rd EXACT square between Transpersonal planets URANUS + PLUTO. These 2 planets {with Saturn in Virgo opposite} personally seeded the 60′s counter culture, sex, drugs, rock n roll, eastern mysticism revolution.

 Here’s how it works. Uranus entered Aries in 2010- the Arab Spring began.  Pluto entered Capricorn in Oct 2008 -within a week the mortgage financial blow out happened. These are big players indeed.

Everyone born in 67-68 especially, is now having to manifest the cosmic energies that they were born to fulfill.

The world is going through its mid-life crisis. A recent volcanic eruption in Alaska has spewed ash 20,000 feet into the air, There have been more and stronger earthquakes in China, Iran.

X class Solar Flares leapt out from the Sun,this changes us electro magnetically, we mutate.

The 1st square between these 2 big change artists began June 24 2012  with the planets @ 8 degrees of Aries/Caprciron.The 2nd square was Sept 19 2012 -planets were at 6 degrees Aries/Capricorn.
This 3rd square NOW had the 2 planets at 11 degrees Aries/ Capricorn with Pluto Retrograde. 

The next exact square this year is Nov 1 2013 with the planets at 9 degrees Aries/Capricorn. The square dance continues till March 17, 2015 with the planets at 15 degrees Aries/ Capricorn.

If your birthday is Jan 2nd and April 2, you get the exact direct hits Cappy and Aries.

CANCER’s born July 3rd, and LIBRA’s born Oct 3rd also feel the pressure directly because you get squared by the square.

Uranus is the Lord of change, chaos, invention, innovation, pioneering, out of the box thinking, the ruler of Aquarius, Revolutions, group mind, the Internet, technological advances, individual freedoms and OCCUPY movement.

PLUTO- Lord of Death rebirth change transformation, sex, power, money, control, other people’s finances, s & m, detectives, researchers, taxes, Monsanto, secret governments etc. DArk side is fascism.

Yes feeling the energy so strongly. The Boston Marathon bombing would also be considered to be part of this applying energy pattern. One of my fave teachers Stuart Wilde suddenly- URANUS -passed away a couple of weeks ago.  I keep seeing clients in major crises. Some are aware that change is necessary and good and they are scared but still willing to go for it. The one’s who are in  the most pain are those that continue to blindly cling to the past. Refusing to see the truth, making martyr’s of themselves. It ain’t gonna  be the same anymore and that can be very liberating. A BREATH, or rather a HURRICANE gale force of fresh air. Yes the times they are a changing and its blowin’ in the wind.

So it is your free will choice. We are all under the influence. Another manifestation of this energy would be Angelina Jolie’s recent double mastectomy as a truly Uranus in Aries- new radical technology, “heroically” standing up to Death, that is PLUTO. You see the symbolism is in everything and everywhere.

Someone I know who’s career has been floundering suddenly finds their career and finances revived. Others relationships are falling apart, they suddenly Uranus -lose their job their home.They find out their spouse has been cheating { PLuto} on them. The MONSANTO/Government issues is all Uranus- tech death seeds, robot bees, and Pluto- controlling the government secretly. We have to be careful how we use technology. Literally it is atomic energy- Uranium and Plutonium.

Yes there is danger from unexpected, chaos from Terrorists atomic weapons and the Government becoming more fascistic the dark side of Pluto. Convincing the people they need the government to watch and monitor their every move, to totally control the population. It has its high side potential and dark side potential.

Kind of a Luke Skywalker / Darth Vader/ Yoda energy for us all to live through that Archetypal story.

Embrace change

Tara Greene astrology embrace change

Learn to love the chaos. Growth is change and change is the very nature of the Universe, nothing is actually solid,

Be like the FOOL in the Tarot, the zero, naught, nothing, who lives in the moment, who trusts, who is open to all new experiences, who isn’t afraid to step off the cliff. The Fool is the beginning and the ending, major symbol #22. The Alpha and the Omega. Like Jesus said. The Fool is the Eternal Soul itself. Who has nothing to fear knowing itself to be eternal.

THe ancient Chinese Oracle, the I Ching is called the Book of Changes. the 64 hexagrams show all facets of life transforming from one stable line into a broken line, from masculine to feminine. The Ancient Chinese were very wise.

Use this time to the max- get rid of old clutter, old ideas about how thing are. About who you are,what is possible.  Uranus urges every individual to get up off their asses and do what they feel is right for themselves and the collective. Rage against the machine. Pluto is taking apart the  Old Order but the old order is tightening the screws and are more fearful than ever.  I think Iceland seems to be one of the few really honest spiritual democratic countries operating.

Wake up people shake off your sleep. You can change your world,you and only you. Do you have a higher purpose? Don’t you remember who you are? That’s URANUS beckoning you. Pluto is your SOUL. Uranus and Pluto may have to give us very nasty shocks to awaken us.  It’s up to us.

Beckon them ask them to come into your life as allies and Guides. Uranus likes wild and crazy offbeat out of the ordinary individuals. Pluto rules Soul someone who has listened to their soul their entire life. You want those kind of people to come guide you. Who do you admire?  Oprah? an artist? a brave soul? an inventor? Steve Jobs? Banksy?

4 day Square Dance MEDITATION with Uranus & Pluto 

Create a sacred ceremonial space to do this meditation. Have a notebook and pen handy. Breathe, slow down close your eyes focus on your heartbeat and breathing empty your mind.

Imagine Uranus + Pluto personified. In your imaginations see Uranus holding out an object to you. Pluto stands in the shadows watching. Pluto is death as an ally. Life is short better get Real right now. Do this faithfully for the next 4 days. Take your time, the slower you breathe the deeper you go. Trust and allow. Feel sensations.

Friday May 17 Stand in the EAST first and ask Uranus and Pluto to come to you with Light.

Sat MAy 18 Stand in the SOUTH and ask Uranus & Pluto to come to you with Emotion with Heart

Sunday MAy 19 Stand in the WEST and ask Uranus and Pluto what you need to let go of physically

Monday May 20 Stand in the NORTH and ask Uranus and Pluto to open your mind to receive new inspirations.

After each session, take about 20 minutes to stay in it at least, write down whatever you saw heard or felt. Reflect on your guides advice, and implement change and vow to act from your soul.

Need guidance? I am here to help you Need some spiritual guidance? http://www.taratarot.com/id78.html




Taurus Solar Eclipse May 2013


The 2nd of three SOUTH NODAL eclipses in a row.

That spells I-N-T-E-N-S-E!   This is NO BULL.

Solar Eclipses are Super CHARGED NEW MOONS

This annular Solar Eclipse occurs at 19+ degrees TAURUS and will display the beautiful RING OF FIRE, much sought after by eclipse seekers.

eclipse Tara Greene tarot astrology

It will ONLY be visible from western  AUSTRALIA  across most of the Northern Part and passing very close to New Guinea and out over the Pacific Ocean.

No we wont' see it here in North America or Europe or most of the world. All solar eclipse effects last about a year afterwards.

Australia was also in the shadow pathway of the November 2012 Total Solar Eclipse in Scorpio. The area where the eclipse shadow passes is highlighted.

What does this mean?

TAURUS, the first earth  FIXED sign, is the body and the earth itself.

From ancient times Bulls were worshipped because their horns re-created the pattern of the Moon, waxing and  waning between their horns. Taurus is Feminine, the goddess. It is sensual, practical, resourceful. It can be too stubborn and inflexible. Taurus, ruled by VENUS,  governs, resources, land, money, all physical things. The New York stock exchange was founded under the sign of the Taurus Constellation. ie. The BULL market. Taurus rules the arts, creature comforts, money, luxury, jewellery, smelling the roses, its romantic, sensual. Gets the job done. Can be lazy.


Why is Australia in the shadow of the Solar Eclipse path? What is the meaning of this?

Australia is the oldest land on the Earth. Literally four and half billion years old. The most ancient Zircon's which have preserved the first days of earth's creation come from Western Australia. This discovery changed the way Geologists viewed the earth. The aborigines of Australia are the most ancient record keepers in the world, claiming that their history goes back in their memories 60,000 years. The symbol of Australia's ancient wisdom and sacred red rocks is of honouring the earth HERSELF. Those who are aware can tune in and read these ancestral records.

On May 10 “at 6:31am on May 10, 2013, those gathering in the area will see the sun will emerge into view from beyond the east-northeast horizon. It will first resemble a pair of lobster claws and then when in full view, a horseshoe with upturned pointed tips. Finally with the dark disk of the Moon appearing to move down as opposed to the Sun moving up and off-centered “ring of fire” materializes, sitting just above the horizon. This wonderfully weird effect lasts 109 seconds, ending when the ring appears to “break” at the Sun’s lower limb. Within minutes the Sun again resembles a horseshoe, but now the pointed tips are directed downward.” – Guy Ottewell

Thanks to Carol Ann Ciocco at Galactic Free Press for some inspirational ideas I have included.

The eclipse will pass Papua New Guinea where it is 2013 and they are "BURNING witches!" Then over the Solomon Islands where Gay rights are severely prohibited and punishable.

The Eclipses' shadow is highlighting how the Divine Feminine energies are being dishonoured.

All of these repressive Feminine and human rights energies are ANTI FEMININE, ANTI-GODDESS Anti-VENUS.  Nature, the earth, the stars and the Feminine were worshipped since the beginning of human awareness on this planet 60,000 years ago up until around 5-7,000 years ago.  So it was only in the last say 1/8 th of this cycle that the Patriarchy separated out from honoring the earth, the Great Mother and split off the mind from the heart, scorned and denied women, separated sex from nature and the true obvious cellular knowing that we are all born of woman, are all one with nature, all life forms and the earth is our mother.

VENUS the planet of LOVE, has recently re-appeared from her Underworld journey on MAY 6 appearing as the beautiful EVENING STAR. She is at ZERO degrees GEMINI on MAy 9/10 indicating  brand new communications, ideas and thinking about love, values, beauty and resources.  Venus in Gemini indicates seeing beyond apparent duality, unifying the opposites.

Read the May 2012 Solar Eclipse article http://www.taratarot.com/id160.html


Taurus Solar eclipse Tara greene

click on chart to show larger

The Eclipse has asteroid Athena exactly conjunct the Sun and the Moon. The Greek city of Athens is dedicated to the Goddess of wisdom. Yes Greece will be highlighted for the next 6 months to a year because of this.

The Eclipse has Mars and Mercury in Taurus surrounding and conjunct the South Node. Indicating that taking our time to thoroughly use mind and body together, helps us release the past.

The sun moon Athena mercury mars South Node are also bunched up with dwarf planet Sedna who functions as a Goddess orbiting far beyond Pluto who opens a spiritual gateway to Higher dimensional realities. Sedna is an Inuit, Sea Goddess. Her resurrection into archetypal world consciousness indicates she and we are ready to work in her polar oceanic feeling world. We must take care of the world's oceans as we all came from the ocean originally.  Asteroid Goddess JUNO squares the SUN and Moon at 15 degrees Aquarius, the very powerful mid-degrees. Juno represents specifically Female wisdom; in AQUARIUS- this is the need to revolutionize women's subordinate role for the past 2,000 years. FREEDOM, inclusion, leadership, co-operation, respecting people, are all Aquarian hallmarks.

The energy is building to the next Uranus Pluto square on May 20- the old order of things and the new revolution are going head to head, even stronger now. The forces of evolution cannot be stopped.

There is  also a lovely Grand WATER Trine on the Eclipse

Saturn in Scorpio,Trines Neptune and Chiron, the wounded healer and dwarf planet CERES, the Ancient Goddess of the earth. We must make our spiritual dreams for the survival of the earth and all our relations a reality.

CERES, opposed Pluto and trines CHIRON. Furthermore CERES stands on the Fixed Star SIRIUS which is also the place of the United States' SUN. It's why the Fourth of July is the National Birthday. The Sun conjuncts Sirius on this day. SIRIUS is the brightest star in the sky and was worshipped world-wide.

I'd say CERES= DEMETER= the earth mother is SIRIUS. The universe loves puns. Don't mess with mother nature. Pluto in Capricorn is slowly but surely dismantling old outworn corporate wasteful structure.

Another goddess Asteroid Vesta is also involved in the Grand Water Trine sitting at 5 degrees of Cancer.


Find out exactly when the eclipse happens in your time zone at the NASA site.


Get ready ahead of time. Have 4 all natural beeswax candles or small tea candles. some incense or Native American smudge or Palo Santo Peruvian wood, good organic chocolate and some copper pennies. A notebook and pen. A bowl of water.  Have some nice celestial mediation music or a white noise generator.

If you do the meditation alone also imagine the thousands of other individuals and groups who are observing, meditating and integrating the eclipse energies.

Have a Zircon, as a grounding stone. Natural if you have one is best or use the photo to meditate on.



Take some deep breaths, smudge yourself first to cleanse your energy and the area.

Take your time this is an embodied, Taurus sensual, slow and sure meditation journey.

Start in the East and place a candle in that direction.  Call in the element of fire, the Sun and the spirits of fire into your circle. Continue clockwise calling in each element and spirit,

Continue to South and Water, West and the earth, North and Air.

IN the center of the circle you will keep the coppers for VENUS. It is Her metal and she is the ruling planet of the Eclipse. And the bowl of water, for the Grand Water trine planets.

Just because you can't see the eclipse doesn't mean you wont feel it.

Get centered and bring your breath down deep into your root chakra and connect to the earth below you. To the heart flame of Grandmother earth. Stay in the center of the earth and ask " Is there something I can do for you Mother earth?" wait and see what happens. You may receive a messenger, a gift, a colour, sound, message, animal or seemingly  nothing.

When you feel finished with your journey in mother earth;s belly and heart say thanks and come back up to your root chakra, the 1st chakra.. Feel the strong earth connection within you.

Breathe up into your 2nd chakra in your womb, men have spirit wombs. Open that orange chakra up.

Breathe into your 3rd WILL chakra just below your Naval bright yellow.

Then into your heart the 4th chakra, and open your heart wide. Eclipses shift your magnetic energy, your cells, your DNA, your Pineal gland.

Then up to your 5th chakra the throat, humor sound open your throat. TAURUS rules the throat. Your voice has great power to manifest. OHM is good to chant.

Then up to your 6th chakra the third eye, its purple, This is  your seat of psychic wisdom and insights. The sun is actually ultra-violet which is the same colour as this chakra. Visualize ultra violet light inside your body bring the sun's energy into you.

Then breathe up to your crown chakra brilliant white clear light. This is where you open to all cosmic mystical energy. Feel the top of your head pulse.  Sense the Sun being eclipsed by the Moon and see the Ring of Fire, a crown of light. In your imagination see your head going out and the Ring of fire being placed on your head. It is your halo. You are the crowned one.  It is very auspicious.

Just be with the energy of this visualization. It is the image of being born as well.

Stay as long as you can in the meditation and receive the cosmic wisdom that is only for your ears and heart.

When you feel ready come slowly back into you body. open your eyes. Write down whatever you experienced. If you think nothing happened then imagine what could have happened.  At the end, offer some chocolate to the earth and to your ancestors and enjoy it.

We are here on earth to revel in the marvels of being living miracles.

Want to know how this eclipse affects you?



The SCORPIO Lunar Eclipse April 25 Full Moon will initiate for the next 6- 12 months, a  tumultuous, intense, emotional vortex with many upheavals, vast changes, endings and new beginnings in relationships, finances,  sex, world markets.

The eclipse affects  the areas where the eclipse is visible the most. All of North America will not see it.

This eclipse is a  faint, shallow, only a tiny part of the moon is in shadow,  wisp of an eclipse.

Called a syzygy. 

