The recent
reclassification of Pluto to dwarf planet status had
me thinking
what would Pluto/Hades, Lord of Death think of
himself? So,I channelled Pluto and this is what he had to
"Ha, ha,
ha, ha, this is Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, known as
to the Greeks. I’m laughing all the way to the bank -
you know
my name means riches, don't you? because a few
puny human Astronomers voted to downsize me from planetary
to what? A dwarf? Methinks not.
These guys clearly think bigger is better. Obviously they have
little dicks and are self conscious about it. I don’t worry about
them. But they don’t know dick about psychology or myth-
ology and symbolism. They clearly have lost touch with their
souls. They want to be immortal. All those topics come under
my domain. I am The Lord of Death, Sexuality, Waste, Secrets,
Transformation, Reproduction, Power and Control, Obsession
I rule the Soul.
These puny mortals have gotten bilked by their egos and their
“scientific method.” They are sooo behind the times. The latest
discoveries at the edge of Science, Quantum Physics show
that what you call Spirituality and Scientific knowledge are one.
These guys are split. Too bad.
The Ancient Greeks knew enough or at least had some sense
of humility to know you don’t mock the Gods.This is bad timing
on their part. Astrology was the ancient science, the stars and
the Gods were seen as one.
It’s like they’re attempting to demote death, control it, which
they are attempting to do by unraveling the DNA codes,arti-
ficially create life, integrate robotics with humans. You can’t
become immortal on the physical plane. It’s nonsensical too
obsess about only the physical plane and ignore at your own
peril the depths of the Soul, the unconscious, the spiritual
My physical device, the planet Pluto is closing in on the
Galactic Centre this year. Should I be bothered about 23 Astro-
nomers? No, but the history books, astronomy books, stories
and legends will change as a result of their stupidity. Besides,
I endure forever and most scientific theories always change.
Yes, new Archetypes are being evolved, but you don’t bring
down a primal God. Humans were formed in the God’s images.
All of my rulerships aren’t going to disappear now. We’ll see
about that.
I’ll show them how planetary status or no impacts humans. As
I said this was the worst possible time to choose a move like
When you no longer pay homages to the Ancient Gods you
lose wholeness in the psyche in your soul. The mythic images
are Archetypal, preprogrammed into your consciousness. Do
they rueally have the hubris to think they can re-classify that?
For 100,000 years the human physical body, like the rest of
existence on the physical plane dies, decays, providing the
humus for new growth. Otherwise there is stasis, limbo, in the
Twilight Zone, zombies. All births become deaths, such is the
nature of life. I am the harvester, the recycler, the repo-man.
Their puny little theories don’t affect that.
But their Scorpionic tendancies shown by their motivations
is ironic to say the least.
We’ll see who has the last laugh now.