Tara Greene, Tarot Reader, Astrologer, Psychic Consultant in Toronto & Worldwide

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JUN of the



Jupiter, t  The  Big Planet has exited his home sign of Sagittarius

ventured into corporate, hard working, Earthy Feminine! {what?}  Saturn

 Lord o     Lord of Karma, strife, maturity, unemotional, all business and

structu     structure, Capricorn Dec.  18 2007. 


  Jupiter expands and Saturn contracts so we have the rare Dr.

  Doolittle species, the Push Me Pull You. It’s a drive with the

  breaks on kinda year. So what does this bode for YOU?  


 Capricorn and  the 10th sign represents symbolic HIGH NOON

 in an Astrology chart. ZERO degrees of Capricorn is consid=

ered  the crucial World Stage point. It’s the peak, the top, Napo-

leon brandy, like that old chestnut song, it’s where we  want to

shine brightest in our careers, where we want to be noticed

the most. Capricorn is what’s known as a Cardinal sign, each

of the 4 gateways of the seasons is a Cardinal sign, meaning

one that begins. Jupiter is not strong in Capricorn, being

considered to be in “fall” opposite the sign its exalted in

Cancer. So even though Jupiter’s nature is toned  down this

year, he’s still going to exert a big influence on business, risk

taking, travel, religion, sports, the law, publishing and inspiring

us all to have some serious fun. 


   So please read through my predictions of the new turning point in your life in 2008  based on Sun sign position. If you know your

Ascendant or Rising sign  combine that  into the mix.



Jupiter enters Aquarius on Jan. 5th at 3:42 PM GMT
10:42 am EST
7:42 am PST
and stays for the whole of 2009!
GREAT news for Aquarians, this is Your Year to shine!
Taurus and Scorpio get the pushy Square from Jolly Jup!
LEonine Leos gets to stare down Jupiter all year in the tango of an opposition. Too much of a good thing?
and of course the SATURN?URANUS OPPOSITION gets us all wired and tens all year.
LIBRA"S< AND OF COURSE ALL THOSE CAPRICORNS born on DEC. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27th are getting ready to POP! 

ARIES-  Jupiter in your 10th HOUSE of CAREER PEAKS!

A natural Cardinal sign yourself, the Cardinal to Cardinal Square aspect from Jupiter gives you a huge push plus Jupiter is placed in Natural home territory for you, the 10th house! So manifest peak career times. Go after that promotion. Let your fiery, entrepreneurial side shine forth, start a new business venture or career. Jupiter in Capricorn gives you stability, endurance and patience something you sorely lack. You may actually be able o stick to your New Years resolutions for at least 6 months. Lots of Aries will be chafing at the leash that Saturn/Capricorn places on them. Tine to grow up a bit Aries and get serious, have some serious new beginnings.

TAURUS Jupiter in your 9th House

This is the Earth Trine and very beneficial for all you hard working Tauruses. Jupiter is the natural Ruler of the Sagittarius 9th house, so much philosophizing, religious discipline, structure. Get off the couch and go on a trip not just for business. Exercise your great voice and make commanding speeches. A good time to reeducate or try out some metaphysical courses. Listen to your dreams and Higher Self. A great time to inspire others with a sound down to earth plan. Get disciplined about a diet and exercise as Jupiter can tend to pack on the pounds. Fall in love with an exotic foreigner, a philosopher or poet. Buy foreign real estate or incest in a casino in China. You’ve got the hands on tools now they’re polished up with Legal finesse. Teach your crafty skills, artistic or musical talents to others

Gemini- Jupiter in you 8th House

The 8th house is the natural Scorpio house. It’s extremely emotional, other people’s money, inheritance, taxes, death and rebirth, sex, intensity, secrets, power, research, psychology & control. Jupiter in Capricorn’s sojourn through your 8th is not light but you need to get some grounding, what with Pluto opposite your sign for the last 12 years. For Gemini’s it’s a great time to be in school and  studying psychology, gambling, traveling, getting serious about handling money, having structure, being patient, letting go of a lot of old DAD issues, and authority issues in general. I know you’re the Eternal Youth, the peur, Peter Pan, but for this year you gotta leave Never Never Land and learn about actualizing your physical body on the Worlds’ stage. Maturity can feel good and help you acquire buckaroonies, finesse with money, be much more magnetic sexually by taking yourself seriously. Take care of business. Make sure you do back taxes.


Aries Forecast



Cancer-  Jupiter in your 7th House

In your house of Relationships, committed ones and business partnerships Jupiter expands, brings fertility, optimism, inspiration, the travel bug, start a new business partnership.  Have a huge wedding in an exotic part of the world.  Be prepared to take some calculated risks. You’ll be very likely to meet and fall in love with an older, mature business type, who’s totally opposite you in emotional temperament. He or she will provide well for you but leave the room if you weep, Capricorns are dead scared of emotional displays. Be careful about being overly optimistic in love,or too expressive. Expand business contacts through networking. You will be less emotional this year,more austere. Good time to start a travel adventure business, a gambling casino in China, work in educational fields, sports, publishing. Go through some old recipe books, buy heirloom seeds, good time to make a serious addition to your home. Aging parents will likely move closer or you to them and require more responsibility or go visit some of your relatives who you haven’t seen and have a big family reunion.


Leo- Jupiter in you 6th house

This is the natural Virgo house placement, one of work, service to others, health, community, perfection, nitpicking, organizing, accounting. So you’ll find yourself able to get out of the limelight and off the stage in a way to take care of the nitty gritty daily  stuff of life in a more organized way this year or hire a manager, accountant, house keeper, etc. If you’re very flush. Watch out for your health, Jupiter is expansion and Saturn is contraction so it may be a roller

Coaster ride in the battlefields of the pounds.  Put your heart into getting organized, expanding your career. Of course you always have to have the spotlight, center stage, be a leader and bask in the Sun and with this one two punch I believe that with a bit of sweat embroidering your bravado- this year will do it for you. Do something big and grand for the environment, while your at it. Getting your manicured nails dirty can look sexy.


Virgo- Jupiter in your 5th house

The 5th house is the natural house of Love affairs, children, showing off, Leonine courage, pride, self-expression all things not in the normal Virgoian vocabulary. SO expect this year to be one of experiments, take some risks, stop worrying endlessly about balancing the budget, acting like a nun, being a hypochondriac, working like a slave and have some FUN. Do something daring with your appearance, be frivolous and buy a very sexy expensive dress. Give your heart away to a business or sporty foreigner. Go dancing for fun. This is seriously fertilizing time for you if you want to have children. Loosen up. Take a vacation. You should play as hard as you work at least. Your health should be good this  year. Jupiter in Capricorn is blessing you with a Trine and that can’t be bad anyway you try to slice it and dice it.

Go for the raise. Find work that you love to do. Get an older dog. Stand in front of the mirror and say affirmations out loud. Try to wash your hair less and cheat on your diet a bit.


Libra- Jupiter in your 4th house

You are also a Cardinal sign so you get the Square aspect from Jupiter guaranteed to get you in action. The 4th house represents Mom, the womb, early childhood, real estate, safety, security, Cancerian emotion, the stomach. As you naturally are geared to relationships, others, balancing, the arts, entertaining, and not being able to make up your mind and relying on other peoples’ opinions, this year should help you get more grounded about decision making.

A good time to expand and restructure your house, your marriage and all relationships. Learn to say no and mean it. Learn to patiently ponder things and act according to your own dictates. This is a very fertile year especially if you are an older woman trying to get pregnant. Renovate your mind, Libra is an air sign. Get your money out of the market and buy up those foreclosures. Be careful what you eat and stomach problems this year. A good year to move Mom or both parents into your home. Discipline your children, they will respect you for it. Start a home based business. Work with women, the elderly, so legal work, get some new education at home, and travel to a very safe but exotic location. 


Scorpio-  Jupiter in your 3rd house

The third house is the natural Gemini house of lightness of being, communication, immaturity, restless mental energy, the gift of the gab, again most foreign territory for a Scorpio. SO this year brings change, which his what Scorpio is all about. Publish that dark sexual psychological fantasy murder mystery thriller you’ve had locked in the closet. You’ll be a lot less inclined to be wearing black and be so secretive.  It could be fun to go out and talk about something

completely meaningless and inconsequential. Play trivial pursuit every day as a meditation. This is also the natural house of siblings, and short journeys so you may feel generous enough to forgive your siblings for-beating you, telling on you, getting all the attention for which you’ll never forgive them for, etc. Take lots of local car trips and check out your vicinity. In business you’ll have the gift of the gab and be able to sell anything. Sex and love with more mature,

scallywags, business suits  and exotica are in the picture. Enjoy! Share the power. Read a lot, get up to speed on the latest buzzwords, fads and trends. Cash in on this knowledge savvy and apply it to business.


Sagittarius- Jupiter in your 2nd house

O.K. fellow Sag’s after last years rocket ride, this is the time to get serious about making money with all your high falutin’ ideas and inspirations. In other words manifest all those higher dreams, write that darn book already, make plenty of money, get your values grounded, buy American or German good quality tools, make or invest in art. Ride on that energy from last year to new financial heights. Write a manifesto. See if your philosophy holds water. Walk your talk. Write a business plan and implement it., get some financial and business coaching, improve your educational skills. Hang out with rich sophisticated well dressed sporty older business types and study their moves. Get a mentor. Define what is really yours and not sponged off of who you met, when. People will want to see you produce. Get some serious business looking clothes. Remember, Bill Gates has Jupiter and Pluto in his natal 2nd house

and that’s similar enough to what you’ve got this year so act rich think rich, take some calculated risks, be rich, generous, do some business trips, export exotica that no one’s discovered yet.


Capricorn- Jupiter in your 1st House

O.K. Capricorns, if you’ve done your behind the scenes work last year when Jupiter was in your 12th and discovered the nature of, and stopped secretly undoing it to yourself, then you can take full advantage of this. This is a New Beginning, a new Ascendant, a new face. This is the 1st house representing your identity-who you really are. Jupiter In Capricorn affirms who you really are. Stand in front of your mirror and state loudly I AM EXPANSIVE, I GET

The job done, I’m the best one for the job. And try to get more results with LESS WORK this year. I know that this Jupiterian Saggy philosophy is hard for you to understand but it’s Play more. Work less and get paid whatever you Wish, you’ve earned it, you deserve it. This is a rebirth in so many ways. So start new projects, feel inspired again, reach out to others, network , get the word out, brag, start a fitness program, or do yoga. Travel for business

inspiration. Pluto will be following Jupiter into Capricorn for the next 16 years so this is a huge transformative, powerful long time period of reaping the rewards. AS the 1st house is Aries in Nature, be brash, bold, enterprenurial, start new business projects that are philanthropic, world wide, inspire new business ventures, philosophies and ideas.


Aquarius- Jupiter in your 12th House

Ah the 12th house, the most spaced out, mystical, dreamy, spiritual, confined, institutional, fantasy, illusion, watery, Neptunian, Pisces, self-undoing, psychic, addictions, photography, film and bliss house. That’s a lot. This one will get you out of your airy revolutionary mind set and into your Feelings and spiritualize you in a very serious way. Finish up all old business. Look at your addictions and strategize how to move the energy into a more positive flow. This is the “Boddhisatva” position. Spend a lot of time doing community work, paying off all old karmic debts, working for the good of all from your heart not just your head. Take a film making or photography course, or just straighten out the mountains of photos you’ve taken. Help build houses, watch your dreams, do an extended yoga or spiritual training. Get psychotherapy, write a fantasy novel. Try to understand and embrace your fellow humans who you love from such a safe distance and be present with their shadows, their and your shortcomings, achieve a place of understanding and compassion for yourself. Jupiter is accidentally in harmony here as it is the exalted ruler of Pisces and the12th house.  Rewards are more internal and behind the scenes for you this year. The inner work is always what matters most and shows the greatest results on the outside. Go inside, connect with Spirit. Join a  spiritualist group or groups. Also very inspiring on the creative side, express yourself with toning, singing, chanting, dance, art, poetry.


            Pisces- Jupiter in your 11th House

The 11th house is traditionally the house of wishes hopes and dreams, love received, revolution, Aquarian, Individualism, working with groups, and unconventionality. So, a great year to reap rewards for all your compassionate work. Also a good year to step out of your martyrdom and see it for what it is and set boundaries. A good year to go to rehab-unlike Amy Winehouse. Come out of your closet and let the world give back to you, I know It’s difficulty for you to receive in a practical solid way. Build that Ashram, start that community center, get

Philanthropers to give you money to fund your what they think of as fringy education plans, reforms in medicine,  hospitals, hospices, mental institutions, the way spiritual crises are looked at, holotropic rebirthing and making all of these things and more mainstream. Produce your music, get those art shows, you should be extremely popular.  Organize women centered financial manifestation Goddess energy money and jump start a new economy. Do lectures on the demise of the environment, nature, the oceans, the state of popular films, religious scams, phony Gurus, gather with millions of other like minded revolutionaries and change the world through the Net, using secrets of attraction, Spiritual principles, and quantum physics visualizations as your platform. Invent a revolutionary Power source from water, or through visualization and mantras only. Walk into other dimensions. Change your world and change the whole world for the better. Manifest a structure which enables everyone to feel and know and experience their interconnectedness with all of Nature and life,not just on this planet but throughout the Universe,.


MARS RETROGRADE NOV. 15-Jan. 30 2008

MARS ALERT! MARS Retrograde Nov. 15 @ 3:40:55 EST/8:40:55 GMT

Mars attacks-not! Testosterone takes a tumble.

Mars the planet of men, actions, defenses, eros, independence, the military, war, competitiveness, anything sharp, athletes, fire and heat begins his defensive backwards moves from 12 degrees 27 minutes of Cancer-sign of Home, Security, Mom, roots, nurturing, food-and the U.S.'s Sun Sign and Canada’s too! Cancerian feelings come first now.

Mars will be perigree- closest to the Earth from the time he moves backwards, think "moon-walk" steps, which peaks at the Sun-Mars opposition Dec. 24th Have yourself a merry little Xmas? this close shave continues all the way through to the end of the Retrograde Jan. 30 2008 when Mars will end his journey at 24 degrees Gemini 05 minutes.

This is a two and a half month period of high tension and conflict. Mars Retrograde inflames tempers, rashness, violence, and explosions. Family conflicts, right to lifers going berserk, water problems, {Cancer} fertility, conception, abortion, clean water, water rights etc.

SUN SIGNS -who Gets affected most by the Mars Retrograde
Mars Retrogrades from 12 degrees + of Cancer, a sign in which Mars is considered to be in detriment-not strong naturally and will Retrograde back to 24 degrees + of Gemini. Mars covers all of the degrees and dates in between the two dates. If you know your chart any planets or angles at these degrees will be affected.

CANCER born JULY 3RD back to GEMINI till JUNE 15 –you get the direct hit

LIBRA born OCT 6th back to VIRGO born SEPT 18th –you get squared – a Martial aspect anyway-stressful

ARIES born- APRIL 3rd back to PISCES born MARCH 15th –you get the Mars Rx Square- stressful

CAPRICORN born Jan 3rd back to Sagittarius born Dec. 15th –you get the opposition- should I stay or should I go go?


Mars rules the Signs of Aries and Scorpio. Therefore Mars Retrograde affects all 1st house, Aries type issues, of Self, “I”, ego, life force, libido, independence, assertiveness, spirit, initiating + all Scorpionic 8th house issues of Death, rebirth, sex, other people’s money, taxes, garbage, power, control, secrets, nuclear power, the collective unconscious, soul, transformation and all fixed emotional issues.

All of those issues for each of us both personally and collectively are going to be rehashed, remashed, revoked, remembered, reactivated and Reflected upon during the Mars Retro.

Mars retreats. This is a good thing. In War when the signs are clear that you cannot win the smartest thing to do is retreat and surrender. The dumbest thing to do when threatened is to fake out your own defenselessness and attack even harder.

This time period may signal a stall in rampant consumerism. aggressive purchasing slows down because awareness dawns that that big empty hole just simply cannot be filled by whatever anymore. Better to take to a warm bed, grab a hot water bottle and surrender. I predict a big reversal in the usual Xmas consumerism to a simpler, family oriented, real giving value to the Holiday season.

Testosterone takes a tumble. Your love life will stall, no amount of Viagra can get this one up. The Masculine power-over trip is signaling it’s flaccid reality. Guys, and ladies this could be a very good sweet thing. No more wham bam thank you ma’am sex. Try a little tenderness. You can make fantastic sweet love without doing the ‘in-out.” Like the Oriental parking attendant used to say to my husband when he left the lot and came back too often-“No MORE IN-OUT FOR YOU.”

So here’s the song lyrics for that song of the Day-with a bit of a change up for equality and cross dressers

Try A Little Tenderness Otis Redding

oh she/he may be weary
them young girls/boys they do get wearied
wearing that same old miniskirt/business suit dress
but when she/he gets weary
you try a little tenderness

i know shes/he’s waiting
just anticipating
the thing that you’ll never never possess
no no no
but while she/he there waiting
try just a little bit of tenderness
thats all you got to do
now it might be a little bit sentimental no
but she/he has her greaves and care
but the soft words they are spoke so gentle
yeah yeah yeah
and it makes it easier to bear
oh she/he wont regret it
no no
them young girls/boys they don’t forget it
love is their whole happiness
yeah yeha yeah
but its all so easy
all you got to do is try
try a little tenderness
all you got to do is - know how to love her/him
you've got to, hold her/him
squeeze her/him, never leave her/him
now get to her/him
got got got to try a little tenderness
yeah yeah
lord have mercy now
all you got to do is take my advice
you've got to hold her/him
squeeze her/him, never leave her/him
you've got to hold her/him
and never
so you got to try a little tenderness
a little tenderness
a little tenderness
a little tenderness
you've got to
got to got to
you've gotta got to got to

try a little tenderness

Living on Mars in the near future? I don’t think so. Life forms will be found on Mars. Maybe we’ll even receive a visit from some Martians who came back to earth to pick up something they forgot a few millennia ago.

On a personal level be very careful of fires, using dangerous materials, accidents and Rage. Expect strong activation of the tectonic plates and volcanic explosions. This time period will erupt old vendetta and revenge issues, may disruption gas and oil supplies and provide defensive maneuvers in the financial markets. Terrorist attacks and rampant violence, as everything that's been held down, suppressed, repressed comes barreling out to battle.

This is not necessarily all bad. Retrograde Mars in Cancer symbolizes the reactivation of repressed female anger. Reactions against women’s traditional roles as mothers and homemakers-a good thing for Hillary Clinton, who is using this tactic in her campaigns now. A resurrection of the Female Shadow warrior. She isn’t all peaceful and good, not always nurturing.

Mars Retrograde is analogous to KALI the Dark feared Black mother, the shadow Mother, Lillith-like, who reminds us that she can bring death as well as Life.

Hindu Goddess Kali

As Mars rules Scorpio sign of Birth, Death and Trans-formation I see this time period as renewing right to die issues, women’s desire to have natural, untampered with techno-births, changes in treating the dying, to a broader dying at home with the family and not drugged out in hospitals under military type of care. Issues about clean water, safe water, and water rights.

I would say that all male {Mars} warmongering is a psychological/biological re-action to the Fear of the dominance of Mother, she chooses which sperm gets to be immortal, she carries the precious new life, she labors and gives birth, she can reject you, hurt you, deny you, destroy you, just like Mother Nature. So expect Mom Nature to turn nasty, food shortages, food spoilage, etc.

I think this is a good humbling and humility-making event. In India the Great Goddess Kali is always worshipped. offerings are made to appease her wrathfulness. Awareness and awe is always held for her immense power as creatress, protectress nurturer and destroyer.

If the U.S. is going to attack Iran I believe that it will be between these time periods, as the election is upcoming and that way Bush can call a State of War and cancel any chance of democracy and elections. Note that there are also huge planetary Sign ingresses during this time period. Jupiter enters Capricorn Dec. 18th, Pluto enters Capricorn Jan. 25th 2008 and this is a Major Turning Point in History.

The Zero Degree Point of Capricorn, the Winter Solstice Point is the 10th House Cusp in the Natural wheel of the Zodiac, as such it symbolizes “HIGH NOON” so it is called the WORLD STAGE point. And remember, that point, is the fabled 2012 “end date” of the Mayan calendar- is now only 5 years away.

Mars Retrograde in Cancer stirs up deep emotions, rooted ones, stomach upsets, going over your personal history with Mom, reflecting on being nurtured, home renovations, insecurity, a turn down in real estate, definitely the U.S. going further down the tubes, and most activities around women’s issues, children, child care, and putting children’s and mother’s rights first, being reviewed.

So a good time to get back to that novel you never finished, the repairs incompleted. All retrograde periods bespeak the need for REST. In this too fast paced world, even my nine year old daughter says time is going too fast-
We need to slow down. This is the darkest time of the year, we need to be hibernating in caves, in earth wombs like the bears. So use this 2 and ½ month period to rest, renew, re-martial, re-negotiate, reneg on doing things that don’t feel right.

Trust your gut at all times during this period. Re-Nurture your self and all those you love. Regress if necessary. Keep a teddy bear close at hand. Cry at will for the woes of the world. Shedding tears is a cleansing, and better than bloodshed. Feel your way through how you re-act about things in your life. Reactions implies an emotional karmic elastic snapping kind of way of doing things. Reactions come from instinctive emotional ties, unconscious ones.

Mars retrograde is a great time to heal from all your unconscious reactions, which are both connected to Cancer and Scorpio. This is very empowering in an authentic way, open and allows one to operate in a non defensive way.


If you have personal planets, lunar nodes, Ascendant or Mid-Heaven {10th house cusp} at 11-14 degrees of Cardinal signs, especially Cancer or Capricorn, this transit hits you the most directly at the beginning and the hardest.
CANCER born @ July 5th
conjunction CAPRICORNS Born Jan 5th-
opposition ARIES born April 1st-4th
square LIBRA born- Oct 4-6th you’ll feel the square of this simmering down heated stew the most acutely.

Planets or angles in your chart at 27 degrees of all fixed signs will be respectively hit with the semi square-
TAURUS -born May 18th,19th
LEO born @ Aug. 20th
SCORIOS born Nov. 19th,20th
AQUARIUS born Feb 16 & 17th
You get the 135 degree sesquiquadrate-in other words a square and a half to you, this is a whammy and a half square.

Mars will backstepping through to 24 degrees of Gemini 05 minutes, so any planets etc. falling within that that 18 degrees 12 minutes of the Zodiac will be directly contacted by Mars.

If you have planets, angles, ascendant or mid-heaven, you’ll feel the square
Born between April 2nd to March 16th- The Aries people feel the Retro first and then the Pisces people. Everyone born in between these dates will progressively get the retro Square, On Jan 30th /08 those Pisces people will get the Mars going direct Square

Born between Sept 17- Oct.6th The HArd Square-
Libra's born Oct 6th back to Virgo's born Sept 17th. The Librans feel the Square 1st then the late degree Virgos feel it during Jan to the end of Jan.

You’ll feel Mars retrograde opposing you if you have planets, angles, etc.
CAPRICORNS born Jan 3rd get the initial square and all the way through to the beginning of the sign. SAGITTARIUS born De. 20th-Dec 15th get the latter Square end of January.
Need Mars Retrograde Medicine?

I am at your service. Please call 416 461 1999 or email me for Relief.

ASTROLOGY UPDATES copyright Tara Greene 2008
WEEK OF DEC 1st 2008
Hi, for those of you who regularly come to read my Astrology updates you'll notice that I haven't been writing since the beginning of Oct. I have been busy due to family and health concerns. There's only one more month of this year.
DEC 1st-7th
Dec 1st-  the amazing Jupiter Venus Conjunction
with the Crescent Moon tthis configuration won't be repeated till 2052! It was forming for the last few weeks, and the Venus Jupiter conjunction should make people and the markets bounce higher for a few weeks or so, but as with Jupiter it may be overly optimistic.
Dec 2-
a quiet day Astrologically Moon in Aquarius
Dec 3rd-
Moon conjunct Chiron 8:35 am PST/ 11:35 am EST
Emotionally detachment from what pains you at the deepest depths is possible at this time. You need it, we all need it now.
Remember the healing is always in the wound, like the last Harry Potter book, you have to die to yourself in order to live and defeat the outer "evil."
Dec 4th-
MOON ENTERS PISCES @ 10:23 am PST/ 1:23 pm EST
Mercury Square Uranus 9:52 pm PST/ DEc 5 12:52 am EST
This should provide many tongue twisting unique and unusual zingers, also be aware of attacks, hurricanes, unusual sexual activity.
Dec 5th  RED ALERT DAY!                   
Moon Squares Sun 1:25 pm PST/ 4:25 pm EST
Emotions and egos are at odds, this symbolizes the forces of the Masculine and Feminine butting up against each other, friction.
MOON SQUARE MARS @ 1/26 pm PST/ 4:26 pm EST
nary a moment later and considered to be a ont-two combo punch Moon and MArs and Sun duke it out. BE cery carefull of overly escalating tempers, people boiling over defensively and accidents.
SUN CONJUNCT MARS @ 2:04 pm PST/ 5: 04 pm EST
And if that weren't enough tempers flare up like coronal mass ejections so expect sudden sunspot activity, terrorist outbreaks, tempers flaring, violence and the like.
And then the crap really hits the fan! EMotions go over the deep end, wild, erratic, electric, this is emotional revolution and the people ain't gonna take it anymore. This is the day when people realize and See RED. Expect major emotional and weather upheavals.
DEC 6th-
MOON conjunct URANUS @ 1:07 am
Unless you're out  clubbing, your emotional revolution is likely to be confined to slamming doors and throwing things around. Watch out for wonky drivers, molatov cocktails and the like, and peole morphing from one sexual persuaion to another tonight.
And we need this bit of grounding. As if the news and the consciousness weren't allready bad, Saturn in Virgo of course, is keaping everyone's tongue wagging about the work, financial, debt, budget picture. 
so start finding some old sugar sacks and sewing them into something natty. We need to be serious, look reality in the face, it ain't so pretty at the moment, but  we'll roll our sleaves aup and decide to get our hands into the real work and scrub the dirt we might be sort of o.k.
MOON ENTERS ARIES @ 6:44 pm PST/ 9:44 pm EST
this should brighten the picture up a bit, new energy, initiatives.
MOON SQUARE PLUTO @ 7: 22 pm PST/10:22 pm EST
Not so fast though, first you need a little bit of emotional shock tactics! The collective unconscious ruled by Pluto and the Moon are in tension tonight, let die the emotional attachments, sentiments, remorse, melancholy that no longer serves a purpose in the clear light that you can reach in your psyche. Pluto is a great teacher and cleanser.
Dec 7th THE  60's get ready TO REALLY START SOON!
Venus breezes into Aquarius now wanting freedom, on the mental plane and all planes. She is a libertarian, fighting for women's rights-the world is ignoring the situation in the Congo where thousands of women are raped daily-the latest War tactic; she loves and values freedom of all individuals, a one world harmony; is attracted to true individuals, one's who know and listen to and march to their own inner promptings.
Everyone will be speaking and communicating more openly,
now till the end of the year as Venus ends 2008 in Aquarius.
Aquarius is the sign most concerned with group think, change, individuality not ego, technology, invention, higher consciousness.
We are all in this together. Our present day reality is a construct of all the minds on Earth. Stirrings of REVOLUTION begin now, it is coming. The 60's are returning to fulfill the seeds of what was just planted back then. The BEATLES were the prophets and GURUS and what's coming. We're leading up t0 2010. The 60's were an Astrological trigger, formed by Pluto and Uranus in conjunction in Virgo opposed by Saturn in PIsces. As Uranus moves to Zero degrees of Aries in 2010,
Saturn opposes the 60's conjunction spot in 2009, and Pluto will be in early degrees of Cardinal sign Capricorn, SAturn also moves to Zero degrees of CArdinal Sign LIbra in 2009-10.
 SO fasten your seatbelts it's gonna be a bumpy ride. And we got our wish to live during interesting times.
Hi Lites Oct 6-12th
Mars in Scorpio turns up the Transformational juice all week and until Nov. 16th when Mars leave shis home sign where he is ,ost powerfull. MArs and the SIgn Scorpio rule the 8th HOUSE of FINANCES, other people's money, taxes, inheritance, traditionally Scorpionic influences such as Death, Rebirth, Sex, Power, Secrets, so... have you seen the headlines lately?


Copyright Tara Greene 2008






This Libra new Moon brings our emotional intuitive reflective feeling sides in tune with the present Solar consciousness. Libra is the sign most concerned with relationships, love, balance beauty peace and harmony and we definitely need that energy right now.

Over the last few weeks we’ve witnessed and unprecedented breakdown and  shift in the U.S. and the World’s Financial markets creating a huge imbalance, generating much fear, anger and debate over how to fix the mess.


Venus is the planet that rules the sign of Libra, she governs values, money, luxury and the arts as well as romance and committed relationships, and as the natural ruler of 7th house issues, all “others” and business relationships.


New Moon’s are always archetypal new beginnings, and this Libra New Moon turns our attention towards creating a balance in our values, balancing the budget, helping us to judge, as Libra’s scales are equated with the scales of Justice,how to judge fairly.

We need to feel our way and think our way  through these complex issues and ask ourselves.. What is necessary? What is of real value? What contributes to a peaceful harmonious lifestyle?  How have we been living that is out of balance? The ways in which we have used and misused money, depending on other peoples’ influence {a Libra issue to be sure}and how our love of money and greed got us into this mess, threatening to destroy the world’s economies.


The Sabian Symbol of this New Moon @ 7 degrees of Libra is otally on the mark, it counsels us to safeguard and support what we value “ A woman feeding chickens and protecting them from the hawks; the need to face the antagonism of “powers of darkness” as one attempts to feed the mind of as yet helpless and frightened apprentices.”


I do believe that those overpaid, over bonused to the millions CEO’s of all those big Banks and Security companies need to be brought to trial for knowingly creating this fiasco which is causing millions of people to lose their homes.  Just like the Enron scandals, Conrad Black etc. these people need to be made responsible and not bailed out by taxpayer’s dollars. I am not a Republican {although Mr. McCain surprised me by being in a dream I had the other night} and there is great danger in the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury getting carte blanche because those big corporations are the ones who run the show behind the scenes. But something sane to balance the budgets needs to be done. To find out how Sweden steered through a similar crisis years ago read this:




As per what the outcome might look like based on the planets on this New Moon when the “new deal” is supposed to drop.


Venus is presently in Scoprio at 6 degrees. Venus is considered to be “in detriment” in Scorpio she is in Mars’ sign and takes on his more martial angry aggressive masculine characteristics. Scorpio is the Sign of Death, Rebirth and Regeneration. How apropos.

Venus in Scorpio takes us into the depths, into deep emotional territory, the Underworld, the unconscious, the shadow, secrets, power, control, the Sign of the Soul.


Yes and that’s exactly the elements that are going to be parlayed around as the Uncle Sam turns into Mr. $ Fix- It.  Who is running the show and for whose goals?


Neptune , considered to be the “higher octave” of Venus rules illusion, fantasy, glamour,  martyrs, film, photography, oil, spirituality. Neptune rules the Sign of Pisces, the sign of endings, Institutions, and credit cards-illusory $. Neptune at 22 Aquarius moving Retrograde, has been moving in very close quarters with two other important placeholders in the cosmos since March . Neptune has been rubbing shoulders with the North Node at 17 degrees also moving Retrograde and Chiron at 16 degrees also Retro.



{there is always a South Node exactly opposite} are virtual points that represent the intersection of the Moon’s  orbit with the Earth’s orbit around the Sun, called the Ecliptic.  The nodes are considered to be karmic cycles, the North Node symbolizes the collective’s {and the individuals’s}  highest spiritual goals and aims and the South Node the past, or history.

The North Node spends about a year and a half traveling backwards through each Sign. In Aquarius the North Node is calling us to Higher Consciousness. To see the Big Picture, think from a Higher Perspective, Collectively, Humanitarianly, and to break free and revolutionize old structures.

Chiron is a planetary body with a 50 year elliptical orbit. Chiron discovered in Nov. 1977 symbolizes the wounded healer Archetype.

So to have Neptune conjunct the North Node and Chiron in the Hermetic dictum “as above, so below” reveals that Aquarian humanitarian collective inclusive revolution and breakthrough consciousness is what is needed to cure what ails us right now. We need change, we need to see people as unique individuals, each one of whom counts. We need a collective consciousness and we need to break from old Saturnine traditions-the old boys club. And that’s what looks like is happening to some degree. Barack Obama definitely fills this order.

The down side of Neptune is of course buying into the delusions, the fantasy, the glamour, the credit cards-which I accidentally initially had a Freudian slip with and wrote dredit or dreaded cards. Are the taxpayers-not the corporations who don’t pay tax- going to be the unwilling martyrs in this big time swindle?

Everyone who bought into the mutual funds and the market which held the mortgages as well as the individuals who bought the illusion of a home with no money down, bad credit no problem were wearing the proverbial “rose colored glasses” – a  proverbial Neptunian fashion must-are culpable. But the millions who did not-should not pay for the delusions  and greed of the many or few, depends how you slice and dice it.



Mercury is Retro in Libra right now so a rethinking of how to balance the books is also apropos. But as with every Mercury Retrograde lots of talk and maybe no one hears the other one very well. Mars to is in Libra at 26 degrees, and Mars is also weak in Libra as

He is in Venus’s sign as Venus is in Scorpio. But this is a special case, something called “mutual reception.”

The planets of sexuality are temporarily “trading places”  with Venus is in Mars’ house and vice versa. This puts an interesting spin on things. The two planets, male and female, receptive and active, yin and yang understand each others’ perspectuve’s at this time and this bodes well. Doves become hawks and hawks become doves. I just had another Freudian slip and wrote devos instead of doves. HEY THOSE SLIPS ARE GREAT!

It’s a perfect fit.

Ah DEVO they made the first rock video and were geniuses. So now it’s time for the musical accompaniment.











































                           THINGS GET WHIPPED INTO SHAPE 
                           MOST WELCOME, PLEASE EMAIL ME.


Copyright Tara Greene, Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Psychic


Knowledge is power- prepare to be empowered.



10:59 pm EDT/ Sept 24 @ 2:59 am GMT


Ah yes, it’s ahem Venus in her bondage outfit, or red sexy silky transparent negligee, red stockings, 6 inch hi heels, a slash of a mouth.  O.K. I’ve talked about all that already.

Venus rules love, luxury, money, values. Scorpio rules Sex, Death, Transformation, Power, Control, Secrets, Other Peoples Money, Taxes, inheritances. Put them all together and what do you got?

A perfect portrait of what’s exactly current in the U.S. and World Financial news.

Venus will slink through heavy emotional Scorpio until Oct 18th keeping all of us feeling very emotional about our money and values till then. I’m not even gonna talk about the passions raised.


On Wed Sept 24 barely 2 days into the new Season, MERCURY the planet which rules all consciousness, communications and things we communicate with goes RETROGRADE. for it’s 3rd and final time in 2008 @ 12:11 am PDT/3:11 am EDT/ 7:11 am GMT.

For those of you who don’t know what Mercury Retrograde means, it means that the Planet appears to stop forwards motion in the sky and to move backwards usually for about 3-6 weeks during each Retrograde phase-3 times a year.

So all of our usual linear driven forwards thinking logic consciousness, stops and as the Glyph Rx denotes, Regresses, Reflects, Rests, Renews for that time period.

MERCURY Retrograde’s are Really great! Don’t listen to all that doom and gloom stuff!

Even though all the planets go through their own yearly Retrograde phases every year, it is most apropos for Mercury to have a Retrograde period.


Mercury, the Ancient Messenger God, is a hermaphrodite, consisting of both male and female genders.  Mercury and thus consciousness symbolizes and governs both halves of the brain, right and left. We now have discovered scientifically what ancient wisdom intuited, that the left side of the brain is linear, logical, fact oriented { masculine} and the right brain intuitive, creative, encompassing { feminine}.  Most of the population is right-handed and governed by the left-brain. Left-handers are governed by the right brain and are more creative.

So when Mercury is moving direct most of the time we are in our usual logical side. When Mercury moves Retrograde we are all drawn into our intuitive, feminine, receptive, dreamy, creative time phase.  Nature moves in cycles, nothing goes forwards all the time, Nature always recycles.

MERCURY RETROGRADES are Collective periods for the brain to rest and renew itself.

To out logical brain center’s Mercury Retrograde’s do play havoc with  communications, and our computers. Beware of computer snafu’s, viruses, etc.

What To Do During Mercury Retrograde

Always triple check all communications spoken and written. During Merc Retro-you’ll say one thing they’ll hear another.


Do the Re-THINGS!

Rest. Renew. Reinvent. Reflect. Recycle. Review. Return. Rethink things, etc.

This is a time period for being creative, intuitive energy should reign, let go of logic,

Let go of the idea of linear progress, dream, think outside of the Box.


Don’t buy things. They’re guaranteed to break, manufacturer’s warranties, don’t hold etc.

Don’t initiate new things, better to wait a bit and be safe and not sorry.



Since Mercury goes Retrograde 3 times a year  for 3-6 weeks each time, fully 17-33% of the population is potentially born with the planet Mercury Retrograde in their Natal Birth Charts. It’s easy to get a free chart on the Internet I’d suggest Astrodienst an excellent Swiss site. Just key in your birthday, time of birth-if you don’t know you’re time of birth, just put in unknown time, this will produce a “natural house” system chart, and your location and you’ll quickly see if Mercury, or any of the other planets was moving in Retrograde motion when you were born. There will be a small R symbol beside the planet if it is.


Most of the people I know who were born with Mercury Retrograde always feel insecure about their intellectual capabilities. They are often labeled, learning disabled, slow or have trouble concentrating –ADD.


Think about it, if you’re one of a minority of people who think differently, out-of –the-box, more intuitively and creatively in a masculine dominated thinking world wouldn’t you be labeled as learning impaired by that criteria? But I tell you that being born under a Mercury Retrograde is a wonderful thing folks.


And most importantly right now in the RE thing mode. Revolution!




So Mr. BU ll SH it came on TV tonight Sept 24 08 to plead with the ordinary American folks {read suckers} that America needs their tax dollars to bail out the “Securities” companies/Banks read LOANSHARKS who foisted on the World those shady loans-no money down, don’t pay a cent till…. No credit no problem deals or else the U.S. Economy and the rest of the World re China, Europe etc. etc. who bought into it the swill  will Go Down the drain in a cesspool of a depression. Been 'dere done 'dat before, like, 79 years ago.


Before he “leaves the building” supposedly in Jan 09 he’s making sure all his buddies get a high stake of the $700,000,000,000 yep that’s 11 zero’s. Hah! Those little hard workin’ “honest” folks, who probably don’t have enough extra cash to play the markets, mutual funds, hedge funds etc. in the first place now get to foot the bill of the money managers. Will the people get to vote on it? Probably not because this is a state of FINANCIAL EMERGENCY! Ding! Ding! Ding!

This is Financial TERRORISM!  Just like he said after 911 everyone has to “keep shopping” everyone must have credit cards, shiny new cars, and keep America going ever and always into debt.


Shouldn’t the mafia brokers have to pay from their own pockets? Didn’t they make a bundle? Are the C.E.O.’s being fired for bad management?  This in my opinion is worse than Enron, the Valdez going down, Watergate and 911 put together.


If you have a mortgage at a bank, the bank owns your house. But if the Feds own the banks and your mortgage the government owns your home. Talk about “homeland security.”  Does this give them the right to do whatever they want? Has anyone read the fine print?


There's trouble my friends, right here in River City, Trouble with a Capital T,

that rhymes with P that stands for Paulson and the U.S. Treasury Department.


And what about the Federal Reserve? You know it’s a private bank, it is not part of the Government. It’s the Rockerfeller’s, you know the Billdenberg’s  and the secret rich who run the whole shebang anyways. This is the 2nd act after 911, the Secret Financial Government is planning to take over everything. I’ve even read that Obama was outlining volunteer programmes, like the make work programs in the Depression, for all those unemployed people who’re going to be growing real fast.


Looking back in History over the last 18 years- a Lunar cycle since 1990 a BUSH was the Pres. The Clinton for 8 years, the BUSH again. We’ve had 12 years of being Bush whacked by the New World Order preparing for lockdown now.


Obama McCAin it doesn’t matter it’s all the same. Only Ron Paul seems to have any sanity and he’s a Republican I believe he's running as an Independent in this Election. And how quick we are to forget that there's been no democratic elections in the U.S. for the last 8 years so why do you think there’d be one now? Duh...


The Feds taking over the banking system, securities system etc. is not socialist communist or anything like that. It's Fascist it's New World Order. Yes they want all the nations to get together to figure out how they're all going to work together making way for One World Fascist Order or

O.W.F. O. { it'll be owfo for most people} whose motto will be



" run by the few for the few, on the backs and sweat of the very many."


America is moving fast towards a Fascist violent “Democorruptic” nation, playing “bankrupt.” The old boys at the top have so much money in their secret coffers they probably light their cigars with $10,000 notes. Which if you didn't know is worthless anyways as it is not backed up by gold.


If you want to understand what Dollars really are- read this very interesting article. 




Sounds like a knock off of a U.S. car that was made in Yugoslavia in the Soviet Era.

And anyways they have to bankrupt their Economy to pave the way for the AMERO,

How come NO one talks about this in Canada or the U.S.!  It’s already been minted in Denver of all places. Sometime soon Canada and Mexico-I thought they hated Mexicans in the U.S.- will join hands in a lovely tri-country holding tank with one currency, O.K. so we’ll be the North American Union facing off with the EU.

And what happens to the U.S. debt when all 3 countries merge? I’m a Canadian, not crowing about being a Canadian because that’s not the Canadian way. We rub about 8,000 km’s of shoulder against the U.S. They’re only 100 miles away from Toronto where I sit writing this..

What happens to the value of a “loonie?” That’s what Canadian $1 coinage is affectingly referred to up here, because there’s a loon embossed on it.


So I decided to take a look at the Federal Reserve Birth Chart 


The Federal Reserve was voted into being by Congress on Dec 23 1913 I’ve used Noon as I do not have an accurate time and this is commonly used for Hi Profile Public events and persons.

When I saw the chart with the current transits I was blown away.


The Federal Reserve chart has the Sun at 1 degree+ of Capricorn- the Patriarchal, status quo, all business, corporate, seniority, earthy sign -  1 degree away from the Winter Solstice degree, the power gate and World Stage point.

It has it’s Pluto- Pluto is lord of Power, Control, Secrecy, Death, Rebirth directly opposite it’s Sun at ZERO degrees of Cancer {Retrograde} That is also the Summer Solstice Point where the sun is at the Highest point in the Northern Hemisphere June 21st. These 2 points are 2 of the 4 major Solar turning points of the year. And what’s the Sun always been symbolized and associated with?


The placement of these 2 “planets” in Astrology terms is amazing enough. If the Sun is actually a huge atomic furnace, Pluto rules Atomic energy. The opposition of these 2 is like the Sun and a mirror of the sun a “Black Sun” as it were. It’s a counterbalance of the Source of all Light and the Source of Death. That is the Federal Reserve chose consciously or unconsciously to symbolize Birth and Death, the ALpha and Omega, the Be all and End all,as it were and thinks that way about itself!

The current Transit of Pluto-Lord of Destruction and Resurrection/ Recycling/ waste, is sitting directly on the High Noon of the Fed’s birth chart at 29 degrees of Sagittarius right now.  This is of course conjunct the Galactic Center making me think that what author Stuart Wilde’s been saying about the ” fat controllers on earth being given orders by trans-dimensionals” may not be incorrect.

The Mid Heaven or High Noon position symbolizes the World’s stage. So, the Fed Reserve is perfectly poised to take total control of the U.S.’s  riches, through destruction, waste, poverty, did I forget to mention secrets?

Amazingly enough the Fed Reseve is having Pluto opposite it’s own Pluto right now. This is a Power balance.

And if that weren’t enough Pluto is also exactly Square to the Fed’s Ascendant/ Descendent exactly at this moment. SO Pluto is in control all the way through this right now, demoted or not, I think that everyone gets their marching orders from the top, who funds Astronomers anyways? SO downplaying Pluto diminishes, and makes Pluto seem less powerful.


The Moon in a chart represents the People and the hapless people are in Scorpio, being manipulated ruthlessly {ruled by guess who? -Pluto in the 8th house, natural house of guess what?- Pluto.

Mars the drive, action and defenses of this chart is in the 4th house, which usually represents the home, security, safety, protection and nurturing. Mars, symbol of everything Male traditionallr rules-guess which sign? Scorpio. Mars is in Cancer, the Sign of the U.S.  Mom apple pie, etc.  

This is the war God Mars, in the Sign associated with home and security, this is like having a war in the house.  Mars is Trining { an easy aspect} the Moon, so the Moon, symbolizing the instincts, emotions, sentiment, the people are easy pickings for the warrior, read Mars the wolf in sheep’s closing.

Jupiter the planet of Royalty, doing it big, risk taking, foreigners, the law is in Big Business mode in Capricorn at 23 degrees.Jupiter is opposite Mars showing a Big Bucks Warrior in the 11th house associated with groups, humanity.


Neptune the “higher octave” of Venus, she who rules copper, money, beauty. Neptune rules fantasy, illusion,delusion, addictions, drugs, oil, glamour, ruler of Pisces it is the planet of martyrs, scapegoats. Neptune rules plastic money, credit cards. Neptune is in the 5th house {always of a Leo nature}of creative self expression, ME, the child, leadership, generosity, the actor, drama, also in Cancer.  Neptune is opposite Jupiter, oppositions fuse the 2 energies,so BIG FANTASY,

about money, glamour, big homes, delusion, illusions, martyrs. Get the picture?


The Fed’s North Node  {glyph looks like headphones}or highest goal, usually your spiritual goal, but there is none behind the Fed’s, is at 18 degrees of Pisces in the 12th house. Pisces and the 12th house are Neptune’s territory once again. The 12th house is the house of karma, secret enemies, endings, institutions, fantasy, delusion, self-undoing, addictions, etc.


And Uranus the planet of “Expect the unexpected” and revolution, just went over that exact degree in March and will stop Retrograding and move direct a few minutes from that degree once again on November 27th  {a day after Pluto enters Capricorn till 2023. Planets changing direction are extra powerful. Pluto entering Capricorn the sign of Big Business and Corporations for the next 15 years look like Power for the rich, the Plutocracy.


Saturn is in Gemini in the 3rd house of communications and Retrograde. Retrograde planets are karmic. Saturn is in Gemini sign of the twins, double-talk, ambivalence,

Communications, so Saturn sounds mature, reasonable, and businesslike but in the sign of Gemini it’s double-speak.


Saturn Lord of Karma, obstacles, delays, responsibilities, tests, limitations, Capricorn, {and Aquarius traditionally] rules depressions, poverty, restrictions, prisons will reach 18 degrees 27 minutes and 59 seconds of Virgo shortly on Oct 30th and precisely conjunct the South Node of the Fed’s chart and exactly opposes the North Node.

Saturn is practical it’s the reality slap in the face. What you sow you shall reap is Saturn’s motto. So what the Fed’s have sown-they’ll reap in spades now through fantasy glamour, illusions, delusions, addiction to consume more, did I mention manipulating oil prices? at the expense of the All.


Transiting Saturn is also just now Squaring {a 90 degree angle} its natal position. This is a high-pressure signature and a nailing down of Corporate business heavies, requiring the humans, and those in your immediate neighborhood  {3rd house and Gemini is a human sign} to carry the lead weight of a financial coffin, deficit.


So, this is a warning, the gov. is going to strangle all the poor folks with this debt load. Don’t buy into it. Uranus is also the planet of Revolution and freedom, rise up Americans! Don’t take this lying down. I’ve heard from Alex Jones and his ilk that they’ve been building massive prisons all over the U.S. Prisons are also a commodity on the U.S. stock exchange, meant to make investors a profit. They need prisoners, so also be careful because if you do take to the streets that’s exactly what they want, you to fill up their prisons.

Usually I write on a very high-inspired spiritual tone. But I am also aware of the dangers. If I offend some here, I am willing to take that risk. I’m trying to wake people up from their slumber. You don’t need to live in debt, if you can’t afford it don’t go there. Simplify your life. Make do with less. You’ll have to anyways.

Don’t be a slave. And if you’re a Bible Belter, a Sarah Palin  supporter, well didn’t Jesus throw the money-lenders out of the Temple? Your home is your temple, and now the money lenders are throwing you out of your homes.  Don’t believe the we’re doing it for our “America’s better interests and the World’s. I’m not an American I can’t really do anything directly to affect your countries policies, but your policies will affect my countries, so get up off the couch, stop caring what Britney Spears is doing, notice what wool is being pulled over your eyes now.  


















Hi Y’all,

Sorry for disappointing you in not writing regularly since August it’s true. I needed a vacation and my family and I drove to the beautiful Maritime Provinces of Canada, visiting Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Island, which are very beautiful.

I am under a pretty heavy Saturn transit these days, with Saturn presently just past squaring my Natal Moon in Sagittarius. Saturn is of course the great tester, teacher, maturer. So caring a big lead weight around is kind of what its felt like. On the exact hit of Saturn to my natal Moon at 12 degrees+ of Virgo my Uncle passed away.

I did write quite a lengthy piece on the recent CERN firing up in Geneva on Sept 10-cee CERN page.  SO let’s get you all up to date and running. We’re almost at the Autumn Equinox so I’ll include that too.




Sept 15 PISCES FULL MOON 2:14 am PDT/ 5:14 am EDT 9:14am GMT



THE FULL MOON at 22 degrees of PISCES marks an ending of a cycle. This seems very appropriate as we are but a week away from the Autumn Equinox which begins another cycle in the quarterly turning of the year’s seasons.


THIS FULL MOON has renegade planet URANUS conjunct the MOON so emotions will be scattered, electrified, high wired, with the ability to see the Big Picture and access

Breakthrough Consciousness. EXPECT the Unexpected to turn up on your doorstep and you’ll be prepared.  Emotional eruptions, high tides, unexpectedly large amounts of rain,

electrical storms, hurricanes-as we see from Gustav et al are currently in the rotation.


This is the Harvest Moon and in Pisces it encourages reflection, meditation, flow, and have compassion for what was and hasn’t yet been completed since Spring when new seeds were sown. Imagination runs high and wild on this Full Moon, it’s time to Revolutionize and vote for freedom at these times.


All three of the outer planets aspect this Moon as they did on the Aug 16 Lunar Eclipse.

NEPTUNE  at 22+ degrees of Aquarius Qunicunx’s {150 degrees away} the Sun at 22+

degrees of Virgo whilst semi-sextiling {30 degrees} the Moon.

Qunicunx’s and semi-sextiles are considered to be minor aspects but take on greater significance when an outer planet is involved which moves more slowly, and these effects are intensified by the electromagnetic pull of a Full Moon. These aspects are like cattle prods, annoying us just enough to make subtle but significant shifts in attitudes.

Neptune is the ruler of this Pisces Fullness so the Final Dispositor of it as well as Trining Mercury {consciousness} which rules Virgo where the Sun is, strengthening the opportunities now to combine thinking with feeling, the head and the heart with faith, and to help make dreams {Pisces} reality {Virgo}.

URANUS of course, opposed the Sun {ego and identity} Uranus is akin to the FOOL in the Tarot, a Cosmic Wild Card attempting to wake us all up.

PLUTO now moving direct since Sept 8th is at 28 degrees + of Sagittarius, but still   within range of the Galactic Center’s massive Black Hole. Pluto is prepping to head for Capricorn on Nov. 26 where he will remain till 2023!

PLUTO LORD of the Underworld, the shadow and Unconscious SQUARES the Sun and Moon. . Pluto is almost at the very last “Critical” degree of Sagittarius {which it will occupy as of Oct. 22nd} considered the last stand, turning point for any sign. Pluto at the Galactic Center has always been a harbinger for scientific discoveries, so the CERN start up is totally in tune with that timing now.


Pluto extends the duration of the strength of the Sun-Uranus Opposition {in effect since Sept. 12th} to a few days after the 20th, when the Sun forms an exact Square with Pluto.


Pluto is generating a mutable T-square to Uranus the Sun and Moon now. This is a high-powered octane fuelled rocket ride into a new world. If you have natal planets in mid to late degrees of Gemini Virgo or Sagittarius and Pisces you will feel the impact more so.


A PLUTONIC square such as this one, in these degrees, and especially with Uranus and Neptune involved make us act. We cannot ignore our shadows no more. We know consciously or unconsciously what does not work, what is decaying, rubbish, refuse, garbage, no longer serves our Higher Selves in all aspects of life. Pluto is the harbinger of truth, and the great recycler, culling the old to make way for the new.

We see the shadows of our projections, our fears, our scapegoating everywhere in politics, the Russians invading the state of Georgia, racism, sexism, consumerism, cheating, lying,

Speculating, etc. etc. WE must own all our own shadows, nothing truly exists outside of ourselves that is not within us.

WE need to change or we will be changed, If you aren’t a conscious agent of change for the betterment then you will be left feeling like you’re a victim. We all carry our stories, our woundings, that “they” did it to us. To be aware, awake and free we have to take responsibility, choose our power, to back up ourselves in spite of whatever damage we have suffered, lest we keep unconsciously inflicting it on ourselves or others. It’s time to wake up from the Sado-Masochistic Nightmare. The buck stops here.

I always find it funny how world events, literally give us their deeper meanings if you look for it.



Well, unfortunately for millions of former homeowners, financial institutions, shareholders and investors, Lehman Brothers etc.  THE BUCK LITERALLY IS STOPPING HERE.

Pluto represents evolution and Uranus revolution. These 2 planets are approaching a square to each other, within 8 degrees, heralding another unprecedented era of social, political and global transformation.



Just like the tumultuous 60’s, which Astrologers attribute the outer planets Uranus and Pluto’s three exact conjunctions in 1965-66 at 16 –17 degrees of Virgo to be the tripping off point of the tripping that followed, with the two planets remained a few degrees apart throughout much of that decade.

Saturn will be reaching 16 and 17 degrees of Virgo by mid October, galvanizing the karma of what was seeded in the 60’s. Saturn was then in Pisces opposing Pluto and Uranus at 11 to 15 degrees, and Saturn is now also approaching the opposition to that time period.

In 1978-79 Saturn was in Virgo covering the same ground as now.


Children born during 65-66 are now approaching their Saturn opposition, as well as having just had Uranus opposing their Natal Uranus Pluto conjunctions.

and those born in the late 70’s are having their first Saturn return.


NOW the 2 planets will make SEVEN exact squares to each other between 2012 and 2015 at 8- 15 degrees of Aries and Capricorn.

By 2009 in the summer Uranus and Pluto will be within 6 degrees of a square and by 2010 they will be 4 degrees apart, by 2011 less than 2 degrees away from that square- each year pushing on the collective to manifest the visions of the 60’s.


Fasten your seat belts it’s going to be a bumpy ride.


Sept 15

Moon enters Aries @ 2:38 pm PDT/ 5:38 pm EDT

Sept 16

Moon opposite Mars @ 10:46 pm PDT/ Sept 17 1:46 am EDT

Watch out for accidents, emotional outbursts and flaring tempers.



Moon is busy today. After opposing Mercury in Libra at 1:55 am PDT/ 4:55 am EDT


MOON OPPOSES VENUS @ 4:11 am PDT/ 7:11 am EDT opening the groundwork for the beautiful


VENUS TRINE NEPTUNE @ 6:59 am PDT/ 9:59 am EDT

This is the best most delicious romantic, dreamy, hi fallutin creative and forgiveness filled day.

MOON TRINE PLUTO @ 3:26 pm PDT/ 6:26 pm EDT then goes V.o. C.

This one is good for emotional cleansing.



Emotions get grounded and feelings are practical, esthetic and sensual for the next few days.





This should be one hell of a day to get a great massage, enjoy a big meal, party hearty with friends, ask for that raise, and generally be up. Be careful not to promise more than you can deliver.

MOON TRINES SATURN @ 5:08 pm PDT/ 8:08 pm EDT

And it can be real!



SEPT 19Moon Squares Chiron @ 1:02 am EDT

This one will get you feeling very vulnerable. Did you do something embarrassing or let loose with the foot in the heart of the mouth when MOON trined Jupiter?



Ouchy grouchy. Irritable, slipping n banana peels, accidents! Etc. Be mindful.


It’s my Dad’s Birthday! And my artist friend David Fischel in Sedona!


MOON ENTERS GEMINI @ 8:17 pm PDT/11:17 pm EDT

Up and at ‘em. Talkie, moving, quick paced, action for the next few days, tongues are constantly wagging.



Lovely for romantic conversation, especially with Mercury in Libra speaking the language of love, if you’ve waited for inopportunity to propose do it now. Watching movies, a spot of yoga, meditation, listening to or making music, art or drama is especially easy and enjoyable now.

But beware of the silver-tongues devil, illusion, delusions, too much drinking drugging and falling into the arms of the wrong person, or bad business proposition are also highly likely.


SAT. Sept 20

MOON SQUARES SATURN @ 7:52 pm PDT/10:52 pm EDT

Sobering us up a bit after that Neptunian trip to the 7th Heaven –world may be just what the Cosmic Doctor ordered. Kay low and get grounded.

SUN SQUARES PLUTO @ 8:43 pm PDT/11:43 pm EDT

Moon Squares Pluto at the Galactic Center. The mask is torn off; the Emperor isn’t wearing any clothes. Ego is revealed to be naked, a jester. Sun in Virgo helps us to assess reality from the depths and make disciplined efforts to re-align ourselves with our own unconscious processes.




A very busy and positive day.


Trines are easy, breezy in Gemini aspects and it is easy to forget our troubles come on get happy now.

MOON TRINE MARS IN LIBRA @ 8:35 am PDT/ 11:35 am EDT

Good energy to get things done, take a martial arts class, let out some anger

MOON TRINES NEPTUNE @  9:09 am PDT/ 12:09 pm EDT

Loving the world and everything in it

MOON TRINES MERCURY @ 10:05 am PDT/ 1:05 pm EDT

This is a double Gemini very airy breezy mental emotional duality.


Last but certainly not least a beautiful end to all these Grand Trines today and it’s been a big week of them. Loves all there is. Spend time with the people you love and or doing what you love.

MARS TRINES NEPTUNE @ 7:57 pm PDT/ 10:57 pm EDT

And to further the energy Mars kicks in to bring Strength, vigor, libido to your DREAMS

Expect males, and the masculine drive in you to be very amorous, demonstrative and not easily dissuaded from the passions of their dreams.


MOON OPPOSES PLUTO @ 8:20 pm PDT/ 11:20 pm EDT

This is always tense, as the Moon is also preparing to SQUARE THE SUN in a couple of hours exact at 10:04 pm PDT/ 1:04 am Sept 22nd EST


Sept 21- Sept 22

MOON ENTERS CANCER @ 10:48 pm PDT on 21st

SEPT 22 Moon enters Cancer @1:48 am EDT

Head for home, and climb under the covers, security, family, nurturing, women, children, parents, your home, the needs of your stomach and especially emotional needs are all in focus over the next 2-3 days.


SEPT. 22 AUTUMN EQUINOX @ 8:45 am PDT/ 11:45 am EDT/ 3:44 PM GMT

The wheel of the Year turns and we begin the season of Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere or Spring if you’re Down Under. Either way this day is Equal day and night.

The Archetype of Libra is Balance, fairness, Equality between the Masculine and Feminine. As ruled by Venus values, relationships, fairness, and peace, social relations, beauty and the arts are the predominant factors.

This is a new season.

MABON PAGAN/ Wiccan Festival

This is the time of harvest, and thanksgiving. What we have sown has grown ripened and will feed us through the upcoming Winter.

This is the season of the WEST of Introspection and intuition of turning within.



This is the time of the Bear, the West is the Clan of the Thunderbird. The West is Feminine ground, the body, the givers, the plants and trees, the rock and stones, the crawling animals, and associated with the color BLACK, and the Black races of people.

The West is the home of Magic and the Raven.


Venus sextiles Pluto @ 3:22 pm PDT/ 6:22 pm EDT

Love and soul blend easily. Speak from your depths, from your heart.

Moon opposes Jupiter @ 8:47 pm PDT/11:47 pm EDT

Get practical about your emotional needs.

MOON Sextiles Saturn @ 11:12 pm PDT

Another reason to just do it.





888 CONTINUED  AUG 26 2008!


AND YET ANOTHER CHANCE TO TUNE INTO 888 at an even higher vibration.


I was sent an email by someone who alerted me to this opportunity to tune into 888 today!

 AUG 26 2008  8/2+ 6 = 8/ 08

She said:

There is a third opportunity, the highest vibration of 888, "8-26-2006", it will be a 44/8 Master vibration.  I'm not exactly sure why she says it's a 44 Master Vibe, except that I held that Aug 8 and Aug 17 2006 were "pure" additions of 888 and Aug 8 and Aug 17th 2008 also fit into that numerological structure.


She says she knows because she is an "888", being born 8-26-1970.  She says she is an Indigo Child,and fully awakened to the subconscious.  She says she lives "888" naturally everyday. 

She also adds that the name of God IHVH is "26" anyone in grade 2 can do the math. ALL THAT IS/God/Goddess is INFINITE. I thank her for the email alert!




I would advise tonight at 8:00 pm in whatever time zone you are, to take 8 minutes and meditate on the nature of a Triptich, a thrice drawn Infinity.

Take some slow deep breaths, center yourself. Bring your focus breath and concentration into your heart.

Then when you feel ready,

Visualize the infinity symbol moving from your heart upwards to the left above and over your head and turning back into your heart then turning towards the right and below you and returning to your heart. This is for the Hermetic Dictum " As above, so below."

Then visualize the Infinity symbol moving from your heart,in front of you, to the left and returning to your heart and then moving to the right and round again back to your heart behind you, for the future and the past, making a wholeness, a completeness. You are centered in the present. All time is NOW.

Then put yourself and the whole world into the infinity space.  Stay in your heart in that Triple Infinity space.


Intend that you are in Infinity,

say aloud or in your mind "I AM AN INFINITE BEING" 

realize that  you in fact, are Infinity be- ing.

Feel your connectedness with all, to all that is.

As an Infinite Being you are beyond all limitations, beyond your ego and humaness, you have expanded your heart and consciousness without limit, beyond the finite.

From that enlarged never ending space, soak in the calm, the peace, balance, love, wholeness and completeness. Breathe deeply, stay in that space of Infinitude.

You may ask questions,

As an Infinite Being, how have I limited myself? my beliefs?

my heart?

What actions do I need to take to manifest the Infinite in my life?

Ask to be able to hold an INFINITE HEART SPACE with every breath, every thought, every action.





Astrological Updates Aug 1st – Aug 8th

Copyright Tara Greene 2008


Hi everyone, if you’re a regular reader of this column, you’ve noticed that I haven’t updated in a couple of weeks. I wish I could say I’ve been on vacation and taking time out, in reality {with Saturn squaring my Sun now} I have been working like crazy, which is a good thing.


UPCOMING ASTRO HI- LITES of the august month of August


AUGUST 1st TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE -10:13 am GMT/ 3:13 am PDT/ 6:13 am EDT


August begins with a big bang with this Solar Eclipse occurring at 9 degrees of Leo 31 minutes. The Total Eclipse of the Sun will be visible mainly only over a narrow band at the North Pole, making this a magnetic North Eclipse. Pole shifts anyone? Part of the Eclipse will be visible on the Eastern Coast of Canada. As Eclipse run in cycles this one is Saros Series # 126.

All Eclipses mark turning points of change. The Ancient feared Total Eclipses of the Sun seeing them symbolically as harbingers of the forces of evil, darkness or chaos-symbolically personified as a dragon eating the Sun. The dragon imagery, so prevalent in China, and with the Olympics opening in 7 days on 8,8/8 the 8 8 8 was very carefully

chosen for the auspiciousness of the Feng Shui numbers, 8 being the number of all the directions, symbolizing wealth, fortune, and prosperity and this eclipse seems to tie in to their new entrance onto the worlds stage in a big dramatic Leonine way.

Remember that Communist Capitalist new China has a 5,000 year old unbroken line of history which it draws its great strength from. So sandwiched before and during the Chinese Olympics we have 2 eclipses occurring.


August 1st Lughnasad

Pagan Celebration of the South West Cross Cardinal Direction

This is one of the Ancient Pagan Celebrations of turning the Wheel of the Year. We are at the halfway point of the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox, The Sun King is preparing to die, the crops are ripe but not yet harvested. In order to harvest, there is sacrifice, it is a time to honor the waning of the Light. It is a time when participants ask what do they hope to harvest. A Solar Eclipse is definitely a waning of the Light.


Let’s stick with this Solar Eclipse first.

LEO the Lion is the Sign most associated with what the cowardly lion most wanted—Courage. Actors, drama, pageantry, big shows, extravagance, royalty, the heart, love given, children, creative self-expression, will power. The Sign of Leo, ruled by the Sun itself,  represents the journey of discovering and expressing our own Light. At this Solar Eclipse as the Sun is darkened we are drawn into the shadows and darkness to discover the hidden Light, the indestinguishable Light, the eternal Source, the Sacred Fire within.

Leo’s ruler is The Sun, so the Sun is totally empowered when in Leo, no wonder Leo’s feel themselves to be the center and Kings and Queens of the Universe-they are truly stars.


Eclipses of the Moon or Sun can only occur when the Luminaries are in close proximity to the North and South Nodes of the Moon.

These Nodes are still referred to by their ancient designations as the Dragon’s Head-North node and the Dragon’s Tail- the South Node- back to those dragons-that’s why they were considered to be eating the Sun or the Moon.


The SOUTH NODE represents the past, karma, the path of least resistance. It’s where we fall easy prey to our habits, where we fall into unconsciousness.

The NORTH NODE is our aims, our highest spiritual goals and calling, it’s our hopes and dreams, what we intend to transform, hope and aspire to.