Eclipse occurs at 5 degrees + Scorpio on April 25 @ 12:58 pm PDT/ 7:58 pm GMT

on the 26th in Beijing CHINA at  maximum at 4:08 am

The eclipse path over the earth from NASA 

world map of eclipse

Although it may be faint from an Astronomical point of view.

FAINT is NEVER a word one would associate with anything SCORPIO!

Where’s 5 degrees SCORPIO in your natal chart? That’s where the Trouble/sex b-bomb is about to go off. What aspects is it making? Pay attention.

Deep, long-held shadows in sex/love/power  manipulations and secrets on a personal and world collective  level will be a major theme over the next year.

Big government power positions are coming out of their shadows, the recent BOSTON Marathon police state tactics chilled me to the bones. I do believe it was  a test to see how citizen’s reacted. They applauded.

Get ready to dive soul deep.

raven Scorpio  lunar eclipse

New and very powerful deep sexual relationships will be seeded at this time. BE FORWARNED!
This eclipse is all about attachments to money,  prestige and shared resources. Power, control, the shadow government, plutocratic manipulations and the like. You may feel like you are going stark raven mad.

 Mars ruler of the ECLIPSE is in Taurus conjunct the Sun. That’s HEAVY WEIGHTED LIGHT there. The masculine is in VENUS’ territory. The sacred marriage and TEMPERANCE is what’s occuring.

This very watery emotional partial eclipse boasts a beautiful GRAND TRINE  with NEPTUNE & CHIRON  in PISCES- all about compassion, forgiveness and  healing. 

Moon and SATURN  in the Trine are conjunct. This indicates karmic emotional and soul/body restrictions. THESE ARE SERIOUS TIMES folks. Wake up! Grow up. Brake those old ties that bind. We see things for what they are. REALITY Check. 

This is a karmic emotional testing period.You need to be able to let go of your old life preservers and TRUST the RIVER OF LIFE. 

 A Grand water trine forms with CERES the Great MOTHER conjunct Vesta the Goddess of sacred sexuality in early degrees of CANCER to The Moon/Saturn- the Patriarch in Scorpio and Neptune, oceanic bliss in PISCES.

 The Christian Mother/whore split and the Patriarchal inbuilt cultural control over  all women’s sexuality- a SCORPIO theme- is being brought front and center now because of the rapes of women and children in India in the media; women being stoned for being raped in Muslim countries; Eve Ensler’s One billion V day rally.

The old PATRIARCHAL rules days are over.  

This SCORPIO LUNAR ECLIPSE will pop women getting it. That they alone own the rights to their own bodies and sexuality and will burst through the long held culturally  bound perspectives. Porn will become enemy number 1. Its not about sex but power and control.

This is a NORTH NODAL Lunar Eclipse symbolizing our highest collective spiritual goal.

Change is the name of the game. Sun Mars and Venus are close in Taurus and the SOUTH NODE, that is practical, fear of change, holding and defending our territories and what is ours. It’s too literal and pragmatic, like religious dogma, believing only in the physical.


You will need to set an alarm to go off after a half hour. To make sure you come out of the meditation.

Lie down. Take some very deep slow breaths. Get comfy, Put on an eye mask so that it is very dark. Watch your breath and relax deeper and deeper with each breath.

Imagine that you have died. Visualize your death. What is it like? Who is there with you? How do you feel as you leave the earth plane?  

See yourself leave your physical body and immediately expand into your heart and auric/etheric body and into the LIGHT. Feel how much more expansive you are when not confined to your 3D body consciousness.

From this perspective, from the spiritual world, make a realistic assessment about what really was/is important to you. What was really important. Was it money, power, wealth, hard work? Was it the people in your life, the love you gave, the creative things you left? Define it clearly.

If tears come up ,allow them. Scorpio is death and change, grieve. This is what this eclipse is supposed to trigger.

Stay in your etheric body and witness your past/present life. What is it you need to say? Do? Wish you would’ve could still can do? Yes it’s why A Christmas Carol is always so popular.

Allow your HIgher Self and angelic guides to comfort you. Deceased relatives, pets, friend’s may appear to help you and offer their advice. It is OK.  There is no death, only eternal life.  

Gather whatever information you need at this time. If you have gone as deep as I feel you will, tell yourself you will remember it all. Then  return to your present physical world and body you are still alive. Drink some distilled water.

Write down what you felt. If you think to much, that you saw, heard nothing. Then trust that you just went through a metamorphic experience. Write down what you image it would be like to die. Ask yourself all the questions in this article.

Be gentle with yourself. There is much change and upheaval going on. 
On May 9-10 is the Bigger Solar Eclipse

let your energy wain down with the Full Moon over. Keep a journal. BE good to yourself.

Share your truth with others.

 This GRAND WATER trine is the first of more of the same in JULY when JUPITER enters the picture and stands at 5/6 degrees CANCER.

I am here to be your spiritual coach and guide: Get a reading: http://www.taratarot.com/id78.html

April 22-28

Intense week ahead, Still under the Good Jupiter luck till Tuesday/Wednesday keep doing your ritual.

Monday Earth Day Taurus season do something nice for the earth and your body.

VENUS OPPOSITE SATURN -serious love news, testing in your wallet/pocketbook resources, make a commitment


Tuesday MOON ENTERS LIBRA in the wee  hours


ya dont know if you are coming or going?

some emotional whoopee cushions too with Moon opposite Uranus in ARIES in the evening

don't buy anything new, don't sit on your emotional decisions


INTENSE OBSESSIVE smoldering heavy-handed emotional arm wrestling, and your dainty little LIBRA heart too!

Wed. APRIL 24

we should be feeling the FULL MOON PRESSURE

a windy sailin day extra communications filled day

Moon Trines JUPITER IN GEMINI an extra LUCKY aspect for AIR SIGNS

Moon opposite Mercury in ARIES in am good for rhetoric, speech writing, debating, arguing,

Moon goes v/c VOID OF COURSE at 8:12 am EDT good for all spiritual work

VENUS TRINES PLUTO before noon Wednesday

Tarot card reader psychic Tara Greene

GOT PLANETS AT 11 degrees of TAURUS, Virgo, Capricorn?

WOW if you can get to a CASINO fly to VEGAS, or just by a lottery ticket



I feel like ive done so many of these good luck rituals, are you getting bored with theM?

Do you love them?

Venus metal is copper and Pluto is anything radioactive or dead so don't touch any of that please.

PLUTO IS the depths of your soul the UNCONSCIOUS

Contact that immortal part of yourself and know the eternal wealth of you

feel it, connect with it, hold it in your cells, attract it to you.

ASK THE ORACLE: get a reading: http://www.taratarot.com/id78.html

3 Planets in their elements BIG BANG THEORY April 15-18
Copyright Tara Greene 2013- Infinity
April 15-18 3 "planets"  are in their own signs. They are at their strongest when comfily ensconced at home, just like we are. The Moon is called a planet by Astrologers. She is in her home sign of
CANCER. Where she rules the WATER  roost, the womb, comfort security, roots, Mother, tradition, fertility, moody, oceans..
MARS is in his home sign ARIES till Sat April 20  MARS is at his FIERY
WARRIOR best, fighting, explosive, angry, threatening, Macho, As we have seen from North Korea and the bombings in Boston.
VENUS is in her home sign TAURUS where she rules the EARTHY  luxury, romance, sensuality, creativity, fine dining, massages, spas, money stubborn, roost.


Make the MOST of the Triple element strength.

Monday was the Moon's Day, Tuesday is Mars Day,

April 17 is the Big Bang day ARIES Sun conjunct Mars exact!

This is the precursor for the earthquake in Iran. Also the big

Solar flare that happened last weekend contributes to the

unstable erratic insecure feelings.

We need to mellow out with VENUS in TAURUS.

Use the fire power SUN MARS= MASCULINE with VENUS


as an equal balanced masculine and feminine pair.

This is a beautiful Alchemical image of the SACRED MARRIAGE.
Keep it really simple
Have 4 stones and or 4 candles- little tea lights will do smudge or incense for purification
Set up the ritual starting with lighting the candles from the east to south west

and north

Stand in your circle light the incense and breathe deeply

Hold you arms out to your sides, call in the powers of the


 intuition, introspection receptivity, love, water, earth, fertility,


Then call out the MASCULINE  energies to come to you,

strength, courage,

action, matter, Light, earth and air, Gods, add names if you


Then close your eyes and slowly bring your outstretched

hands together to the middle of your heart chakra

bring your palms together as in prayer,

then call out the "As above," the SUN and all the STARS the


heaven,  the Sky God symbols

and all the "As below", the earth, the crystals, the sacred

 cenotes and underwater springs, caves, oceans,

and feel those two energies merge into your heart chakra,

Say all is ONE and One is ALL,

this is the SACRED Marriage of the Masculine

and the Feminine, the Chalice and the Blade

the Sacred Bride and Her Bridegroom

the Yin and the Yang.

All is balanced and whole all is in order,
I am whole.
Stay in this prayerful position and let the energies flow through you. You may feel the erotic kundalini energies naturally rise through you.T hat is good.
Do this ritual on Wednesday

Moon will enter LEO Thursday at 8:13 am PDT/ 11:13 am EDT

Mars enters Taurus April 20

Venus will dally with Saturn the 22nd Earth Day then Mars on

the 30th

to make it REAL.

For further questions or individual instruction with any rituals

or to

 have a custom made one, just email






 Ritual to attract new love

April 6/7- NEW MOON APRIL 10 ,a 5 day ritual

If you prep and do the inner work it will work - PLEASE SHARE  WIDELY 

the numerology of this day fits too April 6 = 4 + 6 = Lovers in the Tarot = 10 or 1 -MAGICIAN New beginnings

because the energy gets BIGGER and builds like passion, like a you know what

Kristen Stewart get a huge impact from this as her birthday is April 9 - i am working on it

APRIL 10 the Moon  conjuncts and activates the SUN MARS & VENUS 

This is the perfect time because its spring, mating season in the NORTHERN hemisphere,

Down Unders this works for you too

the VENUS And MARS is ALL IS NEW  in the sign of  beginning on all levels

Focussing your  energy on a photo of a gemstone works, just like Dorothy in the Wizard of OZ

we will use                                                                                                                        RUBY

RUBY ARIES new Love Tara Greene

Red is passion. desire. GO in most cultures. Protection too.

When intending to attract new love, never meddle in anyone's free will.

The ritual is done as an offering to VENUS-APHRODITE Goddess of love and relationships + money + beauty  and MARS the Masculine 


You will need 2 red candles, hot pink will so

Rose incense, rose water, fresh red or deep pink roses. 


On April 6/7 VENUS MARS conjunct at 20 degrees Aries which also aspect Capricorn Libra Cancer's who have planets at the same degrees.

for ritual instructions in general got to http://taratarot.com/id158.html

Call in the 4 directions starting in the East, then South, West and North

Sit in the centre  and focus on the ruby red crystal at your ROOT chakra and this image

WIsh fullfilling corporate psychic Tara Greene

The image is a wish fulfilling gem from the Secret Dakini Oracle deck

Breathe into your RED root first chakra as it opens you can ask KUNDALINI energy to start burning- slowly 

when that is open and hot

go to 2nd CHAKRA- sex/womb ORANGE energy visualize this one OPEN

then go to 3rd chakra -bright yellow and see it open

then 4th HEART chakra an visualize Green and the wish fulfilling tantric couple in center of your heart

stay with this image opening all 4 chambers of the heart because this is about LOVE

then go up to 5th chakra and visualize seep blue LAPIZ Lazuli and feel your heart open also good to sound, moan

then go up to 6th chakra, violet flame or amethyst crystal eye-opening

then go up to crown chakra- pure white and crystal clear opening like a thousand petalled lotus

then go up to 8th chakra GOLDEN about 2 feet above your head this connects you to SOURCE all LIGHT

then state aloud: I am balanced, whole within myself, I am the BELOVED, the Beloved loves me,feel this fully

RECEIVE the love the UNIVERSE has for you

this relationship is what the UNIVERSE is doing always and forever U just need to tap into it

Its like Accupuncture,

SAY " I am now open to receive a new soul mate, a twin flame, my Divine other half who is human

and who vibrates at the same heart mind spirit soul physical vibration as me."

Do this ritual DAILY till the NEW MOON April  10 so it's a 5 day- forVENUS ritual

you can add adapt and as you feel called by your heart and soul to add to.

spend at least 10 minutes a day or longer- you are the creator

REMEMBER the Universe always sends you exactly what you seek

IF you need love coaching; schedule a reading http://taratarot.com/id78.html

I've been away for the last few days taking a fascinating Past Life Regression workshop and learning some new skills which I will  be working with sharing and letting you know about. It is soulful delicious work.

April Astrology, A A for short may be all about letting go of Addictions on all levels-


physically emotionally spiritually mentally.

The NEW 2013 energy is just beginning to coalesce.

There are Lots of hidden shadow energies COMING OUT. Notice all the gang-rapes being reported all over the world. This is because of the Divine Feminine energy which was released last June at the VENUS ECLIPSE of the SUN being manifested now. OLD Masculine control of women's sexuality is in fear big time and is trying vainly  to keep its control. I send much love and healing energy to the poor women and children who have been brutally raped, there is NO EXCUSE. These brave females are offering themselves like sacrificial lambs to help strengthen the plight of all women.

April 1- 7

Moon's in Capricorn Tuesday-Thursday. Moon conjunct PLUTO on the 2nd in evening which is always heavy intense, Capricorn's don't like being emotional. The Moon brings their buried feelings in touch with the SOUL and it is a body battle. Deepening our connection to the earth would be very helpful now.

April 4

Moon enters freewheeling' Aquarius early am and Squares SATURN

The secrets may out. Stay or go?

Friday is easy but you will want to prep for SATURDAY NIGHT Live

Saturday Night FEVER Heavy date

Sunday after midnight EDT

VENUS & MARS MAKE WHOOPY! in ARIES @ 19 degrees 57 minutes


BRINGING SEXY BACK to a new start

Venus and Mars meet every 2 years but inly once every 32 years in the same sign. April 1981 was the last time. That was we first heard about AIDS. PLUTO and SATURN were in Libra,Uranus in Scorpio. Unexpected chaotic change in death from sexuality and relationships then.

This time Saturn is in SCORPIO Pluto is in Capricorn and Uranus is in ARIES. I predict a possible cure for AIDS and an uncovering of the SECRET of how BIG GOVERNMENT and Pharmacies intentionally created the disease to wipe out millions in Africa and in the gay communities.

R U BORN APRIL 9! Then your LOVE LIFE BECOMES a PERFECT 10 and better!

GUESS WHO's birthday that is?


Guess who may get engaged to Guess who?

Brand new beginnings in LOVE for ALL SIGNS

Fired up and HOT to trot, independent VENUS is in AMAZON Warrioress mode in her lovers sign

Venus sacred cow Astrology Tara Greene

The Sacred Cow/VENUS mating with Fiery MARS

 passionate, tangy, rough, crude, ego's can brush each other the wrong way.

Be careful not to blow up, if they are late, inconsiderate, rude, selfish and expect the same treatment..

IMPULSES will be at an all time HIGH!

It'll be difficult to check credentials before you leap into that someone's arms!

WOMEN you need to be ready, armed and DANGEROUS

and need to run in those high heels if necessary.

Your head and your heart will be spinning.

TEMPESTUOUS fire walking from the heart is the best thing to do

TAKE NOTHING PERSONALLY this is thy new mantra


LEO's  born August 12 and  Sagittarians  born December 11


PRESSURE is on for

CANCER's born JULY 12  and CAPRICORN"S born DECEMBER 10 get the HARD SQUARE aspect.

