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 It's May 5 2012, 2012 = # 5 We are in a Number 5 year. Triple Threat 5.

The # 5 the grand Finale is SPIRIT! Watch my Video about 555 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7rpzMY20Kw

In the Tarot # 5 is the Heirophant or the Pope, Priest, Rabbi,Iman, any spiritual intermediary,shaman, Ganesha, the initiate

this Full Moon is called Wesak by Buddhist's as it commemorate Gautama Buddha's reaching enlightenment under the bodhi tree, his birth and his death all in one. It is usually celebrated in May for the Buddha's mother named MAYA. Wesak is about clearing your mind.

so under this Big FAt , 30% brighter bigger Super Moon we have the opportunity to also reach enlightenment

It is also, mucho synchronicity Cinco de Mayo

Mexico beats the French! Theunderdog wins!

and it's also a TRIPLE THREAT SCORPIO FULL MOON @ 8:36 pm PDT/ 11:36 pm EDT

the Most intense, the most powerfully transformative, death and rebirth phoenix rising transformation show in the whole year

The MOON is at Perigree, the closest to the earth

The Sun is in TAURUS, Jupiter sits close by the Sun, Venus rules Taurus, she is now in GEMINI

It is one month till the Most excellent last chance ONce in a Lifetime! VENUS TRANSIT, called an OCCULTATION of the Sun on June 5 and 6

the 5 5 5 also adds up to 15 which is the number on the Tarot card of THE DEVIL.

Lucifer as he was originally known, means LIGHT BRINGER which is also the original meaning of the name VENUS. The Ancient Mesopotamian sky watching Astronomer/Astrologers figured out that Venus had a dual Twin or double/diablo nature, and that she rose as the Dawn Star Venus Phosphorus and also as Venus Hesperes,The Evening or wishing Star.

" When you wish upon a Star" from Pinocchio.

To the Gnostics Lucifer brought enlightenment against God's will, just like Prometheus did, stealing Fire from the Gods, fire= Light, same same. That was a good thing, it brought freedom, individuality, consciousness. Much as Psychologist CArl Jung noting that Eve also brought consciousness, Light to humans by disobeying God and tasting the fruit of the Apple -VENUS'S fruit- from the Tree of Knowledge.

So Aphrodite/Venus the Goddess of Love was originally connected as a Light Bringer same as Lucifer.

Do you see where we are heading with this? Of course all things relating to sweet sexuality, beauty, sensuality All Venus territory were banned, made into Evil, stinking sexuality,witches, harlots, harpies, born in sin, bla blah blah misogyny. The Church hates everything Fenale, all the Goddish worshipping pagans, they turned everything upside down, { The Hanged Man} in a hundreds and hundreds of years long attempt to get rid of the goddess, enslave women "born in sin, blah blah" and take over everything that was sacred to the Feminine and the EArth.

So the Catholic church demonized Venus the Goddess and made her into the DEVIL with a blue dress on. The sign of Capricorn, is associated with the Devil in the Tarot. Ccpricorn is traditionally ruled by Saturn, and that sphere was originally, in the Kabalah associated with the Goddess,with Binah because we are birthed through our mothers into the physical world. Mom is the physical Goddess in the material plane. As above, so below.

Speaking of Saturn he is still Retrograde in Libra and directly opposite Mercury at 24 degrees Aries. Balancing out the new thought and the old relationships.


Venus has an amazing transit which takes 243 years to complete and pictures a huge pentagram a pointed star,a ROSE formation

Venus 5 star pentagram cycle
Venus Astrology Tara Greene 2012 year of VENUS

That's why roses are given to and always sacred to women, as they symbolize Venus herself, and women's sacred sexuality in one



Da Vinci's famous diagram of the fully formed human with all 5 senses, earth, water, fire, air and the 5th element Spirit or AETHER as it used to be called.

Many plants have 5 petalled flowers,all of these are sacred to Venus.the Apple is Venu's fruit. Slice one open and see why.

VENUS will begin her RETROGRADE period on May 15-June 27.

SCORPIO the most soulful of all the Signs always involving intense passion, sexuality, power, control kinkiness, obsession, secrets,the Underworld, the shadow, HAdes, everything forbidden, the 8th house is Scorpio natural house, number 8 is the symbol of infinity.

Scorpio is all about letting die what no longer serves us, death, recycling, the Phoenix, rebirth, transformation are all Scorpio themes.

Mars is the ancient ruler of Scorpio along with Pluto. Mars is in Virgo at 6 degrees opposite Wounded Healer Chiron and Neptune planetray ruler of spiritual sign and karma, endings, Pisces. Mars and Neptune are both in square to the North and South Nodes, at 5 degrees of Sagitttarius/Gemini. Showing that grounded action- Mars in Virgo, and Compassion,Pisces, will lead us to our highest spiritual truth in Sagittarius.