This particular Eclipse points out very clearly and ymbolically where we’re at, what issues, areas and conditions need to, and will be changed now.


THE SUN being Eclipsed by the Moon creates a change in the electro-magnetic fields, animals are very sensitive to these changes, so watch your pets carefully during this time.

Leo's negative side, the dark side, is the EGO-the King, the tyrannical ruler.

As the Sun’s Light darkens, as the Life giving force of all Life on earth is blanketed, blotted out and engulfed in shadow by the Moon, the Sun comes under the Feminine Force Field. The Sun merges into it's own Shadow. The Masculine power force which ignites Life, is engulfed by it’s opposite power the Feminine.

Therefore Solar Eclipses are a real and potent symbol of the ALCHEMICAL MARRIAGE.

The Ego- the False King- the Emperor, loses its power, at a Total Eclipse. We see the Sun dis- empowered, vulnerable, naked, endarkened. It's scary when the Light goes out.  We collectively are able to be like the innocent child who can see honestly and clearly that the Emperor Ain’t wearing any clothes. So the Sun is infallible, it can be weak too. This is a very good thing. 

All SOlar Eclipses symboliz the extinguishing of the ego. It is a Death and Reborth show.

The high side of Leo is generosity and creative leadership, benevolent power, courage to defend the weak, helpless and innocent; pageants of the heart; theatre, the arts and drama which gives hope and will, and rewards the highest ethics. The cult of the Knight in shining armour, or the Grail Knights would be one example of this type of behavior in our history. Instead of the incessant spoon feeding and dumbing down of adults, teens and children with self-serving, ego based values, a change in values based on strength of character, will and heart. This would mean the end of violence in the media-video games, movies and television; the end of pornography; gambling; abuse and sexualizing of children; shameless aggrandization of movie stars, sports heroes, rock stars; excess, bigger, better, competition, keeping up with the media’s programming of style, fashion, being rich and famous, craving constant attention, being special, chosen, wielding power, the cult of the masculine  always omnipotent SUN-hero.


As the energetic matrices are opened for a few minutes during the Solar Eclipse new patterns emerge. LEO is the sign of courage which we need to have a lot of in order to listen to one’s heart, it takes will power to walk your own path of truth and not be part of the herd mentality. It takes resolve, inspiration, passion, daring, being generous to oneself, to say I am the Queen or King of my own life, without falling into the ego but living your life from a heart centered perspective, to live the life that is your own, that you can creatively self-express in order to love more.


On July 30, 2000 there was a solar Eclipse at 8 degrees 11 mins, of Leo very close to this one. What was important to you then will get another opportunity to take it higher and expand.


The BABY BOOMERS were all born with Pluto in Leo {1939-1955} and another generation was born with Uranus in Leo { 1955-1962} millions of people will experience this eclipse and the following Aug 16th Lunar eclipse in Aquarius very strongly as it activates their cellular memories of their heart mission, their fears {Pluto} as well as the need to break from tradition and be living revolutionaries and agents of change. You know that the 60’s were instigated by the conjunction of Pluto and Uranus in Virgo.



LEO’s -

If you have planets or angles within 5 degrees of the eclipse-4 degrees-14 degrees of Leo you get the biggest impact with the conjunction.


If you have planets or angles 4-14 degrees of  Fixed Signs Scorpio and Taurus you get the Square - the kick in the butt to change.  This means you if you are -

Scorpios born Oct 27th - Nov 7th

and Taurus’s born –April 25th- May 5th.


Aquarius’s born Jan 24- Feb 3rd get the pull of the opposition.



Fire Signs- Sagittarius and Aries- get the Lucky TRINE-that’s a smooth transition into change

ARIES born March 25th – April 4th

SAGITTARIANS Nov 26 – Dec 6th –{this includes moi!}

Don’t feel left out if your sign wasn’t mentioned. Everyone gets affected.



At this Solar Eclipse Mercury is very closely aligned with the Sun and Moon and the South Node of the Moon. Mercury in Leo shows how our consciousness and thinking is changing as we witness the decline of the ego, it’s fall from power. We see demonstrated how the Moon, the Feminine the goddess can simply put her veils of mystery over the Moon and take away the Sun’s light. The Reign of the Goddess gets one more announcement.


Venus is also in the mix in Leo at 24 degrees but too far off in degrees to be considered in aspect by conjunction. Still that’s a potent 5 planets/node in Leo.  Venus is opposite her Higher

Octave Planet Neptune at the Eclipse. They cane asily combine harmoniously to Take it Higher. 

Venus ruler of Love, values, money, the arts, building, persevering, relationships, as ruler of both Taurus and Libra asks us how do we separate our egos and our values. What do we really value? What is worth treasuring? Baubles? SUV’s? Is money more important than love?  Leo is symbolically the house of children, so we need to question how we are bringing up our children. Are we teaching to value what is really important? How do we break down the ego boundaries that keep us from being fully loving courageous people?


At the opposite end of the Dragon, the Head-the North Node @ 18 degrees + has Chiron the Wounded Healer at 19 degrees and Retrograding and Neptune at 23 degrees of Aquarius and Retrograde conjunct that.


The NORTH NODE in Aquarius conjunct Chiron shows us where the wounds are, what needs to be healed, where we are most vulnerable? Chiron in Aquarius asks us to question how much technology {Aquarian inventiveness} is helping or harming us. The recent final admittance that cell phones cause brain cancer, a fact that has been so obvious to anyone who had any common sense these last 15 years or so since cell phone got more popular. Do the math. Radiation in the cell phone+ long exposure to the side of your head =causes brain tumors.

CHIRON in Aquarius also shows us how if we adopt Aquarian idealism, new technologies and new holistic thoughts that we can together get to create the real Age of Aquarius one based on individual pursuits of freedom, instead of sameness, inclusiveness vs. exclusiveness, a spirituality which allows people to have their own unique self-empowering and intelligent experience of the Great Mystery, not power of authoritarian Leo religions. 

NEPTUNE here also points to SPIRIT, to dreams, to healing, to fantasy, art, music, alternatives, drugs, bliss, endings, escapism, viruses. L, and our wounds in relationship to oil, and how new technologies cannot be deployed fast enough, Technologies which have been around since the 20’s by the way but which Henry Ford destroyed because they weren’t capitalist and corporate enough to make investors rich.  Nicola Tesla’s electrical inventions took free electrical energy from the earth. The technology s there, wind power, solar power, water etc. Neptune rules credit cards, which is fantasy money, showing how we cannot pursue the dream of living like Kings and Queens in suburban dream castles unless we can afford it-the mortgage meltdown in the U.S. I am sorry for the people who lost their homes, but they believed that illusion, they didn’t read the fine print; they were caught in the dark side of Neptune-denial.

So lets look at our wounds and our vulnerabilities, our illusions, delusions, our ego attachments, our sense of needing to have it all, to live in thrall to our ego’s desires and be subjugated to them.

PLUTO is at the GALACTIC CENTRE now on this eclipse, this is really the last chance last chance saloon here and now. Tune in tune in and tune in, Venus, Goddess of harmony, beauty and balance trines Pluto, making it easy for us to discover our own inner beauty and peace.

SATURN is Trining JUPITER as well, enabling new more expansive structures for care taking of the earth’s resources, for Governments and corporations to restructure and work towards service to others.

MARS in Virgo at 18 degrees is opposite URANUS in Pisces, Retrograde at 22 degrees. Mars in Virgo urges us to act and work hard, to tighten our belts-Virgo’s love budgets, we’re all going through the belt tightening as the harvest of raw materials gets tighter. Mars’ opposition to Revolutionary Uranus is like an armored truck of Virgo practical necessity and accountability being opposed to Uranian wired raw electricity, new technologies whose purpose is in Pisces fashion, for all, distributed freely! Oppositions are complimentary.


Let this Solar Eclipse be a true harbinger of the death of EGO, authorities, kings, queens and those who assume their power through thinking they are higher up the ladder than anyone else.

Let us flow with the Moon, as the Goddess's power of reflection, and receptivity  takes us into our feelings, our emotions, our hearts, and choose to change whether we make our decisions from heart or ego, love or will. Carl Jung said that love and fear - which is where the desire for power over originates from; that love and power cannot co-exist, the urge for power cancels out love and love conquers fear.


Allow change to move you. Stop your mental chattering and the false ego’s demands to do more, have more, be the only one, me mine, special, first. The ego is always threatened by death. True spirituality, which we all are, spirits in temporary bodies in the 3D earth density, is magnificently so much more than the tiny egos demands. Spirit knows no fear of limitation, lack, there is no death save the egos death. The ego will keep you imprisoned. NAtive Anericans have a saying that it is a good day to die, a spiritual maxim is Die before you die, and this eclipse is a good day to let your ego die.


In one of my favourite author’s Stuart Wilde latest books, The Art of Redemption, Stuart explains that the only way to truly become enlightened and free is to ditch your ego, fall from the ego’s ivory tower, so that you can be humble, compassionate, kind, embrace your shadow side and free your Soul from competing and all kinds of other invisible tyrannies.

This is the time of Redemption. Whether you see the eclipse or not, do a ceremony on this day.  IT should embody and reflect the  THE SABIAN SYMBOL of this Eclipse-

“ Early morning dew sparkles as sunlight floods the field; the exalted feeling that rises with in the soul of the individual who has successfully passed through the long night which has tested his strength and his faith.”

So what do you love to do? How can you express your heart and soul more fully? How can you dance your heart into everything you do? How can work become play? How can we see that we are all actors on the stage? What kind of show or drama are you living? A soap opera? a game show? Make your life over in a creative fashion; do not hesitate to express your heart’s true feelings. Bring more humor and joy into your life. As the eyes and hands of God/Goddess you are the Life force of God/dess embodied, waiting to be lived through you.

A quote from the famous Astrologer Dane Rudhyar “ When you don’t follow your nature, there is a hole in the universe where you were supposed to be.”


Marilyn Monroe
Venus in Leo

Go        ASTROLOGY UPDATES July 7- 13  

Copyright Tara Greene 2008


                 Hi LITES of the Week – Mercury & Venus change signs and watch out!

MARS CONJUNCT SATURN on July 10 @ 11:12 am PDT/ 2:12 pm EDT/ 6: 11 pm GMT

MERCURY ENTERS CANCER on July 10 @ 1:17 pm PDT/ 4:17 pm EDT/ 8:17 pm GMT

           VENUS ENTERS LEO on July 12 @ 11:39 am  PDT/ 2:39  am EDT/ 6:39 pm GMT

A pretty busy week.

Mars the testosterone driven warrior planet of aggressive and defensive maneuvers slams into Saturn the  csmic cop, ruler of all things heavy-limitations, obstacles, metals, especially lead, discipline, authority, the status quo, corporations, maturity and seriosity in general.

     These two planets known as the grand malefics in  traditional  

     Astrology bode not well. These terrible two  cause people to act  out, like enfant terribles with those terrible two’s  temper tantrums . So do be extra careful  of road rage, aggressive driving, accidents, feeling low down and depressed, as Mars activates that Saturnine state. A good wallop of reality checking going on. Aggressive enemies- Iran fires off missiles in a very aggressive show of Martial seriousness to the world. As Saturn is always karmic, a big dose of pay your debts now, more foreclosures, market misery, tax issues, and old karmic enemies showing up in your life. One showed up in my life. It wasn’t pleasant.

How to work positively with this energy? Mars and Saturn together in Virgo symbolize a hot foot to get going aggressively about acting to clean up the environmental {VIRGO} messes of the world. Also aggressively disciplining yourself in your diet and health regimes.  Also drought conditions, chafing against restrictive laws- news from Britain about protesting against more and more Government surveillance throughout Britain.



Later on the 10th Mercury waltzes into Cancer for a quick step for only 16 days or so. Mercury in Cancer points to thinking from and through our stomachs, to what feeds us literally and emotionally. What’s on our minds and in the news now is security, home, family, comfort, eating/food, children, Mothering/ fertility, safety, shelter, real estate, privacy, reflecting, expectations.

You are what you eat is the old ‘60’s adage.

So be very conscious of what you put in your stomach now and how your words and inner thoughts, feed or starve yourself and others, or be ready to eat your words.

Communications and thinking should consist of “speaking from the gut” and ought to be more nurturing, empathetic, nurturing and compassionate.  We can easily connect in our minds to the billion people who are starving everyday all over the world. So with the Mars Saturn conjunction and now Mercury in Cancer –expect to see militant restrictions over food production and distribution and equally the hungry in revolt. Nothing gets people up in arms faster than empty stomachs, no roofs over their heads because they have nothing left to lose.

            VENUS IN LEO –till Aug 6th  

The Goddess will reign regally in Leo, decked out in ermine and jewels; she is in her true movie star Queenly status for this time period. Think of Marilyn Monroe. Venus rules Luxury, money, values, the Feminine, the Arts and in Royal Leo- the skies the limit. Women are the center of attention, this is very important in the U.S. election race, women hold the power now in choosing whether they will back Barak Obama, since Hillary Clinton’s defeat, or… everyone wants to be a drama Queen, the leader, charismatic, oozing sensuality, a Super Star of the Highest magnitude. As Leo rules Gold, expect gold prices to rise dramatically, and inflation to be in the news, rising prices for everything, the rich definitely get richer, copper prices {Venus rules Copper} will also inflate along with many egos.  Expect more than usual dramatic interest in big displays in Hollywood movies, theatre, plays, dramas, Superstar news, big displays of affection and grandiose hearts. Get your family together and have a big luxurious bash.


People will be extra-flirty, charming, charismatic, golden and glowing, expressing their hearts in regal ways. Always wanted an eye popping diamond ring? An excellent time to get or give one. Venus is in the house of Love Affairs! Also a good time to get pregnant, the 5th house is the house of children.

Leaders will be behaving like children! Expect to see lots of childish displays, temper tantrums and show off, childlike poses from those infants in power.

As Venus rules values and money in Leo this puts an emphasis on children, and the excesses that children in the first world have showered upon them. Children of royalty will be in the news, the Princes of England, an engagement announcement? and also the Stars and their children – Brangelina’s twins to be born during this time period.

BE good to yourself during this time period. Women should indulge themselves with fine quality cosmetics, spa treatments, beauty aids, high quality clothing and jewellery. It’s time to place Dress Up

Be the Goddess displaying all Her Beauty.

               GIVE LOVE AND VALUE

A s the 5th House- LEO is about giving Love-give generously to those in your heart, especially to children, to all the children in the World, After all, we are each of us, Children of the One Goddess, and of the EARTH.

Venus in Leo-

What is of real value? THE GLAMOUR-LEO- or LOVE?

This is the real evaluation. Children don’t need more stuff, they need love and attention. Ask yourself if you are giving your children the real thing or mere substitutes.  Love can’t be bought, and money can’t buy you love.

I wish you much love and beauty and luxury during these times. Remember that what lasts is what you’ve given to others in your life, not how much gold and jewels or even fame and fortune you’ve acquired.








Astrology Updates and Backdates June 23-29

Copywrite Tara Greene 2008


Hi, I’ve been so busy I haven’t had a chance to write regularly so let’s backdate, often it’s good to look back to validate what’s been happening.

Hi Lites of the week

June 23 Aquarius Moon conjuncts Neptune

             Moon enters Pisces

June 25 Moon enters Aries

June 26 Uranus goes Retrograde –now 4 planets are Retro

June 27 Moon enters Taurus


June 23

One of my favourite comedians, who I had the privilige of seeing in person a few years ago George Carlin dies. Go in peace George, you made millions laugh for over 40 years, and laughter is the best medicine.


Astrology Updates June 30-Juy 6


Hi Lites of the week

June 30 Moon leaves earthy Taurus and enters Gemini 4:03 am EDT

July 1st Happy Birthday Canada!

Moon conjuncts Mercury 9:37 am EDT Emotions and mind meet in the dual sign, time to see both sides of the issues.


MARS enters VIRGO July 1@ 12:21 pm EDT/9:21 am PST/4:21 pm GMT

Mars, the God of War, will be in nitpicky Virgo till Aug 19th so expect aggressive and hopefully intelligent criticism. Mar’s warpath will be directed towards natural resources, the earth and food supplies. Mars rules Aries sign of Spring, and new life, as well as Scorpio sign of Death and Rebirth now in the sign of the harvest Virgo. As you sow, so shall you reap. Virgo, the 6th Sign is the most devoted to hard work, serving others, analyzing, ordering, budgeting. Yes aggressive budgeting is the name of the game these days. The economic bubble has burst in America, and fast Martial defenses to shore up the debris as well as new intelligent environmental products and services { ie.cars that run on garbage}are desperately needed to roll into production-yesterday. Faster better smarter ways of managing food supplies and distribution too. Expect a lot of nit picky-ness on the personal level, and tons of drive for hard work, getting things accomplished, organizing, getting your personal life on a budget, serving the eco-system. Virgo hates to waste anything. A good time for analysts, writers, accountants, service industry, practical thinking, getting the numbers right. Remember Mars is defensive, so expect a kick-back if you are overtly critical of others now.

For Virgos, expect a lot more energy and drive, oomph in your step. For Sagittarians, Mars will kick your butt to get the hard work done, you need to actualize your dreams, for Pisces Mars will also help you to manifest those dreams, and Gemini’s Mars in Virgo will get your mind grounded and practical.

Aries people, Mars will help you direct your formidable energies to help you finish up what you start, be more detailed, and reap some rewards.


July 2 NEW MOON in CANCER @ 7:20 pm PDT/ 10:20 pm EDT/ July 3 2:20 am GMT


This is a Sirius New Moon-pun intended as the Moon and Sun align with the Fixed Star Sirius. Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, nine light years away, was an object of wonder, revered by all ancient peoples throughout human history. The Ancient Egyptians knew this star as Isis, as its July rising brought fertility to the land through the flooding of the Nile. The ancient African Dogon Tribe of Mali said that their ancestors came from Sirius and they knew that the Star was a binary star long before it was discovered and confirmed by telescopes in modern days. The ancient Vedas called this star the Chieftan’s star, in other Hindu writings it is called Sukra,the Rain God. The Dog Star is also described as “ he who awakens the Gods of the air and summons them to bring rain.” Barbara Hand Clow channels information from Sirius and some say the Earth is related to Sirius because of its’ iron ore core, whish we have in our blood, making us magnetic.

The U.S. aligned it’s Sun to this Fixed Star having it’s declaration of Independence declared on this date to affix it’s identity with that of Sirius.

The Moon in Cancer is strongest in its own Sign, the sign it rules. Water sign Cancer is the sign of nurturing, mothering, security, emotions, love.

The Asteroid Ceres, the first asteroid to be discovered, now designated a dwarf planet is at 9 degrees of Cancer closely aligned with the Sun and Moon. Ceres is the Roman name for the Earth Mother, Demeter to the Greeks.

All New Moons are new beginnings, and in the Cardinal sign of Cancer this New Moon turns our instincts and emotions towards the Goddess, the Earth Herself, Mother to all life on this Planet in a nurturing, protective way.

Security, home, family, nurturing, sustenance, water, all Cancerian issues are in peril right now, all over the world. Besides the mortgage scandals in the U. S. food shortages, jobs, keeping a roof over our heads are critical issues. Water, too much of it, as in the flooding in the Midwest or not enough of it through drought are also critical issues.

Venus is also in Cancer at 18 degrees +, exactly opposing Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn, furthering expanding our values and feelings on all these issues and helping us to examine what we’ve built and structured in the past, {Jupiter Retro in Capricorn} under the criteria of “does it grow corn?”

Interestingly Ceres and Virgo {where Mars is now} are always shown holding a wheat sheaf, or corn. In the recent urgent drive to find new renewable sources of bio-fuel, the U.S. heavily subsidized corn as a fuel source, turning millions of acres of farm land, formerly used for food production into fuel production. A lot of that has been wiped out due to recent flooding and created havoc in rising food prices around the world, resulting in  inflated rises in the price of rice wheat, etc. seriously threatening and making even hungrier, the billion poorest people in the world who subsist on $1 a day.

As for spiraling oil prices, up to $145 a barrel a few days ago, that is Neptune’s jurisdiction. Neptune is sesquiquadrate {135 degrees, a square and a half} or one and a half headaches away to this New Moon. Neptune is the planet of illusion, delusion, fantasy, escapism, addictions, spirituality and compassion. Are we all being deluded by the hyper-inflated price of crude these days? A new investigation into these matters of oil skyrocketing due to speculators on the markets, now in Bear territory is under way. Neptune’s aspect to this New Moon also begs us to ask the question, how do we get off our addiction to oil and our denial of our part in it? Did Amy Winehouse most clearly elicit our deepest denial about our addictions which thusly made her song no no no to Rehab a hit?

We need new hearts, new ways of securing and protecting all that nurtures us.

Mercury in Gemini at 20 degrees, squares Uranus and Trines Chiron the North Node and Neptune right now helping us to create brilliant new ideas, inventions and higher ideals getting some radical surgery for our ailing aching oil spilling woes.

On this New Moon in Cancer the first one of Summer, call in the nurturing powers of the Mother Goddess to help you feel safe, secure, held in her womb, nurtured and loved as a Child of the Universe. Bless yourself with water, dedicate yourself to honouring the Feminine in everything you do.


July 3

Venus opposite Jupiter 1:18 am EDT

Big values, love expanding.

Mercury Trines Chiron 6:58 am EDT

Good for easing those headaches, being cognizant of what ails you.

Moon opposite Jupiter 9:03 am EDT

Party hearty, over indulging.

Moon conjuncts Venus 9:49 am EDT

Romance, security, little hearts flowing, love your Mom.

Moon trines Uranus 4:13 pm

Expect the unexpected in the instincts, and feelings department.




MOON ENTERS LEO @ 4:15 am EDT/ 1 :15 am PDT

A big dramatic, grandiose, lots of passionate fireworks, 4th of July to yah.

Mars crosses the degree of the Feb 20 lunar eclipse, reactivating that extra potent Full Moon’s cosmic message of forgiveness and healing.


Venus Qunicunx’s Chiron @ 5:45 pm EDT/2:45 pm PDT

This one can rub salty tears into the wound, but we’ll put on our makeup and best party flirting dress, lay out a big spread at home and pretend we don’t feel it.


July 5

Mercury Squares Uranus @ 7:07 am EDT/7:07 PDT/11:07 GMT

Unexpected brilliant inventive insights in to the big picture. Expect peoples directions to be changing a lot. Chill, hang loose.

Moon opposite Chiron @ 2:15 pm EDT/ 11:15 am PDT

The unexpected diatribe hurts your feelings. Sensitivity to the wounds, urge to crawl home and lick them or eat a big comfort food meal.



And then after a couple of more ouchy unsettling Quincunx’s of the Moon to both Uranus and Mercury today early evening, and with your feelings and brain doing a loop de loop, the last aspect of the Moon in Leo opposite Neptune today at 8:21 pm EDT/ 5:21 pm PDT could

a.       send you to bed early to dream on it, or

b.      escape to a loud party to forget about it all

c.       cause you to suddenly fall in love with a guru type

d.      heavy drinking and/or drugging 


In all cases be careful when driving or operating heavy machinery.


July 6

Moon Trines Pluto @ 6:04 am EDT/ 3:04 am PDT More power to yah.


On the West Coast, where you’re still wide awake and partying  it’s high romantic notes, artistic brilliance.


Moon ENTERS VIRGO @ 7:04 am EDT/ 4:04 am PDT

Moon gets earthy and practical over the next few days.


Moon Conjuncts Mars @ 12:18 pm EDT/ 9:18 am PDT

Get to work, gardening, home repairs, budgeting, analyzing the harvest, lots of practical work lists.


VENUS TRINES URANUS @ 2: 32 pm EDT/ 11:32 am PDT

Things are up in the air in the romance, and revolution department. Good for renovations, trying things that are different, off beat,unique.

Benevolence and humanitarian idealism- go to a food bank, cook or send money for the starving.


Moon Conjuncts Saturn @ 3:58 pm EDT/ 12:58 pm PDT

This one ‘ll sober you up. Did you overspend on those credit cards?

The Cosmic tax man comes knocking emotionally. Repay your debts emotionally, physically and karmically.

Astrology Updates June 16-22

Copyright Tara Greene 2008


Hi Lights of the week


Venus enters Cancer June 18  @ 1:49 am PDT /4:49 am EDT/

8:48 am GMT

Galactically Full Moon in Sagittarius June 18 @ 10:31 am PDT/

1:31 am EDT/ 5:31 pm GMT

Mercury Direct June 19 @ 7:26 am PDT/10:26 am EDT/ 19 2:26

pm GMT


My son Elijah’s Birthday-June 19 - Happy Birthday!


Summer Solstice June 20 @ 5:00 pm PDT/ 8:00 pm EDT/

 11:59  pm GMT


A BIG week!


Let’s get right down to it.


THAT BIG FULL MOON June 18 @ 27 degrees of Sag. 50  mins.


O.K. This Full MOON falls right on the GALACTIC CENTER!

If  you’ve read some of my updates you know that this is a very

powerful spot for the Full MOON. Last Year, Pluto had his 250

year rendezvous with the Galactic Center and Jupiter too. Now

we get another chance to aim higher.

This is a very intense Full Moon especially with Mercury station

ary about to turn direct the day after. Planets changing direct-

ion are extra strong so the green light is about to turn on.

Pluto Retrograde is within 2 degrees of this Fullness, highlight-

ing the illumination of the depths, the shadow, the collective

Unconscious, and our ability to bring those contents, the

rubbish, garbage, atomically charged refuse into the Light of

Full Consciousness and fertility always signified by the ripened

ova of a Full Moon.

Since Pluto began sojourning through Sagittarius in late 1995

we’ve seen Pluto’s transformative ability to bring out scandals

in education, law, religion, fundamentalism, politics, publishing

 Sagittarius is an optimistic, truth seeking, expansive sign. As

Pluto Retrogrades now making his final passes in the 9th Sign

we need to honestly, with humour and expansiveness look at

if we’re walking our talk, or being hypocritical. Are we being

ethical, in our politics, our religious views, following our ideals,

inspiring ourselves and others?

Plan now how to practically and methodically make long term

concrete plans to change whatever isn’t quite “on the arrow’s

path of Truth, Justice and benevolence” for when Pluto makes

his long climb through Capricorn on Nov. 26th –2023. That’s a

totally Capricornian business plan.


THE GALACTIC CENTER is a massive black hole at the heart

of the Milky way Galaxy it broadcasts a constant stream of

gamma, infrared,microwave and other electromagnetic

frequencies. These emanations from the Galactic HEART core

weaken the magnetic fields that hold us in duality and separat

ion from the rest of the Cosmos. Some people believe that this

is what is creating an expanded consciousness, some

scientists believe that the Milky Way “bubbled up” and out

organically from the Galactic Center and not from a Big Bang

Thirteen Billion years ago. Some myths connect the Galactic

Center to the birthplace, a Cosmic Womb and Vulva for our

Galaxy, a wormhole, an Inter-Dimensional Portal which souls’

pass through when entering and exiting this Third Density


With the Sun’s on Polaris The North STAR right now and in

close oppositon to Pluto on the full Moon and their exact opp-

osition at the Summer Solstice, a major turning point and

power Gateway in the yearly cycle, it’s easier to dispel the

illusions of dogma, programming, fear, lies, duality and open

ourselves to Greater Truths and Higher Wisdom.

Uranus, the Higher Octave of Mercury, squares this Full Moon

pushing us to take our consciousness  Higher, wilder, revolut-

ionary. Uranus is approaching it’s Retrograde period on June

26th. Uranus in Pisces Retrograde will help us to re-access our

intuitions, our dreams, our creativity, our feelings for what is

the Truth, revolutionizes our 6th senses.

Mars is Quincunx Uranus {exact @ 23 degrees 38 mins of Leo-

Pisces} the day of the Full Moon and then opposes Neptune

on June 21st @ 24 degrees Leo-Aquarius challenging us to

fight for what’s best for us Humanity and not just personal gain


VENUS opposite Pluto- a Tango of Love and Death

Venus is also conjunct the Sun at Zero degrees of Cancer, she

is leading the Sun to it’s Highest Point in the Northern Hemis-

phere in 2 days. She opposes Pluto also. Imagine the Goddess

of Love couching down with the Lord of the Underworld, This

is the Tango of Love and Death, Beauty and Ugliness, Grace

and Decay, Harmony and Garbage, time to Love Your Shadow.

Embrace your shadow, own the shadow. There is a great book

called The Dark Side of the Light Chasers by Debbie Ford

which helps you to own your own dispossessed shadow,

your projections and know that “Thou Art That.” In order to

obtain Oneness and Peace.

Venus in Cancer, like a Jewish Mother till July 12th

Venus in Feminine Motherly Homey, Nurturing, Security

Conscious Cancer takes you Home to the sweet smells of

Apple Pie and cozy foody, comforting Values, Love and

Romance. Venus ties on her apron strings and hangs out in

the kitchen cooking and like a Good Jewish mother, or Italian

etc. makes sure your stomach is full. Oy, to all those people

including Ed McMahon! who have lost the roofs over their

heads,from the little house to the big palacial ones during the

Foreclosure scandals in the U.S. and Britain. Venus in Cancer

may help the Cancerian U.S. to dig deeper into its pockets to

help those unfortunate ones- even Ed McMahon.

Also Venus in Cancer points to the basis needs for food and

shelter, not for just Americans but for the looming food crisis

worldwide. Interesting that Venus in Cancer points to Water,

emotions and all the flooding that’s going on in the Mid West

and elsewhere.

In the love department, whilst Venus is in Cancer, make them

feel at home, security, family and conservative traditional value

are important. Take the boyfriend/girlfriend home to meet the

Family. There’ll be lots of good times with family get togethers

during this time.

This is a highly Fertile time, so if planning a family this is one

of the Best times.

Venus is Conjuncting the Summer Solstice Zero Cancer point,

the traditional Zenith point when the Sun is at his Highest in the

No rthern Hemisphere. So it’s a feel good, happy, loverly time.

Points to a lot of rain. As we are over 70% water, and as Dr.

Emotto has shown our emotions affect water, this is also a

good time to send your Love to the polluted waters of the Earth

Patch up old family feuds, appreciate your family for providing

for you, for nurturing you.



O.K. so Mercury finally goes direct after a Lollapalooza Retro

grade in Gemini. Uh, we had two bathroom leaks this past week

alone. Mercury won’t get back to where he turned Retro until

July 22nd so proceed with caution.



One of the 4 major turning points and crossings of Gateways

in the Year. Summer arrives and the longest day of Light in the

Northern, Winter Arrives in the Southern Hemisphere and the

reverse. So Happy Winter to all of you in the South.

Since the beginning our Ancestors participated in ritual at

these major 4 corners of the year.

Summer Solstice is called Litha in Pagan lore. The Sun King,

on the Night of His Triumph begins to slowly wain and die on

this day at his Ascension, the irony, the Decline of Light begins

we enter Summer and The Feminine powers. The Sun’s Light

grows the grain, we Celebrate Nature, Growth.

The turning of the Circle of the Year makes one more ¼ round,

we are headed towards the Autumn Equinox and equality of

Light and Dark.

My family and I always do a Summer Solstice ceremony. Thank

the Sun for shedding His Light, for warming and causing

Mother Earth’s seeds to grow, for providing us with nourish

ment and food. Thank the Sun for bringing food {Light} to all

the flowers, and being able to see the living beauty of the

flowers as they continue to bloom and grow throughout the

summer months. Thank the Sun for his warmth, so that we

may be out in Nature, swimming, and basking in the heat. Sing

Summertime, the 1935 George Gershwin song from Porgy and

Bess, one of my all time favourite songs,


And the livin' is easy

Fish are jumpin'

And the cotton is high

Your daddy's rich

And your mamma's good lookin'

So hush little baby

Don't you cry

One of these mornings

You're going to rise up singing

Then you'll spread your wings

And you'll take to the sky


But till that morning

There's a'nothing can harm you

With daddy and mamma standing by



And the livin' is easy

Fish are jumpin'

And the cotton is high

Your daddy's rich

And your mamma's good lookin'

So hush little baby

Don't you cry 


 Happy Summer!




Astrology Updates June 9-15th

Copyright Tara Greene


HI Lites of this week-


MOON Travels

9th Moon in no nonsense Virgo 

10th Moon goes Void of Course 12:42 pm PDT / 3:42 pm EDT

11th Moon enters LIBRA @ 2:55 am PDT / 5:55 am EDT

Moon goes V-o C June 13th  @ 2:16 am PDT/ 5:16 am EDT

June 13 Moon enters SCORPIO @ 1:53 pm PDT / 4:53 pm EDT

June 15 Moon goes Void @  2:30 pm PDT/ 5:30 pm EDT




June 9 Mars Contraparallel Pluto- watch out for violent reactions!












10-11th   Both Venus and the Sun in Gemini are busy making many aspects- things will be shaking and changing

Trine the North Node and Chiron in Aquarius

Hilights our common humanity and HIghest Goals, Working together to attain the highest consciousness for all life.

Quincunx Jupiter

this aspect presents cosmic angles which speak two different elemental languages-Venus and the Sun are in Gemini-Jupiter in Capricorn-air and earth don’t mix very well. With all the Retrogrades now this can produce added stress.

Quintile Saturn

A Quintile is a more unusual aspect-72 degrees-the number 72 is a highly esoteric number, a 1/5 of a circle. Use this aspect to ground and manifest {Saturn} what you love {Venus} what your values are {Venus} with your Higher Self {the Sun}


VENUS Trines Chiron June 10th @ 6:05 pm PDT/ 9:05 pm EDT

Venus in Gemini  like a breath of fresh air and new ideas communicates  the love vibes and a way of  being conscious of both sides’ values. Venus in Gemini is a Trickster aspect, Mercurial, androgynous, fast moving, changeable. Venus Trine Chiron in Aquarius gives us the bigger picture, a more expansive vision, a homogeneous picture of healing the wounds in our divided consciousness moving towards wholeness and love. Opposing values and ways of communicating can be healed by applying radical thinking, inventive strategies. Use this aspect to heal the split, let the right hand know what the left hand is doing, see the two apparently separated parts of your brain shake hands.


June 11th  Ceres moves into Cancer  till Aug 19

The newly named Dwarf Planet-formerly known as an Asteroid now plays more consciously in our little cosmic unfolding. I really believe that upleveling Ceres to dwarf planet status heralds the incoming consciousness of The Goddess, The Divine Feminine, the Earth Herself back into human consciousness after two-three thousand years of patriarchal disempowerment. Hurray to those Astronomers who re-acknowledged the status of the Feminine in the Celestial Pantheon once again. Ceres is the Roman name for the Earth Goddess, Demeter to the Greeks- she is the green living earth goddess also known as Tara. In Cancer till August 19th Ceres points our attention to home, security, comfyness, family, nurturing, financial security.

A very good time to pay homage to the Earth, her lushness, her fertility, the Great Mother of us all, go barefoot on the green grass, give thanks for the vegetation and trees in full bloom now.

Ceres also opposes Pluto now at zero degrees of Capricorn

This opposition between the Goddess of Life and nurturing and Pluto the Lord of Death at two of the most important degrees in the Zodiac ignites the choices and the balance we must initiate NOW.

Do we honor the Earth, the Feminine or do we unconsciously destroy Her, through corporate psychotic greed mongering?  Do the tiny percentage of patriarchal CEO’s of the New World Order who control all the money, banking, war, media, drug companies stock markets and governments unconsciously continue to destroy the Earth and her children using secrets, power, control, manipulation {Pluto}? Does the Goddess Herself rise up in defense of Her children? Watch out for more tsunamis, flooding, oceans rising.

Zero degrees of Cancer Summer solstice point and Zero degrees of Capricorn Winter Solstice point symbolize the roots, the foundation {Cancer} and  the worlds stage {Capricorn}. 

This could symbolize the Goddess, the green movement, children, home security {the mortgage crisis fiasco} food shortages becoming THE most important elements in the upcoming presidential election in the U.S. as well as paramount everywhere in the World. Beware of family feuds at this time.


June 12  a roller coaster day


Venus Square Uranus @ 3:38 am EDT/ 12:38 am PDT

Ride that electrical, eccentric roller coaster ride of the unexpected in your love life. Beware of the impulse buy and with Mercury Retrograde attempt to look before you leap before you join that counter culture cult or fall into someone’s arms.


Sun Square Uranus @ 10:24 pm PDT

Quirky, inventive, good for Xtreme individuals, brainstorming for the big picture, inventiveness, electrifyingly intense lightning fast spiritual insights {Uranus in Pisces}


Moon Quincunx Uranus @ 11:05 pm PDT

Suddenly you find youself fascinated with an extremely quirky individual having consversations about topics like science, computers, inventions, working in groups to save humanity.

the 13th Sun Square Uranus @ 1:24 am EDT – see above


FRIDAY the 13th are you superstitious?


Actually the number 13 is very beneficial, there are 13 Lunations in a year, so the number 13 since ancient times has been synonymous with the Goddess, it is Christianity which defamed and made the Feminine Evil and changed the natural cycle of lunar calendar worshipping  people with the advent of the Gregorian calendar  in 1582 which has since put us entirely out of synch with the natural harmonies of the seasonal year. The Chinese Hebrew, Muslim and Mayan Calendars are still Lunar based. Ceres is in home territory of Cancerian Mother love right now.


Moon is very busy today-


Moon Trines Gemini Sun

Very favourable for lots of talking, reminiscing, social interactions

Moon Trines Venus

Highly social gatherings, fast charm, changing of partners,

Moon Trines Neptune

This is great for being ultra romantic, creative, music of the spheres, soul mate kinda aspect.


VENUS TRINE NEPTUNE @ 7:53 am  PDT/ 10:53 am EDT

24 Gemini- 24 Aquarius-Neptune is Retrograde

This is as good luscious, romantic, seductive, soul mate, tantric unionesque as it gets!

In airy signs it may be all talk or all in your mind, you can fall in love with the world today. Use this energy to connect with your creativity, sing, dance, make a painting.

Speak only beautiful words today.


June 13 Moon Enters Scorpio @ 1:53 pm PDT/ 3:53 pm EDT

Emotions get heavy, dense, intense in watery controlling Scorpio. This is the Moon’s monthly visit to Pluto’s realm-the Underworld. Moon reflects the shadows now for the next 2 days. Don’t avoid the chasm, this is the world of the Soul, the Unconscious, the Collective. Make friends with your inner witch or tyrant, it’s only what we fear and deny that has power over us. Own your own shadow, take back your disowned parts. You are all that you disdain, dislike, fear, hate, find repugnant. As long as you project your shadow onto others, the denied energies feed the demons. Accept that you are all that -ignorance, hatred, rage, violence, power, greed in the world and it stops controlling you. I am THAT. It can be your protection, your friend. The shadow has tremendous power, in Focussing a psychological technique pioneered by Gendlin- all aspects of yourself have a higher intention. Ask your shadow what it’s positive traits and qualities are.  As Pluto rules the Unconscious -use this day to break old unconscious and superstitious habits, and welcome the Goddess, the Moon, cycles into your life.

Astrology Updates

Copyright Tara Greene 2008


Updates June 2-8th


Where’s that MOON in JUNE?

June 2nd leaving Taurus

Void of Course Moon June 2nd  @ 9:03 am EDT/ 6:03 am PDT


June 2  Moon Enters GEMINI- 6:05 pm EDT/3:05 pm PDT


June 3 NEW MOON @ 3:24 pm EDT/12:24 pm PDT


Void of Course Moon June 4  @ 8:09 am EDT/ 5:09 am PDT


June 4 Moon enters Cancer @ 5:15 pm EDT/ 2:15 pm PDT


Void of Course Moon June 6 @ 5:33 am EDT/ 2:33 am PDT


June 6 Moon enters LEO @ 6:00 pm EDT/ 3:00 pm PDT


Void of Course Moon June 8 @ 11:41 am EDT/ 8: 41 am PDT


June 8 Moon enters Virgo @  10:01 pm EDT/ 7:01 pm PDT


MOON travels through Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo this week! Seems like a pretty high speedin’ Moon.


As Moon travels through each sign you will notice the emphasis of that sign’s element changing the emotional tone of those dates.

From earthy, sensual Taurus, to light ‘n lively chatty Gemini, to conservative, emotional home seeking and nurturing Cancer, to party hearty, roaring, fixed mode Leo, to earthy on budget, nit picky Virgo.


NEW MOON in Gemini  June 3rd  3:24 pm EDT/12:24 pm PDT

This New moon occurs at 13 degrees plus change in Gemini.

It is the 2nd of five, count ‘em “Super Moons”  when the moon is both near perigree closest to the Earth and on a New or Full Moon.

SuperMoon’s generate heavier gravitational pulls, tides, weather patterns and pulls on tectonic plates not to mention your emotional states. A SuperMoon increases the electromagnetic force of both the Sun and the Moon making it easier to break up  old emotional patterns.


This is a Super Gemini New Moon- 4 planets in Gemini

The Sun, Moon, Mercury-ruler of Gemini now Retrograde of course,and Venus are all in he Twin signs, Venus is Gemini’s esoteric ruler. How is Venus the esoteric ruler? Because as the spiritual ruler of Gemini, Venus represents the Divine Marriage as does the planet Mercury, an androgynous figure symbolizing the unification of opposites, the two halves of the brain.

The Gemini Twins were originally male and female, Chinese and Hindu Zodiacs still illustrate this sign with a male/female yin/yang figure.

In the Tarot the sign Gemini is the Zodiacal sign associated with the Number 6 Trump THE LOVERS, so this is where that astrological association originiated.

Originally we were and are whole, androgynous, balanced, united.  I used to wonder about how that association was made. The Sephirot Number 6 on the Tree of Life is at the very centre of the Tree. The Lovers is the Trump Card most associated with that.


Occuring at the mid degree of Gemini-considered to be the most potent. It flashed into my mind that the Saturn Pluto opposition that occurred just previous to 911 and which Astrologers correctly predicted was the “trigger” for 911  had Saturn close to this degree.  After checking the chart, Yep so it is.

Saturn was at 14 degrees 45 minutes of Gemini  about 1 degree away from this New Moon.  Something about the patriarchy the old boys network which Saturn represents is being re-invented, renewed, revealed. And the answer is…


Barak Obama wins the Democratic Presidential Nomination on this New Moon. The New Moon falls in his 7th Natal House of “others,”


What else is happening on the New Twin Moon ?


Did Angelina have her twins? It's her Birthday today June 4th


Mercury ruler of Gemini is Retro and Squaring Uranus- sounds like you’ll need Preparation H for that one. What it means Astrologically is expect the unexpected a la Uranian energy both brilliant, cosmic and spiritual with Uranus is in Pisces, = mental flashes of the Big Picture.

Mercury also trines the North Node at 20 degrees of Aquarius –indicating we’re retracing our communications and thinking to the newest inventive global thinking. This is good.


Mars is sextiling-an easy aspect - this New Moon bringing courage and assertiveness, Mars in Leo is the  quintessential Harrison Ford character Indiana Jones- courageous, over the top, you get the picture.


For the really Astrologically inclined Mars is sesquiquadrate { a 135 degree aspect- a square plus a semi-square=irritable pressure and a half} to Pluto Exact June 5 at 15 degrees 12 minutes of Leo –00 Capricorn for Pluto. The pressure is on to dig deeper into whatever grains of sand are irritating our oysters. This is potential pearl making time.

And don’t forget that Pluto is hovering over the ZERO degree of Capricorn Retro & that degree is the World’s stage degree-symbolic High Noon.


JUNE 7 th and 8th

Sun Mercury and Venus conjunction 17-18 degrees of Gemini.


This aspect doesn’t happen very often with the Big Three. This aspect is very interesting now as Venus = women = Hillary Clinton + Mercury Retrograde + Sun in Gemini-yes almost an equal split in popularity between Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama.
Astrologically I predict  this means that Hillary will be asked to be Barak Obama’s V.P. It would represent a balance of power and race, and an entirely brand new breath of fresh air in the U.S. Political stance. Remember Uranus squaring Mercury too?

Astrology Updates MAy 20 -26 and more

Copywrite Tara Greene 2008


MERCURY RETROGRADE Alert! May 26 11:42 am EDT/ 8:42 am PDT

It's that time of year again. For those of us who know what this means-you know what to do and not do or to be Xtra carefull of. For those of you who don't know what the heck I'm alerting you to-

The planet Mercury-which governs all communications, consciouness itself, and anything thing which we use to communicate with-computers etc. and anything that moves fast like airplanes and cars,
that fleet-footed winged messenger of the Gods,at certain dates and times, three times a year, apparently reverses direction and moves backwards, causing major havoc, mayhem, computer snafus etc. etc. during his Retrograde motion.
To hear what the New York Times had to say about this-a rather skeptical review but nonetheless- 


Mercury will be Retrograde from MAy 26-June 19 @ 10:26 am EDT

During this 3 week time period double and triple check all communications, beware of computer break downs, lost baggage, time schedule changes, etc. You will say one thing and they will hear something else. It is also wise not to begin new projects or buy things as they are likely to fail, break down etc. Of course we can't stop doing everything just be extra cautious.
Mercury Retrogrades are good for all the RE prefix thiings-rest, renew, renovate, rethink, re-organize etc.
Mercury goes Retrograde for about 1/3 of the time in any year equal to the amount of time that we need to sleep, so see this as a beneficial time, a needed integration time from our usual, too hurried and harried lives these days.

Mercury turns Retro at 21 degrees 32 minutes of Gemini. Mercury is strongest in his own sign of rulership so I predict that this Retro proves even more difficult than usual. Mercury turns direct on June 19th one day before the Summer Solstice at 12 degrees 59 minutes of Gemini. It won’t pass the Retro degree until July 4th!  So it’ll take that long, even after Mercury turns direct to get the green light again.

Mercury Retrograde periods are really good for people who were born when Mercury was in his Rx -symbol for Mercury Retro. This would be 1/3 of the population so it might be you. With an Rx indicating any planet moving Retrograde when you were born you have - special Medicine. Note the synchronicity of Rx and Prescription.

To find out,and get more details about your Natal chart please contact me. I do personal, relationship and Business Astrology.


Let’s Retrograde back a bit



it’s the twins turn to shine for a whole month. Gemini’s have a dual nature, dark/ light, angel/  devil, the perpetual Peter Pans, great and fast communicators, are difficult to nail down, fleet footed, highly exitable mutli-taskers, cravers of information, often teeter and totter emotionally as well. We all have a Gemini house somewhere in our natal charts, so look at your chart to see where Gemini is and you’ll see that area highlighted now.







Venus Godddess of LOVE, MONEY, VALUES, BEAUTY and the ARTS leaves her comfy sensual home sign of Taurus now and  goes into her light talky Peter Pan phase now.

Until June 18th  @ 4:48 am EDT/1:48 am PDT

LOVE is light and flirtatious now, with Venus in Gemini, nothing too serious. This time is for young and light hearted communications, having more than one fling at a time-the twin nature of the sign, and lots of yakking,and gaddabouting from one party or event to another. It’ll be a veritable social whirlwind for all signs but especially for Gemini’s, all air signs Venus ruled Taurus and Libran’s.

Gemini if you haven’t fallen in love yet-now’s a great time, and how about falling in love with a Gemini?


They’re very charming, and there’ll never be a dull moment in conversations. They may forget to call back but.. don’t worry onto the next person, you haven’t got a moment to loose. Better get those extra long phone cards.





@ 7:42 am EDT/ 4:42 am PDT

Chiron, whose symbol looks like a key is a space object classified differently by different organizations. Is it a comet? A planetoid? Whatever… names don’t matter but this object is very important. A Centaur-half human half horse a la Sagittarius Chiron in Greek Mythology was rejected by his Mother and learned to become an excellent teacher and healer. He was immortal but one part of him, like Heracles was mortal and in that vulnerable spot of course he was wounded. He gave up his Immortality and became mortal in order to stop the pain and to die and was immortalized in the sky.

The Chiron Mythology describes are own humanness and frail but powerful mortality, How it is that we become wounded in the flesh, we have to suffer pain consciously, by expressing the pain we allow the old wounds to die and we become healed, whole, conscious. We become once again immortal, as we came into this mortality. By crying out to the Gods and Goddesses with our pain, by owning it, and crying out for healing of what ails us, by going through our pain and suffering we are empowered to get past it.

Chiron moving Retrograde enable a major healing time, layers of the pain onion are peeled back over this time period. You will feel more vulnerable,sensitive, and more aware of what ails yee. BE aware that people and events will trigger you to connect with the buried pain inside of you so that you can work with it.  Chiron will  be Retro at 21 degrees 09 minutes of Aquarius untill Oct 26th, so lots of time to heal. Chiron won’t pass that point until 2009, so use this time well.



A busy day Neptune turns Retro @ 7:25 am EDT/4:25 am PDT @ 24 degrees 15 minutes of Aquarius. Neptune goes Direct on Nov 2nd @ 21 degrees 28 minutes.

Neptune’s Retro motion for over 5 months puts us into the REVERIE ZONE literally.


Neptune Planet of Faith,  Dreamers, the Higher Octave of Venus, Planet of Composers, Artists, Actors, Spirituality, OIL, ruler of Pisces, Illusion, Delusion, Addictions, Escapism, Fantasy and Viruses will pull us back into Dreamland, put our heads in the clouds our feet off the ground, and we’ll all be wearing those rose coloured glasses for awhile.

A good time to undo your addictions, fall in love again with an ex, or an old friend who you now see as a love interest, dig our that old inspiring book manuscript or inspired song lyrics you shoved away in an old drawer out of embarrassment, and bring it out and re-examine it and give it a fresh exciting new {Aquarian} shine.

As Neptune rules OIL I believe oil prices will take a sharp downswing, and whatever illusions the Wizards of Oil Monopolies have been playing on the public will be revealed during this time period. Also some exciting new technologies to get the U.S. and the rest of the World off their OIL ADDICTIONS should come to the forefront. Replacement of oil by using algae, which grows in Neptune’s natal Pisces’ water Sign would be very usefull, easy and beneficial.

Interesting that this Retrograde phase happens during the last leg of the Democratic selection for candidate and just before election day on the 4th. Who’s not seeing what? And what’s Barack Obama’s slogan?

Barack Obama's Slogan

Hope Action Change

sounds Neptunian to me -Hope.  Action and Change are Aquarian-revolutionary.



Jupiter went on his Retro at 22 degrees 22 minutes Of Capricorn, indicating a time of re-focussing ambitions, long term goals, career motivations, re-acessing goals, concrete plans, and major corporate structuring being overhauled.

Jupiter rules Sagittarius so all things Sagittarian get the Saturn ruled Capricorn once over until September. Airplanes may be found to be unsafe and withdrawn, automobile recalls, anything to do with foreign laws, dealings with diplomats, totalitarian governments, foreign aid, education, religion, and re-writing or re-legislating overly restrictive {Capricorn} laws come under Jupiter’s largesse going over the fine print now.  There are many very conservative restrictive freedom impinging laws that have been proposed in England Canada and the US  dealing with surveillance and collecting information on the Internet or redefining  people’s choices to herbal supplements etc. which Jupiter’s need for freedom will not tolerate. This is a good thing. This time period may free up already restrictive totalitarian governments-China, Burma, Korea from public pressure and International intervention {Sagittarian} etc.




Pluto has been Retrograding for awhile now, every year he Retros for about 5 months. 



Pluto will leave the structured sign of Capricorn where he basically just stuck his toe in for a bit of a corporate test drive on June 15th  and Re-enter Sagittarius until September 10th when he again moves Direct.


Pluto will be Retro within 1 degree of the Galactic Center for almost 3 months, for the last time in almost 250 years.


Pluto will remain in Sagittarius until Nov. 26th whenl he finally re-enters Capricorn where he will tear down and transform all things Capricornian-Governments, old boy politics, corporations, seniors, buildings, structure, long tern goals, mountains, lead, time, organizations, seniority, Patriarchal structure, fatherhood, authority, pensions,  etc. until 2024!


Pluito went Retro at 1 degree 09 minutes of Capricorn and won’t get back to that degree until Dec 29th, so we won’t see any holes in the flagships till 2009.


Since the beginning of May when Saturn was still Retro till May 4th there were 6 planets retrograde.

June will find that pattern continue we will have Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus Neptune Pluto Chiron all Retro during most of June. ANd last but not least...in the RETROGRADE TIMES


URANUS GOES RETROGRADE June 26 @ 22 degrees Pisces 39 minutes

Mucho time to slow down and reflect, renew, recycle, reinvent with Uranus Retro. Uranus goes Direct Nov 28th.















Astrological Updates May 19-25 REDEMPTION TIME

copyright Tara Greene 2008



SCORPIO  FULL MOON MAY 19 @ 10:12 pm EDT /

7:12 pm PDT / May 20 @ 2:12 am GMT


THIS is a very powerful FULL MOON, on the Scorpio-Taurus axis,it is the 2nd one this year-see April 10 Full Moon.


Occurring at 29 degrees of Scorpio-the last and most critical degree-the 29th degree of any sign marks the ending of a phase and a final test as to whether we have mastered that sign’s developmental lessons. In effect I believe that all events, planets etc at any of the 29th degrees is the ultimate or most potent of any and in the sign of Scorpio it is the last gasp, the last breath in the sign of death and rebirth. It is the Last Rites in Catholic terms-It is REDEMPTION TIME.


The Sun is at the last degree of Taurus, the 1st of the earth signs, so here the Sun, the light  the Source of all Life-tests us with how well are we doing in the material world? How well are we taking care of our bodies, resources and our planet?


This powerful Full Moon occurs directly on the Pleiades, a cluster of  7 stars at the 29 degree of Taurus, which are visible in the Winter sky even here in light polluted Toronto north of the 3 bright stars of Orion, they look like a little beehive shaped smudge to the naked eye. Known as the 7 sisters,.


 The Pleiades have a very important part to play in many ancient cultures around the world. The Ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Mayans oriented their temples and pyramids towards this star group. The Pleiades are mentioned three times in the Bible {Job 9.9 and 38.31; Amos 5:8}. Several Native American creation stories say that the Pleiades were the Original ancestors, Starseeds, bringer of Light and knowledge to the Earth. Many channels Barbara Marciniak and Barbara Hand Clow amongst many others channel Higher Learning from Pleiadian sources.


Interestingly the Pleiades are located at one of the nodes {points of intersection} between the Galactic and Super Galactic Planes! These Nodes represent Star Gates, inter dimensional doorways, portals and pathways for accessing greater super-conscious realities!


 Usually we only think of the Arth’s path around the Sun, but there is also an immense Galactic Plane, the path traced by our Solar System’s orbit around the Galactic Center and an even vaster Super Galactic Plane-the orbital path of our Local Group- a family of 27 galaxies to which our Milky Way Galaxy belongs. Note that the distance from earth to the Galactic Center in our own Milky Way Galaxy is 25,000 Light Year away! So we’re talking a HUGE COSMIC INTERSECTION here.

So this is the time to think VAST, think beyond our usual small earth bound thinking and open ourselves up to receive visions, guidance and wisdom from our Starry Ancestors, and open the Stellar Interdimensional Doorways on the is Full Moon.


This Full MOON peaks very close to this Cosmic Portal, the Full Moon itself  always symbolizes a human egg ready to be fertilized, in Buddhist terms a white circle or seed, is called a bija, it is the potential for all life.

The Moon is the Feminine, the Goddess Herself, who sits so close to the earth, she is the unconscious, our instincts and emotions, our ties to the womb.


The Moon at 29 degrees of Scorpio symbolizes that this is a time when Galactic Consciousness can be accessed and Fertilize all of  humanities’ deepest emotional yearnings, can fertilize cosmic consciousness, redemption, cleansing, renewal. The Moon is associated with Memory. At this Full Moon we can fully re-member who we really are, where we originate from-the stars-we are truly star dust and golden.


This Full Moon is a huge evolutionary leap- the Death and Rebirth show-whatever addictions, obsessions, secrets,  power and control issues that you have been holding onto – this Full Moon is the Most powerful one you may encounter in a very long time. Remember also that we are on the march towards Dec 31 2012, that all events and time is shifting into fast forwards to that fateful date.


The Moon squares Neptune at 24 degrees+ of Aquarius, the North Node of the Moon at 22 degrees + of Aquarius and Chiron, the Wounded Healer at 21 degrees plus of Aquarius. The Moon also Squares the South Node at 22 degrees of Leo and Saturn at 1 degree of Virgo. We have a mixed Grand Square of fixed and Mutable Elements involved.

Chiron Neptune and Mercury will be all turning RETROGRADE in a few days! SO their movements are very slow now and strong. Neptune in Aquarius encourages us to tune in to the Higher Celestial energies receiving new frequencies and the bigger picture,The North Node of the Moon represents our Highest Spiritual Goals- it is the “world soul” position-in Aquarius it’s Humanitarian, knowing that we are all one, it is evolutionary, forwards thinking, Mercury at 19 degrees of Gemini in his home sign is also very strong and tunes us into gathering information about the nature of duality, how things relate to each other, communicating, consciousness itself. Mercury is the Magician itself in the Tarot.  Squares, 90 degree angles, are sacred geometry designed to get us to move to act –to get it.

Chiron, is the Wounded Healer showing us that being mortal allows us to move through accept, understand and heal ourselves from the wheel of karma. Chiron’s energy is electric, kundalini force in Aquarius, simply tune into your bodies own ability to electrify and heal any dis-ease as this time. Listen to the energy current sin your body, the body will always reveal the truth,

Jupiter at 22 degrees of Capricorn sextiles Uranus at 22 degrees of Pisces expanding Spiritual insights, adventures and revelations.


The Sabian Symbols emphasize that this is a significant time of endings and beginnings-

The Sun at 30 degrees of Taurus- “ A peacock parading on the terrace of an old castle; the personal display of inherited gifts” and for the Moon at 30 degrees of Scorpio- “Children in Haloween costumes indulge in various pranks; the periodic outlets society furnishes within traditional limits to still immature energies.”

Think about that for a bit. What is the beauty {the peacock} that is your inherited gifts?

How mature is your energy? What do you choose to do with your time?



At the Full Moon. Create a sacred Circle, use smudge or incense to cleanse and purify your circle. Take some deep breaths, put on some sacred chanting music.

Call in the Earth Elementals, the Fire, Water and Air Elements. Call the Pleiadian energies of the Star Ancestors to guide you. Send your breath and your consciousness down into the iron ore crystal at the center of the Earth, use your imagination, feel the earth’s crust,the rocks and stones, the holders of the material plane beneath you. When you reach the fire at the center of the Earth, Gaia’s Heatflame breath in the Sacred Fire, the magnetic energies of the Earth and bring them up through the bottom of your spine through all your charkas, to your 3rd eye. Visualize the Full Moon at your 3rd eye between your eyebrows.

Before you can get to the Celestial Gateway though you must first acknowledge and then drop all your ego pretensions, all your personality masks. You must also look within to acknowledge your shadow, your secrets, your petty disdains, your jealousies, power trips, control and power trips, you know all the Scorpio dark side and embrace it. You must redeem yourself, your Soul.You cannot enter unless you know yourself honestly. Your shadow has immense power over you if not acknowledged.

Negative entities work on you and control you through your shadow, their food is emotional negativity, even you who think you are all white light-you usually have a huge shadow, acknowledging and accepting those rejected and projected parts of yourselves frees you up. This does not invite the negative in, but rather your Higher Self acknowledged the Lower Personality and its frailties and is Big enough to love and accept all of you with Compassion.

The Higher Celestial Dimensions protect themselves well, to enter, like Inanna going through the 7 gates in the Underworld, each of your False selves has to be acknowledged and put aside in order for you to get to your core Higher Self energies.

Once you have done this and take your time…

Then bring the energy up to your  Crown Chakra and send your intentions and your consciousness out to the Super Galactic and Galactic Nodes Intersection, to the Cosmic Doorway to the greater realities.

Visualize a gigantic starry field of energy, a canopy, an entranceway and ask to see the doorway. You are ready, you are whole, feel yourself bathed and purified in the Celestial

Light, walk through the doorway, be open to whatever images, sensations feelings and visions you may have. The Star Beings will come and talk to you, teach and guide you, all you have to do is be open. Stay as long as you wish, always give thanks for whatever shows up. Be grateful. At your return write down whatver your experience is.

Close the circle thanking each element and direction for being present with you.

Behold a newer more expanded, rebirthed you. You are now conscious of the bigger picture and your role in it.







Hold the space of this new galactic Consciousness activation. MEdiate every day or evening on accessing the Celstial Doorway and gaining more knowledge-do this for 21 days in succession. 21 days is the minimum amount of time necessary to implement new habits and energy patterns. It'll be a worthwile VISION QUEST.








Astrology Updates May 5-11th MOTHER’S DAY


Copyright Tara Greene 2008


High Lites


TAURUS NEW MOON May 5 Cinco De Mayo

JUPITER GOES RETRO May 9th @ 5:11 am PDT/ 8: 11 am EDT

MARS ENTERS LEO May 9th 1:20 pm PDT/ 4:20 pm EDT

Mars Qunicunx PLUTO,the 10th @  11:55 pm PDT/  May 11 2:55 am EDT

SUN SQUARES CHIRON May 11th @  1:58 am PDT/ 4:58 am EDT

MOON OPPOSITE CHIRON May 11th @ 7:26 pm PDT/ 10:26 pm EDT




MOON EXITS TAURUS –Void of Course- May 6 @ 1:22 am PDT/ 4:21 am EDT

MOON ENTERS GEMINI  MAY 6 @ 4:17 am PDT/  7:17 am EDT

MOON EXITS GEMINI- Void of Course- May 7 @ 6:37 pm PDT/  9:37 EDT

MOON ENTERS CANCER  May 8  @ 4:02 am PDT/  7:02 am EDT

MOON EXITS CANCER-Void of Course- May 9th  @ 5:06 pm PDT/ 8:06 pm EDT

MOON ENTERS LEO May 10 @ 6:10 am PDT/ 9:10 am EDT


TAURUS NEW MOON MAY 5th @ 5:19 am PDT/ 8:19 am EDT/ 12:19 pm GMT


Let’s backtrack and look ahead at the same time. The most recent Full Moon April 20th, occurred at  00 degrees of Scorpio. Sun was of course at  00 degrees of Taurus. The Next Full Moon occurring May 19-20 occurs at the very last “critical degree” of Scorpio-Taurus.

We have two successive Full Moons occurring in the same sign which doubles the cosmic emphasis on those Archetypes, namely letting go, death, rebirth, transformation,

Security/trust, power, resources, waste. Secrets. This is more powerful than a “Blue Moon.” More of a Green {Taurus} Black {Scorpio} Moon.


The April 20 Full Moon saw a new beginning - Zero degrees, new seeds being planted. That Full Moon also saw a Grand Trine between The Sun, Saturn Retrograde at 1 degree + of Virgo, and Pluto Retrograde at 1 degree plus of Capricorn. A very big earthy Grand Trine. Grand Trines allow mucho flow.

Pluto Retrograde energy allows us to review waste, in Capricorn practical garbage, from a Scorpio rulership position, psychological baggage and garbage. Saturn Retrograde and in Virgo forces us to get REAL and face our collective karma in relation to work, health being of service, and to what we have harvested. The Sun brings light, consciousness, awareness, action and will to all of these Retrogrades and a huge chance to get to clarity and to decide what is the most positive way to proceed.

Mercury is also in Taurus making for practical thinking about the present economic realities. There’s a lot of hands on, practical, head strong, deliberate sowing that needs to get done.

Venus the ruling Planet of Taurus is in Aries at 17 degrees plus, less than 1 degree past the last New Moon degree, pointing to our tastes, values and desire for new actions, to be daring and to take the initiative. Venus is in an approaching Square to Mars {exact April 23rd at 21 degrees Aries-Cancer}. Mars, Venus’s counterpart and ruler of Aries and Scorpio, thus ruler of this Scorpio Full Moon at 19 degrees of Cancer, opposes Jupiter at 21 degrees of Capricorn and Venus, Mars and Jupiter form a Cardinal T- Square aspect, similar to the one formed during the last New Moon.

T- Squares are tense,demand action. In Cardinal signs there is a rush to do things new and differently. The planets of the Warrior God Mars, opposite Jupiter in Capricorn-Big Business, is being squared by Venus Goddess of Love, Beauty and Harmony. How about you do the math?.

Which brings us to… the present New Moon in Taurus

HI, I don't know what happened to this page! Yikes. I sincerely appologize if you haven't been able to read this. I'll get onto it.

O.K. backt o normal April 29th.


Astrology Updates April 28-May 4th

Copywrite Tara Greene 2008


Hi Lites


April 29 AQUARIAN MOON CONJUNCTS CHIRON AND NEPTUNE 9:11 am & 3:15 pm EDT respectively


MOON ENTERS DREAMY PISCES on the 29th @  11:11 Pm PDT/April 30 2:11 am EDT


April 30









May 2





May 4






A big week. 2 planets go home to their ruling signs Venus and Mercury. Planets are always at their best, strongest and most comfy when at home.  Some very nice trines this week.



“When the Moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s amore.”  That’s the best song that fits this Aquarian Lunar conjunction of Moon/Chiron/Neptune.  Old Dino was such a lounge rat pack philosopher. Namaste Dino

when the moon

hits your eye

like a big pizza pie

that's amore!

Chiron is the wounded healer and ouch a pizza pie in the face can really sting the eyeballs. Crusts are hard. Promises can be like pie crusts easily made and easily broken. So that pizza pie whap in the face can hurt/bring unusual awareness {Aquarius} and healing {Chiron}. So what about the amore part?

That’s where Neptune comes in. Neptune is the most spiritual of all the planets, the higher octave of Venus, Goddess of Love and Beauty. So just surrender, let Neptune pour his compassionate magical healing balm sauce to your salty wounds -HP sauce. {HP-stands for Higher Power}  and as everyone knows the only Higher Power is LOVE.