LIBRA's born OCTOBER 13 get the exact opposition, choosing a wise balance,hmmm difficult.

CHeck out where your planets are around 18-21 degrees and which houses?

NEW MOON on the 10th has 5 planets in FIREY ARIES that's a 5 alarm fire!

and is the absolute BEST Day to LAUNCH Any SHINY NEW project,

but the need to release the PAST !st is so important now

I'll design a ritual but gotta get some Dreamtime

I know YOU NEED a  READING  http://taratarot.com/id78.html

LIBRA FULL MOON - March 27 winds of CHANGE


Two weeks ago MARCH 11 NEW MOON we were awash in 7 planets in WATER SIGN PISCES

THE LIBRA FULL MOON MARCH 27 @ 2:28 am PDT/ 5:28 am EDT

has 4 PLANETS in FIRE- +2,  Eris and Asteroid Athena in ARIES= 6 FIRE!!




click for larger view

opposite VENUS and SUN also at 6 degrees= 666  {this is a secret message encoded here}

&  URANUS at 8 degrees ARIES.


URANUS @ 8 degrees is back where it was June 24 2012 in its first EXACT square to PLUTO

this is round 2. DEJA VU.

CHAOTIC re- enlighting and re-inspiring new brilliance from March  21st - April 6. Think of where you were then, what's changed?

The Central issues is on diplomacy, BALANCING  the opposites in ourselves and in LOVE and BEAUTY- SOUL vs MATTER

GOOD And EVIL. VENUS Rules LIBRA, she is in MARS' home.


Beginning to Integrate the NEW energies to create the SACRED MARRIAGE of the MASCULINE and the FEMININE.

HOW do our ACTIONS affect others?  We will be seeing things from brand new perspectives. BRAND NEW!

I have felt this myself already, havent you?

SUN + VENUS + URANUS EXACT conjunction March 28 - 8 degrees CARDINAL- ya got any NATAL planets here? MARK THAT SPOT!

quit your job if you hate it this day. MAKE A CRAZY LOVE MOVE.  DO SOMETHING COMPLETELY RAD


WILL, SELF LOVE AND POWER- what's worth more? SELLING YOUR  SOUL for material illusions or LOVE and TRUE STRENGTH from SOURCE?

ARIES is like  the FOOL in the TAROT the wisest one who lives in the MOMENT

gilded Tarot Tara Greene

JUPITER in GEMINI & CHIRON the wounded healer in PISCES form an exact SQUARE at 11 degrees MUTABLE  just hours before the FULL MOON>

Where is CHIRON transiting in your natal chart?

Jupiter will expand your consciousness around vulnerabilities and weakness, where the wound is, where the HEALING is. So that you can help heal others.

There's NO TIME now, as there was... we must ACT on our FEET in the present in ARIES.

SATURN and PLUTO make that FINGER  OF GOD QUINCUNX aspect pointing to JUPITER in GEMINI transforming old beliefs.


YOU MUST ave FAITH  that something better is coming.

see my previous MARCH 24 ORACLE. Allies


Stay out of the dichotomies, out of your head.  ONLY INTUITION FEELINGS AND INSTINCTS count now.

the MOON IS the instincts and she stands alone but in relationship to the NEW MASCULINE being born.

WHERE is LIBRA in your chart? the sign of MARRIAGE RELATIONSHIPS all SIGNIFICANT CUDDLES and others?

I see many clients relationships ending now. Struggling. How is yours?

A lot of listening to the other is required. HEAR with new ears. See  SELF as OTHER- that is LIBRA's HIGHER URANUS calling.

"Don't you understand that the one who made the inside is also the one who made the outside?"


I offer RELATIONSHIP ASTROLOGY CHARTS and Counselling: book me NOW  http://taratarot.com/id78.html


Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere happens at 7:01 am EDT

it is the locus for the next three months

Spring is Persephone’s return to her Mother Demeter in the Greek myths

growth is now UPPERWORDLY, fertility of the EARTH PLANTING NEW SEEDS

we always do ceremony on the Spring Equinox which is really nature’s NEW YEAR.

RITUAL for planting NEW SEEDS for SPRING 2013

cast a circle and call in the directions starting with east,

I intuitively would choose to work with


citrine jewel of wealth Tara Greene


A stone for wealth, and increase. Its bright yellow color is used to reduce self- destructive tendencies, overcome emotional traumas and grief. 

Citrine is said to be beneficial for the digestions, stomach, thyroid, sleep disturbances, heart,  kidney, endocrine, circulatory, immune systems.It is good for removing toxins and overcoming addictions. Sensuality and sexuality can be heightened by citrine.


Some attribute it to Sagittarius and therefore associated with JUPITER. 

Citrine ENERGIZES every level of LIFE. Synonymous with SPRING and new vitality. It cleanses the chakras, opens the intuition. RAises self-esteem and self- confidence. Stimulates brain and strengthens the intellect. Promotes self-expression, and removes cellulite.,

VISUALIZE or use a bright yellow citrine to  focus.

Call in the directions from east to south to west to north

breath into calmness. Clarify what it is you need to plant at SPRING first..

USE TIN for MARS- ruler of ARIES. a tin can would do, any red stone, or seed

have a pot of earth or go outside and PLANT your seeds, in the form of coins, stones,or use red paper with words for intent

plant 1 seed for each direction- fire in east for spirit, water in SOUTH for heart, Earth in WEST for physical, intuition and air in North for  intellect.

The clearer your intent and the more present during your spring equinox ceremony the more powerful the results.

sing or hum over your seeds, call them forth , visualize them beginning to grow.

affirm the steps you will take to nurture, water, fertilize, protect, the new seedlings. Take baby steps.

The actual Astrology chart shows a very tense INCENDIARY T-SQUARE


Venus planet of Love women values is exalted in PISCES at 27 degrees, rising in Washington D.C.

see about your love life below

Newborn ARIES SUN  is conjunct MARS & URANUS at 6 and 7 degrees!!! CHAOS- the TOWER in the TAROT 

Thoth Tower Tarot Tara Greene



this is a SPRING VOLCANO ready to explode

The Moon is at 7 degrees CANCER in its HOME in the 4th house, also the natural place for moon to be.

The Moon represents the common people and SHE is opposed to PLUTO in CAPRICORN at 11 degrees in the 10th house of PLUTOCRATS

and exactly forming a T-SQUARE  to MARS URANUS.


the current gun law fracas in the US comes immediately to mind.

The GOVERNMENT and CORPORATIONS are also ready to invade and force the people into a surprise take-over, which is what the energy looks like in a T-square, a cross-purpose clash.

This pattern also indicates dangers from LIGHTNING STRIKES, out of control wild fires, train wrecks, crashes, volcanoes,

and WAR, TERRORISM, all manner of unexpected chaos.

the ongoing T-Square between URANUS AND PLUTO have added fire and water power involved and initiated.

JUPITER is in a YOD or finger of God with Pluto

waealth of information points to who has the OPWER in politics, the media, corporations

The Moon is in a GRAND TRINE with SAturn at 10 degrees SCORPIO and NePTUNE MERCURY & CHIRON At 10

all early water SIGN planets and angles benefit from this.

CHIRON is exactly SQUARE to JUPITER @ 10 degrees PISCES/GEMINI

there is a lot of healing to do around the SPLIT in consciousness- basically. WATER and its methods of dispersion will become a prominent issue.


MArch 28 SUN CONJUNCT URANUS at 7 degrees AR!ES And VENUS TOO! – watch out for huge stock market chaos


on the Astro cartography map where planetary lines run through the earth,certain cities are hi lited by the PLUTO URANUS SQUARE

Uranus is on the MC mid-heaven of Athens Greece.LOts more reactions and havoc there.

other danger lines are FUKUSHIMA JAPAN and the STRAITS of Hormuz via SATURN


VENUS has been sitting at the EXALTED 27th degree of PISCES for VENUS now

how has your love life been?

I saw 5 women clients last week all who had been in denial around a relationship, who couldn’t accept that it was over, or that they’d been lied to,

or the relationship wasnt what they thought it was at all.


this is an entirely new GAME CHANGER in the love department. Better wash that man right outta your hair entanglements and get set for a new course in Love adventures, BEHOLD all is new.


are going to be the stars of the show from most of MARch and ApRIL

VENUS enters her home sign of TAURUS mid April


April 25 is a LUNAR ECLIPSE  @ 5 degrees SCORPIO


MAy 25 LUNAR ECLIPSE at 4 degrees Sagittarius

JUPITER ENTERS 15 degrees GEMINI in mid APRIL and reactivates the VENUS ECLIPSE Degrees from June 5/6 2012

GET A SPRING ENERGY CLEANSE READING NOW -http://taratarot.com/id78.html

MARCH HOROSCOPES  Copyright Tara Greene 2013-infinity

March 1st Moon enters Scorpio-

SUN MOON MERCURY VENUS MARS  NEPTUNE  CHIRON in PISCES = 7 planets in PISCES, 12th house, Oceanic consciousness


MARCH 11 NEW MOON in PISCES  7 planets in PISCES! 7 oceans  7 Heavens, angel time

the first 10 days of MARCH is TOTAL SUBMERGED in the Belly of the whale


 Mars enters ARIES PST/12 EST

SPRING EQUINOX MARCH 20  @ 4:01 am PST / 7:01 am EST/12:01 pm GMT

VENUS enters ARIES March 21

If you have planets in early Pisces,you are being psychically, spiritually cleansed, but all planets in PISCES are being activated to one degree or another. All water signs CANCER And SCORPIO are being baptized and drowning in emotions and awakenings by Trine.

Saturn RETROGRADE in Scorpio is helping us to take responsability for our past karmic actions and to forgive and make amends. 

Saturn is making your  highest yearning for HEAVEN a reality.

All Gemini and  Sagittarius are being challenged through squares to grow spiritually to evolve, to let go of the past- big time..

Virgo's are being opposed by all that water, Things can feel very muddy, and neat freaking Virgo's can't take it. What me dream? 

Mind does not matter in Pisces.

It feels like the big Fog, confusing, dreamy, romantic, idealistic, cosmic, drugged out, spaced out, addicted, scared shitless, no boundaries,

This 7 planet overload in Pisces is the Divine Feminine rebirthing the whole of human consciousness and GAIA,

our attention is being drawn to the oceans, water, marine life really being endangered. Water will be the most precious commodity. Our marine life is being threatened by HAARP and Navy sonar work. Dolphins and whales are ancient ancestors, we cannot afford to have these magnificent creatures destroyed. Do not eat fish from the Pacific it's contaminated by Fukushima radiation. 

Pisces energy is also squared by Jupiter in GEMINI, Jupiter is the ancient ruler of PISCES and the dispositer of all that PISCES unconscious energy. Neptune in Pisces rules everything in the 12th sign. It is time to see Gemini duality for what it really is -YIN YANG, polarity, Masculine/Feminine.

 In the TAROT Gemini is associated with the #6 TArot Trump The LOVERS.

PISCES  keywords

bliss, ashram, secrets, the hidden, the womb/tomb/ ONENESS, karma, self-undoing, delusion, illusion, addictions, oceans, the feet, film, debt, photography, glamour, oil, ghosts, inner vision, intuition, psychic energy, the Source,the Psyche, Charity,

March continues our immersion, surrender is the keyword. 

Read your  SUN sign, your Moon and Ascendant if  you know it


Feeling like you are a volcano at the bottom of the ocean's floor? You of course,  feel like you can't hold your breath much longer, and patience doesn't exist in your vocab. Stewing in your own submerged anger may make you feel like lashing out at others. You gotta be active, do something for someone else for a change.  There's lotsa action going on under the surface though, your unconscious is being cleansed, secrets are floating to the surface, dont flush them away. Let your defensive armour slip. Lay down your arms. Be a soldier of Love, a soldier of Peace, a spiritual warrior. Spring's less than 3 weeks away. Your time to be in the Sun is sooner than your think.


Easier for you to ground all the water energy, except you may be feeling rather muddy, bloated, and overly romantic.  A cruise or walking by a beautiful beach is definitely in your dreams and plans. Make sure you have the Dollars first. It is a very creative, spiritual energy, for songwriters, singers, artists, gardeners. You  will be humming with inspiration. The markets, and real estate has been flooded. The landscape is a river ever meandering. Stop and contemplate where your resources can best feed your need for stability. Allow the Universe to flow.


You are so out of your element, you cant fast talk your way out from the deluge.  But Jupiter in your sign brings an abundance of peaceful awareness and unusual mental serenity to your otherwise overactive mind. Doing yoga and getting over your fear/ dislike of water is beneficial. Take a short course in scuba diving, study film or photography, you are very romantic and vulnerable. Explore your artistic side, doodle, daydream, watch lots of movies especially water themed ones. Let go of your inner ambivalence and become whole,there is no real duality.


You are in your element and bountifully blessed. Really watch out for flooding in your basement. If you are trying to get pregnant NOW is the time.  Awash with spiritual dreams and visions, angels are communicating with you. Healing old family grudges is a good thing to do. Your need for emotional security must come through prayer, faith and feeding your soul through charity to others. Donate to a food bank. Feed the homeless. Discover what you are starving for. And plan on a water birth if you are pregnant. Spend lots of time by the water, soaking in the safety. Photography, arts, gathering with fellow heartfelt nurturers feeds your soul. You need to learn to receive Divine Grace.


Let go of your need to be center of attention. It's a lot of work. Have the courage to surrender, being vulnerable is the new gold. Leo's get into your big hearts and do what you know in your heart of hearts  is the right thing. Too proud to beg? Get down on your knees and stay there till you begin to have a right relationship to Source. Big ego's are not part of the new consciousness that is being birthed. Be philanthropic and give to charities that support the impoverished, especially for the children. Dream a new dream of your spiritual castle. We need strong leaders with big unselfish hearts to lead.


Forecast: Muddy, where is your head? in the clouds of course. Yikes. Time to let go your need to be perfect, relax, take a long bath, meditate, walk in nature. Nap. Write down your dreams, your intuition is expanding. Discover that there is more to workaholism. The deep need for community will be felt. Health issues, underlying health issues can be masked. Also  undigested spiritual issue may manifest as a gut problems literally. Learn to listen to your bodies inner wisdom. The body never lies. The race for perfection is a no win situation. Allow messiness into your life.


You are in a quincunx with spirit. This could be your DARK NIGHT of the Soul. No, not a new Batman movie, this is where your need for friends and surface and consuming feels shallow, empty, vain and pointless. You begin to think there must be something deeper, an intimacy that can be revealed and lived. Your tastes change, you need to stay home, leave the scene for a while and find out what it is like to be alone with your real self and like your own company. You will be amazed. Until you learn to love yourself you can never have that "fairytale romance" for real.


The death and resurrection show is just beginning. W ash away your hidden pain and surrender your power and control trips to something bigger than you. You know you can't keep everything a secret forever. You are either cringing in fear and panic as you are being tested, challenged and having a life review right here and now. Old shadows,  grudges, resentments and spites can be simply exchanged for relief and all can be shrugged off as if it never mattered in the first place. No need to keep . Allow vulnerability to take you deeper.  We know you love the drama, but you can rewrite your script. True intimacy is breathing over your left shoulder. Patience is a virtue.


All that water is drowning your fiery nature. Neptune will continue to spiritualize Sagittarius truth, teaching,philosophy , bringing in sacred law, education that honours each individuals and collective complexities. LIsten to your spirit guides who are just waiting for you to say- OK. Travel to ashrams, sit at the feet of an honest guru. All creative endeavours are featured especially film, photography, art, drama, music. Your dreams will be Technicolor and Lucid.. Your psychic senses are expanding. YOU need to feed your soul first. VEry happy time for you. Follow your spiritual rainbows, you are meant to teach and lead the others. Be carefull about falling in love with love and gambling.