They NOdes will l be involved in the may 20 solar eclipse soon

5 5 5 WHAT TO DO! ceremony-

Go out under this huge balloon of a moon, the biggest of the year, pray for clear skies where you live.

Call in the wisdom of the Buddha, and your own Higher Self

Create a 5 pointed pentagram in the earth, starting from the lower left, moving upwards to a point above your head, then down to the lower right,

then up to your left shoulder, then across,to the right shoulder,and back to the original starting point. Always an upwards pointing pentagram.

Stand in the star formation, BE the Star, feel yourself reflecting back Light to the cosmos as the Moon does. You are the Star!

You are Spirit incarnate! feel it!know it! you connect directly to all!

The full moon is a time of celebration and dance, it is very FERTILE, if you want to get pregnant this is one of the most fertile times. Whether it is an actual physical child or a creation, welcome the fullness of this MOON, super puller of tides and our emotions. The Full MOON is a completion,

Give thanks for that which you wish and desire under this full moon as if you already have it.

You can have and take the largest MOON bath, put out crystals and tinctures on this Full moon for super charging.

On the 5th day on 5 5 5 to me the symbolism is this. anything that is repeated three times involves the TRIPLE GODDESS, and is always MAGICAl.

You always get three wishes, things always happen in threes...

5 5 5 synchronizes with the potent full pregnant, whole, magnetic, magical energy of the Moon Mother where we we will become our own Heirophants, our own spiritual mediaries, no longer needing or taking advice from any outside spiritual authority on how, when, where and why to connect with God/the Goddess or Mother Earth.

555 be your own BUDDHA, you already are Enlightened my old Tibetan Buddhist teacher used to say.

Make 5 wishes-

The # 5 the Heirophant is also associated with the Sign of Taurus, the first earth sign. the sign of the 5 senses, we connect with God/dess through our 5 senses. In the Thoth Tarot which I use, the image shows ISIS/VENUS as speaking her truth,defending women, and others who are weak through the powers of her throat, her voice, the TAurus ruled area, by backing up female relationships.

So again using your voice, sounding is very important on this full moon. Yes the wolves will be howling loudly too. so join them, woof it up.

Howl at the Moon, declare your freedom, from tyranny, from those who turn purity into devil worship, dance sing, get LOONIE, lunacy is a great revelry and be receptive to those intoxicting psychic soma downloads.

On the month before Venus crossing in front of the Sun I would espouse a month long VEnus quest, to get ready for this once in a lifetime integration of the Divine Feminine, of the Goddess returning of LOVE/VENUS triumphing in the LIGHT.

and do be carefull this Full Moon will very powerfully affect us emotionally. In Scorpio peoples' emotions and the tides will be super high!

Much danger of flooding, tsunammis, tidal waves, hurricanes etc. around this time.

Need personal spiritual coaching: I do metaphysical astral coaching readings: http://www.taratarot.com/id78.html

Here's the link to get some technical specs.


Please get back to me on your 5 day experiences if you've been following.



The term SUPER MOON has come up in the public media lately as a way of explaining the catastrophic earthquake in Japan. Super Moons was coined by Astrologer Richard Nolle to describe the moon when the Moon is closest to the earth apogee, and szygy in line with the Sun and Earth it happens regularly not once in a Blue Moon, happen 5 or 6 times a year.

 So this the 2nd Super Moon of 2011 happens on a Full MOON and next month as well on April 18th. The other 3 happen on New Moons Sept 27, Oct 26 and then the Only Eclipse SUPER moon on Nov. 25 a partial Eclipse. Next SUPER MOON isn’t until April 6, 2012.

But this one will appear very big, the biggest in 19 + years {a lunar cycle} as Moon wil be only 221,556 miles away.

this one happens at the last CRITICAL DEGREE 

signifying an end of a cycle. The song that comes to mind is THE END by the Doors.


Virgo Super Moon March 2011
Tara Greene Astrology Psychic Tarot interprets it

The SUPER Moon is Full MArch 19 2011 @ 11:10 am PDT/ 2:10 pm EDT/ 6:10 pm GMT

Super Full Moon= Super Werewolf and She Wolf howlin’ times – aooh, aooh

The term SUPER MOON has come up in the public media lately as a way of explaining the catastrophic earthquake in Japan. Super Moons was coined by Astrologer Richard Nolle to describe the moon when the Moon is closest to the earth apogee, and szygy, love that name, in line with the Sun and Earth it happens regularly not once in a Blue Moon , Super Moons happen 5 or 6 times a year.


Is at 28 degrees 47 mins of VIRGO sign of ecology, health, service to others, organization, perfection, accountability, order.