Ready,set go,almost there. Saturn goes Direct May 2nd

copyright Tara Greene 2008

Not Instant Karma- slo-o-w  karma

Slow karma’s gonna get ya,

Gonna get you on your knees,

Better get it together darlin’… to the tune of Instant Karma by John Lennon

Has it been a very hard, slow, tough, pay attenntion to all the details, deadlines, demands, more deadlines, tired, exhausted, too may things to do and not enough time in the day, more responsibilities than “usual”?  Need some freedom from all this bondage? I know that it’s tax season, the big annual crunchem, and it was a long hard winter in most of the North East, snow up to your eyeballs, but now that’s gone and you still feel tired, even though we’re almost at the midpoint of Spring and Summer coming May 1st, Beltane.

Saturn is the Planet that rules all things physical, matter, the body, the world, old politicians, time, limitations, obstacles, corporations, karma, structures, the metal lead, bones, Patriarchy, fathers, building, career, maturity, seriosity etc. and it has been in retrograde motion in Virgo since last Dec 19, 2007. Saturn is the great tester, the headmaster in the school of hard knocks..

What this means is that Saturn’s apparent backwards motion,called RETROGRADE  since Dec. 07  has seen Time slow down, stalled any apparent forward motion, halted plans to build,  mounted high all of our responsibilities, time is a big issue, everything is heavy, leaden, making many of us feel exhausted. Things that happened last week seemed like they happened months ago, yet days are jam packed to the max, and most people are not feeling 100% groovy-groovy is not a word in Saturn’s lexicon-that’s Aquarian talk. In Ancient astrology rulerships Saturn rules both Capricorn and Aquarius-so there. So we’ve all been plodding along in quite the solid, serious, Capricornish compacted way all year. All right let’s get on with the show already!

We haven’t really touched down so to speak in 2008 yet or gotten the full reality slap in the face of what’s really going on. All those reality Tv shows are just metaphors for what we really need-a cold hard slap in the face to wake us up Don’t worry the cold water is soon to hit the fan!

All Retrograde planetary motion periods are RE-prefixes- like REst, REnew, RElease, Reality, REthink, Reflect, etc.

So if Saturn is testing your patience, just be patient a wee bit yet. Patience was invented by Saturn! Where Saturn is, and what it rules has been tested a lot. As Saturn will stop and finally turn direct on May 2nd these next few weeks brings almost everything to a virtual standstill. I am speaking metaphorically and metaphysically, but it feels like reality is so weighty now, that its trouncing out almost all other metaphysical reality now.

Saturn entred Virgo in Sept 2007, so he’s in his earthy element in Virgo the sign of the Goddess of the Harvest. Now Virgo is a very practical Feminine hard working sign, analytical, organized, perfectionist, hypochondriacal, devoted to serving others, loves nature and always gets the job done on time and on budget.

Saturn Rx -that is the Astrological symbol of Retrograde motion-exactly the same as a Prescription, which it is.

I interpret all retrograde motions of Planets as medicine, healing balm. As your reg. Dr. would say “take 2 and call me in the morning.” The Planets in Rx as Cosmic Doctoring say  -take this time period as medicine, as a prescription for what humanity needs according to the planet, and the sign for what ails us all.  Never mind  that there’s also a planet/comet/cosmic body called Chiron who is known as The Wounded Healer.

This Saturn Retrograde period is a RE-learning, a very real, very earthy, practical, hard working, and maturing, karmic lesson, we didn’t quite get yet. This is an opportunity to review, revise, rebuild, restructure, reset the timing of, re-do reality. We’re all cramming for the test of reality moving forwards soon, so we should’ve been taking this time period seriously. Or better hurry up and take it seriously, you’ve got 9 days to get it together. Saturn is always the final word.

Saturn in Virgo

Virgo could be personified, hmm, I suddenly got this cognization of personified with the name Persephone. That’s another story, but there must be a simile here, as Persephone was raped into the Underworld by Pluto-another Planet and God which was like a Retrograde phase for her while she was not visible, in the depths phsychologically speaking, maturing-

Back to Virgo, She is a Virgin Goddess,in it’s original meaning as owned by no man, whole and complete unto Herself, doing as She wishes, fulfilling her own needs. So Saturn in Virgo Rx. is teaching us a karmic lesson about this now, how to complete ourselves, become whole, nourish and feed and tend and harvest our Feminine, our Inner Goddess, everyone has one, both men and women. Psychologically, the Feminine, the Goddess, symbolizes the Soul. We need to embody ouselves. Get Real.

Saturn Retro and Big Business Hard Knocks

Saturn as ruler of Capricorn has hit big business and corporations hard! Lot’s of tumbling markets, loss of profits, banks losing billions in the US fake mortgage lending spree. Saturn rules earthy, practical CApricorn, and Saturn is also the Karmic Planet.  What you sow…

Saturn Retro & the U.S. Democratic Race

I would say that the Saturn Retro is definitely being seen in the Democratic Nominee process, it’s been slow, long, drawn out. Both candidates are being sorely tested. Hillary the elder stateslady is not giving up yet, she is not out of the race yet.

Saturn Retro in Virgo- FOOD shortages

Saturn is also teaching us karmic lessons of the Earth herself, as Goddess of the Harvest,  especially FOOD, this is a literal and a metaphorical harvest. Have you heard about the food shortages and food riots, in Haiti, Egypt and other parts of the World where food prices have climbed so fast many very poor people are literally eating the earth and that’s all they have. I just heard today that rice is being limited in its sales in the U.S. All of this was prophesized or predicted by Astrologers and psychics years ago.


What with gas prices what they are-did you know it’s because the US is stockpiling crude oil? food prices will soar here soon. All Nature-Virgo’s domain will be hit with hard times, scarcity, lack, eco-crises, that is Saturn’s limiting nature whilst in Virgo. What we’ve sown in terms of wanton carelessness about the Earth we harvest now! And Saturn will be in Virgo till 2010.

As Saturn begins his forwrds motion, you will feel the shift, even ever so slightly. Saturn went Retro on Dec 19 at 8 degrees 34 minutes of Virgo. Yes, things will start to move forward motion but Saturn won’t pass that same degree until August the 8th! That means almost 8 months out of the year will have been spent doing “detention” or extra homework or you know what I mean. On 8 8 08 our earth densified consciousness will be able to finally move into new and unexplored territory for the first time this year.

For the meaning of 888 see the heading 888 here on my website

Saturn is the Karmic planet, where Saturn is there’s debt to pay. So what else is in the news? Saturn Retrograde all this time is simply you get back what you put out there, for every cause an effect, what you sow is what you reap. Saturn in the Virgo house of work is seen as big job and capital losses. Saturn in Virgo,the reaper in the Sign of the Harvest is a lot of Reaping!


Beneficial  RETRO-TRINE KARMIC ENERGY  April to May



Saturn closely Trines Pluto now blending an easy energy between the Cosmic Cop and Lord of the Underworld. Trines are benevolent aspects highly harmonious. Because of their respective Retrograde motions Pluto and Saturn will be within 2 degrees of the trine from April 2nd till May 2nd.

Planets are more powerfull when moving in Retrograde motion.


This Retrograde Trine offers blessings to go over and over our past actions {karma} revisit and examine what we have done, built, created, how we identify ourselves collectively and individually and turn our past actions into dharma-good works.  Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn, he is called the final dispositor of Pluto while he is in Capricorn,so this TRINE has extra OOMPH to it as these energies are more harmonious and receptive.


In the Tarot CAPRICORN in the Trumps is Card # 15


The devil as we popularly think of him was created by the Catholic Church who “demonized” pagans, midwife/ herbalists and projected their own very vile wicked, torturous shadows onto the innocent who refused to follow Christianity.


The Devil spelled backwards is lived, evil spelled backwards is live.

The Devil card as a teacher, warns against being trapped in matter, by it.

The wisdom of the devil is not to sell your Soul to your ego and think that there is only a material world . Be in the world but not trapped by its needs, contradictions, etc. Matter is the mirror of the spirit world, don’t forget where you originiate from. Ultimately the Devil offers freedom of choice, there is actual evil in the world, and it is what we do about that that counts. Don’t be tempted or taken over by evil entities. Through its association to Capricorn use your ambitions to rise higher, on the peaks of matter, for it is by our deeds, actions and non-actions which we manifest in this world that affects our Souls in the eternal.  


As Saturn represents mater and materiality, hard knocks, matter, discipline, time, limitations, obstacles, old age Saturn is all the karma of Form in this 3rd dimensional world. Saturn in Virgo can be overly conscienscous, too critical, rigid, dogmatic, miserly.

Saturn in Virgo conserves the earth, disciplines health, organizes everything, details, analyses, helps us to focus on what to serve.

Pluto in Capricorn rules Big Business which it will slowly for better or worse restructure, demolish and rebuild. Saturn is Lord of Karma and hard work, rules Capricorn.  Pluto in the symbolic High Noon house asks us from our souls to find out where we want to shine brightest. Pluto as Lord of Death asks us to look at what our legacy is, as a culture, as humans at this particular place in time, as individuals, part of a collective.


So in this Retro grade grace period trine lets us also examine our beliefs about matter, the body, form, how attached we are to it, and to see experience and know that ultimately the material world of form our individual egos, and all the material goods that “matter” so much to us, are themselves only an illusion, in time, and that in itself is an illusion MAYA.

Pluto Lord of Souls can take us beyond it all, and help us to manifest more soulful ways of living at all levels.

Is your work right livlehood? That is, does it benefit people, is it harmless? Does it have no malignant or ruthless aspects to it? Is your work ultimately connected to nefarious people, companies, sharks?

I suppose all government, banks, police forces, big corporations, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, paint manufacturers, supermarkets, clothing companies, energy corporations, record companies, toy manufacturers,real estate agents- in short, virtually almost every business comes under the wrong livlihood umbrella when examined back to its roots.  Let’s just try to be more aware and clean this up.

Let’s bend and stretch our imaginations the best and fastest vehicle to travel in beyond the illusion, go through the wall so to speak and in more ways than one and connect with what is “real.” Ultimately only our “souls” are real, our hearts.


We can all being forgive ourselves and others their past transgressions, never mind what you didn’t do, regret or feel guilty about.


Regenerate and restructure your life now, rebuild bridges, careers, especially career as Saturn is in the natural 6th house of work and Pluto in Capricorn is the natural 10th house of career and wordly standing. This applies to everyone.




This RETRO-TRINE gives us easy access to review our life direction, wills, take accounting, reorganize at all levels for everyone.

ALL EARTH SIGNS are in a very strong powerfull period now and for years to come. You’re the guys who do all the hard work and build it all so go to it. But reflect now on what and how and why you’re building and manifesting so much.

Natal Sun is at 2 degrees of Taurus, that is if your born April 22 or April 23rd I know a couple of people born these days, make sure you use this energy now. if you’re born Aug 24 or 25 early Virgos, or if you’re born at Xmas time, December 24 or 25th you get the benefits exactly on your Suns..




Conversely people born in early Aries and Libra are getting kicked in the butt right now from Pluto Squaring their Suns.

Cancer Suns gets the two way effect of the opposition from Pluto. Early Pisceans get the oppositional kick in the butt from Saturn. The Trine will soften the kick.

For Pisceans Saturn opposite your Sun is helping you to bring your dreams into the manifest world.

For Cancerians build that dream house, that long term relationship, great time to get pregnant have a child, settle down, get that security.


Early Gemini’s and Sagittarians get the Square from Saturn in Virgo. Gemini you need the slap in the face of reality to ground you, this’ll soften the blow. You’ll be glad after. It’ll be easier for you to slow down and think about things like your future, what you’re building in your life, your long term goals, develop a little patience and persistence. You need that, even though Gemini’s are the Archetype of Peter Pan, figure out how to have fun while working hard and building.  Finish what you start, make sure you do your taxes and maybe think about life insurance and long term security investments. See yourself at the top and make a plan or hire a coach to help you, ditch the disorganization, get rid of most of the distractions, vow to stop procrastinating, think about what lasts, settle down.


For the fire Sagittarius it’s good to slow down and get grounded about where you’re flying off to in your life. You need to actually manifest in 3D your wildest dreams. Follow up on tat book you were going to finish, get rid of the clutter, get into the gym, remember you do have a body, take care of it, check up on your investments, but some land for the future, get some credentials if you need them, start teaching what you know, take yourself seriously. You’ve always been ahead of the crowd, validate that.


For ARIES patience will help you finish the races you start. Put all your great ideas into one big project, plan, build it, it will happen, stick with it.

You won’t like it, it will feel inhibiting but give it a try. It’s all in your mind anyway. This is what you need, build more projects, businesses, tactics, skills. Clean up your yard. Settle down a bit.


For the air signs Librans who gets the Pluto Square, it’s time to take stock of yourself. Don’t ask anyone else what they think or how they’d do it, don’t worry about the latest trend and fashion, and don’t worry about being a social outcast or being –heavens forbid-single! Make friends with yourself,

Review everything that’s likable, nay lovable about you and feel good about that. Decide what you can build, your ideal career, the office furnishings, the dinner parties, the networking all of it.


Last but not least LEO SCORPIO AQUARIUS

What about those early Leos Aquarians and Scorpios, those fixed signs? You’re either being quincunxed by Pluto if you’re an early Leo and by Saturn in Virgo if an early Aquarian. A Quincunx is a 150 degree angle that is irritating and holding you back from taking your full power until you get the kinks out and the Trine will help you iron it all out. The elements do not talk to each other, fire and earth and air and earth don’t mix it up ya see.

Early Scorpios are getting the nice ‘n easy Sextile, no it’s not sexy enough for you Scorpio’s but it’s kind of a huggy cozy squeeze from both Saturn and Virgo, so don’t go obsessing about the deeper meaning of it all just use it. Nice ‘n easy aren’t two words which are usually on the tip of your tongue so this is a lesson in a new format for a change.



Copyright Tara Greene






MERCURY ENTERS ARIES Apr. 2ND @ 10:44 am PDT / 1: 44 pm EDT








PLUTO LORD OF THE UNDERWORLD had just barely dipped his toes into CAPRICORN testing the Saturn ruled BIG BIZ sign of Capricorn waters since Jan 25 08.


PLUTO now has an afterthought, he must have forgotten something back at the Galactic Center store- always open- and so he slowly Retrogrades back over those early and ZERO degrees of Capricorn considered to be the HIGH NOON for the World till June 14th.  IT’s the stand off at the “Everything’s O.K. Corral”  Note to self- “It’s not. “


PLUTO’s force is powerful, psychological, atomic. The very stuff of matter in the Universe. Pluto recycles all waste. Pluto is extremism, obsession with power, reconstructs society.  Pluto rules the underground, sewers, cesspools, drains.  Pluto rules freedom from oppression either by an outside force or an inner one.  Pluto will manipulate to get its own needs met. It is non egoistic. It’s force can be used equally for good or ill. Remember that at 911 it was Pluto in Sagittarius opposed to Saturn in Gemini which created the impetus for the acting out of the destruction of  the World Trade Centers. Pluto is concerned with great loss for great gain. pLUTO resurrects lost causes into successful projects.




PLUTO rules over the collective unconscious, the shadow, the Soul. This is a breech rebirth of sorts back into SAGITTARIUS at those very “critical” last degrees, backing up to 28 degrees of SAGITTARIUS at the end of July and once again being within 1 degree of the Galactic Center till Sept 8th when Pluto then turns direct.


The Galactic Center, that Black Hole is one of the main reasons {Venus crossing the Sun is the other} of what 2012 is all about. We’re inevitably heading into the crosshairs of that conjunction of the Sun on the ecliptic and the Galactic Center on that fateful Winter Solstice day. Better get your head into Galactic Receptor mode now. You’ll want to know for yourself just what is coming down the pipes.




FOR THE COLLECTIVE PSYCHE which PLUTO governs, this Re-session into SAGITTARIUS is symbolically the last time for us to have this opportunity to discard and recycle old and antiquated philosophies which have been running the world Unconsciously for too long. We get a major opp. to  legally wire tap into the Galactic Center’s Source of Soul Regeneration. This is a LIMITED TIME OFFER. When Pluto enters Capricorn you’ll have to wait 250 years for the chance to be available again. TIMING is everything. The Ancient and First religions were Star Gazing, that is the basis for all world religions.


 The Mayans say that the Galactic Center is the birth place and exit point of all Souls in this Galaxy. I for one have experienced in a vision that this is so. The Black Hole is a giant vacuum cleaner which will suck up all consciousness and change it.


PLUTO in SAGITTARIUS Aims for the TRUTH, honesty, aspirations, transformation and rebirth of  the COLLECTIVE SOUL. RELIGION needs to be overhauled now into a one world religion which is experienced directly  on a metaphysical plane. Sagittarius symbolizes the Human Spirit in control of the lower bodied animal instincts. Higher education of a truer purpose must replace the “dumbing down” which has been used by schools for years now.

 Aspirations, the Laws both man made and Higher Law, International Law and Media, Philosophies, Optimism and Humor, ethics, a connection to the Mysticism and the Stars- all of these are Sagittarian concerns.


PLUTO will stay at those “Critical” degrees until Nov 26th when he finally stays put in Capricorn for the next 16 years- till 2024!


If the Gods from the Stars, are ever gonna show up this is their last show time. UFO’s are being sighted regularly all over the world now, info which has been secret is now being made public.


As Pluto never mind the silly demotion, is extremely powerful when Retrograde. We all have a chance to reflect on our personal philosophies our lives structure so far, revision the map of our lives and decide what stays and what goes.

Think about when structures you will build, what goals your Soul aims to climb to the top of when Pluto enters Capricorn again in Nov.


To further emphasize the newness of awareness Mercury, fleet footed messenger of the Gods who rules consciousness itself enters Aries on the 2nd as well.  Less than 2 weeks since the Spring Equinox Mercury crosses the Cardinal Spring access point jumpstarting new ideas, communications.

And to sweeten the pot Goddess Venus also crosses the zero Aries point on April 5th invigorating new values, romances, beauty, harmony, artistry, and relationships.


Apr.  3rd Mercury squares Pluto @ 1:54 am PDT/ 4:54 am EDT

So those ideas are gonna get kickassed by Pluto’s depths pretty quick. Those communications gotta have staying power in order to last.


Venus Squares Pluto on the 6th @ 8:48 pm PDT/ 11:48 pm EDT

Romance gets intense, deeper to the Soul depths, values, money, the arts are are re-evaluated by Pluto’s Retrograde motion, watch the markets tumble.

Astrology Updates March 24-30 Copyright Tara Greene


I am testing out a new format for my Astrology predictions:


plese let me know how you like it. Your feedback is always welcome.


Moon Travels This Week




As the Moon passes through each one of the signs every month, the Moon will cross over and  blend Her energies with your Natal Sun Sign. This becomes your very own personal NEW MOON PHASE aside from the Outer New Moon phase which occurs each month. This event becomes a very important and highly significant time for each of us.


If you are a Scorpio Sagittarian or Capricorn then you get to celebrate your very own personal monthly New Moon phase this week.

 It’s your monthly emotional instinctual psychic renewal period blending the instincts and feelings of the Moon with the Solar light consciousness of your Sun.  Set some time aside for reflection {the Moon} and new intentions each month as the Moon crosses your Natal Sun.


Conversely if you are a TAURUS, GEMINI or CANCER Sun Sign then the Moon creates a personal Full Moon phase for each one of you during this week as it opposes your Natal Sun Sign. Full Moon phases are times to stop and be grateful for all that has been accomplished or fulfilled during this time period. A Full Moon is the balancing of the books phase when the Lights, Sun and Moon are in equal harmonious or oppositional phases. You may feel pulled in two directions, but let your Natal Sun dance in balance with the transitting Moon opposite.


And what about the other 6 signs?

When the Moon passes through SCORPIO-

AQUARIUS AND LEO get squared by the Moon.  You may feel emotionally challenged to act. Instincts will be sharpened, feelings need to be released. Both signs may be ultra stubborn and fixated by the Moon.


When Moon passes through SAGITTARIUS-

PISCES and VIRGO get squared by the Moon.

Fiery Sagittarian Moon ignites Watery Pisces to the boiling point and inspires Spiritual Idealism, Optimism and action. Pisces feel less broody and more willing to do, act on their dreams. Pisces can vent all that steam about being martyrs.

Fire and Earth don’t mix well so Sag. Moon energy scorches Virgo’s earthy practical desires. All squares are like sand in the oyster which makes them create Pearls. In other words they spur one to create beauty out of irritations.

 As Sagittarius is a mutable sign and so is Virgo movement is more fluid, spiritual creative and passionate fiery feelings and practical insights can be blended easily.


When Moon traverses CAPRICORN-

ARIES and LIBRA get hit up by the Square aspect. 

This is the big Cardinal square and Cardinal signs always want to be first, numero uno, very pushy independent types. Expect lots of fire, action, pouts, fist waving, with Aries. Sulking, acting gracious on the surface, and being irritable about feeling pushed to  make up one’s mind with Libra.


Scorpio Water Moon  from Easter Sunday – Moon in Scorpio on 23rd @  10:06 pm EDT/ 7:06 pm PDT


SCORPIO MOON PHASES are the heaviest most intense days emotionally. Your intuition and insights are razor sharp. Will is strengthed. Power ups the ante now. Scorpio is the sign most concerned with rawness, sexuality, transformation, it is the time to shed the old skin preparing for Rebirth. Scorpio is a FiXED sign so it doesn’t want to give, it stays rooted to itself and its own knowing. In each month the Scorpio phase gives us a chance to feel deep emotions, connect with our shadows and root out that which no longer serves our Highest Growth. Live and Let Die is the song motto of these days.


Moon goes Void of Course March 25 @ 8:36 pm EDT/ 5:36 PDT until


Moon enters Firey Sagittarius March 26 10:11 am EDT/7:11 am PDT



Energy shifts dramatically from Scorpio to the optimistic, freedom loving, adventurous,

Mutable change loving, pursuit of truth and the exotic philosophies of Sag. Who pursues Justice, Religion, and knowledge unrelentingly. Notice how people are easier to get along with during these days, no more grudges. Always good to do some learning, networking during these days.

Get out and move your body, pet all those dogs and cats, dream about traveling, brush up on a foreign language, and best of all get your sense of humour back. People get klutzy under Sag. Moon’s so watch out for those corners and cupboards. And if you inadvertently spill the beans don’t worry it’s just that old Sag. Moon influencing you.


Moon goes Void of Course on the 28th 0:21 am EDT/6:21 am PDT


Moon enters Earthy Capricorn on 28th @ 10:43 pm EDT/ 7:43 pm PDT



Now we’re in earthy, just the facts ma’am, business like, hierarchically organized, career pursuit, dry Capricorn Moon. Get your feet back on the ground now, get your taxes started, play the straight and narrow, this is a conservative time. Capricorn is a CARDINAL sign, one which starts, initiates, create new beginnings. Authority issues,

The boss, being mature, considering things before one makes a move, and pursuing long term goals and practical plans are in the air now.  Be in your body and listen to it. Get your banking done. Hard work is easier now as Saturn takes us all to task. Life seems bare bones, physical, weighty practical, no time for emotional displays, just do it. A good time for long term plans and goal setting, you’re emotional mature and serious.


Planetary and Lunar Hi LItes




A lovely romantic creative blend of mind and heart in the most spiritual of all the signs.

Go with the flow, Feel the connection of mind seated in the heart, thinking from the heart, and putting your heart in your head, emanating feelings,not logic from the mind.


Feeling is a much more accurate way to sense the real world. Too often we are in our minds, rattling, chatting, being ordered around by the ego-the critic in your head, or sub-personality which  you believe to be you. The ego is a trap, it’s an illusion, its true purpose is really a GPS device, It’s a survival mechanism, ego/mind keeps you in shape on the 3rd dimension so you can tell where part of your consciousness is.


In fact we are all multi-dimensional Spiritual Light Beings and our consciousness is aware of all the complexity of 28 different dimensions turning inside and out in about a trillionth of a second. But our ego awareness, the tiny 1/10th of our brains which we normally operate with, is very very limited to a partial use of the 5 senses. It’s like we mainly live our “normal” waking lives wearing blinders in a narrow tunnel.


Feelings are the greatest gauge of what’s really going on. SO use this time period well,

Shut your blasted mind up. Go on strike from your mental chatter, sense and feel what feels right, your feelings and intuition are much more accurate then your mind. Learn to trust your intuition more.


25th Scorpio Moon Trines Venus Mercury so take your newly felt intuition deeper, Scorpio instincts are laserlike sharp deep, no fooling, no secrets. Go deeper.


March 25 2008 Moon Squares Chiron 12:33 pm EDT

Now turn your feelings inside and sense your own wounds, old hurts, vulnerability. This is a deepening process to find your own sense of humility, compassion, self-acceptance,

And by touching holding and embracing your wounded parts Grace descends, a Rebirth occurs. What once hurt can now begin to be healed because you were brave and strong enough to face it. This is the myth of St. George and the Dragon, the White Knight rescueing the Damsel in distress, Sleeping Beauty. All “Fairy Tales” are metaphysical, psychological, mythlogical,Archetypal stories of our inner selves. Chiron is the wounded Healer use the intensity of this time to really go down to the root causes and set yourself free.


March 26th  Moon Squares Saturn  3:57 pm EDT

Uh Oh. Sag. Optimism and idealism gets the cold hard heavy leaded slap in the face from Father Time Saturn. Did you get your work done? Didn’t do your best? You forgot to get back to that  person. Just look at the mess. All Retrograde Saturn in Virgo Squaring that Sagy Moon nit pickin’ criticism can drive anyone crazy especially Sagittarius Moon.

A friend of mine used to say that Saturn always wins. The Cosmic Cop is blowing the whistle on this too funky way of being deflating Sagittarius life is a big adventurous  party type of philosophy. Can they make a deal or no deal? Sag. Moon wants to put old Saturn on the first jet outbound for Vegas. Saturn is having none of it. What me gamble?

All work and no fun makes Sagittarius a depressed Moon.


March 27th

Mercury Conjuncts Uranus,19 degrees Pisces @ 4:07 pm EDT

Brilliant ideas, mind blowing revelations, freedom from old stuck mental patters is what happens now. Conscious expanding without the drugs. Get high on letting your mind get free.


Later in the day Sagittarius Moon Squares both Venus and then Uranus in the evening PDT this happens in the wee hours of the AM on the 28th EDT.


If you live out West then be watchful and mindful of feelings { MOON}and values {Venus} in conflict. When the Moon squares Uranus it will be very difficult to hold your tongue and not get a kind of Revolutionary Hoof in Mouth disease which event though you can’t foresee the consequences of before hand, may be very difficult to make any amends about later.


March 28th

Venus Conjuncts Uranus 6:58 pm EDT/3:58 pm PDT


Out with the old, in with the new! A lot of sudden relationship reversals and sudden

Ditching. Feelings that that old boring tired relationship just can’t be endured  anymore. The stock markets will continue to be topsy turvey especially the heavy Metals markets.  Enjoy the roller coaster ride and learn to value freedom, the unexpected, the rush that life is always about change ad growth. It only hurts when one holds on to the old outworn too long. Or just love the  one your with in the moment.


Jupiter sextiles Uranus @ 8:16 pm EDT

Lots of fun, whew! Big roller coaster bi-polar ride now.


Moon conjuncts Pluto 10:00 pm PDT

March 29th same aspect @ 1:00 am EDT


This is always the heaviest aspect every month. Expect major emotional storms, brawls, accidents, violence, secrets, hurt feelings, arguments, shadows lurking on every wall. Great time to reveal your soul to someone you trust, get all the pent up heavy emotions out. Have a good cry its healthy. Could also be a kinky nite.


Moon Opposite Mars 3:14 pm PDT/6:14 PM EDT


Arguments, oppositions, anger, rage, accidents, explosions both emotional and otherwise, shock and awe. I’d stay home but be very careful of fires,

Explosive chemicals, cooking, barbeques and the like. Are the Democratic candidates appearing in public today to debate anything? It’ll be hotter then hell.


Sunday March 30




And further to make the point perfectly clear, the one two punch of the Solar King and the little hot head Mars. If you made it this far after Sat. night I’d definitely head for home, safety and security. This aspect brings to light more violence, probably in Tibet where the people are fighting for their autonomy and independence from a 49 year brutal Chinese take over.


Moon conjuncts JUPITER @ 11:15 AM PDT/2:15 PM EDT

And somehow 11 hours later, everyone forgives and forgets as if nothing ever happened. Sounds just like my parents dysfunction. Nevertheless go out for a brisk walk in the woods, you’ll feel jovial, optimistic, casual, easy

Going, this aspect never holds a grudge, it was all in good fun, wasn’t it?



This is the most powerful time of the year! This is the true New Year. All new intentions are set at the beginning of Spring. As you sow so shall you reap, so get sowing.


THE Equinoxes were watched by our ancestors for thousands of years and monuments were built  to mark the passing of the seasons.

The Festival of Easter which this years comes one day after he Equinox on the 21st-23rd co-incides with a Full Moon on the 21st. This  indicates we are in a very powerfully Synchronized Rebirth.

Easter is an ancient Fertility Festival once known as Eoster.  We still use the Fertility symbols of eggs and rabbits symbols of the Goddess of Fertility to this day. Christianity overlaid its mythological story of Christ’s death and resurrection onto the already in place Solar myth of the same story. The Goddess’s consort or son {the SUN} always died and was reborn by Her Power and Love. See the video


Zeitgeist on youtube for a full explanation of how ancient a story Christ’s resurrection is. Originally all religion was based upon Astronomy/ Astronomy which in the Ancient Days was one and the same.


The SPRING EQUINOX THURSDAY. FULL MOON FRIDAY AND EASTER our cultures modern archetype of death, transformation,surrender to Soul in Rebirth all interconnected.


All Full Moons consist of the two lights opposed, but we have a very SUPER POWERFUL OPPOSITION on the Equinox that of Mars and Pluto which both square the newly born Aries Sun and the Full Moon in Libra sign of the Autumn equinox .

This configuration creates a perfect Cross in the sky.


These intense archetypes of Mars raw ego, animal instincts vs. Pluto who rules over Death/ Rebirth, transformation creates the Cardinal sign cross with the Sun and Moon.

How Archetypally significiant.on Good Friday! The Cosmos is always sending us Cosmic signs.


This Equinox ,only 4 years and 9 months away from Dec 21 2012 now, gives us a big cosmic picture of  the Archetypal Crucifixion between Big power struggles and negative ego patterns which need to be sacrificed on the Cross of Matter/Soul.  And it happens at the most sensitive points in the Zodiac those zero degrees.


This Grand Cross is a peek into the near future.


In 2 years, Pluto will still be close to the winter solstice degree of zero Capricorn, Pluto will be squared off by Uranus at 1 degree of Aries and Saturn at 1 degree of Libra  at the equinox points.

This is very very powerfull stuff and this confirguration at the Spring Equinox is the spring board if you will of further revalations and revolutions to come. 


Configurations such as these have not occurred since the 1960's when Pluto conjoined with Uranus in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces.  These outer planets create Generational influences and have very large and long lasting influences. 

what was seeded in the '60's Love Generation will be impelled to act in 2010.


For example the standoff in Tibet which  is unfolding right amongst the Tibetan people, who have been brutally repressed for 50 years, are now rising up and saying no more, and the Chinese government in the cross-hairs of the World's stage are on the brink of creating  another bloodbath.

Similar events just unfolded in Burma with Buddhist monks protesting against their military dictatorship.


Go to this link to find out more  and if it feels right please sign the petition in support of the Dali  Lama's request for diplomacy.

 [LINK: http://www.avaaz.org/en/tibet_end_the_violence/22.php/?cl=64459133]

We are heading, in the near future,to a very hard stand off between the powers of corporate control represented by Pluto in Capricorn,and the  restriction of Saturn but also possibly Karmic justice with Saturn in Libra, the symbol of the Justice card in the Tarot.

When Uranus the revolutionary awakener of consciousness and humanitarianism a transpersonal Generational Planet  hits 1 degree Aries (where the sun is now) in 2010 you can envision how this revolutionary freedom loving overthrower of staid SATURN/Capricorn Patriachy  will be ready to overthrow the old order and create a brand new beginning, impulsively, incendiarily, and brashly. Aries like Angles rush in where fools ask questions first.

These are intense times. At Spring Equinox new seeds are sewn. On Good Friday  we have the opportunity to choose to surrender to a Higher Power as Jesus did on this Cosmic Cross formed in the Heavens.

Surrendering our egos takes us through the darkness of our own shadows,but that is where the most necessary work is, owning our own dark sides, and how through omission and commission we have all given away our power to the illusions of matter and ego, but now decide to become fully conscious God/dess Beings. We are collectively redeeming our souls.


So start now, the seeds you sow now will sprout and grow over the long term.

 Set some time aside, during the Full Moon which occurs at 2:40 pm, EDT to tune in and centre yourself and to surrender to  Rebirth..Surrender your will to a higher will. This will be a powerfull  time to tune in to what your personal mission is and how to be of service to the world during a long labouring process. ask how you can midwife the World's Soul.


Energies will be tense under the Mars Pluto opposition to Sun and Moon, let it all go by. Have you been feeling old ego stiff come up from the Unconscious these past few days? That's Mars Pluto opposition. Big temper explosions, ego blow ups and such, turn the other cheek. Maybe intense family gatherings this weekend. whatever comes up use it as fodder for compassion for yurself and others.


Mars is in Cancer the sign of the warrior protecting the Mother, the Goddess, the womb, home and children, protect your Inner Child from being abused by the Corporate Big Business Pluto in Capricorn. and homeland security, we need to think collectively not insurely.


If you would like Astrology Coaching to help navigate you through these revolutionary times I am here to help guide you.




At the Equinox think about what ideas, projects, initiatives you will plant now.  


Spring arrives on March 20th 1:49 am EDT; and same day  5:48 am GMT


The Equinox Chart shows the direction for the next 3 months, and an overtone of the whole upcoming yearly natural cycle. What is seeded now will come to harvest 6 months from now and beyond. It’s set for Toronto Canada.


The chart looks pretty much the same set for Washington D.C, only with an Ascendant of 19 degrees of Sagittarius.


CARDINAL CROSS on the Full Moon

Sun at 0 degrees of Aries is in the 3rd house of Communications,  naturally the house of Gemini, so new starts in thinking, communications, new information, consciousness, with a Pisces Cusp at the 3rd. This indicates endings in communications, secrets, slander, more spiritual oriented communications. We are seeing this already as Oprah is doing internet classes with over 800,000 people discussing Eckhart Tolles' new book A New Earth.


Pluto at 1 degree of Capricorn Squares the new born Aries Sun and the Moon as does Mars at 5 degrees of Cancer. These 2 planets square to the Sun and Moon form  what’s called a Cardinal {the Signs} Grand Cross. It is very intense and screams out for action.


Both Mars and Pluto  co-rule the major transformational sign of  birth and death SCORPIO,  and they are applying intense pressure to the SUN which is ego consciousness and the Moon the Feminine feeling function and the Unconscious during this entire 3 month period.  

Mars rules the Aries Sun and he represents ego, not so strong now in Cancer, concerned with homeland security and battening down the hatches. Mars in the Equinox chart is in the 7th house of “others” business relationships, Mars the warrior is defending the U.S’s Natal Sun in Cancer against the World. Mars also gets aggressive, warlike, so, much ballyhoo, and feined warmongering here, a step up in projecting terrorism, and the like. Mars and Pluto both are destructive planets concerned with new growth, so the Mars in Cancer defensive armouring is up big time. The U.S. is in defensive posturing now.

Pluto ruling the people and the collective unconscious and the SOUL in the 1st house want CHANGE.

Pluto in Capricorn for most of the next 16 years will bring down big business, Plutocracy, the rich. But big business is in the early stages using Plutonic measures, control, power, secrets, intense manipulation so that they can have it all and control the World, make puppets out of people with mind control, drug control, media control, sexual controls.

Big business is controlling the government and has for a very long time.

It is critical that mass consciousness wakes up which as we can see is happening all over the world, witness the Tibetan peoples fighting against China’s oppressive control now.. More about Tibet later.


The Moon is in Virgo at the Equinox, a practical emotional hard working sign. Emotions are filtered through the body, are earthy and grounded now. Feelings are geared to the environment, the Earth’s health, food supplies, the harvest, and women’s rights, as Virgo is the Virgin Goddess.

The Moon is opposite both Mercury and Venus in Pisces indicating “All you need is Love” and a broader, unbounded way of thinking and valueing a total view of things.

Saturn is still Retrograde till May 2nd is also opposite Venus and Mercury indicating a what you have sown by your thinking and values you now reap! Saturn is like nature and always establishes balance.

Chiron the Wounded Healer is closely conjunct Neptune in Aquarius and the North Node in the 2nd house indicating that our highest spiritual goals can be achieved through fearlessly going into the wounds of the Sacred Dreams that have been lost, forgotten, denied, buried by addictions, and to illusions, entertainment, fantasy, co-dependency, and hopelessness and to know that that is where the healing is, and is where our innate spiritual understanding and compassion comes together to unite us in acting together { Neptune} to create the tools {2nd house} of a New Dream for the highest good of all {North Node}.

And where is Jupiter King of the Gods? In the 1st house at 18 degrees of Capricorn. Jupiter brings expansion, largesse, higher learning, International Law, Sacred Law, optimism through building a new system. We may not see the effects until Saturn goes Direct in early May as Saturn is the “final dispositor” of Jupiter now being the ruler of Capricorn and he’s been Retrograde since the beginning of 2008.


The Ascendant is in Sagittarius which Jupiter rules and this indicates Foreigners, International Trade and Laws, higher learning, judgements, sports-The upcoming Olympics in China, freedom, travel, truth and Justice. Jupiter in Capricorn is world government, laws and policies. we have to think as a whole, what China does to the Tibetans affects us all.

Speak your truth now.














Astrology Updates from Tara Greene

Copyright 2008


Astro Backdates MArch 12-th and Updates


Pisces HI Lites from head to toe mid March -to April



Venus enters Pisces on MArch 12th @ 3:51 pm PDT; 6:51 EDT

and that’s a very spiritual blissfull, sensitive, empathic, watery, ultra Soul Mate connected place for Venus to be until April 5th PDT and the 6th EDT. So enjoy this Cosmic Communion time. Feel your interconnectedness with all Life, with the Spirit World.

Venus in Pisces allows us easily to slip and slide into a chameleon like state where we can morph ourselves into feeling AT ONE with everything we see, sense, feel and perceive. There are no boundaries during this time period.

A fantastic time to meditate on your values, on love, beauty, the arts, music, poetry, money, luxury, partnerships all Venusian things. And you’ll get great results now even if you’ve found difficulty meditating. You’ll feel like everything you see is rose tinted, that you’re feet won’t be touching the ground. Send love from your heart to everyone you see, and everyone in the world. Feel your own spiritual identity, know that that is the real you, wearing the fabulously designed human body, always in style, ever out of fashion. Be creative during this time.

Pisces is the sign of the Dreamer, so rest as much as you can, tune into your dreams, pay attention to them during this period.

And be especially nice to your feet, Pisces rules the feet.

Thank your feet for carrying you upright where your crown chakra and spine are aligned with the Cosmos. If you can, walk barefoot, feel Mother Earth beneath the soles of your feet.  I know there’s still a ton of snow on the ground where I am in Toronto and environs way south of here still, so it’ll have to happen in your imagination.


If you are a Pisces or know that you have planets, nodes, Asteroids, angles  etc in Pisces then you know where your heart will be. Love, creativity, money is coming your way.


The down side of Pisces can be martyrs, victims, self-sacrificing, self effacing, guilty of belittling themselves and negatively not seeing their own  self-worth. Venus in Pisces can shine her copper mirror onto you so that you can see clearly your own self-worth and beauty. Affirm to yourself that you are a worthy being simply because you exist.

You are a mirror of Spirit. You are an eye of God/dess, Her/His ears, senses in matter.

You are a co-creator with the Great Mystery. You are divine.


Pisces is the sign of endings, the last sign of the Zodiac, so this time period can also signal re-evaluating relationships, the bank account, values and ending what does not fulfill your highest spiritual goals and clearing things out for when Venus enters Aries.


MERCURY in PISCES Mar 14th - 3:46 pm PDT; 6:46 pm EDT

Mercury the androgynous ruler of the mind, of consciousness thinking and all communications is in Pisces too, blending the heart and the mind into one big soulful, stew. From head to toe all is in the dreamy, watery, spiritual bliss world til April 2nd.

Communications is more emotional in tone with Merc in PIsces, compassionate, sensitive to feelings, undertones, secrets. The Soul speaks through the vibrations of sound, words, spoken and unspoken. Everyone will be feeling more connected to themselves, their Higher Selves and to each other. If you listen spirit will talk to you.

Excellent meditation time, your brain might feel a bit, foggy, spaced out, out of time and difficult to concentrate during this pre-tax time period. Mercury in Pisces takes the mind farther out, brilliant intuitive insights are highly likely. Daydreaming is enhanced as well, it’s all part of the Waking Dream of Life. Speak your spiritual truth, speak from spirit in wholisms, positively and think cosmically. 

Be carefull not to get caught into listening and talking about old victim routines, the down and out story, old habit patterns of self-doubt, personal worthlessness, etc.

Every moment we all have the opportunity to watch what we say. Word are power.

Mercury in Pisces is like the beginning… in the beginning there was the word.

Let each word you speak come directly from your Higher Self or don’t say a word.


Venus opposes Saturn on the 15th  @ 1:16 PM edt; 4:16 Pm EDT

This day may seem some bumps, obstacles, limitations, restrictions, obligations, maturity,

Groundedness. Values get clearer, come down to practicality. Venus in dreamy romantic Pisces opposite Saturn in Virgo wants the facts the declaration on the table, a budget, a time schedule, everything spruced up neat and tidy. You may suddenly fall madly in love with an older wiser Hermit like person this day. This aspect signifies karmic, fated  romances.

Piscean martyrs may get hauled up, stuck with big expenses, or overloaded with details, and see the light and drop the victim routine at last. This is a good thing.


Week of March 17th -23rd




Mercury in PISCES opposite SATURN @ 2:47 am PDT, 5:47 am EDT


That’ll put some tears in your green beer for sure. Don’t sob too much for the poor Irish, they’re great poets and bards and Druids, not to mentions musicians, weepers, writers, and potato lovers.

Luckily the sobering Saturn in Virgo doesn’t nit pick over happy freewheeling sailing along Mercury in Pisces too much because luck ‘o the Irish the Moon is in LEO so roar, and celebrate all you want. The Sun’s the centre of this system not Saturn in Virgo. Does the Sun look kinda green to you today? Top ‘o the morning. When Irish eyes are smiling …


March 18th The aspects are like follows:


Qunincunx - Moon to Jupiter –ouchy irritable overinflated emotions

Opposition- Moon to Chiron-wounded pride comes before the fall

Quincunx-Moon to Uranus-screw this I’m outta here!

Trine-Mercury in Pisces to Mars in Cancer-a soulfull bond with Mom, put your feet in a soothing hot bath, love where you live, do something to clean up pollution in waterways

Opposition - Leo  Moon to Neptune –  2: 38 pm EDT Fly me to the Moon, and let me sail amongst the stars, let me know what life is like on…. Pride or selflessness? Deal or no deal?

Then the Moon goes Void of Course at that precise moment after the Leo Moon Neptunian Aquarius opposition.


March 19th


One more quincunx for the road-Moon to Sun 1:34 am EDT




Let’s get down to the nitty gritty work over the next few days, precision, analysis, perfecting, get your taxes started or finished, do some physical exercise that feels good,

Get caught up on details which as you may have noticed have been quite slack since all this Pisces stuff for the last few days but feels like aeons ago.




Moon trine Pluto @ 2:26 am PDT; 5:26 am brings very powerful soul level unconscious clearing dreams.



Feeling emotionally stifled this morning? The boss hauls you on the carpet for a minor discrepancy. Expect people to be irritable, critical, no-nonsense. The buck stops here and any karma owing needs to be paid in full and on time. You’ve got 7 hours in which to do this before the Moon makes her next aspect today! Tout suite!


Moon OppOSEs Mercury @ 1:29 pm PDT; 4:29 pm EDT &

Moon Opposes Venus @ 4:31 pm PDT; 7:31 pm EDT


Oppositions can either tear you in two or they can be used creatively each side or planetary body listening to the others point of view and agreeing to do a little give and take together. This is called polarity, duality, coupling, equality.


Will Barak and Hilary work it out, ya think?




This is the most powerful time of the year! This is the true New Year. All new intentions are set at the beginning of this cycle. As you sow so shall you reap so get sowing.






Astrological updates from Tara Greene

Copyright 2008



7:03 pm EST 4:03 pm PST  and then



First the GOOD NEWS gentle spiritual ideal soul mate stuff then the hard tough goods  &




Occurring at 22 degrees plus change of Aquarius this LOVELY COMBINATION is as good, high, spiritual, idealistic, dreamy, foggy, romantic, compassionate, inspired and delusional as it gets.

The effects last till March 9th when Mercury makes the next conjunction with Neptune early in the am but this just serves to give the aspect a language and enable it to be communicated.

Venus rules the Feminine, women, love and romance, the arts, beauty, peace, money, values and balance. In Aquarius since Feb 17th the Goddess is airy, detached, inventive, humanitarian, craves the offbeat, loves a crowd, values group process.

Neptune is considered to be the Higher Octave of Venus, a higher order of Love, a spiritual, devotional, unbounded, Soul Mate, compassionate, dreamy, diffuse, addictive, moving and swaying to trancy, trippy, ethereal, meditative, communion. Neptune IS real spirituality, sounds like a contradiction in terms maybe, as it is intangible, a heaven world, like a drug trip, seeing the world with compassion, feeling your interconnection to the ALL from whence you came and to which you’ll return. Illumination and delusion are two edges of the same sword, genius or madness?

Neptune also rules oil, and as we can see at the gas pumps, oil prices have reached peaks never before seen. Is it real or just a fantasy? That is, is there really an “oil crisis” or is this just some fantasy brewed up by the governments and the media to control and manipulate everyone for their own ends?

So, High Romance, see the best in yourself and others, a great night for meeting your Soul Mate or at least aligning with this energy to put out to the Universe for that.

Ultimately the Beloved is within yourself, you need to make the “Sacred Marriage” within yourself first, love yourself to attract the physical one on the outer levels.

Meditate, take advantage of the visualization properties available during this transit.

Oh and be very careful with drinking and drugs on this day.



Well of course if you’re an Aquarius and your Birthday falls at FEB 10-14th you get the Major LOVE hit in the form of the conjunction. Sing “On the Street where you live” from My Fair Lady. Co-incidentally it was shown on TV last night.


You’ll feel the pressure to lite up your heart and soul, fall madly in love with the first person you see a la a Midsummer Night’s Dream if you’re a Taurus born May 12-15th and if you’re a Scorpio born Nov 13-16th as 

this Conjunction aspects you through a Square –90 degree aspect.


LEO’s born Aug 13-16th get the Opposition, now this may be tough. Leo is the Sign of pride, will, heart, ego, me first when unevolved. The Opposition by Venus Neptune might just shatter the illusions of the ego showing you that there really is not just a you, but a them as well and you’re all in the same Love Boat.

This is highly significant for the Baby Boomer Generation as they collectively and in great numbers have their Natal Pluto’s between 20-24 degrees of Leo if born between Aug 51 and Aug 54. They’re getting to be around 53-56 years old. This is the Love Generation or the tail end of it, it’s time they really put Love and Spirituality first on a real level over money possessions and pride.


Very nice for those having planets and angles at 20-24 degrees of Air Signs, Gemini’s born June 11-14th  and  Libra’s born Oct 13-16th get blessed with the Trine.

If your sign wasn’t mentioned don’t worry we’re all under the affects.

And enjoy the la la love while you can because 8 hours later…


MARS PLUTO OPPOSITION March 7th 1:00 AM PST, 9:00 AM GMT, 3:00 AM EST at Zero degrees Cancer. Capricorn


This is a huge catalyst and will definitely prove to be incendiary. Mars and Pluto co-rule the Sign of Scorpio, never mind that Pluto’s been demoted. Zero degrees of all Cardinal  signs mark the Solstices and Equinox points of the Year. These are considered to be “the world axis.”  Zero degrees Cancer which Mars re-entered on the 4th after his long retrograde phase, represents Summer, the Highest point of the Sun in the sky in the Northern Hemisphere. Cancer represents home, motherhood, security, emotions, safety, nurturing it is Feminine water and emotional. Zero degrees Cancer in a  Natural chart is the cusp of the 4th house, symbolic midnight, privacy. Mars is not strong in Cancer, he’s on leave visiting Mom at home so he’s taken off his military fatigues for now. Mars in Cancer can symbolize all the destructive negative fears around Mom, around the Feminine power. Mars is Cancer protects the home, is very security conscious, cocooned, batten down the hatches. Mars in Cancer here reflects the people- represented by Pluto anger frustration and disappointment around losing their homes and security in the mortgage meltdown fiasco as well as job insecurity.

The uppest side of Mars in Cancer is defending and protecting the Mother, the Goddess. Defending the principles of  nurturing caring, security and warmth of the Mother Earth herself who nurtures all her children. It’s like protecting and ensuring a pregnant woman has no stress during her pregnancy, honouring and supporting the values of nurturing not warring.

 Pluto is at Zero degrees of Capricorn the opposite sign. Zero degrees Capricorn represents the advent of Winter, the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. Capricorn is an earth sign, Feminine practical, governing traditions, the Patriarchy, career, hierarchies, big business, seniority, maturity, structures, lead, hard work, hard times,

Patience, persistence, goals. Zero degrees Capricorn in a Natural House system is the curp of the 10th house, the highest point and symbolic Noon in a chart where the Sun is overhead and shining the brightest.


These two zero degree points are the two main points in a quadrant system. Mars and Pluto crossing and activating and opposing these 2 point symbolizes rocking, change. Mars is the God of War, spontaneous, fiery, passionate, explosive, acts before thinking. Pluto is Lord of Death, Transformation, Rebirth, Wealth, Power, Secrets, Nuclear waste, garbage, and Control. Pluto also represents the Collective Unconscious which is the shadow side of the totality’s projections. Pluto’s nature is to gradually change and break down whatever sign he is moving through.

The 2 planets opposition at this time signify huge changes in WORLD government, in political structure, in violently enflamed passions, opposing forces, conflict, anger, dissolution of old policies, the old structure retaliating through fear and retreating into the safe  old ways irregardless of what works.

This is the 3rd of these oppositions. The first occurred Sept 21 07, at 26 Gemini-Sagittarius; the 2nd Jan 2, 08 at 29 degrees Gemini-Sag. This is the 3rd and final hit of this and the 2 planets have moved into new signs, new territory so this opposition carries new energy forwards.

Mars and Pluto are pairs and higher octaves of each other just as Venus and Neptune. Mars is personal desires, sexuality, aggression and Pluto’s highest level is the Soul itself whose mission is impersonal and Divine.


March 7th 12:15 pm EST; 9:15 am PST; 5:15 pm GMT


Pisces is the last of the Signs and New Moons are always new intentions. This is also symbolically and in the Natural order the last New Moon of the Season as the Spring Equinox the real New Year falls on March 20th this year with a Libra Full Moon the day after.


So we have got one full revolution since the last beginning of Spring. It is a time to take stock of the journey. Pisces is the return to Source. During the Sun’s sojourn through Pisces we are all more emotional and sensitive, imaginative and malleable, we go with the flow.


This is a very Uranian New Moon as Uranus at 18 degrees + sits but 1 degree away from the Sun and Moon at 17 degrees. Uranus revolutionizes and reverses things puts us on a dramatic cosmic roller coaster ride. Uranus is the awakener, the liberator from illusion, Uranus rules Aquarius an inventive air sign and his presence in Pisces and conjunct the New Moon is to get us to question technology, question reality and integrate thought’s {Air} interconnection with Pisces spirituality, ie; Quantum Physics.

A plethora of planets are lined up in Airy Aquarius now Chiron, Mercury, Neptune Venus and the North Node.


Aquarius searches for new ideas, revolutionary ones, contributes to humanitarian group work. Most of the planets are in Universal signs now. Only Saturn in Virgo and Mars in Cancer, the South Node are not. We are being called to group think, to know at this Pisces New Moon that we are all interconnected, every species, we are water, spiritual and conscious puddles if you will. Pisces is the sign of the Dream and the dreamer.


The energies will be intense and fraught with tension, disagreements, sudden change in politics, can indicate a terrorist attack, a war suddenly springing out of nowhere, a very bumpy ride for the 2 democratic candidates for the Presidency, greater concern over water, who owns it, supplies. We are at a huge crux, we are in the crucible.

Pull in the higher energies of PISCES peace, compassion over war.

What must fall and die must fall, holding on to the old order and the old ways of doing business won’t work anymore. The people will like in that old movie say “we’re not going to take it anymore.” And rise up in revolution.






connecting to his Healing Heart NOW
Healing the Emerald City on EARTH
copyright Tara Greene 2008
Just happened to notice that the North Node is transitting at 27 degrees + of Aquarius. The North Node is our highest spiritual and collective goal. Event hough the Age of Aquarius won't officially begin till another hundred years or so by some accounts, still the calendars have been arbitrarily changed by kings and conquereors to suit their own needs and besides when was that start date?
WHat caught my intuition is that the SOUTH NODE the point always exactly opposite the North, has been since the beginning of 2008 passed through the last degrees of LEO and is now at 27 degrees + of LEO.
The SOUTH NODE of the MOON represents what we karmically and collectively are pulling in from the past, from our memories, the unconscious, the seat of the Soul, what we hold as cellular knowldege in the watery basis of our bodies, what we intuit deep down.
The South Node passing over the 29th degree of LEO till where we're at right now is sitting on the ROYAL STAR REGULUS.
Regulus is one of the 4 Royal Stars or watchers in the sky. Each one of these 4 is aligned with an Archangelic Being. In this case Regulus is the fixed Star point embodying and through which the Archangel RAphael, the Angel of Healing works.
I consider htis to be a very auspicious omen, a sense of protection of healing times for us all, a protective indicator.
HAving recently encounter Angels in a very new and powerfull way I know that their presence is near, real and that they are here to guide and protect all who are aware of and ask for their help.
Archangel Raphaels colur is ENERALD GREEN, he works from the Heart Center where all healing originates from.
See yourself bathed in Emerald Green Light, feel your heart connecting to the Emerald Light, pulsing Enerald green light pumping out from your heart to encircle the whole world.
Picture healing for your self, those you love, the emerald green beauty of the Earth.

A R ecli Even though Mercury went Direct Feb 18th it's still not out of its shadow periodshadow period until MArch 10th so it's sorta forwards but expect some

glitches still as I'm finding at my website at the moment.ll

it's s




               A LUNAR eclipse especially a TOTAL one changes the Collective

Collective Unconscious, the instincts, and deepest feelings. Eclipses occur at

exactly the same degree in cycles. This one is # 133. To me this particular

ular number contains the number 1 which is the current universal year number

                 and the number 33 which is the number of The highest Initiation.

The periodicity and reocurrance of solar (and lunar) eclipses is governed by the Saros cycle, a period of approximately 6,585.3 days (18 years 11 days 8 hours).

Every approximately 19 years the Eclipses occur at almost exactly the same degree. This last one was Feb 20, 1989. Where were you then? Who were you then? What were you feeling then? For me that eclipse preceeded the break up  of my first marriage, which had lasted almost 10 years.

When two eclipses are separated by a period of one Saros, they share a very similar geometry. The eclipses occur at the same node with the Moon at nearly the same distance from Earth and at the same time of year. Thus, the Saros is useful for organizing eclipses into families or series. Each series typically lasts 12 to 13 centuries and contains 70 or more eclipses.

Lunar eclipses of Saros series 133 all occur at the Moon’s descending node and the Moon moves northward with each eclipse. The series began with a partial eclipse south of the Ecliptic on May 13, 1557 . The series will end with a partial eclipse north of the Ecliptic on 2819 Jun 29. The total duration of Saros series 133 is 1262.11 years, and that’s a very long time for the sacred geometry to play itself out.


The Eclipse will be visible over most of Canada and all of South America.

Eclipse effects last 3 months to a year. IF your birthday is within 2 days either side of the Eclipse you will feel it’s effects the most. If your birth date is  Aug 20-21st give or take 2 days either way you will feel the oppositon, the polarizing effect. If your birth date is May 20-21st + or – a day or two and Nov 20-21st + or – a day or two you will feel the square effect from this eclipse this puts pressure on your feelings to radically change.

Most notably for me is the fact that the Eclipse falls within 2 degrees of the Great Archangell Star Fomalhaut one of the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse mentioned in Revelations. Fomalhaut is presently at @ 3 degrees Pisces 52 minutes.


A VIRGO LUNAR ECLIPSE falls in the natural 6th house pertaining to work and service, community, health, pets. It is the last house below the horizon line as we prepare to leave the lower world for the upperworld of relationships and all interactions with others.
VIRGO is the Hermit in the TArot, Perfecting, Organized, Disciplined, Analytical, Devoted to serving others.
The Moon at 2 degrees of Virgo is closely conjunct Retrograde Saturn this is a karmic time, a time of limitations in work, a time to ask what our karma is in being devoted to Serve a Higher SPiritual Pisces Sun power.
Pluto sextiles the Sun from that ZERO degree Capricorn point HIGH NOON for the whole world and Mars at 26 degrees of Gemini sextiles the Moon and s opposite Pluto-potentially a very dangerous position, watch for much tumult and change in politics, war, conflagrated tempers appropriate to MARS/PLUTO Scorpionic influences,and yes MArs is opposite the Galactic Center still and so those very powerfull potent energies from the Galactic Center are still very much in the forefront and quite effective at easily maneovering the energies unleashed by this Lunar Eclipse.

Retrograde Saturn forms a waxing{forming} opposition to the Sun {exact Feb 24} highliting whatever ancient fears beliefs an dlimitations have been clouding your subconscious.
SAturn moves Retro till MAy 2nd then stations Direct at 1 degree 41 minutes of Virgo, almost exactly on this Eclipse degree.
Because all eclipses remain active just prior to-witness Castro's resignation, Kosovo's independence,
there waqs a huge fire in Toronto on the 20th which destroyed half a city block of historical buildings,and
for at least 3 months  afterwards planets transiting that degree act as triggers helping us to move forwards and not collapse back into old patters unconsciously. This is a good thing.
As Saturn stations direct May 2nd focus on essentials, budgeting Virgoian stuff, organization, analyzing the situation, right livlihood, community, eliminate anything which is holding you back you'll have the discipline to complete great projects now. 
In Mid March Venus and Mercury transit 2 degrees Pisces bringing inisghts and values. MAy 22nd the Sun squares that point bringing conscious awareness.

VALENTINE'S DAY 2008 FEB 14 Retro-Romance
For the 2nd year in a row on V-Day we've got Mercury Retrograde. As Mercury rules all thinking and communications, and love, romance and communications are so inextricably linked,  it looks like it's gonna be one of communications snafus; a time to fondly Re-minisce, a Retro,old fashioned kind of Valentine's Day.
Wear something funky, modish, '40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's even. Go to a Retro styled dinner club, a disco, an old favourite haunt, the site of your first date or simply stay at home and have a romantic evening in.
The Astrology energies for VALENTINE'S DAY are symbolized by VENUS for women and MARS for men.
Venus is the Goddess of Love, Harmony, Beauty, Relationships, Balance and she is in Capricorn,which is an Earthy, practical, traditional sign. Love has to be real, demonstrated to the world. With this placement the ladies want tradition. That old fashioned candle light dinner and the romantic gypsy violinist and the reminders of your early love will do splendidly. Venus in Capricorn means that the ladies are also in biz. mode, they want practical not just frivoulous things. Beside the trads, why not get her a new briefcase, think that's not romantic? She'll think of you every day at work. Relationships in the work place may be sparked now. Maybe you two have more in comon than you think at the water fountain.
Mars is in Gemini, signifying that this is not so good for the women. Mars in an air sign means lots of chat not backed up by anything. He'll say whatever he has to right now to get what he wants or thinks he wants in the momnet. The guys are of two minds, two hearts, ambiguous, undecided, flighty, uncommitted, highly nervous and immaturely boyish.
Ladies YOU decide where you're going to go out to dinner. Don't expect any marriage proposals this Valentine's Day. Wait a bit till Mars enters Cancer again. Communication will be light, breezy, he may whisper soft words of love into your eye but change his mind the next day.
Neptune the Planet of Divine Love is in Aquarius, revolutionizing and freeing the Soul Mate field up. You want to explore love at a higher level, get the big picture, do it differently and much more soulfully.
Neptune wants you to Love the One you're with, but his sojourn through Aquarius demands the freedom to explore all those potential soul-mates. When the right one comes along-you'll know.
Saturn the planet of karma, traditions-like marriages, maturity, responsibility, is also Retrograde and in Virgo. Saturn, ruler of Capricorn is the dispositor or final ruler of Venus -LOVE and Women this day. Virgo is the sign of the nit picky perfectionist, organizer.
Let go of karmic patterns, heavy responsabilities, debt worries on this Valentine's Day. Be frugal- Saturn in Virgo demands a balanced budget. Try not to pine for old loves, lost loves, criticizing yourself like silly or others for not being perfect enough. Relationships in the work place may blossom now. Show him or her just how serious and responsible you can be. Wait, be patient, love is blooming underground, tax time is approaching must get the business details out of the way, and balance the love affairs books first.
Mercury is the final dispositor or ruler of Mars in Gemini -the guys this Valentine's Day and of course we're back to the Mercury Retrograde. What goes around comes around.
Ultimately every day is about manifesting and giving love-to yourself , your family, friends, parents, relatives, the environment, God/Goddess.
And in the immortal words of The Beatles-
"And in the end,
the love you make,
is equal to the love you take."

Astrology Updates  Jan 28 –Feb 10th


Copyright Tara Greene 2008


Hi lites of this 2 week period


MERCURY RETROGRADE – Jan 28 3:31 pm –Feb 18 @ 9:50 Pm EST/  6:50 Pm PST




Feb 1st VENUS CONJUNCT JUPITER -yummy romantic, expensive dinner dates, GAMBLING BIG IN BUSINESS


 FEB 6th  Annular SOLAR ECLIPSE  E.S.T.  and  Feb 7 GMT

The first Eclipse of 2008 begins Chinese NEW YEAR of the Earth Rat - Gung Hai Fat Choi!  


Mars the warrior has been moving Retrograde, that is appearing to move backwards to us and backtracking everyone’s actions, keeping anger down or inflating it through repression, and generally slowing things down to thicker than molasses this year. Wondered why things have been moving so slow?  Mars began this Retrograde on Nov. 15th 07 so it’s been a while struggling to swim upstream against the current.  Things begin to happen again sing “I like to move it move it.” but it may still be slowish. It’ll take until April 4th till Mars is back to where he got off the bus and all activities are Full speed ahead again.


Mars turned Retro  @ 12 degrees 27 minutes of Cancer. Mars goes Direct at 24 Degrees if Gemini.

Mars crossed that V.I.P. opposite the Galactic Center @ 27 Gemini {Galactic Center is 27 degrees of Sagittarius} once in direct motion in mid September, and then again Retrograde till Jan 9th 08.Now Mars will Conjunct this Opposition point again on from Feb 13- March 1st – a good 2 week period. This extended time will re-activate and firing up and off all of the ties ins, Planets and Stars that had conjunctions with the Galactic Center -Pluto, Jupiter, Mercury, the Sun in Dec. and Venus recently crossing it on Jan 22 and 23rd.  The Galactic Center is the evolving hyperconsciousness and creative source for all in our little home Galaxy in the big neck of the woods called the Universe. SO if you feel. Like me that you haven’t gotten “the Full Download” yet- You ain’t heard nothing yet..  so Stay tooned.



Mercury Retrograde-Not again!

This one happens the most often and is the planetary effect most easily felt as Mercury governs over all communications, consciousness, computers etc. so you know what to do already don’t ya?

RE-lax, review, rewind, rest, re-invent, etc. This is the cosmic plan to not always be moving forwards in a masculine, linear conscious way. Mercury Retrogrades are Feminine, thinking out of the box, reflective, equivalent to a good nights sleep for the mind.

Mercury goes Retro @ 23 degrees of Aquarius 53 minutes. Mercury entered the AIR sign on Jan 7th. On Feb 18th Mercury goes Direct Feb 18th @ 8 degrees 19 “ Aquarius. Mercury will re-cross the starting Retropoint on March 10th so it’ll take awhile for everything to totally move forwards.


Jan 26-Feb 2nd Mercury and Mars form an Air Trine for about a week as they slow down and change directions. This is very stimulating and may make people feel edgy.


The MOON WHERE she's at & V.O.C. TIMES


Void of Course means never to start anything under these times guaranteed to go nowhere, splat, don’t waste your energy


Mon. Jan 28TH LIBRA moon goes V.o.c.  @ 4:47 EST / 1:47 PST

Jan 29  Moon enters SCORPIO @  4:35 am EST / 1:35 am PST

Jan 31 Scorpio Moon goes V.o.c.  3:34 am EST / 12:35 am PST

Jan 31  Moon enters SAGITT. @ 5:08 pm EST /2:08 pm   PST                

Feb 2   Sag. Moon goes V.o.c. @ 5:21 pm EST / 2: 21 pm PST – ST. BRIGID”S DAY/ CANDLEMAS

Feb 3   Moon enters CAPRICORN @ 4:52 am EST / 1:52 am PST


Jan 28-

Libra Moon trines Mercury 4:20 pm EST

    -nice communications in romanc

 Moon Trines Mars in Gemini 4:47 pm. Last aspect lots of emotional anger, intensity, energy 

Jan 29  -

Scorpio Moon till the 31st always Intense, emotional, roller coaster, secretive, powerfull. SEXY  as Mars the ruler of Scorpio turns Direct all on hold sexy relationships can move forwards now.