You get the sextile; a softer more compassionate side is chipping away at the hard, edged business man or woman. You must learn to share, the top goat position doesn't work anymore. collectivism is whats up. Philanthropy and charity work will help ante up your business goals. At the very least support the arts. You may be draw to some old-time religion. You may have strange synchronous flashbacks and deja vu's which you may try to negate. Karmic friends and enemies are surfacing. YOU know deep down if you have acted cleanly or not. You may fear reprisal and ruin for past actions that were ruthless. Try to tune into your another type of reality. The more you resist, the harder the fall.   You know the sands of time are shifting.


Water is what the Goddess pours out of her vase as the symbol of Aquarius. Water is consciousness. You will need to analyze, disseminate, translate, into hi-tech modalities the spiritual vibes that you pick up on your always "out there" antennae. Your oneness allows for new experiences. Your overly analytical  world view may be toppled by encountering something you cannot explain away. photographs you take may have orbs. Spirit is whispering that it could turn out to be a useful tool and resource. You always want to be on the newest frontier,so simply listen and learn.


Well, you are the STAR of the heavens STELLA MARIS, the star of the show right now. Get used to it. Soul mates, magical experiences, fairies, orbs, spirit speaking with you in dreams and messengers are everywhere. You are waking up in this dream of life. WOW it feels like heaven on earth, this is what you know what you remember. You must still find a way to stay grounded and not lost. Yes you are rose-colored glasses incarnate right now. Use your ultra sharp 6th sense to only align with those who are vibrating on higher levels than you. It may be wise to be on a retreat. You can find your long-lost twin flame. Synchronicity is God's signature. Stay dreaming.

March 11 Pisces New Moon @ 21 degrees + @ 12:51 pm PDT/3:51 pm EDT/7:51 pm GMT

SPRING Equinox only 10 days away

Moon conjunct Neptune Mercury &amp; Chiron Xact on the 10th and conjunction lingers on the NEW MOON

Moon conjuncts Venus on 11th @ 4:33 am PST/ 7:33 am EST Before the New Moon

and MARS at the critical 29th degree of PISCES= FOGGY

7 planets in the last sign of endings, karma, the unconscious, spirituality, self-undoing, Bliss, denial, martyrs, addictions, drugs, oil, glamour, creativity, self-undoing, secrets, institutions, art, photography, actors, musicians, sound, healing, artists, poetry, water colors, gurus, spiritual lessons,

intuition, telepathy, ghosts, mediums, psychic energy, ashram, spas, sensitives, the Oceans, the feet, Divine Love, soul mates, Oneness,

Source, the Void, compassion, charity, forgiveness. selflessness, non-ego, non- attachment, reflexology, tsunamis, drowning, hydrotherapy,

swimming, boats, whales, dolphins, Tsunami’s, hurricanes, hidden enemies.


Mars is where the action is- the very last degree of the ZODIAC means this is a very important time to GET the spiritual lessons NOW!!

This is an almost unheard of amount of planets in WATER SIGNS 7 + Saturn and North Node in Scorpio = 9

Only Jupiter in Gemini, Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries are the only 3 major players in the outfield.


in the YEAR of the Black Water SNAKE –  The DIVINE FEMININE IS RETURNING we are shedding our old skins and washing them away

in this Sparkling opportunity, a PISCES OCEANIC Flood



WATER is going to come up as the most important resource this year and in many years to come.

Time to emotionally and spiritually connect to the  SOURCE,

In old symbolism WATER is consciousness.

Do some random and hidden act of kindness for someone with no expectation of return.


Bette Midler as Mermaid

to get into the mode.

YES People please it is so critical to surrender our ego’s and feel what we are truly- SOULS HAVING A  DREAM OF BEING HUMAN

We ARE Spiritual beings, soul is all that matters, eternal soul, our soular logos remembers, the Eternal, Infinite Self knows everything we have done, we need to cleanse all our old karma and reset, renew, revive our SOULS&gt;

NEPTUNE is sitting on Fixed STAR Fomalhaut- Archangel Gabriel who blows the trumpet on Judgement DAY

so we KNOW we are being guided by the ANGELS

I had an amazing dream year ago. PISCES is all about THE DREAM

This LUCID dream occurred in the early 90′s.

In it I went to visit my first cousin Carol Karasik, she is a writer who used to live in Washington D.C. I was walking through the street and went to her house, it was full of beautiful old antiques. This was a dream house, not her actual one. I walked through the house, but she wasn’t there. I sat down in front of a TV set and turned it on. It is very rare to be watching TV in dreams because it is another level of visioning, at least for me. I was watching a show on MTV and it showed Bette Midler wearing black, singing and dancing.

In the next scene Andy Warhol is lying on a bed, sort of catatonic. Bette gets into bed with him and makes love to him and they exchange sexes. She becomes Andy and Andy becomes her. Then Andy/Bette  gets up and walks out through a wall.

The 3rd scene in the play is Bette Midler wearing a black tux, top hat and tails like in the old 1930′s movie musicals. She has a chorus of women also  dressed in  black behind and around her. It is a courtroom with a judge on a stand and a jury.  Bette Midler sings and then says “I stand before you to plead my case” .. There is  a pause, it seems the jury has to decide her fate.

The next scene is Bette Midler dressed in white smiling and beaming saying I WIN! Trumpets sound and  everyone is dancing around. And then the narrator appears and says Bette Midler don’t you just love her?” It was a LUCID dream and I felt elated. I’d passed my own judgement day and won.

I wish for YOU to feel the same elation.

AND all this PISCES energy will ebb and flow away momentarily, later that same day!

MARS ENTERS ARIES @ 11:25 PM PST/March 12 EST @ 2:26 am

MARCH 12- big huge elemental shift things start to heat up and the fog begins to burn off

MOON enters Aries @ 4:17 am/7:17 am and FIRE element starts to burn

MOON conjunct MARS @ 4:35 am PST/7:35 am EST-

ARIES MOON CONJUNCTS URANUS @ 6:06 pm PST/9:06 pm EST-WAR, Aggression, explosions,

March 13 ARIES MOON SQUARES PLUTO @ 1:02 am PST/ 4:02 am EST then goes Void of course.- ATOMIC EXPLOSIONS! North Korea attacks?

For Pisces Peeps -surrender to the Bliss you remember in your cells

ITS EASY for all water signs, CANCER &amp; SCORPIO  and all earth signs, TAURUS, VIRGO,CAPRICORN

For GEMINI and SAGITTARIUS who are squared by all the PISCES Energy well JUPITER is helping as Jupiter rules PISCES traditionally

so the duality of GEMINI- THE LOVERS in the TAROT is actually a PISCES singularity.

For other FIRE SIGNS – ARIES &amp;  LEO-for LEO it is hardest- quincunx- the ego and non-ego states don’t mesh

ARies has URANUS burning up the illusions and demanding revolution for all Aries born in early to mid degrees .


Libra &amp; Pisces also rub each other the wrong way, Libra can be too superficial and fear real intimacy.

Aquarius is so detached, but not in a difficult aspect to PISCES itself.

Each of us has PISCES somewhere in our charts – which house is the PISCES bottleneck  happening in? That will show you what  areas in your life are needing to be cleansed by SPIRIT and made whole again.

It’s the HANGED MAN in the TAROT

an emotional  Baptism it shows ODIN hung upside down by Ygdrasil the WORLD TREE, that’s how Odin received the RUNES

allow your mind and ego to be  inverted, one needs to be still, in the heart,

YOUR mind is not you and not in control that is the illusion of the ego.

Surrender to BLISS, you are never alone, have faith, TRUST

Blessings TARA

Read more about DREAMS http://taratarot.com/id14.html

Get a nightmare or dream interpreted http://taratarot.com/id78.html

Get a reading http://taratarot.com/id78.html

10 million Times the Blessings Feb 25 Virgo Full Moon


February 25 your Karma is multiplied for good or negative 10 million times.

Tibetan Buddhists celebrate the First Full Moon of the New Year of the Black Water Snake

it is the GREAT PRAYER FESTIVAL and Day of Miracles honoring the final display by the Buddha.

Buddha Lightshttp://www.dharmaeye.com/ Olivier Adam photo

so be very aware of every thought you think and every word you say, SUN IN PISCES

every wish you send out is magnified 10,000,000 times.Turn your karma into dharma.

Ask not for yourself as wealth, spiritual wealth is all that counts.

The spiritual wealth will manifest as material wealth.

Pi ratio is divine harmony and seas/sces a pun for waters,oceans, unconscious.

Send out benevolence and compassion,see yourself as an EARTH ANGEL this is a VIRGO FULL MOON at 7+ degrees

BE THE LIGHT, The Light loves all the darkness and by that transforms it

Virgo is naturally the 6th house of service to others, work, pets, health, community.

Good day to access your health, diet and make whatever adjustments.

This Full Moon squares the November 28 LUNAR ECLIPSE at 7 degrees GEMINI/SAGITTARIUS

intuition inspiration and insights will be apparent right now especially for those born around Nov 28-29, May 28/29

and those PISCES And VIRGOS born Feb 25/26 and Aug 28/29

with Sun Neptune Chiron Mars and Retro Mercury all in Pisces in the natural 12th house.

VENUS is at 29 degrees of Aquarius and entering PISCES at 6:03 pm PST/9:03 pm EST tonight

making 6 planets in PISCES SPIRITUAL WATER SIGN, 12th house womb.

Submerge yourself in the HOLY WATERS of purification, self-love, self-acceptance, compassion

BE THE BUDDHA. Meditate on this day

RITUAL of purification to remove all negative Karma

Astrologically at 7:51 pm PST/10:51 pm EST

The VIRGO Moon at 11 degrees sextiles SATURN Lord of Karma @ 11 degrees SCORPIO which also sextiles PLUTO at 11 degrees CAPRCICORN

that’s 11 11 11

LIGHT CANDLES have bowls of water and beautiful flowers and incense,

use rose-water, lavender oil or Florida water from PERU if you have it to anoint yourself

aromatherapy uplifts your senses, Lavender is a protective

Call in the 4 directions and 4 elements starting in the east and always moving clock wise.

East = fire, South= water, West= earth North – air

some traditions do it differently, follow what works for you. On the West coast the ocean is in the West,

Breathe deeply follow the breath

put on meditative music I will put a playlist of spiritual music

Apply rose-water,lavender, or other pure oil to your 3rd eye and then on your heart and touch all your chakras starting from your feet

and going up. PISCES rules the feet.ending with the Crown chakra on top of your head.

Buddha Dharma

Call in the Buddha you dont have to be Buddhist to do this.

The Buddha is non-denominational, visualize Shakyamuni in front of you

see him staring at you feel his total compassion for you,

ask you stare at him and feel the enlightenment emanating form his being

tell yourself you are now ready to release all your karma all suffering and ignorance

releasing all harm to self and others,

so that you may awaken quickly for the sake of all sentient beings. That is the Bodhisattva prayer,.

loving kindness is the root of what the Buddha Teaches

feel the toxins negative thoughts, 7 deadly sins leaving your mind and body

until you feel like an open vessel take as much time as you need

keep your consciousness in your heart chakra- this is the brain,the mind in Buddhism.

then state to yourself out loud that you are ready to receive enlightenment

non-duality, essence, cleansing and purification,

that you know you are already Enlightened and nothing exists outside of self.

You and the entire Universe are ONE>

send blessings for all beings who are suffering, animals, children, trees, the oceans,

it is all oceanic consciousness

really feel yourself expand to become the heart of the Universe.

Vow to do,one act every day to send love to someone, one-act of charity, compassion, help, assistance.

“Our hands imbibe like roots, so I place them on what is beautiful in this world…. And I fold them in prayer, and they draw from the heavens Light.”
– St Francis of Assisi

Be in the samadhi state, for as long as you wish.
every wish you send out is magnified 10,000,000 times.
and all comes back to you.
gatay – means beyond.
When you feel ready come out of your meditation.
give thanks
P.S. it is also the memorial birthday of George Harrison who would have been 70 years old today. George was a huge bridge from East to West
bringing Ravi Shankar’s Indian sitar music into western consciousnses. Sitar music means music of the stars, names after Goddess Tara, which is both my spiritual name and a transliteration of my middle birth name.
also ANANDA GIRI The Oneness Meditation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9uVYkpHJdw


Prepare for MERCURY RETROGRADE in PISCES-Sat. Feb 23 @ 1:41 asm PST/ 4:41 am EST- MARCH 17 St. Patrick's Day 2013

Mercury Retrograde in PISCES -BRAIN FOG, smoke and  Mirrors,

feels like being behind the Veil, mind fog, an Ayahuasca flashback,
in Heaven again, in the closet/jail/hell of your own making
remembering where you came from, womb memories, remembering your True Self.

Were you born during a Mercury Retrograde?

Statistically 1/3 of the population could be born during a Mercury Retrograde period. If you want to get your chart done for free there are many great online resources to help you find out.- see below
BORN THIS WAY - Mercury Retrograde
I have many a client have an amazing epiphany when they GOT IT about being born during a Mercury Retrograde. That wrongly screwed in Light Bulb turned ON! YOU function at best during Retro periods.

Mercury Retro people don't know how really bright they are. Usually they are labelled as having learning disorders just because they think outside the box. M. Rx's in any sign are all very creative, the world hasn't been wired to accept people who think differently until now. They think in a less linear more feminine way.

During a Mercury Retrograde it's your turn to be in your Retro flow which ever sign.

NOT born this way
Trying to swim against the current won't work.

with Mercury retrograde Don't start any new endeavours, buy new things, usually they have to be returned are deficient etc.
you can buy used things. That THRIFT SHOP song is a great Mercury Retro in Pisces song -recycling.

10 BEST THINGS TO DO during this PISCES Mercury Retrograde

1. SURRENDER your MIND to Intuition, Rewire your head, TRUST your feelings. Connect to your Guardian Angel.

2. BE CREATIVE- Explore your artistic side,draw, paint,drum, sound, sing, drama classes, photography, knit

3. PISCES is the dream world,sleep as much as you can. Tune into your dreams.Write them down. Have your dreams analyzed I offer this service,

4. YOGA and MEDITATION will be easier now. Practice daily

5. Watch old movies, connect with movies that inspire, move you, make you cry,inspire hope.

6. Heal your addictions, understand the mind, emotion, body connections, SWEAT, sweat lodges, steam baths, foot baths in very hot water

7. Go on a Mini Vision Quest- why am I here? What's my True Purpose?- see below:

8. Do charitable Work- give away what you don't need, volunteer, see the suffering in the world and do something to help

9. Go fishing, visit a Sacred Place, allow spirit to speak to you directly, have an epiphany

10. Love Yourself, compassion, rekindle your faith, go to Church, Temple if that suits you.

THE BIG FISH THAT GOT AWAY story is usually an oh poor me Pisces kind of story. Do ceremony as a right of passage of an old cycle.
Review, rewind, relax, resuscitate, reflect, relinquish, relish, all the RE- things, RE-memeber it's symbol is Rx a prescription.

Saturn Retro in Scorpio and Mercury Retrograde in Pisces Trine by Water element
CANCER's get Retro blessings

See all as ONE.

