Mitt Romney
As a Canadian and
as someone who stopped watching TV years ago I have to admit I know nothing about Mitt Romney and his life except for briefly
reading Wikipedia details. I usually prefer to look at a person’s chart
without knowing many personal details.
Mitt Romney was
born March 12 1947 9:51 am in Detroit to a wealthy Mormon family, his father ran for the 1968 presidential election against
Lotsa water, PISCES
illusion, delusion, chameleon. GEMINI ASCENDANT –speaks with forked tongue No earth, stealthful, hellishly charming,
secretive, good communicator, determined, religious, fundamentalist, power hungry, controlling, unstable, secretive. A wolf
in sheep’s clothing, this is the subtle chart of a psychopath.
Romney is a 5th
Generation Mormon. Perfect for a PISCES, as religion & spirituality is what they are all about. Pisces is a moody, shifting,
chameleon like, absorbing sign; the sign of artists, gurus, genius or madmen, drunks and teetotallers, gurus, secretive, unconscious
karmic, addictive personalities. As a Mormon they do not drink or smoke and live by very strict religious beliefs. Mormons
believe in conversion and Romney spent about 2 and half years in France as a missionary baptizing and converting people. Traditionally
Mormon’s believe that women have NO SOULS! They are virtually vampires I think to Mormons. Church and state should never mix.
A very successful
and wealthy businessman with Bain capital his company put up the money for Staples. He tithes to the CLDS and earns millions
every year form his investments and pays 13% a year tax and has many holdings in specific tax break accounts and off shore
holdings. The rich don’t pay taxes!
chart shows Mars- his drive and Mercury Retrograde in Pisces in the 11th house with Ceres conjunct the SUN. He
can become whatever anyone projects onto him. Is an excellent organized manager and conceptualizes in an outside the box sort
of way with Mercury Retrograde.
His Moon, his instincts,
feelings, unconscious is in SCORPIO exactly conjunct JUPITER planet of do it big, higher education, proselytizers, hypocrites,
connecting with foreigners, teachers. That means Romney is a person who can be extremely SCORPIONIC - ruthless, controlling,
power hungry, devious, secretive, kinky BIG TIME.
He is after BIG
POWER and the Moon and Jupiter Trine his Pisces Sun; my gut feeling is that the BIGGER the HOLIER THAN THOU PERSONA, the DEEPER
AND DARKER IS THE BIG BLACK HOLE of corruption and shame he carries.
Ascendant is 1 degree GEMINI so this is a youthful looking, and unless he has had plastic surgery he appears much more youthful
than his 65 years. Gemini is the dual sign of the mind, communicators, but they always have that angel devil side to them.
I see him as a ghoul in priest’s clothing. Very dangerous. Can’t you see it?
Interestingly his
North Node is at 5 degrees Gemini in his first house of “Self” so he is meant to develop into that learning about
duality thing that Gemini does.
HE also has Uranus
at 17 Gemini in the first house indicating he can be rebellious, definitely his own unique individual. HE wants to do things,
like the Frank Sinatra sing “MY WAY.”
Romney has no planets
in EARTH in his chart. Which is interesting for someone who is working with real material assets, wealth, property etc. Often
when one is lacking an element they over compensate. It literally means he is not very grounded especially with all that WATER
The ONLY earth
something he has in his entire chart is LILLITH. That makes me laugh, I was wondering before I started to look at his chart
where his HATRED OF WOMEN comes from and BANG there it is! LILLITH the ORIGINAL WOMAN preceding EVE.
Yes I am so glad
that her legend her Archetype has resurfaced now. LILLITH is the most powerful Archetypal energy there is. The FIRST WOMAN
Lillith, was created equal to man with Adam by G*D from the red earth. Long story short, Adam was in the Garden of Eden naming
all the animals, then he got horny and tried to have sex with Lillith in the missionary position and she was freaked out and
told Adam. You can’t treat me like that! I am not an animal I will not lie beneath you, we are equal.” Lillith
was very insulted and immediately left Paradise to go hang out by the RED SEA.
I have to drop
the bomb here and let you in on the Truth here, the Old Testament is just a man made story, “divinely inspired”
is just a good PR campaign. Genesis is totally a metaphor, a psychological metaphor and part history lesson.