 - Venus in Capricorn Trines Saturn so get serious set a future  marriage or artsy business plans.


Jan 30  -

Moon Squares Sun, and Chiron early in the day. Intense and painfull, but going through the pain consciously brings healing

 -  Moon Squares Neptune in late evening dream deep spiritual dreams and ideal, good for intense meditation


Jan 31

Scorpio Moon Squares Mercury newly direct so go over past resentments, the list, your intentions, renew,let go


Feb 1 - VENUS CONJUNCTS JUPITER in Capricorn @ 6:33 am EST / 3:33 am PST @ 10 degrees of Capricorn




This one is a big beneficial one. The Markets may improve a lot, romance and travel zings, a feel good loving creative day. Make long term plans to benefit from what you love to do in work and romance.

Think of Katherine Hepburn and Soencer Tracy in those old comedies. Smooth, suave, funny, tension, competition. Venus in Capricorn is all business she loves being at the top of the Corporate ladder, she is Feminine, seductive. Jupiter in Capricorn is BIG Business, world biz, traveling, gambling, going for the top doing what you love creatively and with a sense of Jupiterian humour and inspiration.



Katherine Hepburn & Spencer Tracy a Venus in Cepri
corn/Jupiter In Capricorn kinda conjunction

 WHERE"S THAT MOON? & Void of Course Times of Course!


Feb 4   Cap. Moon goes V. o.c. @ 1:20 pm EST /  10:20 am PST

Feb 5   Moon enters AQUARIUS @ 2:10 pm EST / 11:10 am PST  MARDIS GRAS –FAT TUESDAY

Feb 7 Aqua. Moon goes V.o.c. @ 10:50 am Est / 7:50 am PST

Feb 7  Moon enters PISCES @  8:46 pm EST / 5:46 pm PST CHINESE NEW YEAR 

Feb 9 Pisces Moon goes v.o.c. @ 4:05 pm EST/ 1:05 PM PST

Feb 9 Moon enters ARIES 10:17 pm PST


Feb 1st- 10 Moon enters Aries 1:17 am EST

 -Sagittarius Moon Squares Saturn early am. Fiesty and freedom loving Saggy Moon;s gotta get serious in the details department.

 -Moon Squares Uranus late in the day PST pretty bumpy, dream big revolutionary dreams, go on a vacation unexpectedly, walk off the job you hate today.


Feb 2. Sag. Moon opposes Mars 5:21 pm  Est / 2:21 pm PST –irritable, think before you put your hoof in your mouth


Feb 2   MERCURY CONJUNCTS NEPTUNE 7:55 pm Est / 4:55 pm PST 21 degrees Aquarius

 Retro Mercury helps you review consciousness, spirit, dreams, fantasy, creative projects, soul mate plans.



          Pagan CELEBRATION OF Brigid Goddess of healing, smithcraft, poetry, Fire – see -Sacred Holidays  heading.

           The light is waxing, we’re at the ½ way point to Spring.


Feb 3 - MOON conjuncts PLUTO at Zero degrees of Capricorn


This is the first conjunction by the Moon to Pluto in his sojourn through Capricorn. The zero degree point is very powerful considered to be HIGH NOON, symbolizes where we want to shine the brightest on the worlds stage. So bring your feeling body into this now. An archetypal new beginning in so many ways.


- Moon Trines Saturn 5:59 pm EST/ 2:59 pm PST

    And get those feelings into a form, a carefully executed and detailed long term Saturnine plan.


Moon Conjuncts Jupiter 10:26 pm PST/ Feb 4th 1:26 am EST

-  Feel good about conquering the world, teach, education, business plans,traveling, inspiring.

-    Moon conjuncts Venus @ 7:29 am EST / 4:29 am PST – highly serious business romance moves

-  Sun conjuncts Chiron @ 10:06 pm PST


Feb 5 Sun conjuncts Chiron –1:06 am on Mardis GRAs

 - The light of consciousness is let into the wounds, Aquarian energy sees the bigger picture and is able to get over it. Celebrate your liberation this Mardis Gras.


Feb 6  HUGE AQUARIUS SOLAR ECLIPSE –“Let the  Sunshine” 7:45 pm PST, 3:45 am GMT, 10:45 pm EST


The coming Annular Solar Eclipse will have a very significant impact on us all. All eclipses shut down the Sun or the Moon’s Light either a Solar or Lunar Eclipse. Elements of our lives that are no longer true for us are taken away, new insights occur. Eclipse alter the magnetic fields of the earth. AQUARIUS, the water bearer of Consciousness, connected to the TAROT trump # 17 THE STAR


 AQUARIUS Is a collective Universal Sign, it’s airy mental fields are very open to inclusiveness of groups, efforts, larger ideals, Higher Consciousness, literally Stellar Cosmic Consciousness-we are Star Dust, and a detached egoless love, placed opposite the Sign of Leo. Aquarius is the Sign of Revolutionaries, breaking down old Patriarchal structures, inventive, innovative, individualized consciousness. We are entering an ego-less revolutionary group consciousness collective shift in thinking.

There is a HUGE STELLIUM-Astrologeeze for a group of 3 or more planets bunched together.

We have SUN MOON NEPTUNE, MERCURY AND CHIRON THE WOUNDE HEALER ALL WITH IN 6 DEGREES OF EACH OTHER. Plus Vesta the Sacred Flame Asteroid and the North Node at 27  degrees of Aquarius. That’s 7 bodies luminaries all in a cosmic pile up. It’s like a nightmare, which we all know to be gifts from the Heavens, You know how they keep tapping you over Andover till you get the message? Seven bodies in Heaven itself is a very sacred number, seven charkas, seven days of the week, seven heavens, etc.

Chiron is a planetary body named after a Greek centaur who was a great healer but immortal and wounded and so the pain was so much he gave up his immortality to die, he was eventually immortalized in the stars, Chiron Chiron is a bridge between the mortal and the Divine. He is the Archetype of The Wounded Healer. In Aquarius this is the stigma of being different, visionary, having physical disabilities, and emotional ones, feeling estranged, unloved, unaccepted, isolated yet working to heal others compassionately. Chiron’s message is join with other “black sheep: outcasts, rebels with a cause, power in numbers, thinking for oneself as he is so closely conjunct Mercury spending double his time in Aquarius during his Retrograde phase now. The pain is lessened by talking it out loud, having like minded support groups, sharing, commiserating, The wounded-all of us-can rise together and overthrow old dichotomies in Politics, Bug Business, the way natural resources are handled, world wide co-operation of countries linked for the common good.

Uranus is the Planetary Ruler of all in Aquarian energies and he is at 16 degrees of Pisces, the natural 12th house electrifying the spiritual message of compassion, forgiveness, Bliss, working behind the scenes, connecting to others, technologies that interconnect and revolutionize communications for uplifting reasons, fantasy, illusion, delusion, denial, secrets, karma.

Mars Trines the Sun Moon and Neptune from 24 degrees of Gemini-dare we say he’s only 3 degrees off the Galactic Center? Mars in Gemini is very fast brain work, duality, relationships, talking a lot,

Debating, arguing, gathering all the information, what is usually hidden, obscure, left of center field is Mars in Gemini’s delight and fodder. Much slinging or arrows in Presidential debates, this is the Martial Warrior of Gab running the show. May not be able to make a decision but we’re not there yet.

Pluto Lord of death and Rebirth is sitting at the Gates of Hades and on the Gates of Zero degrees of Capricorn is symbolically at the top of the World High Noon right now. He semi-squares {an irritating flea itching type of influences 45 degrees} the Sun, Moon and Neptune. Pushing for total transformation and say you want a Revolution? Yes says Pluto, Now.


Saturn Lord of Karma is Retrograding at 6 degrees of Virgo. {my South Node and lots of other Baby Boomers as well}  He is the wordly ruler of the Eclipse.

Saturn is the Ancient Ruler of Aquarius, the Masculine polarity. Uranus is the Spiritual Ruler.

He is Trining Pluto, so the old boys are ready to throw in the towel according to my delineation of this powerfull sign. Saturn in Virgo is showing the limits of wanton destruction to Our Mother The Earth, We have the analytical intelligence and capabilities to Transform this very dire situation  for the benefit of all. Aquarius message in this eclipse is we’re all on the same small  blue and green ship hurtling through space. Saturn is Retrograde so we’re going back over familiar territory still but the breaking point is near when

Saturn and Uranus face-off BEGINING August 2008.

Saturn in Virgo is service, a budget, perfectionistic, health issues, work and Uranus in Pisces can be idealistic, secretive, delusional, addicted, in denial, karmic. Saturn builds Uranus topples it, there is a battle looming between the progressive dreamers, want to cleanup the Earth and those who would enslave people in corporations running the show, owning the people and all the earth’s resources. That’s what we have to look forwards to most of 2008. 

Saturn can be used to express Uranus in Pisces energies  n a positive way by building and restructuring old services, ways of managing government, businesses, and build new positive earth enhancing health enhancing, service oriented businesses who can have modest profits through serving the collective good and budget the earth’s natural resources.

Jupiter and Venus are both dancing fairly cheek to cheek still in Capricorn, Lady of Beauty, Love, Harmony, the Arts, Money, Luxury and Big Boy Jupiter want thrift, structure, International games, sports, gambling, exotica, and Higher Truth in business, world wide justice. Jupiter in Capricorn is spend it all but to we owe it to our corporate shareholders too.

This Eclipse is a Super New Moon and the Start of Chinese New Year, what with the Olympics and the Earth Rat being intelligent and bountiful China will have a super year but it truly has to climb on the Aquarian engine. The past is good, honourable, but we must integrate the new and be inclusive.


Eclipses occur because of the Moon’s Nodes. The Nodes are points in space where the Moon crosses the path of  the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. Since Ancient times this focal point in space has been symbolically associated with serpents, symbols of transformation and transmutation, they were associated with the death and rebirth mysteries of the Goddess. They are points that travel backwards on the Ecliptic.  

The North Node or  Dragon’s Head which moved from Pisces into Aquarius Dec 17 07 takes about two and a half years to move through a sign and thus symbolizes are collective spiritual and conscious map.

We are in Aquarius territory now, out with the old. The South Node always opposite the North is in Leo, the past what we need to let go of, and where it is easiest to fall back into.

Leo is ego, power over,drama, childishness, Me Generation, Baby Boomers, the heart, the will, the courage.

Transitting North Node in Aquarius 

Dec 17,07- August 21, 2009

represents a collective imperative to transcend the ego’s dictates of self-interest to join the human collective with integrity altruism and a fresh vision of the Earth. We are all born of Woman, we are all her children.

The Star image of the Tarot is Aquarius personified. She was traditionally associated with Nuit Egyptian Sky Goddess, whose celestial nutriment, her Cosmic Milk of Mother Love and Nurturing spurted out across our Galaxy for which it still bears the name Milky Way Galaxy from Ga Lactic.

We live in the return of the Goddesses’ Era, her stars above our heads every day and night a cosmic symbol of her love and nurturing support for all her children.

So the big questions are?  Future, past. How did we get here? What brought us collectively to this place and time? What needs to be changed, revolutionized in each one of our lives and collectively? HOw do we get back into the Great Goddesses' bosom?

The Great Star Goddess Nuit arching over the sky
Her Galactic milk of human kindness spurted out as the stars

So the big questions are?  Future, past. How did we get here? What brought us collectively to this place and time? What needs to be changed, revolutionized in each one of our lives and collectively?

Eclipses have long term effects lasting up to a year or more. 


This Annular Solar Eclipse occurs at 7:44 pm PST, 10:44 pm EST on February 6, 2008, and 3:44 am February 7, GMT/UT. It has mid-Virgo rising in California, mid-Libra rising in EST, 13 Sag rising in London, 16 Sag rising in Amsterdam,  Istanbul has 20 Capricorn rising, Bagdhad has 14 Aquarius rising,  N. Delhi has 30 Pisces rising,  Bangkok has 28 Aries rising and Tokyo has 22 Gemini on the Ascendant. W. Australia has early Taurus rising, Melbourne has 25 Taurus rising,. That info courtesy of Copyright 2008 Robert Wilkinson

It is said that the Highest Visibility of an Eclipse is where it impacts most and the greatest effects can be expected, lasting the number of years that the eclipse is long in minutes. Partial phases of this eclipse are visible primarily from eastern Australia, New Zealand, the South Pacific, and most of Antarctica. Not so good for the folks Down Under. Rising ocean levels will probably be the most immediate visible effect. Also the unearthing of ancient advanced civilizations at the South Pole..

NASA;s Info on the Eclipse”

An annular eclipse will be visible from a wide track, that traverses Antarctica and southern regions of the Pacific Ocean. A partial eclipse will be seen within the much larger path of the Moon's penumbral shadow, which includes the southeastern third of Australia, all of New Zealand and most of Antarctica.

The annular path begins in Antarctica at 03:20 UT when the Moon's antumbral shadow meets Earth and forms a 581 kilometre wide corridor near the base of the continent's peninsula region. Traveling westward, the shadow quickly crosses Antarctica and turns north as it heads into the Pacific. Greatest eclipse takes place at 03:55:05 UT when the eclipse magnitude will reach 0.9650. At this instant, the annular duration is 2 minutes 12 seconds, the path width is 444 kilometres and the Sun is 16° above the featureless horizon of the open ocean. The central track continues north before gradually curving to the east where it ends at local sunset at 04:31 UT...

The most unusual characteristic of this eclipse is that it begins and ends along Earth's sunset terminator. Most eclipse paths that travel from west to east. However, the 2008 annular eclipse path begins by running east to west and slowly turns north before curving west to east near its terminus.

 My family and I will be in  Cuba during this eclipse, getting a very different perspective on it.

I intend to record meditations at the eclipse. I’ll keep you informed.

Enjoy it. Let go of the past. Join the group. Invent new technologies and ways of communicating so we get off the Tower of Babel.



After the huge impact of the Eclipse try to give yourself a bit of down time to assimilate it all exact conjunctions today. For healing {Chiron} the mind.Moon joins North Node so this should be very intuitively Blissful. Moon enters Pisces.

Feb 8

Moon opposite Saturn 8:08 am EST/5:08 am PST will give your emotions a clunk. Get that intuition to work, right now, do something practical about it. Moon conjuncts Uranus 11:49 Pm PST see below-


Moon Conjuncts Uranus Woopdeedooo! 2:49 am EST  the roller coaster ride begins, say loose, hang loose, ride that wave and enjoy it.

  MOON SQUARES MARS – 4:00 Pm Est/ 1:05 pm PST- watch out for hefty tempers, short wicks etc.  

MOON SQUARE PLUTO –10:17 Pm PST –Feb 10 1:17 Pm EST  Difficult irritable Moon’s in Aries. Avoid confrontations people will be irritable.

Happy Birthday Michael.


9:03 Pm Est/ 6:03 pm PST influential all week! ROMANTIC, ARTISTIC, BLISSFULL, COMPASSIONATE

At 22 degrees of Aquarius good for artists, composers, gurus, illusionists, hi tech people get brilliant ideas, break away to Bliss, watch the drugs and alcohol, falling in loveis easy now, everyone’s wearing the rose coloured glasses and everyone is your soul mate. Famous people in the spotlight now, with their drugs, addictions, etc. more spectacular than usual.

Great day to meditate and see the Light!


Copyright Tara Greene 2008



Jan 20 Sun enters Aquarius

Jan 23 Venus Conjunct Pluto

Jan 24 Venus enters Capricorn



Jan 20 Moon enters CANCER @ 12:05 am PST;  3:05 am EST

Jan 21 Moon goes Vo C @ 2:56 am PST; 5:56 am EST

Jan 22 Moon enters LEO @ 2:20 am PST;  5:20 am EST

Jan 24 Moon goes V o C @ 6:43 am PST;  9: 43 am EST

Jan 24th  Moon enters VIRGO @ 6:48 am PST, 9:48 am EST

Jan 26 Moon goes V o C @ 3:32 am PST,  6:32 am EST

Jan 26 Moon enters LIBRA 2:35 pm PST;  5:35 pm EST 

Sun moved into the innovative, conceptual hell bound for revolution Aquarius today. This marks the start of a month of breaking down old structures in consciousness for us all.  Two planets are helping us now to change our minds and keep the change. Retrograde Mars, in Gemini, just completed his retrograde opposition to the Galactic Center taking us back to visit that territory Cosmically ignited by Jupiter Pluto the Sun and Mercury in late Dec. Over the next couple of days, Venus directly aligns with the Galactic Center bringing women, our values, self-love, money, luxuries, relationships and the arts into focus from the massive infra-red radiation of the Galactic Center which has now truly been discovered to be the womb of all this Galaxies creativity as Black Holes are continuously birthing stars and consciousness.

Venus is the last conjunction transit to the GC for a spell.

Jan 21,22,23 the Blue Lady will freshen our memories of great ideas that started during December. Remember all those fabulous ideas that there was no time to start then and reinvigorate whatever progressive ideas came your way from the middle of December to now.

On the 23rd at 10:58 PM and the 24th @ 1:58 am Venus Conjuncts Pluto at his last chance saloon degree in Sagittarius for another 248 years. This was also the same degree as the Saturn Uranus conjunction of Feb 1988- 29 degrees 55.”

Venus conjuncts powerful, resource oriented Pluto. This is a huge day to resurrect Saturn Uranus energies from 20 years ago and transform your values as Pluto is at the very last degree-always the most critical- of Sagittarius. If there ever was a day to revolutionize values, consciousness, reach for the truth, go into the shadow and love it then this is it! Stock markets may go way up and down as values are definitely shifting. 

VENUS ENTERS CAPRICORN  -24th 12:06 am PST 3:06 am EST

The love planet gets serious now. Crossing the ZERO point of Capricorn known as the World Axis is very powerful. WOMEN-and Hillary Clinton this means you mean business and carry the power now.  Values change, love and relationships are stern, structured, profit oriented, corporate. Expect tests, restrictions in feelings flowing over this next 3 week period until Feb 17.th

Pluto and Chiron the Wounded Healer are semi-square this week with Pluto right at that famous zero point. Unsettling news, watch out for your hidden wounds and agendas.


- 8:26 PM PST 11:26 PM EST -til 2024!

Since then till now Pluto has been downgraded to a lesser Planetary status. This move in Pluto’s world I believe has significantly increased his strength and power to destroy, transform and bring rebirth. His strength has been ironically increased. Pluto represents the Collective Unconscious, the Souls of individuals and the World Soul. This is literally the HIGH NOON sign for the world to keep the cowboy metaphor going.

When Pluto entered Capricorn last, 245 years ago the American War for Independence was beginning, France let go of colonialism in Canada. Like the current events, divine rulership of Kings and Popes-now read CEO’s Haliburton, Bush, CIA, MAFIA, SECRET GOVERNMENT, THE MATRIX, IMF, G8 etc. was exposed as fraudulent and misguided from Pluto’s transit through Sagittarius changed the collective consciousness helping to exposing the Truth to those who were seeking it.

What had been the power of beliefs in a{man made} Higher Authority was replaced by giving power {Pluto} to material progress and dominion over the Earth Saturn ruled Earth sign Capricorn. Over the last 245 years, American has come to lead and dominate the World, through “progress,” “democracy,” creating a huge middle class, American popular culture, plastics, industrial technology, pharmaceuticals, genetic tech. Etc. and has degraded the Earth to a point of almost fatal no-return now.

PLUTO re crossing this point shows a DESTRUCTION and REBIRTH of all that was born then. We are one level higher supposedly in our expanding evolving consciousness this time. Pluto in Sagittarius for the last 13 years has shown us the down side of Religious Fanatasism, Hypocrisy in Law, and overreaching risk taking that makes gambling a way of life-lotteries, casinos, etc. Pluto is 8th house Scorpio energies covering us all for the next 16 years. Scorpio is water, feminine, power, control, secrets, sex, death, rebirth, research, x-ray vision, intense, uncompromising, taxes, inheritance, true values-[opposite the 2nd house]

Our actions choices, decisions and non-decisions have brought us now face to face with Death, through raging Cancer, AIDS, asthma, death of species, great lakes and ocean depletions, many species of animals and plants going extinct at an alarming rate, global warming, incredible air pollution, wasteful technological processes, weird Viruses, migrating species destroying giant areas of forests, political corruption on world wide scales, scams, manipulations, lies, New World Over Governments, micro-chipping of people, deaths by medical institutions, chemical devaluing of the earth, etc.

This is a major turning point in the way the People’s unconscious choices, their shadows, create the world we all share. Are we any closer to an enlightened world? Are we any more aware of our purpose on this planet? The answer is yes and no.

The upside of Pluto in Sagittarius-wait it’s not all over yet- Pluto will merely dip into Capricorn, on June 14 he’ll RETROGRADE back into Sagittarius again at the max 1 degree away from the Galactic Center and reenter Cap. Finally in Nov. 26, 2008 to stay until Jan 21 2024.

Pluto in Sagittarius also brought spirituality from the unconscious animal brain level {the horsey side of Sag.}to a higher educational plane through  publishing and disseminating information. Oprah’s efforts helped, and the huge popularity of The Da Vinci Code, the many popular self-help books  about seeking the Truth in religion and spirituality based on personal experience, paganism, witchcraft, metaphysics, The Secret, etc.

THE people must choose now to reclaim democracy, to choose again to revolutionize the Coporate World order, surveillance, secrets, power over, sexual abuses of women, pornography, distribution of wealth, nuclear power, and who has control.

2008 overview the next 3 months from Winter Solstice 07

THE WINTER SOLSTICE CHART is the one we look to for the New Years outlook, not Jan. 1st, an arbitrary man made legal New Year. IT IS THE RETURN OF THE LIGHT IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE. LET'S SEE WHAT IS REVEALED.

Usually Saturn is the only Retrograde planet as we go into each New Year, held back by our previous actions in the previous year. This year we also have Mars Retrograde which has slowed things down energetically. It’s as if this year begins with our fingers crossed waiting to see what’s coming down the road. It’s better to do the RE thing review, reflect, rest and put major activities on hold off before taking action in 2008 until Mars begins to go Direct Jan. 30 at 5:17 PM EST.

Winter Solstice is when the SUN reaches ZERO degrees of Capricorn in the Tropical Zodiac. Capricorn is considered to be the World’s Stage Point, the epitome. It is an Earth sign, Feminine originally, although it’s come down to us as business, corporate oriented, representing the Patriarchal Saturn ruled paradigm that’s been in full effect for the last 10,000 years or so give or take a few millennia. Saturn rules Capricorn; she is the Birth Mother, the Earth, physical reality, Time limitations, obstacles, hard work, seniority, karma. Capricorn rules the knees, and the knees in Jin Shin Chinese energy medicine is where the Chi or life force energy begins. We will be seeing the knees of The Earth and given a kneeing where we’re most vulnerable shortly because of our karmic choices. Go for “the bees knees” meaning the height of excellence in all your endeavors and you will be rewarded.

Jupiter planet of expansion and optimism has recently entered Capricorn and will spend mostly all of 2008 there, expanding legal matters about how corporations do business, perhaps aligning business and education in a new way. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and religion, “foreigners” travel, philosophy, truth, Jupiter is considered to be in its fall in Capricorn, because it is in the sign opposite to the one where it is considered to be exalted. SO Jupiter isn’t happy in Capricorn, so what’s the big fella gonna do while it’s passing through Cap? Lay down the law. Expect Corporations to be badgered by legal hassles, dishonest businesses will begin to be overhauled; scandals displayed and laid out large for all to see and have to pass judgment on. This is a good thing. Religious lock done continues, the old Patriarchy is almost on its knees. Jupiter seeks expansion, freedom. It’s a Jupiter/Saturn sort of battle for the royalty rights for who owns God.
I’d get down on my knees and pray for your individual rights to personal spiritual self-expression to be continued and to come from your own individual unique connection with Source, no outside authority passport stamp needed.


Jupiter’s little shadow pal Pluto will enter Capricorn on Jan 25 at 11:26 pm EST, he’s just going to give us a trial run, a sneak preview, a mere hangnail on the toe of the puddle of what his next 16 YEAR sojourn through Capricorn will look like. More about Pluto in Capricorn later.

The chart shows a “Stellium” that’s Astrologeeze for 3 or more planets grouped together.
We see Pluto just past the Galactic Centre, Sun, Jupiter and Mercury in a huddle in the 3rd house of communication, short trips, gathering information, early childhood, siblings etc.
What are those 4 heads, their energies intermingled quite tightly cooking up? Cosmic Transformation from Pluto on all levels of business, and of course the Earth, time management, and soulful businesses. Pluto ain’t easy; enlarging of laws in business, education, religious intolerance, religious hegemonies, etc from Jupiter; from the Sun, Solar energy, a new vitality for businesses based on conscience, you can’t fake your shine; Mercury helps us to communicate in more practical, basic, touch feely ways as people realize that they don’t actually have time to see their friends and families anymore, work too hard, too long and some dissatisfaction with the tech-y tools. Bring back good old-fashioned face-to-face communications.

MARS RETRO and the U.S
Mars Retrograde in Cancer in the 9th house of philosophy, truth, inspiration, justice Jupiter’s’ ruling territory opposes the quartet, so Mars is also in its fall now too, so irritability over old emotional unconscious issues that are keeping us collectively from moving forward collectively are what we are seeing. Mars Rx in emotional Mom’s apron springs’ Cancer is the Prescription needed to ease the pain of homeland security, and people are feeling pretty fed up with all the limitations imposed on them over feigned fear of foreigners, terrorists, phony war muckraking, etc.
Mars went Retrograde on Nov. 15th at 12 degrees of Cancer, conjunct the US Sun and the Fixed Starr Sirius. We’ve seen the collapsing US dollar. The people’s emotions are being pulled apart by bigger forces impelling them to choose to change radically the way America, no longer the world’s super power, acts in the world.
The U.S. Natal Mars is now Retrograde in its Progressed chart since 2006 and will continue to be Retrograde for the next 80 Years. I believe I heard that a General was hinting that the US’s status right now is like the fall of the Roman Empire, and it is.
It cannot stand alone anymore and hope to succeed. This is a One World situation now.
Pluto in Capricorn will transform the World because we are all in this blue boat together-the craft known as Planet Earth. There’s only ONE LIFE RAFT for us all to fit into.
The sooner we all figure out how to get along together and survive the better, or we all drown together.

MOON is in Gemini in the 8th house of Change, Pluto’s realm of Rebirth, Taxes, Other peoples’ money, sex, higher values, secrets, power and control. Moon in Gemini means feelings and thinking must act in concert otherwise we’re all bi-polar, schizoid, disconnected from our feelings. Moon in Gemini is detached which allows for space to separate out thinking and emotions. We want to take in a lot of information before deciding which of many ways to go. Use both parts of the brain, realizing duality is the very nature of Life, not polar oppositions but ying and yang hand in hand. In other words-
“I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.” From John Lennon in I am the Walrus.

SATURN Retrograde in Virgo is squared by the Moon. Karmic backtracks here, cleaning u p the footprints we’ve left dirtying all of our backyards the world over. Saturn in Virgo is the most nitpicky of all. Will we fight over the detail or see the bigger picture? Saturn TRINES-nice aspect, Sun Jupiter and Mercury, a bit of a blessing. Find down to earth, on budget, most practical results dedicated to serve all.

URANUS planet of revolutionary change in Pisces at 15 degrees, the middle degrees always are the most powerful, is opposed by Saturn. Again all opposition are tense, but both sides need to be integrated. Uranus in Pisces says-“It’s all one spiritual world, one ocean of Bliss, better change now, get with the program, otherwise you’re deluded, don’t avoid the void.” Saturn is very testy, slow to change, wants empirical proof, a budget, safety and health concerns.

VENUS Goddess of Love, Beauty, Harmony, the Arts, Money, Peace, Values, is in notorious Scorpio territory, lying in detriment on her chaise lounge in the 2nd house of money, career, earnings, 2nd house natural Taurus’ territory, which kind of balances out the neg. positive issues. Transformation, of material resources, deeper secrets around who controls the big money, as if we don’t all already know. She has control over natural resources and has the power to make them go like you yo’s. What do we really value? What has permanent value? How are we going to change our relationship with how we use power? Is sex equal to money? Venus is Trining Uranus so spiritual values and secrets-that’s not a plug need, to be integrated. Love your resources or they may not be around much longer. Scorpio is a Fixed Sign so I’d definitely squirrel away some dough in some secret place or use gold as it is Alchemical and Transformative.
Venus is also Squaring Neptune in Aquarius in the 5th house of love given, self-expression, children, the heart, courage, leadership. Squares are stressful change provoking. Neptune ruler of Pisces is in Aquarius sign of higher ideals, freedom, technology, group consciousness, the collective humanity. Bring your creativity out of the closet. Follow the path of individual liberation, work in community, transform your old values, power trips and need for Scorpionic control into loving, leadership. Work that needs to be done from a place from love not through power over control systems.
Venus also Squares Chiron, the wounded healer at 12 degrees of Aquarius. Venus’s energy helps us to breathe love into our wounds, to ask the right empathic questions. Where does it hurt? Where are the ways that we bargain for power over love and how does this affect and hurt the collective? What value do we place on the wounded collective psyche? How do we heal deeply placed issues of violence, sexism, racism, hatred, pornography, belittling of women and children?

The Native American Twisted Hairs Medicine Teachings that I learned from posited that there were but 2 Sacred as opposed to Man Made Laws to live by.
1. Everything comes from the Feminine.
2. Nothing be done to harm the children. The children means all creatures and peoples of the Earth.
If we but adopted and went back to what were our original Sacred Laws to live by wouldn’t we all be better off?

And last but certainly not least the North Node, the icon that looks like Headphones passed out of Pisces on Dec 19 and moved backwards, as it’s path does, into Aquarius where it will remain for the next 2.5 years.
The North Node represents our collective’s highest spiritual goals and aims. Every 2.5 years we see that change. North Node now in Aquarius brings us one step closer to the Age of Aquarius. There are many different start dates to that Age, some say we are already in it. Some say it won’t begin until Neptune enters Pisces. Either way, this Nodal Shift turns our attention towards Aquarian ideals, new technology which serves the greater good of all, a detachment emotionally, strong leadership, respect for individual freedom, communal thinking, less ego.
The South Node always opposite, is now in Leo, pointing to the past issues we need to clear through. Leonine pride, ME first, childishness, the inner child, creativity that is ego oriented, and animalistic impulses.
The Baby Boomers, Pluto in Leoers, getting towards or past retirement age, will need to show a new way. They’ll have to start taking their wealth, and me centrifocus out towards a legacy for others. Staying eternally young and the centre of attention begins to fade. Elders need to be leaders with real wisdom, real lessons, and real courage. Their task is what they leave for the next 7 generations. Do you still need to be seen as attractive, sexy? What does your heart say? Have you lived an honorable life? How do your children see you? How much love have you given?
Ultimately this is the Life Review Question that we will all have to contend with sometime at our deaths.
The Native Elders also had a saying, which was “It’s a Good Day to Die” which could be any day. SO best be ready to meet your Death in an Honorable way. The reason that we are all incarnate is to bring Love, to see each other as the Beloved, that time is Now.
The 4 angles of the chart are all at the Cardinal Points. Ascendant is Libra calling for balance, peace, this is the face we must wear for this next quarter. Relationships are primary. Is it beautiful? Does it add beauty? Must be the first questions we ask.
The 4th house foundation is Capricorn, so we need to build solidly, prudently, it will be hard work but worth it.
The Descendant angle is Aries, the 1st house, of new life, new growth, relationships business, and all interactions with others. We need to show a new face to others, which mirrors our own new face of beauty, of the need for balance and Peace.
The 10th house Midheaven, marked MC is Cancer on Sirius, and the U.S. Sun. Sirius is the Fixed Star of dying and rebirth Osiris. He was resurrected by his wife Queen Isis, Great Mother, Goddess. The 10th house cusp is the High Noon point in any chat, symbolic Noon, SO it’s High Noon that the Goddess, Mothering, Feminine nurturing energies, become first and foremost. She is the Source of all Light and Love. The needs of children in all ways become primary, basic foods, water, housing all these need to be rights given equally to all not at the expense of all for the benefit of the few.
Tune into the Goddess, the Divine feminine. We all come from mothers, we are all children. She is always loving and nurturing, the Earth. How are we treating Her?
Is she dying? Is she trying to send us a message? Realize that your mother, yes, your very own, dear little mother is a Goddess. I got this shocking revelation myself a few days ago. If you are a woman you embody Her. If you have daughters of any age they are all Goddesses. And Men all carry their soul or anima, their inner Goddess within them, within their hearts and feelings. We are all Her children. Our every atom is made up of her Cosmic breath. We named our very Galaxy in honor of Her, the Milky Way, the billions of stars in our Galaxy, drops of her Milk.
2008 Meditation
At night wherever you live, go out under the Stars. Even in Toronto a big city with lots of light I can see many constellations planets and stars. Go out and breathe and centre yourself. Imagine your spine growing a tail and going deep into the Earth. Go deeper down till you come to the centre of the fiery core of the Earth, this is her Heart Flame. Breathe in the fire, earth fire, it is creativity and manifestation. Stay with this awhile. Bring the fire up from the earth through the soles of your feet and into the base of your spine and up through your charkas and out the top of your head, the crown chakra out to the stars, to the Cosmic Mater, Milky Way center. Feel the surge of energy this gives you, stay grounded. Breathe in the stars, your cells, the eyes of the ancestors, and allow yourself to listen to a vision, your vision, a directive from the cosmos about what you need to do most now, what cosmic message you need to manifest, the path with heart that you need to build for 2008. Stay with this for as long as you need.
Wait to hear a message, a sign, an impulse. Thank Your Mother, the Goddess for being with you.
Go inside and write down your vision, put a not on your wall to remind you. Write a poem or story, create a dance or a song, a picture. Embrace your vision, keep it safe in your heart, don’t talk about it and dissipate its energy. This is your guidepost your plan, allow it to unfold for you knowing that it’s your mission to give to the collective.
2008 is a very powerful year, a major turning point.


comet holmes as big as the sun

Galactic Center with Filaments



On Oct 26th Pluto reaches 26 degrees 56 minutes of Sagittarius and conjuncts the Galactic Center -Oct 28th when it will be at 26 degrees 57 minutes. This is the Final last Chance Saloon.


Pluto Lord of Death, Rebirth, Waste, Atomic Energy, Garbage, Sex, Money, Power, and Control-in other words all THE BIGGIES! gets embraced by that Massive Black Hole at the Heart and Soul of our Milky Way Conjunction with the Heart and Soul of our Milky Way a.k.a. The Latte Galaxy. You can't miss it! It won't happen again for another 248 years! First conjunction happened Dec 28, 2006 and July 17 2007 -there was a world wide meditation on that date called Fire the Grid. This is the 3rd installment. The Milky Way is the Goddess Milk which spurted out over the Heavens. The Stars we see are mytho-poetically drops of her Sacred Milk of Human Kindness. So drink deeply and nourish your Soul with Unconditional Love from the Mother.

The Galactic Center is the birthing place of all consciousness in this Galaxy. To the Ancient Mayans it was considered the portal of all souls entering and exiting the Galaxy. The Great Maw, mouth,cosmic Vagina,womb, tomb, rift in the sky that we can see very easily with the naked eye. The Galactic Center is being found to be not only a super massive Black Hole but as a prodigous birther and energizer of matter. The G.C. emits vast amounts of Gamma RAys, Infra-red. Stars are being birthed there continuously. The Universe is constantly being created.

The Galactic Center is future oriented. This alignment allows each of us to release old patterns, to discard baggage. This alignment increase all human consciousness and awareness. We are making a quantum leap in our very genes to connecting with The Source as that what we are and are becoming.

The Galactic Center is what the Mayans call "Home" what the hopi Indians call The Fifth World, it is Time Wave Zero according to Terrence McKenna, it is the convergence of All Time to "Novelty." This is the Turning of the Ages. All the prophesies about Dec. 21 2012 link into the Galactic Center. This is a signal shift in humanity making a multidimensional shift in consciousness opening our awareness to all other Dimensions interracting with us, something that we know deep in our hearts, as the Heaven World, author and visionary Stuart Wilde calls it "Camelot."

Expect your perceptions to expand exponentially so that you will know your inherent Divinity and inter-connectedness with all other lifeforms in all the Worlds thus engendering new ways of being, we will act differently towards each other,to the Earth, her creatures, plants, rocks. It's time to see through the eyes of Soul from the Source. Read the TAo. We are being called upon to take off our blinders and SEE. There is only One being, you are not what you think you are. You are being called on to serve without ego, without judgments. You are called upon to Serve Love.

Over this 2 day time period take at least 1 hour of earth time to meditate,more is better. Stop the internal infernal chatter {where the aliens can't get you} and sit still. Intention is everything so intend yourself to the Heart of the Galaxy. It's a mere 25,000 Light Years away but time doesn't really exist so travel is instantaneous. No luggage needed. Thinking is the best way to travel. So go lightly to the Source.

It is best to take this time and to do Ceremony. Use smudge or incense to cleanse your space. Call in the 4 Directions and the 4 Elemental Spirits. Call in the As above, and so below, and the within. Breathe and send your energy down through your spine and through the Earth. Connect with the iron ore crystal at the Center of the Earth. Ground yourself. Sit quietly and begin in the South, place of Water, Emotions, place of Trust and Innocence. Who am I? sit there until the answer comes clearly and resonates with you. Move to the West, the Earth, the place of Intuition Introspection Birth Death and Transformation and ask Where do you come from? Sit with this until an answer comes. Then Move to the North,Air, place of Mind and Breath, place of Wisdom Sophia, the Wisdom Teachers and ask What do I need to Learn? sit until you get answers then Move to the East place of Fire and Spirit Illumination and Enlightenment and ask What is the Gift my Spirit has to offer the Galaxy, to the Earth at this time and into the Future.

As we are still in the Mercury Retrograde until Nov. 1st it's a perfect time to re-group, re-think, re-connect,re-wire your Self, and align yourself with your True and Sacred Home,with the Celestial Beings who are our helpers, the Angels, Divas, Stuart Wilde calls them God's Gladiators.

There will be other unfoldements to Pluto and the G.C.

On Nov. 12th Jupiter joins Pluto at the Galactic Center and as Jupiter is Sagittarius's ruler Jupiter, by Jove will amplify the message. Jupiter allows us to take risks, to be adventurers in our own lives, to search for the truth, to aim higher, to be optimistic and always use humour, to connect with Sacred Law, Higher Wisdom, connect various religious and metaphysical streams together. Each one of us receives their own individual version of the Truth, but there is only one Truth.

Then on Dec 10th just after the New Moon, the Moon joins Jupiter and Pluto to integrate our unconscious emotions, feelings and memories.

Then on Dec 17th the Sun joins Pluto at the Galactic Center shedding full illumination and Light on our Stellar Selves. "

We are stardust, we are golden,

and we've got to get ourselves back to the Garden" sand Joni Mitchell prophetically at Woodstock in 1969.

On the 18th Jupiter enters Capricorn to bring in expanded authority, truth and wisdom, discipline in searching out what is really valuable to pursue as lofty goals and peaks in the material realm.

And on the 19th Mercury conjoins Pluto to integrate conscious awareness and communication into the Mix. So we've gone from the farthest planet out Pluto to the innermost Mercury. This is the Lightning Flash on the Tree of Life, down from Source into the Material Plane. Alos on Dec. 19th Saturn turns Retrograde allowing us to integrate our past actions in view of the new Iluminated and Expanded Consciousness that we all have.

Two days later on Dec. 21 Sun enters Capricorn. This is the Winter Solstice and we are now only 5 years away from that fatefull date.

So use this time wisely, Pluto will enter Capricorn in Jan 08 but will retrograde back into Sagittarius for most of 2008, so a bit of a squeeze in time there to but THIS IS IT! THE BIG ONE!

Please let me know what you got in your visions.

Astrology Updates October November from Tara Greene

2 months overview for all signs

Breathe a sigh of relief as that challenging Saturn-Neptune opposition is now finally over, for the last 14 months, the malefic planet Saturn, the Cosmic cop facing off with Neptune planet of spirit in Fixed signs has had us dealing with Reality vs. The Dream. Hopefully we’ll have managed to create a working relationship between the two.

Mercury Retrograde Early Alert- Oct 12-Nov 1st-Nov. 18th
Mars Retrograde early alert- Nov. 15th till end of this year

October 11 @ 8:52 pm PDT, Oct 12 @ 3:52 am GMT

MERCURY Retrograde begins at 9 degrees of Scorpio, Mercury re-enters Libra on the 24th to renegotiate old relationship issues, then goes Direct on Nov. 1st EDT at 6:52 pm, 3:52 pm PDT, 10:52 PM, GMT at 23 degrees 22 minutes of Libra.
Mercury Re-enters Scorpio on Nov. 11th at 3:41 am EST, 12:41 am PST. 8:41 GMT. Communications won’t get back up to speed until Mercury once again arrives at the 9 degrees 05 mark of Scorpio until Nov. 18th. That’s 5 weeks of rehashing.

By now you know that Mercury appearing to move backwards in the skies always heralds communications chaos. Try not to initiate anything new during Mercury’s Rx. Phase. This opportunity offers us the chance to Re everything, Rethink, Rest, Relax, Review, Re-organize, Renegotiate etc. Especially in Scorpio the Sign of Birth Death and Transformation, this is a time of Renewal. It is a necessary phase. Our brains need a break especially in this overly hectic world we now live in. Take advantage of this monthly period. Triple check all communications and you should be just fine. Do your Xmas shopping early or later.

MARS RETROGRADE in Cancer- returning to the Mother for nuturing

Mars by Botticelli

Mars recently entered Cancer on Sept 28th where it is considered to be in its’ fall. Actions, desires, defenses become mired and bogged down in emotional needs for security and safety.
Mercury has just entered Scorpio too on Sept. 27th so the 2 personal planets of communications and action are intro- spective, internalized.
It is a time to go within and nurture oneself, get in touch with your roots, your past, your foundation and release whatever thoughts {Mercury} are stuck {Fixed Sign Scorpio} in power, control and defensiveness. Mercury in Scorpio allows for Renewal in mind, let ting go of old resentments, to allow thinking which is in harmony with your Highest intentions to come clear.

MARS will go Retrograde Nov. 15 at 3:41 am EST, 12:41 am PST, 8:40 am GMT @ 12 degrees 27 min. of Cancer

Mars rules actions, desires, defenses, war, all male yang activities, firearms, aggression. Men will want to be nurtured and nurture, perhaps needing to curl up in a foetal position. Mars affects the economy and it will definitely slow down. The sign of male aggression regressing through Mom’s sign makes us take note of MOM, the Earth, the Feminine nurturing, receptive principle. Cancer symbolizes the womb and we are all born of women from a womb and from everyone’s Mother, the Earth.
We will be feeling the pinch now because of the Martial aggressive, thoughtless, tactics the Patriarchy has applied in misusing all of Our Mother’s natural resources.

Retrograde planets always hold a karmic signature. There’s a lesson we haven’t learned yet and our collective noses need to be rubbed in it till we get it.. The Earth, Mother Nature is bigger than all of us and if you remember the line from a famous old commercial “It’s not nice to Fool around with Mother Nature.”
She may unleash some fury at this time in the form of aggressive Cancerian water-expect more floods, torrential rains, tsunamis, thunder storms, tornadoes and hurricanes.

Turning Retro in Cancer,sign of house,home Mom,roots, nurturing. This degree is Conjunct the Fixed Star Sirius, worshipped as Osiris by the Egyptians and very close to the U.S. Sun. Osiris was the dying and Resurrected God Archetype. Sirius’s rise timed the flooding of the Nile in Egypt.

Mars Retrograde concentrates the yang energy, possibly making it more defensive than usual especially when in Cancer where it feels smothered. This is definitely aggressive Homeland Security. And interesting as it the perfect symbol of all the Mortgage heartbreak and a dying housing market in the US. It also affects the hyper-inflated housing market in England and that affects the economies of the World. Take this time to Review issues with your home, security, mothering, nurturing, diet, your earliest childhood memories, your relationship with Mom. Good time for home renovations, or perhaps even a move.
This time may bring into effect new laws where default Mortgages can be renegotiated to protect homeowners from losing their houses.

The world will definitely be reviewing the U.S.’s status, we already see this in effect. The U.S. dollar will not be the Worlds standard anymore. The U.S. is already under serious affliction as its’ Natal Mars is moving Retrograde in its’ Progressed chart and will continue to do so for the next 70 years! The U.S. status as leading world nation is culminating.

On a personal level anyone with Natal Planets or points near 12 degrees of any Cardinal Sign, but especially Aries born March 31-April 4, Cancerians born July 2-July 5th, Libra born Oct 3-Oct 7, and Capricorns born Dec 31-Jan 3rd will be feeling Mars’s regressive pull the most.


Spectacular outbursting comet 17P/Holmes exploded in size and brightness on October 24. It continues to expand and is now the largest single object in the Solar system, being bigger than the Sun. The diameter of the tenuous dust atmosphere of the comet was measured at 1.4 million kilometers (0.9 million miles) on 2007 November 9 by Rachel Stevenson, Jan Kleyna and Pedro Lacerda of the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy.
They used observations from a wide-field camera on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT), one of the few professional instruments still capable of capturing the whole comet in one image. Other astronomers involved in the UH program to study the comet include Bin Yang, Nuno Peixinho and David Jewitt. The present eruption of comet Holmes was first reported on October 24 and has continued at a steady 0.5 km/sec (1100 mph) ever since.
This amazing eruption of the comet is produced by dust ejected from a tiny solid nucleus made of ice and rock, only 3.6 km (roughly 2.2 miles) in diameter.
Over the next few weeks and months, the coma and tail are expected to expand even more while the comet will fade as the dust disperses. Comet Holmes showed a double outburst in November 1892 and January 1893. It is not known if the present activity in the comet will follow the pattern from 1892, but continued observations from Mauna Kea are planned to watch for a second outburst. Most comets show small fluctuations in brightness and some have distinct outbursts. The huge event on-going in comet Holmes is unprecedented, however.
The orbit period of comet Holmes is about 6 years, putting it in the class of Jupiter Family Comets whose orbits are strongly influenced by Jupiter. These objects are thought to have spent most of the last 4.5 billion years orbiting the Sun beyond Neptune, in a region known as the Kuiper Belt. Holmes probably was deflected into its present orbit within the last few thousand years and is losing mass as it evaporates in the heat of the Sun. In another few thousand years it is likely either to hit the Sun or a planet, be ejected from the Solar system, or simply die by running out of gas.Contacts Rachel Stevenson [rach@ifa.hawaii.edu David Jewitt [jewitt@ifa.hawaii.edu]


Ancient Hopi prophecy states, “When the Blue Star makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge”

A spectacular explosion caused comet 17P/Holmes to increase in size and brightness on October 24. The comet is now a half a million times brighter than before the eruption began. It continues to expand and is now the largest single object in the Solar system, being bigger than the Sun. The eruption continues at a steady 0.5 km/sec (1100 mph) rate. Holmes is still visible to the naked eye as a fuzzy star anytime after dark, high in the northeast sky. It is faintly visible from cities, and from dark country locations is truly remarkable.


Comets have always heralded major evnts, deaths of famous people, usually seen as fearfull messengers from the heavens, roaming through billions of miles of space,. This comet holmes expanding to be bigger than the Sun is a message whose importance cosmically we surely can’t miss. IT’S HUGE, IT’S BLUE, BLUE CARRIES THE COLOUR INDIGO, SUBLIMITY, WATER, THE HEART CHAKRA, SPACE, BLUE IS HAPPINESS, SADNESS,OUR EARTH IS BLUE FROM SPACE,


“The return of the Blue Star (also known as Nan ga sohu Katchina) will be the alarm clock that tells us of the new day and new way of life, a new world that is coming. This is where the changes will begin. They will start as fires that burn within us, and we will burn up with desires and conflict if we do not remember the original teachings, and return to the peaceful way of life.

“Not far behind the twins will come the Purifier the Red Katchina, who will bring the Day of Purification. On this day the Earth, her creatures and all life as we know it will change forever. There will be messengers that will precede this coming of the Purifier. They will leave messages to those on Earth who remember the old ways.

” The messages will be found written in the living stone, through the sacred grains, and even the waters. (these could be the crop circles which have been found even in ice) From the Purifier will issue forth a great Red Light. All things will change in their manner of being. Every living thing will be offered the opportunity to change from the largest to the smallest thing.”

What follows are two longer expositions of Hopi prophecy. Note that the events listed below were predicted many centuries ago and have been passed down. They were also all carved into Prophecy Rock at Hopi many, many years ago:

The Nine Signs of Hopi Prophecy
From White Feather, Bear Clan, Hopi Tribe

“These are the Signs that great destruction is here: The world shall rock to and fro. The white man will battle people in other lands — those who possessed the first light of wisdom. There will be many columns of smoke and fire such as the white man has made in the deserts not far from here. Those who stay and live in the places of the Hopi shall be safe. Then there will be much to rebuild. And soon, very soon afterward, Pahana will return. He shall bring with him the dawn of the Fifth World. He shall plant the seeds of his wisdom in our hearts. Even now the seeds are being planted. These shall smooth the way to the Emergence into the Fifth World.”
The Fourth World shall end soon, and the Fifth World will begin. This the elders everywhere know. The Signs over many years have been fulfilled, and so few are left.

First Sign: We were told of the coming of the white-skinned men, like Pahana, but not living like Pahana — men who took the land that was not theirs and who struck their enemies with thunder. (Guns)

Second Sign: Our lands will see the coming of spinning wheels filled with voices. (Covered wagons)

Third Sign: A strange beast like a buffalo but with great long horns, will overrun the land in large numbers. (Longhorn cattle)

Fourth Sign: The land will be crossed by snakes of iron. (Railroad tracks)

Fifth Sign: The land shall be cris-crossed by a giant spider’s web. (Power and telephone lines)

Sixth Sign: The land shall be cris-crossed with rivers of stone that make pictures in the sun. (Concrete roads and their mirage-producing effects.)
Seventh Sign: You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it. (Oil spills)

Eighth Sign: You will see many youth, who wear their hair long like our people, come and join the tribal nations, to learn our ways and wisdom. (Hippies)

Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash.THIS WAS THE SKYLAB SPACE STATION. It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of the Hopi people will cease.

The following is an excerpt from LAST CRY Native American Prophecies & Tales of the End Times, by Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf © 1994-2004:

“The story of the Blue Kachina is a very old story, very old. I have been aware of the story of the Blue Kachina since I was very young. Frank Waters also wrote about Saquasohuh, the Blue Star Kachina in The Book of the Hopi, The story came from Grandfather Dan, Oldest Hopi.

“It was told to me that first the Blue Kachina would start to be seen at the dances, and would make his appearance known to the children in the plaza during the night dance. This event would tell us that the end times are very near. Then the Blue Star Kachina would physically appear in our heavens which would mean that we were in the end times.

“In the Final days we will look up in our heavens and we will witness the return of the two brothers who helped create this world in the birthing time. Poganghoya is the guardian of our North Pole and his Brother Palongawhoya is the guardian of the South pole. In the final days the Blue Star Katchina will come to be with his nephews and they will return the Earth to its natural rotation which is counter clock wise.

“This fact is evidenced in many petraglyphs that speak of the Zodiac, and within the Mayan and Egyptian pyramids. The rotation of the Earth has been manipulated by not so benevolent Star beings. The twins will be seen in our North Western skies. They will come and visit to see who still remembered the original teachings flying in their Patuwvotas, or flying shields. They will bring many of their star family with them in the final days.
“The return of the Blue Star Katchina who is also known as Nan ga sohu will be the alarm clock that tells us of the new day and new way of life, a new world that is coming. This is where the changes will begin. They will start as fires that burn within us, and we will burn up with desires and conflict if we do not remember the original teachings, and return to the peaceful way of life.

” Not far behind the twins will come the Purifier The Red Katchina, who will bring the Day of Purification. On this day the Earth, her creatures and all life as we know it will change forever. There will be messengers that will precede this coming of the Purifier. They will leave messages to those on Earth who remember the old ways.













"If the reigning vice of the 1970s was pornography - the graphic depiction of sex acts - the reigning vice of today is plutography - the graphic depiction of the acts of the rich." - Tom Wolfe,A Pisces, Jupiter-Pluto in Cancer


At 14 degrees 46 minutes of Pisces Uranus now turns Direct.
Uranus now reveals surprising unexpected breakthroughs and revelations. Uranus went Retro June 23 at 18 degrees 42 minutes of Pisces. So until March 9, 2008 when Uranus gets to and passes those degrees again all those revolutionary brilliant insights need to be refined honed and made ready to break out.


This is another SUPER MOON. The term coined by Astrologer Richard Nolle nearly 30 years ago occurs during a New or Full Moon when the Moon is at or near 90% of its closest approach to the Earth, called perigree. It's an Xtreme New or Full Moon. It looks bigger because the Moon is closer to the Earth. These SUper Moons occur about as often as eclipses do four or five times a year. We've just had one on the last Full Moons, on Sept 26 @ 3 degrees Aries; one October 26 @ 2 degrees of Taurus and now this one too!
They tend to coincide with Earthquakes, hurricanes, big storms, and of course our own emotional tidal waves as we've gone through the Scorpio shadow work elimination phase.

The Sun entered Sagittarius Nov.22nd. Sagittarius is the sign of expanded consciousness, aiming higher in the heavens for the truth. Gemini where the Moon is now is open minded, comparing seemingly dual or opposing realities and seeking relationships between the two. A Gemini Super Full Moon like this one helps us expand our consciousness beyond the seeming limitations of any boundaries.
The Sun and Moon closely Square the Lunar Nodes at 2 degrees Pisces/Virgo indicating a fated or fateful release at this time. Uranus has just stationed direct allowing us to act on what we've been ruminating that we need to be free of. Gemini and Sagittarius are both freedom loving, give me lots of space signs. Uranus represents the lightning bolt from the Blue- that breakthrough consciousness where the Big Flash occurs and old paradigms breakdown in a flash-think of The Tower in the Tarot. We are definitely at such a juncture.
Within a few hours of the Full Moon Mercury, the "lower octave" of Uranus squares Neptune from 19 degrees Scorpio/Aquarius prodding us with a low frequency cosmic cattle prod to get it!


Venus is in LIBRA now, her home Relationship territory since Nov. 8th where she will remain till Dec 5th. She is at her best now, so romance should be getting a boost, although Mars is Rx. and there's Venus Balancing things out. VENUS IS Trining Neptune at this Full Moon, illuminating our hearts to cosmic love, unconditional love, peace,beauty and tranquility for all. Ask to visualize your Soul Mate at this Full Moon.Of course, the actual BELOVED is SPIRIT, WITHIN YOU>
Jupiter ruler of Sag. is now only 3 degrees away from Pluto and they're getting ready to do their big rhumba on the Galactic Center Dec 11.
MArs Retro at 11 degrees of Cancer is Quincunxing Chiron at 11 degrees of Aquarius the Wounded Healer at this Full Moon indicating the need to objectively in Air, Gemini and with Fire, spiritual insight in Sagittarius, revisit those old early childhood wounds that are now most easy to access due to Mars retrograde motion.
We may feel rubbed raw, vulnerable, uncomfortable, sad, despondent under the SUPER MOON's INTENSE LIGHT. Saturn is very close to the South Node in Virgo indicating these are old habitual karmic patterns. There's nowhere to hide under this intense illumination, we can't avoid the void anymore, anywhere we look.
Take your hurts and ancient wounds and let them be embraced in Venus and Neptune's Trine. Uranus is ready to help us release the old order. The North Node is the way to go at 2 degree of Pisces, Jupiter is Pisces ancient ruler. USE THIS SUPER MOON's ENERGY to UPLIFT YOURSELF!

MARS RETROGRADE ALERT! please go to the MARS page-

ALERT! MARS will go Retrograde Nov. 15 @ 3:40:55 EST/8:40:55 GMT


Nov. 12 2007 "THE REALLY BIG SHEW" as Ed Sullivan would say
CONJUNCTION! JUPITER PLUTO AND LA LUNA all bouncing up and down at the center of the great mattress of the Milky Way in the cross hairs of the Galactic Center!

Continuing upon the Great Galactic Theme since Oct 28th when PLUTO Conjuncted the Galactic Center for the last time in 248 years or so.. the next unfoldment is this Big one today amped up by Jupiter and the Moon exactly G.C. central.

This is your next chance to get in there and get in big.
I'd bet everything on this one.

BE aware of major new discoveries in religions, philosophy, teaching, language, travel, sports, animals, the law all- things Sagittarian.
Down side, Jupiter expands and makes reckless Religious fundamentalists, much ballyhoo about what laws are fair or not to what religious group, makes people reckless and short on forethought, expands gambling into outer space, is like a huge emotional {the Moon} OPTIMIZER.

Remember Pluto is the riches and jewels of the Unconscious, the shadow, the dark,what we project onto and blame others or ourselves for. Pluto is your Soul and mine and the Collective Unconscious,the World Soul.

Jupiter represents the Planet of Sacred Law and the Master Wisdom Teachers {Buddha, Jesus, Maat, etc.} who judge and keep the balance of what is kosher or not in Universal Law.
SO today is a big Reckoning.

I'd plead guilty and own your sins, your wastefulness, your arrogance,your "just didn't think about it"-ness, your hypocriticalness. It's always "them" not us, right?
In other words own it- your own shadow and own it BIG TIME.JUSTICE IS AT HAND!

The Galactic Center is a big womb/tomb. Everything dropped in there consciously gets recycled {Pluto}.The Sun is in Scorpio along with Mercury aiding the transformation cycle.

SO aim those Arrows of Truth and Justice Higher.

In Native American Teachings there are "dark arrows" and Light arrows." The arrows symbolize thoughts, consciousness, intentions, aspirations.
The Dark arrows are all the self-castigations, negativity, doubts, fear, the ego blah blah blahing away.
The Light Arrows are positive uplifting, inspired, thoughts and consciousness.
So you know what the Glyph of Sagittarius looks like don't you? One picture says it all.


old writings-peruse at your pleasure



The original James Bond

2007 The Year We're Under the Gun

First of all when I thought about 2007 I saw 007, James Bond's  Secret Agent Number. Hollywood plays a big part in creating new mythologies and Archetypes, and 007 is a big one and has been around in mainstream consciousness for over 40 years now.
What do you associate with when you think of JAmes Bond?

The other overall intersting thing is that Jupiter enters Sagittarius, at the end of Nov. 2006 and spends most of his time in the sign where he is most powerfull his ruling sign for most of 2007.
Sagittarius is a sign associated with the military, "gun runners and mercinary" are suggested jobs for Sagittarians. Pluto demoted or not,
will be transitting over the Galctic Centre, the Great Maw of our Solar System.
So guns the military, war, machismo, martinis, fast cars, beautiful sexy women, dangerous stunts, exotic gizmos and paraphernallia, spy stuff,
rockets going off, secret missions, etc. etc. come to my mind immediately.
2007 toally the number 9. We'll be in a Universal #9 year...number 9, number9, number 9, remember that hypnotic Beatles song?
A hooded ancient looking male figure is shown holding up a lamp, the Light of the Spirit. His sign is linked with Virgo, the 6th sign of the Zodiac, Earth sign of work and service, health, focus, perfection, organizaton and analysis.  The number 9 is the Final number of the sequence, symbolizing completion of a cycle, an ending making way for a new beginning and rebirth.  2007 will be a year of completion, a year devoted to serving the earth, the Goddess, what we have harvested up until now, Virgo is the Goddess of the HArvest.


2007 World Predictions


Dec. 29, '06 Posted. I tuned into my channels at the Galactic Centre and here's what they told me!


A Muslim Terrorist group will assassinate the Pope. upping the ante.


Prince William will get engaged in preparation to become the next King of England.


Major weather troubles, Tsunamis Oct. in Indonesia again, more rain storms on all of West coast, blistering heat in summer in North America, forest fires out of control. Flooding on Northern Coast of Europe.


Major satellite and computer black outs from solar flares, the biggest CME’s ever recorded will shut down banks, computers’ world wide, causing chaos for all major companies, the Pentagon, CNN etc. Hackers should be on the ready to block in the real news. My advice: keep some cash stashed under the mattress.


Floods in the Mississippi, Florida gets hit with flooding a few miles inland.


Volcanic explosions in Central America.


The U.S. dollar nosedives.  The Government is Bankrupt. Wal Mart buys up a lot of the U.S. debt. The banks keep it up, but their investors will scream-where’s the profits?


More deaths by vegetables in North America, e-coli, mad chickens, beef etc. Buy local. Don’t put veggies in plastic bags. Remember the movie Sleeper? Woody Allen's '70's comedy where he thawed out after being put into suspended anime? I remeber that in the future vegetables were bad for you and cigarettes and donuts good. Visionary...


Pres. Blair will  be forced to resign.


Bush invades Iran to get the oil, major impeachment cries light up. His name Bush,will ==shame. People in the streets, protests like never seen before, the people get it, democracy has become a farce and a disgrace in the U.S. Troops gas and club protestors, truckers stage strikes, which create food shortages, more people join to back them, the whole U.S. is in a stalemate. Remember that jails are a private sector business, sold on the Stock Exchange. The Investors need more prisoners, to make more profits. They’ve got secret prisons disguised as warehouses all over the U.S. where they haul thousands off to.


Elections in Canada in Feb. –March as Quebec votes no confidence with Mr. Harpoon, Stephane Dion and the Liberal Party win the election which turns Canada around, brings all the troops home immediately, initiates fervent Green policy, gives Dr. David Suzuki actual power to create policy, overturns all of Mr. Harper’s shenanigan laws, and returns Canada to it’s former sanity as a peacekeeping, social medicine providing country. P.M. Dion steps on a lot of toes, like closing down companies which produce arms for U.S. Wars. He is a man of great integrity. Canada then becomes one of the top 10 countries to visit again.


New tech breakthroughs in science, medicine, and space.


Protests worldwide as citizens take to the streets demanding a turnaround in the government’s mis-use of all citizens, France, England and Spain come to virtual haults. Ignited by Captain Jack Sparrow’s style, mental wit and philosophy, the people refuse to parlay.


America annexes Cuba as a 51st state as Castro dies and the U.S. takes over. Cigars everyone? And inspired by Captain Jack Sparrow, rum and Coke becomes the National drink. A statue in honour of Mejor Amigo Desi Arnaz is erected as Fidel's is ousted. Much dancing in the streets and America becomes a multi-lingual country as Spanish becomes it's official 2nd language.


Paul McCartney suffers a mild heart attack from the strain of his divorce.


As if a planned obsolence timer kicks in, headlines are made as 1st. Pam Anderson’s boobs deflate, then Britney Spears, Jane Fondas’ etc. etc. etc. The “Natural Look” is in as the babes rush to their plastic surgeons to remove the glop and re-stuff their boobs with algae,wheat grass, seaweed and buckwheat. Green is good!



The Queen gets ready to retire but Prince William won’t be crowned till 2008.


Terrorists attack L.A. setting bombs off in the streets. The Fallen Angelites stay locked indoors glued to their plasma screens.


A major cruise ship breaks up mysteriously and sinks killing about 2,000 people in mid-Atlantic.


Revolutions in South America, inspired by Chavez. The people ain’t gonna take it anymore.


The ruins of an Ancient civilization surfaces in the wake of the melting ice cap at the North Pole, revealing evidence of a very high tech advanced civilization, showing rockets, landing strips, equipment no one can figure out, and a huge circular dial pointing to far distant galaxies, throwing all the history books into the dumpsters. Better start re-thinking the nature of our civilization, Forget Darwin and Creationism, this is Star Seed stuff. We come from the stars! The Babylonians, the Dogon people in Mali, the Peruvians, the Egyptians all had it straight. The Gods did come from the skies in flaming chariots; Maybe Eric Van Dannegan wasn’t such a hack after all! And give Mr. Sitchin his due as well.


The Trans America highway keeps mysteriously breaking up as it is being built, causing major delays, and costing millions more, but whose counting?


Angelina and Brad add another of their own creation to the brood.


Meteorite showers rain down in Northern Europe Scandinavia and Northern Canada, putting big holes in roofs everywhere. The market for meteorites immediately drops as everyone has one. Are they pieces of a mysterious cosmic anagram?


A musical message is picked up by Nasa Deep Space microphones from the far reaches of space. Close encounters anyone?


People begin to morph in and out of reality. Actual tears, not tears, but as in rents, not rents, break-ups, like the digital ones we now all view on TV, the WWW. appear. These are actual openings into parallel dimensions, the not yet explained becomes prime time Number 1 topic of conversation. 


A major eco confrontation between China and the rest of the world as it continues to grow at alarming rates using up energy at colossal amounts, and doesn’t give a crap about how it befouls the rest of the earth’s atmosphere,not to mention human rights. Relying on its ancient sense of honor, the rest of the world gives it a big slap in the face. They don’t care until everyone stops buying cheap stuff at Wal Mart, Toys R Us, and dollar stores.


McDonald’s is forced to close temporarily to regroup and recover its reputation as it’s healthy Happy Meals make lots of people’s digestive tracts go haywire as a huge health scare sends millions to hospitals. The Red Cross is called in, and where the hell is the National Guard when you need ‘em.


Children all over the world sign a collective petition distributing it worldwide on the net and through Blogs demanding that their futures be respected. Many Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow children, whatever the latest phase is, meditate together to alter the brain waves of their parents, teachers, religious leaders, politicians, and world leaders. They also communicate with whales, dolphins and their pet dogs, cats, hamsters, snakes, snails, lizards, goldfish, guinea pigs, rats, etc. telepathically. The children stage a hunger strike which scares the daylights outta their parents who, dedicated as they are to their young ones, get up off their assets and put their hearts where their wallets usually are.


Iceland and Greenland become big tourist destinations.


Tom Cruises’ next big projects flop, so Tom Terrifically Terrifying is playing Vegas with Celine Dion, imitating Elvis and moonlighting doing stunts with Cirque du Soleil for a little extra cash.