If you need Guidance SPIRITUAL GPS during Mercury Retro Pisces fog- Get a reading

I offer private and small group workshops in Sacred Arts, dream work, ceremonies, and one on one readings.

email me for more info taragreene@sacredartscentre.com

30 min and 15 minute phone readings and 1 hour minimum in person http://taratarot.com/id78.html
Blessings TARA

Vice magazine interviewed me about Mercury Retrograde, November 2012, a light hearted look


cry as much as you can, lots, there is lots of watery influence esp. feb 20 21- 22 Moon in CAncer

to honor PISCES do something good for the oceans, for water, WATER as a resource IS IN DANGER AND WE ARE MAINLY WATER

AND fUKISHIMA IS EXTREMELY radioactive and the oceans in bad shape

dont eat fish all month but DO treat your feet real nice- Pisces rules the feet

we are in the Year of the WATER SNAKE

snake pathI love this image don’t know who to credit

as the Sun symbolically moves through the Sign of Pisces really pay attention to your dreams

and SNAKES have no feet but

there is TIBETAN DREAM YOGA- intention is everything,create intent with your dreams, write them down

Very great healing time- last sign of the ZODIAC

we are all in the Collective 12th house of the Unconscious  right now

where all the jewels are and the skeletons, its like a graveyard,of Bliss,

these are all Tibetan metaphors for looking death in the face in reality

and seeing through all illusions,

What sign is on the cusp of your 12th house? – the sign, planets therein and planet ruling the cusp has much to tell you

be with your fear and shadows with SATURN -almost 5 months Retro-

As SATURN the great Reality check moves Retrograde  Feb 18 @ 11 degrees 32 minutes -July 7th at 4 degrees 49 minutes Scorpio

It will take till October 14 for Saturn to get back to the degrees he was at when he went Retro.

the Reality check cloth gets folded back so we get to focus our eyes on our goals, our work, our service, our karma, our responsibilities,

Apparently a new Age begins FEb 19 according to Drunvalo Melchizedek, the spiritual teacher of the Flower of Life and the Flowering of the heart

who has taught for 40 years says the age led by the Feminine begins on this day.Not Dec 21 2012, the pole shifts back to  a new centering. HE says the Serpent of Light or Kundalini energy of the earth is now operating between Bolivia and Peru/ Chile and this is where the flowering of a new/old spiritual wisdom will be flowing from for the next 13,000 years.

Although he talks about Ascending to the 4th or 5th dimension soon.

I have been feeling the shifting of new divine powerful energies. At a meditation workshop over the weekend as blessings of energy were given

in a small group, I saw the “TALL beings” in the  room.,there were more of them than women in the room and they were about 12 feet tall, Light beings from the ALUNA- mirror world dimensions, I have dreamt about them too.

Stuart Wilde talks about the  tall beings.- http://www.stuartwilde.com he is one of my main man teachers

WHAt new dimensions are YOU SEEING? feeling?

Dont be afraid, I sense a lot of panic, and a lot of flowering, deep down we are hopeful that the old dictators are falling like the POPE resigning

to hide his guilt but being protected by the Vatican. THE DIVINE FEMININE IS indeed returning


just add a K and see the truth

DICKTATORS! I just got iT! LOL  right here on the page while writing-

potato penises’

please share

Blessings TARA

Consult me for a reading http://taratarot.com/id78.html

I am happy to be of service

i send FREE BLESSING Prayers -so please drop me aline of anyone you;d like to have prayers sent to 

Mars in Pisces Feb 1 2013  The Gospel Truth

So the last will be first, and the first will be last."- Mathew 20:16
The Gospel Truth is,Mars planetary ruler of "the first" sign Aries enters "the last" sign Pisces Feb 1 - March 11/12 

What You will feel!

Your intuition, telepathy, sensitivity to others' feelings  will be steamy because Mars activates

Pisces' watery soulful depths.

Mars- the action planet, rules ARIES, God of WAR  is diluted in Pisces, some would say wimpy

PISCES is Bliss territory, Sacred pools, pure white  swans, delicacy,  soul-stirring,

You will feel all fogged up! Especially Arie's who usually get right down to it.

PISCES can be whiny, poor me, self- fuck ups, they like being martyrs. See it for what it is- and let it go.

Mars'  libido will be watered down,but if you can find a water-bed it'd be great or at least romantic Oceanside

Merman Merlady remember ATLANTIS in your cellular memories, it's all there in your Pisces 12th house

everybody's got one- check your chart for where Pisces is- that's where the self-indulgence poor me whining will be coming from.

ESCAPISM will run rampant, denial, delusion, false prophets,

Row row row your boat gently down the stream of consciousness,

imagination is vivid

Use the time to be creative, go to art galleries, learn to appreciate art, write poetry, make music,

we are all naturally creative as children it is part of our essential humanity.

 movies and  photography are all in Pisces' realm

FYI the 85th Academy Awards happen Feb 24 with Sun Mercury Retrograde and Mars in Pisces 

DO be very careful with drinking and drugs as Mars' influence is to act like a tough soldier

in Pisces it is all too easy to get addicted to fireworks, under dog rooting, denial,illusion, delusion,


I am predicting that the telepathic element will be enhanced.

Mars in Pisces is Sponge Bob Square Pants but seriously

Mars in Pisces is about being a  big psychic sponge.

You will notice if you feel uncomfortable in your office,

in a relationship, about your own perceptions around someone else, do something about it.

You will feel ultra sensative to the 30,000 children dying every day from various causes.

The pain and suffering of humanity may feel overwhelming and your heart may feel too full.

Luckily Venus enters Aquarius-She is the warrior now

on the same day as Mars, and the two planets are the masculine

and the Feminine. 

Macho gets his first Baptism  in Pisces Feminine spiritual womb. 

Venus is all detached, analytical and ready to work for the collective well-being of all.


if you need to get a diagnosis for any physical ailment this influence creates false positives or negatives as

conditions are very difficult to detect. Wait till Mars exits Pisces to get a good assessment

Mars in Pisces,Meditate, go deep within your inner sanctum 


MARS and SATURN will Trine each other  Feb 16  a very positive influence for deep diving

a. sexaully

b. psychologically

changes in understanding power and control issues.

For a more indepth understanding of How Mars in PIsces affects you and the man in your life- get a reading >

 I read a  channeler friend’s  blog and her spiritual guide said all the old Draconian influence was totally gone since Dec 21 2012. All that was left was residue.
Sounded nice and optimistic… we shall see.
Venus conjunct Galactic Center Tara Greene
The Tarot reader Psychic Shamanic Healer’s life..
I had a long time client come for a reading Sunday afternoon, and I felt really connected and was channelling from my Higher Guides for her healing, all about alchemy. It was feeling great. She went through a big catharsis in the reading.
Then later this evening I was doing a reading with a new client in Australia  and there was so much loud technical interference – satelite techno-chatter klunk klunk klunking- I couldn’t here her,she could hear me but she didn’t hear the cosmic interference on my end. So after about 8 tries, we decide to deal with her reading another way.
The static felt like it was the actual vibrational energies of the tension of the Scorpio Moon conjunct Saturn/Mercury Pluto conjunction and Mars Saturn square approaching.
It felt like some  intergalactic nasties were attempting to use the heavy vibes for a download through the phone line.  I suspect sunspot activity too. It  didn’t feel good. In fact I felt like I’d taken a huge hit. All the deep dark secret Scorpio Moon Saturn old karmic stuff came up. I felt like I got slimed. Yuck.
USe Psychic protection at all times 
Be very careful, protective and aware at all times. It had nothing to do with my clients but simple the very heavy planetary  energies right now another Saturn test to cross. Like we need psychic condoms.
Saturn represents the DEVIL in the Tarot. #15  and I realise that the Devil had been the key integration card in my clients reading. Hmm.
I smudged the house, and have been praying to recover as I felt totally energetically vampirised.
in trying to find an image to go along with this article I synchonistically was led to this blog page http://myabea.wordpress.com/2012/02/29/%e2%9c%aa-the-idea-of-my-life/
with an image of a creepy entity which was just what I was talking about of course. 
I am fortunate that my husband and daughter understand when this happens to me. I try to be very conscious but for psychic healers who take on this kind of shamanic work it isn’t easy or glamorous when this happens. I have to be very compassionate with the entities and myself and ask for compassion. You can’t fight the dark directly you have to love it. 
Stuart Wilde talks about how to do this kind of work. see his website http://www.stuartwilde.com
Luckily the Universe NEVER give us more than we can handle.
VENUS is on the GALACTIC CENTER Jan 6 7 and 8 and LOVE IS ALL It’s so very inspirational!
Venus in Sagittarius in conjunction with the G.C.  re-activates  the Dec 21 2012 Sun conjunct to the  G.C. The Sun is Will, Identity.
 Now we can bathe in and receive fully the total unconditional Goddess  love as it emanates out from the void and simultaneous draws us back to the Cosmic Womb. We can open our hearts into full relationship now,now it is ALL HEART centered.
From the source of  DIVINE FEMININE Mother love these are cosmic message download days to be sure..
Amidst much turbulent energies today and tomorrow , really stay in your heart NOW, listen to the 4 chambers of the heart speaking and singing softly to you, allow that energy to circulate throughout your veins- named after Venus-
Sit in meditation
and close your eyes and breathe in the cosmic Universal all dimensional mother love. so healing.
be in this space as much as you can. really soak it in. YOU will be blessed and can go out and Bless.
Need spiritual coaching? get loving guidance book a reading now http://taratarot.com/id78.html
Listen to the voice of an angel, my friend Pam Gerrand’s beautiful song LOVE IS ALL

Dec 13 2012 Sagittarius New Moon twin flame rituals

How did you feel on the 12:12:12? Did you make your 12 wishes?

12:12:12 was also the Lady of Guadeloupe Festival Day Mexico’s greatest religious ICON. 12 12 is Her feast day 12= 3 which is the Empress in the Tarot, the Great Mother, Venus= remember it is VENUS‘s year it’s about LOVE

2012 = 5 the Pentagram symbol of the Higher Self, the Goddess and yet another symbol of the Great Mother returning.

It is also a New moon at 21 degree Sagittarius conjunct JUNO the Asteroid Goddess of FEMININE GENIUS who is EXACTLY on the Galactic Center - Juno’s symbol looks like a MAGIC WAND!

More recently catalogued as # 3. There’s that 3 again.  JUNO AKA  Hera, Zeus’s wife in Greek mythology,was the third Asteroid to be discovered in 1804.  Juno symbolizes the lunar Feminine energies grounded through the vehicle or institution of marriage or committed unions. Juno is consort, wife, twin flame to the Masculine polarity as ONE. In relationships Juno Lights the way,she creates the Sacred marriage the Alchemical Conjunctio. She is known world wide, in China she is  called the ‘marriage-god(dess) star’ (婚神星 hūnshénxīng and also Latin equivalent name (朱諾 zhūnuò).

Her symbol is an asterism with 5 points- Venus- surmounting a cross of matter. IT is a visual depiction of Stars above the earth.

JUNO RULES ! She is helping,with Asteroid Ceres- see CHART below-  the new UNION of Twin Flames whose relationships is based on love and spiritual growth as opposed to property, and woman being subsumed as slaves, evil, dark, fearsome sexuality of the Patriarchy.

Feminine Wisdom will LIGHT the way exactly from the GREAT RIFT COSMIC VAGINA which also symbolizes the Lady of Guadeloupe as well.

Juno is opposite to Asteroid # 1 Ceres at 28 degrees GEMINI conjunct the NORTH STAR! Ceres is the Great Mother Herself. Both these goddess symbols are giving birth to new forms of themselves after 12,960 years.

NEW MOON occurs at 12:42 am PST 3:42 am EST 8:42 am GMT


Look at your own chart to see where JUNO  & Ceres are transiting. These houses show new relationships and births of all kinds in your chart.


is conjunct the NORTH NODE at 25 and 26 degrees Scorpio, we are excavating old long buried archetypes now. PALA ATHENA another Asteroid Goddess of wisdom squares the 2 at 24 degrees Pisces. Minerva/Athena was a Matriarchal warrior Goddess, the Parthenon and the city of Athens Greece was named in Her honor. She symbolizes Victory.

In Native American terms they refer to the Marriage basket as a symbol of unity wholeness between a man and a woman. Athena squaring Venus and North Node in Scorpio indicate a healing of this Sacred Marriage basket, with intimacy,trust and the depth of emotions and soul needed to build, maintain and sustain as great lasting whole relationship.


MERCURY  at 3 degrees Sagittarius squares NEPTUNE at Zero and CHIRON at 5 of Pisces bringing JUPITER RETRO into alignment in a Mutable T-Square. SATURN at 7 degrees Scorpio is Trine Neptune and CHIRON  to force old the old wounds to heal them.

MARS  is at 20 degrees Capricorn is Square to ERIS the Goddess of STRIFE at 21 degrees aries. ERIS  discovered in 2005 is recently designated a dwarf planet and is one of the most distant objects we know of in our solar system.  Things aren’t totally lift off to the Golden Age just yet. This aggravated Martial aspect- witness North Korea launching a rocket the last day or so bears this energy out.

New MOON trines Eris’ energy to bring Truth, Vision, Sacred Law to this low- level them and us dichotomy.

LILLITH and JUPITER are conjunct they have done this for a while now again RE-thinking duality in Gemini and the repression of wild, sweet women’s sexuality  for thousands of years about to burst forth.


Uranus,been Retro since July 13 @ 8 degrees 32 minutes Aries {on my Natal Jupiter for awhile I am sooo wound up} -goes DIRECT a few hours after the New Moon AT 4 DEGREES of Aries.

Uranus, held back like a rock in a sling shot all these months, surges forward like a rocket for higher intelligence, freedom, liberation, and unity.

This is also a SUPER MOON as moon is perigree and syzygy in direct line with Sun and Earth this increases the electromagnetic and gravitational pulls on earth oceans, tectonic plates and our own psyches.

Every NEW MOON is a new opportunity

this one is about birthing TWIN FLame, Soul mate relationships.


with musical accompaniment by Leonard Cohen- Dance Me to the End of Love http://youtu.be/bzR-tdsoCS0

I’ll keep this very short and sweet- PLEASE SHARE- men can do it too!

Visualise your self and your Soul mate together. Think about ,feel, smell, taste your BELOVED in your arms in your soul already. Create all the aspects you wish for in a mate. Think this over carefully as the Universe always sends you EXACTLY what you want. On this day 12.13.12 write down the list as if you already are living  in Bliss love and respect and joy with your beloved, as if it’s real. State it aloud in a sacred circle, give thanks to the UNIVERSE for having co-created this. Have candles for the 4 directions-see previous rituals in any of my articles for how to set this up. Call on Angels and hold the list close to your heart, hum a song, sway a little, move, dance as your body feels it, and stay as long as you like in the slow dance of the Beloved, and then put your list away in a special place and forget about it.

“The minute I heard my first love story,

I started looking for you, not knowing

how blind that was.

Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere,

they’re in each other all along”.- RUMI

If you need Soul mate Guidance relationships reading? http://taratarot.com/id78.html




Dec 3 2012 = 12 = 3, +3 leave off the 21st century bit 12= 3

So 3 three's in a row! The HOLY TRINITY, one always gets three questions, three tasks, 3 wishes, Like a Vegas slot machine, three is an archetypal number, 

The 3 fates, the 3 Norns, Wyrd sisters, Shakespeare,

the PAST PRESENT FUTURE, Janus or Hecate, Maiden Mother Crone especially the TRIPLE GODDESS,

The number 3 is 1 + 2 the One multiplies ITself to create duality, mirror images, which creates the third, more powerful than the unit, individual or couple

In the TAROT the # 3 Trump is the EMPRESS, 

and Numerological we have a Triple Empress energy today that's 3. 3. 3 times the Fertility

Whatever it is you want to give birth to, create, embody, make love to, all these 3 days are the best!

