Single-looking for that Match Made in Heaven?
It's sooo E-Z to find out!
Don't waste your time meeting someone you won't "click" with.
Speed up the process- before you even go on that 1st date or after-
Need HELP FAST? Get Tara's
Send your birth date,location,and time
I will need the others' name, date?
Can do it totally psychically
All it takes is your birthdate, place + time and your
others' birthdate, place + time
1}You know your birthdate
2}find out theirs
3} send me that information and you will quickly
know if this is a...
Match Made in Heaven
It's as simple as one, two three!
Relationship Reading
By Skype/ phone - after I get all your specs. I need a few days to get all info prepared.
We will arrange a mutually beneficial time for your reading, time zone co-ordinates etc.
I will review all your compatability aspects in full. It's Interractive you can ask many
Reading lasts 1/2 hr.
The report is 18- 28 pages long and is a complete break down of all your compatabilites in communications, emotional
styles, wants, needs, desires. How sexually compatable are you? Mutual dreams? drives? goals? The positives and the hard stuff.
Makes for a fascinating read. I do need accurate birth times for at least one person. Otherwise report will be more generalized
and certain specific aspects will not apply. But still certainly invaluable information.
I have young couples book a Tarot Date with me. I read for them as a couple.
It was fabulous. I looked at their Astrology as well, of course and this provided much insights into their relationship.
You can come for a private reading in the Beaches area or book me to come
to you. I will provide you with the Cosmic Insights you have been seeking about what really makes your relationship tick.
Please book me in advance for private or other readings. It will be the
most interesting, thought provoking reading shedding enlight-ening issues on what, when, where, and how your relationship
is unfolding.
I am honoured to be of assistance to you and yours.
a combined relationship chart |
e-mail me your information, even if you don't know your exact time of birth-most people don't-an
accurate compatability forecast can be made which will let you decide if this is truly a match made in heaven or not {using
midnight as your or your others' birthtime}.
I will e-mail you back a compatability chart report [16-25 pages} which explains in clear
detail, if this person is the match for you.
Here is a sample of just one aspect from the compatability report.
Caroline's Moon Sextile Nathan's Sun
Orb 1°51' Applying
This is an ideal combination for a close, personal relationship whether it be a close friendship or love relationship.
Caroline and Nathan enjoy each other's company and feel that the other person is giving something special to the relationship.
They have a lot in common and the ability to share enjoyable times together. Nathan is likely to be the more dominant person
in the relationship believing his identity and individuality are likely to be enhanced by the association. Perhaps Nathan
receives emotional support from Caroline which contributes to a greater sense of being alive and an ability to achieve his
personal goals. Nathan may appreciate Caroline's emotional insights. On the other hand Caroline feels comforted by the relationship,
perhaps playing a supportive role and offering emotional insights and comfort. Alternatively Caroline may simply feel secure
within the relationship, experiencing a sense of well-being. This relationship provides Caroline with a supportive base from
which to explore life. Both Caroline and Nathan understand each other and enjoy an easy rapport which augurs well for their
"This was amazing.
Your comments on N. and I blew me away. It was so accurate."
-Caroline, Toronto
"Tara, you did an incredible job. You told me Oct 18th would start a difficult period and
sure enough my E.I.
was cut off on that date! This was so indepth.
-H.M. Thornhill
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