So G*D sent 3 angels
to implore her to return to Paradise. Hanging out at the red Sea is a metaphor for her “getting her period.” Lillith
knew how to say the name of G*D, she had power equal to G*D and she symbolizes woman as the raw force of NATURE, the Goddess,
the Universe, the Great Mother which no man, no religion, nobody can control. So the Angels pleaded with Lillith but her mind
was made up. Forget that pathetic disrespectful animal Adam; I’d rather be alone by the red Sea and the Moon. This is
my idea of Paradise who needs that fool.
So long story short
again, Lillith is G*d’s left hand Feminine side. The Shekinah is his Right
hand Feminine side.
So Adam is all
alone in the Garden of Eden. What can he do? Abandoned by the Feminine he is screwed, helpless, impotent, the species cannot
last. Adam symbolizes everyman’s archetypal greatest fear, and vulnerability, abandonment by the Mother.
If a woman refuses
to relate to a man sexually he is powerless. That is the source of man’s great rage against women, that actually they
do not have control, and they could not deal in a balanced way with their own vulnerability. Previously men had accepted a
nurturing and worshipping of the goddess as consorts recognizing that they were part of but not directly involved in creation
as is totally obvious. Woman are the Goddess by virtue of their birth giving natures. Man stands outside of the direct experience
of nature recreating life. He can empathise, he can join in psychic union he can protect hint for house, play with teach but
he cannot primaly create life from with in himself he does not sacrifice directly.
Women inherently
need to be mothered and nurtured but not sexually and this is a primal story. The story is clearly about the transition from
the MATRIARCHAL religions which existed everywhere upon the earth in every culture, the worship of the Goddess, the EARTH,
Nature, to this upstart Patriarchal split off from earth, nature and making up their own ideas about a Sky Father, a ridiculous
idea, total fiction based on some fantasy because Abraham got stoned eating datura in the desert and was having a huge Ego
So ADAM asked G*D
to make a mate who he could dominate. That’s what that whole mishigas about EVE is. TO make sure that Lillith cannot
take hold anymore. EVE is Frankenstein; a man made monster, a golem.
was also the snake in the Garden of Eden tempting Eve to wake up, and thank Goddess Lillith succeeded or else we would still
be unconscious. Lillith was then totally demonized in this new story where women are blamed for being women, for having to
suffer in childbirth, what a crazy idea! Blah blah blah. You want this guy to be president of the United States, are you crazy???
SO he hates women,
backed by his “religious beliefs”. And the women unconsciously agree to be slaves to the master males.
is so totally backwards, in the 21st century.
His hatred of women,
his illusory, beliefs about abortion about women having rights to choice in their life is delusional PISCES delusional. It’s
all about control.
He has Saturn RETROGRADE
conjunct PLUTO RETROGRADE both in LEO at the bottom, roots, and foundation of his chart. He comes from wealth, tradition,
prestige; he does not know what it is like to be an ordinary person.
ROMNEY is one big
rich windbag of EGO, power hungry, self satisfied, smirky, arrogant, entitled, PLUTOCRAT.
at 8 degrees sandwiched in an opposition between the 2 karmic death bringing malefic planets. He appears detached emotionally
in his career Venus ins in his 10th house of worldly fame. He may be clever and a good organizer but he is to the
manner born. HE looks down on anyone who is not of his lofty ideals in religion in his bedrock conservative, very harsh upbringing.
There are some major karmic DAD issues there in his psyche. Venus is the highest elevated planet so wealth, charm, idealism,
individualistic. He is ultra conservative for someone with Venus in Aquarius.
Chiron the wounded
healer at 8 degrees Scorpio is square to his PLUTO, his Venus and his Part of Fortune, an Arabic invention, literally the
POT OF GOLD at 8 degrees Aquarius. He is vulnerable through his misuse of power to self-undoing, fail for spite that is a
SCORPIO thing. He will sting himself. In his arrogance he thinks he can get away with it. But he can’t and his time
is up.
Neptune Retrograde
at 9 degrees Libra in the 5th house of creativity, self- expression rules his PISCES Mars Mercury and Sun. his
drive thinking and ego. So it’s very important.
Neptune forms a
GRAND TRINE with unpredictable URANUS and VENUS in the 10th.
It is easy for
MITT to get lost in his detached illusions and sense of personal entitlement.
His Part of Fortune
right on the MC in the 10 th house indicates his worldly success rides on young people accepting his ultra-conservative power
hungry Plutocratic stance.
They won’t.
If we take Jupiter as the ruler of PISCES in Scorpio it is ultra devious laden
with demonic lily whiteness. Mitt Romney is a total illusion of his own fantasy. He is a dangerous man.