Mel Gibson crawls back to Aussie land to lick his wounds, and everyone says Good Riddance.


What’s hot? Recycled everything; SUV burial grounds-the SUV’s when re-assembled and soddered together become homes for the homeless; solar powered everything- battery companies, even the Bunny come to a pretty abrupt halt; wheat grass juice;community involvement; cancer patients refusing chemotherapy en masse; huge viz-ins-large groups of people visualizing the positive, the kind, the loving, the peacefull, to change the world; the overturning of all old religious doctrines;chaos; simplifying your lifestyle voluntarily- Consumers Anonymous Groups-every week people joyfully admit what their consumption addictions have been and what they’ve given up, and are amazed to know how much lighter, stronger, better and more relaxed they are by having less not more. Their slogan, just like Pluto’s –“Less is More.”
I had a dream, I was at a huge funeral, the name was Kennedy. I predict Senator Edward Kennedy, the last of the original Kennedy brothers will pass away this year.

Jupiter in Sagittarius -THINK BIG!
JUPITER is KING of the Gods, Zeus, hurling thunderbolts, Yaweh. Will the Wrath of G-d be upon us?
Some Bible decoders think so.  The Messianically  yearning are predicting WW111 and you know who returning. 
Jupiter expands exagerrates, accentuates everything Jupiter influenced.
guns, James Bond, sports, animal lovers, horses, dare-devils, gambling, speedy car racers, humorists, religious zealots, soap box preachers, gypsies, theologians, lawyers, mercenaries, gun runners, comedians, judges, politics, philosophers, metaphysics, higher education, travel, exotica,
mountains, cowboys, good ole' boys, fire, mutability, religion and religious leaders, terrorists, lightning, the colour purple...
JUPITER IN SAG. a FIRE sign, Saturn in Leo a FIRE sign till Sept. 07. It will be hot.  Much drought. Forrest fires.  The earth's temperatures will be well above any "normal."
Jupiter/Sagittarius is 9th house issues, the law. Jupiter esoterically is the planet of the Master Teachers, that is Buddhas, Bodhisatvas, Enlightened Beings,keepers of Sacred Law. Sacred Law is the spiritual higher laws of the Universe as opposed to man made laws. Sagittarius is the sign of pursuit of the truth, higher education. Sagittarius is concerned with metaphysics, philosophy, belief systems, inspiration.
The symbol of Sagittarius the centaur, a human upper body with the lower of a horse, symbolizes the conquest of the lower animal instinctual body by the higher consciousness that humans possess.  Therefore this is a more positively influenced year.
Sagittarians are far sighted, aiming for the heavens, the archer's arrow aims towards the Constellation of Sagittarius, and the Centre of our Milky Way Galaxy, the Galactic Centre, currently at 27 degrees of Sagittarius in the Tropical Zodiac,
3 degrees Sag. in the Sidereal, Astronomical reckoning.
The recently demoted Pluto, now considered a dwarf planet is
on Dec. 18, 2006 at the Galactic Centre, a humongous Black Hole, and the Sun and Pluto conjoin there on that day.
This is the first peek by the Sun into that great black hole, with Pluto, Lord and Guide of the Underworld. Pluto  represents the Soul, the Collective Unconscious. So this is a marriage of Light and Dark, dancing at the vortex of the Great Maw, the fabled birthplace of this Galaxy.

Jupiter’s Fortunes for Each Sign

Of course we Sagittarians get the biggest benefits this year from Jupiter. But watch the gambling.
Fire sign, Aries & Leo receive very good benefits from Jupiter in the aspect called a trine, an extra tasty very easy aspect this year. Too much of a good thing can be too much of a good thing. Watch your waistlines Aries and Leo.
Libra and Aquarius both Air signs get sextiled, also an easy aspect. Gemini, the other Air sign gets the opposition from Jupiter-this requires a holding of the balance.
Pisces and Virgo get squared by Jupiter-this puts the pressure on to expand.
Taurus and Cancer get something called a quincunx-kind of like it sounds-Jupiter’s fire doesn’t mix well with Earthy Taurus and Watery Cancer.
And Scorpios and Capricorns don’t receive any direct aspects from Jupiter at all! But don’t gnash those teeth Scorpios or butt your head against the corporate walls folks. I’ll do a sign by sign forecast based on your Sun sign’s position.

If you know your Ascendant or rising sign read that too.

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius in Red for Fire Signs Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn in Green for Earth Signs Gemini, Libra, Aquarius in Grey for Air Signs Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces in Blue for Water Signs

In Aries/Aries Rising

After Nov. 24 when Jupiter enters Sagittarius, slow down and wait to act until the 30th if you can. Jupiter's gonna make you sizzle with energy. Jupiter in your Natal 9th house is a beneficial year in the higher education department. Go back to school, study a foreign language or just add some new skills. You may have to hit the road. Spiritual development, new philosophies, inspiration abounds. Legal matters may be in the mix too over the next year. You should be feeling happier, freer, footloose, and nature bound. Get a pet, do more sports and pursue your own pioneering truth, venture into new unexplored territories-in business and your self. Philanthropic enterprises beckon too. Inspire others with your take-charge attitude. You will be prone to take more than your usual amount of risks, and want to do extreme sports -so always check your tie ons before you leap. You'll have more energy than you know what to do with, and may need help sleeping or staying put. Don't blow all your money at the slots right away. If it seems too good to be true, please read all the fine print before you buy, sell, move, eat it or butt your head into it.

Taurus/Taurus Ascendant

Jupiter will be traversing your Solar 8th house of other people's money, mysticism, sex, joint finances, wills and inheritances, transformation, and your deepest feelings about death. Jupiter's fires will instruct you Taurus's to get off the couch and put down those roses your smelling. It's a good time to find favour with money- one of your favourite subjects- from others-the best! Good timing for business partnerships, time to marry that soul mate who is an exotic foreigner, go on a spiritual retreat, look deep into your earthy pragmatic stubborn soul. Put your legal matters and will in order. Sex will be transcendent and sensual. Whatever you learned last year while Jupiter was travelling thru your 7th house goes a stage higher now. Jupiter will be like a big cattle prod zapping your bull butt to-change. You won't like it much but could really benefit from expanding your attitudes and getting you liberated from the ruts you're in. You may have a mystical realization about just how primary the Bull images is throughout history-not just sports. Shall I say here that Jupiter expands the bull market? Jupiter tends to pack on the pounds too-so watch it.

Gemini/Gemini Rising

O.K. Geminis I know Pluto's been shoving all your shadows in your faces since 1995, and some of you still have the greatest blasts from Pluto to come-he's saved the best for last for most of you born June 17th, 18th, 19, 20 and some 21st even. Vis a vis-Paul McCartney. O.K. So Jupiter over the next year is going to be handing you a big torch so you can clearly see the opposite side of your twin nature clearer. This is very good-but you may not like what you see of course.

Jupiter will be travelling through your 7th house of relationships, that is committed relationships Gem's
-something you usually resist in that unique ambiguous way you have. I think this is a great thing for you Gemini's.
Are you listening Eli? Expect a very serious-that's the one- kind of soul mate thing to happen this year. I predict a lot of you will be signed, sealed and delivered by next year this time. The 7th house is the house where you-meet others-so lots of socializing, talking, parties, & events. You may be taking up sports, or playing better this year in any sport. Working out in the gym should be easier and more sociable- but don't dress like a jock at work. Travels, excitement, religion may interest you more, joining social learning clubs and the like, or studying a foreign language all focus now. A great year for Gemini lawyers and judges. Jupiter expands your business, and makes it more International. Generally Jupiter's influence will amp up your abundant charm to "whoah!" wherever you go, so good for communicating even better, faster, gathering more information and putting it all together with new philosophical insights and with more pizzazz. You'll get good P.R. this year.

Cancer/Cancer Rising

Jupiter is going to focus in the 6th house of your work this year, your daily routine and health. Jupiter can bring many opportunities to change jobs if you're not happy or get a big promo and a pay raise if you're dedicated to what you do-what Cancerian isn't? Jupiter may bring travel into your work or dealing with an International clientele.

Any existing health problems may be exaggerated with Jupiter's influence, but Jup.s influence is usually beneficial. Good time to start working out, Jupiter loves sports, physical activity, yoga, tai chi or martial arts would all be great. You'll want to adopt a pet this year or add another. Jupiter inspires you to teach, instruct, and inspire others in the workplace, offering nurturing words to fellow workers, and people in your community. Of course you'll be baking and cooking up a storm. Jupiter expands your nurturing nature to help serve others-you may be spurred to do charity work, help out at the food bank or set up your own food related benefits to those less fortunate than yourself. Or become a foster parent. You could set up a work related charity to help get honest information our about food quality or work for non-profit housing. The environment will be big on your mind and you may choose to adopt an organic diet this year. You will be inclined to be emotional in a more fiery way under Jupiter's influence-fire and water makes you boil-so apply that emotionally inspired steam heat into helping work related causes-righting the injustices, speaking out over any infringements on your and of course others freedoms. Cancer is a Cardinal sign and Cardinal signs induce matters. Cancer's don't necessarily want freedom, they want more security, and since Cancer {the 4th house} usually rules Real Estate you may acquire more property-a nice little cottage by a lovely lake would be ideal, you can swim to your hearts content. O.K. at least a Jacuzzi or a hot tub for you to soak away all your emotional stresses in.

Leo/Leo Ascendant

O.K. you drama kings and Queens, Saturn's been giving you a hard time since 2005, and will continue to do so until Sept. & so tighten your belts, grow up, get really regal. Jupiter travelling through your 5th house will be trining, is a good one -stoking your fiery hearts with the lure of adventure, being really grand, having a really big shew, philandering more, opening your generous hearts more, making your big kid at heart nature more of a big klutzy adventurous kid, and again watch out for those slot machines, and oh yes gaining a few extra pounds. A great time for love affairs, and getting pregnant, or adopting a few orphans a la Madonna, Angelina etc. etc. Jupiter should expand your already expansive hearts and launch you into exotic travels, hot love affairs with exotic foreigners, so start brushing up on your Espanol, Hindi or whatever strikes your fancy. Also good for higher learning, philosophizing, getting that old time religion, extreme sports, gambling, giving more love, children, golfing, legal matters, did I mention gambling? Jupiter will also raise the stakes on your ability to be a leader, with Saturn making you serious this is a great time to seriously take the plunge and go for the top at your job. Show &'em what your really made of, and that you've got a heart of gold. It's a & "Pretty Woman"; kind of year for all of you.

Leo, Royal Drama

Saturn, the Karmic Planet will enter Leo the Sign of Royalty, the Heart, the children, creative self-expression and Love Affairs on July 16 2005
What does this mean for you? Especially those dramatic Leos, and corporate Capricorns?

Saturn in Leo July 16 05- Sept 07

On Saturday, Saturn's Day, note the synchronicity here, July 16th, 05 Saturn enters a new sign, for the next 2+ years.
Saturn leaves nurturing, emotional, home loving, Mom and apple pie, {you get my drift} defensive Crabby Cancer and turns our 3D reality seriously to the fiery, dramatic, heart centered, childlike, creative, Royal, fixed sign of Leo, the proud Lion.  It's also the latest Harry Potter book launch The Half-Blood Prince. Seems to all fit together.
Known as Chronos, from which we derive the word for Time, Saturn, the Cosmic Cop, ruler of Karma, builder of corporations, ruler of maturity, ageing, seriousness, manifestation, and the Patriarchy is a very important Planet, for it represents the way you see and experience the universe- REALITY- 3D, the physical world- as you have structured it. Talk about Reality Shows! All the world's a stage, and all the players actors.
Saturn entering a new sign indicates a change in our Reality, in hard core, just the facts m'am terms. Saturn in Leo will put emphasis on getting down to the serious and responsible work at hand of rebuilding what our true hearts desire is -not our ego desires- for the Earth, for the children, for seniors, for leaders who work from the heart, with good will. Leo is the sign of Royalty, of leadership, drama, the 5th chakra of the Heart, it loves to give lavishly to those it loves, Leo's love to be centre stage, they are clowns, big kids, have big hearts and strong wills. The down side of Leo is egotism and me first. The Me Generation, the Pluto in Leo gang, some who are already collecting pensions but who haven't grown up yet, will have to "come to the office" as they used to announce over the loudspeakers in High School.  Saturn will reel in those who only think of themselves, at the expense of others. Saturn helps us to have discipline,self-respect, faith in one's destiny, and the ability to be alone.
But Saturn shouldn't be thought of as all bad. After all, Time is relative. There are no judgments. Saturn merely represents the Karmic Universal Law of Cause and Effect. "As you sow, so shall you reap." So we will be physically confronted with the effects of thinking only of ME,and the inability to plan where our fuel supplies will be coming from in the next few years. Saturn helps us to get disciplined, serious, mature, take responsibility.
Hey, we all need to take more responsibility for what we have created personally and also collectively. Goya's  famous painting of Saturn eating his children comes to mind. In Vedic Astrology Saturn is the Great Malefic, feared and honoured.  A friend of mine used to say that "Saturn/Time always wins out." Leaders will be severely taken to task, the Church will also lose a lot more brownie points and I predict the Queen will retire and let Prince Harry-not Potter, take over.  We will all be "searchin' for a Heart of Gold"
*Saturn is also opposite the wounded healer Chiron as it enters Leo. This is a karmic healing time. Let your wounds open through the power of an open and loving heart, leading to a new awakened consciousness.
Previous Saturn in Leo transits this Century: Post Vietnam War, Sept. 75-Nov. 77; Post WW2, Aug, 46-Sept. 48; During and end of WW1, June 1917- Aug. 1919. Hopefully Saturn will help stop the Wars this time around.
Saturn is associated with the Tarot Card of the Universe/The World # 21, the last stage of the journey. The card pictures a naked woman/Goddess dancing in space, free, because she has taken responsibility for creating her life according to her will, she has learned how to harness Saturn's energies. Saturn in the Kabbalah is linked with Binah, the 3rd Sephira, in the Trinity of the Archetypal Realm. Saturn is the Supernal Mother, the One of Understanding who gives us physical form, who births all. Thus Saturn is the Goddess and restricts Spirit as it manifests into form and time. A Native American pipe invocation states that: Everything is born of the Feminine. Let's see Saturn as the Feminine Divinity from which we are all born, and understand our common ground of being.
Saturn in Leo... Think of the story of the Lion King.
The old King Muffasa is dastardly deposed by the evil brother Scar. The innocent young heir to the throne Simba is blamed and scapegoated as the culprit. He runs away in shame, irresponsibly and goes on the Hakuna mattatta trail for awhile-Don't worry be happy, live in the moment. His old girlfriend shows up and recognizes him and tells him the Kingdom is a wasteland, jackals rule the land, nothing grows, he is urged by her to grow up, become responsible and take over his rightful place as heir. He meditates and sees his father, who tells him that he lives through him. The young lion king, decides he has to face his fate, and goes home. He cannot stoop to murder his uncle but the evil Scar is killed inadvertently. The young but now mature Lion King takes his rightful place in the circle of Life, with his partner and a new child born to carry on. Peace and harmony and growth is restored, as karmic justice is restored. Can you feel the love tonight?
Leo, the Heart, 5th Chakra, Awareness and Opening  
I was meditating the other night. A real 3D big black wolf I was fortunate enough to have cross my path last year in Aug. outside of a little town called Kaslo in central B.C. in broad daylight and look me and my family straight in the eyes, has begun to come to me and speak to me. The Wolf is the Teacher in Native American Indian stories and myths. To me, he is The Wolf King, which was the title of a book I read over and over again as a child. I wished and dreamed about seeing and being a wolf like the black wolf in that story. And lo and behold,it came to pass, as many of my earliest yearnings and wishes have done. The Wolf King told me that "Everything you've ever wanted in your deepest heart of hearts comes to you." To Native Americans and to Buddhists your heart is your mind, you think with your heart. Not with your head, they know that your head, your ego is just an organizational tool.
The Black Wolf also told me;
"The time will come soon when ALL you will hear is the Heartbeat, your own heartbeat, that of all  other beings hearts beating as One, in unison with the pounding of the heart of the Universe. Listen to your heart. Remember,it is the first sound you ever heard as you entered your Mother's womb, her heartbeat was the rhythmic lullaby of life becoming for you, it rocked you in bliss until you were born."
So HEART Medicine is what Saturn in Leo is recommending to cure the ills of those painful egos. Having accepted the gift of the Black Wolf into my life at this time, through the teachings of the great Black Wolf, I become a teacher. Take the Black Wolf's words into your heart..
Saturn transiting through Leo affects Leo's-those grand actors, leaders,clowns and royal ones-sometimes difficult to tell apart} primarily. But the other Fixed Sun Signs-{like Leo} you know, the ones that don't want to budge an inch, like Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus  will be in for the Square from Saturn-a 90 degree hard angle, kind of a square punch on the chin effect,  at some point for the duration. All the other Fire Signs, Sag's, and Aries  will have an easier time of it, because Saturn will be in a good will Trine aspect { 120 degrees} to them. Aquarians' will experience the Opposition effect-like being pulled in two directions at once-uh...should I blow it up or should I build it over with integrity with the group?
Saturn in Leo indicates tough times economically, potentially in the entertainment business. Leaders with heart and integrity will come to the fore, like Robert Kennedy Junior. We will have to build from the heart. We will have to stand up for the children, for their true needs for love, attention, creativity, drama, theatre, playfulness and abandon the Rap culture, consumer culture, false ego culture of domination, of needing to be on top and powerful. Only the weak needs of the ego, require that false presentation of power over, needing to feel special, by putting others' down. Potentially a lot of people are going to leave the planet because their hearts have been ignored for too long. Saturn in Leo teaches us how to seriously have fun, by engaging in storytelling, heart to heart communication, drama, theatre, the arts. We need to know what it feels like to be young again.
Astrologically speaking Saturn is not strong in Leo,is considered to be in "detriment."which means he is opposite the sign he traditionally rules of Aquarius. Saturn's power is stifled, like trying to run in high heel shoes.
The house that Saturn will be transiting for the next 2+ years indicates the part of your life that is being examined and tested and represents areas of the greatest tension in your life, to which you must direct close attention.  Without further ado I present my Sun sign Forecast for Saturn's Karmic Korrections 4 U  with musical accompanyment by...
To find out in more depth how Saturn will seriously affect you personally, + aspects it makes to your Natal planets, please enquire about booking an Astrology session or report.

Colour codes: red=fire  green=earth 

grey=air   blue=water



Saturn will be in your 5th house, which is the house of love affairs, children, creativity, self-expression, will power.  Not likely to be so amusing. Time to get serious about love and learning. "I want to know what love is" -uh, was that by uh, Boston? My memory fails me at this point. More responsibilities and discipline is required. Can either be a karmic time to have a child or conversely a barren time, as Leo is not a good sign to get pregnant in, thus fertility difficulties. Children can be a serious burden to you during this time passage. So, why not get serious about those acting lessons? Start a little theatre troupe with kids? Affairs with persons older than yourself. Do not gamble, speculate or take financial risks. Settle on just one goal for the next 2+ years.. is that possible Aries?



Saturn in your 4th House is an extremely important time. The 4th house is the foundation for what you will see results from in 14 years time. This is a time for new beginnings. You will be paying-literally- attention to your Home, your roots, family, possibly your Dad. This is an inward turning time, a good time for psychotherapy. Time to buy a house, or other real estate, plant some roots. Saturn helps you discipline yourself with a good diet regime. . Mom or Dad may move into your house or become a big responsability. A time of endings and new beginnings. "Our house is a very very very fine house, with 2 cats in the yard" Crosby Stills and Nash.



Oh you frivolous frolicking mind bending Gemini's, Saturn in the 3rd house, also Gemini's home, will put the breaks on your over the speed limit racing brain of yours. I can hear the sound of the elapsing whirlwind now, Ahhh, and a good thing too. The restructuring of your mind will get you grounded, get focused, get serious about communication, and your immediate environment.  You should be concerned with what is right in front of your nose. You are learning how your inner world relates to the outside world.  Pluto's been putting you through some extreme changes, and now Saturn drives it home in reality. Maybe Peter pan grows up a little at this time.."Break on through to the other side." by the Doors



Saturn in your 2nd house of finances, resources, tools, values, what you own is NOT A GOOD THING. I sincerely hope you haven't bought into deep debt, because trouble looms. Definitely a serious turn about if you think you can keep piling up those luxury items and put off paying for all that  indefinitely. If material wealth is keeping you from discovering your true values, then you are likely to experience financial losses. Problems on the job, with authority figures. You may get downsized, paid less or just have to work way more just to keep your foot in the door. Be economical, do with less, recycle, you don't really need 3/4 of the things you own, you've been brainwashed into thinking  you do by the media. Downsize your life. "Money" by Pink Floyd or "Money Makes the World Go Around" from Cabaret.


And for that Big Cancerian country called the U.S.of A. "There's Trouble, my friends, right here I say trouble right here in River City.. with a Capital T, that rhymes with P, and that stands for.. Pay the Piper." - sings Robert Preston inThe Music Man by Meredith Wilson. Dirty Pool? " Instant Karma's gonna get ya." Remember John Lennon is in Heaven now and knows some important people. Your economy is sinking like a famous ship. Canada, your close Cancerian neighbor, who may be playing tighter financially, may be strongly affected, but will thwim.



For you Leo's Saturn in your first house of Identity is like that Bruce Springsteen song - Brilliant Disguise -"Better look hard and look twice, Is it me baby? Or just a brilliant disguise?" time to seriously sort out what is the glamour and what is the truth in your heart.  This is a new beginning in internal growth. Many more responsibilities here than you would like. You are completing a 14 year period in which your attention was primarily focused on others.  Saturn will dull your usual pride and roar ability here.  Now you restructure yourself. You will be less the life of the party, dancing Queen and Fool on the Hill than your friends think of you. Good time for introspection and therapy. This 2+period will put you behind the scenes not on centre stage, so get busy clearing out the old scenery and the props already. Watch out for  heart problems, visit the doc. P.S. Aspiring actors, starlets and rock/rap stars- don't quit your moonlighting jobs-yet. Alt song  "I did it my way." -written by Paul Anka, sung by old Blue Eyes.



Saturn is in your 12th house of endings, karma, institutions, dreams, mysticism, self-undoing, secrets, illusions and delusions. People who have been dishonest will get caught and sent up the river. Make sure you haven't gossiped, stolen anything or been unscrupulous in anyway. This can be depressing, the antidote is to find solace in Spirit-not alcohol-but the Real Thing and not Coke either or other drugs. This is an ending time, a completion on many levels. Don't expect any outward successes at this time.  Learn from what hasn't been working for you in your life up until now. You will feel the solitude.  But if you work this right you have a good time to seriously, patiently and with great skill and analysis build to where you want to be when Saturn enters Virgo.  Cut your e the advice given to Lot's wife-don't look back. Time of rebirth. Singing "I will survive" by Gloria Gaynor a million times is your mantra. 



Saturn in your 11th house of wishes, hopes and dreams, working with groups and humanitarian causes. You can campaign, create and balance the acts of those ventures you wish to contribute to. A lot of volunteering and charity work here. Finding the right cause to put your heart into. "Wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin'" sings Dusty Springfield.  If you've been uncomfortable with groups before, you will find this will change. Have you been working effectively to get those wishes coming true? If not you will be disappointed, but can now get the discipline and focus required to do so. Generally this is a good time, continuing on your Saturn transit of your 10th house. Time for serious relationships and business partnerships. Get a mentor, someone who is mature.



Saturn is at the tippy top of your chart in the big # 10 house of career, true purpose and where you shine in the world. Saturn naturally rules the 10th house, {Capricorn} so this is the Big harvest.  Saturn can bring real prominence in your career if you've prepared well. You will function with the most complete sense of who and what you are in all areas.  You have the greatest opportunity to make an impression upon the world. But it can also be a fall from a high place. Negative energies unleashed in the past will have consequences now. Your tendency to brood, obsess, keep secrets and manipulate for power and control  may cause your heart serious s now. Also can link to reproductive and sexual health problems. This might make you think more seriously before hopping into bed with everyone.  "Fame, Fame, Fame, Fame. what's you name? " David Bowie { a Capricorn}



Saturn in your 9th helps you to approach a life peak, when all your ambitions and efforts should bear their greatest fruits. Your gearing up for the next 2+ years for Saturn to pass into your 10th. Time to be the teacher, the inspirer, the prophet, the mystic. Can mean getting that M.A. or Doctorate degree. Karmic adventures and travels await you and of course you can't wait to hit the road. Saturn balances your jovial Jupiterian nature with practicality, so concentrate on playing more skillfully. Be careful of any judgments you've put out in the past. Life becomes stabilized. If you don't know who you are now, you will probably have to wait until the next cycle to find out-7 -9 years from now. Your ultimate effectiveness as a human being is being tested.  "Happy trails to you" sings Roy Rodgers and Dale Evans not to mention Trigger. If you do hit the road. Hope I'll be seeing you there.



Saturn rules your sign and as such you are already familiar with the hard work, patience and persistence it takes to get the job done. Saturn in the 8th house of your finances and possession house transforms you. Possibly through death of family members. Inheritances, taxes and such will be your focus. A time of facing your own mortality. Tax problems if you've been cheating on those books. Saturn will bring to court more corporations, governments, leaders and businesses that have been philandering. This is the house of the true marriage partner, so some karmic relationships may get cemented. The 8th house is also connected to mysticism, so a serious study of metaphysics is likely, or a turn to organized religion.  "You saw me crying in the chapel.."  sings Elvis.  Clarify your values. Abuse problems? Join A. A., S.A., G.A.,  Just Give it up to God.



Saturn in your 7th house of relationships, and business partnerships is culminating a 14 year process. Relationships of all kinds will be tested. Marriage breakups occur during this transit, even a good marriage will have to confront its flaws. More demands from co-workers. You will have to walk your talk. You are proceeding into an outward turning phase. Recognition begins if you have planned properly. A more sobering time for you individualistic and anarchistic Aquarians. Perhaps you can begin to blend in a bit. Saturn will help you to work with the status quo instead of just wanting to blow things up. If unmarried, romances become serious. Saturn is above the horizon. This is your personal dawning of "The Age of Aquarius" and sing "Say you want a revolution? " by the Beatles.



Last but not least, Saturn in your 6th house of work, health and service to others is critical. You have 2 + years to get your act together. You are preparing for a debut. You have to have everything in order. Time to get your head outta the clouds and into the dirt.   "Workin' in a coal mine, goin down, down, down" is your song.  You may find it difficult to live up to your employer's demands. Conserve your energy now, health matters may take a turn for the worst under this transit. You body is the tool you need to manifest your spiritual and intuitive awareness. Saturn may help you have the discipline to learn to say no, mean it, and set up some boundaries. It's not enough to channel Ishkabibble from whyoughtantot in Galaxy X. Whatever the vision or dream, it must be able to stand up to the test of time and reality, no matter how illusory it may seem. It must be able to "grow corn."  No puns intended for Piscean foot fetishists.

2006 is a Universal # 8 Year 
2 + 0 + 0 + 6 = 8
turn number 8 on it's side in the horizontal, sleeping  dreaming position and...you know what that means
                       8  =


O.K. so this is shaping up to be a BIG YEAR KARMICALLY. The Number 8 is a complex number. Most importantantly, we've come to a multi-dimentional realization about Reality Time and Space and that Quantum Physically, Symbolically and Literally, they're all the same thing- We find ourselves at the Number 8, at the crunch of NOW- where ALL TIME

2006 Predictions

Astrological, Psychic and Tarot Symbology


Numerologically 2006 is a Universal number 8 year. The

Number 8 signifies all of the directions of the Universe, the

4 Cardinal and the 4 Non-Cardinal Directions. There are 8

primary Trigrams in the I Ching, the Ancient Chinese oracle

representing all possibilities, all forces in the phenomenal

world. So for the Chinese, the number 8 is the number of

power, wealth and luck-the whole shebang.

2006 can be powerfull.



The number 8 is complex number and highly significant as it

represents karmic balance-what you put out comes back to

you. If you turn 8 on its’ side you get the INFINITY symbol. The

Infinity symbol signifies time - past, and future coalescing into

the central pivot in the center of NOW.  It is the Orobourous

symbol of the snake endlessly and for all time eating its’ tail.

It is a symbol of wholeness, totality.  So the message of 2006 is

a karmic wake up call that all time is NOW. The number 8 has

us also “behind the 8 ball.”


The number 8 represents the goal-Paradise regained, after

passing through the 7 heavens. It represents regeneration,

resurrection, a new beginning. This will be a year of transform-

ation and upheaval both ecologically, financially and in

Christianity. The  8TH  Astrological Sign is Scorpio- sign of

birth, death, and transformation. Theis will be another major

year of earthquakes,tsunammis and floods {Jupiter in Scorpio,

 Uranus in Pisces} as we reap what we sowed through the

environmental damage to our Mother Earth. Earth upheavals

 may reveal long prophesied ancient archeological treasures

revealing the hidden keys in the Divine Intelligence vs. Evolu-

tion debate. We may get shocking new information about our

origins. And hey, what about all those predictions about the

Sky Gods showing up anytime soon as Pluto gets closer and

closer to the Galactic Centre? This may be the year that the

Master Teachers do show up to help us out.


In the Kabbalah, the 8th sphere on the Tree of Life is called Hod

whose nature is Splendor. This  8th sphere is the concrete

mind. The planet Mercury acts through this sphere so it repre-

sents language, visual forms, all systematized intellect, such

as the magical arts, literature science and commerce. It rep-

resents Thoth himself, the God Hermes, who is attributed with

inventing geometry and numbers from which the Thoth Tarot

deck which I use, is derived. Above all it is the value of IHVH, 

the “Number of the Lord God.” 8 symbolizes the contact point

of the Masters.

The Archangel of  number 8 is Michael, of the East, the Prince

of Splendour and Wisdom. It’s colour is ORANGE. 



There is also a major argument in the Tarot symbolism regarding the number 8 wherein  there is an exchange between the Major Arcana 8 and that of 11.

In the Thoth deck which I use, the 8th Major Arcana is called

Adjustment, traditionally Justice and the balancing sign of Libra.

Some decks have 8 as Strength and the regal courageous sign of

Leo. As the number 8 itself is about a two -fold flow of energy,

I believe that  both of these numbers and symbols come into play here.




2006 begins during a Venus Retrograde period. Venus

turned Retro-and started wearing 60’s hippie garb on

Xmas Eve. Dec 24, 05. This is a major key as to how

2006 will unfold. As Venus rules values, money, luxury, beauty,balance, harmony, relationships & peace-making-

we may see the economy roll back, and a re-examination

 of what we really value. Venus, who had just got her foot

in the door of Aquarius on Dec 15th, on a Full Moon,

went Retrograde at 1 degree 28 minutes of Aquarius,

sign of humanitarianism and higher consciousness. As

her Retro time started on Xmas Eve I also predict that

there will be a significant Aquarian revolution in Christian-

ity this year. Pope Benedict may pass away suddenly.

We are moving out of the old Piscean era, symbolized by

Christianity into the Aquarian all inclusive human sign

where “higher consciousness” rules the era. No more

martyrdom symbols, but we ain’t quite there yet….


 Two days later, in Toronto, a 15 year old girl was tragic-

ally murdered by getting caught in the cross-fire from teen

age gang gunfire, downtown in a crowd of shoppers out

for Boxing Day bargains. Methinks Venus is trying to tell

us to re-examine where our “higher consciousness” is

during this time until Feb. 3rd where she turns direct at 16

degrees 01 minutes of Capricorn. Venus in Capricorn is

a hard core career lady where profit and the corporation

come first. But we have to re-examine all that profiteering

In Canada of course we are having another election in

theVenus Retrograde period for Prime Minister because

of scandals, how perfectly the shoe fits.

Venus won’t go past her Retrograde degree position until

March 7th. So expect relationship issues to be a bit dicey

during this time period. Re-examine the foundations and

values in your relationships during this time period. And

of course you did all your Xmas shopping just before

Venus Retro and now you have to pay, so reel in the



The biggest overall Planetary emphasis for 2006 comes

from planets Jupiter and Saturn forming a square, a right

angle or 90 degree aspect. Plus Mars in Taurus and

Neptune in Aquarius are involved forming a FIXED

GRAND CROSS throughought most of 2006. A FIXED

GRAND CROSS is a lot of pressure, as Fixed SIgns as

their name implies means nobody wants to budge an inch.

Jupiter in Scorpio, the faster moving planet applies tens

ion to Saturn in Leo where the “Cosmic Cop” will be in res

idence till Sept 2, 2007.  The cycles of Jupiter and Saturn

are very important. They meet every 20 years at conjunc-

tion and their whole transit “return” cycle back to an origin-

al point lasts 800 years!

On May 28th 2000, Jupiter and Saturn met at 22 degrees

of Taurus. That new cycle from 2000-2020 rules how we

expand and grow in our truth and contract and resist  as a

societal whole. Taurus is the first Earth sign, and rules

tools, possessions, money making. Jupiter is in Scorpio,

which can mean severe debt. Saturn brings restriction

and obligations to the ego loving, over the top “ I did it my

way” grandmaster flash style of Leo. Leo is the sign of

the child, the heart, gold. So Saturn in Leo square Jupiter

in Scorpio spells “TROUBLE MY FRIENDS, RIGHT

HERE IN RIVERCITY”. Trouble that could end all of us

in rubble and financial ruin. “Saturn always wins” an astro-

logical old friend of mine used to say. Saturn is the tax-

man, the debt that must be paid. So Jupiter is in Scorpio

the 8th sign of taxes, death, inheritance and mysticism.

Jupiter always amps up whatever pursuit of truth, philoso-

phy, higher education, international relations, he is in.

Major economic stuggles and tensions at the very least,

both national and internationally as the fight to hold onto

the power of the old ,outworn, outmoded structures of

patriarchy in politics, religion, economics {Saturn} is being

transformed by Jupiter in Scorpio and a trine from the

Revolutionary Planet Uranus ruler of Sign Aquarius,now in

Pisces, again that old time religion is at the end of the line.

Also this is symbolized by those outta their minds funda-

mental religiosities of all types and sizes, not to mention

those monkey-brained anti-evolutionist. Again the theme

is the piper must be paid, whether its’ the Earth herself

demanding retribution or the ordinary citizen demanding

justice in taxation, education, and throw in all that Venus

retrograde fairness and humanity needing to be re-exam



 Saturn in Leo will put the BIG brakes on the glitz, the

glam, the ME 1st Baby Boomers, SUV’rs, who are also

now experiencing Saturn conjunct their natal Pluto’s

Whewh! We’re dealing with the Boomers who are this

year turning 60, many are well into their ‘60’s already. 

I predict a total reversal in the pursuit of youth in advertis

ing, in what we think of as beautiful, in a new reborn

healthy respect for age and experience as these

Boomers, demand Saturnian respect for their power. 

Saturn =obstacles,maturity, to Pluto= Power, Sex,Control



This also means more policing, more restrictions on the

entire population. Remember that it was the Saturn/Pluto

 pposition in Aug. 2001that presaged 911. It’s almost as

I suspect that the Pentagon and the C.I.A. actually

secretly uses Astrology, which they undoubtedly did as

Freemasons and why they signed the Declaration of Independence

on July 4th 1776.


There will be Major global and national tensions when Jupiter and Saturn make a waxing square (2005-2006), reaches opposition (2010-2011) and make a waning square (2015-2016}.

Back to the present +  Major Planetary Events for 2006

Jan. 2: Mercury conjunct the Galactic Centre, Moon conjunct Neptune at 16-17 degrees of Aquarius. 

   Jan. 14: Full Moon at 24 degrees Capricorn conjunct Venus.             

Jan. 27: Sun opposition Saturn, Jupiter square Neptune, Moon conjunct Venus.

4)               Feb. 6: Sun conjunct Neptune .

5)               Feb. 14: .Mercury conjunct Uranus.

6)              Feb. 24: Moon conjunct Venus, Sun quincunx Saturn

7)               March 1 : Sun conjunct Uranus at 11 degrees Pisces

8)               March 14: Full moon at 24-25 degrees Pisces/Virgo square Pluto)

9)               March 29:  New Moon Solar Eclipse at 9 degrees Aries, Pluto goes stationary retrograde

10)          April 7: Sun quincunx Jupiter, Moon square Jupiter, Saturn turns direct at 4 1/2 degrees Leo)

11)          April 13 : Full moon at 24 degrees Libra/Aries axis: .

12)    April  18: Sun conjunct Andromeda, Venus conjunct Uranus at Pisces  14 degrees: 

 Ma  May 1:  Moon enters Cancer, Sun conjunct Mars. This year's May Day celebration adds an extra spark to the fire with Sun conjunct Mars at 11 degrees of Taurus.

13)          May 13: Full Moon in Scorpio, at degree  Buddha's birthday)

14)          May 19 : Moon conjunct Neptune, Sun conjunct the Pleiades. Powerful ceremonials possible at sacred site in the Yucatan, Hawaii & Anasazi sites in the American Southwest.

15)          May 27: New Moon at 6 degrees of Gemini. My astrologer friend Joseph Mark Cohen advises thatCarl Johan Calleman calls this portal the midpoint of the Mayan 4th Night, a time to attune to a burst of light from the heart of Quetzalcoatl or Kukulkan.


16)          June 1:  .Moon opposition Neptune at 20 degrees Leo/Aquarius

17)          June 16 : Sun opposition Pluto @ 26th degree Gemini/Sagittarius: Mars/Saturn conjunct in Leo This is a day of discernable danger, particularily in the mideast ( Israel, Iran )..Cancer)

19)          July 6: .Sun conjuncts Sirius, Mercury goes retrograde, Jupiter goes direct. Thinking goes out of the box,triple check everything, expect the usual miscommunications, but full speed ahead in transformational Scorpionic themes as Jupiter goes Direct.

20)          July 22:  .Sun enters Leo, Moon conjuncts Venus, Mars enters Virgo at the degree of the Sphinx., 151 .

21)          July 25: . New Moon at 2 degrees Leo

22)          Aug. 7 : .Sun conjunct Saturn at 15 degrees Leo, the heart of the .

23)          Aug. 9:  Full Moon in Aquarius ; 17 degrees Leo/Aquarius axis)

24)          Aug. 23: New Moon at 1 degree of Virgo.

25)          Sept. 5 :  Sun opposition Uranus :  13 degrees of Virgo/Pisce. Watch out America. The big shakedown happens.

26)          Sept. 22 : . New Moon Solar Eclipse at 30 degrees Virgo,

27)          Sept 23 : . Sun enters Libra, Autumn Equinox, .

28)          Oct. 6 : Harvest full moon at the 14th degree Libra/Aries axis

29)          Oct. 22 :  .New Moon at 29 degrees of Libra, Mercury conjunct Pluto. A new beginning to Meditate with direct access to the Galactic Centre. Put on your Black Hole headphones and listen to the sound of the beating Heart of the Milky Way Galaxy. Think of warm milk, being nursed, the smells of that.. coming in through that huge gurgle as all Light and matter are sucked into the Galactic Heart Centre. 

30)           Nov. 5 : .Full Moon at the 13th degree of Taurus

31)          Nov. 8 :  .Sun conjunct Mercury.

32)          Nov. 20 : .New Moon at the 29th degree of Scorpio-the "critical degree" LAST CHANCE- conjunct Alpha Centauri,  Uranus SD. Preparations begin for the influx of Light about to be broadcast to the right hemisphere of human co-creators at the beginning of the 5th DAY of the Mayan Cosmic Calendar.... 

33)          Dec. 5 :  Saturn Stationary Retrograde at 25 degrees Leo, Mars enters Sagittarius

34)          Dec.18  : Sun conjunct Pluto, Moon conjunct Jupiter and Mars. A Big BAng of a DAy! 

35)          Dec. 21 : .Winter Solstice, Sun enters Capricorn, Mars square Uranus. Winter is off to a Big Blast-what kind of blast?

36)          Dec. 25: Mercury conjunct Pluto, Moon conjunct Uranus




The First NEW MOON of 2006 is Chinese New Year! Gung Hai Fat Choy! WOOF!  WOOF! It's the Fire Dog Year. The Dog years are associated with the sign of Libra so fair play, balancing, and relationships figure prominently.
DOGS are loyal companions and protectors, man's best friend.
I predict that this Dog year influence will harbour much goodwill and fetching, playing in parks, more sniffing and picking up of scents about nature, needing to clean up the environment, remember to pick up after your doggy doo doo. Doggy styles in many ways.  Good for family close knitness. People feeling that they need more protection in hostile times.  Lots of panting, scratching, howling, yapping, barking, growling, and chasing. Sex will be more natural, animalistic, and outdoorsy. A general need to be loyal, honest and closer to those you love. More protection for the innocent. More sensitivity between people and animals in understanding their common bonds.  This will offset the heavy astrological emphasis of this year.
The actual planetary alignments on this New MOON looks pretty amazing. The Sun and Moon at 9 degrees+ of Aquarius, bring the water bearing consciousness from a Higher Level down to earth.
Mercury, Chiron and Neptune are also in Aquarius. The Moon travels through Aquarius once a month. The Sun and Mercury are in that sign once a year. Chiron visits the 11th sign only every 50 years and Neptune hardly ever, only once every 168 years. Is this the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius? Jupiter and Neptune square each other excatly at 17 degrees. Jupiter will go Retro and will closely square Neptune till the end of April continueing to unmask lies, and untruths until his 3rd and final square to Neptune Sept. 24th.
Saturn opposes this New Moon.  Delineating the retrograde Saturn opposition in Conservative politics, religious fundamentalism, Feudal lordship and corporate mannerisms as opposed to Aquarian humanitarian ideals.  The stellium is in Aquarius. Weight wins!
But it won't be an easy battle.
Traditionally the Fixed Signs represent the 4 Archangels.
Michael, the East, Taurus
Gabriel, the South, Aquarius
Ariel, the West, Scorpio
Raphael, the North, Leo
Call upon the 4 Archangels for help, healing and balance, peace, love and awareness at this New Moon.  They are known in Revelations as the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse. We don't need to go to that story. The Revelation is already seeded within you. The Revelation is
immanent.  The Revelation is that you are an integral  part of the Wisdom and Love that Created the Universe. The Judgement Day is the AEON. The New Age of Enlightenment. IT is the Death of the Ego of the Illusion of Separation. Gabriel's trumpet sounds to awaken all of us to our own Angels' presence. No need to annihilate the world.
The story is all symbols and metaphors. Metaphors for Constellations, ancient myths which live in each individuals' psyche. If you are Christian and want Christ to return, stop killing, stop hating, stop fearing, stop cheating, stop lying.
If you are Jewish and want the Messiah to return you know that Messiah returns when we ourselves live the truth as in the Kabbalah. Mohammed was a peacemaker, not a terrorist. The Chinese are still Communist, but the great foundation of their ancient civilization is the wisdom of Confucius, the I Ching, the Tao, Buddhism. Let Tibet be free.
All the World's Religions have at their basis the same message. Love, no killing, no greed, honouring the parents,
no stealing, no lying, no jealousy, etc.
Let's Unite under the Aquarian banner of honouring each individual for their own uniqueness, for our own commonality as a group of humans on this planet which is our mother,.
Do we stay in fear and Scare City?


Lunar Eclipse March 14 2006 in Toronto

Galactic Centre Alignment 

Lunar Eclipse

During March we have a pair of Eclipses the first a Lunar Eclipse occuring on the Full Moon March 14th in VIRGO at 6:35 PM EST in Toronto where I presently reside. 11:36 PM GMT. 3:36 PM PST.
Eclipses are Gateways to New Consciousness and beginnings.
Every six months the Earth, Moon and Sun align precisely enough to eclipse each other. Think of it as a race or a competition, the Heavenly Olympics.  As the shadow of the Earth obscures the Light of the Moon we have a special opportunity, a gateway to see in the dark, through our fears of being without the Feminine, the Goddess, the comfort and innate memories of the womb, and uncover new truths.
Eclipses occur in relation to the Lunar Nodes, the points in space where the Moon crosses the ecliptic-the Celstial Equator. Formed by the Moon the symbol of the Feminine, the lunar nodes represent where we get our nourishment from on a Cosmic Level and feel it in a "down to earth" way.The North Node indicates for all of us what current and future intentions support our spiritual development and the South Nodes what has nurtured us in the past.
The Nodes of the Moon,the North Node looks like headphones as a symbol,  are karmic in nature, specifically representing, feelings, emotions, the womb, memories, Source, the primal Feminine energy, the Goddess. So put on your Celestial Lunar Node headphones,tune in listen to the Celestial Music and head for Home.
This Eclipse finds the SUN source of Light Life and the Soul, they don't call it SOL for naught,near the North Node in Pisces at 24+ degrees of Pisces, the last and most spiritual of all the Signs of the Zodiac. The Light beckons us to return to the Source of all. The Moon opposite is at 24 + degrees of Virgo, near the South Node { at 4 degrees of Libra} a sign which seeks perfection of the earthy, body levels and of the mind. Pisces knows all is already perfection.
 VIRGO/PISCES polarity is about integrating the seemingly opposites of MIND/BODY and SPIRIT.
THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT ECLIPSE as Pluto the great Redeemer and Transformer is almost perfectly squaring {90 dgeree angle} the Sun and Moon. Squares are tense and push us into action.
I would call it a Plutonic Eclipse.
On a Natural Zodiac Wheel with 0 degrees of Aries on the Ascendant Pluto is on the Mid-Heaven. The Highest Planet, the Underworld Lord, like cream, rises to the top to show us what needs to be transformed, eliminated, the garbage and refuse and toxins that need to be cleaned, the denial, rape, torture and hostage taking of our peoples on the earth toawrds each other in the name of Religion and other ideologies, Pluto is in Sagittarius, and in the name of Power and Control.
Pluto rules the Collective Unconscious of the Planet. Pluto squaring the Galactic Centre at 26 of Sag. the sign most concerned with searching for Higher Truth, Philosophies, Justice, Freedom, Religion and Prophecy, Nostrodamus one of the most famous "Seers" was a Sag.
PLUTO IS ALMOST EXACTLY ON THE GALACTIC CENTRE       {G.C.} OF THE MILKY WAY GALAXY, the galaxy we call              'HOME.'"                                        Galactic means Mothers Milk.  
                   X marks the spot on the Treasure Map!
BLACK HOLES DESTROY TIME AND SPACE.                                
You could also call it Mecca. Did you know that inside the Big Black Cube at Mecca is a huge Meteorite? Similarly orthodox Jews place a black cube over their 3rd eye chakras to pray every day. Reminds me of the "black box" in the sci-fi novel Dune. The truth telling box.
Pluto also forms a polarity with quasar "Gaia" at 26 degrees of Gemini and more familiar to most of you, the North Star Polaris at 27 degrees of Gemini. In the Toronto Chart Polaris is exactly on the Mid Heaven, the top of the top of the chart. Following the North Star has always symbolized the highest spiritual and literal direction for our ancestral exploring seafaring ancestors to find their way Home when lost at sea
{ read-lost in forgetfullness and the emotional fog}.
It is Due North. So the directions of this Eclipse, this Heavenly Treasure Map shows us the Gateway, laid out very directly, obviously, symbolically, metaphor- ically  and every which way to point us to find out way truly HOME in the Galactic Heartbeat Centre mutating and metamorphosizing us back to the future to our true selves.
The Asteroid Juno at 24 degrees of Gemini now opposes Pluto and conjuncts the North Star. This asteroid, is one of the 4 Major ones used in Astrological interpretations. Juno, Roman Goddess of Marriage, mythis consort of Jupitet {Jehovah}, symbolizes the principle of Feminine Power and Equality in relationships.Juno is the Feminine Soul, whereas Genii is the Masculine Soul, even though we know that Souls are beyond duality. Juno creates a Mutable Sign Grand Cross signalling a radical change in how we relate to others, the Feminine Power Principle and The Goddess Herself, our Guiding Light.. "A REALLY BIG SHEW."   a la ED SULLIVAN.
In the Native American Pipe Ceremony Invocation for prayers to the "Great Mystery" that I was taught, the first 2 stated facts are that " We are all born of the Feminine, of woman, of the Goddess" and that nothing be done to harm the children." The children meaning all the life forms existing who are created, ourselves, the creatures, animals, trees, rocks, air, water, all who came from that central Galactic Womb. It's not called the Guyactic Centre. Galactic means Mothers Milk.
The "Part of Fortune", looks like a circle with an x in it, an Arabic Part, symbolizing where the "pot of Gold" or greatest rewards are in a chart is at 28 degree os Pisces exacly on Quetzalcoatyl!
This Eclipse for the U.S.

Steve Irwin The Crocodile Hunter

Copyright  2002-2007 Tara Greene - All Rights Reserved

World Famous Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin died tragically and suddenly of a sting ray barb to his heart on Sept. 4, 2006 at about 11:00 Am local time near Port Douglas, Queensland Australia. Steve was a brawny, compassionate eco-fighter for animal rights. His salt of the earth, always in khaki's image, animal warrior stance endeared him to millions of children and adults. His untimely death touched the hearts of millions around the world with a huge outpouring of shock, and sympathy at his loss to the world and for Steve's wife and children.
Having a young daughter myself, we spent many an hour watching Steve "Crikey!" it off to lots of crocs, snakes etc. over the past few years.
When a person's death sparks this kind of grief they are archetypal carriers of their times. Steve Irwin carried the archetypal energy of a modern day Tarzan, the wild man, roaming the outback of Australia, dealing with wild animals on a daily basis. His life carried the energy of the masculine hero animal rights warrior, not hunting and killing but preserving and educating people of the world through TV and film.
A Herculean figure, a larger-than-life personality. Most of us only dream of the kind of encounters that were Steve's daily work. ANd this was why his death struck so many as if they knew him personally. He was carrying the secretly wished for dreams of millions.
His death symbolizes the end of his personal foray living and carrying that myth.  But his life and death invokes more people to join in and carry on, particularly his own family. Already millions of dollars have been donated to his Wildlife Fund.
Let's look at Steve's Natal Chart. His birth time is unknown, so 12:00 PM noon is used especially for a public figure.
Steve had The Sun in Pisces, a compassionate, sensitive, idealist, dreamy, of a watery nature, one who is chameleon like, blends into his surroundings, drawn to film. His Sun is conjunct the Fixed Star Fomalhaut, a.k.a. the Archangel Gabriel, one of the 4 "Royal STArs."  That says a lot right there. Gabriel blows his trumpet on Judgement Day and Steve certainly blew his, advocating for crocs and other critters who couldn't blow there own.
He had the comet Chiron at 5 degrees of Pisces conjunct the Sun. He is a born to be a wounded healer for whatever he choose to apply himself to, that is, he may be wounded by the very cause he defends.
He has Venus conjunct the Sun at 9 degrees of Pisces. Venus is combust being burned out by its proximity to the Sun.
In this Chart Venus rules his Ascendant sign of Taurus. Steve certainly looked like a Taurean, stongly built, down to earth, stubborn in his own beliefs and values. The Ascendant rules the body so, his body would be vulnerable, as Venus's influence is weakened.  Venus represents values, and his values are who he was.  The Sun and Venus are both under Jupiter's influence {Jupiter also rules Pisces in the Ancient rulership} which rules Sag. in this chart,the 8th house of death. This does not bode well for a long life.
Neptune is the ruling planet of his Sun and Venus and it is in Scorpio, Retrograde in his 6th house of work and service. His daily work is to transform, in a Scorpionic way. Scorpio always deals with power,near death experiences, control. Scorpio is watery, a foreshadowing of his death in the water. Neptune Retrograde indicates someone who is not easily understood by others and doesn't have the usual common sense. Steve listened to his own inner music,he was directly connected to his Soul. He may have had trouble distinguishing reality from his own beliefs which are of an altruistic nature, he saw the best in all situations. Steve was a highly evolved being and will be a forerunner of the Future. Retrograde Neptune in the 6th house describes an Angel of Mercy. This individual can bring spirit into the Earth plane.
Scorpio's symbol is the Scorpion which has a stinging tail, I believe that the sting ray fits into this catagory as well, especially as it is a sea creature.
Steve had 4 planets in the sign of Aquarius. Mercury, MArs, Saturn and Jupiter all personal planets. Aquarius is the sign of the Revolutionary, the person who destructs the old status quo. They are unique individuals, fixed, inventors, awakeners.
Mars in Uranus especially describes a warrior, and Mars rules the 12th house in this chart of Aries, which rules wild animals. Uranus is the ruling planet of Aquarius. It is at 28 degrees of Leo. Leo is the Sign of kings, actors, leaders, child like, so Steve's destiny was to be a media star, the King of his own revolution. Steve had a totally childlike awe of nature. At 28 degrees of Leo is the Fixed Star Regulus, indicating fame, Regulus or Raphael is the angel of Healing.
Steve's Uranus was opposite his Jupiter and his Sun indicating wealth,fame, an international audience,a renegade individual who did it his way. In this chart all Aquarian planets are in the 9th house, naturally a Sagittarian house. Sagottarius is the animal lover, the jock, the risk taker and gambler, one who wants to uplevel peoples philosophies on a grand scale. Steve certainly fit this role to a T.
Steve's Moon is in Libra indicating the need for balance, fairness, legal matters,others, peace.
Steve's Pluto was in Virgo, earthy, of service to others.
Steve's North Node or highest Spiritual Goal was at 18 degrees of Leo. His goal was to be the king, the child, the actor. The South Node {his past} at 18 degrees of Aquarius is conjunct his NAtal MArs and his Jupiter. From his past, as a seer, an inventor, a rebel he brought in a wealth of knowledge, and incredible drive to be the warrior.
Neptune in Scoprio is in a T-square or 90 degree angle to the Nodes, and MArs. This produce tension, conflict, impelling the need to act.
His individuality and stubborn fixed idealistic nature, is square off by by the Neptune in Scorpio's danger and idealism. Steve was a unique individual in so many ways.
He lived his truth and died by it. He will be missed and serve as a global messenger for many others animal rights activists to follow.

Ophiuchus the 13th Constellation

Steve Irwin, Ophiuchus Incarnate


SIgn from the Heavens 

Steve Irwin's sudden death signals that he is carrying an Archetypal energy, that of the Constellation Ophiucus, the Serpent Holder, also known since antiquity as the healer Asclepius and a sign that we must Integrate the 13th Constellation into our hearts Now! 

The Star grid for Constellation Ophiuchus *
Originally called  Asclepios, a connotation of the same word, he was an actual person, a famous Ancient Greek Healer, shown wrestling a giant snake. This is the only Constellation connected to a real human.
The photo of Steve Irwin shows him doing exactly the same thing.

Asclepias The Healer Shaman/Ophiucus  *

I have been very preoccupied with the sudden death of Steve Irwin known as the Croc Hunter since I first heard about it. I've discovered that when an issue sticks with me deeply and I can't logically figure out why, I let myself be led through synchronicities till I discover a deeper truth.

I wrote about my feelings that Steve Irwin, had become a living Archetype of our times {see World Events on this site}.

The message of Steve's death sudden death and Archetypal meaning for the World now, just hit me while following my intuition for days surfing through the net following one clue after another.

Steve Irwin known as the Crocodile Hunter {crocs are reptiles,along with snakes} embodied a modern hero Archetype, related to the 13th Constellation, that of Ophiuchus, known as the serpent holder and originally as Asclepius the Healer. Ophiuchus is one of the 88 constellations, and was also one of the 48 Classical ones listed by Ptolemy one of the most famous Greek Astronomers. Ophiuchus is depicted as a man  wrestling a snake, Serpens; the interposition of his body divides the snake into two parts, Serpens Caput and Serpens Cauda, which are nonetheless counted as one constellation.



He is the modern Archetype of Ophiuchus / Ascelpius. A healer/shaman who journeys, usually in visions to the Upper and lower worlds, and who uses Kundalini,also known as  snake/reptile Medicine to heal with.
Since Steve lived his truth, and lived according to the dictates of Spirit, he became a well known public figure,and his life extended beyond his personality or Lower Self and was being run by his Higher Self.
To be killed by a sting ray barb to the heart,the heart chakra, and true seat of our existence, a very, very rare occurance, indicates that Steve's soul had agreed unconsciously to die a sacrificial death for the benefit of all humans.
This is like the story of a famous Buddhist Rinpoche, or teacher who was meditating in the woods and came upon a female tiger with 2 young who were starving. The Rinpoche willingly gave up his life in order to feed the tigers, because he was a Boddhisatva, and totally unnattached to his ego and life, knowing that his sacrifice would benefit other beings.


Ophiuchus and Astrology

Ophiuchus The Serpent Holder is a three-part constellation, space-walking on the plane of the ecliptic, known to astrologers as "the belt of the zodiac." He consists of the body of a man and a snake in two parts: Serpens Cauda (the tail) and Serpens Caput (the head).

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Friday Feb. 24 06   Astrological Updates


"Row Row Row your boat, gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a Dream."*"*-.,,.-*"*-.,,.-*"*-.,,.-*"*-.,,.-*"*-.,,.-*"*

A "Big Dream" of mine has been published with an accompanying illustration I did and can be seen in the Dream Network Journal, on p. 22 called "Flying Trees." This was a dream I had in 1993. 

It's a wonderful publication. Go to  http://DreamNetwork.net and on the left sidebar, under Quarterly Publication, click on Dream Network Journal, then click on 'Come! Explore the Mystery With Us.' There, at the top of the page you will see the .pdf symbol and may download the issue there. --

"Evolving a Dream Cherishing Culture" Since 1982  DREAM NETWORK, A Journal Exploring Dreams & Mythology

Roberta Ossana, Publisher/Editor Publisher@DreamNetwork.net 1337 Powerhouse Lane, Suite 22/PO Box 1026 Moab, UT 84532

On the Web: http://DreamNetwork.net Phone: 435/259-5936     "Nothing happens unless first a Dream." Carl Sandburg

What's UP?

A very busy week beginning Feb. 27th New Moon in Pisces -a New Moon in the Last sign, conjunct Uranus -expect the unexpected Spiritual insight, emotional outpouring -on Monday @ 7:31 PM EST
Tuesday Feb 28th begins the Celebrations of  Losar -- Tibetan New Year  2133 -- Year of the Fire Dog  
Many Tibetan Buddhist communities and temples will be celebrating on this auspicious Day. Free Tibet!
Stop buying all that useless junk from Wal MArt and supporting China's destruction and suppression of the Tibetan culture.
It's also Mardi Gras-Fat Tuesday- don't feel guilt about eating lots of butter and cream today
BUT Better Mark Your Calendars-
Thursday March 2nd Mercury Goes Retrograde-3:29 PM EST near the end of Pisces, 26 degrees 55' 
Mercury turns Direct on Sat. March 25th at 8:36 Am EST at 13 degrees 11' of Pisces
but the Winged Messenger won't be out of its' shadow period back where it started from on March 2nd until Good Friday
April 14th at 11:46 Am. Definitely nice synchronicity there.  Tax time?  Actually it seems like the perfect time to do your taxes whilst Mercury is Retrograde.  More on Retrogrades...
March 4th Jupiter follows Mercury's lead and goes Retro wearing loud outlandish disco costumes and Afro wig out to there. Jupiter is in Scorpio when he shuffles backwards at 18 degrees+ .  As Jupiter rules education, foreigners, travel, philosophy, adventure, religion, expansion and optimism, everything Big including the economy!- expect all that to be raked over the coals. Cartoon wars? Doesn't look good on the War with foreigners side, but U.S. might be forced to pull out of Iraq during this time period as Civil War erupts and invade Iran!
Jupiter turns direct on July 6th having moved 10 degrees backwards in the sky  and won't be returning to his starting point at 18 Scorpio until  Oct 2nd which my Calendar states is Yom Kippur the Holiest Day in the Jewish Year.  Again the religious markers coinciding again.
And RE member the Ides of March- the 15th:  Didn't you read your Shakespeare?
Re member Charo-ask your Mother or Grandmother if you don't know who she is/was-  pronouncing Shakespeare like
Shak a spear eh? like, shake a spear, or some kind of weird Canuck lost language
What Are the Ides?

In the ancient Roman calendar, each of the 12 months of the year had an "ides." In March, May, July and October, the "ides" fell on the 15th day. In every other month, the "ides" fell on the 13th. The word "ides" was derived from the Latin "to divide." The "ides" were originally meant to mark the full moon - but since the solar calendar months and lunar months were of different lengths, the "ides" quickly lost their original intent and purpose.

According to historical writer C.J.S. Thompson, Ph.D. in The Mystery and Romance of Astrology, 1929, the unidentified soothsayer from Shakespeare's play was a Roman astrologer by the name of Spurinna. According to Thompson - and confirmed in Plutarch's account of the story written in 75 A.D. and Suetonius in 110 A.D. - it was sometime prior to the fateful day of March 15 that Spurinna had first given Caesar the famous warning to "beware of the Ides of March."

The astrologer, Spurinna, had previously warned Caesar that on the Ides of March, he would be in great danger. If, however, Julius Caesar took care on that one day - then all would be well.

But tut tut, Caesar didn't listen to his Astrologer. And the rest is - history. And you know the famous quote:

" Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
                                                                             -George Santayana (1863 - 1952), The Life of Reason, Volume 1, 1905
So RE membering is of the utmost importance.
Actually it is almost all there is to do. So these Re trograde periods are very beneficial to all of us.
Re member to re member which is put your Holy Self back together whole.
Re memeber what you already know
Re member that you are already Enlightened -says the Buddha Shakyamuni
Re member that once upon a time taxes in Canada were voluntary
Re member the Goddess, The Earth, our Mother, she is Holy and our Home
Re member what you dreamed and intended to do in your life and wake up NOW!

"Re member who you are, Child of the Stars *    - song lyrics by Lisa Thiel

*Many Blessings,



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A wild 'n crazy revolutionary day for LOVE

 Re-evaluating "Romantic values" on Valentine's DAy.
Heavenly Hockey, Galactic Centre, Yoni Verse, a Revolution of the Heart Chakra Values



On what is usually a sentimental commercialized "Romantic" Day, 2006 turns out to be totally Revolutionary!
A Very Busy Looking EXtremely Quirky V Day to be sure.
At 7:15 am EST the Moon, still looking pretty Full after a Late nite Full Moon on the 12th {in Leo} is now in the serious, meticulous, nit picky, thrifty, intellectual overly critical sign of the Harvest Virgin Goddess Virgo.
The Moon of course is very important on Valentine's Day as she rules feelings, instincts memories and emotions. La Luna here opposes Uranus-the planet of the Unexpected, the Revolutionary, the quirky humanitarian individualist who is detached, in their heads, but who loves everybody as a group and opposes Mercury the communications planet and ruler of the sign Virgo which the Moon is in.
Uranus and Mercury are in Pisces, the Water sign of Spirituality, endings, Bliss, flowing emotions, ideal love, secret enemies, delusions, illusions, addictions, glamour, martyrs-isn't this the origin of St. Valentine's Day?  artists, musicians, poetry and film. Neptune rules Pisces and he is in that rev up sign Aquarius. I think this sets the tone for this commercialized Saints' Day. Not Romantic in the old fashioned sense- this is a new ROMANTIC Era! No More Martyrs.
The main planet of Romance is Venus. And on this day she is in a corporate conservative suit,down to business, responsible, practical earthy "universal" Capricorn. And surprisingly she is totally unaspected solo, stand alone, independent! Venus of course rules Women AND values. So I am predicting a very unusual Valentine's Day from the standpoint of the Female half of the Race. She's a Feminist, "Virgin" in the original sense of the word-"a woman who is whole and complete unto herself, owned by no one." She's singing "Hit the road, Jack." and  may not be in the mood at all. Venus in Capricorn's highest expression wants us to get serious and aspire to the peak of a practical goal -and think individualistically. So forget the sentiments. Our values viz a viz the Corporate New World Order or the Saturn Physically Earthy world of 3D reality is what we're tossing around here. That's what women really want now.
For you guys, Mars your ruling planet is in Taurus, which is Venus' home sign,  which is earthy, bull headed, sensual, stubborn, wants security, likes to smell the roses, enjoys good food, music, the arts, all the sensual pleasures, is lazy. Mars is under Venus's rulership on this day. So there is Major sexual role reversals.  Gays will love it.
In the Sacred Geometrical aspects, Mars is trining { a good beneficial aspect} Asteroid Ceres-the Goddess who governs Motherhood, the Earth, we honour her name by eating cereals and grains very day, in Capricorn. And Mars is trining the South Node of the Moon-in the balance relationships sign of Libra. The Men are being influenced by past memories of their Mothers and being in a state of perfectly nurtured  unconditional bliss. The guys want " a girl just like the girl who married dear old Dad." Hmm.. Interesting.
This signifies the Archetypal energies that Men are being pulled back into collective unconscious memory of when, in pre-patriarchal times, for over thousands of years, all men honoured the Earth, and women as embodied Goddesses, who were sacred and magical, to be cherished and protected, and the Earth itself as their Mother, to which they as sons were loyal, responsible stewards. No more dissing women, using them as sex objects, no more trying to rationialize the word bitch. No more screwing with Mother Nature. Both Venus and Mars are in Feminine signs.
In fact Moon, Mercury, Venus, MArs, Jupiter in Transformationally Intense and Sexy Powerfull Scorpio waters and Uranus are all in Feminine signs!  6 in Feminine.
Only the Sun, Saturn and Pluto are in MAsculine signs.
The emphasis is on the Feminine.
Chiron in Aquarius is opposite Saturn. So old wounds are being very painfully ground into the soul and exposed in order for them to be healed. See how this is manifesting on a planetary level what with the Muslim cartoon furher. It's good, but it hurts as old patriarchalisms oppose freedom and factions face off.  Think of it as a Heavenly Hockey Tournament.  Saturn, that Karmic master, is still taciturn and retrograde in Leo, showing us what ego Karma creates. The Sun, rules sign Leo and governs over Saturn's serious actions now from revolutionary Aquarius. and AQUARIUS MEANS ALL OF HUMANITY.
And last but not least Pluto, is hovering around the Heart/Womb centre of our Galaxy, the Galactic Centre. This is the centre of the Yoniverse. There is only one story in the Universe and that is the Heart/Womb.
So a really new type of  ROMANCE is born! It pictures perfectly our present state of affairs of the Heart.
Instead of the outworn usual TO BE COOLY IN STEP WITH THE ENERGIES OF THIS DAY May I suggest:
-Ladies, if you can be bothered to stop working, send him the roses  if you must have flowers on this day. Better yet buy seeds, or a potted plant. The way to a Taurus's heart is through his stomach, and senses. Read him poetry- Rumi, Leonard Cohen, Yeats, Joni Mitchell, Rilke. Better yet, cook him a home cooked meal,like his Mom used to make.
-Men give her something practical, serious and businesslike-she's not into the frills this Valentine's Day.
-tell your Mom you love her. -Do something nice for the Earth, be unselfish don't be controlled by the PR Probaganda of how to act and what to buy.
-See a tear jerking movie that is politically correct. Brokeback Mountain?
-do something totally out of your usual context.
-donate money to your favourite charity instead of the expensive dinner- with Moon in Virgo the way to anyone's heart is through a thrifty pocketbook.
-beware of O.D.'ing on chocolate, and buy Fair Trade Organic Chocolate, not the stuff harvested by child labour from the Ivory Coast.
-write poetry to each other.
So expect an unexpected outporing of independent feelings, idealism,lots of nit picky spiritual and poetical assertions, much wearing of rose coloured glasses, too much inebriation, from chocolate, champagne, wine,  Men are more romantic than women and wanting Mother love. If you are alone, it may be exactly where you need to be.

