Due to the
Precession of the Equinoxes, the FIXED STARS do actually move, quite slowly in human terms, I degree every 72 years. So since
the time of the Ancient Greeks from which western astrology comes down to us. At the sprain Equinox zero degrees of Aries
was actually aligned with the Constellation of Aries the Ram. The constellations appear to move backwards, from the beginning
of the Age of Pisces when Jesus Christ was born, note Pisces image, the 2 fishes and the fishers of men symbolism. Now when
we celebrate Spring Equinox around March 21 the constellations have moved backwards roughly 23 degrees, so 7 degrees of Pisces
is where the Sun is oriented to when we celebrate Spring. But based on the season
we say it is zero degrees of Aries.
Each Astrological
age is called A GREAT YEAR.
Most of the
Bible is all astrology-based symbolism as is the Mayan Calendar from which the current predictions about Dec 21 2012 arise.
never lost or found!
Indian astrologers have always known of it and Astronomers, and astrologers who work with Fixed stars and use both systems,
the Tropical and Sidereal systems. Confused yet?
The 12 constellation
Aries, Taurus etc are located on a narrow band around the earth called the ECLIPTIC, the imaginary equator extended out into
space from the earth, it is narrow band 8 degrees and the 12 most familiar constellations are aligned within this belt. The belt is divided into 12 parts thirty degrees, each which makes a complete circle
of 360 degrees.
The constellations
though are not neatly in that same size; some are much larger than others, but still measures as 30 degrees.
Western time
based astrology is a poetic, symbolic, mythical, magical psychological system, and it works especially as it mirrors modern
Western lifestyles, thinking, philosophy, and psychology.
VEDIC system also uses a neat 30-degree measurement system for each sign. Vent Hough each constellation has vastly different
It is not a belief system. Different strokes for different folks!
Astrologers have been important
since pre-history, all alignments of major monument on the Earth, the Pyramids in Egypt, in Mexico, are all aligned to the
Constellations that were prominently rising at the time those structures were built.
have advised Kings, generals, High potentates, acted as architects in all cultures throughout the world since before recorded
history and in the West most well known up to Queen Elizabeth 1st times.
The Sun only
passes through a narrow band of OPHIUCHUS and the Ancient Greek choose not to include it in the celestial equator.
the only constellation that we know of that was based on a real living human though. Ophiuchus known as the SERPENT BEARER
it is a large constellation. It was one of the first 48 constellations listed by the 2nd Century astronomer Ptolemy.
It remains one of the modern 88 constellations.
Some of the
closest stars lie in Ophiuchus. The Supernova of 1604 observed on Oct 9 was near the major star Ophiuchus observed by Johannes
Ophiuchus shows
a man wrestling a serpent. It is closely connected to the Greek healer Asclepeius. Some say it is named after a 27 century
BCE name named Imhotep {called Enki to the Ancient Babylonians, also closely connected to the Biblical man Joseph, son of
Jacob. Both were said to be very knowledgeable in medicine.
The symbol
of the serpent entwined around a staff is still used today to represent the medical profession.
All snakes symbolize the GODDESS, Chthonic energy, primordial grounded wisdom, immortality, change, and
modern Archetype of Ophiuchus / Asclepeius is a healer/shaman who journeys, usually in visions to the Upper and lower
worlds, and who uses Kundalini, also known as snake/reptile Medicine to heal with.
In Ancient
Greece if one was ill and in order to be healed one went to a temple devoted to Asclepeius. There the patient was given herbs,
perhaps snake venom and other forms of intoxicants, perhaps psychoactive plants and would be watched by various healers. The
patient was left to rest, waiting to receive the healing dream. The belief was that only the Gods, {the Psyche, the Unconscious
itself} would contain the secrets and the cure itself.
I have to say
here that my husband Napoleon was stricken with brain malaria in a remote area of Indonesia in the early 90’s. . He
did manage to have some malaria medicine as well as natural homeopathic remedies, and luckily a doctor who managed to get
fresh fruits and vegetables available to him for the weeks that he was critically ill. While he lay in very high fever, hallucinating,
shaking, delirious, he said he then had a very powerful LUCID DREAM of King Solomon’s temple and advise given which
immediately broke his fever. He recovered within a day of receiving the healing dream and hasn’t had any problems since
So don’t
worry about the current line-up on NEW SIGNS!
What I think
is the most significant in all this is that it bridges the Eastern and Western and claims a New archetypes attention to modern
forefront consciousness even if it’s just a news item for a few days!
We are in a
2011= 4 = the number 13 year!
In the tarot
13 is the symbol of DEATH and REBIRTH!
If people really
want to honour OPHIUCHUS it is a very holistic healing sign. Ophiucus is known for vivid premonitions, dream interpretations,
natural healing, immortality, good luck, seeking higher education and wisdom, architects, aspiring, lofty ideals, poetic,
inventive, fortunate in hard times, wisdom, genius, giving, generous.
All the factors out
modern culture needs to integrate. Obama’s health care plan should be replaced with the OPHIUCHUS Health Care Plan.
FYI here's the 13 ASTROLOGY
The Astronomer's created this in 1930.
Constellation Tropical Date
Sidereal Date
IAU Definition
ARIES March 21- April 19
April 15 – May 15 April
17 – May 13
TAURUS April 20 – May 21
May 16 – June 15 May 14 –
June 19
GEMINI May 22 – June 22
June 16 – July 15 June
20 – July 20
CANCER June 23 – July 22
July 16 – August 15 July
21 – Aug 9
LEO July 23 – July 22 August 16 –Sept 15 Aug. 10-Sept 15
VIRGO Aug. 23 – Sept. 23 Sept.
16 – Oct. 15 Sept. 16- Oct.
LIBRA Sept. 24 – Oct. 23 Oct. 16 –Nov. 15 Oct. 31 –Nov.
22 SCORPIO Oct. 24 – Nov. 22 Nov.
16 – Dec 15 Nov.
23 -Nov. 28
OPHIUCUS N/A Nov. 29–Dec. 17
SAGITTARIUS Nov. 23- Dec 21 Dec 16
– Jan. 14 Dec
18. –Jan. 17
CAPRICORN Dec. 22 –Jan. 20 Jan.
15- Feb. 14 Jan
18 –Feb. 15
AQUARIUS Jan. 21 – Feb 19 Feb.
15 – March 14 Feb. 16–March 11
PISCES Feb. 20 – March 20 March 15- April 14 March
12–April 16
The dates will incrementally
increase by 1 degree every 72 years. The “Fixed Stars” advance 1 degree in that time frame.