And in order to conceive one must first MAKE LOVE - so 3's are sexy and the Moon is in LEO, sign of the HEART, passion, and creative self- expression

Moon square Saturn- this is real, serious,

Trines the SUN- excellent go for the gold, use royal purple, call in JUPITER, expansion, and optimism

and LEO Moon squares Venus in SCORPIO 

Near the witching hour PST -so intensely SEXUAL

Get ready to consciously magnetically, charismatically take centre stage, as a True Leo moon would do

and make love passionately with full intent, create your heart's desire, open your heart chakra

 and physically and/or spiritually mentally emotionally ignite the spark from the Void of creation,

From the Galactic Centre, the black hole, 

You will be conceive on the magical triple Goddess thrice empowered energy

And will be PREGNANT! Poof just like that!

The same energy of the magical 3’s is present as well as on 12 12 12      which is also three hanged men in the Tarot 

This is the triple surrender of the EGO

And on Dec 21 2012 = Dec - 12 = 3 21 = 3 and {20} 21 = 3 it is also three 3's as the roots

So this the first of a TRINITY of 3 Fertile, Feminine, Pregnant, Abundant, Goddess energy imprint days.

Triple Goddess ritual

Triangles are empowering energies

 Set up a triangular sacred space. Mark it with 3 crystals, and 3 candles,

Have incense and candles, call in Your Mother Earth energy through your root chakra,

Call in your Higher Self, your Guardian Angel, Mother Mary if you were raised Catholic,

Then call in your heart angel, your inner goddess, she lives in your womb and your heart and your will in 3 chakras in your body

Visualize and sense their energies, men can do this as well, they have a spirit womb,

Feel them call to them, they will arise 

You want to focus on conceiving an idea, a real physical child, an enterprise, a gift to yourself, or the world

If you have a real physical partner then the two of you need to be clear, emotionally spiritually and energetically on the same wavelength

Devoted to healing helping and supporting each other, the Goddess energy leads; the man must be devoted to serving the Goddess

Prepare to initiate your man as a tantric priestess would, you remember how to do this ladies

We all had to serve in the temples years ago, we were all Vestal virgins, and don’t you remember?

Be clear about calling in the highest vibrations opening your heart surrendering your ego

  Allow pure joyous orgone, sacred sexual energy, which permeates all matter to enter your body

 Feel the energy move through you, sound, laugh, open,

If you are alone, then imagine the opposite sexual energy manifesting with you, the opposition is important as all opposites move energy magnetically even if in same sex bodies.

Feel the rush of ecstasy and as the orgasmic energy flows through you- it will be the most powerful energy you have ever experienced!

Yes ladies you can learn to do this anywhere anytime, without a partner without orgasmic breathing,

It is the very nature of the Universe. 

Stay focussed on the conception, see and feel the cells divide from the egg and sperm metaphysically into 4 then more


Be grateful for you’re newly pregnant self, you must take care of your creation now,

When it feels ready leave your circle, let the energies go give thanks

Drink lots of water, rest. Ask to dream about your future child

Let me know how it it for you and PASS THIS ON

The more people that receive it the more people who an benefit

Blessings TARA



November 13 @ 2:09 pm PST 5:09 pm EST 10:09 pm GMT

the Total Solar eclipse @ 21 degrees 57 minutes Scorpio is a North Nodal eclipse indicating it is towards our highest future good. It will be visible in Australia, New Zealand,the South Pacific and parts of Chile in Southern South America, where the impact of the eclipse will be felt the greatest. Of course everyone in the world will feel it


There won’t be another TOTAL Solar Eclipse till March 20 2015, there will be partial and annular and hybrid Solar eclipses in between.

The eclipse is part of Saros cycle133. The cycle started in the year 1219. On June 15 1219 Dannebrog – the oldest national flag in the world, Denmark’s, according to legend, fell from the sky during the Battle of Lyndanisse (now Tallinn) in Estonia, and turned the Danes’ luck. that’s a good pattern to begin with.

MARS rules the Scorpio Eclipse

and where is Mars? @ 27 degrees SAGITTARIUS exactly on the GALACTIC CENTER!

That’s the Black Hole at the centre of our Milky Way Galaxy. It absorbs and transmits incredibly vast amounts of electromagnetic energy, swallowing everything. The Mayans called this place Hunab Ku, the Sun behind the Sun.

The Dec 21 2012 scenario is about the Sun conjuncting the Galactic Center and the Galactic Equator but it takes 36 years for the Sun to cross the Vesica Pisces, the COSMIC VAGINA, at the centre of the Milky Way,the nuclear bulge, visible to the naked eye, seen as a dark rift, called the Black Road or Shibalba Be,by the Mayans.

The whole Galactic Alignment occurs only ONCE every 25,920 years.

The alignment began in 1979 and will continue till 2015 I believe, so 1998- 2012 is more of an exact central target zone.

The big consciousness emotional shift is hugely triggered at this eclipse, especially with Saturn in Scorpio!

I have been feeling flattened the last few days because of this energy. The psychic elements floating before the hit- did you feel it to?

lots of shadowy EGO material coming up and out be seen and cleared,not pretty at all!but lets not judge it.

It’ll feel like your very own personalized emotional Hurricane Sandy, coming on, very sudden and catching you up in the maelstrom.

As the Moon blocks the light of the Sun it is always symbolic of the FEMININE UNCONSCIOUS feeling state temporarily blocking the heroic male ego consciousness. It’s encountering the dark side of the moon in broad daylight for 4 minutes.

SCORPIO,Feminine fixed water is the sign that Recycles, death, rebirth Fear of change is what to watch out for!

A TOTAL solar eclipse is a NO turning back point from jettisoning your old emotional GARBAGE

Mars is also squaring Uranus – so huge revolutionary changes

Saturn is exactly Quincunx Uranus so the pressure for cataclysmic evolutionary change is GIGANTIC

Eclipses occur in cycles the last one near this degree was Nov. 13 1993 a partial solar eclipse.

where were you then? what was happening in your life? an entire cycle closes and a new one opens now

This is also a SUPER MOON, so expect huge tides, earthquakes and tsunamis around the date

Mercury is RETROGRADE at ZERO degrees of SAGITTARIUS opposite the May 20 Solar Eclipse

which gets re-activated again now

Mercury Retro is past thoughts and communications, memories,

Mercury is squaring Neptune in PISCES at ZERO degrees which just turned Direct on 11:11


conceive of a new dream, remember where you came from- SPIRIT- that’s PISCES

think a new dream, speak a new dream of spirituality, creativity, of a compassionate voice.

REMEMBER who you really are.Sagittarius is the truth the arrows aim to the Galactic Center

SCORPIO is also the Sign of SOUL, as is Pisces two aspects-Scorpio is the sexual soul mate tantric connection

Scorpio, 8th house communion is the dream of dying into the other, the petit mort

the total Scorpio eclipse triggers the reverberation memories of total Orgasmic consciousness

One of my teachers taught a group of women how to breathe through their chakras to have a complete whole body orgasm

Think of the Goddess and God principle as being totally in love with each other, the Feminine is the void- the Dark Rift

the Masculine is the Light,the Sun, when the two meet- their lovemaking is constant, eternal, orgasmic unity, which creates everything

and we can tune into this, without a partner, without genital stimulation, through breathing opening, concentration

RITUAL for the SCORPIO orgasmic consciousness

I saw the scene in my mind’s eye of Frodo the Hobbit casting the EVIL ring of Power into MOUNT DOOM in Lord of the Rings

The Ring of Power symbolizes that Scorpionic ego control, secrecy, obsessive energy

before the eclipse think of WHAT your personal RING OF POWER is made of,

list what drives you unconsciously,what your ego desires:

lusts after, power, control, sex, porn, money, fame, revenge, abusing others,hatred, anger, jealousy, feeling bigger than, etc.

or it could be the opposite, victimization, poverty,being abused, that is the other side of the same coin.

Write out your 7 deadly sins or whoever many there are on a piece of paper in a line,cut it out, take a yellow coloured pencil or marker and colour over it so it looks gold,cut it out to make the shape of a ring,

Prepare for your ritual Before the eclipse is exact

if you cant do it at exact time, anytime that works for you is good,

cast a ceremonial circle large enough for you to lie down

you will need a yoga mat or blanket, incense,

Light a candle for each direction, invite all the Archangels in, Michael east, Gabriel South, Ariel west, Raphael North to protect you.

You will need a small container to light a tiny fire, a bowl of water, earth and incense for each element

think about your personal ring of power, how it controls you, how it creates pain suffering, separation,illusion

sit in the center of your circle and bring up all the emotion,

breathe deeply to calm yourself and stay centered,

when you feel clear, calm, grounded take your “ring of power” and state your intention ou t loud

that you are willing to transform your egoic needs for power by burning your ring,to allow those unconscious emotions to transform

watch your ring burn, it will go quickly, and feel the negative ego’s control of you dying,


Visualize a ruby

then breathe deeper and slower, make the circle big enough so you can lie on your back or sit on a pillow comfortably

Breathe into your root chakra and see a red flower open, send your 1st chakra energy down into the center of the earth, to Mother earth’s flame,

this is Her heart, breathe the fire up into your root chakra, it should start to pulse,awakening your kundalini energy gently.

Breathe into your 2nd chakra it is orange, feel it open, send that energy down into the 1st and deep down into the flame in the earth and breathe it back up again past the 1st and into the 2nd, feel your 2nd chakra pulse with kundalini energy. It will feel sexual, hot..

Breathe into your 3rd chakra 1 finger below your navel, it is bright yellow like the Sun, again send your intention and your breath down into the 2nd , 1st and into the earth and the fire in the centre and then breath the fire back up from the 1st, 2nd and into the 3rd . It will open, pulse and feel hotter,

Continue with your 4th chakra, at your heart, emerald green, and send the energy down past the 3rd,2nd, and 1st chakras into the fire at the center of the earth and breath the fire back up through the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and into the 4th. Your heart will open, beat faster, you will feet hotter more excited,passionate, with your eternal beloved,

Think about the love the Sun the Moon and Earth, the Goddess beautiful and the God have for each other, think about the most beautiful image of unconditional, balanced love between the Goddess and God image see and feel their desire, for each, how the Universe is made up of, and IS the union of the opposites, its perfect beauty.

Pay attention to your 5th chakra,deep blue, the throat, and open your throat, moan, or sound, again send your breath down into the 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st chakras down into the earth’s fiery core , and breath the fire back up through your root chakra, 2nd 3rd 4th and into the 5th, feel your throat open, pulsing merging faster.

Bring your attention into the 6th your 3rd eye, between your eyebrows, with your eyes closed you should see a purple flame, again the same breath and send your intention down into the 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd and 1st chakras. Send the energy down into the earth flame bring that energy back up through the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and into the 6th chakras, you should see splendid coloured lights, and sense the passion, the breath of the gods, their hearts beating.

Bring your attention to the crown chakra, the 7th and see a white light a crystal sparkling lotus open and breathe into this starlike energy breathe id down past all the chakras into the earth;s fiery core and breathe the energy slowly through all the chakras from the root up to the crown.

At this point you will feel very hot, open, your body may be rocking naturally and you will feel your chakras open and naturally breathing organically, feeling flashes of kundalini energy flashing up and all around your body. It is loving, orgasmic alive invigorating purifying cleansing, gorgeous. This breathing cleanses and purifies you.

Now from this higher conscious love bliss union awareness and receptive state of whole body awareness. Breathe in the new consciousness, the new karmic imprint, the higher conscious UNITY of SELF, with Galactic Center heart energy as Source, feel the Divine Feminine energy the void, the great matrix, the portal of light and oneness coursing through your heart your veins. stay with this energy.

you are being reborn, reprogrammed, renewed, you are rising like the PHOENIX the highest form of Scorpio transcendant, whole, complete, always in ONENESS with the Beloved,….

Stay as long as you like in the new bliss unity energy, anchor in your heart, in your chakras.

when you feel ready come back and open your eyes in your sacred circle.

see all is new

You are reborn. take your time. tap on your heart chakra lightly to keep centered…

you can do the fire breathing every day as part of a yogic practice.

You are whole and complete and interconnected with all. You have risen above all the old emotional egocentric driven mode.

just stay conscious, breathing, feeling constantly orgasmically happy and send love out to everyone it is a discipline.

need guidance? Get a reading http://taratarot.com/id78.html

NOv 6 2012 U.S. Presidential Election Day
U.S. election day 2012 astrology by Tara Greene



All Eclipses offer opportunities for spiritual renewal. It symbolizes the alchemical marriage of the Sun masculine with the Moon Feminine.

It is the SACRED MARRIAGE Symbol. The Feminine unconscious symbol of the Moon, the cellular consciousness of the womb/moon bringing the Masculine Sun into the Twilight realms into Her Veil of inner mysteries, to be initiated, transformed. This is part of Dec 21 2012 frequencies.

It’s a Scorpio Spiritual Sexual Soul Baptism.

Soul demonic- dump eject recycle all old toxicity, karmic patterns; the shadows will be very visible. 

Haven’t you felt them the last week or so? Had any major conflab’s with anyone?

Saturn’s Trine to Neptune at this eclipse is a spiritual blessing

All the secret’s like Patreus, the Elmo pedophile scandal, the 20 states saying they will secede the U.S. this is all Scorpio related secrets, sex, power struggles, and will be MANY MORE to come!

This is a renewal, when Pluto went through Scorpio in 1984-1996 the first news of AIDS began, the Inner Child movement was born, sex became a life and death experience, and now we are on a more mature level of that energy with Saturn there.

If you were born 1996-1984 Saturn is maturing you, you are all deep intense, major intense, fascinated with the real mysteries of life, and death, fearless, you may be raw, defiant, stubborn, controlling, secretive, powerful, mesmerizing, Be careful of how you use and abuse power for your Scorpio-like ass will get stomped on real good with Saturn at the wheel over the next 2.5 years.

The north node will ONLY be in Scorpio till Feb 2014 so let’s make haste

Take off your mask, get naked, Ok you can leave your hat on.

Everyday Mask

The Stakes will be high, the Scorpio 8th house is all about Finance, other people’s money, insurance, inheritance and with Saturn in Scorpio, the tax laws will be changed, banks etc. and the financial picture is ready to melt down. 
Die before you die

My advice is to see yourself as already dead, wrapped in a shroud, confront the image of your temporary self, your personality and ego self as dead.

How low can you go?

Then give yourself a life review, letting everything left undone or regretted come up in your mind and emotions. All the sex, fights, all the dirt, all the power struggles, backstabbing, hogging, stuff you projected onto someone else. The recriminations, betrayals, the mistrust, the victim/victimizer, the S & M, the splits, the fears, the enchanted by the dark side ego stuff.

 Let yourself connect with the Phoenix like higher aspect of Scorpio

As you acknowledge all the split off parts of yourself, and own them, then see ALL of that, all of it, as shimmering with the clearest most sparkling star light from the highest Divine dimensions of Unconditional Love. Feel it, the energy is exquisite, it will course through your body as it is doing to me now, palpitating your blood, it is kundalini very gently rising to purify. You may see it as Ultra violet or golden.


Retro Mercury will square Neptune 2 hours after the eclipse. 


This is its 2nd exact square in its retrograde phase.

Consciousness is in LA LA Land and I don’t mean L.A.

You will be feeling mindless, this is good!  It gives the opportunity to think/be conscious from spirit, higher vantages, where you can see just where and how much you may be totally unconscious, in denial, fantasy, addiction, victimized, a martyr. It will hurt, but Mercury in Sagittarius is about aiming for the TRUTH the HIGHER TRUTH.