The SUN is opposite of course at 28 degrees 47 mins of PISCES, the last sign in the Zodiac cycle.

We round off the degrees so the 29 th degree of any sign indicates that we must “GET IT” get all the energy of the entire previous 29 degrees before we move on to a new cycle. It is the integration crunch. We’re cramming for our finals.


Virgo is an Earth sign, practical, hard working, down to earth and very analytical as it is ruled by Mercury.  Pisces is ocean is water, bliss, spirituality, dreams, intuition, illusions, delusions, addictions, fantasy and escapism. Pisces is metaphysical reality, intangible, the 6th sense. Virgo is body,Pisces is SOUL and spirit.


 So we are split consciously the Sun represents the daylight masculine turning its light on the Unconscious, and our feelings instincts moods, symbolized by the Moon is all embodied and analysis.


It’s like the Beatles Album Revolver, The 1st and the last songs on the album.

The Moon is more like TAXMAN as Virgo’s make perfect Accountants.


The SUN is symbolized by TOMORROW NEVER KNOWS by John Lennon the last song.


The Moon being so close to the Earth means if its clear where you are you’ll see a huge Fume Moon rising in the EAST, 20-30% bigger than normal. Full Moons affect the tides, our emotions and this one should a huge pull and yearning that will be very palpable.

The SUN AND MOON square exactly he North and South Nodes of the Moon.  This creates what is called a Mutable Grand Cross. Which is also SUPER Meaningful.


The North Node representing our highest spiritual goal is EXACTLY aligned with the GALCTIC CENTER at 27 degrees + change of SAGITTARIUS.

The South Node always exactly opposite lies at 27 degrees and change of Gemini on the NORTH STAR or POLARIS the star, which guided sailors through the night for hundreds of years. Polaris is found on the state flag of Alaska, Polaris is in the Little Bear.

Soo which way are we heading, back into the past the Gemini split twins of consciousness or the GALACTIC CENTER which is the birthing place and centre of our galaxy. We are all in this show together.

The Galactic Center so prominent in the Mayan calendar interpretations, a gigantic black hole which sucks in all matter and light transmits,massive amounts of gamma, x-rays, ultraviolet rays that affect the electro-magnetic fields of everything in our galaxy, not just little old us.

This extra powerful Moon points it out in spades. We must collectively decide with our souls and minds.  The very powerful earthquake in Japan and the fear of nuclear meltdown has pointed out how frail we are compared to eh larger forces of Nature on our planet.

What happens in Japan affects everyone else.

NEPTUNE ruler of Pisces also at 29 degrees of Aquarius is conjunct Asteroid CERES who symbolizes Mother Nature herself, the Great MOM.

Ceres is the Roman name for Greek Goddess Demeter.

Mother Nature/Ceres nurtures you and feeds you every day if you eat grains of any kind or type, CEREals, like bagels, wheat, quinoa, spelt, oats, and rice.

Roll that fact around in your mouth for a while and chew on tit for a bit till you can swallow and get the full flavourful meaning.

YUM YUM. MY tummy feels good when its’ full! Thanks Mom.


CERES conjunction with Neptune indicates how much our spirits and souls, our dreams, our unconscious feelings are tied in to HER.

The 29th degree of Aquarius is about technological invention, the Internet, pioneering, collaboration, humanitarian values, getting the whole picture, being on the cutting edge of new revolutionary ideas.

The 29th degree is a Critical degree and opposite Fixed Star Regulus at 29 degrees of Leo- the Lion’s Heart. Also known as the Archangel Raphael’s X marking spot in Heaven.

Saturn is Retro at 15 degrees of Libra opposite Jupiter at 12 degrees of Aries, which is conjunct Mercury at 16 of Aries. We are in the big, excessive {Jupiter} Karmic {Saturn} balance right now.

Mars in Pisces closely opposes Asteroid JUNO at 19 degrees of Virgo. Juno is the female version of Genius. She represents the partnering model. Oppositions are meant to bring balance. Mars in Pisces is an end, spiritual. We must move into a co-creating role to help re-balance the earth.


This is a critical critical critical SUPER FULL MOON One day before the Spring Equinox. This is a repeat echo of the Lunar Eclipse I day before Winter Solstice.


The Sabian Symbols are very apropos: for the Sun at 29 degrees of Pisces is:  “Light breaking into many colours as it passes through a prism.” For the Moon at 29 degrees of Virgo: “A seeker after occult knowledge is reading an ancient scroll which illumines his mind..”


Remember that we are already enlightened: we just have to remember our past and our futures: Pay attention to your dreams at this time.

Energies are very intense, peole are ready to snap. Stay calm in the storm. NAMASTE


I am here to guide you through the storm.

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