Let me know how this revolutionary romance day affects your heart chakra.

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Jupiter enters Scorpio Oct 25th, 05 


 I call it the Xtreme Make Over, Big Time on a Planetary level-for one year

               Jupiter, the largest of the planets in our solar system, traditionally known as  “the Great Benefic” in both Eastern and Western  systems of Astrology, is King of the planets.  Jupiter, dressed in Royal Purple is the Planet of Big, he brings vitality, over exaggeration, expansion, optimism, humour- by Jove, hence jovial from the Planet’s name. To the Greek’s he was Zeus, hurlers of thunderbolt’s, the head honcho on Mt. Olympus.
Jupiter in Scorpio will raise A New Level of Awareness, pushing us to the extremes of power, emotional depths, push our control buttons, and help us to experience, ego death, rebirth and hopefully transformation.

Jupiter rules big business, fortune, gambling, adventure, travel- space travel, mingling with foreigners, exotica, the grass is always greener syndrome; religion, pageantry, the military, the Law-Yahweh is Jupiter. Philosophy, education, sports and athleticism, love of animals are all Jupiterian enthusiasms.  “Just do it”  is a Jupiterian maxim.  Jupiter needs freedom to explore, abhors the mundane routine, is not tidy, procrastinates, is a bit klutzy and can be terribly judgmental.  Jupiter can also be hypocritical, a religious zealot, a proselytizer. 


Jupiter is easy going- a golden beer commercial with the guys, hockey and a dog at your feet; James Bond; generosity of spirit, and for those of you old enough to have seen those chestnut movies with Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland as teenagers- that kind of chutzpah-“we’ll get a band together….” The show must go on!  Not to mention the infamous “hoof in mouth disease” that Jupiter brings, endlessly honest to a fault.  Jupiter loves mysticism, the most famous seer was Nostodamus, a Jupiter ruled Sagittarian. Jupiter governs the liver, the largest organ in the body.


Jupiter’s song must be “Somewhere over the Rainbow.”


Jupiter is a fiery, masculine planet, of a “mutable” nature, ruler of Sagittarius, and ancient ruler of the sign Pisces. Jupiter is finishing his yearlong journey through Airy, relationship, peace and harmony oriented Libra and is about to change channels, and move into Scorpio territory until Nov. 23, 2006 to be exact. Jupiter last traveled through Scorpio in ’93-94. 


Scorpio a feminine, water sign, of “fixed” nature is traditionally the Sign of Transformation- this is the Extreme Make-Over.  All the biggies in Life fall under Scorpio- Birth, Death, Rebirth, in all their manifestations, Sex, and Taxes, and “other people’s money.” Scorpio is about change. The famous Scorpion sting is its hallmark.  Scorpio is perceptive, scrutinizes with penetrating insight, it is passionate, vengeful, jealous, power hungry, into control and secrets. Scorpio loves crises, is obsessive, and feels with the utmost intensity.  Scorpio rules the reproductive organs. Scorpio, traditionally ruled by Mars, and Pluto since the 1930’s rules nuclear power, genetic engineering, waste, hidden agendas-secrets, abuse, abductions. Scorpio continually builds up and tears things down in order to refine itself from the most base levels of emotion to the highest levels evolving from the Scorpion to eventually become an eagle-a soaring messenger of Spirit.

The months ahead will be highly stressful and will also see major political and personal reorientations at every level.

So, what will the Big Astrological picture look like as Jupiter’s expands the intense, passionate, sexy, control freakin’, power hungry, transformational waters of birth and death in Scorpio?  We’ll get to the how, where and what Jupiter will bring to each sign personally in a bit. 

Scorpio, being the 8th sign is one of those symbolically synchronistic tip offs. The number 8 turned on its side is the Infinity symbol. The 8th Sign is about the Infinitude of Life and Death.


The short and curlies of it is- No FLUFFYNESS THIS YEAR!

 What we all have denied and tried to control and keep secret will be in our faces. We will have to deal with the major biggies because our backs will be against the wall.  Gain from loss seems to be one theme. Jupiter is Scorpio-somewhat like Superman brings truth, justice and the International Way to money matters, power, control issues as well as highlighting power struggles in relationships. I absolutely believe that there is no such thing as coincidence. Co-incidence or synchronicity has been said to be “God’s signature.” Not coincidentally, speaking of number 8, we will be moving from a Universal number 7,2005=7 to a Number 8 Year in 2006=8. We may be behind the 8 Ball, so to speak. More on 2006 later.


If you are aware of how you feel or have noticed that those around you get very emotional and their anger and dark sides come out whilst the Moon is in Scorpio expect a whole year of  that!!  Hopefully Jupiter will give us the tools to take it higher. There will be a purge of negative emotions; people will be spewing chunks of their denied selves all over the place. It may not look pretty, but this is part of the Great Cleansing. We will have to learn to look at our Selves and our situations more humorously.

 If we navigate this successfully we will be like the Walter Huston and Tim what’s his name at the end of Treasure of the Sierra Madre, laughing as their money blows away after all their struggles and trials-but at least they are alive.

We must learn to source beauty in all its myriad forms without labeling or judging if we are to become true Sourcerers-those who emanate from Source!


Jupiter in Scorpio puts 2 opposing elements together. Some say water puts out fire. That is true but fire and water makes steam-intensely hot.  Volcanic eruptions!  Also Jupiter being the Ancient ruler of Pisces indicates more tsunamis, and flooding. New water powered resources, gravity furnaces, and hydrothermal power. Expect to see International collaboration and major scientific advances and breakthroughs in genetic manipulation and engineering. There will be more of a big ruckus legally about the rights to use this knowledge for the advancement of life and to cure disease. Advances in AIDS treatments will be discovered.  Expect more secrets outing all over the place- the 2,000-year rule of the Catholic Church may come to a halt. .Secret government disclosures.  Wilhelm Reich’s and Nicolas Teslas discoveries with bodily and magnetic energy which were suppressed by governments and corporations since the ‘20’s and 30;s will surface because these discoveries are necessary now.  This has been building for years.  Big business may go through huge breakdowns in order to transform and restructure.  Big innovations in waste management and recycling on a global level. The public will be screaming for justice and truth, rise up for tax and social reforms which will benefit all the people not just Big Business.

There are both positive and negative situations unfolding here.  In any case we are in for a year of deeper, more penetrating insight into our own natures. The basic survival instincts will be triggered.  Governments may react in a fascist, more controlling way, because they sense their survivability threatened.  The right to die with dignity will be looked at more favorably by Law. There is the possibility of discovering life on other planets, from other Galaxies or even a real alien visitation, especially as Pluto in Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter gets closer to the Galactic Centre. .

People will be seeing the Universal Truths beyond individual, religious, racial, and cultural boundaries to join together to look at the primary issues of what the basic necessities of life are.  A move for a new World Government, the dissolving of the U.N. could get started at this time. We can see the wave developing of International Aid from the tsunami in Indonesia and the earth changes that have continued through this year.  Earth changes will continue and intensify because we aren’t changing enough, we aren’t surrendering our ego views fast enough. 


And more stuff thrown into the cauldron…Mutual Reception or why don’t you come on over to my house?


Jupiter in Scorpio creates another “mutual reception” between the planets. Jupiter rules Sagittarius. Pluto rules Scorpio. Jupiter is visiting Pluto’s home territory and Pluto is visiting in Jupiter’s. This is what’s called “mutual reception. Jupiter and Pluto are exchanging homes. Pluto is renovating Jupiter’s home and Jupiter is expanding Pluto’s. Who would of thought that the Makeover craze extended to the planets? The planets energies blend more easily when they are “hosting” each other in this way. Neptune and Uranus are also “mutually receptive” in each other’s signs too right now. All the planets are having house warmings, what’s up down here on earth?  The 4 planets are also all in “Universal” signs, indicating their effects have a more uplifting, expansive, spiritual affect.

And more…

Jupiter on The Burning Way path-

The via combusta, or "Burning Way", extends between 15° Libra and 15° Scorpio and is considered to be an unfavourable area of the zodiac, especially for the Sun and Moon (Sun being in the debility known as its "fall" in Libra, while the Moon is in its fall in Scorpio). Jupiter is right in the very middle of this stressful phase when he enters Scorpio. Jupiter moved onto the via combusta in mid-December 2004. See my article about the Tsunami disaster for other key astrological signatures on that date. A few days later, the massive natural disaster known as the "Boxing Day Tsunami” hit, thousands were killed and millions displaced in Indonesia and other parts of South Asia. Many other natural and man-made disasters have featured in subsequent months, Hurricane Katrina, Rita, Wilma the Earthquake in Pakistan,etc. Jupiter effectively remains in this volatile area until mid-September 2006. This period will be followed by a Grand Cross in the last week of October 2006.


The cycles of astrology are reflected in our daily lives, and they indicate the patterns of our lives. The cycles of Jupiter coordinate with the cycles of Saturn, these 2 planets, known as “Time Lords” direct their energies and they have significant effects on the collective. Most significant are conjunctions between these two massive forces, and also the sign changes, hard aspects and retrograde periods. We began a new cosmic phase, at the last conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in May/June 2000 in Taurus, the sign of the Bull. The point of this conjunction, at 23° Taurus, was re-activated by the conjunction of Mars on October 1, 2005, when Mars turned retrograde at 23°. Because we didn’t get it the first time, we need to go over this same point again.


There are four possible high energy, i.e., potential crash dates, in 2006. There will be three Jupiter/Saturn squares (which translates into a business cycle risk), beginning December 2005 and lasting until October 2006.


Jupiter in Scorpio will exactly oppose this same point in the last week of October 2006, when Jupiter and Saturn are in exact square to each other — Scorpio, Leo and Taurus are Fixed Signs. The Fixed Signs are also aligned with the 4 Guardian Angels. The personal planets, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars will all be in Scorpio at that time, just as Mercury prepares to turn retrograde in close conjunction with Jupiter. The planets will therefore create a Grand Cross in Fixed Signs, because Neptune in Aquarius, the fourth Fixed Sign, will be only a few degrees away from the aspect. Jupiter squares Neptune in 2006, while Saturn opposes Neptune in 2006 and 2007. Both of these planetary pairings translate into future Oil and Inflation risks. The Moon's mean node (the Dragon's Head) at 23° Pisces will also be in aspect, thus increasing the karmic pressure. Much pressure due to this Fixed Grand Cross.


More stuff in the pot- Mars Retrograde Oct 1st-Dec 9th!!!

Mars, the fiery ruler of Scorpio {and Aries} turned Retrograde in Taurus on Oct 1st. Mars is in Venus’s rulership in Taurus. Mars in Taurus is extremely obstinate, practical, determined and likes to spend money. But he is in detriment in Taurus, and not up to his usual snuff in a Feminine earthy mode and moving backwards. New actions are slowed down during a Mars retrograde period. The economy will slow down during this period. Beginnings {Aries} are stalled. Aggressive energies are softened, anger gets turned in, and there are delays, re-strategizing. This is a good time to restrategize how much you are in debt for; this goes for countries as well.  Mars will continue to retrace his warrior steps until Dec. 9th when he stops at 8 degrees of Taurus and begins to move forwards again. With Fire in the Earth {Taurus} after Dec 9th expect major volcanic explosions and Earthquakes!  All actions will proceed more aggressively after this time out period.

But But things won't be up to speed until Feb. when Mars passes that 23 degree point again!!!

This “cooling off” time of Mars Retrograde is Very Important. We, each individual human, who has been endowed with the gift of consciousness, humanity as a whole needs to think about how our aggressive actions affect the very Earth all life depends on for survival.

I see this as a period of Grace that the Universe is giving us. Like a child who is told to go to their room to think about their bad, selfish or aggressive behaviour, we have this time period to think about what we did wrong, why we did it and how we are going to change our behaviours into positive ones and act on that before we can leave our room. Collectively we are acting like spoiled rotten selfish, 3 year old in relation to the Earth Our Mother. She is pissed off with us and rightly so. Like any good mother she has to teach her wayward children how to behave responsibly and respectfully to ourselves, the Earth and all Her Creations.

We could also see the Mars Retrograde period poetically as the Warrior comes home in Venus, the Goddess, the Sacred Priestess, weary from his wars to regenerate himself from the sin of bloodshed. See the book- Women Who Sleep with Men to Take the War out of Them, now published in Tree by Feminist, healer and writer Deena Metzger. See her website for more ecological, spiritual and environmental poesis www.deenametzger.com.


Jupiter is one of the most potent forces in our solar system.  Jupiter in Scorpio, pushes matters in a more ardent, aggressive and self-reliant approach, subject of course to the relative placement of this transit in your own chart. Jupiter here is enthusiastic, constructive and resourceful, with a practical, logical approach, especially to vocational matters. When Jupiter is afflicted, or when it presents difficult aspects to your own chart, it may bring loss and trouble through the indulgence of the sexual nature and love of rich and expensive foods, thus undermining your health, especially with regard to the heart. A tendency to be manipulative, however, does not favour friendships or associations.


Yes, many Scorpio's are looking forward to its arrival! Yet, all of the zodiac signs can benefit from Jupiter in their own way. This planet is said to bring great opportunities, good health, vitality, financial blessings and many other wonderful things. But some times it can bring “too much of a good thing”.

ANd Finally


Note: If you know your rising sign (ascendant), read that sign too for more accuracy. 

If you know what sign your Moon is in, you could also take a gander at how your deepest instincts will be transformed.


 Scorpio, the Scorpion
 Jupiter in your
1st house of Identity, transits to the Sun

A brand new cycle for you Scorpions. Jupiter crossing your Ascendant puts a new twinkle in those mesmeric eyes of yours and a new sproing in your step. Time to expand your persona, try on a new mask. This marks the beginning of a new 12-year cycle. So put your best foot forward. Jupiter expands your will power, daring, and bravado.
This year could be one of your most fortunate- It’s the big “pay-off year!” Personal magnetism increases! How hot, sexy and powerful can you get? Appetites will increase in all areas, so watch out for weight gain. You can focus your intentions even more powerfully now. There will be many opportunities and major expansion for you. You will seek pleasure, advancement, executive honours, travel and more freedom. You will want to take more risks. Be very careful not to go over the top in your desire for power and control. Jupiter here lets the sun shine through over your endless brooding and obsessions over the meaning of life and death. Go ahead, laugh a little, you take life tooo seriously. Anything you set your heart on can come true.

 Sagittarius, the Archer
Jupiter in your
12th house of endings, bliss, spirituality, karma, a blessing

Jupiter, ruler of your Sun Sign is passing through the last gateway, the 12th house, Scorpio, of secrets, sub-conscious motivation, endings, spiritual bliss, deep feelings, and compassion. This is an incredibly opportune healing time for you, to let go of all your past pain. Many Sag.’s will gain what they are seeking, true spiritual insight, wisdom and knowledge, so use it well, meditate a lot, go on a healing retreat, or a Vision Quest. Sweat lodges would be excellent, or simply soak in a very hot bath with sea salt. Tune into those Master Teachers that live on Jupiter. Jupiter in the 12th house is known as having an angel guarding you. You will feel more focused and goal oriented, so work alone and finish writing that book you’ve been procrastinating about. You may be working more behind the scenes and be doing research. People from your past will return. Giving time to charities, institutions and mentoring others will be highlighted. Astrology, mysticism, dream work, working with a spiritual study group will all be of benefit. A spiritual teacher may enter your life, not necessarily in the form of a noticeable guru. Be aware of the synchronicities. Expect good karmic returns. If a wealthy Sag. you will be donating to institutions that minister to the poor and needy. Avoid gambling. Benefits to musicicians, artists, and creative pursuits of all kinds. You will feel at peace, be healed and transformed by Jupiter’s passage. Feel the Bliss. Put your yearning to travel to rest till next year when you will shine.

 Capricorn, the Sea-Goat
Jupiter in your
11th house of wishes hopes and dreams & group humanitarian work

Jupiter was helping you on the job front last year passing through your 10th house. You should have reached some major highlights in your career, and after all your hard work, patience and persistence, It’s time to talk cold, hard cash now- the money and support you deserve finally comes through. Hurray! The coming year should see a spectacular period where many of your fondest dreams come true.  Your network, financial and career developments expand according to your wishes. So set your sights fully on making those dreams a reality. Let your consciousness expand beyond all your previously held boundaries. Wish on a Star; get those Higher Teachers from Jupiter to talk through you. You have powerful access to Higher Consciousness now so ride the wave. You are at the crest of a new movement. You have power and focused magnetic will from tapping into a higher consciousness and new ways of thinking. You are inventive, seek more freedom and may feel more rebellious than your usual conservative self. Expect some financial assistance from friends and associates, but beware of parasites that may become envious and secretly work against you. And if you owe friends money, repay it. New groups, friendships and associations abound which bring new contacts and benefits. You may be teaching and traveling, lecturing to groups of all kinds. Doing humanitarian work brings greater benefits back to you. Should be a very social, fun-filled and fulfilling year. Life brings you new adventures and travels. Invest in tech and cutting edge technology.

 Aquarius, the Water-Bearer
Jupiter transits your
10th house, career goals,
You funky, individualistic Water bearers have Jupiter at the tippy top of your Chart where you shine brightest... You will be in the spotlight whether you like it or not. Now is the time to focus primarily on your career and public image, as the cosmos is on your side, so expect recognition, praise, promotion and opportunity. You can bring your career plans to fruition. Some people get married when Jupiter hits their tenth house. Your inventive, humanistic and group conscious awareness will draw people to you of import, high social standing and enable you to secure influential positions in politics, law or public appointments. It's a good time to find a public forum to display your intellectual talent or start your own business. If your chart concurs, you may amass great wealth and take a prominent part in the stock exchange, banking, shipping, mercantile affairs or trusts essential to the public welfare. Be sure to maintain a spotless character, any and all flaws will also be magnified and if already in power, misuse of the public’s trust can cause your downfall. Jupiter crossing the 10th house, marks a new quadrant change, what you began 10 years ago shows just how far you’ve come.

 Pisces, the Fishes
Jupiter transits your
9th house of higher learning, travel, foreigners, legal matters
Jupiter is your Ancient Sun ruler, and in your 9th Solar house it brings
opportunities to travel long distance, in education, legal matters and publishing.  Jupiter in Scorpio trines your natal Sun house. This is very positive. Jupiter stimulates your optimistic and spiritual side and brings forward your naturally kind-hearted and compassionate disposition. You become more will oriented and focused, confident of what you do know and may also get more recognition at work. Those in high-ranking positions notice you. A good year for business, especially with the International market.  A great year to write, get published and promote your work. Writers should see royalty checks flowing in. Religion becomes very important in your life and there is much spiritual growth. Going to school to earn a degree or teaching is favorable, especially overseas.  A good time to take up a physical sport, swim, work out in the gym and get into better shape. You should be in high spirits, so take that flamenco or acting class, and learn that foreign language you’ve always wanted to try.  There will be romantic affairs with exotic foreigners and long distance relationships.  Get out into nature more and make sure you take a vacation by water. A second marriage, and/or in-laws issues are more satisfactory now. Your dreams may be very intense, unlocking some very deeply buried wounds. A good year for dream therapy, and bodywork. Decisions you set in motion now, have potential for success and will pay off a year from now. Avoid overdoing things; you may overtax yourself by giving too much emotional energy to trying to fix others.  A good time for breaking old addictive habits.
 Aries, the Ram
Jupiter in your
8th house of transformation, other people’s money, sex, intensity

Jupiter is at home here in the 8th house and expands all of those biggies. Sex, taxes, etc. Jupiter brings an intense and deeper form of expression in your sexuality than that to which you have been accustomed. This is the house of the “Soul Mate” or true marriage house, so there may be instant recognition of an old karmic flame and a retying of partnerships. He promotes more money and spirituality. What could be better? So expect lots of benefits now. Your mate could get a raise. You may receive an inheritance.  Money comes through surprise sources. If you are starting a new business, it will be easy to get it off the ground. Good time to get scholarships, grants and loans. You run into good deals and sales. This is a time to pay off debt, refinance or apply for a loan but don’t be too cocky and overestimate how much debt you can take on. A good time for anger management. Watch your temper and high blood pressure, as Jup. in Scorpio’s intense emotions may have you boiling over with rage. As you will be stimulated to investigate the occult and other hidden mysteries of life at this time, past life regression, and hypnosis may be just the thing to transform those locked in emotional trigger habits.

 Taurus, the Bull
Jupiter in you
7th house of marriage, business partnerships, interfacing with the world

Single Taurus’s, w
hen Jupiter opposes your sign, love, relationships and marriage are in the picture. Female Taureans will be attracted to men who remind them of their fathers.  If attached, your relationship grows deeper and runs smoother. Business partnerships and expansion in business is favored.  Legal issues that arise will be settled in one’s favor.  People will be more generous, optimistic and positive to you and you to them. Explore new avenues of learning; philosophy and foreign languages would be apropos. Sports, and physical activities will come more naturally to you couch potatoes. Don’t look that a gift horse in the mouth. You might find yourself with a new pet. Horse back riding may become an interest. Religion may be more appealing. Foreigners will enter your life and perhaps your heart.  Jupiter crossing your 7th house, the Descendant marks a new beginning, and gives some sense of how far you’ve come in the last 6 years.

 Gemini, the Twins
Jupiter transits your
6th house of work, health and daily routine.

Jupiter should bestow good health on the Twins this year. But, w
atch out for weight gain. You could pack on a few extra pounds. It’s a good time to start a new fitness regime. If any concerns do arise, relating to health, know that you will be protected and have a great chance of improving and overcoming them. The nature and scope of your work and daily responsibilities will also expand during the coming year, especially if you’re in a service-oriented field. But do not overestimate your own importance. Work may require more travel, or advanced training. Streamline your working routines and relations with subordinates can also be improved, though you'll be happiest when unsupervised. Avoid procrastination, the 6th house, naturally Virgo, helps you to pay attention to all the details, get more organized, clean out all that old garbage hanging around. You mind will be sharper, more analytical and Jupiter here heightens intelligence. Good for Gemini students studying and doing exams. This period also favors getting a new pet. You may find yourself becoming more involved in community volunteer work. The sixth house can represent old love affairs too. So don’t be surprised if the ex-boyfriend or girlfriend shows up at your doorstep.


 Cancer, the Crab
Jupiter transits your
5th house of love affairs, creative self-expression, children

Good news for the Crabs! Jupiter in Scorpio gives you a highly sociable and pleasure-loving year.
 Love is in the air! You may be flitting from one romance to the next. You will want more freedom and space in your love life though. It’s a great time to meet someone who will capture your heart!  You may go on an exotic cruise or adventure and meet a bewitching foreigner who may totally obsess you. Jupiter here definitely helps expand the family too-this is the most fertile time to get pregnant.-so be clear if you want to bring a new soul into the world or not. Don’t gamble with this. But do fly to Vegas or visit your local Casino. But again, know when to fold. Don’t bet everything on one shot. Jupiter gets those Cancerians out of their homes and kitchens, making them feel more physical, playful and even traveling.  Hobbies, sports and creative endeavors interest you now. You’ll feel more like “playing”.  A great time for Cancerian actors, your ability to expand into a role and dramatize easily is heightened, also a boon for artists, writers. If you have children, they are a true joy in your life now. A good thing all round, really!

 Leo, the Lion
Jupiter in your
4th house of home, self, roots, family, nurturing
You proud Leo’s will be roaring about your homes and families. Jupiter's transit through your 4th house makes your
home and family life take center stage. This promises comfortable, peaceful and agreeable domestic relations and harmonious family surroundings. Have a big huge extravagant family reunion. It's the best time for real estate and home improvement decisions, or perhaps selling up and relocating to a more desirable residence. It’s a very successful year for Leo real estate agents. There may be an expansion in the family, parents may move into your home. Your relationship with your mother is easier, it expands and improves. There may also be uncovering of long held secrets in your family and beneficial new ways of relating.  Because the 4th house is the house representing your mother, Jupiter here also brings fertility. Get married and put down roots. This coming year marks the beginning of a new twelve-year cycle, as Jupiter crosses your 4th house. Your sense of self expands and you begin to form a foundation for learning and new experiences. On a spiritual level, the fourth house represents the soul, this year your ability to get in touch with your inner self, and nurture your soul grows in marvelous ways. You’ll be roaring louder than ever at the end of Jupiter’s transit.


 Virgo, the Virgin
.Jupiter transits your
3rd house of communications, short travels, & your r local community
There’s a nice mutual reception with Jupiter in your 3rd house, naturally a Gemini house, ruled by Mercury which also rules Virgo. Communications negotiations and travel increase, widening your circle of contacts and encouraging the exchange of ideas and information. It's the ideal time to implement plans for creative writing, publishing, education — words and ideas will flow effortlessly- and communicating with your siblings, if you have any. With Jupiter in Scorpio success comes through developing your mechanical skills, short travels, or promotion. You are usually meticulous, organized and analytical. Jupiter’s laiser-faire attitude can really change your habits. It can also exaggerate and create problems with members of your immediate family. Think well before taking action, as from time to time you will be inclined to rash and imprudent acts, or exaggerating the truth.
You should be able to take a great trip and perhaps a dream vacation too. Many people buy new cars and vehicles. There will be more opportunities to spend time with your neighbors. You’ll enjoy getting to know them. Troublesome relationships with in-laws improve; as do the ties with your siblings. You could be very creative too; public speaking and lecturing will be more enjoyable and bring great rewards.


 Libra, the Scales

Jupiter transits your 2nd House of values, money, and resources

This can be a great year of material prosperity.You could spend a lot of money; remember Jupiter’s excess but may make a million too. Financial opportunities drop in your lap. This is the year one may get a raise, inheritance or be just plain lucky.  You could be very extravagant this year buying jewelry, art, cosmetics, clothing. anything which fulfills your need for beauty, harmony, balance and peace. A great year to collect antiques, give lavish gifts, have huge elegant parties and be the most influential socialite and the hostess with the mostest. You will be spending lots of time at the spa, or traveling to beautiful exotic locales. Also good for trade in foreign goods and services in work. 

A good year for blue chip investments or ecologically oriented businesses. For artists, singers, musicians and writers, you can create the most intense soulful, beautiful and balanced works this year and they will be wildly successful. Also good for getting a loan or scholarship. . You are more practical and can make sensible decisions about the proper allocation of your resources. Your personal priorities and values are being redefined, but remember that under this influence money is the source of pleasure – which is fine if you can afford to spend it!


Keep in mind that Jupiter turns retrograde on March 3, 2006, then returns to direct motion through the zodiac on July 6. The week or so either side of these dates will be excellent for making decisions about the matters outlined under your sign's forecast. The most difficult times will be when Jupiter and Saturn are square, forming the Grand Cross discussed in earlier paragraphs.
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2005 Astrological Predictions




We are in a Universal Number 7 year. 2+00+ 5 =7. 


The number 7 represents the Universe, the macrocosm, completeness, a totality. It is the first number which contains both the spiritual and the temporal, the number three represents the heavens and the number four represents the earth, the four elements and directions and the body.


The number 7 figures predominantly, traditionally there were seven planets; seven charkas; seven heavens; seven days of the week; notes of the scale; seven stars in the Pleiades and the Big Dipper; seven branches on the Tree of Life.. The moon is tied to the number 7 as well as Saturn, who governs the physical body and every seven years your body is totally reconstructed. There are 7 knots in a cord for spellbinding. Seven is the number of penance and sacrifice. It is a number of opportunity.


In the Kabbalah 7  belongs to the Sephiroth called Netzach meaning                VICTORY.


The number seven is on the Pillar of Mercy in the Tree of Life. Netzach is the sphere of Venus-Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love. The Victory is that of love, not war. Venus’s symbol encompasses all of the ten Sephiroth on the Tree of Life, and she has been showing herself to us prominently since 2004 when she eclipsed the Sun.


The key symbol for 2005 is 7 = Love encompasses All.



The colour of Netzach is a pure brilliant emerald green. I would suggest wearing this colour, and wearing emeralds.


So as 2005 will be under the Sphere of Venus. We must tune into the Group Mind, nature, our creative natures, trust our feelings and our instincts and always, always, come from the heart, from love towards others, ourselves and the Universe. The Archangel of Netzah is called Hanial and he is prince of Love and Harmony, the name of the Order of Angels is Elohim, or Gods.


Re: the Gods, Gods, God forms, are emanations of the Group Mind of Races. There are noGods, except those potent forces we have formed and projected out in our own image, to serve our needs, unless they do not- so let us remember that all religions are human creations. When religious organizations and dogma are hypocrisy, when they are used as an excuse to kill and control people-they are not serving anyone’s higher needs anymore.


We are the I AM co-creators from the Divine Unmanifest. How we behave towards our fellow humans is of the utmost importance. To love one’s neighbour, love God/Goddess, your partner in a balanced way,assists the entire race in the “Great Work”of returning to the Primal State.

Choose Love not separation.





The POPE will be ill and will die during this year.

Major scandals in the U.S. Government will put Dubyah out of office, if not this year, the events wil begin in July 2005.

The Monarchy will be rocked by disclosure of Princess Diana death being


Major droughts summer of 2005 all over the Earth as Saturn enters Leo, the driest of all the signs. Mars enters Aries on June 11th, so summer will be a scorcher,with many forest fires raging.  Mars in his home sign of Aries always means WAR. The U.S. may invade some new territory on another false pretext.

Saturn enters Leo on July 16th for the next 2 1/2 years. Saturn will make the Sign of Kings and Leaders Pay during this time period.


JULY 16th on the Day that Saturn enters Leo, Chiron the wounded healer will be Retrograde at 0 degrees of Aquarius. OPPOSITE SATURN!

Chrion and Saturn have been playing heavily oppositions to each other since late Dec. 04, such as the Day the Tsunammi occurred. Saturn was in Cancer then and Chiron in Capricorn. Now we have 2 different signs featured. Leo is ego and  Aquarius is humanitarian minded and revolutionary.

Saturn rules discipline, building, organization, the elderly, tradition, timing, and karma. Leo, the Lion is the symbol of Kings, sign of the Heart, creative self-expression, children, courage, drama, leadership. Leo is ruled by the Sun,the source of Life. Saturn in Leo can mean Solar Power.


I predict a quick an unprecedented rise in solar power technology.

Severe solar storms and a great knocking out of computer data.

The price of Gold may plummet.


In late July Jupiter squares the U.S. Sun.. The U.S. economy will be known to be in big trouble.  


The Solar Eclipse of Oct 4th squares the U.S. Sun.


The Lunar Eclipse of Oct 16th is opposite Jupiter.  At 24 Aries expect much expansion in  world wide Peace demonstrations, new forms of empowerment by individuals springing up to change world governments, policies, etc. At the same time the military might will be wanting to expand, the U.S, will institute the draft. We see an enlargment and polarization of the feelings  of the People, the Military and the Laws coming to a head.


Jupiter leaves Libra sign of Peace and enters Scorpio on Oct. 25th. Scorpio a water Sign, a sign of transformation, depth, destruction, rebirth,

sign of sex, taxes, banking, mysticism, power,control, secrets. Ruled by Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, ruler of oil and atomic energy.

Jupiter magnifies everything it touches. So Jupiter in Scorpio will expand the destructive nature in order to reform the banking system, lending institutions. There may be massive debt both corporate and personal. The Law, which Jupiter rules will examine all corporate corruption.There may be major problems with water, and major deaths from contaminated water. Expect more tsunammis and tidal waves at this time. Oil prices will skyrocket to undreamed of heights. Jupiter rules theSign of Sagittarius which Pluto now occupies. Pluto rules Scoprio which Jupiter is now in. This is called "mutual reception" and enhances the powers of the two planets in their mutually receptive signs. Like Neptune and Uranus, also in "mutual reception" at this time.

We see all the outer Trans-Personal Planets in Mutual Reception with Jupiter, the largest Planet considred on an occult level to be the Planet of the Higher Masters and Teachers. I take this to mean we as a human species are being impulsed NOW as no othertime before to WAKE UP.


Dec 4th Mars in Taurus is opposite Jupiter in Scorpio, Squaring Saturn in Leo and opposite Neptune in Aquarius. A truly Fixed Grand Cross. MArs and Saturn are in detriment here, being opposite the signs they rule. So Jupiter and Neptune are stronger in this tug of war. A Grand Cross produces great Tension. Something's gotta move. The planets are in the 4 signs of the ARchangels. The ones mentioned in the Apocalypse.


Let’s back up a bit. Since we have now experienced the tragedy of the Tsunami,even though it occurred days before our own artificially created New Year, it actually came within days of the Winter Solstice, which traditionally marked the new ¼ season. Naturally, the New Year is at the Spring Equinox { in the Northern Hemisphere.}

The tsunami begins and shapes our experience of what 2005 will be. Astrologically there were some major events on the 26th of December, which co-incided with the tsunami and which will affect us this year and for years to come. Thisoulquake is the latest call to open ourselves to love,compassion, harmony and healing, as never before.

I believe that there is no such thing as co-incidence.

Someone said that synchronicity is God/dess’s signature.

Astrological Energies of the Tsunami Dec 26th 2004

1. The moon became full in Cancer-a watery,emotional,sign. Moon governs the oceans

2. The Nodes of the Moon changed on this day-a destiny aspect

3. Chiron in Capricorn opposed Saturn in Cancer-

4. The nodes and Chiron are in a square aspect,activates, tension

5. Mars at 0 degrees of fiery Sagittarius was squaring Uranus in Pisces -Mars rules Aries, Uranus-sudden upheavals, Pisces is the Oceanic and spiritual consciousness.

Curious fact, the Moon was at 28 degrees of Gemini at the time of the explosion of Krakatoa in 1883, and the recent Tsunami in southeast Asia, and at the time of 9 – 11. This is a very important synchronicity to consider. 28 degrees of Gemini is opposite, by 1 degree from the Galactic Centre. The Big Black Hole,at the Centre of the Milky Way Galaxy,a place that the Mayans referred to as the gateway that all souls travel through.

The Nodes of the Moon, are not planets but planes of celestial longitude where the Moon crosses over the path of the Sun {the ecliptic}. Vedic/Indian Astrology considers the Nodes to be more important than the Sun sign. The North Node represents the collective's {as well as the individual's} highest spiritual goal or aspiration, point of greatest fulfillment and the South Node symbolizes the past, the collective unconscious, memories, karma, the weak spot, what needs to be released. The North and South nodes are always opposite each other. The Nodes change every 18 months travelling backwards through the signs, and as they do,they influence the Collective Karma of the planet.

The North Nodal axis, also called the Dragon's Head, changed on the day of the Tsunami from the sign of Taurus,a Fixed Earth sign, ruled by Venus, to Aries, the 1st sign of the Zodiac, Aries is Cardinal, active fire, ruled by Mars; and the South Nodes of the Moon changed from Scorpio, a watery Fixed sign,ruled by Mars, to Libra, Cardinal air, ruled by Venus. The Modes of the Nodes have changed from Fixed-as the name implies, to Cardinal-ready to act, to move. We are going to be governed by Mars in our direction.

For the next 18 months we are headed in a New direction, and a reversal of the energies we've been dealing with during the last 18 months. North Node in Taurus focused on values and security. The South Node in Scorpio signalled the need to release the dark side of Scorpio,control, paranoia and abuse of power.

For the next year and a half, North Node in Aries asks us to be inspired by Spirit, on fire, to dare, to be courageous, pioneering, active, to develop initiative and independence. Keyword of Aries is-I AM. The South Node in Libra asking us to release Libra's shadow side-superficiality, in terms of luxury and status symbols- and needing to be in relationships {all kinds and types of relationships}- for the sake of appearances, and peace at any price.

On the 26th as well, the planet Saturn, again playing a part in the awakening of our Collective Consciousness, as it did in 911 when Saturn and Pluto were in opposition. Traditionally Saturn represents Karma,Time, Obstacles, 3D. In traditional Astrology and Symbology Saturn is Death, the Grim Reaper. Saturn and the comet Chiron, the maverick, wounded-healer were in an exact opposition. Chiron is now in Capricorn, Saturn's sign.. Capricorn is the earth, sign of building, sign of he Patriarchy,the corporate mentality and the status quo. Capricorn's high side relates to spiritual aspirations, the climb to the mountain top. Chiron shows where the wound is and also wherein the cure.

On basic symbolic levels, Chiron in capricorn, theEarth, indicates, the wound is in the Earth and Saturn in the sign of Cancer-water,the Mother,the womb,opposite is a message that indicates, heal the Earth or Death by water!

My son Elijah, had a dream, about 10 years ago when he was around 11. It was a lucid dream. He dreamt that he went into the future.The city landscape was all in decay, everything was grey, polluted, ugly and falling apart. He wandered through this landscape and asked people how this had happened. He found young people who were leaving the city and going to live in the country with the Native Indians who had always known how to live in balance with Nature. One of the Native men went to the city to speak to the leaders in an effort to try to help them. He told the leaders that the taking of minerals and oil from the Mother Earth was wrong and that the only way to heal the earth,the cities and the people was to put all the minerals back that were ripped out of her and to stop raping the earth of her resources. The Indian went back to the country and the young people started to build circular villages and alters that resonated with the earth, animals came to live in this peaceful place and gradually those who knew about it and were drawn there, left the cities, to build a new/old way of being on the Earth. I remember how excited he was after having this dream, he kept telling me it was real Mom, I really went to the future. I told him he did, that was one future possibility.

I relay this dream now because I feel that this is the message that has to be taken seriously.

We have to stop using up the earths resources-NOW! Alternatives to everything must be initiated and made a permanent part of our lives in every sphere,from power for cars, heating, electricity, plastic in every form, disposable diapers, garbage, computers, cel phones, fertilizers, chemicals and drugs, etc.etc. I myself, as well as many others, the Hopis, Gordon Michael Scallion, Drunvalo,etc. have had the prophesy dreams of the tsunami’s coming and wiping places and people out more than ten years ago.  

Back to the astrological implications:

Mars, the fiery,God of war, symbol of the Patriarchy, defenses, newly entering Sagittarius, a fire sign, sign of truth, is squaring Uranus, God of sudden unexpected change, Higher Consciousness and the Oceans, who is abiding in the spiritual sign, the last sign of the Zodiac, of Pisces, the sign of compasssion, bliss, Oneness and karma, endings.. When aggressive, defensive, egotistic war mongering go up against Spiritual unity, the voila the Oceans erupt and tragically thousands die!

I believe we are all given all the messages, all the symbols from the Heavens, by Divine Guidance, in this waking dream we refer to as everyday Life in order to get the healing.

We only need to be aware, to look ahead, to see the event horizon symbolically unfolding itself before us. I wish that astrologers were once again seriously used by the leaders of countries to portend the tell-tale signs in the stars to warn people to help to save lives from diasters.

The word disaster itself has Astrological meaning

it means- without a star.

Jan 1st 2005

Uranus planet of Higher Consciousness, ruler of the Sign Aquarius and the New Age we are slowly being birthed into, is hovering around 3 degrees and change of Pisces. This is just past the Fixed Star of Fomalhaut a.k.a. Angel Gabriel.

Your remember Gabriel, he's the one who blows the horn on Judgement Day!

Mercury and Venus are in conjunction in Sagittarius, sign of the Truth Seeker. Mercury is still in its shadow phase and communications won’t run totally smooth until  the 7th of January. Saturn is still retrograde, obstacles still need to be reviewed and reassed.Moon squares Mercury,Venus and Pluto. Emotions are under pressure.

Jan 3rd the Moon occults Jupiter. This is like an eclipse. Moon crosses over Jupiter, expansion of emotions, the unconscious.

Jan 9th Venus enters Capricorn until Goundhog Day/Candlemas/St. Bridgit’s Day Feb. 2nd. We will love to be working hard, building our empires, being practical, sober and responsible for a while. Capricorns will feel more deserving of love,affection and appreciation at this time. Mercury also joins Venus in Capricorn on this day. Now we can get down to thinking about some serious business.

NEW MOON , JAN 10th at 20 degrees of Capricorn- Earth, feminine, cardinal mode.

The 1st New Moon of the year 2005 begins with the Sun, Moon and Chiron the maverick wounded healer in a huddle.This is a serious New Moon with Saturn opposite the Luminaries and Chiron. This is a Cardinal Grand Cross, the same formation that was in place on Dec 26th 2004 when the tsunami hit. Chiron  focuses on where we have misused our power. We need to seriously consider our choices,our resources, and be respectful of boundaries. Mercury and Venus are still together and will remain close for the rest of the month. Expansion in heart felt harmonious communications, diplomacy, lots of building conversations.  Jupiter in Libra squares the New Moon,expands fairness and co-operation. This New Moon squares the solar eclipse that occurred on Oct 13 2004, at 21 degrees of Libra. That Eclipse initiated a new cycle in equality, partnerships and balance and appreciation of beauty.This squares initiate new action from that standpoint. 

Jan 19 Sun enters Aquarius.

The fixed air sign makes us look at the whole picture, how we are all interconnected with all other life forms on this planet. Aquarius takes us to Higher Consciousness and shakes us out of our old Saturnine routines, usually quite abruptly. Aquarius is the Revolution in consciousness, we see it taking shape all around us already.

Jan 19th-20th  has a difficult aspect.

Saturn- the Cosmic Cop-a.k.a.the Devil, Saturn=Satan  and Pluto- ruler of the Underworld, a.k.a. Lord of Death and Destruction, rebirth are in a quincunx formation today. Look’s like Pluto’s parked his chariot too long beside the river Styx.  Who’s writing out the tickets,and for what?

A quincunx also called an inconjunct which is a more visceral description for this geometric aspect. An inconjunct is when 2 planets are 150 degrees apart, they are in different elements and don’t speak the same language. This aspect is an anchoring influence, but considering we’re dealing with the 2 Big Heavies here, it’s easy to fall into negativity, old karmic wounds,power, control, revenge, self-destructive issues. Saturn in Cancer retrograding {going over the Patriarchal old fear which has results in “homeland security”} shows us where those old old hurts are, Pluto in Sag. urges us to let die that which is not serving the SOUL, the World Soul and move to a higher ground, but not till we’re dragged through the mud.

Synchronistically this is George Dubyah’s Inauguration Day. 4 more years of this? I don’t think so. Traditionally U.S. President’s are assassinated or ousted from office while Saturn sojourns through Cancer. The most recent one was Tricky Dick Nixon and the Watergate scandal.  Lotuses bloom from the mud. The mud and the lotus are inseparable. Remember, the healing is in the wound. Better willingly start digging now because…

Tuesday Jan 25th Full Moon in Leo-   Critical Cardinal Grand Cross !  4 planets, +one comet + the Moon’s Nodes to boot

Full Moon’s mark the culmination of a cycle. The Full Moon is in Leo at 5 degrees + change. It’s been a month since the last Full Moon and the tsunami in the Indian Ocean which killed about 150,000 people.The same Cardinal Grand Cross that occurred on then and on the Jan 10th New Moon are still in place at this Full Moon, and will continue to be in effect until the Feb 8th New Moon, and the beginning of the Chinese New Year of the Rooster, or Cock.Will we be crowing, cocky,running around like chickens with our heads cut off? More about that later…

The North and South Nodes changed signs on the last Full Moon on Dec 26th. Moving from North Node in Taurus {earth} and South Node in Scorpio {water} to North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra now and for the next 2 and a half years. The North and South Nodes govern the Collective  Impulses of the times.

But now Venus and Mercury in Capricorn are thrown into the mix too sitting beside Chiron. Are we communicating from our hearts, our higher selves or from old wounds?  Jupiter squares Venus and Mercury. Saturn squares Jupiter and opposes Venus & Mercury. This is a very powerful Grand Cross involving Mercury,Venus,Saturn, Jupiter Chiron and the Moon’s Nodes! In Cardinal signs New Directives Directions, Actions need to be implemented.

The Sun { consciousness} is in Aquarius opposite the Moon {feelings} in Leo. Aquarius urges us to Radically change, Capital R,  to enlarge our consciousness, our humanitarianism, our society, and our technology, for the benefit of all. The last New Moon in Capricorn asked us to set new goals for this year. How do we innovate, accomplish,and encompass the self-Leo and others-Aquarius dance?

The Grand Cross is a Critical Cosmic symbol . The cross symbolizes matter, the 4 directions, 4 elements. Christ was crucified, martyred to cleanse humanity of its sins. Or so the story goes. As individuals, and collectively this Potent Harbinger, between the 4 inner planets, Chiron and the Nodes of the Moon impel us to communicate {Mercury} real values around Nature, the Earth with love {Venus} practically- in our hierarchies and governments {in Capricorn}; to open our wounds up, to what we have done to the Earth in the name of progress, greed and dominion of the Earth {Chiron in Capricorn} to acknowledge that all of humanity shares common homes, family and waters,memories, nurturing {Saturn in Cancer} in a balanced equal and just way,letting beauty and harmony {Jupiter in Libra} be our Highest Intention {North Node of the Moon} leaving imbalances,,love of luxury and superficiality behind {south Node in Libra}.

This Full Moon also squares the Total Lunar Eclipse of Oct 27th 2004, and the grand quintile that occurred then-the 5 pointed Star of Venus. That Eclipse symbolized the love of the Goddess, the Earth in our hearts. We need to act on what we’ve learned over the past 3 months.

Another very important point. Mars and Pluto the 2 planets which co-rule Scorpio, are at this Full Moon, only 2 degrees away from each other at 23 + degrees of Sagittarius. They are moving into a conjunction Friday Jan. 28th at 12:44 pm Eastern Standard Time. Mars rules the North Node in Aries now. Mars is the warrior, the spark of life, defenses, the masculine, personal desire. Mars is the Ancient ruler of the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio is the Sign of Death, Destruction, Rebirth and Transformation. Scorpio deals with intense emotions, power, control, sexuality, taxes, joint finances.

Pluto discovered in 1930 is the modern ruler of Scorpio. Pluto, also called Hades classically, is the Lord of the Underworld, the shadow, our unincorporated power trips, our projections, our scapegoats. Pluto rules atomic energy, sewage, rot. Pluto rules Rebirth, demands the surrender of the ego for a higher cause. Pluto demands integration of the rejected parts of ourselves in order to be reborn. Pluto rules the Collective Consciousness and the Unconscious.

Sagittarius is a Universal sign of Higher Aspirations. Esoterically, Jupiter the planet that rules the sign Sagittarius is considered to be the home of the Master Teachers, the Enlightened Ones, whose wisdom is available to all, if they should only choose to tune in and listen. Sagittarius urges understanding, vision, optimism, adaptability, philosophical outlooks, education, sound judgement-spiritual law, vs. man made laws, a broaden perspective which includes all nations.

With these 2 potent powerful co-workers joining together, as they will in 3 days time.We are being asked to become conscious of all of our shadows, that which motivates us unconsciously. To face our shadow side, our fears, our dark side is to reclaim personal power, and act on our truth.

“I’ve seen the enemy, and he is us.” is a famous reclaiming the shadow quote.

How does all of this fit together? The planets don’t make us do anything. The planets only impel. The choice is ours. If we own our own shadows, each and every one of us, and take responsibility {Saturn} for co-creating the mess that the world is in today, then we choose to change ourselves, our world, and our choices in this world.

 In minute detail we must look at and make choices around the way we here in the Western world do things. The collective greed, deception and control that governs our culture must be questioned intimately.  How did we get here?  We must make choices and take responsibility for what we choose, to eat, how we use our energy resources, to the kinds of schools, justice systems, governments, treatment of women and children, etc.

If you like to drink Sumatran coffee at Second Cup or Starbucks do you realize that the trees have been uprooted to support your quick and relatively cheap cuppa and at the effect of thousands of poor people slaving to pick coffee, whose daily subsistence is maybe–less than the price you paid for that one cup of coffee! And what fault is it of theirs? Do those people have the same advantages as you do?

And ask yourself , did any of the big shipping lines sending all that aid to tsunami victims agree to do it for free? Did the International Monetary Fund suspend debt payments from Indonesia and other countries of the world because of this disaster? How far does all that mainly humanitarian and somewhat guilt ridden charity go in the long run?

“Out of the tragedy of 911 {substitute any other pertinent disaster, man made or otherwise} “I see opportunity.” stated George W. you know who. I met a businessman on New Year’s Eve who told me that the world economy would benefit from having to rebuild all those countries hit by the tsunami. Who is going to benefit from the tragedy? Big construction companies, hotel chains, all the machinery that it will take plus all the banks behind them to rebuild Sumatra and other countries to their former glories and beyond.

Who is supplying most of the rice as relief food to Indonesia? The U.S.! They are the 2nd largest rice grower in the world now, subsidized by U. S. taxpayer’s $ = U.S. Gov’t who keeps the price of rice cheap in order to regulate world rice price markets. Which means the U.S. Gov’t does this in order to keep the Indonesians poor, and their country’s culture which has for thousands of years grown rice, sustained their large populations on it, from making large profits and increasing their quality of life!  On the other hand, some  Indonesians and Tamils started to kidnap helpless victimized children for sex slaves and war mongers for their causes right away. No one looks absolutely spotless here. 

If we stay stuck in Saturn’s patriarchal, archaic grip of fear, and homeland security {Saturn Retrograde in Cancer} the wounds of the Earth, and the wounds of the New World Order mentality {Chiron in Capricorn} squared by the Nodes of the Moon - if the planetary’s collective emotions don’t ACT to implement new Vision for humanity- Mars and Pluto may emerge victorious as the collective shadow of Death and Destruction as the way to Rebirth and Transformation.

A shamanic teacher of mine informed me that we can learn through pain or we can learn through pleasure. The choice is ours.

Jan 28th Lookout it’s the conjunction of Mars & Pluto!!!!

This day holds tremendous potential for explosive violence. The Sun is semi-square {45 degrees away} to both Pluto& Mars. The high side is that corruption, secrets can be forced out into the Light. Mars & Pluto join every 2 years. Their combined energy is like a laser beam of Truth occurring in the sign of Sagittarius if used with purpose. But this powerful energy can be misused through anger, revenge, power and control,especially in the name of religious fanatacism of both bible thumpers and muslims..

Be very careful of fire, explosives. Look out for intense road rage. Could be many airplane accidents or terrorists hijacking planes. Also very high danger of nuclear accidents or actual nuclear energy being deployed. Also possible Volcano exploding on the west coast-Mt. St. Helens again.  Focus intensly on seemingly insurmountable obstacles, and send that energy where it can do the most good.

If Astrology is to be really useful as a prediction tool, although reality is an ever shifting piece of potential, Astro-Cartography is a computer tool many Astrologers use to map where planetary paths ascend and descend across the globe.  When particular planetary energies cross over an area of the world on the map this implies potential potent spots and areas of focus for the particular planets involved.

For example, at the time of the Tsunami on Dec. 26th the planetary lines for Saturn, Chiron and the Nodes of the Moon intersected and crossed scant miles east of Indonesia!

Jan 28th the Mars Pluto lines cross directly off the West coast of California, running through Oregon and Seattle and right through Vancouver. The Mars Pluto lines cross again right through-guess where?-Iraq. The Sun line which is semi-square to both Mars & Pluto runs directly through Washington D. C. and Ottawa. Earth quakes?A shocking revelation of a secret? Stay tooned....

Jan  31st Moon eclipses Jupiter

February 2005 HIghlights

Feb 1st-Jupiter planet of expansion goes Retrograde-appears to move backwards in the sky through the sign of Libra-sign of relationships-until June 5th. This subtle influence asks us to seekTruth,especially in relationships, from within. I can hear the grinding already.

Feb 2. Venus enters Aquarius  fixed Air {mental} sign

Values, relationships of all kinds and styles shift from form and structure {Capricorn} into a more Aquarian individualistic but humanitarian minded, experiment- al open and expansive attitude.

Venus,ruler of women, feelings,values and the arts while in Aquarius gives us a taste for the unique and unusual; makes us look to the Stars; makes us want new technologies and innovations and wants freedom! Venus is under Aquarius imfluence until Feb. 26th.

Feb. 6th  Mars enters practical Earthy Capricorn

Mars wants things to be practical,orderly, down to business and in control now.Venus in Aquarius needs freedom, and he right to be as eccentric as she wants. Expect relationships to be mismatched during this time period. Mars stays under Capricorn influence until March 20th The Spring Equinox this year.

 Feb 14, Valentine’s Day

Of course you all got the drift of the Venus/Neptune conjunction. It felt literally rather foggy, how very Neptunian, weatherwise here in Toronto, as it was the first rainy Valentine’s Day I can remember. I don’t know about you but, my husband and I were feeling really exhausted and quite spacey. Others I spoke to said they were feeling exceptionally tired this day too. Perhaps it was that Shamanic Healing Ceremony we attended the night before?


Some Buddhists call this Nirvana Day. The Day of Enlightenment. How very fitting after yesterday. Moon is in Taurus which was Buddha’s birth sign. Let’s ground ourselves, knowing that we already carry the seeds of Enlightenment within us all.

Feb 16th Mercury enters Pisces at 12:46 pm EST. Communications get intuitively understood, flow. Emotions and logic get combined.

Feb 17th A very beautiful Day as Venus trines Jupiter.

This is about as good as it can get in reference to planetary aspects. Venus in Aquarius is giving love and good will to all humanity. Jupiter Retrograde in Libra,the sign which Venus rules,in trine- an easy aspect blesses and expands Venus’s benevolence. Jupiter in Libra means fairness, balance, relationships of equals, karmic justice.

Feb 18th  SUN enters Pisces 8:32 am EST

It’s Pisces time to shine, or to be more precise, flow. Pisces the last sign of the Zodiac, is the most fluid, it has no boundaries, it is connected to oceanic spiritual consciousness and Oneness. Pisces is a mutable changing sign, like water it adapts to its surroundings. Pisces is the most sensitive of the signs, they are the great psychic sponges, or canaries in the gold mine. Pisces ruled by planet Neptune, is otherworldly, highly sensitive and intuitive, full of compassion, sympathy, self-sacrificing, can be martyr’s. Tuned into higher vibrations, music, the arts, and mysticism. Neptune’s realm is also full of illusions, delusions, fantasy, romance, addictions, denial, healing, film and photography, viruses, false messiahs, gurus, and faith. Pisces is the 12th sign of the Zodiac and rules, retreats, introspection, mental health, institutions, secrets, karma, subconscious,endings. Pisces rules the veins and feet.

Pisces Colours: sea blue, sea green, lavender and silver

Gemstone: Aquamarine and Moonstone   Metals: tin

Feb 21st Chiron enters Aquarius! Major Long Term Event!

Chiron the planet/comet body discovered in 1977 and embodying the mythology of the Wounded Healer moves us into humanitarian and Universal higher awareness in the sign of Aquarius now, after spending three years in Capricorn. This is a long term shift that may activate medical and environmental breakthroughs, and new awareness of how social issues affect individual health. Chiron in Aquarius shows us how grounded or ungrounded we are in relationship to being in our bodies and to the Earth. The technology exists now and has- Nicola Tesla- for a long time, to revolutionize the woundings of our world. Environmental issues will become major focus. What do we need to revise in our minds and how can we be mindful of misguided thinking and concepts of ourselves and the Universe? How do we revolutionize the governments and corporations? How do we include the whole world and her children and all her creatures in a wholistic view?  “What the bleep do we know?” like the aptly named film, is a great starting point. Kick out the jams and go to beginners mind. The mantra is “The less I think I know, the more open I am to truly learn and discover.”

Feb 23rd FULL MOON High Voltage in VIRGO

Moon in nitpicky perfectionist earthy hard working Virgo, Sun in compassionate flowing dreamy Pisces. Uranus, the you never know with Uranus, is sitting very close to the Sun. This brings tension to change, the break through and free. Uranus opens our consciousness to other dimensions and he will continue to do so until March of 2011 when we will all be telepathic! Uranus opposite the Moon makes us more aware of spirit and matter-that they are the same. Weather can be very suddenly changing. Mercury is also in Pisces and tunes into the imaginative realms here. Pay attention to your dreams. Meditate, sound, sing. Soak in a luxurious bath and visualize the world as you would ideally see it, work in it and love in it. Share that vision and extend it to all beings in the world and in the Universe.

Feb 26th  Venus enters Pisces:

Venus is in her sign of exaltation here. So relationships can be raised to the highest heights, but lack of clarity of personal self worth might cause major problems. Be careful of being a martyr, make sure you clean your rose coloured glasses regularly until March 22nd. Take romance slowly, don’t lend him/her any money.

Feb 27th Moon occults Jupiter.

March 4th  Venus conjunct Uranus:

 Oops! Your tastes may suddenly change in décor, romance and values. Mercury enters Aries: Fresh perspectives abound, a plethora of hot new aggressive ideas.

March 7th Mars opposite Saturn:

 Loose behaviours will have consequences. Watch out for traffic. Mars and Saturn held in the opposition can create the commitment to bring that vision into 3D.

March 10th New Moon in Pisces at 19 degrees + 54’ of Pisces

The end of the Zodiacal Year, a reminder in Pisces that the end is the beginning and the beginning the End.  Pisces is an enigma. This New Moon calls us to remember our Soul’s yearnings. We find Sun, Moon, Venus, Uranus and Asteroid Juno all in Pisces, in the symbolic 12th House of the Unconscious. This New Moon asks us to flow, paint in watercolours, meditate, sing, zone out. The Sun and Moon trine Saturn in Cancer now, which makes it easier to notice synchronicities, recognize new patterns and projects. Pluto Lord of the Underworld squares this New Moon and challenges us to investigate our most fundamental beliefs. Perhaps Messiah sightings will occur, or U.F.O.’s. Pluto in the religious sign of Sagittarius for another 3 years is bringing all fundamentalism in religion to the fore, via Islam, and Christianity. We’ve been waiting to have a meeting with our neighbours in the Universe since 1995, when Pluto entered Sag. to reveal The Truth from the Cosmos {the above} and the Collective Unconscious {the below}. Schedule some form of retreat time to honor this once a year time.

“Sleep, sleep tonight, and may your dreams be realized. If the thundercloud passes rain, so let it rain, let it rain, rain on me.” U2 song.

March 13th ***** Jupiter Trine Neptune exact at 16 degrees 27’ Libra-Aquarius.

Their current cycle began with a conjunction in Jan 1997. The 1st Trine was in late Nov. 2004, This is the 2nd and the 3rd will be in mid August. The effects may not be obvious but this is a good time to look inwards {Jupiter is Retrograde now} for inspiration, truth, optimism. Neptune, the higher Octave of Venus and ruler of Pisces inspires, expands, lends a higher dimension of imagination. Sit and allow your thoughts to go blank, with paper and crayons in front of you ask inside for an image, or simply colours. Give yourself time, watch your breath, let your left hand guide you from the unconscious and draw whatever comes up. This is  a soul ceremony, not a drawing contest. Whatever images reveal themselves show where you are on the quest. Don’t analyze. Put your picture up so you can see it. Other images will be evoked from it. Think about how far you’ve come in the past seven years. Even if the memories from the past are blurry, draw upon what you are seeing, feeling and sensing now as a guide for a more spiritually rewarding future.

March 14th Sun-Pluto square.

Pride comes before a fall. And a Venus Saturn Trine,Marriage proposals, business deals in creative fields, trust and reason go hand in hand.

March 17th St. Patrick’s Day. Venus Pluto square.

The Irish may not be so lucky. The snakes-symbols of the Goddess’s power and wisdom which were driven out of Ireland by St. Patrick, desperately need to return. Financial setbacks are likely and unexpected outbursts from your beloved’s unconscious may terrify you. Don’t linger unconsciously, declare the value of relationships and let go of the hold of the past.

 March 19th Uh OH Mercury Goes Retrograde!

I suppose you know what this means. Don't shoot the messenger! Expect major hell to break loose with computers, communications, etc. etc. Try not to finalize any deals during this time period. What's a few more weeks? Mercury appears to move backwards in the skies from March 19th -April 12th. But it won't move back to the degree where it began Retrograding from till April 30th. But this is a good thing because it gives us time to think differently, Out of the Box, into the circle, the sphere, the rhomboid etc.

March 20th SPRING EQUINOX at 7:34 am EST

This is the real start of the New Year going by ancient Natural cycles. It'll probably still be freezing cold up in the norherly climes of Toronto, but, neverthe less. The saps start running, and Day and Night are Equal.

This begins the first quarter of the year. Ceremonies are celebrated all over the World, especially in Teotiuachan, Mexico.

March 21st  Saturn goes Direct

After turning retrograde way back in Nov. 04. Saturn, ruler of Reality, 3D, school of hard knocks, building, the patriarchy,old age, maturity, and lead, amongst other things, finally gives off the green light. and we can pick up that weight and begin to move it forwards after months of planning and stalling and hitting our heads against the wall. Saturn being in Cancer, means, trouble with the Economy, trouble in your home, with Mom, with being nurtured, difficulties on the job. Got a job?

March 22 Venus jumps into Aries until April 15th

Venus now jumps into the fiery, spunky,spontaneous independent sign of Aries. Romances will be more spontaneous,fiery, flirty and hot. But expect arguments about who does what where.

March 25th FULL MOON at 5 Libra and change

Full Moon's illuminate. This one lights up the Balance of masculine and feminine, have's and have nots, Peace, Harmony, the Arts and Relationships on all levels. It is Good Friday.

Eostar in the Pagan/ Nature Religions. This is an ancient Fertility  Festival. Symbols of Death and Re-Birth Pre-date Christ by millenia. The egg as symbol of life and eternity, are ancient archetypes, visible and available to everyone. Rabbits are very fertile animals, sacred to the Goddess, linked to the Moon, in China. In Modern Times, chocolate is an aphrodisiac, and so heightens the Springy urge to reproduce.

The Archetype of the dying and reborn God is ancient ancient ,ancient, and Christ's life/myth was meant as a smooth veneer to fit over pre-existing beliefs about spirituality, re-birth and eternal life, for everyone.

March 26th  Moon occults Jupiter 10:00 am EST

This is like a mini eclipse. Moon and Jupiter are at the same degree. Moon is moods, emotions, unconscious. Jupiter is lets get it all out in the open, do it big. Put them both together and what have you got?

March 30th -a busy day for the Moon

The Moon makes 6 aspects with planets today. Feelings and moods will be all over the map. First she makes a sextile to Mars-easy to get angry. A trine to Mercury-lots of easy talk about feelings. A square to Uranus-oh oh watch out for the unexpected. A trine to Venus-but I do love you so-in spite of...A trine to the Sun-and I feel so good about myself. And last but not least a sextile to Jupiter,so lets go out and party.


Ah yes, the FOOL, Star of the Tarot, The WISEST One. The one who is Enlightened. Who cares not about schedules, materiality, what others think, who is willing to risk all and step off the cliff, who trusts like a child, who knows inner and not outer appearances matter. So, drop your usual routine,

JUST FOR TODAY- forget the SUV, the Credit CArds, keeping up with the Joneses, the job. Wear red shoes, dance down the street, give away your money, put real cream in your coffee instead of skim milk;  purposely create a faux pas, and joyously fall on your face. Throw a cream pie at George Bush. Jump in puddles if its raining, or even if its not;  Tell that person you love them. Tell a stranger you love them; Eat some carbs. Practice random acts of beauty everywhere and senseless acts of kindness. Speak your truth about anything.








Feb. 14th Valentine’s Day 2005 @ 7:48 pm EST







I declare this to be;

The Day {of} Orgasmic Venusian Energy Synchronicity   Or  D.O.V.E.S.


Let’s forget about those old martyrs.


This Valentine’s day, because of the Synchronicity of Venus and Neptune, I call upon all Women, you Venusians, to Love and Self- Pleasure.


I declare this a day for all women, young and old, maidens, mothers, crones to synchronize in harmony with the Vibrations of Cosmic Spiritual Love emanating from the Union of Venus-the Planet of Women who are all Goddessess, who create Love, Beauty Harmony,Balance and the Arts, and the  planet Neptune- considered to be the Higher Octave of Venus- planet of Spirituality, Ecstacy, Mysticism, Compassion, Fantasy, Idealism, Higher Love, Creativity, Intuition, the planet which dissolves Ego in the Oceans of Oneness.

We need to yoke the power of the planets. Planetary yoga, yoga means to yoke, and union. As above, so below, goes the great Hermetic maxim.