I had a client who wished I would tell her that her boyfriend would come back after he found out she cheated on him. I told her the only way would be for her to accept her self being dishonest, to get healed, and be able to have healthier relationships, it wasn’t about him and her being together anyway.

Lillith is also in Gemini Square to Chiron in Pisces

The ancient denial and betrayal of WOMAN as NATURE, for her raw powerful insatiable independent need for sexual expression is also being healed NOW. We have swallowed that male shadow for 5,000 years and Women need to own their own sexuality to take it back and to learn NOW how to be with it. We’ve forgotten how and aren’t integrated but this is what we are learning, and the culture must still break down more.

My client didn’t want to hear that.  She couldn’t accept that she couldn’t control him or get her own way. She was addicted to having to have him and reject herself. By the way she had Lillith conjunct Retrograde Saturn in her astrology chart. She wanted to remain stuck in the Patriarchal split.

But I told her it was all-perfect, unfolding, as it should, it gave her the opportunity to give up the unhealthy sexual relationships.

We each have free will and the choice.

There are Very high frequency energies coming in from Higher Dimensions, angelic realms, and master teachers. I can feel the new frequencies.

Affirm: I am open to change, I accept my Higher self as my reality in concert with my human incarnation. 

Decide if you want to live from a higher perspective.


Women heal yourself from sexual guilt, from sexual abuse now. Very important part of this Scorpio journey. Sexuality will be transformed over the next 2.5 years.

Soar like an eagle, live free from all that emotional baggage.

Need guidance?  I am here to help http://taratarot.com/id78.html

Chiron Goes direct Nov. 14 all systems GO for healing!



ON ELECTION DAY for the first time in US. history

MERCURY goes RETROGRADE November 6 @3:04 pm PST/ 6:04 pm EST


OBAMA will win re-election


Mercury goes Retrograde during Election Day.

Expect all kinds of ballot box snafus, recounts, etc and some might shady shenanigans to boot. BE watchful of Republican bullies stopping blacks, gays, the old the young from voting.


Just like in the 2000 election where Mercury was Retrograde and stationed Direct and look how that election turned out. Al Gore a Democrat was clearly elected and George Bush was manipulated by a jury into winning the election.


POLITICS have not been kosher my friends South of the 49th obviously since 2000 but the ecorporatization and homogenization and dumbing down of America for Corporate profit has been going on since Regan was elected with the Iran hostages.


Weeks before the election as Mercury slows down he is in what is called the “Storm” period. Mercury will be at 4 degrees 14 minutes of Sagittarius on ELECTION DAY. Sagittarius is the sign of foreigners, religious fanaticism, sign of the Law, in 2000 Mercury turned direct in LIBRA also the scales of “justice.”  So there will be lots of chaos and religious foment, perhaps another U.S. staged terrorist attack or war on Iran created to change the actual election. It’s going to be crazy wild under the Uranus Pluto square and whoever gets elected almost doesn’t matter at this point. As a long time Feminist though, Romney is a dangerous backwards step if he is elected. Whatever happens my hope is that the Revolution keeps going and takes down all the falsehoods and corporate institutions, which run the Presidency these days. The Presidency is just a title controlled by the Federal Reserve and huge military industrial institutions drug companies and multinationals. I wish the ordinary person would stop watching honey doo doo and wake up, but your intelligence has been purposefully erased by eaten microwaved food, fast food, GMO’d food. Romney works for MONSANTO. Poop ordinary American person, your intelligence has been erased by fluoridated water, chemtrails, vaccinations, being told endlessly what to buy do and believe. You are formed in the image of the God’s of Hollywood’s dictates, by violence. All intelligence speakers’ thinkers and philosophers have been silenced and removed from the public agora. The lowest common denominator is what rules. People according to Gurdjieff and OSHO you don’t even have a soul yet. You must earn one. I am starting to think that is true.




Mercury is at 4 degrees Sagittarius in Mitt’s 7th house of  “others” and square to his Mars in Pisces. His aggressive, chameleon like super religious fanaticism is not what communicates.

Mercury itself is Squared by CHIRON the Wounded Healer and Neptune.

Mercury in Sagittarius is THE TRUTH and only THE TRUTH, and Retrograde indicating that Anyone’s lies will get them in trouble. OR contrarily the Retrograde can be used to obfuscate matters, making it very difficult to discern what is real, from the illusion, the lies the smoke and mirrors show.  This is true for the overall day of the election. And who can tell what is real or fantasy these days?


Jupiter also RETROGRADE and the ruler of Sagittarius is at 14 degrees GEMINI is close to the Venus Sun eclipse on June 5/6 exactly 5 months before. MY sense is that WOMEN will change the outcome of the election and vote for OBAMA so they can preserve their freedom over their bodies.  Romney is such a religious fanatic and Jupiter rules religion and it is Retrograde. Not going forwards. Unless the people choose to go backwards in time, in freedoms, in tolerance.  Mormons the religious right are crazy, believing in the rapture, Judgement Day, that only THEY will be saved. Talk about the “Chosen People” and they will back Israel so they can hasten Armageddon too.


Jupiter and Mercury are in Mutual reception with each other, in the others’ ruling signs where they work well together but their specific roles become blurred and reversed.

Communication mix ups, its Mitt its Obama back and forth, its up and down.

URANUS And PLUTO the evolutionary forces of revolution are squared to Mitt’s Neptune is religious fanatic ideal and his illusions.

VENUS is on his Neptune, trining his Natal VENUS and his URANUS, which is expect the unexpected, and revolution from WOMEN.  Women will be the deciding factor in the election for ROMNEY.

SATURN planet of karma is at 3 degrees Scorpio making many aspects. Saturn is Squaring Mitt’s Retrograde natal Saturn the IC roots of his chart, the MC, his world standing, and is close to his CHIRON the wounded healer. Saturn his quincunx to Romney’s North Node indicating he is out of tune with the karmic forces at work.

Saturn {the devil} is also in sextile to his LILLITH- where he hates and fears women.

Saturn the devil is considered by that Patriarchal God fearing man in the sky group to be LILLITH’s mate. So Saturn is on Lillith’s side here.


The MOON representing the PEOPLE is in LEO and on Mitt’s natal RETROGRADE SATURN. The old devil himself. THE Moon is at the bottom of his chart conjunct his Pluto and opposite his MC and VENUS. Again this feels like a repeat karmic loss for his Natal Saturn Retrograde- his DAD lost too! AN unconscious repeat!


The North Node has just crossed Mitt’s Jupiter Moon conjunction in SCORPIO. The north Node usually represents the popular line. Scorpio is death; rebirth, recycling and North node also squares Romney’s Mars in PISCES. People do not want religion to govern the state.


Mars at 21 degrees Sagittarius is square to Romney’s Sun. That can put him in the action or kick his butt.


NEPTUNE at 1 degree PISCES is exactly SQUARE to ROMNEY’S ascendant Descendant. This means illusions, delusion, fantasy, unreal, smoke and mirrors, fog. This puts Romney’s image as unreal, unstable, psychopathic.

CHIRON the wounded Healer is exactly on Mitt’s Mars at 5 degrees Pisces. He gets a big kick in the balls. Which also kicks his Big Jupiter Moon in Scorpio in the balls too.

HIS direction leading up to the election will be seen as overly devouring, hungry for power and control, has nothing to do with any of his forked tongue, snake oil salesman pitch.

And last but not Least LILLITH will have the last word here, as she is crossing MITT’S North Node in GEMINI, directly opposite his SOUTH NODE in Sagittarius, opposite that Mercury Retrograde, and squaring Chiron, Neptune and his MARS.

Mitt’s male supremacy trip, that uber male posturing, hiding behind the lamb’s clothing of organized religion that will save you BS will land him in the hell that hath no fury like a woman spurned!

My hope is that LILLITH will enter every woman’s heart and SHE will rise up in the millions against this toxic wave of old white boy’s racist, separatist, supremacy power tripping BS once and for all.



Now let’s look at OBAMA and ELECTION DAY.

It isn’t OBAMA’s fault that the economic conditions set into place by loosing banking standards by Clinton and allowed to run awry under Bush collapsed as he was elected.

Outsource all your jobs and how do you expect to have an economy? Corporate greed for profits is the villain.

America as a super power’s time is over. Get with it. Nations rise and fall. Learn how to deal with it and create a newer better America. Nothing lasts forever; only psychopaths think they can control everything that it is their divine right.

America is run by the secret government, the Federal Reserve, a private bank.

 Whoever is president at this point doesn’t really matter because they take orders form on high.

Yes 1984 came and went and set itself up through the media, banking system in politics, in laws.

The biggest danger in America is the National Defense Authorization Act bill, which was drafted and passed in secret and which takes away all American citizens democratic rights, and declares America itself a battlefield. It was passed in November of 2011.


The Sun is close to President Obama’s Natal Neptune and square to President Obama;s Sun in the 9th house of statesmanship and also widely square his Retrograde Jupiter in Aquarius in the 12th. The SUN triggers that GRAND TRINE in his Natal chart with Venus in CANCER and Chiron in Pisces.

Saturn, the TAXMAN is approaching Obama’s Neptune giving him serious weight to his dream, but conversely can limit the natal squares to his Sun and Jupiter. Saturn is the reality check in SCORPIO where any nefarious money laundering, lies, secrets will be ousted. Neptune rules debt, illusory money like the way the Federal Reserve has been printing trillions of phony worthless dollars. Saturn is Capital C Conservatives.


The MOON representing the mood of the populace is directly on Obama’s Mercury in LEO and the moon is approaching the President’s Sun during the day. As I believe there will be recalls I don’t think there will be a winner announced that day.

That rascally Retrograde Mercury is at 4 degrees Sagittarius right on the president Midheaven, his highest career peak and directly opposite Obama’s MOON in Gemini which is also being Squared by Neptune and Chiron. His communication rhetoric will be rethought because of the retrograde; Obama is usually an excellent speaker. Obama will truly have to speak with his Moon, appealing to women, security, home, nurturing, and security. He can speak in two ways as a Gemini.

President Obama is currently experiencing his CHIRON return this past year. That is when the lets call it a comet CHIRON, returns to where it was when you were born. This is something that everyone experiences when they turn 50-51. One feels vulnerable, overly sensitive, on the defensive, tired. Just like the president seemed at that debate last week.

He is not in his fighting form or at his best at all. Most people aren’t, it is a time of great healing potentially as the old baggage of the past is put to rest. Life really begins at 50.


CHIRON is also directly opposite President OBAMA’s PLUTO. Now this can create enormous healing power, soul power. Pluto rules the Masses, the collective Unconscious, and Chiron conjunct his Natal Chiron and square to his Moon indicates that the PEOPLE and Obama will feel an empathetic sympathetic bond by feeling vulnerable, and the will to clean up- PLUTO in VIRGO, the damage to the environment, to create PLUTO new jobs, health care for the masses which maybe implemented in a draconic way still has good intentions.

The North Node the popularity point is at 26 degrees of Scorpio meaning it has X-RAY vision and it is just passing over OBAMA’s 10th house of highest career and is square to his natal URANUS in Leo and his Natal North Node at 27 degrees LEO. This is good but with Uranian energy, who knows? Utter chaos and revolutionary breakouts are of the norm. Uranus energy is always about Freedom and OBAMA in spite of being the first black President is a freer more open more inclusive energy.

Saturn, the cosmic cop in his 9th house of higher education is squaring OBAMA’s Mercury in Leo in his 6th house of service and work. Saturn usually tests limits, creates obstacles. Saturn is also squaring Obama’s Retrograde Jupiter in Aquarius. Saturn and Jupiter are the best helpmeets so I feel that this one puts Obama squarely in his power.



Venus in early LIBRA has just Squared Pluto

So the symbol is money, women, values, the arts is pushing at the Plutocracy in Capricorn asking for equality, fairness, and justice. Transiting Venus is in Obama’s 8th house of “other people’s money” opposite Uranus at 5 degrees Aries so again there’s a huge level of expect the unexpected, chaos, upsetting the old order and R-E-V-O-L-U-T-I-O-N with women being on the barricades and the populace upset about the debt.

JUPITER Retro at the VENUS/SUN ECLIPSE point 14 degrees in GEMINI is opposite MARS @ 21 degrees Sagittarius which is exactly square to OBAMA’s Mars at 22 degrees VIRGO IN his 7th house of others. I feel this is a very fortunate action packed aspect again because of that VENUS/Sun eclipse point means WOMEN’S votes will decide the election.

LILLITH is squaring his CHIRON conjunct CHIRON and opposite his PLUTO. This can prove to be a blessing, as OBAMA will again champion women’s rights to freedom and to express their power and regards to environmental protection and health security.

The May 20 Solar Eclipse at Zero degrees Gemini fell right on Obama’s Moon and on his Midheaven IC axis.

The November 13 Solar Eclipse falls at 21 degrees of SCORPIO. Which is square to Obama; s Aquarius Ascendant, conjunct his Midheaven and squares his natal URANUS and LILLITH.



 Romney seems to be under more dynamic aspects.

 But I have seen Obama winning for along time. Actually the whole thing makes me feel quite depressed because the two of them aren’t that different. I feel whoever is president these days doesn’t matter much.

I cant wait for the Uranus Pluto square to deepen. Jupiter will enter the fray in August 2013 making a close T-square and the Revolution will really begin to be seen and felt..


Oct 8-10 BIG TRINE Dreams to reality manifestation

not that there aren’t trines every week but  some of these have a more long-lasting impact.

SUN Trine- 120 degree beneficial aspect- yesterday to JUPITER

Sun Trine Jupiter is a Golden OPPORTUNITY and BLESSINGS

As Jupiter is Retrograde now since Oct.4th and will be till January 30 2013,  I think we can get away with making use of the Trine for a bit as the Next Sun Jupiter Trine happens exactly on Jan 26 2013.

 The Sun and Jupiter only make so many aspects every year.

I will use only major aspects conjunction, square, opposition, Trine.

The last Sun Jupiter aspect was a conjunction May 14 at 23 degrees Taurus.

SUN square Jupiter Jan 22 2012 1 degree Aquarius 1 degree TAURUS

Sun square Jupiter Sept 7 @ 15 degrees Virgo- 15 degrees Gemini  Direct

Sun will be opposite Jupiter Dec 1 @ 11 degrees Sagittarius 11 Gemini

Sun trine Jupiter especially Retrograde is great

and because the TRINE aspect is so rare yummy and Positive, and planets are bigger and closer to the earth when Retrograde it gives us a chance to doubly Review, in GEMINI exactly what it is we truly want.

REMEMBER the Universe ALWAYS gives you what you wish for!

Retrograde Jupiter in Gemini gives us a perfect opportunity to discover just what our unconscious mind is wanting while our conscious mind is off wishing for something totally different.

REMEMEBER the Unconscious mind is what is really running the show.

The Unconscious is the WIZARD of OZ- the little human man behind the curtain, throwing the switches for the big scary smoke and mirror-EGO show. It is a very powerful Archetype.

Just want to make sure you wish for things that you are clear about.

It’s all good in the long run, what we think is good can turn out to be bad, what we thought was horrible-like losing the job, the marriage etc, can be a blessing in disguise.

If you are a LIBRA born Oct 8-9 or GEMINI born June 5/6 or an AQUARIUS born Feb 5-6. You get the direct Trine Blessing- Aquarius also gets it as their sign completes a GRAND AIR TRINE.

The Sun is GOLD Jupiter is opportunity -so go for it

we are also in a WATER DRAGON year

ALL OCTOBER – VENUS Eclipse degree is activated

Jupiter is Retrograding back over the VENUS SUN eclipse degree EXACT Oct 23-25 at 15 degrees GEMINI.