Venus rules the signs of Taurus, the first Earth sign, the body, the physical, and sensuality. Neptune,rules Spirituality- as opposed to organized, man-made religion, and frees the ego bonds, the delusions and illusions about the canons-notice the military metaphor-the Bible is the Big Guns-shooting us down from righteous self-knowledge as Unified Spirit and Body, as Immanent.


What inspires me to call this day a day of Feminine self-pleasure?


I have personally met,through my work as a Tarot Consultant and Transformational Psychotherapist, many women who have never masturbated, and therefore do not have a body knowing of self-knowledge, and self-acceptance. Statistically 25% of all women never have experienced orgasms! I am not a sex therapist, per se. I am merely being compelled by Divine inspiration, my knowledge of the stars and planets and what their import means to us all. I am an artist, a visionary and an inspirer. I realized that the time is ripe, it is now, and if I don’t do it, who will?


Women- you must take back your own power. Many of women’s prohibitions and inhibitions about loving themselves physically result from the lies and power corruption that is the Roman Catholic Church. Mary Magdalene was a Sacred Prostitute/Priestess. Jesus loved her the most. Pre-Christianity and Pre-Judaism, all women went to the Sacred Temples of the Goddess and spent time in devotion to the Goddess,  by embodying Her as a Divine Vessel of Love and Beauty. This was a great honour, all women went to the temples, before they married. They were Virgin in the original meaning- a woman who is “whole unto herself, belonging to no man, no individual.” The male dominated Bible defined virgin as never having has sexual intercourse.


These Sacred Priestesses/Whores were known as Horae in Greek, Houri, in Persian. We use the modern version of these names every day as we count off the HOURS. Ancient Hebrews called the dancing harlots/sacred priestesses hora, a name still used and danced to this day at all Jewish celebrations, Weddings etc.


We need to connect with Spirit within our bodies, through Sacred Orgasm. Of course the Church didn’t want you to know this or feel good about it,  they wouldn’t be able to control you so easily.


According to Starhawk in her book the Spiral Dance:

Listen to the words of the Goddess, the Divine Feminine who was known throughout the world, in all cultures by thousands of names-


You shall be free of slavery, and as a sign that you be free you shall be naked in your rites. Sing, feast, dance, make music and love, all in my presence, for Mine is the ecstasy of the spirit and Mine also is joy on earth. For my law is love unto all beings. I give knowledge of the spirit eternal and beyond death I give peace and freedom and reunion with those that have gone before. Nor do I demand aught of sacrifice, for behold, I am the mother of all things and My love is poured out upon the earth.”


Now hear the words of the Star Goddess, the dust of whose feet are the hosts of heaven, whose body encircles the universe:


“I who am the beauty of the green earth and the white moon among the stars and the mysteries of the waters, I call upon your soul to arise and come unto me. For I am the soul of nature than gives life to the universe. From Me all things proceed and unto Me they must return. Let my worship be in the heart that rejoices, for behold-




  Let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you. And you who seek to know Me, know that your seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without. For behold, I have been with you from the beginning, and I am that which is attained at the end of desire.”




What To DO:


Spend a Romantic part of this day with You, your Self alone. Dispell the illusion that masturbating is dirty, wrong, and verboten. You are Goddess. You don’t have to wait, depend upon another, a lover, someone outside of yourself, give your power away, to someone else in order to be released, loved, found worthy enough, beautiful enough, accepted. Can you not see that the dogma of the Church is a not so subtle manipulation on the emotional, spiritual, physical, intellectual, and sexual levels.  It is soul black mail.


There is no original Sin, you were not born in shame, women are not less than men, and the body is the Temple of God/dess. You are never alone, that which you seek is within you, always has been, always will be. The Beloved is within you. To love yourself is to join consciously with the Inner Beloved.


When you know yourself as your own lover, then you are really ready, or not-as you choose, to be in a relationship with another human being, from a place of love and power, beauty, self-respect. Then you maybe ready for a relationship of equals, a Soul Mate. This is what Venus and her Higher Octave, Neptune symbolize. The Union of Love with Higher Self. This is the true Sacred Marriage. The Art, what is known as Alchemy. Turning Lead{dogma} to Gold.




Do kegel exercises, squeeze your vagina, pump it, squeeze your thighs together, and stimulate yourself to orgasmic freedom. Your mind is the most powerful sexual tool. Fantasize your most powerful sexual fantasy ever and let your ego go, let yourself go, merge, surrender your body, surrender your martyrdom to Church orthodoxy now.  With Neptune/Venus conjunction is in the sign of Aquarius, use the technology if you like.


The Native Americans see the Universe, the Great Mystery as the pulsing, sparks of Lovemaking between the Masculine and the Feminine, the duality that is eternally and every moment creating and recreating the Universe, and it is infused in every atom, every quantum of light.


Why do the stars twinkle? Now you know. 


Use your imagination, caress yourself, fondling your clitoris, massage your nipples, love your beautiful body. Let go of all judgments, all self-hatred, all limitations, all negativity.  Be the Goddess of Love Aphrodite,  Incarnate.


Visualize your ideal lover; you are the Goddess of Creation so create your lover exactly as you would have them be in the most minute of details. Your dream lover is all you could imagine, all you could long for- satisfied. Your Inner Lover, knows your every wish, secret and desire and they fulfill all your desires. Your Beloved, gives you everything and beyond your wildest imagining. Your Beloved’s libido never flags, never wanes, and is eternally flaming and passionate for you. You and the Beloved are in union. You are equals, inseparable, forever joined in body, heart and soul. Your beloved will never betray you, leave you or hurt you. Your beloved is your Higher Self, your holy Guardian Angel, your Soul/the Goddess/God, Great Spirit/ Great Mystery/is You. Surrender, all is Sacred. Self-love is Sacred and Holy. Your body is Sacred and Holy. Your orgasms are Sacred and Holy. All is sacred. All is love. Just say yes, yes I would yes.



After you’ve fulfilled your self-pleasuring rituals, as the Venus/Neptune conjunction becomes exact. Go out and have fun. Your eyes will already be sparkling. Your step will be lighter. You will be transformed by the powers of Divine Love that you have touched and experienced within yourself. You will feel empowered, free, and whole. You are a Divinity Embodied.



Lets see what women freeing themselves from centuries old repression can do by combining their energy their intentions and their orgasms together under the divine aegis of these two LOVE planets. And don’t forget to be vocal! There is a World Healing Sounding Event being called for while the conjunction is going on. Just open up and sound AHHHHHH.


Send me your responses. I will set up a counter on my website to record number of orgasms submitted during the day over a 24 hr. period.


Blessed Be,

Tara Greene

Sacred Priestess

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It’s the Year of the Wood Rooster!

Cock- A- Doodle-Doo!


Wake UP! Wake UP! Wake UP!


In North America on the New Moon on Feb 8th at 5:28 PM. E.S.T. and at 2:28 PM.P.S.T. the green Wooden [metal} Rooster crows to begin the Chinese New Year. Chinese New Year begins the next day, Feb 9th at 6:28 in China. It is the 4,702 New Year in China.


What will this Year bring? As China’s Ancient wisdom, power and presence becomes more prominent in the world, and as the majority of the population of the Earth is Chinese it’s important for us Westerners to incorporate and to take into consideration what this New Year symbolizes. The Chinese system is ancient, it is based on the 5 elements, nature, and harmony. It is a very holistic system.


Will we be proudly crowing and waking up?

Will we be running around like Chicken Little going “The sky is falling? The sky is falling?” Will we be cocky? Will we be –chicken? Taunting others with the accusation of “chicken” Will we be able to answer the proverbial question? “Why did the chicken cross the street?” By embodying the answer: And get to the other side?

Those chicken jokes point out a need for being down to earth, chickens don’t fly much, being practical and using our common sense.


The Chinese believe the Rooster year to be a romantic one, a year of straightforwardness, bravery, courage, leadership, order, scrutiny and planning. It is a year for appearances, fashion, as well as of improvement of difficult situations. It is a year for tolerance, loyalty, boastfulness, being in nature and- lots of rain.


The Rooster being the original alarm clock, gets us up and going early- the early bird gets the worm- we will be focused, anticipating, planning, strategizing, being meticulous, diligent, self-disciplined, thinking before acting. Thus it traditionally has a militaristic connection. The Chinese believe that Rooster wards off evil spirits and protects from ghosts and it is still popular today in China to sacrifice a rooster for protection from the gods. Rebuilding your emotions and nervous system is important in a Rooster Year. The Rooster is linked to the direction of the South and fire in Chinese Astrology.


Traditionally many emperors, revolutionaries, philosophers, engineers and artists were born in Rooster years. Looking back in the past cycles of Rooster years we see many artistic, scientific and medical breakthroughs, many tornadoes and earthquakes, revolutionary and terrorist political events.


 I looked back to previous Rooster Years, which repeats every 12 years and is linked Astrologically to the cycle of the planet Jupiter. I ventured back in the way- back machine all the way back to 1897-108 years and 8 previous cycles, highlighting pop cultural, political, scientific and weather highlights. I also included musical Top 10 popular music hits as there was a theory that the pulse of the collective consciousness/unconsciousness is reflected in musical popularity.


What I found interesting is compiling this brief resource was how events begun in one Rooster cycle reached a culmination 12 years later.


Previous Rooster Years in History-Highlights



Howard Stern began on radio. Clinton  inaugurated as President. The first World Trade Center bombing. Waco Texas. North Korea refuses to comply with Nuclear Protocol. 1st Pentium chips. Loreena Bobbitt cuts off her husbands penis. Czechoslovakia separates. Chretien became Prime Minister in Canada. There were huge blizzards and many earthquakes. Groundhog Day and Jurrasic Park were major movies.


1993 Greatest Hits

1. What Is Love - Haddaway
2. Come Baby Come - K7
3. Hero - Mariah Carey
4. Have I Told You Lately - Rod Stewart
5. That's The Way Love Goes - Janet Jackson
6. Can't Help Falling In Love - UB40
7. Dreamlover - Mariah Carey
8. Shoop - Salt N Pepa
9. Show Me Love - Robin S
10. Hip Hop Hooray - Naughty By Nature

How many of these stand out in your memory?


 1981 .  


1981   Wedding of Prince Charles & Lady Di


Ronald Regan  inaugurated. Aids was discovered. Prince Charles and Lady Diana were married. Anwar Sadat was assassinated. 1st test tube baby born. Grandmaster Flash scratched the 1st record. Pac man was popular. Andy Kaufman  brawls on T.V.


Celebrities born: Elijah Wood,  Paris Hilton,  Britney Spears.

Celebrity deaths: Bill Haley of Rock Around the Clock Fame, Bob Marley-the most popular singer in the World, reggae music. Terry Fox dies.


1981 Greatest Hits

1. Super Freak - Rick James
2. Just The Two Of Us - Grover Washington Jr & Bill Withers
3. She's A Bad Mama Jama (She's Built, She's Stacked) - Carl Carlton
4. Start Me Up - Rolling Stones
5. Let's Groove - Earth, Wind and Fire
6. Give It To Me Baby - Rick James
7. Jessie's Girl - Rick Springfield
8. Endless Love - Lionel Ritchie and Diana Ross
9. Waiting For A Girl Like You - Foreigner
10. Lady (You Bring Me Up) - Commodores


1969     The original Moon Walk


Neil Armstrong walks on the Moon. Richard Nixon inaugurated. Yasser Arafat is appointed leader of the P.L.O. 1st Boeing 747 flight. My Lai Massacre in Vietnam. ARPanet, the predecessor of the Internet started by the military. Terrorist bombing in Montreal by the FLQ. The last public Beatles performance.  Woodstock. Tiny Tim got married on the Tonight Show. Top movie is Midnight Cowboy starring  Dustin Hoffman and John Voight, his daughter Angelina Jolie is A list now.





1969 Greatest Hits

1.      Build Me Up Buttercup - Foundations
2. Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond
3. My Way - Frank Sinatra
4. More Today Than Yesterday - Spiral Staircase
5. Proud Mary - Creedence Clearwater Revival
6. Son Of A Preacher Man - Dusty Springfield
7. Something - the Beatles
8. Honky Tonk Women - Rolling Stones
9. Gimme Gimme Good Lovin - Crazy Elephant

2.      10. Sugar Sugar – Archies







                                                                                   Lennon & McCartney 1957



1st Frisbee created by Wham-O hits the market.  Rock and Roll takes over America as Elvis shakes his pelvis on the Ed Sullivan show and is shown waist up only. The Cavern Club opens in Liverpool and John Lennon and Paul McCartney meet for the 1st time. The 1st electronic watch. Ford introduces the Edsel. The 1st artificial satellite Sputnik 1 launched. The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss published.


Famous births: Osama Bin Laden, Spike Lee, Sid Vicious, the Sex Pistols.



Painting by Francis Bacon 1957




1957 Greatest Hits

1. Jailhouse Rock - Elvis Presley
2. Blueberry Hill - Fats Domino
3. Whole Lotta Shakin Goin On - Jerry Lee Lewis
4. Walkin' After Midnight - Patsy Cline
5. Banana Boat Song (Day-O) - Harry Belafante
6. You Send Me - Sam Cooke
7. Chances Are - Johnny Mathis
8. School Day - Chuck Berry
9. That'll Be The Day - Buddy Holly
10. Goody Goody - Frankie Lymon and the Teenagers




1st Atomic Bomb testing and dropped on Hiroshima. Bombing of Dresden. World War II over.Ho Chi Minh takes over Vietnam. Cold War begins. World Bank is founded. Nag Hammadi scriptures discovered. Jackson Pollock makes his first famous drip paintings.  United Nations is founded. 1st ballpoint pens go on sale at Gimbels in New York at $12.50 cents each. This would cost about $800 in today’s money!

The microwave oven invented. The jet stream is discovered. Streptomycin used for the 1st time. Arthur C. Clark writes about the idea of communication satellites. Fluoride is added to drinking water for first time.


Famous births: Bob Marley-singer, Tom Selleck-actor, Rod Stewart-pop singer, Mia Farrow-actress, Micky Dolenz of the Monkees, Eric Clapton-guitarist, Pete Townshend-rock guitarist of The Who, John Fogerty-rock singer Creedence Clearwater Revival, Rainer Werner Fassbinder-German filmmaker, Steve Martin-comedian and actor, Van Morrison-Irish singer, Henry Winkler-The Fonz, actor, Neil Young-singer,songwriter.


Famous Deaths: Edgar Cayce-psychic, Emily Carr-Canadian artist.


1945 Top Hits


  1. Sentimental Journey - Les Brown
    2. Rum and Coca-Cola - Andrews Sisters
    3. Opus One - Tommy Dorsey
    4. On The Atchison, Topeka, and the Santa Fe - Johnny Mercer
    5. I'm Beginning To See The Light - Harry James
    6. There! I've Said It Again - Vaughn Monroe
    7. My Dreams Are Getting Better All the Time - Les Brown
    8. Chickery Chick - Sammy Kaye
    9. It's Been a Long, Long Time - Harry James or Bing Crosby
    10. I Can't Begin To Tell You - Bing Crosby

1933   --Surrealist Art: Salvadore Dali 1933



Hitler becomes Dictator in Germany. Prohibition ends. Mount Rushmore dedicated. The Great Depression. Ghandi begins hunger strikes. The Dust Bowl, drought in America. Franklin Delanoe Roosevelt brings in The New Deal. The first Nazi concentration camp completed in Dachau. Book burnings in Germany. The 1st singing telegram. The chocolate chip cookie was invented. James Joyce’s Ullysses allowed into the U.S.  King Kong was a hit. Goldiggers movies. Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers tap dancing. Surrealism, Arts movement Max Ernst and Salvadore Dali change the shape of modern art.  Lost Horizon by James Hilton published.


Famous births: Stan Brackhage-innovative filmmaker, Susan Sontag-art critic; Yoko Ono-conceptual artist, wife of John Lennon; James Brown-The Godfather of Soul; Gene Wilder-comedian.


 Prohibition ends, 1933


Hits of 1933

  1. 1. Gold Digger's Song (We're In The Money) - Dick Powell or Ted Weems
    2. Sophisticated Lady - Duke Ellington
    3. Stormy Weather - Ethel Waters
    4. Love is The Sweetest Thing - Ray Noble
    5. Hold Me Eddie Duchin or Ted Fio Rito
    6. The Last Round-Up - George Olson or Guy Lombardo
    7. Yesterdays - Leo Reisman
    8. Lover (Rodgers & Hart) - Paul Whiteman or Greta Keller or Guy Lombardo
    9. Forty-Second Street - Don Bestor
    10. You're Getting To Be A Habit With Me - Bing Crosby


1921   Marie Curie comes to America 1921


Insulin is discovered by Frederick Banting in Toronto.  Einstein wins Nobel Prize. U.S. formally ends World War I. Mongolia separates from China. Turkey declared a Republic. 1st Birth Control Clinic is opened. Riots in Palestine. Heat waves. 1st radio broadcast of a baseball game. Inflation in Europe. Irish free State announced.1st Miss America Beauty Pageant held. Riots, strikes. William L. Mackenzie King 10th Prime Minister of Canada. The first woman enters Canadian Parliament. Max Planck and Quantum Physics Theory. Major earthquakes in Utah. The 2nd Coming by William Butler Yeats is published.

Famous Births: Louis Harris, pollster; Satyajit Ray, Indian filmmaker; Joseph Beuys, German, conceptual artist; Farley Mowat, Canadian naturalist and author; Prince Phillip

-- William Butler Yeats, "The Second Coming

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of "Spiritus Mundi"
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?





Shakleton finds the South Magnetic Pole. Peary reaches the North Pole. N.A.A.C.P. founded. First short wave radio. First woman drives across the U.S. Halley’s comet photographed for the first time. U.S. Navy founds Pearl Harbour. Many hurricanes and unusual auroras. Silver Dart, first powered flight in Canada. Cubism, Picasso and Braque.


Celebrity Births: Gene Krupa, drummer; Ethel Merman, broadway singer-“There’s No Business Like Show Business.” Fame; Carmen Miranda-actress,singer, famous for outrageous headdresses. Artist Francis Bacon; Actor Errol Flynn; Musician Benny Goodman.




Klondike Gold Rush. Brooklyn merges with New York City. Zionist Congress convenes in Basel, Switzerland for 1st time. The first American subway opens in Boston. The first issue of the feminist newspaper La Fronde appears. The first use of the word computer meaning an electrical calculating device. Dracula by Bram Stoker published. Impressionism.


Famous Births: Gloria Swanson, actress; Frank Capra, Hollywood producer,director; Amelia Earhart, aviator.



 Gaugan, Tahiti 1897


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2004 Predictions
We are in a Universal # 6 year "The Lovers" Year in the Tarot. Six is the balance of the "as above,so below" as depicted by the 6 ponted Tantric Star or Star of David, which we gained a sneak preview of on Nov 8th's 2003 Lunar Eclipse. As a participant in the auspicious,quite unprecedented event- because of the planets involved within its' formation.
 I felt a huge uplifting energy triggered by the eclipse. An eclipse of the moon affects our personal feelings,the collective unconscious and dreams from six months to a year after. This eclipse was also part of a Saros cycle which began during the Crusades-800 years ago. So, this eclipse brings forward all the unconscious memories,of all the battles fought and still being waged over the Holy Land, and between organized religions and different faiths. The Big question is.. Is it right to kill others in the name of God?
2004 will be an easier year in some ways with some pretty Heavy Cosmic blasts.
Be aware of June 6 2004, it is 6/6/2004=6 or 666. The number of the Sacred Feminine.
Uranus had just entered Pisces finally Jan 1st until 2011. Uranus planet of Higher Consciousness, revolution and humanitarianism  speaks of total revolution of organized religion. We will become internally electrified or ecstatically sparked with our own individual, yet humanitarian consciousness of Oneness. I believe the Internet as a third dimensional model of consciousness will become the vehicle for world wide "real-time" spiritual connectedness. I also believe that Uranus symbolizing higher consciousness,transpersonal consciousness will trigger humanity into telepathic communion and a compassionate worldview.
Neptune is in Aquarius, which Uranus rules,Neptune rules Pisces, these two planets are in "mutual reception" they are in each others sign rulerships. They are trading homes-this strengthens the effects of both planets influence.. Neptune and Aquarius are transpersonal planets.
Uranus rules inventions and the radical overthrow of old existing Saturnian orders.The arts will flourish during these years. The world's strongest earthquake occurred while Uranus was in Pisces. New technology will be built to use and reinfuse the oceans as a power source.
On April 4  Saturn will trine Uranus. Saturn represents the patriarchy,control, security the status quo, the military, 3-D, obstacles, limitations,responsability. Hopefully a new brilliant and revolutionary upheaval will happen to rock the old bedrock upon which a new, higher consciousness of our inter-connectedness will occur. Uranus likes to shatter things and Saturn likes to stop it. We may see more fascistic identity and "homeland security" measures enforced. Upheavals in the geological strata are likely, unearthing of ancient sites clueing us into our destiny. Rapid extinction of biological species will suddenly become very apparent.
The North Node representing our collective or world soul's highest intention is now in Taurus. Taurus represents The Earth Gaia our Mother. The Earth is our Mother, we must take care of her. North Node in Taurus,a fixed sign influences our values in a grounded way. Taurus,ruled by the planet Venus the Goddess of love,beauty, harmony,luxury,how we love, our values.  Venus also rules the sign Libra, so we must allways be conscious that any relationship is a two way street, an interaction, a c0-creation. Our collective destiny at this time is to ask how do we value the Earth, our Mother, this planet and all the beauty she offers us. In Taurus this points to the down to earth values, we must become stubborn and obstinate as bulls in our care for the Earth.
Feb 22nd Neptune and the North Node are square to each other.  Neptune rules the oceans, water, spirituality, illusions and delusions, flow, compassion, endings. Neptune, the higher octave of Venus, spiritual love shows the pressure is on to do something compassionate about the oceans, the water of which we,like the Earth herself are composed 70% of. Are we going to deny {Neptune} that we the oceans, the earth and our bodies are one and the same any longer. We cannot live for very long without fresh water. Our oceans are polluted, the Earth continues to be raped of natural resources in pursuit of oil, land, money, greed, more possessions{Venus} more cars, more stuff.
Neptune in Aquarius now asks us collectively to be conscious of our true spiritual beingness. We will have our consciousness revolutionized. Collectively we must all embody ourselves as The Star-Aquarius-serving humanity as a collective,becoming conscious of our stellar origins and outpouring compassion to the earth.
Saturn in Cancer shows where our obstacles and limitations are with nurturing,mothering. Saturn as the cosmic cop should make clear to us how corporatization impacts our home lives. Saturn begins the year Retrograde so we can rehash our tracks here until March 8th. New structures need to be initiated to protect women, children,home life. The government may have to regulate food more closely. Also expect stomach problems and agricultural growth cycles. There may be food shortages and starvation in many more parts of the world than normal.
Jupiter in Virgo in the most mental and analytical of the Earth signs, in the sign of the Virgin Goddess of the harvest, expands our quest for higher knowledge, education, religious fanatisism over who owns what piece of earth. How do we perfect the Earth as stewards here. Virgo is also the sign of service and daily work and health issues. How healthy is the Earth and our minds these days? Jupiter turns retrograde on Feb 1st possibly slowly down the economy until May 5th when it turns direct.
Mars begins the year in Aries which it rules so military might, and spontaneous ignition and conflagurations will continue. Aries rules the sign of the Jewish people so expect Israelto continue to be a hotspot. Mars moves into Taurus on Feb 3rd. More arguments about what's mine. Mars is in detriment in Taurus so it slows down Mars warlike nature.
March 21st- a day after the Spring Equinox Mars ruler of Aries moves into Gemini.There will be lots of talks and arguments and much mental leaping and taking of sides. Gemini is learning about relationships so maybe there will be some talk of co-operation in the military agenda.
**On April 24th** Mars and Pluto **both rulers of the sign Scorpio will be in an exact opposition. This is potentially a very explosive situation. Beware of terrorist attacks, as Pluto in Sagittarius rules terrorism, religious fanaticism, atomic weapons. Pluto represents the collective, secrets, destruction and rebirth. Mars is the God of War.Thank goodness the very next day during this opposition the Dalai Lama will be in Toronto beginning a Kalachakra Initiation for World Peace. The Tibetans know their astrology.
May 4 Total Lunar Eclipse 4;33 EDT at 14 degrees of Scorpio*
This Lunar Eclipse a Full Moon, ties us back into the Star of David formation of Nov. 8th 2003 falling 2 degrees from opposition to that Lunar Eclipse. The Sun is now opposite where it was in Nov and the Moon where the Sun was. We have an opportunity to bring what was eclipsed into a new Light.  The moon is trine Uranus here, so unexpected breakthrough, revolutions, new technologies could be unleased at this time. The Moon is also squaring Neptune which rules the oceans so watch out for tsunamis, and biological hard to detect viruses increasing. Jupiter turns direct on this date-so we can boldy activate what was idealized-gonna get me a merkabah and cruise it round the universe. The Kalachakra Blessing continues during this eclipse until tomorrow. Mexico's Cinco de Mayo-so expect some shaking up from South of the Borders.
**June 3rd Full moon **at 12 degrees of Sagittarius. This wil lbe a powerfull Full Moon with Moon conjunct Pluto and Venus. Will this be an explosion of love brought to light?
**June 8th-Venus transits in front of the Sun**
This is an important astronomical event. The Goddess of Love will be visible as she dances across the Sun retrograde. Venus is Mary incarnate -the Feminine Face of God. This is an important blessing. we need it now.
**June 17th New Moon** at 26 degrees of Gemini opposite the Galactic Centre conjunct Mercuryat 24 degrees of Gemini and opposite Pluto at 20 degrees Retrograde. Mercury is foaming at the mouth here. ALl the garbage,old baggage, secrets, oil spills, should be pouring out. The rate of communication will be expanding exponentially. Venus is in Gemini as well moving backwards at 12 degrees. She is dancing herself into a tango -at 9 degreesof Gemini conjunct the Fixed Star Aldebran one of the Four Archangel Stars-Michael,where she stations direct. Archangel Michael-the military commander of the Heavenly Host-also called the Watcher of the East. Opposite Venus and Michael wil be Antares-meaning rival of Mars- one of the other Four Archangel Stars-Uriel. Hopefully Venus and Michael can work some Heavenly Magic on the warlike stance and invite Antares into the dance.
"Dance me to your beauty with a burnin' violin,
Dance me through the panic till I'm gathered safely in,
Lift me like an olive branch, Be my homeward dove,
Dance me to the end of love, dance me to the end of Love." Thank you,thank you, thank you, Leonard Cohen. In my universe Leonard Cohen would be Prime Minister or President or World Leader-a true High Priest as his name destiny suggests.
**June 17th Saturn crosses the U.S. Sun**-  on a New Moon. It's High Noon for President Bush. Although Saturn is in Cancer and weak here-it's still reality check time for the U.S. and corporations of all kinds.
**July is a Blue Moon Month**
 we experience Two Full Moons this month-it isn't really once in a Blue Moon-it happens every three years.
**July 2nd Full Moon**
And speaking of destiny the U.S. meets its-on July 2nd at this Full Moon. What do we see in the full light of night? Saturn conjunct this Moon, trined by Jupiter. Perhaps cosmic justice will reign. O.K. so it's an early 128th surprise Birthday party- and not so great for Mr. Bush. My prediction and hope is that true to his name destiny he will get Bush-whacked.
**New Moon July 17th at 25 degrees of Cancer**
Chiron, the Wounded Healer is opposite the New Moon. We will have a new opportunity to look deep into the wounds in our collective unconscious at this time. How the Patriarchal structure has undermined all the Honouring of the Feminine in every nuance of culture world wide.. The Tibetan Buddhists say that from the time of the New Moon in Cancer to the next New Moon In Leo is one of the two most auspiscious times for spiritual awakening. Do it now!
July 25th the Mayans Day out of TIme
take a breather. Think about the mystery of the Mystery we are living. Ask yourself- is this a path with heart?-Think about the Mayans the sacred Timekeepers. Ask yourself-if there is no real time, no reality-then what is all this I see? is this what you would really choose? celebrate.
**July 31st Blue Moon Full Moon at 8 degrees of Aquarius**
I declare this International Vision and Dream Quest Night. If I were the ruler I'd make sure that everyone on the planet must be meditating, dancing under the Full Blue Moon all night and merging our collective dreams. Dreaming up the grandest most loving, humanitarian, revolutionary celebration where we wake up to the fact that We are One.
This full moon shows Neptune dancing cheek to cheek with her. Expect amazing dreams,total lunacy, too much drinking and drug taking, spacing-out. People falling in love with total strangers. The Sun in his regal Leo robes sheds his golden light on the most mystical, unconscious most romanticized, spiritual vision we can imagine. How do we all live from our hearts?
Aug 6th Jupiter square Pluto
The People demand Justice. Ah, this is a biggy! Jupiter the biggest,the Sacred Lawkeeper and planet of the Wisdom teachers  squares=puts pressure on Pluto Lord of the Underworld. Jupiter rules the sign of Sagittarius where Pluto is journeying now till 2008. Jupiter in Virgo,sign of the earth, the Goddess,sign of work, perfectionism, organization, analysis, health and hygeine.
THINK BIG EXPLOSIONS. Pluto rules atomic energy, the public, the collective unconscious.  It isn't fun being Cassandra, I hope and pray that this is not another major catastrophe, but if that is what the collective unconsciousness needs to wake up then-death, destruction, re-birth is what is being set into motion.
**Aug 15 New Moon at 23 Leo**
Here we see Neptune now opposite the Moon, the dancers have changed their positions.The Moon has joined the Sun, taken what she has learned from Neptunes spiritualizing and brought it home to the ego identity. Our ego's can now reflect the mirror of ourselves as embodyments -I'm body meant to be Divine Love.
**Aug. 16th and 17th**  A Couple of Biggies!
Saturn in Cancer will oppose Chiron in Capricorn on the New Moon ,the 17th Anniversary of the Harmonic Convergeance at 22 degrees with Chiron retrograde. Just past thes New Moon speaks of a new begining- what is in the dark- the wounds of the patriarchy, women standing up collectively for women, the Feminine, children and home. This opposition reveals the interconnectedness of form and feelings and will be a reality check-Saturn rules Capricorn-expect huge corporate falls from grace-I predict George Bush will be ousted or possibly assassinated.
on the 16th the aspects are quite intense!
Moon in Virgo conjunct Mars and a Retrograde Mercury opposite Uranus. We can review-Mercury retrograde- how to perfect our communications, how we feel about the earth, analyze in great details and begin to act on new revolutionary inventions, technologies which will serve all of mankind. Alternatively this is a potential major earthquake situation. Expect disruptions in communications big time, perhaps more solar storms. Too much nitpicking can cause extreme blow ups!
AUG 29th Full Moon in Pisces
Here we have a retrograde Mercury in Virgo which it rules opposite the Moon conjunct Uranus. This full moon should show the effects of any realization we have had collectively. An extremely emotionally explosive situation. Again the tidal wave warnings.  How can we be of service in our consciousness in a radical way and honour feelings?
**Sept. 14 New Moon** at 23 degrees of Virgo
the Moon conjunct Mars=violent feelings,feelings and actions are combined. The unconscious is activated and angry.
Moon conjunct Jupiter- the volume is WAy up. Jupiter ruler of Sagittarius-religious fanatics, overdoing it in a big way
and all of this energy squares Pluto-Lord of the Underworld.
Again a highly dangerous situation. Mars conjunct Jupiter and the Moon-read Big War especially squared by Pluto. Mars and Pluto rule Scorpio the sign of birth death transformation. All of this in Virgo-the sign of hypochondriacs. I predict biological warfare of some kind. Killing of crops, animals from disease-more mad cow.
Expect forest fires, volcanic eruptions. Hope you've got enough food stored up as the Harvest is upon us.
Sept. 28 Harvest Full Moon at 5 degrees of Aries
This harvest moon shows the Sun conjunct Jupiter conjunct Mars conjunct Mercury opposite the Moon in Aries. The big 4- three masculine planets and 1 androgynous one-Mercury are all in the sign of the Balance Libra, a masculine air -read thinking sign,but ruled by Venus Goddess of Love. It's Karmic Time-Libra represents the balancing of Karma-what you do to others comes back to you- and the Moon is initiating a pioneering new phase in Aries. Are we redy to be in real partnerships, relationships?Are we going to play fair?
Oct 1st Grand Quintile-
Pentagram in the Heavens
This is a very very rare occurance. Not another for another 2,500 years, so what are you waiting for?
A Grand Quintile is a configuration between 5 planets all spaced 72 degrees apart which forms a Pentagram formation.
The Pentagram is a 5 pointed Star, the sign and sigil of  Venus, of the Goddess, of Love Harmony Peace and Balance who has been impressing herself upon us phenomenally this year more than ever before-because we need it now.
The quintile is a not often used planetary aspect with highly esoteric qualities. Astrologer Bil Tierney states that : " in early esoteric schools of astrology the quintile was considered to symbolize an aspirants creative soul alignment with the Will of the Cosmos, suggesting that the quintiles have occult, transcendental indications."  The 72 degree angle has references in the Kabbalah to the 72 names of God.
Since we take our cues from the Heavens and Planets as Immanence of the God/Goddess and Venus being the Goddess of Love. We need to tune in on this momentous day to alligning ourselves with the Pentagram and Her symbol of Love, Harmony and Peace and draw down the above, to ourselves and the within below.
To invoke the pentagram and symbols of LOVE/Venus/Quintiles into yourself , if possible, go outside to be in nature. Stand with feet wide apart. Spread your arms out to either side of your shoulders. Your body is now mirroring the 5 pointed Star-like the famous Da Vinci drawing.
Becoming the Pentagram-alligning witht he planets
take a few minutes to breathe and relax and centre yourself.
be aware of yourself, your body and especially your Heart, feel your place in the Cosmos on the earth, you could begin to start feeling the magnetic pull of the earth energies and be aware of the Sun {if day, or Moon at night} shining down upon you above your head. Be aware of your arms pointing out horizontally and feel that extention, your right side, your left side, then pay attention to your heart. The heart is the balance point and your heart is the centre of all time,it is the point of infinity.
Now with your right hand, bend down to the ground and touch your left foot, stand up and take your right arm back to its outstretched place . Move your right hand and arm to touch your left hand, still outstretched left. Keeping your left hand outstretchedto the left, bring your right hand down from the left one and touch the ground by your right foot.This is like a yoga stretch. Then bring both arms up together in an apex over your head. bring your arms back down outstretched to the right and left sides. Then bring your right hand back down to your left foot and ground again. Then return to the 1st positon in the 5 star formation.
The Planets in the Quintile Pattern;
**Solar Eclipse October 13th new Moon** at 22 Libra
Sun Sign Predictions
Mars is speeding its way thru your sign Aries, up until ground-hog day. Will you decide to come out and play or hide awhile or will you repeat the same damn mistakes over and over again until you eventually learn to take it to a higher order? Still, time-out for you busy entrepreneurial sorts is in order with Saturn, the scorekeeper,and cosmic cop, still squaring you from Cancer and Jupiter throwing a quincunx -{read incompatible aspect} your way from Virgo. It's probably in your best interest to pay off ancient debts  and eat as much crow or shadow as you can in 2004. Perhaps one of  those bridges that you burned requires rebuilding. Best to keep one eye on the rear view mirror this year, Aries !
The love and the moola you so long for is in the mail !  I promise you that the month of March will kindle a new flame in your heart or at least bring an old flame back for another go round. And with Jupiter turning retrograde in Virgo, Lady Luck is still by your side at the gambling table in the year of the monkey. Not that you would ever let on that you actually enjoy a gamble or a gambol now and again. No, you profess that wherever you place your energy or cast your chi  is the best place for "an investment". Well the best investment for a Taurus these days is a loving heart and a candlelight and  wine dinner. Sell off that mutual fund and buy a condo at some romantic getaway. Go on ,Taurus, Pluto in Sag wants to stretch you a little this year. Think outside the sandbox !
Well the Geminis born between the 10th and the 14th of June still have Pluto to deal with which means a journey into the underworld or a dialogue with someone about to pass over to the other side. And this applies to those of you with Gemini moons, I might add.  The Year of the Monkey will make you dance for joy and cry uncle at the same time. Yoga  or some martial art may become your greatest ally, this year....
Yes it is true that your heart has been broken a thousand times and  that the trauma of your childhood is still weighing heavily upon you and if it were not for the beauty of the seashore and the warmth of the day spa you would have crawled like a goodbye note or a short ship into a bottle and sailed out to the great Coral Reef.  It is a very good thing that your dream life is opening your book of life, Cancer. And fortunately the dolphins and the whales will soon be coming into your bay to cheer you up and play for awhile. Remember that old Tim Hardin song: " how long can we hang on to a dream?"   It is a theme song of yours, is it not?  The answer to Tim's question is simple  :2004 !
Everyone loves your grand leo manner whether you ply your trade as a promoter,  tour guide, fashion photographer or an old fashioned stockbroker. But something happened to you about a year  or two ago when you fell off your high horse and admitted to yourself that it was time for an overhaul, a life assessment, a reinvention of the one you thought yourself to be or at least the mask you take to market. Yes, it is true that in the business world marketing is very very important. But the lesson you are here to teach yourself and those who come like filings to your charismatic magic magnet is this : The only path worth taking is the path with heart.  Like Frodo, it behooves you to toss that gold ring you have carried for your tribe since day one into the Cosmic Fire....
Blessed are the Virgos, for they are working away like elves and hobbits while all the humans have fallen asleep or neglected that which needs to be done, right now ! Finally , after twelve years of relentless Herculean labour, cleaning out the stables in your quiet and unassuming way----, yes it is time for you who have been serving  the greater good since always and for forever to have your Day !  The female Virgos are pregnant with indigo and violet ray children who wouldn't dare to incarnate without the help of a grounded earthling Virgo Mama ! And the males of the Virgo species are about to be published and paid for their work.  It is time for the most practical ones of the tribe to admit that they prefer angels and miracles and found money to the daily grind....
Coleman Barks, in one of his contemporary dry deep south translations of Jelaluddin Rumi's outpouring of poetry for the Beloved, informs us that the phrase in the Koran that goes " Whatever God wills, will happen " does not end with " therefore be passive".  As Rumi was one of the great Libran anthropologists of all time, we had best take his advice and stay alert to the opportunities to align with the Divine Will and surrender to destiny in the most joyful and celebratory way possible. In just one more year the planet Jupiter will bring a great number of likeable Librans out of their  favourite cafes and into the public eye and ear.  Publishers stand to make a good income from the wry and witty sayings of you wise old Librans !
With Saturn and Uranus both in water signs now ( Cancer and Pisces ) you have the wind in your sail,Scorpio,and the world is slowly conforming to the way you want it to be deep down in your soul. If there is any sign in the zodiac that knows how to turn water into wine or walk out of a pawn shop with a unaknowledgedtreasure in your possession, it is you, dear Scorpio. The past is but a memory now (even if it still haunts you on occasion) and the future is a figment of your rich imagination so what have we left but the power of the Now. Sieze the day,Scorpio, but heed the advice of the Buddha and let go of all attachment to whatever it is you have siezed. Use every gram of your intuitive guidance this year and just watch what happens !
 There are two kinds of Sag's roaving the planet these days: the ones who have been experienced their once in a lifetime Pluto transit and the ones that are now feeling it coming. Either way, that carefree, happy go lucky, the world is my oyster, all roads lead me back home Sag philosophy is fading fast given the outbreak of  fundamentalism, fanaticism and downright terrorism that the media is bringing to our attention in the Gregorian year 2004. This has an impact on those who depend upon the airplane for their multicultural forays and walkabouts. However the inner journey is reported to be just as juicy as the outer one.  Some of my favourite Sagittarians are living on out of the way islands and reading or writing a great epic novel as I pen these words. William Blake suggests  to this tribe: if the fool would only persist in his folly, he would become wise !! 
That's me.
What a wild and woolly lot of goats we have on the planet these days. Blessed are the Capricorns for they know how to be real estate moghuls and devoted yogis in the same incarnation. Well now that Saturn , your ruling planet , is moving slowly, slowly through the sign Cancer, it is time for you Capricorns to be less capricious and get serious about the art and science of raising a family and making a good livlihood in an earth friendly way.  I know of at least a dozen new miracle health products that will save lives and heal things that chiropractic just can't touch. But it will take the indefatigable persistance of a motivated Capricorn to get the ball rolling...
Well, we are closing in on the age of Aquarius at last and according to my secret files it is the Aquarians that are coming of age. That seven year Uranus transit has transformed a whole sign composed of galactic inventors and offbeat rebels into what one well-respected astrologer with the gift of the gab calls " change agents ".  Not that you Aquarians know who you are anymore. Perhaps you are what we call a Walk-In who just happened to inherit a family of origin and few credit cards to make life here on Earth a little more comfortable as you go about your work of rewiring the human nervous system to be in alignment with the New Earth Crystal  Energy Grid.  Fortunately the realization that no one out there really knows what you are up to is a bonus for an enlightened Aquarian ! A word of advice from your sponsor : Wherever you go -- go incongnito !!!
Big changes ahead for all the colourful fishes swimming about on the water planet ! What you have only dreamed of becoming is now available ready and willing to take over. You know that you have spent your whole lifetime preparing for the moment when you would walk on stage and speak your lines with passion and power and purpose and create a great catharsis in the hearts of all those innocent bystanders and curious watchers out there. Well, now is the time for you to do what you knew to be your destiny from before the moment of the yin-yang big bang. It is now or never, Pisces. So don't be shy : speak your truth and all will be well, I promise....
KAN 2004 with cheers and blessings, from Joseph-Mark Cohen
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Venus by Botticelli


June 8 2004 Venus Eclipses Sun,the Goddess Returns!


No one alive at this time has witnessed this very rare astronomical event. Symbolically and mythologic-ally,this is a moment we've all been waiting for. The Goddess, embodied as the planet Venus does indeed return! She will rise with, and eclipse the Sun during a 6-hour period which will be totally visible in most of Europe, Asia, China, and the Middle East and mid and Eastern U.S.


Venus,the Goddess of love, harmony,balance/karma  beauty and the Arts shows herself now as a sign, an omen, prophesied by Native American cultures. Her sighting also ties in to Judeo/Christian prophesies about the return of the Messiah. Not the way you were taught in Catholic or Hebrew schools or as culturally interpreted by patriarchal /political hierarchies.


The greatest totality of the Eclipse happens exactly over Saudi Arabia, how synchronistic is that! The issue is oil, balancing the resources of the Earth, Harmony-love or war, love over political and religious dissention. We could see this as Judgement Day, we decide or we create the consequences. Venus,ruling the sign of Libra is the Goddess of karmic justice, she also rules the sign of Taurus-the Earth and its' resources.


This is among the rarest of Celestial occurrences. The last times were in 1882,1874, 1769, 1761,1639 and 1631 since the invention of modern telescopes. She eclipses the Sun on average every 120 years in an 8 year cycle rising as Morning Star then Evening Star. Her last appearance in the 1800's impelled the suffragette movement and women being able to inherit property.


This is the actual fact of the Goddess's return. Her immanence and the restoration of Feminine values in each of us in the World will happen.


Herstory of the Goddess 


The Goddess is known in every culture and religion throughout history-or more correctly-Herstory. Her story is her creation of the Universe or more correctly the Yoniverse. The Universe is the verse or story of the Yoni.

Known as Aphrodite, to the Ancient Greeks;  her worship was incorporated into Christianity where they called her Mary; Isis,to the Ancient Egyptians;  Astarte or Asherah in the ancient Middle East;  to the Babylonians-present day Iraq she was Inanna; Kali, in India, where her worship has never ceased,  Kwan Yin, in China or any of her thousands of names.


Venus as the Big Billboard dancing sensuously in front of the Sun is saying to us I am the Goddess, I am love and Beauty, harmony and balance, I am the Creatrix. And her eclipse know shows us the way- As above, so below. is the Ancient Hermetic maxim.


As we watch Venus eclipsing the Sun, we reconnect consciously {or unconsciously} with the memories that live in our cellular consciousness, memories of all our Ancestors who watched the Celestial Skies, the Planets and the Stars for aeons. We are not very far removed from our ancestors in spite of whatever technology we have.

Venus's eclipse  connects us to our ancestral mythology, the world when Gods and Godddesses were immanent, alive. Mythology is alive. Mythology is the Story of our Souls our History our Dreams. Modern life is a mythology. Venus, the Goddess is alive. She exists. We exist because of Her.


All over the world, the ancient myths and symbols, even the words we still use, live in our blood, literally in our veins.


  The word vein comes from the word for Venus.   

  Venus, love literally pumps through our bodies

  and our hearts throughout our lifetime.  


Symbolic Meaning of this Transit

At its simplest most basic symbolic level the transit of Venus across the Sun represents for all humanity the principle of LOVE eclipsing the Ego, the Sun, the masculine principle, self-centerdness, the will, the Patriarchial rule of power-over. Venus also joins with the Suns path, this is a union of Love and Will. A balance of the Masculine and the Feminine.


Venus rules women, the Feminine Principle which resides in all of us whether embodied as male or female. Her eclipse of the Sun symbolizes the force of the Feminine in all aspects of our worldly life, gaining true equality and harmony from the Feminines own terms, not the masculine as has been so for thousands of years, when the Patriarchy took over.

She is showing us on Earth- the way, Harmony reigning over power-over politics; inter-relatedness over selfish identification; balance, co-operation, peace and equality for all. Creativity, beauty, nature and nurture come to the fore over self-interest. Make love, not War in other words.


Venus whose worship is ancient,primordial. We are all born of women, of the Feminine. This is our human commonality our shared oneness. We are here on this earthwalk to learn to love and care for ourselves and each other. To value love more than anything else. To walk in Beauty as the Native Americans say.


Patroness of the Arts, called Aphrodite to the Greeks, Ishtar to the Babylonians. She is the brightest object in the skies except for the Sun and the closest planet to the Earth.  When she rises with the Sun she is the Morning Star and at night she is Evening Star in her masculine and feminine appearances. Native Americans call her Dawn Star Woman. She comes in this guise on June 8th 2004.  Rising as the Morning Star,the eclipse marks the beginning of a time prophesied by the Mayans, as the return of Love, of Christ-consciousness  embodied as a Messenger  like the Buddha.

 Return of the Messiah

 The true Messiah who lives in our hearts individually and as One through our actions, through non-judgement, through total acceptance, through loving kindness to ourselves and all living things. The Messiah is coming into all of our hearts and minds where we will Be Living Love as Christ, the Buddha, the Goddess in all her thousands of names throughout our ancient world history.


We remember, we cannot forget,

the blood of the Ancients flows through our viens

its in our DNA, in our cellular consciousness!

Invoke the Goddess in yourself! Call her by name. Your intention is everything.

Ask and it will be done. So mote it be.


Goddess Chant


Isis, Astarte, Diana,

Hecate, Demeter, Kali,

Inana, Quan Yin, Lakshmi,

Tara, Mary, Shekinah,

Maat, Eve,

Goddess incarnate who birthed

each of us

from the Beginning of Time. 


Remember simply remember who you are and where you came from, and we are all our mothers. Your Mother is the Goddess, the Earth is our Mother.


Effects of the Venus Eclipse-predictions


For the next 8 years, Venus's eclipse will shift us. The Goddess will affect us. She will empower women, empower the values of the true Feminine in both men and woman and our children. How we relate to all the children in the world, the 30,000 of them that now, before the appearance of the Goddess we allow, we collude in their deaths each day from hunger, starvation and war by not seeing through the eyes of Love.  What is the real value of our lives? What are the values we want to teach our children? The Goddess will influence our politics, is this a just world? Sacred law, not man made laws must be re-created. The Goddess will change our world view. The Goddess will change our hearts and our minds. What is our relationship with the Earth, our Mother? How do we support beauty and harmony first?

How do we rebalance the values of money? Venus rules money and luxury. Are you really that insecure that you really need that S.U.V.? How does that S.U.V. and its gas guzzling affect the environment?


Remember everything we take for granted and as normal now must be overturned if it is not in harmonious relationship to everything else.


Will we take a stand to stop war? Are we in balance with our bodies?  There can be no more power over politics, manipu-lations or anything that does not come from Love anymore. We must create balance amongst all peoples. Venus will address the issue, the main issue that No one is greater than or has any more power over another, over the Earth, or any parts of it, her resources or her life forms. Venus's love is unconditional. Venus will ask us to rebalance our ecology, our relationships, our schools, our philosophy, our cultures, our food, our music, our politics, the pharmaceutical industry, the Media,  our businessess, the arts, until June 2012 when she returns again in her 8 year natural cycle after journeying through the Underworld, transformed and re-birthed as the Evening Star,also known as Stella Maris, Star of the Sea a.k.a. Mary, Mother of God, the Goddess, the Great Mother.


This, I believe is the biggest trigger, the biggest event that has happened in our lifetime. It is an extraordinary opportunity to witness and be a part of. This event is a Return to Love as Marion Williamson calls it as Venus returns. And we are the ones who must assimilate Her. Allow the Goddess to live, act, speak and love through each and every one of us.


How to Celebrate Her Return


To celebrate Her return throughout the 6 hours of the Eclipse throughout the World. I ask you to join with me and with others to mark this event as a new beginning of Love in the World.  We will meditate we will sing and dance, we will make ourselves beauteous, we will recite poetry, love poetry, Rumi, Rilke, Susan Griffin, Shakespeare, Leonard Cohen etc. As Venus rules Taurus and the throat chakra, we must sing, we must make sound, sound is one of the greatest healing tools. Music being the food of Love we must play on. Be joyous, fell that glorious feeling of being in love, of embodying Love, tingle from your toes to your head and send that Love from within your heart to all around the World. As the ruler of Libra,balance your mind, the twin hemispheres of your brain, the yin and yang.


Make art, make beautiful things, spend the day in beautiful gardens surrounded by flowers, plant flowers,apple trees. Make love, Venus is the Goddess in her sexual aspect, with mutual consent giving equally and honouring the Goddess. Help women who need it without expectation of any return. Be kind to strangers. See everyone you meet today as your Beloved. Practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of Beauty all day, and from this day henceforth.


Venus as Karmic Justice 


I also believe that if we do not take to our hearts and our minds this symbolic and actual event, please remember that Venus is also the Goddess Maat, the Ancient Egyptian Goddess of Justice a.k.a. karma a.k.a. The Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would  to yourself. First you must let go of your illusion of masochism.  Love yourself unconditionally first. Maat or Libra symbolizes Love as the Law.

Maat or Venus rules the balance of actions=karma in the Universe. When you die, Maat takes your heart and weighs it in her scales of Justice against the Ostrich feather she wears in her crown. Your heart which holds all the deeds that you did in your life from a loving place from a place of no regrets must balance equally with that feather. We could see this as Judgement Day. The Goddess has thousands of names and thousands of aspects. She can also be the Dark Goddess of Necessity.


Venus Visualizations


Women, Go to Venus! See yourself in your imagination at our sister planet, all is beautiful on Venus in the mythical imaginal world. Imagine your vision of the most beautiful place, Paradise. Everything is done from the heart, from a place of conscious love, Venus fulfills our longing for the return to and our desire for Paradise. Feel your power as the Goddess of Love, as Mary, as whichever Goddess calls to you. See yourself dancing in beautiful coloured flowing robes, being you, and the most beautiful woman imaginable, in her power and her glory. She/you are sensual, perhaps bellydancing in front of the Sun. Her power/your power is eclipsing the Sun, a Star. Feel your heart expanding and sending beams and waves of Love, Beauty, Harmony, Balance, Peace, Songs, Art and poetry which exemplify Beauty. Feel the warmth in you heart and send it to the Earth. Venus means to venerate. Venus is our veins, our lifes blood,pumping through our hearts. LOVE the Goddess, the Goddess is All, Love yourself, know you are loved unconditionally.  The Goddess {as Venus} falls in love with Herself, drawing forth her own emanation, which takes on a life of its own. Love of self is the creative force of the univere. Desire is the primal energy, and that energy is erotic, magnetic, the attraction of lover to beloved, of planet to star, proton for electron. Love is the glue that holds the Universe together. Writes Starhawk.And know that you must find the Goddess within yourself first. We all come from the Goddess and to her we shall return.


Astrology of Venus-Ruler of Taurus And Libra  



Astrologically Venus rules two signs Taurus-the first Earth sign, a feminine receptive sign, ruling the throat,song and music-as the food of Love and also the sign of Libra-an Air or mental sign considered masculine or active, ruling relationships, balance, justice and the arts.

Venus's eclipse of the Sun occurs while she appears to be moving backwards astrologically in what is known as a Retrograde phase.

Venus will be in the sign of Gemini during this eclipse. Gemini is a masculine active Air Sign, ruling the mind and communication most specifically. Gemini is the sign of the Twins, symbolizing the dual aspects of ourselves, containing both male active and female receptive polarities. and the two hemispheres of our brains.

Gemini in the Tarot is symbolized by the image of The Lovers, numbered 6 also a symbol of the balance of Heaven and Earth, symbolized by the 6 pointed Star, the one on the Israeli flag, which is actually an ancient Tantric symbol of the marriage or union of the opposites also called the Hexagram, the basis for the I Ching in China. Remember the Lunar Eclipse on Nov. 8th 2003 where the rare six pointed Star appeared as an alignment of planets in the sky and the world wide meditations that ensued? 2004 is also a number 6 year.


I believe that this is the next installment in Cosmic Celestial Signs and Symbols and Omens indicating to all of us who are aware awake and alert of the directions we need to go.


 Cabbalistically the Planet Venus  rules the &th Sephiroth or Sphere of Influence on the Tree of Life called Victory, whose number is 7. The Central Sphere of the Tree of Life,called Tipareth,or Beauty is symbolized by the Sun traditionally, number 6. So this eclipse also reveals a particular pathway on the Tree of Life and it is important to take in its meaning. It is the 24th Path,of Imaginative Intelligence, and it is so called because it gives a likeness to all the similitudes which are created in like manner similar to its harmonius elegancies. This is the path called Nun in Hebrew. It is the path of Death, the 13th Key in the Tarot, Pathway of Enlightenment. In brief it symbolizes making the transition from the Personality-ego identity to the Higher Self or True Spiritual Beingness. Death is Re-Birth, Transformation. This is the Path we are embarking on. Loving Life in Death and Death in Life. Die before you die. Die daily. To die is to live, to wake up to Life and to Love.


Venus in Gemini symbolizes love, and the need to harmonize our minds with our hearts. In the Buddhist and Native American traditions the heart is the thinking organ and the mind is the body,relating to physical survival only.


Venus in Gemini carries a twin Goddess aspect because of the morning and evening appearances. For this Venus eclipse to occur in the sign of the Twins Gemini, adds potency to its crossing. Gemini is an air sign, symbolizing the powers of the mind, the two hemispheres of the brain as well. Twins represent duality in all of its manifestations, the duality of the material and the spiritual planes of existence, masculine and feminine, tying and yang, day and night.

In Mexico, the Mayans will be celebrating. Teotihuacan is the birthplace of the 5th Sun and home of the prophet Quetzalcoatyl who was a living  man. Venus/Quetzalcoatl is the symbol of matter and spirit combined, the symbol of Death and rebirth, which Venus's transiting cycles represent. The Grail Legend is also connected to Venus' symbology. Your heart is the Holy Grail.


Venus is the Great Goddess in her sexual aspect. The Venerii were Sacred Prostitutes cleansing men who had shed blood in war and invoking the Goddess in her Temples through Tantric rites.

In the Middle Ages Venus became the ruling Fairy Queen of the magic mountains called Venusbergs. The city of Venice is named for Venus. 


The magic rhyme addressed to the planet Venus as Evening Star still echoes down through the centuries, known to all of us through popular culture in Walt Disneys Pinocchio.

" Star Light, star bright,

 first star I see tonight,

I wish I may, I wish I might,

 have the wish I wish tonight."


Invoke Venus through her Sacred Pentangle, the 5 pointed Star which all Wiccans are familiar with. Invoke her pentagram from top down to the left leg of the star up to her right arm across to the left arm down diagonally to her right foot, and back up to the top point of the Star.

In Venus' own cycle her path looks like a 5 petalled flower.


Venus Symbolic Attributes to work with


Incorporate as many of Venuss attributes into your Ceremony as you can or choose. Build alters to worship Venus. Wear her colours, her gems and metals, her flowers, her incense and perfumes. Eat apples.

Give and receive massages. Make a Venus doll. Paint Goddess pictures. 


Colours: Indigo blue, and green, like the Earth and the Sky.

Her stone would be lapis lazuli or turquoise amber or emerald.

 Metal: Copper is the metal sacred to Venus as a great conductor.

Number:  5,  the apple when cut open reveals the Pentagram.

Tarot Images: 3 The Empress, or Great Mother as Venus;

5 The Heirophant, Taurus;

8 Justice or Adjustment, Libra /11 Strength/Lust, Leo- Heart, the Sun.

Tones: La, E

Cabalistic Sphere: 7 Netzach-Splendor

Angel: Haniel

Tree: Apple, quince

Animals: Dove

Plants:  Acacia flowers, almon oil, aloes, birch, daffodil, damask rose, elder, elderberry, feverfew,fig, geranium, mint, mugwort, olive oil, pennyroyal, plantain, raspberry, rose, strawberry, tansy, thyme, verbena, vervain, violet, all-heal. Flowers  based on 5 petals. 

Direction:  West, the Feminine, Intuition and Introspection, the Earth

Her day is Friday, Vendredi in French for Venus, Freya or Friday from the Nordic God Myths.


The Sun is the attribute of all solar Gods and the Archangel Michael. It represents the Center, the Heart, the Source, its colour is gold.


The Ancient Egyptians worshiped Lapis lazuli which contained both Venus attributes and the Gold of the Sun.

The number 5 in the Tarot is the card of the Hierophant, symbolizing the connection of the human and the Divine. The Da Vinci diagram of the human as a 5 pointed Star. The 5 senses that we receive as humans.


To honour and Integrate Venus significance

the showing of herself, the physical and symbolic manifestation of the Feminine eclipsing or blocking out the Sun the masculine, rational, daylight consciousness

We witness and mirror back.


Venus and Mars Conjunction in Scorpio Dec 5 2004
 A hot time! The Union of the Goddess and the Warrior and the transformation of Love,Power,Values,and Sexuality & more

Venus and Mars in Scorpio- Tantric Union

 VENUS & MARS Heading For Conjunction in SCORPIO Dec. 5th!
Your love life, and your values will be heating up to overboiling very soon. VenusGoddess of Love, symbol of all women, remember she conjoined,Eclipsed the Sun last June to remind us of the Source of Love? and who Branded us in October with her 5 pointed Pentagram-Big Sign from the Heavens.  
Venus is a hottie lately,seducing the Big Star and now the little red planet Mars. Venus and Mars come together only every two years. So what are we waiting for?
But lets backtrack a bit. Mars the warrior, where you get your drive from, act and defend yourself from,symbol of the Male, entered his home in watery Transformational,Sexy, Desire,Secrets, Power & Control,Birth, Death, Taxes and other people's money issues of Scorpio on Nov. 10th. Mars is at his most powerful,much like we all are, at home.His entry at that time also coincided with Mars conjunct the Moon, symbol of the Unconscious,feelings, the public: and the South Node, symbolizing our Collective Unconscious Past, karma, the place where we backtrack and take the easy way out. Mars is activating and angering the Collective about old old wounds and stories, especially war stories.
 Nov. 19th and 20th Venus is in Libra, Her own beautifully decorated, romantic, Luxurious abode. The aspects of Venus today are she is in a square aspect { a hard or propelling to act,geometric formation} with Lord of Karma, Saturn that old Heavy, who is moving slowly backwards and also squaring Chiron-the rock/planet/comet of the Wounded Healer. Love is tough, Values are being re-examined,old wounds brought to the surface may feel raw. Old loves may resurface. Think about how you can choose to be more loving rather than re-acting to those old wounds. The economy is hurting.
But on Nov. 20th Expect the unexpected as Venus trines- an easy aspect- the planet Uranus. Uranus is the bringer of Higher Consciousness, Inventions, Humanitarian Ideals. But Uranus is also kind of like an electric  tornado, and can hit us in unexpected ways.  Venus in Airy Nice Libra, and Uranus in Watery Spiritual, Dissolving Pisces makes it easy for us to let go-elegantly, with social grace. Pisces is the last sign, karmic,ego dissolving, compassionate,boundless, Pisces is Bliss. So, expect the Unexpected in you love life and your income  and keep your mind and your heart open. Venus and Uranus will be in that nice trine tango until the 24th of Nov.
On Nov. 21st the Sun enters fiery optimistic, searching for higher truth, Sagittarius. Sag's its your turn to shine for the next month. Guess which sign I am?
 On 11/22 which is a very symbolic day. Both 11 and 22 are Master Numbers or Soul numbers. 11 and the month of November is spiritual, extra intelligent, heightened intuition and a willingness to serve humanity. 11 is a "God/dess force number.The number 22 is the Master Builder or God/dess number.  22 is the number of The Fool in The Tarot,the Wisest card in the deck, representing the absolute zero the beginning and the end of everything. The 22 represents the Eternal Soul,Enlightenment, trust and Innocence, living in the Now. The number 22 symbolizes taking ideals and putting them into concrete form. Master numbers are highly significant for those working with Magic. President Kennedy was assassinated on Nov. 22nd on the 33rd degree of latitude.
So on this significant day Venus enters Mars's cave of Scorpio. Venus changes her wardrobe now from elegant, tastefull Libran attire to very sexy lingerie, garters, corsets,black leather, a bit of S & M even, as she makes her moves on Mars. Venus and Mars are now within orb of each other just beginning their passionate romance towards their consummation-soon. Enjoy the seduction, take it slow,drink it in, its' inevitable so don't rush. The goal is the journey.
But, Oh No!  there's a glitch 
on Nov. 30th Mercury, the Messenger begins his last Retrograde period of 2004 moving away from the Big Black Hole in the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius. Mercury, ruler of communications is not strong in "hoof in mouth" Sagittarius. So watch what you say especialy at this time! Sag. governs rules religions and laws. Mercury Retrograde is guaranteed to mangle all communications, verbal and technological. Double check all your appointments and don't sign that contract during these Mercury backwards times, be forewarned. Mercury RX makes us re-think. Thisis a good thing! The vote will be recounted in the U.S. We'll go back over more religious zealot issues and very likely experience more terrorist maneuvers. Major religious re-vamping and rehashing of laws, foreign and domestic.

Mars,the Warrior is burning hot, he's angry, he's churning up those old power and control issues-this could be used for positive or negative. Venus in Scorpio is directing us to what's going on below the surface, in order to help us transform our values in regards to love, sex, death, re-birth, power,money and control. Especially how money and power are handled in secret. And the Communications are gonna snafu! Right in the Holiday period when by rights, if we lived according to Nature, we would all be sleeping more and having very unique and sexy dreams. Mercury will be moving backwards until Dec 20th.
>Do all your Xmas shopping early or wait till the last minute.
On Dec. 5th Venus and Mars are finally passionately in each others arms, lots of lovemaking in hot tubs . Very steamy. The Major Symbol for their Union in the sign of Scorpio is "Is it about Love or Power? Or lets get to the bottom of-is it Love or Fear that's guiding us? Carl Jung said that "where there is Love there can be no fear."  Love is the opposite of fear. Power comes from fear. "Who's in control?" "what's in control?" What's controlling us?" This is a very important question to ponder deeply, passionately,fearlessly.
The Mars/ Venus conjunction re-activates by opposition, the exact degree of the Nov. 8th 2003 Lunar Eclipse! On that day dubbed the Harmonic Concordance, 6 planets formed a very rare, 6 pointed interlocking Star or Hexagram in the sky-symbolizing the Hermetic maxim "As above, so below." That event marked a day of meditation around the world. It was considered a great symbol from the Heavens.
2003 was Mars' year as he was closest to the Earth and scorched most of Europe. 2004 is Venus's year because of her conjunction with the Sun on June 8th at 17 degrees of Gemini and the 2 rare Quintile formations or Pentagrams formed in October.Venus is beaming her messages loud and clear.
The conjunction of Mars and Venus is the Culmination-The Sacred Marriage in Heaven. We can obviously see the importance of The Big Picture Symbols when they form. I  feel that the Mars/Venus conjunction vehemently adds onto the import of all these previously unfolding events. Now on Dec. 5th we have a chance to see how far we've come from a year and change ago. This is Scorpio energy at its most raw,vital and life transforming,volcanic! This is the passion and lovemaking of the planets. It all points to our need to become whole, to love ourselves unconditionally-Scorpio energy at its highest, to passionately and lovingly let go of old emotions and desires that are not suiting our highest individual and planetary goals at this time. 
Mars and Venus symbolize the yin/yang  male and female polarity whose dual and equal energies balance and creates the living form of the Universe. Kabbalistically, the Creator of the Universe is both male and female, androgynous. The Universe is seen in Native American and East Indian traditions as a manifestation of the Eternal Lovemaking of the Masculine and the Feminine Energies. So this is a sign to us to remember that we are each individually both masculine and feminine within. That Love and Union or Unity is what we come from, is what we are, and what we inevitably return to.