Those born JUNE 5-6 are singled out now. Big opportunities for any one with planets at this degree, in square to,opposite or trine.

Trines need to be worked on to actualize things, its not all  just wishful thinking.



EXACT OCT 10 at Zero degrees 37 minutes Scorpio to Zero degrees PISCES @ 7:38 pm PDT/10:38 pm EDT

Pisces is the dream, spirituality, soul mates, Bliss, Oneness,completion

So this is what makes those dreams real- literally.

Focus those bountiful easy blessings by creating a model a drawing something physical to represent your dream,

a DREAM MANDALA or collage is best

cut our pictures that represent your dreams, a mate, a house, a way of being, the world as you wish it would be, and paste them or draw them in a circle.

On Oct 10 in your time zone 

I would light a blue candle with your mandala or dream wish image in front of you as Saturn trines Neptune

and hum OHM,and feel as this is water, the emotions of your dreams realized, feel the joy, happiness, giddyness, oneness, merging with your dreams being real and whisper that your dreams are real, fulfilled, completed.

Always give thanks for your dreams being granted before they happen. In spirit there is no time all time is now.

and always give a dream to the world as well, to benefit the world.

useThe WISHING CARD in the TAROT- the 9 of cups to help you,

The 9 of cups represents wishes fulfilled

I wish you all the blessings

and the more you are fulfilled

the more space you have to keep being fulfilled,

 the more you have to give,

and on and on…

Need guidance to focus your dreams? Get a reading NOW http://www.taratarot.com/id78.html

VENUS entered VIRGO today Oct 3 EDT where she will be doing hard working LOVE in the earthy, perfectionist 6th sign till October 28.

Venus, Women and LOVE, everyone’s favourite subject - in VIRGO means ladies and the LOVE nature, and MONEY, LUXURY,BEAUTY RELATIONSHIPS all the VENUS ruled matters will be filtered through VIRGO’s workaholic, budget conscious, ultra critical- for self and others, service oriented, disciplined, health oriented, analytical, tree-hugging, very very pragmatic, book-keeping VIRGO reality.

As Venus enters VIRGO she is opposite NEPTUNE

all oppositions need to be reconciled by staying neutral holding the tension

Neptune is the “higher octave” of Venus. This means Venus rules mere mortal, human love. The animal kind, physically driven, we are, after all biological creatures.


Yes everyone yearns for Divine Love, or Soul Mates. The HEAVENLY beyond, way up HIGH, over the rainbow, kind of love, not everyday humdrum, dirty dishes in the sink kind of love.

Neptune is the planet of the DREAM, Bliss, ONENESS, compassion,

endings, illusion, delusion, fantasy, glamour,

what’s REAL LOVE and what’s FANTASY?

like the Queen Song BOHEMIAN Rhapsody

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide, No escape from reality
Open your eyes, Look up to the skies and see,
I’m just a poor boy, I need no sympathy
Because I’m easy come, easy go, Little high, little low
Any way the wind blows doesn’t really matter to me, to me

So in this opposition Measure your LOVE, VALUES, RELATIONSHIPS with

Venus in Virgo who loves to measure, sift, weigh,account for, organize so- go to it.

VENUS is also inching towards an exact opposition to CHIRON, the Wounded Healer in PISCES October 8. Virgo is the sign of health, healing and Pisces is the sign of Compassion, forgiveness,endings.


But its also a GREAT HEALING! Time to say BYE BYE, not to love but to those old wounds,hurts, scars, emotional baggage.

Although you may feel tender-footed and hearted,like you are walking on a razor blade edge of vulnerability,this aspect heals as it cuts through the chains that bind our hearts.

So for you, born in the first 5 days of the beginning of Virgo, Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius

just let it go..VOILA!

spend these next few days- It’s a Thanksgiving weekend in Canada

thinking about it all… the whole sad, heart-broken story,the victim, the martyr, the revenge, the unforgiving LIST if you have Scorpio planets…

It takes a lot of energy to bind and weigh your life force energy down

enough already,,,

just cast it forth, drop it as my Tibetan Guru used to say…


and you know what? PISCES miracles will occur


I am reading the Indian Guru OSHO and he has some marvellous teachings in a book called the tantra experience

more about Venus opposite Neptune and Chiron as Mars steps into the picture on Saturday as he enters Sagittarius and creates a T-SQUARE

sounds kinda kinky, a menage a trois with the other 3 planets, but that’s another story coming shortly,

Remember the clock is ticking down..SATURN is at the critical 29th degree still, it’s the 11th hour of LIBRA where Saturn has been KIND Exalted, merciful.

Saturn in Scorpio is TOUGH LOVE yep 3 years of tough love…

Need guidance from the stars? Get a reading- Skype worldwide

My name is Lady of the Stars http://www.taratarot.com/id78.html

Bohemian Rhapsody by QUEEN


LOVE HURTS by Nazareth


Equinox sept 22 2012
ASTROLOGY psychic Tara GREENE inteprets

The SUN enters LIBRA Sept 22 2012 @ 7:49 am PDT /10:49 am EDT /2:49 GMT marks AUTUMN in the Northern Hemisphere and SPRING in the Southern Hemisphere.

It is the WESTERLY pole of the 2 days of complete Balance between day and night in the entire year.


Libra the constellation was associated in Antiquity with the Egyptian Goddess of JUSTICE -MAAT


Weighs the heart against her ostrich feather in the Hall of Judgement After death

After death the heart of the decesesed was weighed against her pure white ostrich feather diadem. If one's heart was heavier than her feather, then the deceased would return to life on earth until one’s heart was light, balanced with no regrets.

I always loved that story.

BALANCE of day and night is EQUINOX

What was born at spring as a seed, an idea, has grown to fruition, seeded itself again and is ready to be harvested and then die to be returned to the earth for renewal, to feed new life next Spring, and on and on....

LIBRA is the sign of relationships the 7th house marriage traditionally in Astrology

The Goddess of LOVE VENUS rules LIBRA of course,

Where is VENUS in your natal chart? Where is the sign of LIBRA? What does your 7th house of marriage/committed relationships hold or lacks planetary energy?

is a power GATE, one of the 4 main CARDINAL gates of the year.

We are entering the Time of increasing DARK here in the NORTH. I will have to be a NORTHIST here and speak of the Northern Hemisphere, which I am more familiar with.

AUTUMN EQUINOX marks the start of the death of the spring and summer months of MASCULINE time and entering into the DEEP FEMININE dark and mysterious months.


The marriage and equality of MEN and WOMEN

Celebrate the integration of the Masculine into the Feminine and vice versa.

It’s the Sacred MARRIAGE time.

At Autumn Equinox we give thanks to the Sun and the EARTH and for the harvest of foods that will help us survive the long cold barren Winter months. We welcome the beautiful colors of leaves magically metamorphosing from green to orange, gold, yellow, red, brown. Autumn. We frolic in the mounds of soft crunchy leaves. We honor change, life, and death.

We surrender what no longer serves us; we surrender to old age, to letting go, to facing death as a necessary part of life, another pregnancy. We face the unknown of the harsh months of winter coming. We pray that we and our loved ones will be kept safe and sound by the Love and Blessings of the Goddess, that we may survive to see the birth of the LIGHT at Winter Solstice Dec 21 2012.

Make new intentions now. Three months till Dec 21 2012. A tri-mester. LIBRA is a time of friendship sharing socializing, beautifying. SCORPIO is the time of death, intense passion, giving way, allowing death to take us over to the other side. SAGITTARIUS is the spark of hope and new life,

With a SCORPIO Ascendant at the middle degrees this indicates a powerful time of deep intense change and transformation over the next three months. Power struggles, control issues, obsession, secrets, ruthlessness, the shadow, death, rebirth, and transformation. Scorpio energy is of the 8th house influences of money finances, other people's wealth. Expect the economy to tank out totally.

MARS ruler of Scorpio in the 1st house and NORTH NODE there to, indicates wilful aggressive warlike defences. Increasing assertiveness, compulsive anger, and power struggles, Plutocracy.


The moods, emotions, unconscious, WOMEN, the MOON represents the people collectively is aiming high and to the CENTER, the source the Heart of the Great Mother, the cosmic Vagina, the womb and tomb, the Galactic Gateway. Stay totally fixed and optimistic that collectively we are returning HOME. In the 2nd house this is the only true worth, the goal, the gelt, the riches as Pluto is also here in the 2nd house, symbolizing the world soul embodied.

PLUTO is the centre point of a T-square with URANUS Retrograde at 6 degrees of ARIES and MERCURY at 9 degrees of LIBRA.

“ And once the storm is over you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, in fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.”
~ Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

SUN also opposes URANUS mad Squares PLUTO- approaching

OUR consciousness is about to be right-angled and square danced upon!

Saturn is in the 12th house, at 28 degrees + almost on that FATEFUL degree. Ending his three-year soft journey where he's been EXALTED and exalting us with balance and testing Libra’s, relationships, diplomacy and the law. SATURN enters SCORPIO on OCTOBER 5th and everything is coming up SCORPIO- will finish writing that article soon.

Saturn in the 12th is karma, the obstacle and reality check is buried in your unconscious and the shadow is running the show. Saturn tests us all, what you have sown, so you shall reap. A cycle is ending.

NEPTUNE and CHIRON are still doing their cheek to cheek in PISCES NEPTUNE at zero degrees resetting himself for the great launch for the next 14 years, half a Saturn cycle. NEPTUNE in PISCES illusion delusion addictions glamour Hollywood credit cards, martyrdom, endings, the oceans, oil, art, soul mates, ONENESS, Bliss spirituality, dreams, ephemera, psychic energy, creativity, merging, endings.

CHIRON is helping out. If you have planets in early Sagittarius, Gemini and VIRGO YOU are feeling extra vulnerable and unsure of yourself. You are being transformed into the wounded healer by experience now. This will continue. The healing is in the wound.

JUPITER at 16 degrees of GEMINI is weakened but still happy chatty upbeat ready to try new ideas. Jupiter TRINES Mercury at 9 degrees of LIBRA bringing charm and balance.

VENUS is the planet at the top of the chart the highest elevated and so she rules by position alone. VENUS in LEO is the QUEEN in purple furs and gaudy bejewelled crown. SHE is the undisputed QUEEN, as she rules the SUN.

VENUS in LEO is all heart, all generosity, proud, daring, courageous, Loves whole-heartedly and passionately. Wears red dances on tables, demonstrates her feelings is childlike, playful, commands respect. She is a lioness, a strong leader, protects her cubs fiercely. She is sinuous sensuous beautiful wild and answers to NO MAN. She is strong, agile, walks on silent cat paws, mysterious, hypnotic, instinctual, charismatic, big-hearted, creative.

WOMAN you MUST roar! NOW!

For your rights to be FREE, to hunt when you want, to have cubs when you want, to uphold feminine feline instinctual wisdom!!!

Venus in LEO is the heart ruling ALL.

As we head towards the fateful Dec 21 2012

The spiritual teachers I respect are all saying it is the end of the PATRIARCHAL split and the Birth of a New Divine FEMININE age.

DRunvalo MElchizadek states in his Book 2012 Serpent of LIGHT

That the head of the serpent the KUNDALINI energy of the earth has shifted as it does every 13,000 years. IT has moved to SOUTH America to PERU/ BOLIVIA away form TIBET where it was for the past 13,000 years. The GODDESS the PRIMA FEMININE begins to energize all life on earth once more. We are being brought back into the belly and womb of the GREAT MOTHER. We are moving into the PHOTON band totally away from the age of Darkness humanity has been endured by for this past age.

We are back where we began 25,oo- year sago when those beautiful drawings of the caves of LAsceaux France were painted. We are sacred artists again, worshipping the mother.


Need help to navigate the storm?

Book a reading- astrology and TAROT PSYCHIC





50 shades of grey red SCORPIO SEXY STING

Sept 18-19

MOON in SCORPIO starts Tuesday at 7:46 am PDT just after the heavy leaden Libra moon lesson in conjunction Saturn- how did you feel?

Sept 19

URANUS PLUTO 2nd exact square-

yes people will be acting WEIRD! and driving really wacky! ships are pouring into the oceans for a war starting in Iran?

The 2nd great lightning bolt- Uranus from the depths of HADES PLuto territory is upon is again.

Lightning comes from the earth and travels up out of the ground as Tesla discovered. I keep urging serious groundedness these days as an antidote to Neptune in Pisces conflag.plus this revolutinary bolt outa the blue

September 18 is the anniversary that my Mom passed away three years ago today, already. How appropriate it is a Scorpio moon. I swear my Mom had a Scorpio moon, she had a dark side, a passive aggressive control thing going on. I loved her, she was my Mom but we always had a heavy relationship.

Scorpio Moon energy always bring me down, down, down into the depths of SOUL.

James Hillman says, and I am paraphrasing ” How low can you go? ” meaning in a good way, if you aren’t scared shitless of your won shadows!

Scorpio takes us into into your own depths, the grave, the underworld,

the epic stories of ORPHEUS And EURYDICE

HADES/Pluto’s realm, the realm of the Soul, death, rebirth, transformation.


wed. 19

Scorpio moon will Square VENUS IN LEO-

PRIDE COMES before a fall! Treat every woman like a QUEEN today.

Scorp Moon quincunx’s JUPITER IN GEMINI

and by Jove, Jupiter didn’t even know what hit him.

Wed. Sept 19 DEEP SEX day


50 shades of Grey blue purple yellow green as of 1:33 pm PDT/4:33 pm EDT

this is a sexy as it gets folks,

deep penetrating insights emotional thrusts and parey

explosive power struggles control hunger desire obsession S & M kinky

Goth vampires hunger, lust machismo underhanded ruthlessness vampires


for everyone else- forces of will will clash , especially Taurus, Leo Aquarius

stay in bed, if you can with your passionate lover and outta trouble

this is a heavy war mongering dangerous explosive day

MOON & Mars are at 17 degrees of Scorpio exactly on my ASCENDANT

Ha I never told you I had a Scorpio ascendant before now did i?

LILLITH is at Zero degrees of GEMINI directly opposite JUNO

the Feminine form of GENIUS at zero degrees of Sagittarius

and they both square NEPTUNE RETROGRADE

Interesting symbol of the dark rejected FEMININE sexual power of LILLITH opposite JUNO’s more balanced relating powers and NEPTUNE as the apex point.

Forgiveness, compassion,detachment in Sagittarius fire and Gemini air signs .

SCORPIO laser-like INTENSITY is mounting

North Node in now

I am overdue for that article, started September 2nd, it’s a once in 18+ year cycle!


Oct 5- Oct 28

very short voyage into dark obsession

SATURN will enter the 8th sign on October 5th-till 2015!

Saturn the reality breaker and maker will be in the sign of Death transformation

recycling rebirth for the next 3 years. The 8th house is all about MONEY, other peoples’, banks, taxes, inheritance, and is also the house of the total merger, mysticism, the occult.

IN the next 3 years

EXPECT your sex life

money, desire and rights to live and die.

Taxes, inheritance laws, Fascism, torture,

all things dark and shadowy,

obsessions, urge to power, secrecy, control, letting go, metamorphosis

to be totally dragged up from the shadows and be in plain sights, tested by SATURN,some things will be turned to stone like MEDUSA, overhauled.

You will need qualified help, I have that Scorpio Ascendant, nothing gets past me.

GET A READING: http://www.taratarot.com/id78.html

I read vis SKYPE mainly I like the connection to your energy

MY most fave electric Sex music SANCTITY


JULY 22 IT'S LEO TIME! Time to roar

Let's be King's and Queen's from July 22- Aug 22