Astrologically Venus is not at her strongest in the sign of Scorpio. But she has her ally, Neptune considered to be the Higher Octave of Venus on her side. Neptune symbolizes Higher Love, Divine Love, Unconditional Love.
>Play that Stevie Winwood hit-"bring me your higher love," 
and there's more...
 Mars and Venus are being squared by Neptune while their doin it.  This is a Love In! 
This could be LUV! The Real Thing!
Even better than the Real Thing! 
Neptune, planet of divine Love, Higher Love,planet of Image, delusions, illusions, who wears rose coloured glasses and easily gets addicted is in the mix too. This is a real ménage. The down side is-You might be so smitten by all this energy as to fall for the absolute wrong person or the absolutely right person. Actually there is no right or wrong. These planetary aspects create a soul mate fondue fiasco.
Ladies, make sure you have an objective counselor to rely upon if you think you've met Mr. Right at this time! And guys-guys-be gentlemen-respect yourself and women and don't try to take advantage of them at this time when they may be a bit vulnerable-it'll just backfire on you anyway. Remember darlings,we are dealing with Scorpio-the Big Sting. Scorpions, like Black Widow Spiders eat their mates after sex..
Another level to Neptune's energy in the mix is:
Absolute bliss out experiences. tasting immortality, an upsurge in telepathy, the best sex you've ever had! Kundalini awakenings, no need to drop Ecstacy anymore! sudden total recall of past lives and an amazing outpouring of forgiveness and compassion.
We will be watching more Spiritual Movies; Bliss inducing technology; New inventions using ocean water, steam, magnetism. A new sexually transmitted virus. New sex toys-holographic, new weapons of mass destruction and yes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, breaking water mains, Alchemy!
The Sabian Symbol for the Mars/Venus conjunction at 17 degrees of Scorpio in effect on Dec 5th is "A woman, fecundated by her own spirit, is "great with Child.". Keynote: A total reliance upon the dictates of the God/Dess within.  Faith in the Divine is shown here being concretely justified. The ordinary human person, focused to the innermost personality where the Living God/Dess acts as a fecundating power. The human person becomes a "mother of the Living God/dess." This is the TRANSPERSONAL WAY of existence. It is the way that leads to creative mutations."
Note: if you are born on Nov. 10th the Mars/venus conjunction is exact,right on your Sun, your ego your identity. Those born a day before or after are also affected most.
Putting it all together:
Divine Truth revealed to each individual about the Natural Sacred Power of Sexual Love and how we have been in a delusion about feelings, spirituality, sexuality, the Church, power and control issues on all levels. Much rethinking about how we are addicted to power from the wrong sources. And remember: Love conquers all.
And the big question IS-
What will we each one of us be pregnant with after Dec. 5th?
I am willing to be your midwife and guide.
Please contact me for feedback and to examine how, and where the Venus/Mars conjunctio in your natal chart is affecting you and your love life and your values, what you hold most dear. ..

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can learn through pain or we can learn through pleasure. The choice is ours.


  • Astrological Insights past, present and Future
    May 26  2002 Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius
    Lunar eclipses reflect significant turning points, this one being particularly critical for the next six months. A Full Moon, lights up and creates a wave that magnetizes and pulls up unconscious material, in this way helping us to integrate opposites into a more evolved state. A Lunar Eclipse creates a change in form over the next six months. Eclipse points return every 19 years.
    Look at your natal chart to find where 6 degrees of Sag. falls, this is where you need to evolve. The "house" and aspects to this degree will be activated now. Sagittarians, Pisces, Virgos and Geminis will be most affected.
    June 10th  New Moon Gemini Solar Eclipse
    This solar eclipse gives us the opportunity to act consciously break old patterns and make major changes in our lives.
    Pluto and Saturn closely conjunct the North & South Nodes, points symbolizing our greatest spiritual evolution and the South, karma or past actions .The world is teetering on an unprecedented evolutionary edge right now. Be conscious, choose carefully, think of the past and the future. How do we re-structure our thinking. What are we really doing?
     N.B. On this eclipse Toronto, the city where I presently reside will be impacted by the planet Pluto's Ascendant. Expect some major upheaval,and restructuring involving all the "undercover" issues going on here.
    This New Moon conjuncts Mars, Ancient Warrior God, expect Mr. Bush to keep those battle drums thumping.
    Anyone born between 1945-52 will feel their hearts' being tugged in the true direction of their desires. Go to your Inner Child and remember who you were born to be. What special gifts do you have that could shine your light even brighter? Have the courage to stand up and act on your heartfelt beliefs, especially to protect the children.
    The Cosmic question is:  What really needs fixing?
    September 11th, Planet Jupiter opposite Neptune
    One year later and Jupiter, King of the Gods who does everything Really Big and Neptune,God of healing, Oceans, addictions, dreams,and Divine Love oppose each other. Oppositions require skillful integration. We need to amplify our dreams, to be inspired to create from the very ground up,to our most inspirational visions. An opposition in Leo-Aquarius asks us to compromise our personal needs to those of the collective. The down side is, grandiose illusions,over optimism, outbreaks of viruses that are hard to detect, extreme
    religious fanatacism, lots of rain storms.
    ***Please NOTE*** from Sept 11th until Oct. 9th there will be a rare and special "Star of David" configuration between the planets and significant astrological points in the sky.
    Jupiter,the "Great Benefic" will trine-an easy aspect the South Node of the Moon,which represents karmic actions from the past,the South Node is conjunct Pluto, the great transformer, and they are trining the Asteroid Ceres, the Great Mother.
    At the same time, the Sun,the Light Giver is trining the planet neptune which symbolizes the highest spiritual love,healing,meditation,dreams and Neptune is trining the North Node in Gemini right now,our highest spiritual goals is communication, relationships, seeing both sides of an issue.It is a wonderful time to meditate and pray and dream and bring light to our highest spiritual goals,to honour the Earth and to boldly transform our negative past actions.
    October 11, Saturn stations retrograde at 29 degrees of Gemini further asking us to reassess boundaries, responsabilities and commitments. Time to be realistic and make hard choices.
    Saturn ruler of obstacles, limits,3D,long term goals, time, seniors, karma,at the last degree of Gemini. The last degree of any sign is the most potent. We need to maturely watch our words, our communications, think before we speak.
    Saturn has been hovering opposite the Galactic Centre at @ 27 degrees of Sagittarius since the beginning of September.
    I believe that we can utilise Saturn as a grounding stone,like a lightning rod to tune into the higher Galactic frequencies at this time. Saturn will retrograde over this point till the end of November giving us much time to hear and listen.
    Gemini's get that much needed and avoided reality check. Capricorns, slow down.
    Sagittarius time to be a bit more mature with your hoof in mouth disease.
    Nov. 19, 20th GMT Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio **
    Every six months the orbits of the Sun, Moon and Earth align close enough to form an eclipse.This is a power point in time an opportunity to see and breakthrough old patterns. Eclipses allways signal a turning point, for the next six months at least.
    A lunar eclipse, in the most earthy and stubborn sign of Taurus, helps us to release our voices.
    Taurus rules the throat chakra and Venus, planetary ruler of Taurus is retrograding backto 0 degrees of Scorpio at this eclipse. Eclipses return in 19 year cycles, so old, long standing issues come up again to be released.
    Speak up NOW about what you believe in, about what you want to create in the world. Your voice will be powerfull in the sign of the Bull, worshipped for an aeon, by all the Goddess loving peoples in the Aegean, and in Ancient Egypt.
    Scorpios,Taurus, Leo and Aquarius will feel the heat most intensively at this time. The "fixed" signs need to let go of their stalwart positioning.  Symbols for this eclipse: The Sun at 28 degrees of Scorpio
    "The king of the fairies approaching his domain." Opens us to sensing the qualities of magical healing within ourselves.
    Symbols for the Moon at 28 degrees of Taurus
    "A woman,past her change of life, experiences a new love."
    The moon, repesenting our unconscious feelings, collectively is symbol of a renewed reference point.
    Because the moon is conjunct 28 degrees of Taurus it falls in the constellation of the Pleiades, a most auspiscious position. The Pleidians are the Lightworkers who have been helping us for millenia. Known as the 7 Hathors in Ancient Egypt, the 7 Sisters and as some of the "Grandmothers" in Native Teachings.  A call has been put out by my friend and colleague Joseph Cohen to Meditate on this powerful Full Moon Eclipse. Are we ready personally and collectively for a new reference point?This will come frombeing attuned to forces beyond physical reality.
    Dec. 3-4 Total Solar Eclipse, New Moon at 12degrees of SAg. !*!*!*
    Get ready for this one! This Eclipse at 12 degrees of Sagittarius is conjunct the Fixed Star Antares the Great War Star! Will we change our feelings and views on War?
    An Eclipse of the Sun,where the Moon {the unconscious, the Feminine, feelings} passes in front of the Sun, which symbolizes consciousness,identity, gives us a new opportunity to put our feeling values first ahead of will power
    and aggression.Because this eclipse is conjunct the Moon's SOuth Node representing karmic past actions, and to Pluto which symbolizes the collective unconscious of everyone,the soul's longing and desires to transform,regenerate and grow,
    we must be Very carefull not to fall back into the same old actions, where we are the  weakest, out of ignorant habit. WE must WAKE UP our deepest feelings for the kind of world we want NOW for the next seven generations to come. 
    Sag.'s born within a few days before, or after this Eclipse will feel its' effects most strongly. Also Gemini's born around June 4th. Virgo's born around Sept. 4th and Pisces born around Msrch 4th will be prone to these x changes.
    Gemini Full Moon -Dec. 19th
    This full moon spotlights Gemini and Sagittarius. Especially those Sag.'s born Dec. 15 through 20-and Capricorn's born Dec. 21 and 22, also Gemini's  born June 15th-20-21st and Cancer's born June 21,22,and  23rd. Virgo's and Pisces born  around March 19, and Virgo's born around Sept. 19th feel the pressure from this Full Moon.
    This Ful Moon asks us to gather insight, information, knowledge and wisdom through our communications skills.
    Saturn hovers near the Full Moon. It's a sobering up time. Pluto is widely conjunct the Sun at this time, pudhing us to bring the truth out into the light, reveal all secrets, expose all lies.
    The Sun's position at this time falls right on the Galactic Centre of the Milky Way, an intense source of infrared emissions and microwaves that effect the electromagnetic field of the Earth and all of it's inhabitants-us. This aligns us with the heart, of our Galaxy. The Milky Way is the Milk of Love and Kindness which spilt out of the Breast of the Goddess as nourishment for her children. Meditate on this place at this time. There is a Beautiful Temple at the Centre. Go and askWho you really are? Why are you here? What is it you have to contribute in our own unique way at this time.
    Use this Full Moon time, a time when men and women gathered in ceremony and celebration for eons. Use this Full Moon to find our answers - and then begin to actualise them.
    Winter Solstice Dec. 21 at 8:15 P.M. EST
    Happy Solstice! Hail the shortest day in the year and the Longest Night. This is the day of geatest darkness in the whole year. Meditate on darkness, the womb, cave, sleeping, dreaming, death, birth, the unknown. This is the Goddess realm.The Solstice has been celebrated honoured and revered for tens of thousands of years. We switch from Feminine Consciousness where we've been incubating and pregnant with new growth, to the Ascendancy of the Sun. The year now moves more and more into the Light. Hail the Return of the Light Celebrated as Christmas, Hanukah, etc.
    The Solstice "birth Chart"gives us a glimpse into the next quarter of he year.  Strong forces of will and Power {Pluto} more and more authoritarian, patriarchal, warmongering, {opposite Saturn, the last of this one anyway.}
    The Solstice chart shows Jupiter on the Ascendant opposite Neptune. More and more delusion, expansion in strange viruses hard to detect and biological warfare. The highest use would be expanded, open hearted compassion for all.
    Let's take the high road, creatively play, we all need to be able to see that The Emperor is not wearing any clothes!
  • Overview of 2003
Let us Meditate NOW on Peace for the World. Visualize our Beautiful Mother Earth bathed in Lapiz Lazuli Light. Call upon the Medicine Buddha or whatever Spiritual Energy of the Light that works for you
to heal the Earth and all her children every day.
Make a commitment to send LOVE energy to yourself and everything on this planet daily.
Mediatate on what your gift and actions now are supporting for the next 7 generations. We are the ancestors of the Future. Our past actions and choices have brought us collectively to this NOW.
The gift is the Present. You have WON NOW.
1.  The New Year starts off with Mercury Retrograde on Jan. 2 till the 22nd at 8:02 p.m. EST. Mercury appears to travel backwards during a retrograde period. Mercury goes back to where it was on Dec. 16th, All communications are affected by this period so double check everything, expect big computer snafus and delays. It will take until Feb. 11th till Mercury moves forward again from where it left off..Lots of time to rethink.
2. Full Moon Feb 16 at 27+ degress of Leo.
This Full Moon opposes Sun/Uranus Conjunction in Aquarius. Jupiter is opposite Neptune and Mars is tightly conjunct Pluto, making things very tense and inflammatory. I pedict Earthquakes, explosions, bombings by terrorists,and heavy warfaring from the U.S. possibly biochemical warfare. This is the last Saturn/Pluto opposition which triggered 9/11.
3.  From March 1- 21 Mars will be extremely strong,as well as later in August 2003. Mars is the God of War,action and desire. March 6 marks the first return of Mars to its' Sept. 11, 2001 position which re-ignites it.
Uranus enters the sign of Pisces till 2011
March 10 in our zone.
Uranus the planet which rules the unexpected, computers, technology, inventions, Astrology, humanitarian welfare, higher communications, ,kundalini energy and the breakdown and revolutionising of the old Patriarchal structures enters Pisces, the last and most spiritual sign of the Zodiac, Pisces, its'ruling Planet Neptune, governs artists, musicians, delusions, healing, and addictions.
Pisces is a Feminine Water sign which encompassess all. It is the sign of Faith,Spiritual Devotion, emotional, sensitive, and highly addictive, delusional, telepathic, mystical, magical, musical and artistic, longing to Be in Bliss. Pisces is the sign of surrender. Pisces as a sign represents endings, karma, institutions, bondage.  
A fitting symbol for Uranus in Pisces would be a lightning bolt striking the Ocean.
As Uranus moves into Pisces I believe there will be revolutionary upheavals in World religions, especially Christianity. We will be moved to collectively align in Universal recognition of our common Spirituality.  
I believe there will be a huge increase in Telepathy. When Uranus moved into the sign it rules, Aquarius in 1995 the Internet took off. 
As Uranus is a Universal sign EVERYONE will be affected.
We will no longer be able to blame "THEM" anymore because we will realise that "THEM IS US."
All Pisceans will be affected the most over the next seven years. Geminis, Sagittarians and Virgos will be pushed to expand their minds and psychic abilities, don't fight it.
Many will be overwhelmed by the influx of dreams, images, feelings
and voices which they may not recognise. Synchronicities will be more and more magnitudinous, and unable to deny. Synchronicity they say is the signature of God.
Water sources will become unexpected, more drought. Hopefully that new invention which extracts water from the air or from sea water will be invented or else food supplies will be seriously challenged.
Large Peace movements. One world govenment, hopefully from the hearts of real people and not dictatorships of one type or another.
More high tech drugs, mood altering drugs and "Soma" or S.O.W.F. will be legalised or mandatory in order to cope. God on the Internet.
Technology to alter feelings, machines which will project dreams so we can spend an evening in our blue-green home theatre enjoying the trip through anothers' sensations and unconscious. Hollywood will
have to revolutionise high-tech  to get people out of their cocoons and have total experience 3-D Entertainment. Reflexology will become mainstream as Pisces rules the feet.
Everything will be "Feely." more Feminine. Women will come into their own power especially politically,as independent and individual as they may choose to be. This is necessary to rebalance things.
Re-birthing will be very popular. Tranquility tanks will make a comeback. Dolphins will be sending their messages to everyone. Fish will become even more popular than dogs. The Oceans will rise.
New discoveries from the ocean to get power,from the tides.
Uranus rules the sign Aquarius, and those mentally independent but humanistically inclined water bearers will expand their feelings, and revolutionize compassionate wisdom..We are of course moving into the Age of Aquarius, the sign of humans and Steller consciousness merging into one.Perhaps, our Inter Stellar Ancestors will re-appear
soon to help us out. We are moving deeper and deeper into the Photon Band every year, these being the last 10. Those Pleidians are their to help us. And Nibiru has been discovered.
The only thing for sure we can say about Uranus so far is Expect the Unexpected. SO stay fluid.
5.  May 2003 very eventfull. Saturn at its closest approach.
May 16 Full Moon Total Eclipse at 25 degrees of Scorpio
If you are born Nov. 17-19th  or May 15 -17th you will be affected most by this eclipse. A very emotional time for Scorpios, who will be called to let go of all old power and control numbers and rise like phoenix's born anew.
Aquarians born Feb 13th-15th and Leos born Aug 16-18th will find new forms triggered through the emotions and lessons about power its positive uses and it's abuses and control issues. Those Taureans born  May 15-17 will be charged up and able to recognise their deepest feelings, and access their wills to rebirth themselves anew.
During this eclipse period Mercury will again be Retrograde in Taurus, Mars conjuncts a stationary Neptune,both opposite Jupiter.
Flooding,explosions,war at sea. Be carefull with medications, drugs and alcohol at this time, everything will feel extremely hazy, disorienting and "Though the Looking Glass."  Watch out for terrorism and other types of religious fanaticism at this time. Possible biological warfare, new and even more dangerous viruses appear.
6.   2nd Main Event-Saturn enters Cancer June 4th
Saturn rule of order, Patriarchy, big business, the status quo, delays, obstacles, karma, reality, changes sign now and moves into the most Feminine nurturing and Watery sign of Cancer.
Saturn has spent the last 2 1/2 years in the airy, mental, dual sign of Gemini the twins. Now Saturn {the Father} comes home to be with Cancer {the Mother}. She who governs Motherhood, Nutriment, the stomach, Family in all of its ramifications. There is usually a very severe side to Saturn and it limits and puts obstacles on the sign which it is moving through. Expect more govenment intevention in your home, YES your home. Your stomach-like GMO-Frankenfoods.  Women could somehow lose their rights even more. Corporations can patent fertility and cloning, body parts, organs etc. for supposed
humanitarian ideals.   Saturn though is weak in Cancer , so the alternative to this is Women rising up in government to defend and protect womens' rights, to fertility, opposing genetic engineering. Big Business learns more about how to coerce your feelings to sell their products. "Family Values" as espoused by DUbya and even more fundamentalism. Food shortages because of greenhouse effects will become more usual. The poor, children and older women could suffer most because of this. Possibly a return to a simpler lifestyle, sparer, people questioning if they really need the S.U.V. and all that stuff adopt for old fashioned family ties. Older people  CRONES especially their wisdom and their nurturing will be in fashion. MUlti-generations co-habitating will replace geriatric homes and lack of day care facilities. On June 23rd Mars enters its zone of retrograd-ation and spends the next six months in Pisces. Mercury in Gemini exactly opposes Pluto so major political scandals related to Dubya about Sept. 11th will be out. Extremely volatile financial markets.
7. Saturn's perihelion is exact on July 26- it affects the entire year.  Major political crises have come when Saturn is in Cancer and at perihelion. Could Dubya be ousted? Stay tooned.
8. Fasten your seat belts during the last week of August!
Mars retrograde opposes the Sun and is at its' closest to the Earth this year. On Aug, 28th Mars reaches perihelion {the nearest it comes to the Sun} and this is the closest approach to the Sun in more than 300 years. Things will be HOT and TENSE.
There is a New MOON on AUgust 27th opposing Mars. Jupiter opposes Uranus hours before the Mars perihelion. Then to make things more intense Pluto stations on AUg. 28 When Planets Station they are at their most powerful. This is a very dangerous period. Mars energy needs to be channeled constructively. This is the worst time to launch a military operation,or business project as things are so unstable. Mars is so strong and it opposes Jupiter which magnifies that energy through November.
Terrorism with Mars in Pisces is very possible. Water could be contaminated or biological weaponry could be used.
Everyone will be tense. An extreme heat wave is likely. Large forest fires will be raging.
Meditate, exercise, transform anger in a spiritual warrior way to right the wrongs through legal process,{Jupiter} use your will for the highest good of all.
9. On October 25 Saturn turns Retrograde at 13 degrees 15' of Cancer exactly opposite Chiron in Capricorn. A few days earlier Neptune stations at 10+ of Aquarius. All the visible planets except Jupiterare in water signs when Saturn stations. As Saturn changes direction conjunct Fixed Star Sirius {Osirus}and the United States Natal Sun. Symbolically, the wounds in the Big Government and what needs to be healed as represented by the U.S.will be given the Reality Check. Osirus was dis-membered and Isis brought him back to Life.
Saturn also backs up over Dubya's Sun. Bush may be overhauled at this time. On apersonallevel anyone with planets at 13-15 degrees of Cardinal Signs, ARies, Cancer, LIbra and Capricorn, face new challenges which ask for growth. Lots of planets in water makes us feel"soggy, bloated,wanting to float" very emotional, lots of tears.
10. Late November into December.
Nov. 8th Lunar Eclipse forms a "star of David" formation which includes Saturn, Mars Jupiter and the
asteroid Chiron forming two interlocking Grand Trines The Sun, Saturn and Mars form a grand trine in water 10-16 degrees and Moon, Jupiter and Chiron form a Grand Trine in Earth 13-16 degrees. This configuration is being considered to be a very potent harbingerof Higher Celestial Powers and Healing.
Meditate during the eclipse, place stones to represent the planets and create a "Solomon's Seal" configuration.
New MoonTotal Solar Eclipse on NOvember 23, in early Sag. Accompanied by Mars-Jupiter {ruler of Sag.} in opposition squared off by Mercury-Pluto in Sagittarius.It's a boxing match.  Changes are required as at any Eclipse period.
Penetrating insights may arise, and need to. Indepth reports about all kinds of undercover,illegalities, scandals of all kinds come out now.
OVERVIEW and Predictions
This looks like a very tough year, challenging in every way.
Numerologicaly it is a Universal number 5 year. The 5's are always critical,difficult and tense. Five is ruled by Mars, God of War. The High side of number 5 is the challenge to connect with our Higher Selves our Guardian ANgels and forge a channel through our senses and use that wisdom in a practical,down to Earth manner.
Esoterically Number 5 in the Tree of LIfe is the Sephiroth or energy centre called Geburah which means Strength, as a destroying,clarifying agent. The 5th Sephira.offers a necessary corrective in our lives by tearing away all that is useless,and undesirable from a Totality perspective, not what CNN puts out or every ad coerces you to believe.  Destruction on the mundane level is useful in order to bring about a significant learning experience. The more we collectively resist the call to use the opportunity of this number 5 year's gift which conveys the ability to judge clearly our actions, our culture, our effects on the whole of the PLANET, then 5 is Mars. What you sow you reap, the Universe opeates to keep everything in Balance. Nature is more powerful than we believe our foolish egos to be.
We must be open Collectively to devastatingly immerse ourselves, each one of us, in the Fires of Truth, where all that is unworthy of our Selves is willingly cast off and thrown into the fire. This means total honesty and self-assesment. Look around you, what do you really need in your life? The Number 5 significantly is the Pentagon.
2003- a crisis year.
Let's wake up before it's too late. Let's rise to the challenge.
Is our government representing us? The New World Order is trying to take over in every aspect of most peoples' lives.
There is a significant thirst for Spiritual Meaning in our lives but we must be willing to embody it, live it, love it. Each of us must take a stand for the wanton wastefullness of resources in everything in this culture. We must wake up from our Denial State and see how everything and everyone is interconnected on this little planet. WE have chosen this moment in time to be here.
This New Moon gives us all the thoughts we need to remember during this tense year.
The first New Moon of the New Year happens just one day after New Year's. New Moon in Capricorn  brings new beginnings in building structures, hard work and responsibility. This New Moon closely conjuncts Chiron, the Wounded Healer. Govenments, corporations, institutions of all kinds continue to be called to task while Chiron is in Capricorn {until Dec. 5th 2005} 
Let's look at what needs to be healed in our work, in the heirarchy, in the status quo. Key questions to ask at this New Moon and for this year are:
Does my work really make me feel like it's worthy of spending my life and time doing? What do I really want to be doing?
Where do I and how do I build the structures I need to get me to the heights of my spiritual and material goals?
If I were allready at the top of the mountain, what would I be gazing down on below me? Is this really what I want to see? How can I change it?


February 1 New Moon in Aquarius

This New Moon falls on the Wiccan Imbolc, the midpoint between Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. Imbolc is a purification period, honoring the Celtic Goddess Birgita, Brigit or Bride, keeper of the Sacred Flame. The Light is returning. It comes to us secularly as Groundhog Day.  Do we see our shadow or not?

The New Moon in Aquarius at 12 degrees closely conjuncts Neptune, the mythic ruler of the Sea, representing unity, unindividuated consciousness. Neptune in Aquarius, dissolving collective concepts helps us to be more compassionate,under the rulership of Pisces. Jupiter, the great Lord of the Sacred Laws opposes Neptune and the New Moon.

An opposition requires us to hold the tension of the opposites to allow both sides their due. Jupiter in Leo, is big,bold,dramatic,fiery,ego conscious.

We are asked to unfold a new beginning in our humanitarian beliefs,to revolutionize old structures, but we are opposed by Jupiter and old dramas, old egos and laws, which are man made, or sacred laws?

The plot thickens, our diametrically opposed characters are set to play out on the world stage.

New Moon in Pisces March 2-3

This New Moon in Pisces helps us to review the past, this is the last New Moon before Spring when the New Years life force actually begins. Pisces represents the 12th and last stage of an archetypal development to dissolve the ego and to distill ones experience into spiritual wisdom before, rebirth again.The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is apropos, at 13 of Pisces An ancient sword, used in many battles, is displayed in a museum..the imperative needs to make use of the will in meeting the basic challenges of the inner life as well as outer adversaries.

If the U.S. goes to war against Iraq how fitting is this symbol?

Uranus enters Pisces on March 10th, retrograding back to Aquarius between Sept. 15 and Dec 30th and staying there till 2011. Uranus will catalyze the Piscean thirst for transcendent knowledge. Interest in intuition, dreams, and meditation will increase as well as susceptibility to addictions, drugs illusions,fantasy. Religions will be revolutionized. One world religion? Based on technology? Music as healing tool, psychic healing,all alternative healings will come to the fore. Battles between Utopian ideals {Pisces}and corporate globalization will intensify.

 Virgo Full Moon March 18

This full  moon falls just before the Spring Equinox. Saturn and Pluto whose opposition triggered Sept 11 are still within 3 degrees of orb to each other. They square this Full Moon suggesting that this Grand Cross of the Sun {ego} the Moon {feelings} Saturn {karma, the Patriarchy,corporations}in Gemini {dualism,either/or,wholly mental} and Pluto {transformation,death,destruction,the Public, the Collective Unconscious,}in Sagittarius{religious fanaticism}  this is the crux of the matter. In Virgo this Full Moon asks us to logically,intelligently, discern what we have brought to fruition. Perfectionism, and subjugation to the facts or service to the humanitarian, Goddess governed Earth and her fertility renewal and growth?

 The War with Iraq starts March 19th

My intuitive feeling is that all the issues both pacifist and freedom through war mongering are very cloudy, are difficult to distinguish. I see a very difficult time for the U.S. Revolutionary Secrets will be revealed as all the nations of the world must be held responsible for being culpable in this War. As Uranus moves into Pisces the sensatives will be literally feeling the pain more and more of this War affecting them in their daily lives. Shielding psychically and intensifying spiritual connection is required to stay grounded. The time for personal work is over, our work centers on the World,the World-Soul, connecting to our Higher Selves.

 The Spring Equinox March 20-21

The Astrology Chart for the Ingress for Washington, D.C. shows the Sun in the 6th house of work, service, conjunct Mercury at the last degree of Pisces. Pluto is in the 2nd house opoosite Saturn in the Ninth. Values are being transformed, our karma is related to foreigners,the Law, religious battles.

The Ingress in Baghdad shows Neptune in Aquarius on the Ascendant. Baghdad's persona, or face it shows to the world shows Neptune, ruler of Pisces, bringer of the Dream, Planet of the Healers, oceanic consciousness,and also illusions, delusion, addictions, acting through the sign of Aquarius, the sign of humanitarianism, revolution, Higher Consciousness, technology. We must remember that there is always a choice between using the planetary energies through their positive or negative expressions. Neptune in Aquarius also rules viruses,so biological warfare is the most immanent danger.

 Aries New Moon- April 1st

The Fool, the first card in the Tarot is our guide at the first New Moon of the Spring.

The Fool represents total trust and Innocence, the wisdom of the Child, who knows with every atom of itself, that every wish will be fulfilled, the spontaneity of the Now, the exhilaration of Life and every new possibility open to itself.The Fool symbolizes enlightenment in an Innocent,New state. The Fool is also the opposite side of the Emperor the Absolute Ruler, the King. The Fool also represents Folly, doing the foolish thing. The Fool advises the King,but doesnt have to take responsibility or be mature.

The New Moon at 12 degrees of Aries, ruled by the God of War Mars, which squares this New Moon. But Mars is conjunct Chiron, the wounded Healer both at 18 degrees of Capricorn. WE have a chance to aggressively open to our wounds,or open new ones. Mars in Capricorn can represent martial corporatization; Chiron in Capricorn holds the potential of healing through integrity. The Fool-the Zero Point, karmicaly and archetypally the images that we perceive today gives us a wake up call to be willing to admit our mistakes, where we have been acting the fool,dishonest,or with wisdom.

Be like a child, trust, realize that we are all children on this planet, all children of the Earth, the Spirit. Know that we are loved just for Being,that all time is Now. The Zero point is the place where the Infinity Movement doubles back upon itself to one single point. We are at this point Now. Can we laugh at our Folly?
Mercury goes Retrograde April 26
As usual double check everything related to communications, transportation and data until Mercury goes direct on May 20th. The "shadow period"  extends this influence from April 12-June 4th!
Re-check your taxes carefully!
May 1st Taurus New Moon
May Day, Beltane in the Wiccan Calender of the Years' turning, a sacred Fire Fertility Festival.  May is named after Maia, the mother Goddess. We deepen our connection with the Earth in this the first Earth sign of Spring. Tune into the life giving energy of new growth shown all around you.  The Sun, Moon, Mercury and the Asteroid Ceres are widely conjunct and squared by Mars, Neptune and Jupiter. This means we need to keep shifting our dreams and actions.
A Lunar Eclipse is an extra powerful Full Moon. What has been in the dark comes to Light, what has been ignored and concealed becomes visible. With the Moon in Scorpio this is an intense powerful bringing to light of what is most secret and dark. Power, control issues are highlighted now. The potential for spiritual transformation is the Greatest at an Eclipse like this. Eclipse go in 19 year cycles. What was occurring in your life in May of 1984? I think 1984 is the blinking blaring key here in reference to the world. What did George Orwell warn us about? Where are we now in relation to his oracular vision in reality?
What can we bring up from our deepest shadows that needs transformation most now?
Neptune stops still in the Heavens and prepares to apparently move backwards. Neptune blurs boundaries,thins the veils, clouds judgement.
Neptune will rake us back over the coals of our own addictions and delusions now, its' the planet of the healers, of Divine Love, of music and meditation, ruler of the Oceans.
The North Node, the collective consciousness and our highest spiritual goal point has recently entered Taurus,it is conjunct Asteroid Ceres, and the Sun now. Our egoes must be directed towards the Earth, our Mother,to fertility, to protecting the children. Security issues are highlighted now,values and money are all Taurean topics to be considered now. Ask yourself what benefits are really valuable.
May 30th Solar Eclipse in Gemini
We have a 2nd New Moon and a 2nd Eclipse this month. Very cosmic events. Eclipses offer special opportunities to end long term ccycles and to initiate new directons.  The Gemini Eclipse is a cosmic invitation to become more conscious of how we think, communicate, evaluate, use information and think in dualistic, either or, us and them mentalities.
Persons who have birthdays within 3 days before or after this Eclipse will be most strongly affected. Virgoes born 3 days of Sept 1st, before and after and Pisceans born  3 days before and after March 1st should feel the cosmic kick the hardest to get on with it. Sag's born Dec. 2 give or take a day or two will also get an exceptional opportunity to look at their deepest mind games and disentangle themselves.
The Sun and Moon are square to the planet Uranus and widely opposite Pluto urging us to think outside the box and consider the big picture. Uranus's urge to rebel and progres is intensified as it prepares to station retrograde on June 6th.
Sagittarius Full Moon June 14th at 23 degrees
Moon in Sag. lights up our search for meaning and truth. Pluto conjuncts this moon making deep dark, heavy emotional shadows come up to the light to be healed and transformed. Saturn at 1 degree of Cancer trines Uranus recently stationing retrograde at 3 degrees of Pisces, making it easier to find alternative sources of consciousness. Uranus and Pisces take us into holistic thinking, spiritual boundlessness. Mars at 29 degrees of Aquarius conjuncts Uranus and on the 16th enters the dreamtime of Pisces. Because of MArs retrograde phase, it will spend six months {june 16-Dec 16} in Pisces instead of the uaual six weeks-urging us to act as spiritual warriors.
We are in major transition phases now, and we will be constantly challenged to adapt to new norms and circumstances.
Cancer New Moon June 29th at 8 degrees
A majority of planets are in the element of water now,making this a highly emotional, flowing,feminine, time. persons born from June 21st to the 29th will feel the fullness the most. Four planets are in the most feminine of signs Cancer, she is the Mother,the nurterer,she rules the home, family,children and growth.  She represents the Archetypal feminine,the mysterious and ever changing landscape of the unconscious,the waxing and waning light, ebb and flow of tides, the life cycles. We are mainly water in the same percentage as the Earth 70 %! Without water earth becomes desert, nothing grows.
At this time a Grand Trine- a very easy aspect aligns between Mars
Uranus  this New Moon and the Asteroid Goddess Juno, who represents the faithfull wife and mother. The trine form itself is a triangle, the yoni, a pyramid. Saturn is involved in this trine too, Saturn provides structure, a container for water. Saturn is Father Time to Cancer's archetypal Great Mother. Saturn rules karma. So this is a very potent time. We see and feel most of all the nurturing power of the Goddess coming into fullness at this time asking us to remember that everything comes from the Feminine and nothing be done to harm the
children, literally and each of our own inner children. This new moon asks us to remember the Goddess, within and without, that she is immanent within all life. Sit by water, drink lots of pure water, meditate, let the hurt fellings flow.  Our feelings are the reason we came to be embodied on this earth plane. Celebrate them.
On July 1st canada's Birthday Jupiter in Leo will make he last of three trines to Pluto at 18 degrees of Sagittarius signifying that it's high time we confront our fears, face the truth and channel our energy creatively instead of destructively.
**November 8th Cosmic Event -Star of David- Lunar Eclipse**

Astrological Calendar and Meditational Insights

  • Astrological Insights past, present and Future
    May 26  2002 Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius
    Lunar eclipses reflect significant turning points, this one being particularly critical for the next six months. A Full Moon, lights up and creates a wave that magnetizes and pulls up unconscious material, in this way helping us to integrate opposites into a more evolved state. A Lunar Eclipse creates a change in form over the next six months. Eclipse points return every 19 years.
    Look at your natal chart to find where 6 degrees of Sag. falls, this is where you need to evolve. The "house" and aspects to this degree will be activated now. Sagittarians, Pisces, Virgos and Geminis will be most affected.
    June 10th  New Moon Gemini Solar Eclipse
    This solar eclipse gives us the opportunity to act consciously break old patterns and make major changes in our lives.
    Pluto and Saturn closely conjunct the North & South Nodes, points symbolizing our greatest spiritual evolution and the South, karma or past actions .The world is teetering on an unprecedented evolutionary edge right now. Be conscious, choose carefully, think of the past and the future. How do we re-structure our thinking. What are we really doing?
     N.B. On this eclipse Toronto, the city where I presently reside will be impacted by the planet Pluto's Ascendant. Expect some major upheaval,and restructuring involving all the "undercover" issues going on here.
    This New Moon conjuncts Mars, Ancient Warrior God, expect Mr. Bush to keep those battle drums thumping.
    Anyone born between 1945-52 will feel their hearts' being tugged in the true direction of their desires. Go to your Inner Child and remember who you were born to be. What special gifts do you have that could shine your light even brighter? Have the courage to stand up and act on your heartfelt beliefs, especially to protect the children.
    The Cosmic question is:  What really needs fixing?
    September 11th, Planet Jupiter opposite Neptune
    One year later and Jupiter, King of the Gods who does everything Really Big and Neptune,God of healing, Oceans, addictions, dreams,and Divine Love oppose each other. Oppositions require skillful integration. We need to amplify our dreams, to be inspired to create from the very ground up,to our most inspirational visions. An opposition in Leo-Aquarius asks us to compromise our personal needs to those of the collective. The down side is, grandiose illusions,over optimism, outbreaks of viruses that are hard to detect, extreme
    religious fanatacism, lots of rain storms.
    ***Please NOTE*** from Sept 11th until Oct. 9th there will be a rare and special "Star of David" configuration between the planets and significant astrological points in the sky.
    Jupiter,the "Great Benefic" will trine-an easy aspect the South Node of the Moon,which represents karmic actions from the past,the South Node is conjunct Pluto, the great transformer, and they are trining the Asteroid Ceres, the Great Mother.
    At the same time, the Sun,the Light Giver is trining the planet neptune which symbolizes the highest spiritual love,healing,meditation,dreams and Neptune is trining the North Node in Gemini right now,our highest spiritual goals is communication, relationships, seeing both sides of an issue.It is a wonderful time to meditate and pray and dream and bring light to our highest spiritual goals,to honour the Earth and to boldly transform our negative past actions.
    October 11, Saturn stations retrograde at 29 degrees of Gemini further asking us to reassess boundaries, responsabilities and commitments. Time to be realistic and make hard choices.
    Saturn ruler of obstacles, limits,3D,long term goals, time, seniors, karma,at the last degree of Gemini. The last degree of any sign is the most potent. We need to maturely watch our words, our communications, think before we speak.
    Saturn has been hovering opposite the Galactic Centre at @ 27 degrees of Sagittarius since the beginning of September.
    I believe that we can utilise Saturn as a grounding stone,like a lightning rod to tune into the higher Galactic frequencies at this time. Saturn will retrograde over this point till the end of November giving us much time to hear and listen.
    Gemini's get that much needed and avoided reality check. Capricorns, slow down.
    Sagittarius time to be a bit more mature with your hoof in mouth disease.
    Nov. 19, 20th GMT Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio **
    Every six months the orbits of the Sun, Moon and Earth align close enough to form an eclipse.This is a power point in time an opportunity to see and breakthrough old patterns. Eclipses allways signal a turning point, for the next six months at least.
    A lunar eclipse, in the most earthy and stubborn sign of Taurus, helps us to release our voices.
    Taurus rules the throat chakra and Venus, planetary ruler of Taurus is retrograding backto 0 degrees of Scorpio at this eclipse. Eclipses return in 19 year cycles, so old, long standing issues come up again to be released.
    Speak up NOW about what you believe in, about what you want to create in the world. Your voice will be powerfull in the sign of the Bull, worshipped for an aeon, by all the Goddess loving peoples in the Aegean, and in Ancient Egypt.
    Scorpios,Taurus, Leo and Aquarius will feel the heat most intensively at this time. The "fixed" signs need to let go of their stalwart positioning.  Symbols for this eclipse: The Sun at 28 degrees of Scorpio
    "The king of the fairies approaching his domain." Opens us to sensing the qualities of magical healing within ourselves.
    Symbols for the Moon at 28 degrees of Taurus
    "A woman,past her change of life, experiences a new love."
    The moon, repesenting our unconscious feelings, collectively is symbol of a renewed reference point.
    Because the moon is conjunct 28 degrees of Taurus it falls in the constellation of the Pleiades, a most auspiscious position. The Pleidians are the Lightworkers who have been helping us for millenia. Known as the 7 Hathors in Ancient Egypt, the 7 Sisters and as some of the "Grandmothers" in Native Teachings.  A call has been put out by my friend and colleague Joseph Cohen to Meditate on this powerful Full Moon Eclipse. Are we ready personally and collectively for a new reference point?This will come frombeing attuned to forces beyond physical reality.
    Dec. 3-4 Total Solar Eclipse, New Moon at 12degrees of SAg. !*!*!*
    Get ready for this one! This Eclipse at 12 degrees of Sagittarius is conjunct the Fixed Star Antares the Great War Star! Will we change our feelings and views on War?
    An Eclipse of the Sun,where the Moon {the unconscious, the Feminine, feelings} passes in front of the Sun, which symbolizes consciousness,identity, gives us a new opportunity to put our feeling values first ahead of will power
    and aggression.Because this eclipse is conjunct the Moon's SOuth Node representing karmic past actions, and to Pluto which symbolizes the collective unconscious of everyone,the soul's longing and desires to transform,regenerate and grow,
    we must be Very carefull not to fall back into the same old actions, where we are the  weakest, out of ignorant habit. WE must WAKE UP our deepest feelings for the kind of world we want NOW for the next seven generations to come. 
    Sag.'s born within a few days before, or after this Eclipse will feel its' effects most strongly. Also Gemini's born around June 4th. Virgo's born around Sept. 4th and Pisces born around Msrch 4th will be prone to these x changes.
    Gemini Full Moon -Dec. 19th
    This full moon spotlights Gemini and Sagittarius. Especially those Sag.'s born Dec. 15 through 20-and Capricorn's born Dec. 21 and 22, also Gemini's  born June 15th-20-21st and Cancer's born June 21,22,and  23rd. Virgo's and Pisces born  around March 19, and Virgo's born around Sept. 19th feel the pressure from this Full Moon.
    This Ful Moon asks us to gather insight, information, knowledge and wisdom through our communications skills.
    Saturn hovers near the Full Moon. It's a sobering up time. Pluto is widely conjunct the Sun at this time, pudhing us to bring the truth out into the light, reveal all secrets, expose all lies.
    The Sun's position at this time falls right on the Galactic Centre of the Milky Way, an intense source of infrared emissions and microwaves that effect the electromagnetic field of the Earth and all of it's inhabitants-us. This aligns us with the heart, of our Galaxy. The Milky Way is the Milk of Love and Kindness which spilt out of the Breast of the Goddess as nourishment for her children. Meditate on this place at this time. There is a Beautiful Temple at the Centre. Go and askWho you really are? Why are you here? What is it you have to contribute in our own unique way at this time.
    Use this Full Moon time, a time when men and women gathered in ceremony and celebration for eons. Use this Full Moon to find our answers - and then begin to actualise them.
    Winter Solstice Dec. 21 at 8:15 P.M. EST
    Happy Solstice! Hail the shortest day in the year and the Longest Night. This is the day of geatest darkness in the whole year. Meditate on darkness, the womb, cave, sleeping, dreaming, death, birth, the unknown. This is the Goddess realm.The Solstice has been celebrated honoured and revered for tens of thousands of years. We switch from Feminine Consciousness where we've been incubating and pregnant with new growth, to the Ascendancy of the Sun. The year now moves more and more into the Light. Hail the Return of the Light Celebrated as Christmas, Hanukah, etc.
    The Solstice "birth Chart"gives us a glimpse into the next quarter of he year.  Strong forces of will and Power {Pluto} more and more authoritarian, patriarchal, warmongering, {opposite Saturn, the last of this one anyway.}
    The Solstice chart shows Jupiter on the Ascendant opposite Neptune. More and more delusion, expansion in strange viruses hard to detect and biological warfare. The highest use would be expanded, open hearted compassion for all.
    Let's take the high road, creatively play, we all need to be able to see that The Emperor is not wearing any clothes!
  • Overview of 2003
Let us Meditate NOW on Peace for the World. Visualize our Beautiful Mother Earth bathed in Lapiz Lazuli Light. Call upon the Medicine Buddha or whatever Spiritual Energy of the Light that works for you
to heal the Earth and all her children every day.
Make a commitment to send LOVE energy to yourself and everything on this planet daily.
Mediatate on what your gift and actions now are supporting for the next 7 generations. We are the ancestors of the Future. Our past actions and choices have brought us collectively to this NOW.
The gift is the Present. You have WON NOW.
1.  The New Year starts off with Mercury Retrograde on Jan. 2 till the 22nd at 8:02 p.m. EST. Mercury appears to travel backwards during a retrograde period. Mercury goes back to where it was on Dec. 16th, All communications are affected by this period so double check everything, expect big computer snafus and delays. It will take until Feb. 11th till Mercury moves forward again from where it left off..Lots of time to rethink.
2. Full Moon Feb 16 at 27+ degress of Leo.
This Full Moon opposes Sun/Uranus Conjunction in Aquarius. Jupiter is opposite Neptune and Mars is tightly conjunct Pluto, making things very tense and inflammatory. I pedict Earthquakes, explosions, bombings by terrorists,and heavy warfaring from the U.S. possibly biochemical warfare. This is the last Saturn/Pluto opposition which triggered 9/11.
3.  From March 1- 21 Mars will be extremely strong,as well as later in August 2003. Mars is the God of War,action and desire. March 6 marks the first return of Mars to its' Sept. 11, 2001 position which re-ignites it.
Uranus enters the sign of Pisces till 2011
March 10 in our zone.
Uranus the planet which rules the unexpected, computers, technology, inventions, Astrology, humanitarian welfare, higher communications, ,kundalini energy and the breakdown and revolutionising of the old Patriarchal structures enters Pisces, the last and most spiritual sign of the Zodiac, Pisces, its'ruling Planet Neptune, governs artists, musicians, delusions, healing, and addictions.
Pisces is a Feminine Water sign which encompassess all. It is the sign of Faith,Spiritual Devotion, emotional, sensitive, and highly addictive, delusional, telepathic, mystical, magical, musical and artistic, longing to Be in Bliss. Pisces is the sign of surrender. Pisces as a sign represents endings, karma, institutions, bondage.  
A fitting symbol for Uranus in Pisces would be a lightning bolt striking the Ocean.
As Uranus moves into Pisces I believe there will be revolutionary upheavals in World religions, especially Christianity. We will be moved to collectively align in Universal recognition of our common Spirituality.  
I believe there will be a huge increase in Telepathy. When Uranus moved into the sign it rules, Aquarius in 1995 the Internet took off. 
As Uranus is a Universal sign EVERYONE will be affected.
We will no longer be able to blame "THEM" anymore because we will realise that "THEM IS US."
All Pisceans will be affected the most over the next seven years. Geminis, Sagittarians and Virgos will be pushed to expand their minds and psychic abilities, don't fight it.
Many will be overwhelmed by the influx of dreams, images, feelings
and voices which they may not recognise. Synchronicities will be more and more magnitudinous, and unable to deny. Synchronicity they say is the signature of God.
Water sources will become unexpected, more drought. Hopefully that new invention which extracts water from the air or from sea water will be invented or else food supplies will be seriously challenged.
Large Peace movements. One world govenment, hopefully from the hearts of real people and not dictatorships of one type or another.
More high tech drugs, mood altering drugs and "Soma" or S.O.W.F. will be legalised or mandatory in order to cope. God on the Internet.
Technology to alter feelings, machines which will project dreams so we can spend an evening in our blue-green home theatre enjoying the trip through anothers' sensations and unconscious. Hollywood will
have to revolutionise high-tech  to get people out of their cocoons and have total experience 3-D Entertainment. Reflexology will become mainstream as Pisces rules the feet.
Everything will be "Feely." more Feminine. Women will come into their own power especially politically,as independent and individual as they may choose to be. This is necessary to rebalance things.
Re-birthing will be very popular. Tranquility tanks will make a comeback. Dolphins will be sending their messages to everyone. Fish will become even more popular than dogs. The Oceans will rise.
New discoveries from the ocean to get power,from the tides.
Uranus rules the sign Aquarius, and those mentally independent but humanistically inclined water bearers will expand their feelings, and revolutionize compassionate wisdom..We are of course moving into the Age of Aquarius, the sign of humans and Steller consciousness merging into one.Perhaps, our Inter Stellar Ancestors will re-appear
soon to help us out. We are moving deeper and deeper into the Photon Band every year, these being the last 10. Those Pleidians are their to help us. And Nibiru has been discovered.
The only thing for sure we can say about Uranus so far is Expect the Unexpected. SO stay fluid.
5.  May 2003 very eventfull. Saturn at its closest approach.
May 16 Full Moon Total Eclipse at 25 degrees of Scorpio
If you are born Nov. 17-19th  or May 15 -17th you will be affected most by this eclipse. A very emotional time for Scorpios, who will be called to let go of all old power and control numbers and rise like phoenix's born anew.
Aquarians born Feb 13th-15th and Leos born Aug 16-18th will find new forms triggered through the emotions and lessons about power its positive uses and it's abuses and control issues. Those Taureans born  May 15-17 will be charged up and able to recognise their deepest feelings, and access their wills to rebirth themselves anew.
During this eclipse period Mercury will again be Retrograde in Taurus, Mars conjuncts a stationary Neptune,both opposite Jupiter.
Flooding,explosions,war at sea. Be carefull with medications, drugs and alcohol at this time, everything will feel extremely hazy, disorienting and "Though the Looking Glass."  Watch out for terrorism and other types of religious fanaticism at this time. Possible biological warfare, new and even more dangerous viruses appear.
6.   2nd Main Event-Saturn enters Cancer June 4th
Saturn rule of order, Patriarchy, big business, the status quo, delays, obstacles, karma, reality, changes sign now and moves into the most Feminine nurturing and Watery sign of Cancer.
Saturn has spent the last 2 1/2 years in the airy, mental, dual sign of Gemini the twins. Now Saturn {the Father} comes home to be with Cancer {the Mother}. She who governs Motherhood, Nutriment, the stomach, Family in all of its ramifications. There is usually a very severe side to Saturn and it limits and puts obstacles on the sign which it is moving through. Expect more govenment intevention in your home, YES your home. Your stomach-like GMO-Frankenfoods.  Women could somehow lose their rights even more. Corporations can patent fertility and cloning, body parts, organs etc. for supposed
humanitarian ideals.   Saturn though is weak in Cancer , so the alternative to this is Women rising up in government to defend and protect womens' rights, to fertility, opposing genetic engineering. Big Business learns more about how to coerce your feelings to sell their products. "Family Values" as espoused by DUbya and even more fundamentalism. Food shortages because of greenhouse effects will become more usual. The poor, children and older women could suffer most because of this. Possibly a return to a simpler lifestyle, sparer, people questioning if they really need the S.U.V. and all that stuff adopt for old fashioned family ties. Older people  CRONES especially their wisdom and their nurturing will be in fashion. MUlti-generations co-habitating will replace geriatric homes and lack of day care facilities. On June 23rd Mars enters its zone of retrograd-ation and spends the next six months in Pisces. Mercury in Gemini exactly opposes Pluto so major political scandals related to Dubya about Sept. 11th will be out. Extremely volatile financial markets.
7. Saturn's perihelion is exact on July 26- it affects the entire year.  Major political crises have come when Saturn is in Cancer and at perihelion. Could Dubya be ousted? Stay tooned.
8. Fasten your seat belts during the last week of August!
Mars retrograde opposes the Sun and is at its' closest to the Earth this year. On Aug, 28th Mars reaches perihelion {the nearest it comes to the Sun} and this is the closest approach to the Sun in more than 300 years. Things will be HOT and TENSE.
There is a New MOON on AUgust 27th opposing Mars. Jupiter opposes Uranus hours before the Mars perihelion. Then to make things more intense Pluto stations on AUg. 28 When Planets Station they are at their most powerful. This is a very dangerous period. Mars energy needs to be channeled constructively. This is the worst time to launch a military operation,or business project as things are so unstable. Mars is so strong and it opposes Jupiter which magnifies that energy through November.
Terrorism with Mars in Pisces is very possible. Water could be contaminated or biological weaponry could be used.
Everyone will be tense. An extreme heat wave is likely. Large forest fires will be raging.
Meditate, exercise, transform anger in a spiritual warrior way to right the wrongs through legal process,{Jupiter} use your will for the highest good of all.
9. On October 25 Saturn turns Retrograde at 13 degrees 15' of Cancer exactly opposite Chiron in Capricorn. A few days earlier Neptune stations at 10+ of Aquarius. All the visible planets except Jupiterare in water signs when Saturn stations. As Saturn changes direction conjunct Fixed Star Sirius {Osirus}and the United States Natal Sun. Symbolically, the wounds in the Big Government and what needs to be healed as represented by the U.S.will be given the Reality Check. Osirus was dis-membered and Isis brought him back to Life.
Saturn also backs up over Dubya's Sun. Bush may be overhauled at this time. On apersonallevel anyone with planets at 13-15 degrees of Cardinal Signs, ARies, Cancer, LIbra and Capricorn, face new challenges which ask for growth. Lots of planets in water makes us feel"soggy, bloated,wanting to float" very emotional, lots of tears.
10. Late November into December.
Nov. 8th Lunar Eclipse forms a "star of David" formation which includes Saturn, Mars Jupiter and the
asteroid Chiron forming two interlocking Grand Trines The Sun, Saturn and Mars form a grand trine in water 10-16 degrees and Moon, Jupiter and Chiron form a Grand Trine in Earth 13-16 degrees. This configuration is being considered to be a very potent harbingerof Higher Celestial Powers and Healing.
Meditate during the eclipse, place stones to represent the planets and create a "Solomon's Seal" configuration.
New MoonTotal Solar Eclipse on NOvember 23, in early Sag. Accompanied by Mars-Jupiter {ruler of Sag.} in opposition squared off by Mercury-Pluto in Sagittarius.It's a boxing match.  Changes are required as at any Eclipse period.
Penetrating insights may arise, and need to. Indepth reports about all kinds of undercover,illegalities, scandals of all kinds come out now.
OVERVIEW and Predictions
This looks like a very tough year, challenging in every way.
Numerologicaly it is a Universal number 5 year. The 5's are always critical,difficult and tense. Five is ruled by Mars, God of War. The High side of number 5 is the challenge to connect with our Higher Selves our Guardian ANgels and forge a channel through our senses and use that wisdom in a practical,down to Earth manner.
Esoterically Number 5 in the Tree of LIfe is the Sephiroth or energy centre called Geburah which means Strength, as a destroying,clarifying agent. The 5th Sephira.offers a necessary corrective in our lives by tearing away all that is useless,and undesirable from a Totality perspective, not what CNN puts out or every ad coerces you to believe.  Destruction on the mundane level is useful in order to bring about a significant learning experience. The more we collectively resist the call to use the opportunity of this number 5 year's gift which conveys the ability to judge clearly our actions, our culture, our effects on the whole of the PLANET, then 5 is Mars. What you sow you reap, the Universe opeates to keep everything in Balance. Nature is more powerful than we believe our foolish egos to be.
We must be open Collectively to devastatingly immerse ourselves, each one of us, in the Fires of Truth, where all that is unworthy of our Selves is willingly cast off and thrown into the fire. This means total honesty and self-assesment. Look around you, what do you really need in your life? The Number 5 significantly is the Pentagon.
2003- a crisis year.
Let's wake up before it's too late. Let's rise to the challenge.
Is our government representing us? The New World Order is trying to take over in every aspect of most peoples' lives.
There is a significant thirst for Spiritual Meaning in our lives but we must be willing to embody it, live it, love it. Each of us must take a stand for the wanton wastefullness of resources in everything in this culture. We must wake up from our Denial State and see how everything and everyone is interconnected on this little planet. WE have chosen this moment in time to be here.
This New Moon gives us all the thoughts we need to remember during this tense year.
The first New Moon of the New Year happens just one day after New Year's. New Moon in Capricorn  brings new beginnings in building structures, hard work and responsibility. This New Moon closely conjuncts Chiron, the Wounded Healer. Govenments, corporations, institutions of all kinds continue to be called to task while Chiron is in Capricorn {until Dec. 5th 2005} 
Let's look at what needs to be healed in our work, in the heirarchy, in the status quo. Key questions to ask at this New Moon and for this year are:
Does my work really make me feel like it's worthy of spending my life and time doing? What do I really want to be doing?
Where do I and how do I build the structures I need to get me to the heights of my spiritual and material goals?
If I were allready at the top of the mountain, what would I be gazing down on below me? Is this really what I want to see? How can I change it?


February 1 New Moon in Aquarius

This New Moon falls on the Wiccan Imbolc, the midpoint between Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. Imbolc is a purification period, honoring the Celtic Goddess Birgita, Brigit or Bride, keeper of the Sacred Flame. The Light is returning. It comes to us secularly as Groundhog Day.  Do we see our shadow or not?

The New Moon in Aquarius at 12 degrees closely conjuncts Neptune, the mythic ruler of the Sea, representing unity, unindividuated consciousness. Neptune in Aquarius, dissolving collective concepts helps us to be more compassionate,under the rulership of Pisces. Jupiter, the great Lord of the Sacred Laws opposes Neptune and the New Moon.

An opposition requires us to hold the tension of the opposites to allow both sides their due. Jupiter in Leo, is big,bold,dramatic,fiery,ego conscious.

We are asked to unfold a new beginning in our humanitarian beliefs,to revolutionize old structures, but we are opposed by Jupiter and old dramas, old egos and laws, which are man made, or sacred laws?

The plot thickens, our diametrically opposed characters are set to play out on the world stage.

New Moon in Pisces March 2-3

This New Moon in Pisces helps us to review the past, this is the last New Moon before Spring when the New Years life force actually begins. Pisces represents the 12th and last stage of an archetypal development to dissolve the ego and to distill ones experience into spiritual wisdom before, rebirth again.The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is apropos, at 13 of Pisces An ancient sword, used in many battles, is displayed in a museum..the imperative needs to make use of the will in meeting the basic challenges of the inner life as well as outer adversaries.

If the U.S. goes to war against Iraq how fitting is this symbol?

Uranus enters Pisces on March 10th, retrograding back to Aquarius between Sept. 15 and Dec 30th and staying there till 2011. Uranus will catalyze the Piscean thirst for transcendent knowledge. Interest in intuition, dreams, and meditation will increase as well as susceptibility to addictions, drugs illusions,fantasy. Religions will be revolutionized. One world religion? Based on technology? Music as healing tool, psychic healing,all alternative healings will come to the fore. Battles between Utopian ideals {Pisces}and corporate globalization will intensify.

 Virgo Full Moon March 18

This full  moon falls just before the Spring Equinox. Saturn and Pluto whose opposition triggered Sept 11 are still within 3 degrees of orb to each other. They square this Full Moon suggesting that this Grand Cross of the Sun {ego} the Moon {feelings} Saturn {karma, the Patriarchy,corporations}in Gemini {dualism,either/or,wholly mental} and Pluto {transformation,death,destruction,the Public, the Collective Unconscious,}in Sagittarius{religious fanaticism}  this is the crux of the matter. In Virgo this Full Moon asks us to logically,intelligently, discern what we have brought to fruition. Perfectionism, and subjugation to the facts or service to the humanitarian, Goddess governed Earth and her fertility renewal and growth?

 The War with Iraq starts March 19th

My intuitive feeling is that all the issues both pacifist and freedom through war mongering are very cloudy, are difficult to distinguish. I see a very difficult time for the U.S. Revolutionary Secrets will be revealed as all the nations of the world must be held responsible for being culpable in this War. As Uranus moves into Pisces the sensatives will be literally feeling the pain more and more of this War affecting them in their daily lives. Shielding psychically and intensifying spiritual connection is required to stay grounded. The time for personal work is over, our work centers on the World,the World-Soul, connecting to our Higher Selves.

 The Spring Equinox March 20-21

The Astrology Chart for the Ingress for Washington, D.C. shows the Sun in the 6th house of work, service, conjunct Mercury at the last degree of Pisces. Pluto is in the 2nd house opoosite Saturn in the Ninth. Values are being transformed, our karma is related to foreigners,the Law, religious battles.

The Ingress in Baghdad shows Neptune in Aquarius on the Ascendant. Baghdad's persona, or face it shows to the world shows Neptune, ruler of Pisces, bringer of the Dream, Planet of the Healers, oceanic consciousness,and also illusions, delusion, addictions, acting through the sign of Aquarius, the sign of humanitarianism, revolution, Higher Consciousness, technology. We must remember that there is always a choice between using the planetary energies through their positive or negative expressions. Neptune in Aquarius also rules viruses,so biological warfare is the most immanent danger.

 Aries New Moon- April 1st

The Fool, the first card in the Tarot is our guide at the first New Moon of the Spring.

The Fool represents total trust and Innocence, the wisdom of the Child, who knows with every atom of itself, that every wish will be fulfilled, the spontaneity of the Now, the exhilaration of Life and every new possibility open to itself.The Fool symbolizes enlightenment in an Innocent,New state. The Fool is also the opposite side of the Emperor the Absolute Ruler, the King. The Fool also represents Folly, doing the foolish thing. The Fool advises the King,but doesnt have to take responsibility or be mature.

The New Moon at 12 degrees of Aries, ruled by the God of War Mars, which squares this New Moon. But Mars is conjunct Chiron, the wounded Healer both at 18 degrees of Capricorn. WE have a chance to aggressively open to our wounds,or open new ones. Mars in Capricorn can represent martial corporatization; Chiron in Capricorn holds the potential of healing through integrity. The Fool-the Zero Point, karmicaly and archetypally the images that we perceive today gives us a wake up call to be willing to admit our mistakes, where we have been acting the fool,dishonest,or with wisdom.

Be like a child, trust, realize that we are all children on this planet, all children of the Earth, the Spirit. Know that we are loved just for Being,that all time is Now. The Zero point is the place where the Infinity Movement doubles back upon itself to one single point. We are at this point Now. Can we laugh at our Folly?
Mercury goes Retrograde April 26
As usual double check everything related to communications, transportation and data until Mercury goes direct on May 20th. The "shadow period"  extends this influence from April 12-June 4th!
Re-check your taxes carefully!
May 1st Taurus New Moon
May Day, Beltane in the Wiccan Calender of the Years' turning, a sacred Fire Fertility Festival.  May is named after Maia, the mother Goddess. We deepen our connection with the Earth in this the first Earth sign of Spring. Tune into the life giving energy of new growth shown all around you.  The Sun, Moon, Mercury and the Asteroid Ceres are widely conjunct and squared by Mars, Neptune and Jupiter. This means we need to keep shifting our dreams and actions.
A Lunar Eclipse is an extra powerful Full Moon. What has been in the dark comes to Light, what has been ignored and concealed becomes visible. With the Moon in Scorpio this is an intense powerful bringing to light of what is most secret and dark. Power, control issues are highlighted now. The potential for spiritual transformation is the Greatest at an Eclipse like this. Eclipse go in 19 year cycles. What was occurring in your life in May of 1984? I think 1984 is the blinking blaring key here in reference to the world. What did George Orwell warn us about? Where are we now in relation to his oracular vision in reality?
What can we bring up from our deepest shadows that needs transformation most now?
Neptune stops still in the Heavens and prepares to apparently move backwards. Neptune blurs boundaries,thins the veils, clouds judgement.
Neptune will rake us back over the coals of our own addictions and delusions now, its' the planet of the healers, of Divine Love, of music and meditation, ruler of the Oceans.
The North Node, the collective consciousness and our highest spiritual goal point has recently entered Taurus,it is conjunct Asteroid Ceres, and the Sun now. Our egoes must be directed towards the Earth, our Mother,to fertility, to protecting the children. Security issues are highlighted now,values and money are all Taurean topics to be considered now. Ask yourself what benefits are really valuable.
May 30th Solar Eclipse in Gemini
We have a 2nd New Moon and a 2nd Eclipse this month. Very cosmic events. Eclipses offer special opportunities to end long term ccycles and to initiate new directons.  The Gemini Eclipse is a cosmic invitation to become more conscious of how we think, communicate, evaluate, use information and think in dualistic, either or, us and them mentalities.
Persons who have birthdays within 3 days before or after this Eclipse will be most strongly affected. Virgoes born 3 days of Sept 1st, before and after and Pisceans born  3 days before and after March 1st should feel the cosmic kick the hardest to get on with it. Sag's born Dec. 2 give or take a day or two will also get an exceptional opportunity to look at their deepest mind games and disentangle themselves.
The Sun and Moon are square to the planet Uranus and widely opposite Pluto urging us to think outside the box and consider the big picture. Uranus's urge to rebel and progres is intensified as it prepares to station retrograde on June 6th.
Sagittarius Full Moon June 14th at 23 degrees
Moon in Sag. lights up our search for meaning and truth. Pluto conjuncts this moon making deep dark, heavy emotional shadows come up to the light to be healed and transformed. Saturn at 1 degree of Cancer trines Uranus recently stationing retrograde at 3 degrees of Pisces, making it easier to find alternative sources of consciousness. Uranus and Pisces take us into holistic thinking, spiritual boundlessness. Mars at 29 degrees of Aquarius conjuncts Uranus and on the 16th enters the dreamtime of Pisces. Because of MArs retrograde phase, it will spend six months {june 16-Dec 16} in Pisces instead of the uaual six weeks-urging us to act as spiritual warriors.
We are in major transition phases now, and we will be constantly challenged to adapt to new norms and circumstances.
Cancer New Moon June 29th at 8 degrees
A majority of planets are in the element of water now,making this a highly emotional, flowing,feminine, time. persons born from June 21st to the 29th will feel the fullness the most. Four planets are in the most feminine of signs Cancer, she is the Mother,the nurterer,she rules the home, family,children and growth.  She represents the Archetypal feminine,the mysterious and ever changing landscape of the unconscious,the waxing and waning light, ebb and flow of tides, the life cycles. We are mainly water in the same percentage as the Earth 70 %! Without water earth becomes desert, nothing grows.
At this time a Grand Trine- a very easy aspect aligns between Mars
Uranus  this New Moon and the Asteroid Goddess Juno, who represents the faithfull wife and mother. The trine form itself is a triangle, the yoni, a pyramid. Saturn is involved in this trine too, Saturn provides structure, a container for water. Saturn is Father Time to Cancer's archetypal Great Mother. Saturn rules karma. So this is a very potent time. We see and feel most of all the nurturing power of the Goddess coming into fullness at this time asking us to remember that everything comes from the Feminine and nothing be done to harm the
children, literally and each of our own inner children. This new moon asks us to remember the Goddess, within and without, that she is immanent within all life. Sit by water, drink lots of pure water, meditate, let the hurt fellings flow.  Our feelings are the reason we came to be embodied on this earth plane. Celebrate them.
On July 1st canada's Birthday Jupiter in Leo will make he last of three trines to Pluto at 18 degrees of Sagittarius signifying that it's high time we confront our fears, face the truth and channel our energy creatively instead of destructively.
**November 8th Cosmic Event -Star of David- Lunar Eclipse**

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